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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 3:50am-4:21am MSK

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about 10,500 people live in this cozy corner of menshchina; the picturesque land has given to the world. there are many outstanding personalities, including
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composer stanislav manyushka, artist chaim soutine, and cosmonaut oleg novitsky. we are in the east of the minsk region in a small town, but with a very interesting history. friends, hello everyone, masha bogatyr is with you, which means that today we are building a route through cherven and the chervensky district. today i will find out when and under what circumstances the worm changed its ways. title i will spend time with members of the folk group, which in this year i celebrated my golden anniversary, with a hereditary weaver i will learn the basics of folk craft, i will get acquainted with the history of the development of manufacturing on belarusian lands, i will visit an artificial hill, which tourists consider a cult place, i will visit the temple where services are conducted by the only exorcist priest in belarus.
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before you start your journey through the cherven region, i’ll tell you how to get from minsk to cherven itself. minibuses and buses run from the avtozavodskaya bus station on the minsk-cherven route. ticket price from 5 rubles. if if you decide to use a personal car, choose the mogilev direction. distances of 66 km can be covered in an hour. the starting point for the life and development of the settlement was 1387. on april 28 of this year, the prince of the grand duchy of lithuania and king of poland egaila, with a special privilege, transferred his belarusian possessions to skirgaila’s brother. then in a letter.
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and the color scheme is syaga. according to one legend , the abbess of the local monastery mercilessly eradicated the surrounding paganism. according to stories , the mother superior imposed curses on everyone who worshiped the old gods and promised that early or later all these people will fall underground. and then one morning the locals woke up, and the monastery was gone, it ended up underground. and in its place a deep reservoir with swampy shores arose. and even though scientists believe that the name of the city has nothing to do with igumina, just in case, they still decided to immortalize the name of the legendary lady, this is the pride of the locals, the work of fellow countryman sculptor gennady matusevich. if you look from a bird's eye view at the plan of the ancient abbot, or modern cherven, then, whichever you prefer if you like it, you can see that it was a square from which...
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it was renamed, only the one leading to the capital retained the name. we are in the center of cherven, where should they move next, three streets of freedom square, formerly bogorodichnaya. it is difficult to imagine that in the hot summer of 1899 there was a terrible fire in which 137 houses and 125 outbuildings burned down in one day . only a few buildings survived, among them the st. nicholas church; brave people should be noted. who extinguished the walls and roof of the temple with water from the igumenka river on for several hours in a row. the historical development of the city is at least 110 years old; the central square of cherven was restored at the beginning of the 20th century. the fire taught
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me a lot. in the center of the city they decided to build not wooden, but stone houses with iron roofs. by 1905 , almost two dozen houses had grown around the church. some of the buildings were rented out; by the way, the building in which maxim bogdanovich’s mother, maria mikota, was born in the family of the provincial secretary, is still preserved on the square. as for the main craft of the abbots, they were beekeeping, as evidenced by one of the decrees of catherine ii. it’s not for nothing that on the coat of arms there are five golden bees hovering above a silver bush. beekeeping in those days was a very profitable activity. so, for example, put. mm of honey cost 3 rubles, freight transport was 16 rubles, a sylushka could be bought for 25, that is, conventionally, by selling some of the honey and wax a person could buy himself a cow in the future, which of course was generally not bad, well, that’s not bad
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at all not bad, i must say that now in our city a lot of people are engaged in beekeeping, well, of course, this is a completely different story, these are not bees that were somewhere in the forest, these are modern hives, the technologies are completely different, but nevertheless the fishery itself is preserved, so we justify gert in ours now, and also in the cherven region, from time immemorial, people have been engaged in quality, and i will try my hand at a difficult craft. local resident tatyana, by name, seems to know everything. in her family, the craft was passed down from generation to generation. tatyana, there are very few craftsmen like you left, so tell us, when did you study with whom? it’s very interesting. you know, my mother weaved all her life. did your mother
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teach you? yes, i was little, we fed it into this machine all the time. she, i served it to her, she was in charge all the time. machine, well, then the time came for me to learn on my own, my mother was no longer there, so i had to, we had an old machine, it was already a century old, then we thought, we made a sketch from this old machine, a new machine, well, i started to make it, step by step step by step, stitch by stitch, thread by thread, thanks to deft skillful hands tatyana’s pattern appears in front of us, the main rule is to make the base, this is what tatyana says, she doesn’t forgive mistakes, if you want a pattern, here is a canvas, a white canvas, yes, we have a dark-white canvas for two pedals, for two, two , two greaves in one direction, two greaves in the other direction, look, you see, and
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if we want a herringbone pattern, then press two, two on the knives, then on the middle two, then the next two. well, you already know this now, but if a person, well, relatively speaking, is still just studying there, that is, he has a some piece of paper, and a diagram, give a thread to the end, so that it is here, so that it is not too strong, just like this, this thing for myself, but i broke it, right? well, that's it, once is enough ,
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they were born in different parts of the world. i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband sergei. i came here first for work, he really liked it here, i was born in selinograd, that is, there is, so to speak, a little history there, first there was telinograd, then akmala. in minsk there are very good conditions for living with a family, especially with
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small children, i love belarus and i proudly declare that it was here that i acquired my great happiness. watch on tv channel belarus 24. an ancient asian proverb says: “strong is he who is wise.” and this phrase is directly related to sports, because they win. not by strength, but by mind. not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. this asian city was the first in the world to host both the summer and winter olympic games. vladislav. beijing. beijing, that's right. according to the rules of the game, participants must complete four period, answering not the easiest questions. third level. paris, london, new york. name the last city, provided that we are talking about... tennis sydney, you were very close, let's do it again, the winner of which league
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gets the larry o-brien cup? nba. nba. this sports equipment is installed at a height of 2 m 43 cm for men and 2 m 24 cm for women. what sport are we talking about? let it be volleyball. watch the intellectual sports show game. head on our tv channel. in the village of gorkovskaya sloboda, our filming location the group stays for only a couple of hours, but it feels like you’ve known its inhabitants for many years, and indeed, the locals know how to surprise. hello, good afternoon. dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our ivannitsk land, and the birth, which is a sign of plowing, our
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branded ivannitsk pachastunak. good gentlemen, good people, we are glad to see you. may our souls be blessed with a happy hour. good luck to everyone's souls. budze ў gety radasny chas. well, now we ask you to come to our house. if weasel. so friendly and the workers of the chervensky regional center of culture and leisure hospitably welcome guests in their small homeland. it was opened in the fall of 1957. over time, it became a venue for folklore holidays, regional competitions and festivals. i, dear tv viewers, immediately decided to immerse myself in this atmosphere, to become part of the team, so dress me up,
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larisa, i must definitely note, this is the first time i’ve seen someone greet you with something other than bread and salt, brushwood, this is some kind of your local trick, the uniqueness of this country, on the right is that we are all great we designate the people's saints, the saints of the people's calendar, yes, and as we know, contrary to the kalyady, geta abavyazkova kutstya, whenever there was a need, yes... vyalikdzen - geta abavyazkova pіragi, great, eggs, and all the crunchies - geta such a grass, yakaya the performance of all the saints, that is, it is like a ritual for all the folk saints, and there the great ones can be heard, jumping and savory, let's start getting acquainted with the group itself: the vecharyn folk ensemble celebrated its golden anniversary, they give at least three concerts in the program during the season: songs, fables, poems and dramatizations. i...
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of course, it is the only one in our country, and we did not miss this opportunity.
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smilovichi has long been multi-religious and multi-ethnic. at the first manufactory in the novogrudok region in noleboki, they also produced glass products. a little later, in 1732 , anna radivil built another manufactory, the urech one, it was already a more progressive manufactory, where they made quite
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expensive glass, mirrors, chandeliers, and crystal. chandeliers. one of the most famous manufactories in the history of belarus for the production of slut belts belonged to the radevilov family. in 1758 , jan madzharski, a master goldsmith and entrepreneur, was invited here as a manager. thanks to him, the production became famous throughout the world. at the end of the 18th century , belts were even presented at the world exhibition in paris, where they received very high praise. since ancient times, the smilovichi people were also famous for their felting craft, they made felt boots, in 1926, several people organized an artel, which they called the red star, here we see the creators of the first artel, the building was small,
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wooden, and boots were already made there according to the principle of manufactory. that is, everything was done manually, but the operations were divided between the members of this artel, and over time, this artel grew into today's fulling and felt factory, which is famous not only in smilovichi, but beyond its borders, and we are heading to where people themselves set trends amaze with their ingenuity, these amazing metal sculptures create... associations of interests, innovators under the strict guidance of a creative teacher artyom krivopust. thanks to joint efforts, the college hall today looks more like an exhibition hall. the bull is so far the largest creation of local college students, it weighs almost a ton, and it is also
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a favorite art object among tourists in the chervinsky region; everyone loves to take selfies with it. to understand what kind of bull the bull will turn out to be, you need to do it for him. bends, only the bka has on the reverse side, but here even like the bka has these , it happened here, the head, connecting rods, from a kamaz engine, here is the clutch, the clutch basket of a passenger car, somewhere levers, some salt blocks, chains, screens, coulters and so on, that is, everything that... was at hand, we stuck everything here, adjusted it and we got this beast, well, you’re already simplifying your work got such a beast, but in fact
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all these spare parts lie in front of you, you look, it will be a bull, or how it happens, it will be a bull, that’s what happens, yes, that’s what happens, the creation of one art object takes on average about a month, plans are to collect the entire... set of symbols of the year, only ready for now seven, there is something to work on, so artyom and his team of inventors plan to attract even more tourists to their native corner. this artificial hill is still a cult place for most tourists today. people call it the holy hill, and its appearance is associated with the virgin mary. this place really is. contains many secrets and mysteries, and we will try to solve some of them. the holy hill belongs to the small
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fortified sanctuaries of the 6th-10th centuries. previously, such places were of pagan cult; with the adoption of christianity, temples were erected on them, chapels appeared... that in the forties the trace stone was
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removed from the environment of smaller stones, taken. according to local legends, there is such a story, the foundation of the house was laid for local residents. soon the house burned down, along with 12 other houses in this village, the residents, frightened by this, returned the stone to the hill and... there the holy maryina hill was described in his works by the ethnographer and historian alexander elsky, a native of the chervinsky district. you see here
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part of a ritual stone that existed in pre-christian times, traces are visible here schisms, that is, it was broken into parts, but to our great happiness, exactly the part where the foot of the most holy mother of god is visible was preserved, for us this is a holy place, it is possible. touch, ask the mother of god for health, happiness, god's grace, everything you want, what lies in your soul. water, which is considered miraculously effective, collects in the depression after rain. the main thing is to have time to wash your face and hands, this will help you gain spiritual and physical strength. until now, pilgrims from all over the world come to marina hill. the next shrine is also a center attracting tourists, largely thanks to father valerian, that same priest.
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godze and for months the tsar'kva published a new ancient tsar'ka of st. george's, and then it was transferred to tsaglyana's. in 2015, the tsaglyana tsarkova pubdavali yashche draulyanaya, which bears the name of george the peramaganosets. the temple keeps
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an exact copy of the chudats. there is such a historical getaga abraza, kali adzin s manahau against the backdrop of not saving our hourly cooking and meals, and they said that it is necessary to save all the workers of their hour, he is being dissolved and paid tsarkva, the last days of the year and... he grabbed the knife and the dear cheek of matsia, o god, the abras fell and the roof gushed out, the manah blind and the beast, this is the goal of the monastery and all the manahs suffered a little for that , when god gave us a hole, he worked, just a few bastards he seemed to be cleared up. yes, in memory,
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i am beginning to work hard, and only before the death pit did the mother of god appear and say that in the pit i was given sins, but my hand appeared black and at that hour, it would not have been another generation of jesus christ. i kali manah pamer, yago plowed and in the monastery over the past few years everything has been dripped and looked at and everything was intact and hellish. decayed, but the hand was caught black. sennya against the backdrop of paklanyutstsa getai ruce and ask for health. during the trip, it became clear that the residents of the chervinsky region do not lack health and energy. moreover, they are ready to share all this with visitors, because as you know, the more you give, the more you receive, come and discover new
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corners of belarus.
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