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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 9:45pm-10:00pm MSK

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defense, its depth was about 20 km, soviet troops managed to take the hole, but at a very high cost. searchers are still recovering the remains of red army soldiers here. chausy, this is a long-suffering land, the front stood for 9 months, 330,000 people died, went missing, this is a terrible tragedy, the numbers simply cannot be counted.
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in 2020, then local residents asked for the first time about the construction of a monument with a request to perpetuate the memory of the heroes who fought against fascism, in total there are 103 graves in the area, in which more than 18 rest thousands of soviet soldiers. the belarusian-russian patriotic forum “we must live to remember” has started in minsk.
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very serious, great attention, i would like to note that it has become a tradition to hold not only patriotic forums, but we work from the beginning with children from school, which is why we have a constant exchange of delegations and schoolchildren to visit those memorable places during the great patriotic war , which became places of military glory, more than 3.00 of our graduates helped during the great patriotic war, participated at the fronts, in the rear, in partisan detachments. thereby providing
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medical care in all directions at all levels, more than 200 people of the teaching staff participated in the great patriotic war, we are literally preparing, i think this summer we will present our book, in immortal memory of more than 260 of our participants in the great patriotic war who worked in our medical university, we talked today about the genocide of the belarusian people, about the cost to us... a great victory remained, i note, the belarusian-russian patriotic forum has become traditional; this year it is being held for the third time. we are full of both fortitude and courage at the training and tactical training ground of the capital's riot police today, and we were tested for the right to wear a black beret. both riot police officers from all regions and other law enforcement officers competed for the coveted headdress. 113 participants took to the start line on the main day .
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today's surrender on the black beret, it was timed to coincide with the day of the great victory, employees of the special police detachment, those who i passed for a black beret, these are the heirs of those heroes of 1941-45, i am sure that they will fulfill the tasks of protecting public order with honor and dignity, they will do everything to ensure that there is always a peaceful sky over our republic of belarus, there is peace and order on our streets. finally.
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by arranging our independence, we were able to preserve the best traditions of the past, vivid examples, from there the detachment movement, with the collapse of the ussr, young people in the post-soviet space rushed in all directions. the belarusians were the only ones who continued their journey, and today, with the enormous support of the country’s leadership, they have been endowed with new powers, and the road to iconic sites throughout the country is open to the children. about how the student detachment movement originated in belarus and why... student detachments bring back the most pleasant memories for many people born in the soviet union. the komsomol times have passed, but student teams
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are still popular and are steadily gaining momentum. youth, work and romance. large-scale youth movement of our country in a special agency project you give television news to young people, watch on thursday evening broadcast on belarus 1. a three-day hockey tournament with the participation of three national teams of russia, belarus and the host of the tournament started in astana today , our film crew is working at the borys arena, anna eismond reports from the scene. once upon a time , lake maly taldykol was located on this site, then it was drained in 2015 , this beautiful borys arena palace was built, and today it is a place of attraction for three hockey teams and their fans from kazakhstan, russia and belarus. kazakhstan was discovered
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hockey open match of the tournament hosts against the russians. by the way, in a matter of days the kazakhstan team is leaving for the world championships in the czech republic, so the tournament in astana is like one of the important stages of preparation for the world.
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he couldn’t come to us, so yes, the first match will be, so we are preparing, well, how am i in the mood for the first match for the national team, but in fact, it’s always nice, like great emotions, i don’t know, the feeling that i can extend the season for myself, this is the most important thing there in fact, that's the upcoming country, so i’m glad, but again we’ll see, when i give it a chance, i’ll be ready for it, the guys are cool, talented, in fact, well, seriously, i think our generation will definitely be talented.
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we are preparing for the first match, in general with the first team, there will still be a little bit of temporary impact on us, yes, well, that’s okay, we were preparing for this, we have an evening game tomorrow, and after tomorrow there will be a day game, yes, but again this is
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the schedule, we will work, we will proceed from this, we based our preparations on this our team and, well, i expect generally good, interesting games, are you ready to defend the title? well, i hope, i hope, maybe, probably, everything will work out for us. well, now let’s return to the result of the match: kazakhstan russia 25. the russians won minimally. astana, kazakhstan. well, of course, we wish our guys good luck. orthodox christians are preparing
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to celebrate the main christian holiday. bright sunday of christ. on the eve of the celebration, may 5, the marathon of easter broadcasts can be followed by viewers of three channels of the belteleradio company: belarus 1, belarus 3 and belarus 24. today, may 2 , is great or maundy thursday for orthodox christians. holy week is approaching. to completion, therefore on this day it is important for believers to confess and receive communion. today , the divine liturgy at the holy spirit cathedral in minsk was led by metropolitan of minsk, patriarchal exarch of all belarus veniam. viewers of the beltv and radio company watched the end of the broadcast through the cameras of the belarus three tv channel.
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may 4 on the church calendar is great saturday, on this day there is a bright celebration christ's sunday at 23:30 and the holy spiritual cathedral will be shown on belarus 1 and belarus 24. the broadcasts will be accompanied by sign language translation. we will spend the festive morning of may 5th together with belarus. at 8:50 metropolitan veniam will address the believers with the word holy sunday of christ. the schedule of easter broadcasts is also available on the beltelerokpaniya website. well, that’s all, right now the premiere of the new season of the project is under the control of the president. minibuses are convenient and fast, but are they always legal? let's start with the most popular theme. let's see.
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the downside of passenger transportation is that they could independently put flights ahead of regular carriers and reduce fares when a legal route becomes criminal. 600 rubles, for which i signed, 400, well, they gave me, it turns out just like that, any stop can become. for news on the president's watch, watch now. every
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resident of orsha knows these minibuses. 17 minibuses in eleven directions, a small team, director, accountant, driver conductor. that the company needs new employees, ivan learned from the advertisement. we don’t show the hero’s face and change his name, the young man came for an interview and received an offer that he couldn’t refuse, well , they offered two options, either where i would earn more or where i would earn less, so i agreed to where more, well, that is when i was traveling, i was paid once a month 600 rubles, for which i signed on the payroll, and well... 400, well, it turns out, just like that, for several years, almost 40
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workers, among whom our interlocutor , they received their salaries in envelopes, officially from 230 to 600 rubles. on hand twice as much, it seemed to be beneficial for everyone, until law enforcement agencies became interested in the affairs of the transport company. and this is gomel. in the passenger transportation market.


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