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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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more than a million signatures of trade union members against the introduction of sanctions, since sanctions limit the development possibilities of the enterprise and its stable operation, so more than a million signatures were collected in opposition to the sanctions, we also recorded videos, i myself went to the enterprise, for me personally, for example, the sound of a working conveyor is the best sound that can be, the melody of a working conveyor, mechanisms. that’s why we all work, so that it doesn’t stop, so that we can work calmly, with dignity, and earn decent money. wages, therefore, trade unions in the international arena, now the international labor organization will have its next conference, we oppose restrictions, with a clearly expressed position, not defending ourselves, but conveying our position that sanctions are evil ... we must work normally for the good of everything
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people, as for import substitution, what kind of work are belarusian industrial enterprises doing in this direction today? import substitution can be interpreted as a guarantee of the sovereignty of our country, so enterprises carry out modernization, yes, when sanctions were introduced, this pushed for additional import substitution, we have something to be proud of, our enterprise.
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we are also here nearby and help, for example, through a collective agreement , norms regarding rationalization proposals are implemented, with a certain type of incentive for additional payments, including for the quality of products, so this is a link in the same chain, and as one of the partly positive examples of sanctions, this is a new impetus to the development of our industry. part of import substitution, we have grown in this regard, and this makes me happy. what are the emphasis in the year of quality in the work of industry, what tasks do enterprises face? the teams clearly understand that only high-quality products can be in demand, they will be a guarantee, the release of high-quality products is a guarantee of productive work of the enterprise in the long term, but the long-term perspective is... a guarantee of the fulfillment
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of the collective agreement, a guarantee of an increase in wages, the implementation of all accepted obligations, therefore the teams are aimed at high-quality work, it has always been carried out, not it must be said that somewhere previously something was done poorly, always under the brand made in belarus - this is a brand of quality, so well, a special emphasis in the year of quality is given to this impulse, a lot of modernization is going on at...
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the council adopts the level of the minimum wage , this is also with the participation of trade unions, the amount of the minimum wage is adopted at the level of the national council and then documents are sent for approval to the council of ministers for approval, therefore the role of trade unions is high, we know how to negotiate, and many colleagues with neighboring countries not only come and learn from us, as peacefully as possible.
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calmly achieve the desired cohesive result, we really have something to be proud of, we have something to teach, but we are also always open to new ones, we spy on some points in other countries, but with a more united, more structured structure that is ready to solve issues at the level of human protection, legitimate labor interests of workers, than the federation of belarus does not have in any country in the world. thank you. answered program questions valery kursevich, chairman of the belarusian trade union of industrial workers belprof-mash. this is the event program for belarus24 and we continue: the international medical exhibition healthcare of belarus 2024 was held in minsk . our observer elena puntus knows what developments were presented at the forum. it was
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a presentation of the medicine of the future. more than 160 exhibitors from eight countries gathered at one site. belarus, hungary, india, iran, china, russia, egypt and south korea. medical equipment diagnostic equipment and pharmaceutical products. many developments from belarus were presented by leading manufacturers that are already being used in practice, including the hemostatic drug alufer bel from the center for transfusiology and medical biotechnology. it is planned to release them in the form of a napkin impregnated with alufer. this is very convenient for various injuries to stop bleeding. quite accessible for civilian medicine, accessible enough for military medicine, all projects at the intersection of biology, physics and it, trend direction - artificial intelligence, the united institute of informatics problems, the academy of sciences of belarus presented a
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decision support system, they plan to soon implement it in the central health information system, when the doctor, instead of deciding to look at the image for a long time, he... the computer will tell him: pay attention to these pictures, most likely there will be a disease here, the rest, the rest, there is simply no disease, we save your time, we are currently working to unite all those existing development into a single platform, today this should happen within 2 years, 24 and 25, we hope that by combining them they will give their result at the beginning of the twenty-fifth year. because the first stage should end by the end of the twenty-fourth, this will make it possible to get away from unnecessary paperwork, this will enable our employees to quickly receive all the necessary information about the patient, which today requires a certain amount of time to
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receive it. i note that the forum was held at twenty for the ninth time and was timed to coincide with the 105th anniversary of the belarusian healthcare system. carefully preserve historical memory, honor the feat of the people, the great patriotic and take care of living witnesses.
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presented the picture: the first movie was seen in brest, the film was presented by a creative group led by director mark gorobets and leading actor alexander metelkin. the military drama blindage has a unique storyline; it is the story of two friends, a russian emergency doctor and a black digger from germany. from our days
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the hero of the film is transported to 1941 and comes face to face with war. we put relationships, friendship at the forefront, the main relationship in... a movie about two friends, a russian and a german, where one actor is russian, the second is a real german from berlin. filming took place last year on the site of real battles of the great patriotic war. the main locations are the forests of the pskov region; trenches and bunkers of the two warring sides were built there, and the battle was recreated with the participation of dozens of retro equipment. it doesn't matter what you are nationality, it doesn’t matter what religion you are, what matters is what’s inside you. what human concepts do you have and what is inside you, and this movie, this movie
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is about that. pre-premiere shows become classics for the brez audience. in the twenty- third year, local authorities entered into a cooperation agreement with mosfilm. now russian directors bring military-patriotic film works to brest even before their wide release. about another new product, this time a musical one, the premiere of the song “we can do anything” took place in belarus. star participants of the factor byy show and meters the new product sounds in the voices of young performers, the belarusian stage. together. continuity of generations, love for the small
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homeland and professional dedication. the lyrics and melody have already caught the attention of many. the clip is gaining views and becoming an internet trend. on social networks they call it a fundamental hit and thank the team for their excellent work. thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results-analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program of the television news agency main ether. all projects. our tv channel is on the website, as well as on social networks, i say goodbye to you, all the best, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, we also decided not to look at... to the transmur countries and came to the belarusian city in which alexander vasilyevich suvorov
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seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and passade were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so kobrin princes and their squads stopped and feasted, definitely here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish. i caught the jar myself, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus. on tv channel belarus 24. why
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we're an astronaut in space, so basically , don't we have anything else to do? a sovereign belarusian in space is pride for the nation, so all other talk is inherently stupid. in any business there must be a goal to which you need to strive, without this stagnation will occur. and just alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist of this approach in the country. he says: let's produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing and howling, now the most important thing is if we suddenly take on the project the construction of aircraft, this is already more than enough for development, documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during a pandemic cause more harm than good , and alexander lukashenko will also remain in history as a leader. who solved the coronavirus problem more effectively than anyone in the world, never suffer from psychosis
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in anything, just listen to your dad, igor turai’s author’s project propaganda, watch on belarus24 tv channel. a weekly socio-political talk show is on the air, today we are talking about a not very pleasant and not very popular topic, fortunately in our country, we will talk about corruption. as always, we have competent experts in the studio, this broadcast is hosted by kirill kazakov and alena syrova, but as always, you
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can become a participant in our program, there is a qr code at the bottom of the screen, please point your screen at it. smartphone, go to youtube broadcast, write the questions that concern you, share opinions, well, in the right corner there is a link to our telegram channel, where you can find out a little more. let's start a difficult conversation. good evening, well, in the studio we have a lot of people in uniform, we can say that we are actually fighting corruption quite successfully, although how about we... in fact, alena and i said this before the broadcast, we really should either lead corruption necessary, or to win, and both are impossible, because after all, it is based on human weaknesses, and people, well, sometimes they make big mistakes, thank god, that, after all, our country has established certain rules according to which we have to exist, let’s say, officials who are dishonest in the hands, and
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in general, of course, filtered so that these officials, strictly speaking, do not get into power, because you look at that same ukraine , yes, where corruption becomes practically synonymous with power or survival, or europe, which is obsessed with the fact that it is included in some lists, where there is cleanliness and, of course, exceptionally honest conclusion of contracts, that’s about the same when you read ursura fonderline, how she concluded contracts with fizer, you understand that the story there is absolutely not the one they tell us about, but we understand perfectly well that corruption, well, in principle, really is such a manifestation. crime, which is inherent to humans, and of course, our task is to fight this as much as possible and, most importantly, probably minimize the damage. let's start with corruption, in fact, how detrimental this thing is to the economy in general, in what terms, not so that we say, yes, of course, corruption and the economy are closely connected, somewhere
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the more they steal, the less comes to the budget, no, we understand perfectly well that... the more we fight it, the more money the state has remains. is our country successful in this regard? you know, i would perhaps rephrase what is more important, so to speak, from the point of view of the negative factor of corruption, it seems to me, with all the importance of the economy, that yes, it is the budget, the receipt of taxes, it seems to me that the most destructive effect corruption has an impact on public consciousness, on society as a whole, that is, if you work honestly, someone steals, then this is well...
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all the time it is impossible to be insured against the fact that such people will occupy some positions. anatoly maryanovich, how is it possible to, well, raise a non-corrupt manager, and is it possible to do this somehow? and georgy vasilevich, you know, he gave such a percentage, i had this story in soviet times: a break in the dishes during translation, yes, there is such a backlash, here is a percentage that, in any case, laid down, but there is such an error, we also live with this error, or we can somehow reduce it, we must admit. it is fair that, starting from 2015, the academic discipline of anti-corruption has become a mandatory academic discipline for all institutions of higher education, this is gratifying, because in the anti-corruption mechanism, anti-corruption education and anti-corruption education still play a significant role. over the years of teaching this discipline, i have encountered quite a lot
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a wide audience and those individuals who are undergoing retraining and advanced training, this is not like a leader who also holds responsible positions, these are students studying and receiving their first higher education, and many still come to the conclusion that the origins of voting worldview must start from the family, from school years, when a person’s personality is formed, when during these years we try to establish an understanding that corruption is a social evil and what negative consequences it brings to humanity and in your specific country, we will probably be able to move forward in this direction and minimize manifestations of corruption when he becomes a specialist, a subsequent leader who makes management decisions. maybe now the questions will be very similar, because our departments deal with corruption crimes are completely different, thank god, probably, evgeniy, from the point of view of the capital’s police, what is the most high-profile
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corruption case, let’s say, well, you ’ve been investigating lately , behind last year, let’s say, what are the peculiarities for the police in investigating these cases, because you know, we have the same thing, we have the police, we have the prosecutor’s office, we have the department of financial investigations. there is an investigative committee, everyone is investigating corruption cases, or, let’s say, the police initiate an investigation, the investigation is investigating, well, just a very fundamental point, excuse me for interrupting, this does not mean that semenyanik is an eyeless child, we have a coordinator, this is the prosecutor general’s office, which is, well, not only supervisory, they are the head in general for this, it’s just that the loudest thing is your specificity in this fight, the loudest criminal case.
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people who really look at him as an example, a model of what to strive for in terms of career and so on, they allow themselves not only in this case to receive the bribe that i’m talking about, but also to come up with schemes like it receive in such a way as to remain unpunished, involving not a single intermediary in this, what kind of bribe was he caught with, 2000 rubles, 2000 rubles, that’s what, well again, let’s ask a stupid question, but he is very interested in people who watch the program. the most corruption-prone area of ​​activity, well, you mentioned construction, what else? construction, housing and communal services, essentially the budget sector, where there is money, there,
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unfortunately, there is a queue of people who want to get it dishonestly, this includes businessmen, naturally, on the one hand, and officials, representatives of government agencies on the other on the other hand, well, in general, we also reasoned this way before the program, that when you read in some history reports...
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life so happened that corruption or economic security is the area of ​​my scientific interests, this is the topic of my dissertation, and moreover, at my previous place of work, when i headed the institute of personnel industry, it was the prevention of the corruption component in the system of the ministry of industry that was within the scope of my competence , so, well, this is such a big deal, so that they don’t think of something just a little bit, so to speak, but the fact is that the amount announced is 2000, probably for the sake of fairness it should be said that... there is also applicants where the amount reached a million dollars, this is, of course, not billions, so to speak, of russian money, but in principle the corruption component is significant, and very
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resonant. as for our respected prosecutor's office, yes, when it comes to these high-profile cases, let us also remember together with you, recently the largest, most high-profile cases, what areas they were, i can answer that, taking into account the public danger, corruption crimes, we do not consider a bribe, its size, how serious it is, of course, based on sanctions, from articles of the criminal code, yes, and if we talk about those areas where the most corruption crimes are committed, i will support my board that indeed, where financial and material resources are concentrated, that is where most of these crimes certainly occur ,
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does not come from his legal income, then certainly our citizens, they see, yes, where he lives, what he drives, where he rests, and so on and so forth, raise fair questions for this person, of course law enforcement officers pay attention to this and take appropriate measures.
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punishment and control system, are there any statistics that show that the number of corruption crimes is decreasing in our country, or is the number of corruption crimes remaining in the same place from year to year? of course, we keep such statistics, we carry out the corresponding analysis on this statistics, and there are statistics of recorded corruption crimes, these are crimes that have already gone through the courts, to put it simply, these are statistics...
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new elements of crime are being identified, again some new episodes are being uncovered during the investigation of a criminal case, i will note that last year the investigative units initiated about 3,165 criminal cases just for fun, and the main category, i will say frankly, is percent , probably - 40. this constitutes theft by abuse of official powers, every third crime is a crime related to receiving a bribe, here it was noted about receiving a bribe, there about a million dollars, there are 2000 rubles. i will say that the world does not stand still, the form of taking bribes is changing, the subject
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of crimes are different cryptocurrencies, that’s what i wanted to say, again i will say that the central government committee is currently investigating a criminal case, it is connected specifically with ... bribes in the form of cryptocurrency, and let’s say, over the course of four years, the person, again, who received these funds for 160 episodes, the total amount is 600,000 rubles. that is, in principle an impressive amount, probably, and i will say that this form is changing, that is, people understand that, let’s say, they think that in some form the subject of a bribe, let’s say, someone will not see, will not recognize, but that’s all it seems that everything leaves its trace, and sooner or later the crimes are revealed. and the person bears a well-deserved punishment, in addition, i will say that taking into account the corruption crimes that were, let’s say, criminal cases that were initiated last year, about 70% is damage caused to the state, this
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about 40 million rubles. these so-called corrupt officials, let's say, they think that time will not reach them there, as they say, they will be in the shadows, as it were, this is not so, sooner or later, as i say, one episode, it seems like a person receives a bribe, time passes, they say, they didn’t catch him, he moved on, some kind of instinct of self-preservation is wasted, but this is not so, that is, sooner or later a person who is engaged in such a legal trade will, let’s say, be caught when he is caught, he will be held accountable, look , here again in butu it’s very much like this characterizes people who take bribes, but practically no one considers people who give bribes to be criminals, this category of people, well, relatively speaking, why aren’t they even considered criminals by the people, well, it’s like you were forced, you should decide about...
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if a person who gave a bribe, but realized that he did not act entirely correctly and voluntarily declared a crime committed and actively contributed to the solving of the crime, this category of citizens and persons is exempt from criminal charges responsibility, this also needs to be understood, but the most important thing is that they essentially are such persons, they provoke these officials to receive this bribe, therefore, probably, in russia they followed this path, probably in terms of, say, increased criminal liability. it is precisely such persons who bear the same burden as the recipient of the bribe and the date, well, because you come, i’ve heard so many stories like this, yes, for example, again you come, they tell you: look, here’s the money for you, you take it, decide, and how many people break down psychologically, and they really
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provoke you, this is a story, tell me, well, how would such stories come across, or again, this is a story so that ah, well, listen, well, the one who gives , he is not to blame, you know, you raised this topic correctly, in my practice there was a case where, let’s say, a representative of a commercial structure, on the contrary, he came, let’s say, provoked the person so much that he congratulated someone on the holiday, brought it, just for show there was a bottle of whiskey there, and he put money there in an envelope, the man was weak-willed, as if they had gone to congratulate him on the new year and, well, buy a gift, but moreover, he recorded it on video later from this person, that is, an official,
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ours, let’s say, the private sector, the main thing for him is that there are two private sectors, one works honestly, the second wants to enter in such ways, as if, that is, to seize, roughly speaking, these financial resources. how to be a supplier of certain inventory items, and he for there are all kinds of this, and he, plus everything, can look at this person, let’s say, an official, what problems she has, for example, a family, i’ll tell you that this is a competitive feature, i was able to find an approach, yes, yes, and then we give rise to a kind of competition, that the second one, who wants to work honestly, he actually looks at this, subjects, we must also work like this, evgeniy, look, very often at the rate of 15 years.
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in general, society in recent years has become more conscious and to act as much as possible according to the law regarding the message, well, in this in this case, i will talk about my service, about the minsk police, and consciously act about informing us about such facts, that is, if information is received regarding the receipt of bribes for, say, passing exams for conducting this , the same as gratitude is regarded by many ?
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we can’t talk about insignificance,
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there’s a lot, then here it’s definitely about because it’s a bribe, well, like i’m already a topic and when he takes these one ruble at a time, he said, it has a social, so to speak, danger for the state, for those relations where a person works than for, especially yes, especially for teachers, if this is happening marjanovich, well, after all, supporters, refute my logic, if there are already some signs, if we are talking about what we really want... i want to say that you are right, in -firstly, it is necessary to use the resource today on government organizations created by the anti-corruption commission and their main task is prevention, i want to say that the law of 2015, unlike previous editions, included this norm, one of the principles of implementation, so to speak,
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counteracting corruption, anti-corruption work, and if the leader who heads this commission values ​​the honor of his organization,
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the fact is that these are repressive measures in a good sense, they are not, well, clearly a tool for eliminating corruption as such, the world shows in general, our, so to speak, legislative bodies have now taken this path, the most important component is prevention, i would refer here to the provisions of the new law on
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corruption, in my opinion 3012, but it seems that just something, probably a transfer.
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that is, in principle, we have a normal average european level, but it does not suit us as a socially oriented state and as a leader who is the embodiment of these values, yes, that is, this is corruption, well, this is evil, this is unambiguous, this is essentially, we are talking about corruption, well , some kind...
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that are being investigated, these are cases primarily related to the commission of a crime in the field of agriculture, in the field of industry, in the field of construction, that is, these are three categories that are in the sphere, which, in principle...
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values, there is no other, but they communicate with each other and often, let’s say, they write to us and call us, someone wants to anonymously, sometimes there are even two people with each other, let’s say, businessmen, they had a fight, they separated like would be their path, and tells and brings notes, as it were, that is, therefore this is one of the sources of information.
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to say, well, from an ideological point of view, from a political point of view, the head of state has repeatedly stated that no matter
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how heavy the shoulder straps are on someone’s shoulders, there have already been facts about such persons. or some serious position or someone in business today works closely with the state and generally has contracts, if there is a corruption component, the decision will be tough, why? i’ll explain: today we face a most difficult challenge, external, the integrity, security and sovereignty of belarus are under threat, we saw that corruption brought yanukovych to the revolution, and subsequently led the country to war, at one time... one of the main complaints against the authorities in ukraine had the terrifying growth rate of corruption crimes, no one fought them, it got to the point that an acquaintance of mine was building a plant in ukraine, they came to him for negotiations in one region, in the same car the regional prosecutor and the main authority, they asked who you would negotiate with, the prosecutor’s office or thieves, this is what
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happened under yanukovych in ukraine, so by and large the people did not stand up for him. it was an illegal coup d'etat, but it subsequently leads to the bloodiest consequences, so we must understand today, civil servants, persons who have a certain level of income, that we have a very big responsibility for preserving the country’s sovereignty for the destinies, for the fate of our fatherland, well, let’s be objective, if we look at belarus like this, after all, our civil servants live much more modestly, the highest gva , even... and the servants' house is another 500 m, all this must be serviced with a salary that is not even small in certain republics - 5-7 dollars, but you have to spend several million a year, where does this
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money come from? that's all, that's all the mathematics, so in belarus in this regard.
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syria, libya, lebanon were successful countries in their time, a whole number of countries were destroyed, today in ukraine, you think, the rich, happy with their lives, have lost entire azovstalite to destroy. enterprise of a large ukrainian entrepreneur, i’m not talking about corruption and anything else, if we lead to this, it will be scary, what else is the danger of corruption, unfair competition, if you today, as a colleague said, then you are starting an enterprise not according to the principle the highest quality, price-quality ratio, it means better logistics, but you make gasket companies, withdraw capital, our products are less competitive in the domestic market, in
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the foreign market, which means we as a nation are less successful, do you understand? that is, it seems that somewhere there vitaly semyonovich got rich, he got rich, yes, he built himself a house, but he caused such damage, he seemed to have stolen, maybe several million dollars, somewhere maybe several hundred thousand dollars, but losses could be billions, well, listen, we are talking about the ideal world, about ideal people who live high ideals, they really understand what you are talking about now, that if, conditionally, he brought a company into his factory there that will supply...
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the logic is a signal from a competing company that a large belarusian enterprise purchased components, but as a result of these purchases, yes, that is, which, so to speak, at a low price, service became many times
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more expensive, and the equipment began to fail, so this is a question not only of progans, but also of management and technical specialists, it is very important to share the right, to give the right a leader has the right to take risks; by the way, the head of state also spoke about this. you see, the story here is that it seems to me that you several times said the word repressive in the good sense of the word, but when we really have a punitive body and also in the good sense of the word, which controls any of your actions, it seems to me that any leader , he should also understand perfectly well that, excuse me, it’s such a story that i have to be responsible for every action i take, that’s a responsibility, they simply will not make any decisions for fear of responsibility, but in any case -
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this is the effect of a bribe, yes, sometimes the service can be completely different, that is, while the issue is being resolved, that is, the issue, i say again, it is not as clear-cut as it seems, i’m talking about this, i have evgeniy fetrovich, from the point of view of the police, explain to me, many people, when , for example, they detain a fairly well-known or loud arrest of some official, they ask, look... look after him, for example, surveillance was carried out or his actions several years before the moment when he took the bribe, so he took a bribe of 1,000 dollars, let’s assume, yes, and he was detained for this and will be tried, these 2
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years, why was he allowed to do this, again, maybe the question is incompetent, but really, when he did it the first time, it was impossible to stop him, why, you know, often the goals are operational... development, i’ll use this word, at the stage of just starting, or at the stage of recording his receipt of thousands of dollars, much grander, much more serious than this thousand dollars. over time , law enforcement officers will return to qualifying this thousand dollars, but i am convinced that if you apply your example to practice, yes, this task was to document or other facts of systemic business corruption. let’s say, either to document another circle of officials, take a broader view, see who else may be involved in this particular criminal scheme, but yes, i understand what you
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are saying, that the goal is, as it were, much more global and ultimately the account may be much more has been revealed, but we, as these workers of the ideological front, understand that, relatively speaking, very much during these 2 years, no matter how much he took, firstly, no matter how much he took, and... secondly, here is such a moment , that especially when we are talking about the heads of top enterprises, about top officials, over a long period of time they could change more than one position, they could be appointed to these positions, well, including the head of state, this also gives up their shadow, in fact, well, it’s like each of these corrupt officials is stupid substitutes the president, you understand, the state is a very complex mechanism, remember, in no country in the world has anyone ever done anything.
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to counteract the revolution as effectively as possible, let's arrange the seventeenth question with you, that our task with you is corruption and evolution, again, without a year, a new person arrived, they put him in kazakhstan, when the kazakh republic was being formed, he said: we need a small october, several million died people, dispossessed, collectivization and so on, the same thing, let’s... sometimes it’s more correct solution, to identify a wider network, to identify the organizers, where will his property go if he is here in belarus, the main thing is that he does not withdraw money from belarus, so listen, our system is quite competent, we also have cross-control of law enforcement agencies, and there are a lot of people who work out of shape, so work is being done in this regard, you just need to realize that today is a time when such crimes, even by... let's be
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honest, by ukrainian and russian standards, are a bribe 200,000 rubles makes them smile, their pens are more expensive, you know, but for such crimes there will be very severe punishment. vladimir viktorovich, here we are again talking, i’m trying to give an example, here is a person who, relatively speaking, i’ll go back to the same thing, has been taking bribes for 2 years, operational development is underway for him, but again people just ask, okay, here he took 1.00 dollars, in the end he was detained, a criminal case was opened, he was brought to court, but he probably has everything...
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when a preventive measure is chosen in the form detention, this is one of such effective measures, in addition, as you correctly initially noted, that the property that is direct to him, close relatives, this property is all seized, the court decides the fate of this eternal punishment, when to consider the cases in court , and i’ll be honest, the sanction of the article is very severe, in addition to the fact that the punishment is imprisonment, there is also a fine, which stipulates, at the same time, i’ll say right away that for... a person will need to, again, convert the state’s income by a court decision, that is, this is a very serious punishment, our, let's call it, pseudo-corrupt officials who understand that taking bribes, they think that it will be good for them for some time, not good, they will be held accountable, i say again, will bear very serious responsibility, supplement in part. carrying out
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operational investigative activities, it is not carried out by itself, we have legislation, the law on operational investigative activities, which spells out, as it were, all the moments, how to do it, who does it, and so on, and the prosecutor exercises oversight over the activities of these entities, while he also authorizes an operational measure, and your example, if he is there for 2 years , an operational operation is carried out there.
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everything needs to be looked at as a whole, there is another fundamental point, i will complement my colleagues, this means that there is also a very important point that corrupt officials who have received a real sentence are not subject to parole, that is , parole, the second factor is us, when carried out preventive measures, our managers, directors, general directors, we brought them even to places not so remote so that they could see the conditions in which their colleagues were kept, that is, i said: what hope is that you, such a white fluffy one, will work in the library, no, this category of people, benefits for so to speak, in places, they are also not distributed to them, that is, this...
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then you will use these benefits, you will walk around all the time, well, look around, this, this, this is not the point, these, these, these are the facts, which are in our, in my, so to speak, accessibility, i am according to the ministry of industry system, i say the lucky ones who went through this are not there, families are destroyed, the image is destroyed, and the leaders created it for decades, family, children, that is, this is a collapse in general, well, so to speak, of worldviews, that is, you, you are being written down in category... not even losers, but criminals, and they are distributed among the whole family, that is , this is a very serious factor, many do not understand this, well, besides, if we are talking about finances, then almost everything is confiscated, but there are probably cases when they manage withdraw abroad, such cases
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are recorded, how often and how cryptocurrency is clear, you know, given that, say, such persons, probably, as was correctly noted, that we do not have such rich positions. who are engaged in not entirely correct work, namely, they take certain or illegal rewards, therefore , the fact that they are transferring some of their illegal income abroad, this information, firstly, in order to receive it, it is necessary to send an international order, you know, what is our relationship now? with western countries, that is , we simply cannot get information from them, you know, that there are some accounts, some again - some money, somewhere some property, somewhere... then outside, therefore, in order for us to know that there is property there, we need to get... an answer from them that there is some property that, in principle, can be converted, what do you think the answer would be to deny ? well, i would complement you, you are right, indeed , both the greek and fatf, after the sanctions both belarus and russia are included, they have stopped cooperation with belarus, but you, here it’s like a border crossing, the goods have left,
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gone through customs, and then the goods have cleared customs, so before you transfer money, there are financial instruments and institutions, banks that fix our ...


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