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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 11:05pm-12:01am MSK

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institutions. the americans destroyed and bled an entire state and washed their hands as if nothing had happened. two decades after the invasion, those responsible for war crimes and human rights violations have still not been punished. under the cover of american soldiers, hundreds of leftist fuel tankers are transporting oil from the fields to neighboring iraq. this is footage from last year, another shade of american freedom, but in syria. the net profit from smuggling is estimated at $40 million per month, the money goes to the american money state associated with it companies. the americans appeared in the oil fields of syria about 10 years ago, immediately after they ignited a civil war in the country against president assad, pumping weapons into terrorist groups. washington disguises the robbery of a middle eastern country with pompous chatter about defending democracy in the person of the kurds and sunnis, who are under dictatorship.
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the mask supposedly deprives you of your rights. and here, too , the americans work like bandits. the military seems to have left syria, but they will guard the towers. as president, trump openly said without demagoguery: all the oil should go to america. by and large , the only military personnel who remain in this territory are those who guard the oil. we have the oil and we can do whatever we want with it. about 90% of syrian production is concentrated on the eastern shore. and ifrad. previously a stronghold of isis, it is now under the control of us-allied syrian democratic forces. the richest oil fields are almost a third of the country. the united states wants syria to remain impoverished, or better yet, broken into pieces and engulfed in civil war. so that everyone can see that happens to a country that goes against the will of washington and calls russia for help. when the russian delegation to the un security council issued a statement condemning the robbery of syrian oil. having demanded that the americans leave,
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they simply brushed aside these demands, they are still brushing them off, well, yes, we are here illegally, as the americans say, but what will you do to us for this? syria, of course, is recovering, but after the american invasion, the scale of the plunder of syrian mineral resources is enormous; the government estimated the damage at more than $100 billion. with serving americans are plundering the national natural resources of the syrian arab republic, with the participation of american companies. barrels of oil, of which 190,000 are sold to other countries, only 30,000 are supplied at inflated prices for the needs of damascus. the illegal income obtained in this way, about 400 million dollars a year, is used to finance american plans for the autonomy of the trans-euphrates region. that is, along the way, the united states is also trying to fragment the country. fragmentation is very beneficial for washington to overthrow assad. didn't work until
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american bombings syria produced almost 400,000 barrels of oil per day. the oil and gas industry brought in a fifth of the syrian budget's revenues. after this , damascus lost control over most of the fields. now they are in the hands of pro-american militants. the oil export contract is being implemented under the us-controlled company set cup, created under the so -called autonomous administration of eastern syria,” konoshenkov said at a briefing. and the income from smuggling. syrian oil through brokerage companies interacting with it goes to the numbered accounts of pmcs and us intelligence services. from this private business , us government agencies earn over $30 million monthly. for such a continuous financial flow freed from the control of taxes of the american state, the leadership of the pentagon and langley will be ready to guard and defend oil wells in syria from the mythical hidden cells of the islamic state indefinitely. china and other countries
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have repeatedly called on the white house to stop plundering syria like a wall. according to syrian government, in the first half of 2022 , more than 80% of the country's daily oil production was smuggled out by the us military, a chinese diplomat said. he noted that the criminal actions of the united states are aggravating the energy crisis and humanitarian catastrophe in syria, and also mercilessly violate the right to life of the syrian people. american freedom turned out to be bitter here too, out of 80 million residents , 13 are in need of humanitarian assistance, almost 40% were deprived of their homes, over 5.5 million left their home country, another 6.5 million became refugees inside in syria, over a third were left without sources of income. red cross data is constantly changing. before the conflict, siren middle east was one of the leaders in development. there was syria.
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in reality, it is not a very rich country, but it is located in such a geopolitically important place , therefore it is important for the control of transit routes, this, of course, is the main reason for the interest of the united states or other western countries in syria. as we see, the west has no other tools other than askal, its predatory ones. divide conquer, ready to sweep away everyone all-belarusian people's assembly. save on your way. the president also spoke about this for the country - the most important task and value for belarus in the 21st century. all these are new
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geopolitical goals, behind which there was a redistribution of the markets for oil, gas, rare metals and other minerals. people were killed for them. look what libya, once the richest country, has become. in 2010, before the aggression, libya's gross domestic product was estimated at more than $75 billion. now the country has slipped into fragmentation and resource economy. in syria, over 10 years of civil war... unleashed with the aim of changing the political regime, more than 300,000 people have already died. isis has re-emerged on afghan territory. it is known whose project this is. the west does not need peace and does not need competitors. the west needs influence in any
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way. and they don’t care about countries, their interests, local residents, they don’t care about international norms and rules. the only offensive strategy is to strike from the outside, split from the inside. so as not to be pecked and torn apart in this unscrupulous fight global redistribution, we need to be strong and united, simply because today it is impossible to do otherwise, simply because, if suddenly in a different way, in the place of belarus there may be a scorched earth. happily. we do not tell dry historical facts, we immerse ourselves in an era that is growing with its roots upward. approximately the sixteenth years of the last century, these trees were planted using the exclusive planting method, which even the radevils could not achieve, and napoleon’s family
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managed to reproduce such an interesting miracle here in volkovysk. artifacts from centuries history is a real puzzle for us as travelers. it's called a cheesepanok, it's a headdress of a married woman, and the most valuable exhibit, in my opinion, is presented right here, oh, this, this is a decoration, number seven is not a decoration, it's a musical instrument, nothing more than a pity, dating back to 11 century, the task of our guides is to ignite in you the desire to touch the belarusian culture personally, and it is also mandatory that when they built a new house, they had to take four stones from the old one, their they placed it around the perimeter of the house, in the four corners, they had already placed a scoop on them; he believed that everything
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good that was in the old house would definitely go to the new house, travel with the belarus 24 tv channel. plan for an entire army, if it doesn’t happen, be alive , okay, i promise, in the life of a mistress, the right officer can find out from the intelligence officer there is a fiancé, he must understand, volodka, i love you, very much, well, whatever,
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they will kill you, but i have a fiancé and i would like to, and me i don't care what you would like, i know that you don't like each other very much love, but now we have been given a very important task, the strip has been deported, the reserve... the german division is one of the most prepared and combat-ready units. this division has the latest weapons at its disposal. your task is to obtain as much information as possible about these developments. you are an ethnic german from danzeg, irma steinow. you sell food, you are a married couple from western ukraine, peter and angelina rusa, you are a maid secretary rolled into one, and a fellow instructor, driver, six months ago ours was abandoned behind the front line intelligence officer, he studied at the kiev infantry school number three, at the same time when you were studying there when you met, comrade petrov recognizes his classmate, clearly, himself... the main thing is to get as much information as possible about the development, contacts with german officers should to be as productive as possible,
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this is clear, not small, sorry, this is what you said at the very beginning, we will have to sleep with the germans, yes, stop, arina, arina.
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osteiner, what happened? what's happened?
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it won't happen again. everything is fine? you need help? no. fredrich. sorry.
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well little one, there’s a holiday on our street. i think it’s volodya, and if he were, i ’d go for a hug, he’s my husband, you’d give us all away. do you understand this or not? go to your place, today you don’t go out anymore, you almost let us down into a monastery, she loves her husband, are you protecting her, or what? yes, she would have slapped her on the cheeks. only you have ever loved,
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comrade petrov, but what does that have to do with it? if we complete the task, we will save people, but if we fail, then we didn’t love you. quiet, don’t twitch, you’ll come with me, understand? quiet, don't twitch, just tell me. what are the fates here? there is only one container here, it drives grain, i am its assistant. yes, i saw you, i look and remember, a girl from kiev, yes, that’s in her style, you stared at me with a rifle, yes, and then you made a swab of your legs, how did she become a yum, huh? yes, i know, i’m talking about you,
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govalchik. she said, you’re plowing on the krasnoper, scout, and maybe you’ll knock on the krauts, she’ll be glad that you didn’t knock right away, you realize, what am i, i’m not vindictive, i need money, and you’re tumbling as you want, we don’t have money, the hucksters don’t have money, but how to pay, in kind, okay, we’ll pay, just like that right away. in the center of the city there is a square at 4 o’clock , bring it there, there aren’t so many of us, you’ll find it, okay, take it in the center in cherol, no, money - that’s right, for silence, but he threw it at him, how
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do you answer, huh? “okay, i’m kind today, stand still, no, no, i said, if you want money, let me go, or you’ll beat me up already, i won’t have mercy on you, at 4 in the square, don’t even think about throwing me away”? damn, i arranged the meeting wisely, the place is crowded, there are germans all around, if anything happens, go straight to him, but he won’t do it anyway, when they get money from us, they pay for information, and if you give the money, then trace it, they will copy it in these matters. after you,
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that's what, you need to decide with the criminal, it won't work, go out, say that your assistant is sick, she won't go with him.
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everything is fine, i sent it, we think further, the raven is greedy, yes, that means, as long as he doesn’t take money from us, he won’t mess with the germans, that’s a plus, and if vil said, the little guy fought a duel because of me, it’s great that you got him hooked? do you remember the task? we have a date in the evening, i will say that i admire his nobility. no, i can’t go outside, this is a special occasion, go, and we’ll talk about it.
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i should scold you, but because of me, no one has ever, what happened, we are sent to the front. the day after tomorrow, it’s a pity, i mean, this is your element, but i want to show you something, will you go? with me, i’m an agent, yes, an agent,
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i thought about your raven. he couldn’t, well, he caught you, demanded money, finished the meeting and let you go, and that he’s sitting somewhere waiting, it’s unlikely that we’ll leave, and he won’t get us any money, there’s nothing to go to the germans with, you think he’s watching here somewhere, come to the window. do you see the little boy? yes, you need to check.
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“let’s talk to you in zhigansky, can i, if you want to eat, well,
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what’s her name, vaska, not a criminal, he says his name instead of a nickname, he calls her a priest, he recently joined the raven.” what are you not eating, vaska, who are you feeding, your sister, masha, how old is she, five less than a month, and where are the parents? dad is in the army, somewhere, mom is a bomb, in 1941, you yourself are left, he beats him, he beat me too. by the kidneys - this is for the sake of order when gets angry, then marks the stomach, what are we going to do next? show me your apartment, why?
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i want to talk to the raven, i have an old one with him, they are dedicated to their work, i am proud that i work at this...
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need it, and... .where does the money come from? the most two favorite questions, i would really like to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, where they see more opportunities and use them to the maximum. 26 piglets, do you have any chickens? 130 chickens, who else? you have? ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have, it's free time that you can spend on sad laziness, i understand. this is definitely not the case, there is no time for depression, no discouragement and there is no time to be lazy, yes, the presenter’s task is to find out why
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rural life still exists. city, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange it when we do it here, in the future we’ll have a reception room , we’ll do it here, somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry room, that ’s what we have leftovers here there are, valuable, we we’ll hang it here, probably, as an exhibition, now, as it’s fashionable to say, here it will be, how it ’s all happening, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles and, thank you very much, watch the project i’m from the village on the tv channel
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what has changed? we thought there were soldiers there.
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i gave the order to attack everyone who was running away from the train, at first my guys hesitated, one even asked to repeat the order, i repeated it, and we began to hunt, then i saw the rage awakening in my guys again, they became good soldiers again, i was shocked you? the morality of the superman differs from
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the morality of priests and shopkeepers. i can't. irma. i didn't mean to offend you. it's okay, i'm just dizzy.
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i love you and invite you to become my wife, this is so unexpected, i understand that you need time to think about it, but... i don’t have time, we are being sent to the most difficult section of the front, the first combat test, maybe there’s no rush, i could i would like to write to you, if you leave the part number, we are flying into the thick of things, i admit that they will kill me, i am not afraid of this, but i would really like to leave an heir, you you you're coming tomorrow. if you agree, i'll talk to the authorities, they'll give us a day or two. do you agree?
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second floor, apartment 23, our room is the second to last on the right. is there anyone in the apartment besides vorn? masha, other residents? no, aunt dina.
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there, stand up, hands up, my wife is there. she's hurt! help! the children do not know who the deceased was. they let him stay, received money, and were not interested in the rest. christian, what do you have? in the dead man's suitcase, a change of clothes, several.
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arina, please open it. do you think i it’s easy to watch how you are like a pimp, honestly, i would have him with my own hands, he shot our women, children, calm down, calm down, arina, that means there will be a banquet for you, yes, he lives in the officer’s estate, there is, it must be that the commander used to live there, and there are three tears,
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you won’t have to sleep with him, you won’t have to, you hear, so that’s the plan, you sit at the banquet and smile at everyone, well, it’s a wedding after all. then you see off the guests and call here, say that you are worried about angelina and want to find out from me how things are going, after your call me, i need 15 minutes, while you talk to the doctor, i’ll get into the house and deal with him myself, he ’ll start talking to me, okay, then we’ll get into the car, we’ll go to... germany to treat our partisans in the forest
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all clear? yes thank you! when will he come with you? in two hours. and get into character. bride, after all, start a potyphon, a potyphon, music.
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belarus captivated them at first sight, the first thing in general, probably, when you get to the republic of belarus, you are impressed by the cleanliness, first of all, the cleanliness, neatness, now having lived here for 7 years, i understand that this is, in general, the merit of the people, such hospitable people, well...
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a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema and of course online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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our congratulations, congratulations from the bottom of our hearts, thank you very much,
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how beautiful, where is everyone? who do you need? i thought there would be a ceremony, we don't have time for formalities. these are documents that have legal strength. you need to sign here and here.
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open up, secret police, where is your wife? is she not there?
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place guards at her room, excuse me, sir, what does he want? well, hello, vadim, hello, kolya,
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thank you, wonderful evening, have a nice evening, see you soon, good night! i see, are you here for me or on staff business? both, we actually thought
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that you were related to the headquarters? no, i have nothing to do with the headquarters, but i am in the secret police, i can do a lot of good, if, of course, they expose me correctly. the expert knows that we went here together, it won’t work to say that i was somewhere else. ok then. but he will say that i attacked you, killed him, and turned you off, well, something like this, how does this fit in with your affairs, you won’t be able to lie unconscious for long, so there is an hour more, if more, it will arouse suspicion , an hour is not enough, you know, i need to get one person to talk, and then leave, why? can i talk? yes, but if the alarm is raised, i won’t have time to take zoya from the hospital, you can’t
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think of anything at all, i can go with you, but then it turns out that you shouldn’t have sent me here, you could have killed him without me, no, no, you can’t be dumped, that’s out of the question. okay, listen, we have new circumstances, what happened, it will take a long time to explain, you will have to do everything yourself, yourself, an hour, no more, then you need to leave in his car, we’ll meet on the road, the eighth kilometer. i understand it's difficult, but i ask you, it's
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okay, i, yes. i couldn’t wait for the guys to leave, i kept remembering what was going on in the bedroom before they arrived, and imagined that we would what to do when we're alone again.
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she can handle it, she can handle it, you won’t be able to take zoya from the hospital, but they’ll give it to me, no, i need documents, what should i do, and if i put on your uniform, i’ll say that i need to take it away from me urgently, i’m investigating an important case, but i could try, kolya, but you... have a strong accent, well, yes, you’re right, let’s hit me in the teeth now, why, i’ll say that after the operation, i was chasing the partisans, i fell, to hell with diction, okay, and then you’ll give me a ride, like going to school in the ring, i’m sorry,
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sorry, sorry, i just wanted it to be realistic, sorry. yes, everything is correct, correct, yes, to be realistic. this is probably not what you dreamed of, from the safe, and you will tell it to me, klyab, i can
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take it out, i think, cat, you still won’t tell me, but i will have to shut your mouth again, i was taught something special. and i even know what will be going on in your head, at first you will be very brave, and then you will try to deceive me, you will show with your eyes, pull out the gag, but i won’t pull it out, and then it will hurt you. and
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scary, like the people from our train, but i still won’t get out, i’ll wait until you turn into a stomach, you’ll whine and cry that i stopped, then i’ll pull out the gag, will you tell me chickens?


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