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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 10:00pm-11:05pm MSK

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for several years, almost 40 workers, including our interlocutor, received salaries in envelopes, officially from 230 to 600 rubles, twice as much in person, it seemed to be beneficial for everyone, until law enforcement agencies became interested in the affairs of the transport company. and this is gomel, in the passenger transportation market.
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well, in some legal way. some businessmen worked under the guise of carriers, tourists, students, workers, while insolently traveling according to the official schedule and picking up passengers from government buses. it is clear that they did not think about safety and rules. accidents with minibuses always cause public outcry. belarusians are still hearing about it.
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the role of the state security committee developed a presidential decree on the road transport of passengers. the document involves the creation of a register of legal carriers. that is, if you want to engage in such a business, get permission, register in the register and operate within the framework of the law. this register will include information about direct carriers, dispatchers, automobile means and drivers. in essence, the activities of irregular workers will become as transparent as possible. in principle already. it can be stated that
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the transportation of passengers in irregular traffic without inclusion in the register, or using information resources not located and not registered on the territory of the republic of belarus, will be a prohibited activity with corresponding penalties, up to and including confiscation of vehicles . so how did the irregulars work? they rolled around calmly, took them out of the tray passengers lined their pockets just to evade the inspectors in time. here the mother of the lying businessman is crying.
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he will return to the koborovlyany route only through a stop called law. the driver of one of the illegal minibuses in the baranovichi direction also tried to download his license. he refused to comply with the legal demands of the inspectors, had to be handcuffed, and his ardor was cooled by three days of administrative arrest. and these are just a few examples of the everyday life of the transport inspectorate. in 2023 , 150 were confiscated for illegal business activities. buses in the country, i need it, thought the comrades in the route workshop, they began to leave the shadow business, their number will surprise you, by the end of 2023, plus 1126 cars on legal routes. according to our figures, which we received from operators, more than 5,000 buses are involved in regular passenger transportation, at the end of last year we, in principle, indicated only during 2023, almost every fourth bus came for regular transportation, this suggests that our
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scheme have become more sophisticated, the larger the business, the more tempting it is to spend money past the cash register. the director of one of the transport enterprises in vitebsk spent his total revenue and paid at least seventy employees salaries in envelopes. the story is similar to the situation in orsha, which was discussed above,
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only in this case it all ended in a criminal case. the amount of damage amounted to 189 rubles - this is unpaid income tax and the social protection fund. did not pay 112,000 during the pre-investigation check and investigation of the criminal case, all damage was compensated to the budget in full, subek the business continues its activities, we monitor its activities, at the moment there are no complaints as such against its activities, by the way, no one closed the orsha transport company either, the businessman, after paying off the damage to the state of all fines, continues to work, but without envelopes and fraud, to put it simply language...
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according to uniform rules, a step to the left, a step to the right, it is necessary to determine what functions the state will assume as a regulator, how total control will be exercised in this area, what additional responsibilities will appear from carriers. the register of road transport of passengers will be launched on august 1, specialists are now developing software, you can submit data for free until october 31, without inclusion in the register from november 1 , the transportation of passengers in irregular traffic will be prohibited, the rules will be tightened, this is a fact, but for those who are used to working in there is nothing to be afraid of a white one, but an illegal immigrant will have to change lanes into a legal lane, you won’t be able to jump on a red one, i’ve heard a lot, why are the drivers talking among themselves about complaints?
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there are some questions, but that’s the way we worked, that’s the way we work, everything suits us, there are no races on the roads, there’s no need to intercept every passenger. move according to the schedule, follow the traffic pattern, everyone will have a decent income. according to state control and the ministry of transport , hundreds of former illegal immigrants received permission, entered into agreements with executive committees and began to move in the legal field. but this does not mean that the attention of regulatory authorities will weaken. let's conduct our own little experiment, this is the mogilev direction, minibuses, here cars from gomel, mogilev, bobruisk and many other cities enter the capital every 10.15 minutes, and the transport tax inspectorate will keep us company. we stop the first minibus, judging by the sign, it comes from mogilev, the driver is asked to present documents, license,
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registration certificate, insurance. the tax office is interested in cash discipline, all checks have been issued, no money has gone past the cash register, passengers are understanding about the check, which cannot be said about the driver. well, it was better before, better, well, with the exception of, and better in what way, less there were checks, well, yes, yes, now everything is a little complicated, while we were talking with the driver, the inspectors made a conclusion, from the violations there was a crack in the windshield and the absence of a route card, now the situation has changed radically, i think you saw for yourself, that is, all the passengers are wearing seat belts , the certificates were issued and now there are practically no violations on this machine. the driver of the next minibus turned out to be uncommunicative and refused to comment, but the passengers were happy to share their opinions; it is noteworthy that every single one of them was also fastened, everything is fine, everything is fine, tickets are issued, tickets are issued, before they could
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not even give a ticket, you had to ask, now everything is strict, the transport inspectorate has no complaints, but the tax office has questions about money... why do they work with money, and what am i working with? passengers turned out to be more loyal, there are no questions about issuing tickets, if only
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the cars were newer, everything is fine, it arrives on time as scheduled, i like everything, it’s very, very convenient, fast, the seat is a little better, they fall forward, but nothing, as we see, passengers have practically no complaints, but we take into account that this is the capital, the shortage of routes is felt more by residents of the outback, the main thing is the quality of service, these are the current passenger ceiling schemes, and a new approach to
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selling tickets, optimizing the number of carriers in rural areas. we have made a proposal to establish a minimum threshold for a driver’s salary, that is , thereby, by applying for a competition, the carrier will confirm a certain good faith payment, well, the so-called white salary wages, not wages in envelopes. in addition, one of the criteria is proper s... no longer need to look for change in your pocket and pay the driver, how much easier this would make life, if only you could take a mobile phone, open the application to pay for travel on any minibus, anywhere in the country , and these are no longer dreams, experts are developing a state platform for the sale of tickets, i assume: the project deadline is 2025. this will be a common database of all intercity, suburban and
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city routes, with accurate schedules and by tracking available seats, the passenger will be able to order and pay for the trip online at any time: receipt in the smartphone, taxes in the budget. we are aimed at increasing the interaction of our services of operators, transportation, passengers, and regular communications, since at the moment there are some disagreements, that is, due to the lack of. general methodology of the process, here we see a real opportunity to study the relevance of passenger flows and take prompt measures to change the route network. we all use the services of minibus taxis, some less often, some more often. such transport is usually associated with convenience and speed. i would like the most important thing - our common security - not to suffer in the pursuit of personal gain. it's time to build a new route. in which all traffic participants will be equally comfortable.
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we are all different, we all come here with a piece of ourselves, so we pass on this piece,
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everyone opens up differently, everyone talks about themselves. the row is my life, these are the people who surround me, whom i met at the university, they are always they will be ready to help you, in any situation, at any time of the day or night, you can contact them, turn to them, they will never refuse you, the people we have on the project, they create their own special atmosphere. which you want to return again again, and it drags on for life. it is generally accepted that the origins of the belarusian stodatryad movement, generally on the territory of belarus, dates back to 1963,
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when 2,500 students from 16 universities of the republic went to the ural region of kazakhstan and this... the first semester lasted 73 days, there were a lot was built, by the end of the working semester even entire streets were built, then they began to gradually grow; we had a lot of our district, regional and even all-union youth construction projects on the territory of belarus. for some, novosibirs is the starting point of routes, for others - of course. to the tenth international student construction team. at about the same level in number as we have now, there were construction teams, teams of conductors, teams of machine operators, earth workers, various specialized teams, then
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there are teams of designers, and teams of electricians, a separate page in the history of the student brigade... the movement also includes the construction of the baikal sea mainline. the first detachments from the republic of belarus, detachments of working youth, left in 1974-75, it is very interesting when our guys, and we also bring them to the museum, tell a lot, they look at the conditions in which people worked then, when they were planted in the tundra , in the snow, they cut down trees, ate there and so on, now the youth are a little different,
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there are differences, but the detachments are, of course, colossal two large then, now, and even in soviet times, when the stutria movement was just emerging, it is, of course, always a large and friendly family. a team of like-minded people, where everyone understands that there are no unsolvable tasks, no unsolvable questions, where he feels the shoulder of a comrade, knows that he is not alone, he is together with his squad, and this, of course, is worth a lot.
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we arose within the framework of the all-union movement on the territory of the former large country; the movement as a whole began a little earlier in 1959 year, this year will mark the sixty-fifth anniversary of the all-union student brigade movement. who are not the fighters of student detachments, these are students at our educational institutions, students or teachers. other young people aged from 14 to 31 years old also expressed time off from studying and spent time working and relaxing together. there is legislation, there is a presidential decree, according to which our units have the right to work in seven areas, so we distinguish seven profiles:
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construction, agricultural, pedagogical, environmental, service, production and medical. we gain very good experience in production, i am a process engineer by profession, it will help me a lot in the future, because after completing my training i will come to... i will already know something, i will not be afraid of the plant, i will not i will be afraid of the enterprise, this is a very great experience for me, they offered to go to the mas plant, well, i thought that these
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were some new opportunities, maybe i would learn something new, try something new for myself, well, i agreed, it was a bit exciting, just because it was something new, i was scared that it wouldn’t work out, somehow little by little , some experience is becoming easier and easier every day, there was a project in the summer... plant 2023 we also worked at the maza company , there were the same central committee, the same acquaintances, so it was like returning home, very pleasant, very comfortable. currently there are 105 people on the project from six different regions of the country. after completing the summer project, i was offered the role of commander, which i accepted with great equality. who it commander commissar? these are the leaders of the squad. the commander is the person who is responsible for the entire squad and for everything in general. we have two slogans for commanders, commander - you are responsible for everything, and you demand compliance, that is , the commander is always a person who is an example for everyone, so you demand compliance. this
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will give a huge experience in communication skills, in communication, it will give a new acquaintance, because the guys come are different, after the project we have already agreed to meet with many of the guys, take a walk, you are very you become attached to people as a commander, because you communicate very strongly with many , it will be very difficult to let them go, and the guys themselves note that the student detachment is a unique opportunity to make a personal contribution to the socio-economic development of the republic, not in words, in deeds, and today we we say what a student squad is - this is , of course, labor-based civic and patriotic education, when the guys take part , thanks to the president of our country, in such large, important iconic objects as a nuclear power plant, dynamo stadium, minsk-arena, a huge number of facilities of healthcare institutions, education in our republic, they were built one way or another, took part in student teams, but what can i say even
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today, the guys have the opportunity here - a nuclear power plant, and thanks to the support of our national leader, the guys take participation in the construction of the vostochny cosmodrome, amur region tsolkovsky, 8.00 km separate minsk and the amur region, but this is not an obstacle, and it remains. what they did remains, well, forever? v for the most part, the first time they go to a detachment, they go for money, but they stay there for two, three, and some more years, not for this at all, there they are testing the reliable shoulder of a friend and how ready a person is for you to help, how devoted you are to all this, that’s when they write in reviews that the soul warms here, somehow opens up, finds its true... friends, it’s very nice, so the detachments are also about a story about great friendship, strong and about love, because every year in our troops
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there are definitely weddings. so, guys, we are starting the construction of the republican patriotic center, today we will take out construction waste , all the boards that are there, and prepare for future construction. in general, you are already changed, so please get started. one of the most significant dates for... our republic is the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders; student groups prepared a lot for this date . this year it is planned to open
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a labor semester, also on the basis of the brest fortresses on november 11, 2023 , the first permit for this facility was awarded for the first time to create a patriotic center on the basis of the kobren fortification of the brest fortress. the initiators were all the youth of the republic in order to build this object, and i, as a representative of the spadshin detachment, as a commander, last year we received the best student detachment, i, as a commander, was invited to the palace of the republic in order to attend the president’s message ask a question to alexander grigorievich to assign the status of an all-belarusian youth construction site for the republican patriotic center, where we are now... good afternoon, comrade president, recently it has become fashionable to scold young people, they say that young people are no longer the same, that
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the continuity of generations has been lost. but i want to assure you that this is not so: i am afraid of the detachment here, and tens of thousands like me will work for the good of our country, and to prove this, we ask you to entrust barsem with participation in the creation of a republican patriotic center at the kobrin fortification of the brest fortress, according to good tradition, to announce this object of all-belarusian youth construction. taking this opportunity, please allow me too.
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i expected that i would still have time to work on it, since i am in my fourth year, my last year, and i thought that work would begin in about, well, about a year, no, six months, even a little less, that’s it, work have begun, and we , as the first detachment, i as the initiator, are starting to carry out the work, i am more than sure that not only everyone should feel involved in such an important matter as the creation of a republican patriotic center
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young, but also anyone... we help in cleaning part of the territory adjacent to the barracks of the brest fortress in order to... next, the builders could begin planar work, including a parade ground here , a place for construction, a summer amphitheater, an obstacle course, a field kitchen, an orchestra, the armed forces raise morale, lift spirits, despite such, well, quite hard work everyone is in a great mood, we will build a republican
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patriotic center in which the future... cool ideas and our country will be even more beautiful, for me this is pride, a very important object, it is very honorable, because in the future i hope that my children will come to this object and see what my dad built, well or i show that i built it, i put my work here, i myself will be very pleased,
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many of us... before the construction team, they did not work on a construction site, so they come, try themselves, whether they like it or not , and after that they already make a choice where to go, either design organization, or already at the site as a foreman or foreman, today i would like to say that virtually every third student at our universities is involved in the student brigade movement; in principle, we set ourselves the goal that every young person, while studying at the university, will be in college. i was able to feel all the charm, the romance of this work, because it was not for nothing that back in the soviet years they said that work ennobles a person, and this is probably the noblest occupation that can be. for me, as a commander, this is the practice of communication in general, managing people, because since i have a specialty in industrial civil engineering, in the future i plan to become a foreman or foreman and, accordingly, i will have my own
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subordinates, my own workers. brigade, at such a young age, learning at least some basic management skills is worth a lot. this is a high degree of responsibility that the head of state once again supported the youth initiative of e. literally in the twenty- second year we took part in the the all-belarusian youth construction project on the territory of the state memorial complex khatyn is now another such important civil-patriotic project for all, i am sure, belarusians and not only citizens of our country, but of the post-soviet space. belarusian student groups have their own anthem, they wrote it. the guys themselves and in general all the songs that the fighters of the student groups have, they were written by the guys themselves, there are very good words there, by joining our ranks, you will understand a lot, there will not be one in the world peaks that we cannot conquer with you,
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these are probably the best words, when you are together with the squad, you can do everything, despite the fact that we say that everything flows, everything changes, updates and artificial intelligence take place. the internet is actively developing in our life, but also the romance of the sotriar movement, it has not gone anywhere, and the guitar and songs around the fire, this is brotherhood, it is still preserved and runs like such a thin thread through the entire movement, so it really exists today, and the guys live it, in student teams a lot of songs have been written in recent years, and since the song is a reflection of the emotions that they have experienced, they all gather together to sing. there is a certain ritual, you definitely have to stand in a circle, you definitely have to hug each other, right hand on the shoulder, natalia’s neighbor’s left, the guys are swaying, the guitarists are playing, there are certain words, thank you to the guitarist and so
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on, that is, well, it’s easy with this you need to get acquainted, you need to see this, everyone knows this, well, everyone who is on the move knows this, these rehearsals often last an hour, an hour and a half, two, sometimes we go to the second round. well, but there are soulful songs, there are such catchy, cheerful ones, everyone always really looks forward to student team rallies, simply because the guys can see each other from different regions, they know about each other, they see each other, somewhere in the media, somewhere... then in our telegram channel, somewhere we just talk, tell stories, but when they see each other, when they understand that there are many of them, that not only me personally likes this, but this...
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as part of the present belarusian there are no former fighters, commanders, commissars in a student detachment, this is what emphasizes and what motivates the guys themselves, no, because student detachments are not only work or not only about work, it is a large complex of civil-patriotic events, cultural- pre-service, sports, creativity, asking yourself this question very often, what moves you? these guys, because they write songs, stage performances, during their 2-month vacation period as part of the third work semester, they devote everything to work, and moreover, even in the winter
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period, because according to the presidential decree, we have year-round employment, the guys absolutely voluntarily, free of charge, take part in such large projects as the winter route, when they go to small settlements, in the area... centers, take part in the improvement of military graves, memorials complexes, mass graves, go to educational institutions, tell by their own example what a youth union is, what student groups are, how important it is to remember, know and honor the history of the heroic the feat of our people, at this level , equals teaching equals, of course, is very expensive, so, probably, these are real young belarusians who emphasize and show by example that they are not... not only hardworking, but also not patriotic i am determined, i believe that there are no shortcomings in student teams, it contributes to the fact that the guys mature, they try themselves in various fields, they acquire such an important trait as
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responsibility, i always tell them in my wishes, be responsible in in any case, in the smallest, the largest, my advice is better to visit once, to see once what it really is, how cool the atmosphere is there, how much the guys are one for one, it takes pride when the guys even come to exams in fighting clothes , and it also has its differences, signs, quantity. time worked, semester, labor, and so on and so forth, how carefully do they treat the fighter, the mascots, well, in my hands our mascot is the squirrel syuzy, she brings us good luck for all our rallies, we ourselves are the rhythm, and we are such lively guys, and this is our heart, which gives us a hint when we should increase our rhythm, or when to decrease it, so that it would be both comfortable and pleasant. heart squirrel, this is our heart, we are very
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pleased that in recent years we have seen more and more guys who are immersed in this movement, the numbers speak about this, the number of employed guys, but also the corporate culture is actively developing, this is worth a lot, our squad is quite short the period of time has quite reached great heights and we have advanced in the media space and have become quite a popular unit among the entire number of medical units in the republic.
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it is an inspiration that you can pass from person to person, and once lit in your eyes in the eyes of all the other fighters, a spark that turns into a big and bright flame. in the same way, like different people, so are the fighters of student groups, they are very different, but i would say this, they, you know, like, the grass has not become greener, the sun is shining. it's like that guys, they are also young, they are also open, i would even say that our belarusian guys, they are very kind, they are very open, you just have to work with them, because there are a lot of them, they are cool, when you see the eyes, you are happy that we are simply not together, it seems to me that... what makes us happy needs to go through,
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astatic squads make hundreds of guys happy. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus is associated with the name of prince izyasoslav i'll praise you. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragned and yaseslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned with them, instructed them, and reconciled them. she paid attention to the elderly, delved into their infirmities and their needs. she helped spiritually and financially, she
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especially raised the younger generation in love for god and devotion to their homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is its power. he'll tell you. we will show it in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel.
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i started in the tenth year, 22 years old, we produce road construction equipment, i am an electric and gas welder on automatic semi-automatic machines of the sixth category, the work is very bright, sometimes it is even difficult, but we can cope with it. heaviness is when new nodes appear, that is, more attention needs to be invested there and responsibility. it’s not always possible to ride, but when you sit down, you feel some kind of freedom, everyone must do their job, then
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the quality will be maintained and perhaps we will be able to compete more not only in the republic, but with other countries, and the products will be produced better, more reliable and.. at the moment we are welding twenty-eighth adapters, i monitor the quality and if something goes wrong, i fix it, it takes about 40 minutes to complete the parts. takes robotic welding, manual it turns out slower, and of course, the quality here is much better, i like working on such modern equipment because it makes my work a lot easier, my working day starts at 7:10 and ends at 3:35, we have
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different parts in production, some large-sized and small-sized, but you try small-sized... motor skills should be well developed and you try to keep up, in principle, when there is a team, everyone helps each other, it becomes simpler, easier, and more fun, especially since we have a close-knit team, we have good bosses and the team is such that everyone is ready to help each other, no one ever refuses anyone, at first they were of course surprised, because well, a woman in such a profession is very rare, but watching her.. over time, watching her work, they realized that there really is a place in a woman, let’s say, in this profession, and while watching her work, they became more and more admired for her work, her responsibility, her approach to work, creativity, dedication, kindness.
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good, confident and impetuous, everyone must do their job, then she will... study as a welder, i have been working at this enterprise for 8 years, and in general my work experience as a welder began in my tenth year, i completed a three-month course, then i had good training at home, uncle welder, i followed in his footsteps, he welded a gazebo here and asked
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me to help support the pipe, well, to measure the basic size, well, that is, i liked it - first bring it, go there and have a look. and then somehow let me try, so it caught fire, that is, me i was attracted by the fact that when you look at the mask, you watch how the metal melts, it is mesmerizing, that is, welding, this process itself, it is mesmerizing, very beautiful, the metal was just bought, cut, i asked the zina to also support, but i will cook, they started, they started, then he says, yes, i ’ll try, i tried, it didn’t stick, as usual for a welder, when a beginner he... sticks right away, it didn’t stick, then i went, went, took the second mask, put it on, looked, i said, well tell me what you see, she began to tell, that is, she saw from the first times... she doesn’t know what should be there, but she saw it, she saw it, she didn’t finish it, well, in principle, this rarely happens to welders,
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i had more than twenty students, there were two of them, exactly, and one guy, what exactly does the process itself see, you weld some round ones, something round, pipes, for example, or flanges, the seam is neat, low-spatter continuous, that is, you have one lock per... here’s an open one, well, in communication sometimes she’s shy, sometimes she’s not, that is, it’s
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just like she’s in the mood, she’s, well, in generally a cheerful person who wants to go forward, forward, forward, i was born in nizhny novgorod, graduated from school at 17, moved to minsk, my mother is belarusian, my father is russian, but since i liked it here most of all, i decided to stay here, i liked the fact that... there is unusual nature here, a lot of greenery, a lot of forest, there are different people here. i miss, of course i miss my mom, dad and sister, but they come to us every year for summer vacation. i like to walk through the forest, i like to ride bicycles or ride a motocross motorcycle. i love going to the lake and generally just enjoying life. i rode a bicycle. i liked it, but i was tired of pedaling, we decided to buy a pit bike, that is, 125, simpler, smaller, so that learning would not be so
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hard, it’s not always possible to ride, but when you sit down, you feel some kind of freedom, we decided to make a false wall, because the studio, it itself represents one room, so, that is, here i will have an entrance hall, then you go further, there are exit doors. i dreamed about this for a long time, to have my own, to have my own apartment, to do it, well, everything is as convenient for me as i like, i want to live and develop in this country and finish building my house, get married, have children and so that everything is fine with us.
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it’s clear to god, the snow has melted into the damp earth, the rain has fallen, the storms of revelry, the sun is warmer than the jumping, the ice on the rivers is gone, the snow is falling, the gloom of every day is jumping, all the village shows, geese dzikiya krychat, shpak on the oak tree , the cranes began to dance, and the winter disappeared like smoke, the meadow was greener, crawling like hell , our native land felt pain!
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this is an understandable policy, we have been following the national assembly all week and discussing its results, the main message was clear: to protect the country and maintain peace. key documents, concepts, doctrines were also adopted for these tasks. we must be strong so that no one dares to bet.
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american expansion, as a rule, chooses several directions, either to rebelliously overthrow the government, or to come up with a reason to attack with missiles, and then profit from the loot. just two stories, but so many tragedies. on march 20, 2003, operation shock and awe began. despite the discontent of the un, the us army invaded iraq. the official goal of the operation is the destruction of weapons of mass destruction. western propaganda actively shouted about this at every corner, and then it died down. no weapons were found, it was just an excuse. active hostilities lasted until may 1 , 2003. the invasion force amounted to almost
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200,000 people. a little later the contingent. oil appeared in the united states even before the invasion began, the press began to write actively just a year after the bloody events. iraqi-american falah al-jaberi told journalist greg pelast in 2004 that a few weeks before bush took office , a closed meeting was held at the white house to which iraqi immigrants were invited. similar meetings with the participation of iraqi
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specialists became regular and people joined them. representatives of american energy companies. with the support of officials from the foreign office, they began to develop the idea that in post-war iraq the oil industry should come under control a single state-owned enterprise that would enter into contracts primarily with american corporations on the basis of production sharing agreements. they also considered a more brazen option: complete privatization of the oil sector by american companies. that is, washington would have the opportunity to control the entire process of production, transportation and sale of iraqi oil on the market. philip carroll, the former head of the american office of shell oil, was sent to iraq to be responsible for privatization. the official of such a monstrous seizure i was scared because the whole country was being left without oil. after a couple of months, a more accommodating person was found. rob mckee,
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haliburton's representative, formed the final design. the iraqis themselves. they mine, but pay interest to the americans. dick cheney actively lobbied for an attack on iraq. for many years he was the director of haliburton and hardly lost contact when he became vice president of the country. it was this oil service company that received a contract for the restoration and development of oil fields in occupied iraq. and even earlier in everyday life chairman of the board of directors supplied iraq with oil equipment worth $76 million. the deal was carried out in circumvention of american sanctions. through french intermediaries. haliburton in 2003 received most of the contracts to carry out restoration work in the oil sector of the iraqi industry. the amount of the contract for the development and development of oil fields in iraq exceeded one billion 400 million dollars. the company began working in iraq immediately after the end of active hostilities, and received a large contract from the us administration
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no competition. after the americans. oil production in iraq, well, of course, it was not the only company, an american one, yes, that received these same contracts, but one of them, nevertheless, there were still certain scandals there in the mid- 2000s, so some of these contracts had to be and take it back, because well , it was too much of a corrupt story, but the fact is that of course, especially in the first few years of the conflict, they made money very actively from it, that’s a fact, that’s it really became one of the reasons why the americans invaded iraq, that is, these are literally... the corporate interests of several companies in the united states, including halibert. this company did not receive money for anything, the construction of military bases and prisoner of war camps in iraq, supplying the army with intelligence, which is searching for
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iraqi weapons of mass destruction, the very ones that were not found. chenia and the company significantly warmed their hands on wounded iraq. the corporation did not hesitate to steal money from the american treasury. american defense the department carried out independently. the audit showed that the project to create a network of cafeterias for the us military in iraq was overstated by $67 million, while the total value of the contract that did not pass the competitive selection was $15.6 billion. cheney actively lobbied for his native commercial interests at the state level. walkie-talkies, before this , hali burton was also repeatedly accused of inflating the cost of iraqi contracts. later it turns out that the bribes from the scammers are smooth, there are no reporting documents, and there are no culprits. in the most high-profile financial
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the us leadership admitted the leaks on its own. for example, in april 2014 , former secretary of state john kerry said that the state department did not have documents on contracts worth $6 billion; auditors discovered the hole. for example, during a study of the conclusion of contracts to support the state department mission in iraq, it turned out that the united states did not have documents for 33 out of 115 contracts, approximately $2 billion. as you already understand, hawks pecked at iraq from different sides, and the haliburton subsidiary also profited, there were also amounts with nine zeros. the biggest of contracts to fight fires at oil wells could be valued at $7 billion. i got this contract. in response to questions from capitalist hill, the military said that the contract was issued under an existing agreement with kbr, signed in december 2001
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. the vice president's creatures constantly got tidbits. a year later in 2004 , hali burton’s daughter won another tender for $2 billion, the same note for the restoration of iraq. until 2014 , the company received a wide variety of amounts per year under its exclusive contract, according to estimates experts, the iraqi adventure of kelok brown andrud alone brought in almost $40 billion. the corporation’s greed knew no bounds so much that in january 2014 , the us federal authorities accused the company of inflating the cost of work under contracts, that is, first destroying the country, taking over the main resources, under the guise of restoration, and trivially wasting billions of dollars, this is how america protects the world freedom and security, while at the same time brutally torturing opponents of the white house in abu ghraib prison, violating every conceivable right. it's interesting that with
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the loudest statements about the need to overthrow the regime of saddam hussein came from cheney, who for 5 years led the world's second largest manufacturer of service equipment for the oil industry. and george bush’s close ties with this business are well known; even the election campaign of the current us president was financed by 14 oil companies. it seems that the puzzle has come together, doesn’t it? iraq is a victim of america’s oil lobby, and the defense of the ideals of freedom and democracy is just a screen. shamelessly rob, that's the main goal. an important point is that money flows into the wallets of american bigwigs, not only iraqi, but also federal. the american government recognizes the war. dollars spent by the state department and usaid
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on iraq and syria for the development of democracy, reconstruction, training in the removal of unexploded mines, bomb shells, and there are also the costs of mine clearance, plus the costs of restoring iraq are not taken into account, which, not to say that anyone has restored , but i'm interested in money. faces sawed off on this topic up to approximately 800 billion dollars, the persons, by the way, belonged to companies associated with the bush administration, primarily with the creatures of mr. cheney and mr. amsfield. with them, costs could exceed $2.5 trillion, or even reach $2.8 trillion. there are different estimates. after the american invasion of the arab republic, baghdad was supposed to receive more than $60 billion from washington. according to the bipartisan commission of the us congress to study military contracts, up to a third of these funds were stolen, or quote, wasted due to ineffective planning, insufficient communication between. departments, weak
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competition and lack of control. the npr radio station in this context has already mentioned that iraq in 2003-5 was literally inundated with cash and dollar bills, and a former employee of the country's provisional coalition authorities, frank willis, even told the american media how he and his colleagues had fun playing football with packs of 100 dollar bills . while the americans were lining their pockets, iraqi freedom brought poverty and terrorist attacks. unrest, economic collapse, devastation in cities, widespread looting, the isis group quickly grew from the local al-qaeda against the backdrop of chaos. massive terrorist attacks in iraq have become commonplace. over 10 years, more than 30,000 terrorist attacks occurred in the country. in total, the military invasion and civil war claimed the lives of more than half a million iraqis. millions more were forced to leave their homes, many of them fleeing to other countries. in 2010
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, us president barack obama addressed the nation, declaring that operation iraqi freedom is over, and now the united states must turn to rebuilding its economy and fighting unemployment. in december 2011, the last column of us troops left iraq. the united states' promises to eradicate terrorism and lead the iraqi people to freedom have never been fulfilled. after the americans left, iraq was a country suffering from extremism and economic backwardness. weaknesses of state institutions. the americans destroyed and bled an entire state and washed their hands as if nothing had happened. two decades later, first invaders responsible for war crimes and human rights violations have yet to be punished. under the cover of american soldiers, hundreds of left-handed fuel tankers are transporting oil from the fields to neighboring iraq. this is footage from last year, another shade of american. water, but already in syria, the net
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profit from smuggling is estimated at $40 million per month, the money goes to the american money state to its associated companies. the americans appeared in the oil fields of syria about 10 years ago, immediately after they ignited a civil war in the country. war against president assad by pumping weapons into terrorist groups. washington disguises the robbery of a middle eastern country with pompous chatter about defending democracy in the person of the kurds and sunnis.


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