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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 4:20am-4:50am MSK

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we are belarusians, dear people, dear ladies, yavrobnaya zamlya, shchyra, syabrjum, sily, kartem, we are about to take care of the fighting land, glorify the land.
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and the same belarus, across the countries, stiflingly crumpled, we have lost our dear people, we loved to earn our own income.
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our beloved mother will live forever and belarus is the friend of the people, the strength of our people is for the victorious solo roads of the forge.
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this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of thursday, may 2, i will tell you, sergey lugovsky, hello, the most pressing popular topic is minibuses, convenient and fast, but is it always according to the law? passenger
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transportation is under the control of the president; today we are waiting for the premiere of the new season of the television project. the monstrous tragedy in odessa is a harbinger of the west’s terrible plans in ukraine. exactly 10 years ago, in the house of trade unions, supporters of euromaidan and changes burned people alive. odessa was called the second khatyn. we learned such lessons from the fascists and understand well what they need from us again, and therefore we honor and are proud of the exploits of our victorious heroes. a new memorial sign has been unveiled near the pronya river. see also in our issue.
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what is the west doing for a ceasefire? spoiler: nothing. details in the new release on the form. obstacle course, forced march , sparring: a real test of courage at the training and tactical training ground of the capital's riot police in garany , the black beret was tested for legality. poland continues to announce its preparations to repel aggression from russia and belarus.
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work for entrepreneurs, the changes apply to individual entrepreneurs who are asked to scale their business, namely to transform into legal entities, the innovation will not affect all entrepreneurs, certain categories will be allowed to enter into their activities, as before, in the status of individual entrepreneurs. what types of work will be left to microbusinesses? the question is still open, but very soon the public will join the discussions. in the government. emphasizes that the innovations are not intended to increase the tax time for business, the main task is to streamline the work of entrepreneurs, create clear and transparent conditions for running their business and at the same time financially support small medium-sized businesses.
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the president also directed the legislator towards this. what quantity entrepreneurs, according to estimates from the ministry of economy , will be affected by the new law and what conditions will be created for business for a painless transition to a new status. almost a quarter of a million, according to the latest data , this is the numerical scale of belarusian individual entrepreneurs. according to the ministry of economy, most of them , as before, will continue to work without regard to the new law; it will affect about 40,000 individual entrepreneurs, that is , less than 20% of those whose activities are not included in
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the pool of permitted ones. it is not yet clear who will remain, only the approaches are known which the developer is guided by, it is recommended to leave mass types of activities in the lists, and that’s just it. one example, if this is some type of activity where, in addition to an individual entrepreneur, he also has an hired person, yes, then of course we were also focused on being more inclined to preserve this type of activity in the list, if we understand that this type of activity is somewhere tied to the implementation of social standards, primarily in the regions, yes, then there is, again, the criterion that says that we... including the interests of everyone, the state, the business community. take into account consumer interests, that is , the focus is not on someone’s immediate benefit, but in the past, it was frankly not always possible to maintain a balance, and the entrepreneur sometimes could not withstand any criticism. individuals every now and then took advantage of loopholes in the laws,
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increasing the scale of the business, and in fact, splitting the company into multiple individual entrepreneurs. others on a larger scale advocated for fair competition. services are sometimes provided the same, and only tax. with organizations, and it’s no secret that the institution of individual entrepreneurship also began to be used to minimize tax obligations due to the fact that, as a rule , the tax burden of an individual entrepreneur is lower, and we came to the moment when we needed to streamline the structure categories of persons who occupy.
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with business unions, the vetsk government numerous dialogue platforms, discussions , the word finally, the presidential verdict, audit business to be, that's the day before. it will become clear which of the individual entrepreneurs will be able to work as before, who have been taken out of the micro-business brackets,
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such individual entrepreneurs will no longer be registered from october 1, for types of activities not included in the list of permitted individual entrepreneurs, the business will be offered to operate under the new status of a legal entity. they emphasize that this is not an obligation, but an opportunity, including going through all re-registration procedures as simply as possible. there is a mechanism for the so-called seamless re-registration of an individual entrepreneur
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the law establishes the requirement that this mode of operation must be maintained at the level that exists today for individual entrepreneurs or micro-organizations with the choice of mode in favor of the business entity. plus, a commercial organization can be registered at the place of residence of an individual, individual entrepreneur, while the payment for utilities remains at the same level as for a citizen. and it’s not just the small ones who will be given financial leverage. as it was before, but also for medium-sized businesses, plus new types of support, for example, reimbursement of part of
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the capital costs for the implementation of investment projects, the development bank will help. in a word, all preferences are known to the decimal point; all that remains is to dot the only types of activities that will be reserved for individual entrepreneurs. in 2 weeks, on may 15, a public discussion of the projects will start, so welcome to the national legal internet portal. however, regardless of who is included in these lists, continuing to work becomes a habit. transparency, business conditions, our order today’s tv premiere is also dedicated to general safety, minibuses, it’s convenient and fast, but is it always according to the law, the new season of the project is under the control of the president, let’s start with the popular topic of passenger transportation, watch right after the panorama. the downside of passenger
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transportation, pronies could independently set up flights ahead of regular carriers, reduce the fare when a legal route becomes criminal, 600 rubles, which i signed for, 400, well, they gave me, it turns out just like that, any stop can be the last one. let's put on the handcuffs! presidential instructions: there must be order in the industry! there is no need to talk to them, i didn’t pay the tax there! and there is! let's ride with the breeze, but according to the law, we will conduct our own little experiment, a joint project of the state control committee of the tv news agency under the control of the president, watch on thursday after the panorama. belaya rus
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launch. new large-scale project time of the strong. experts, analysts and public opinion leaders will hold hundreds of dialogue platforms to discuss the results all-belarusian people's assembly. this decision was made as part of the celebration of the first anniversary of the party. on may 2, 2023, belaya rus was registered by the ministry of justice and has already been able to become a truly people's party , gathering more than 50 thousand people across the country under its banner. in its daily activities, belaya rus relies on government policies and promotes the national interests of belarus and beyond. the very important issue of implementing the decisions of the all-belarus people's assembly was put on the agenda. we discussed how the party will get involved in large-scale work to implement the decisions, the tasks
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that the all-belarusian people's assembly has set for belarusian society and the state, and we will begin this work literally today. oleg romanov is confident in the need for strategic planning of political processes and party activities. an expert analytical center operates on the basis of belaya rus; the structure has already proven itself in practice. on its basis, they developed a unified candidate program, with which representatives parties took part in a single voting day. among the immediate tasks is the development of a development strategy until 2030
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and further development of the party and organization. belaya rus became the locomotive of party activity in the country. the foundations of political culture in society and civic activity aimed at the creation and development of our country are laid. all that worries people is the responsibility of parliamentarians. members of the council of the republic today held a single day of receiving citizens in
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all regions of the gomel region. the coverage is as wide as possible. didn't go unnoticed not a single question. the chairman of the council of the republic, natalya kachanova, worked in the zhlobin district executive committee, her deputy, management and members of standing committees in 17 districts in the regional center of gomel. natalya ignatenko will continue the topic. the trees are dying, we don’t know what to do with them, they are all cracking, the apples are not ripe, the green plums are falling off, well, this is a problem that has remained without a solution for 17 years, this street in the gutter is constantly being flooded.
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financing make the project estimate documentation taking into account all the nuances help people with sanitation, this is the principled position of the speaker of the upper house of parliament,
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voiced to local authorities: not a single problem should be left unattended, today’s reception, of course, everything that people come to us with, we will definitely take control of, this is our tradition, we never leave requests unattended, but i think that... in the top requests, the road topic is also voiced by raisa shalamova. in addition, the pensioner proposes to reconsider the approaches to issuing certificates for the sale of surplus agricultural products from household farmsteads, for a hot topic for villagers. i am encouraged that the questions i came with will now be resolved, how to create a division between people, i have arrived. let's say, a disabled person, as our president said, with two buckets of surplus potatoes, well, let him sell it without a certificate, let's say, or we are talking about tunisians,
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they want to somehow hide behind certificates that they are also engaged in activities, this should not be the case. for vladimir solomeychuk, this is the first appeal to members of the council of the republic; a former employee of the ministry of internal affairs left for well-deserved rest after long service. then he worked in court, he would prefer to receive a pension from his last place of work, but this is not provided for in the pension legislation. i understand that all decisions were made legally, but at least they listened to me, and if possible, my issue will be resolved. it is through dialogue that all problems can be solved, says igor ludsky, chairman of the standing committee of the council of the republic. today he worked in rogachev. the senator noted that there were no acute or deeply problematic issues... registered, but raised current topic of medical care. the head of state pays special attention to the work of this industry, especially in the regions, locally,
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and in the countryside. i should note that today’s visitor, she has already applied quite often, but here, well, the problems are not of a systemic nature, individual aspects of the work of healthcare, explanations were given to the applicant, the attention of local authorities was drawn to, in general. such a more thorough attitude to these problems, yes, sometimes applicants just want to report their problem, just talk, but are pushed away people cannot, nor can they make decisions on the spot, only after understanding each case in detail. for our citizens, every question that people come to an appointment with is important. one of the main goals is to study those problems, whether they are systematic or, conversely, the lack of systematicity in these issues. in order to further analyze them and prepare a proposal for the adoption of legislative acts that will address these issues in a systematic manner. 17
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districts and gomel - a single reception of citizens, today covered all regions of the gomel areas. it is this form of working with people that allows us to identify the most pressing problems and see general trends in their development. unified days of travel to the regions to work with appeals. citizens is of a regular nature for members of the council of the republic, and as a rule, we generally cover all the administrative centers of a particular region, in this case the homer region, after which we will have a meeting of the presidium of the council of the republic, at which the results will be summed up and we let's look at the most typical classical questions, with which citizens of a given region apply to in order to, in general, track possible patterns, colossal work is being done, only last year the council of the republic received it. 700 requests, all of them were monitored from the moment they were received until the issue was resolved. natalya ignatenko and andrey yastrebov, tv news agency.
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monstrous tragedies and inhumane massacres in the odessa house of trade unions - 10 years, may 2, 2014, supporters of the already completely puppet kiev regime. brutal dealt with opponents of euromaidan. ukrainian nationalists herded opponents of the coup into buildings in the city square and then set them on fire. many were burned alive. those who tried to escape were shot, beaten, and mocked. those events became one of the symbols of ukrainian nazism, the organizers of the bloody action were named today by the head of the another ukraine movement, viktor medvedchuk. no one has been officially punished for the massacre, while those in power are those who ideologically followed the criminals, it is pointless to wait for justice,
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as stated. in the russian ministry of foreign affairs, retribution will overtake the perpetrators of the crime in the house of trade unions in odessa. according to the chairman of the federation council valentin matvienko, following the results of the svo , a large tribunal will be needed where all the crimes of the kiev regime will be collected. olga davidovich, about a crime without a statute of limitations. these terrible images spread around the world exactly 10 years ago. recording the deaths of dozens of people live, the screams of people, their desperate attempts to choose. may 2014, residents of odessa, mostly old people and women, then they drove the trade union house into the building and burned it alive, and those who tried to escape by jumping out of the windows were mercilessly shot and beaten. officially, 48
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people died then; causes of death included gunshot wounds, fume poisoning, burn shock, and injuries from a fall. another 200 people were injured. in addition, that day, in clashes on the streets of odessa, six more died at the hands of the nazis. may 2, it seems like the day after a wonderful holiday, the day of solidarity of the working people of all times it was, but since the fourteenth year, this is a terrible date for the revival of nazism. fascism on earth did not fit into the format of perception, as in the city of odessa, in the city of the hero, who took upon themselves the suffering of the great patriotic war , this rabble was suddenly reborn. in fact, the kiev regime repeated what hitler’s executioners did 81 years ago in the belarusian khatyn. it was not by chance that neo-nazis chose odessa for the most monstrous massacre. in their minds
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, she remained the most.
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parubey, kolomoisky and his henchman igor palitsa, who led the action on the spot, because of its successful implementation, he was appointed governor of the odessa region on may 6 of the same year. however, the club is not the only one whose career took off after these bloody events. what can we say about punishment, no one suffered it. for example, parubiy, the future deputy is a successful businessman. in addition to setting fire to his fellow citizens in the house of trade unions,
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he is accused as the head of the ukrainian national security and defense council. russia in carrying out a punitive operation in the donbass, as the commandant of two maidans, is responsible for the anti-maidan activists tortured in basements, execution of his own heavenly hundred. ilya avakov, the main long-liver in the ukrainian cabinet of ministers, resigned as minister of internal affairs only in 2021, went into the shadows and returned to commerce, which he was engaged in back in the nineties, but he gets a pretty penny not only from his old business. at the height of the svo, he bought the largest hazelnut orchard in transcarpathia with an area of ​​900 hectares.


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