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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 1:35am-2:01am MSK

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bathed, which covers the central part of the temple, its masses, with such baroque creases, and the belfry are smaller in size, and have a smaller accent, and this is the same, well, just like that, still the same part the central bathed and this particular bell tower . the tsarka davola has the classic look of the building on the right side of the temple. vyaliki. babinets completed the two-tiered curtain. this form is a good example of old-russian architecture, dze on four-sided ab'em, chatsvyaryk, stavіtstsa yashche adzin, beyond your borders, and in your face. in the end, i have a covered tier and a bath, a roof and a covered balcony with a balustrade. the most characteristic detail of the kingdom, which is the abrasive hell of many other lands.
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gomel region gallery, which is surrounded by babenits. expressive of such and rare, acquired and the sunny hour of the slaughter of the meat, the abhad gallery, well, i don’t pay much attention to the temple, only the chastkova, i’m glad to the old one, it’s not budova pachatu 20 stagodzia, there is a malunak of the temple pryblizna other palovy kanca 19 stagodzia. previously, the gallery was closed, but then it was closed with glass windows. this kind of vykarystvaetsya in religious services, and as the month of religious services is faithful, here magli adpachytsya vykhordzhannya ў hour of service. yana pa staradanik canon. pratsyagvayutstsa shmat gadzin,
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acres of this, i magly vykastouvatsya and for the sake of self-indulgence, for example, here they consecrated the products of the holy saints, apples for apples , honey for meat and so on. in the early days of the architecture of our lands in the past-day of belarus, apasan, here is a gallery, yana more chalk was being dissolved, more was getting out. get your hands on the little ones. markavitskaya tsarkov geta not so far hell of gomel fish 30 kilometers tsarkva barochnaga hour published ў 17th century just in may looks of the same apasanny gallery right y іsnavanne ўzgadvayuts і old-timers ў markavich yak and we remember the king in the 30s , geta apasan yashche was yes samaga aposhnyaga hour. such china geta have such a distinct accent and architectural velm jumpers, like a plastic apron and draperies.
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pryntsypov's trotters are not may, the best thing is that the classic draulyans remember the pale architectural dust, i can now be drawn from the people of the other starabradnitskys, you were...
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such significant ladies, yon abavyazkova padrymlivaўya in many bathing suits , this velma is similar to that canon of the future church, let’s say the central central areas of maskovia , mascovsky dzyarzhavy rasі ў syeredzіne first pale, syeredzіne 17 centuries. interior of tsarkova - geta developed on the vertical nev, here... doilitstva, kali vyshynya and asnoўnaga bathed the principles of the old-time russian the old days of the nave and the altar, the old furniture has not been preserved, that is, the present time, the taxa is not at home, the old believers’ abshchyny are closed, and strangers are not allowed on excursions. this historical assemblage of all the old-time abshchins that was applied to architecture. the expelled people became weaker than the sabers. what was most
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characteristic of them was their strict symmetry. these pastures were farmed piecemeal, and not like most belarusian vesaks and meats, they are suitable for assembling the relief. gorad. petka adzina sennya in belarus is a city of weak people, they have this is an old-fashioned planning structure. and if we look at the layout of any old man's pasture, be it a branch, be it a weed of grass, which was called zypka, klintsy, svyatskaya, dabryanka, this is such a simple quarterly layout, which is abrasive bad hell...
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the servants who made friends in the huts, yes, their barons, old-timers, dachshunds went where it was more advisable. the yard, staraverskiy, has a closed area, an agaric garden, with covered gates and gates. extraordinary, over the top, known, softened vasmikanechny kush. added to the history of the old faith and the history of the following rich elements. their dating and future masters allowed the re-establishment of the garadian architectural problems. the akanians have both baroque and classical elements and the rakako trot pattern. you are here , we are always in love with the most popular for this hour
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for the ornate openwork tops of the carved carvings. geta similar baroque curls with anthrapamorphic shapes in the centers and on the tanks. flanking them such as baroque flowerpots, baroque flowerpots, etc. architecture, assembling we geta very much on the pattern of russian architecture, there are anthrapamorphic manifestations, on the other side there are elements and joints of baroka, rakako, and on the other side there are elements.
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shests karagodnyh traditional rights and desires. memory of the carnivorous zhyhars of zhytkavitskaga, vetkaўskaga, pinskaga, dragіchynskaga, gomelskaga and maladzechanskaya district,
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shests karaggodaў sennya znahodzitsa ў...
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partners are extremely interested, since we traditionally have good expertise in this area since the times of the soviet union. this concerns cooperation in the field of technology for the assembly of our engineering products. naturally, these issues must have their own business component; they must be beneficial to both parties. we set our goals to work with absolutely all countries of latin america and the caribbean.
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from arkhangelsk, and this is proof. by the way, the head of the russian region arrived in minsk on the first direct flight from arkhangelsk. let me remind you that flights between cities have been regular since april 25. planes fly once a week on thursdays, almost 2.0 km in 2 seconds per hour. a good signal for business and tourists, work more actively, now relax. it will become easier, well, since the twentieth year there has been a systematic increase in the volume of mutual
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trade. over the past year, i would like to note that a record trade turnover between our regions and our country was achieved - 145%. we have a trade turnover of 84 million us dollars, these are significant figures that show the necessity and necessity of this work that we did today. emphasis on further work in industrial agriculture, subsoil use 100 km from arkhangelsk is the only one in europe. partial use of mining equipment for diamond mining. belarusian technology can also be widely used in peat extraction;
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peat briquettes are intended to become an alternative source of heat in the russian region. local boiler houses will rely on it. the region is also interested in supplies of belarusian logging and municipal passenger equipment. the supply of elevators is of great interest. there 's a big renovation going on there right now. public utilities, which also affects residential buildings and social facilities. belarusian builders can provide assistance in the construction of new ones, our builders work in the eastern region and work in the primorsky territory, we are building social facilities in voronezh and other cities of the russian federation, and i emphasize once again that we are absolutely competitive, our builders are already accustomed to this type of life, therefore ready to come. build the necessary social preschool institutions, these are schools, these are the facilities, i mean first of all this
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as if in this, in this direction. another important area of ​​joint work is the modernization of industrial enterprises in the region. belarusian machines and equipment can be a good help. in addition, arkhangelsk is an important cargo transshipment hub in the north-west of russia; for belarus in the current conditions this is a strategic task. only part of the common interests, the parties agreed to increase cooperation in the fields of science, education, sports and tourism. belarus , smolensk region of russia in search of new points of growth in trade turnover, prospects. cooperation was discussed in the vitebsk region, where the guests visited. the route of the russian delegation includes the arshan flax mill, a logistics complex, as well as a center for integrated engineering in the field of water supply and sanitation. in the twenty- third year, the foreign trade turnover of belarus in the smolin region amounted to $4.4 billion. since the beginning of 2024 , our exports to this
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region of cargo and passenger equipment, as well as textiles and machine tools, have noticeably intensified. redheads are good. in the sense of the word volume of industrial production including examples of good structure of holdings, in particular, economic holdings, the interaction of agriculture with industrial processing, of course we will take an active part in the regional forum, and we will bring as much as possible a large delegation of our business, our enterprises, our enterprises are growing, showing good growth rates, that ’s it from the synergy of close interaction, a huge number of points of contact, ranging from culture, education to... of course industrial enterprises, we have already agreed that a huge store we will open dodoma and belarusian flax in the center of smolensk. we consider smolensk as a gateway to the russian federation, an opportunity to enter industrial products and some production projects, and our colleagues also consider us as a gateway to the belarusian market. the most effective options for interaction are being worked out, there is
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a need to form a promising mechanism between manufacturers of goods and... logistics companies, among the areas that need to be developed are also tourism and children's health. belarus is ready subsidize the owners of pill boilers. the country is actively developing alternative energy. according to experts, 21 plants can produce 350 thousand tons of such fuel pellets. we are waiting for details from you. tickets from belarus are ready to be purchased in the countries of central asia, china, turkey, but the main thing is that the energy sector of our domestic market has paid close attention to them. the fuel is not the cheapest, but it has many advantages. in recent years, the production of pills has been opened in old roads, kupol, columns, and one of the first in this energy niche was the borisov forestry enterprise. here the equipment produces 4 tons per hour, two types of pellets, industrial for boiler plants or housing and communal services, as well as household ones, they are lighter and practically do not leave the halls. household
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pellets in the borisov experimental forestry are produced from debarked waste from sawmilling, that is, it is wood chips and... it is for such a small experiment of introducing pellets into wood chips to obtain a greater effect on heat transfer, and today we are also working on issues of export sales to uzbekistan, kazakhstan, the russian federation, well , we are trying some volumes, we are starting to work with turkey,
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the housing and communal services of belarus are looking at pellets as the optimal type of fuel, the interest of cottage owners, we have 1.2000. of course, this is used in the form of firewood, naturally, this firewood can be used not in the form of firewood, in the form of pellets, here a fairly high level of labor is released, the productivity of boiler equipment increases, here we can say that we are already producing boiler equipment , which in an automated mode it can produce thermal energy without the participation of personnel, in fact, this equipment is quite expensive, if you compare it with the cost of gas equipment, it is many times more expensive, so the state, seeing this problem, will offer... a subsidy to the population. in the minsk region there are 154 types of sources that operate on pillets; this year it is planned to build another 61 objects. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere, not only on the website of our tv channel our main values ​​are
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people treat them fairly, that is. may, you know, may 1 is a universal holiday, a holiday of a man of labor, a man of creative work, no matter what a person does, what profession he is. therefore, this is really a very important holiday for the entire trade union, we always treat and honor the working man every day, but on this day we especially pay
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attention to veterans, pensioners, we pay attention to dynasties, there are a lot of labor dynasties that work at our enterprises, so this so pretty a significant day in the life of every trade union member; for me personally, may 1 is associated with the slogan. play in society today? you know, the head of our state said that trade unions are the foundation of civil society, they are truly a connecting link, we are 4 million
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trade union members, so we are everywhere, we are close to the worker, we are close to his needs and aspirations, and the first one at work , in the workplace, who a trade union member turns to, this is , of course, the trade union leader, we resolve issues of labor protection. union primary officials, tell me, in the organization you head, do you have any features that other industries don’t have? the bilsh trade union unites more than 280
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thousand trade union members, these are workers at our mechanical engineering enterprises, enterprises subordinate to the ministry of industry, military industry, light industry and state standards, it is clear that this is a very large part of the real sector of the economy, there are different working conditions, for pilots, for welders, for turners . therefore , we place special emphasis on labor protection; we have a lot of public labor inspectors who help in organizing safe work, also legal inspection, well, what i would like to share, of course, we have a lot of collective agreements, collective agreements are aimed at increasing the material well-being of workers, i want to brag about one of the norms that is implemented in our collective agreement of the belarusian metallurgical... plant when a woman registers for pregnancy at 12 weeks, she can go on so -called prenatal leave with payment
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of the average wage, that is , employers have such agreements, indeed, we have established clear interaction with social partners, and we are always proud of this. the protection of workers' rights today is doubly relevant when belarus is under pressure from the outside, this is how trade unions reacted to the sanctions... rhetoric, you know, any sane person understands that any restrictions, sanctions are evil, that's why those unreasonable restrictions that were introduced a number of countries, of course, were received with a storm of indignation by our workers, all of us, trade unions, if we remember 2021, then we here is may day, on may 1, a rally was organized near the walls of the embassy... of america, where thousands of trade union members came to express their dissatisfaction with the implementation of restrictions. you can also recall
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more than millions of signatures of trade union members against the introduction of sanctions, since sanctions limit the development possibilities of the enterprise and its stable operation. therefore, more than a million signatures were collected in opposition to the sanctions. we also recorded.


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