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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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good morning belarus, good morning belarus. good morning, dear friends, a new day on belarus 1 tv channels from the belarus 24 satellite, we, mariana marinkova, anna quilori, are starting with you, and we hasten to announce that today is may 3, and this is friday, we didn’t expect 6:00, yes, wake up , wake up to our voice, to our good mood. we hope
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that it will also be passed on to you, you said, yes, today is may 3rd, may 3rd said 6:00, may 3rd, friday, i just want to emphasize once again that we are celebrating the third day of may, the weather is so good, us on yard, although the temperatures will drop a little, because this sunday it will be easter, we are also preparing for it, but people say that this is somehow connected, the temperature always drops a little, friends, you are probably all already preparing to bake kulechi, if you bake them, or make curd paskas.
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my friends, we congratulate you on all the holidays that have already arrived today and the upcoming ones, just in case, we also congratulate you, and we want to wish you to spend this friday well, fruitfully, so that you can also have a good, fruitful rest, wake up, we will not touch on the pain that... is associated with the disease, only the doctor deals with this after finding out the cause, the so-called growing pains or growing pains stand apart, in science it is called schlater syndrome, what is it and why does it occur? the fact is that during a period of intensive growth, and this is, as a rule, from 10 to 16 years, in a child in the distal part of the bone, the distal part is the one that is located at... the edges there are growth zones
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in which the cells are very are dividing very intensively, due to these zones the bone grows and as the skeleton grows, due to the increased load in these areas, so-called aseptic, that is, non-microbial inflammation, can occur. in such a situation, the child feels pain, especially with exertion, the pain is long-lasting in the legs, it can be very intense, in these areas, especially below the knee joint, below the kneecap, tuberosity may occur, an increase in the size of the bone even to such a size that we visually from a distance, we see that this place is starting to increase, what should we do about it? well, first of all, contact a doctor or a surgeon to determine that this is indeed schlater syndrome, that these are growth diseases. the second is limiting the load, the most important thing in such a situation is limiting the load, medications. procedures
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in this situation insofar as they are not fundamental, there may be exemption from physical education, there may be cessation of sports activities, up to the actual cessation, or reduction of the load to such an extent that reduces the intensity of pain. if you have reduced the load, the pain has become less, then under after some time, no sooner than six months, under the supervision of a doctor, you can try loading. increase, but schlater syndrome suggests that the load on the body in these growth zones exceeds the physical one; if the load exceeds the physical one, one must be very careful.
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and good morning belarus is such a fiery song to help you wake up, cheer up, but it seems to me that right now. such a time has come simply as a golden time, when nature itself favors our awakening, you wake up, and there is the sun, there are already birds they sing, yes raspberries, of course, i wanted to remind you that all this week we lived like a holy week before easter, of course, every day has its own meaning, today is great or good friday, of course, the religious world has its own traditions, here are ours ancestors believed that if you wake up early in the morning on this day, yes, on terrible friday , for example, you will be the first to go to the window. to see a bird, then this is good news, and if a young man, then to good health, like this, and if a young woman is not alone, and not in the window, on tv, then this is generally good, for a good mood, that’s it, friends, without false modesty, as they say, and well, maryana vasilievna and i are ready to share our plans for
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the next 3 hours of our broadcast. so, let's look: rich history, a new observation deck and various recreation options, why is the august canal a must-see this tourist season and beyond? will tell about the boyarsky forest. let's find out how the one who makes our country's mornings good, the line operator at the confectionery factory, marina yakovets, the main character of the new issue of the profession section. we also continue to teach you how to shop wisely. yes, our buy section is responsible for this. today we'll all take a look at the vegetable department together. and what could be better than a friday movie marathon with friends, you take care oho. company, and maryana morenkova has already chosen the film for the evening for you. read more about it in our regular column about film premieres. yes, i hope that you will definitely like the two paintings that i have chosen for you. well, by the way, this is not all the plans for today. in the second part of our broadcast, we’ll talk to the general producer
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of the belarusian radio anton vasyukevich and find out what awaits the residents of the capital’s guests tomorrow, the fourth of may, as part of a loud musical and interactive show dedicated to the radio day itself. today we celebrate radio day, that’s it, that’s right , by the way, between probably, but wait, wait , i’m wrong, friends, we celebrate television on may 7th, anna is in a hurry to live, yes, in the third part, according to tradition, we will talk with svetlana koshitskaya on delicious topics in our section from a nutritionist and i hear, let’s prepare our stomachs for a rich feast, because in addition to orthodox easter, other may holidays await us ahead, yes, well, right now i want to say, oatmeal sir, but baked oatmeal. yes, our anatoly moiseev is still a gourmet, no matter what he comes up with, yes, let's write down a new recipe, good morning, today we are preparing a healthy
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breakfast, but healthy does not mean tasteless, and i will prove this to you, if you are bored with traditional oatmeal, then baked oatmeal with chocolate and banana - this is what you need, it is satisfying and most importantly delicious way to start a new day. we will need oatmeal, banana, milk, yogurt, chocolate, cocoa and baking powder. place a glass of oatmeal into a blender bowl and blend until it becomes flour. peel a ripe banana, break it into small pieces and add to oatmeal. pour in a glass of warm water. we also add a teaspoon of cocoa, half a spoon of baking powder and a pinch of salt. mix everything thoroughly, pour the mixture into a bowl and add some whole oatmeal for texture. mix. fill the prepared baking dish
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oatmeal, but leave a couple of tablespoons for later. make a layer of thick yogurt on top, cover with the remaining oat mixture, and decorate. pieces of chocolate and bake for 20 minutes at 180°. we decorate the finished dish with coconut flakes and enjoy the incredible taste. the oatmeal casserole turns out very beautiful, crispy on the outside, soft and tender on the inside. it's nutritious enough for breakfast but tastes like a delicious dessert. completely vegan, gluten free, refined sugar free and prepared only from the healthiest ingredients. sweets can be healthy too, enjoy your meal and have a nice day. the tv news agency
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presents an overview of popular print and online publications. at a meeting on rural development and increasing agricultural efficiency. the farmers of the sludsk region did not remain aloof from promising trends. thus, the agricultural enterprise sludsky sorodelny plant is vigorously implementing gps monitoring. about 90% of equipment is equipped with gps trackers. this allowed us to save almost 100 tons of diesel fuel last year, which is 5% of the total volume. the fields have been digitized, now specialists are entering all the information into the system, which is what the agricultural producers of the sludsk region have relied on, read on the pages of the rural newspaper. the market situation changes from year to year, and this affects demand. bsu is closely monitoring
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changes and analyzing the demand for specialists for the next five years. this helps ensure a 100% distribution of graduates in the future. this year, bsu students received their first jobs in the largest companies and enterprises of belarus, scientific institutes, customs committee, law enforcement agencies, editorial and publishing institutions, banking organizations, institutions. education and it companies, it is noteworthy that there remains a stable rate of requests from payers for help in finding their first job; belt journalists talked with the rector of the belarusian state university. by may 9, a special holiday banner was hung on independence square in minsk. a hand-knitted fabric 40 m high was placed on the building of the pedagogical university. blue sky as a symbol of peaceful life. golden. a star killed by a victory ribbon, a front-line album with yellowed photos, the emblem of the eightieth anniversary
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of the liberation of belarus, symbols that are significant for every belarusian were woven into a single and effective picture. the meticulousness of the work is amazing, the canvas measures 40x18 meters, it contains 66 modules, each of which has 120 flags of various colors and shades. read more in the materials of the minsk news agency. june 1st starts regularly. passenger air transportation between the belarusian capital and russian ulyanovsk. it is planned that flights will be operated once a week on saturdays by the russian airline on a sukhoi superjet aircraft. the plane will depart from ulyanovsk at 19:50 local time and arrive in minsk at 21:20. departure from the belarusian capital is at 14:15, arrival in ulyanovsk is at 17:35. travel time is on average 3:20. the time difference between cities is 1 hour. ticket price. without luggage 260 rub. the newspaper sb belarus today will talk about a new air route. everything you wanted to know about
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the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. with the name of prince izeslav the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl, is associated. this city was founded in 985 this year by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedi and yaseslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, instructed, and reconciled them. she paid attention to the elderly , delved into their infirmities, and helped their needs spiritually and financially. and she especially raised the younger generation in love for god and devotion to the homeland.
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should be as productive as possible.
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yes, and if you don't wake up from our loud voice, then you will probably wake up, wake up from the following sweet news. so, a new addition to the madrid zoo, the big pandas jinshi and juyu have arrived from heaven. they will replace another punk couple at the zoo in the spanish capital, which returned home with their cubs almost 2 months ago.
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they lived in madrid for more than 10 years; for the air transportation of the new zoo stars, they prepared a special flight and... cages so that the black and white bears could move freely and relax. after the pandas arrived in madrid, they were placed in special enclosure, in the near future they will need to adapt to their new home, chinese specialists will monitor this. it is planned that they will stay with the bears for about 3 months. let us recall that china actively shares pandas with different countries, but at the same time they are offspring and remain the property of the country, that is, china. yes, but we have already repeatedly talked about... that there is such a concept of diplomacy, like the chinese one, yes, when they give, when they give for use, so that the whole world also enjoys these cute animals, now zenshi and juyu arrived when they came to their homeland, they are now teaching spanish to other pandas in china, perhaps, but they learned it in 10 years, they have a siesta, let's finish this, stop it, yes,
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let's better continue this topic, which is probably a win-win for every broadcast , animal, yes, i think it’s endless... look at it, and we’ll talk about limurs, yes, the capital zoo of our country also boasted of a new addition on its social networks, in fact, as maryana vasilyevna said, lemurs, yes, a happy family lemurov, now can rightfully be called a large family, in my opinion, this is an excellent reason to visit the capital’s zoo, and i read the other day that limur’s tail turns out to be larger than his body, you understand, he also needs this tail for something in life, you know, it’s so beautiful , striped, striped, and also i read that lemurs... can sleep up to 16 hours a day, i’m a little limur when i’m tired, and i found out that the main song, which it seems to me, is already associated with lemurs almost all over the world, thanks to the cartoon madagascar, i like to move it, move it, me this seems like a great song for doing your morning exercises, so please turn it up loud and let's do some morning exercises, so to speak, to stretch our
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joints. good morning belarus, good morning country, well, let ’s get ready to exercise, let’s do a warm-up, let’s get to work, stand up straight, put your feet wide, raise your arms until they are parallel to the floor, turn your torso to the right side, then. starting position, turn the body to the left side, return to the starting position, we make sure that when turning the pelvis remains in place,
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how many repetitions should be performed? we perform this exercise 10-12 times, which is plenty for your fitness level. what mistakes can we make when performing this exercise? the main mistake is that we lower our elbows down, and we also need to pay attention to a straight back when performing the exercise. cool exercise and easy , now i want to keep my back straight. yes, most importantly, it is suitable for anyone level of physical fitness. sort it out!
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we all rush after miracles, but there are no miracles like that land under heaven where the roof of your house is. where is the roof of your house, and if suddenly you feel sad, then sadness does not mean anything when you know that under the sun there is the roof of your house, there is the roof of your house.
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any moment of grief, every single one will disappear, as soon as you remember the blue stars on the roof of your house, above the roof of your house. the world is full of the joy of happiness, but the native land is miles away from everything, and it’s so wonderful to return under roof of the house. my house, i will cover my house.
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we need to spend the whole friday in an active mood, but at least the morning together. mariana murenkova, anna quiloria, we are glad to wake you up today, and anya also has the latest information about the weather, right anya? i hope, dear friends, you saw this, well, now we can start actually announcing the synoptic indicators, in minsk, this afternoon, wow, +18 +20, in brest up to 25, naturally, with a plus sign, +16 +18 in vitebsk, 18:20° the temperature will be in gomel, in grodno until 24.
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the weather will recover, there will be a big weekend, they will go on trips around our amazingly beautiful country, specifically to the augustow canal, for example, yes, dear friends, we really have a lot of amazing sights, if we are talking about the goroden region, i cannot help but join the above. by the way, few people know that the augustow canal is a very beautiful attraction, of course, but initially in the 19th century it was not built for entertainment, it was such a very solid transport artery, it connected. two rivers the vistula and neman, in fact, thanks to this there was access to the baltic sea in the north, to the black sea in the south, this is a unique hydraulic structure, i know that, in my opinion, 102 km,
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and longer. the total length, yes, part is on polish territory, part is on belarusian territory, well, of course, our part, it is now very ennobled, very beautiful, this is really a place of attraction for all grodno residents, in principle, all those who come to visit the grodno region, well, you can’t leave it’s impossible to leave grodno without visiting the augustow canal, without new emotions, i know that there are only three such canals in the world , one of them, our augustovsky, you understand what kind of canal it is, how unique it is...
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this is an ambitious project of the 19th century, one of the largest in europe. the famous grodno canal is located in a specially protected unesco zone. this outstanding hydraulic structure was built in 1824-1839. at that time, the canal provided access to the baltic sea on one side and the black sea on the other. changed fences at rest areas, repaired pedestrian bridges, the houses have been painted, the piers have been replaced or restored, and at the beginning of june it is planned to celebrate the bicentenary at the nemnovo shipping lock. the holiday
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begins. from the solemn procession there will be a brass band, there will be folk groups, the workers have also tidied up the recreation areas, repaired the waterworks, erected a new observation deck, which is also accessible to people with disabilities, the idea to build this gazebo arose in order to improve recreation mainly for people with disabilities limited capabilities to be able to to hide from the rain so that there would be...
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the idea of ​​​​creating a canal was born during the time of king stanisław august poniatowski. its construction began after prussia imposed high duties on the transport of goods to the baltic ports. and in 1824, the project of the augustow canal was approved by emperor alexander i himself. it is with this sign that every tourist who comes here is photographed. i am no exception to relax, walk through beautiful places, ride cycling routes, kayak, enjoy a catamaran, and also take a boat trip, all this can be done on the augustow canal. the duration of our boat trips is usually an hour-long trip, everyone wants
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to ride with a lock. therefore, the ship goes with one lock through the dombrovka shipping lock and returns back to the pier. well, i'm ready for my unforgettable journey. by the way, the most luxurious view always opens at the stern. based on this water line, we can assume that we have already descended 3 m. holidays in these places will bring pleasure to lovers of beautiful nature, architecture and history. just look at the gatekeeper's house, not to mention the attractions of the nearest settlements. and here is the most interesting moment:
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the water has reached the required level... the gate opens in it, by the way, it opens manually. having walked here, i want to say one thing: if you want to get a charge of positive emotions, then welcome to the augustow canal.
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i put the clothes for you in my thoughts and there i soil my soul and there i soil everything with my soul. perada me, a flock of kutochs, then the jumping skin, the wings of the sun, god, and the flowers
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of the creature with a pile, abnyayashy cesta over the water. when you are young it’s time to eat, and in the evening it’s time to eat. i love you, my berach is dear, dzyalitstsa nem, silver-water, stupid, dze friendly charm,
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flock like weights over the voodoo. my dear ones, how dear you are to me, forget you, i am dying, forget you, i am not dying, my family.
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my dear kut, how dear you are to me, forget you, i can muster the strength to forget. my dear kut, thanks to ruslan likhno for such an amazing performance, these were shots from the slavic bazaar last year, and already a new one is almost coming, yes, but let’s go back to today, today is may 3, and the professional holiday is celebrated by those whose work is related to the confectionery business, oh, we congratulate all the confectioners, i said at the beginning of the broadcast that every woman, yes every man is a bit of a confectioner at heart, it seems to me that this part of creativity exists in every person, and you know what’s interesting, it turns out that the first confectionery products are honey, yes, and the pharaohs there 2.0 years ago
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enjoyed honey itself, plus nuts or plus fruits, what we love now, it was some kind of exquisite dish, and only then 800 years ago licorice appeared, which was made from licorice, this is... that famous remedy that, at least in my family, they like to treat the throat , cough, yes, cough, yes, it boosts the immune system, you can imagine, everything is interconnected, in principle, everything can be returned to normal, not consumed. some kind of chemical sweets and licorice and honey, and sugar, when cane sugar appeared in 850, in my opinion, sugar appeared, ours is not accurate, this is not accurate, friends, double check, it seems that it was in india, but in general the word confectioner, as far as i know, has latin or even italian roots, so the italians are usually called one of the best confectioners in the world, and the french are also true, well, yes, well, it’s no wonder, of course, that perhaps the italians became the first confectioners, because... they will come up with a dessert out of everything, but we remember that the sponge cake dried up, they
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diluted it with cream, it’s already so great, i would say dessert, let’s remember the national belarusian dessert, i read here that it turns out that our belarusian peasants mostly did not have confectionery products, but they had confectionery drinks, and, for example, the famous kulaga, such a sour-berry product, it seems to me that today is a good reason to remember this ancient recipe and prepare it, friends, in general, a confectionery shop. ..
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friends, now we’re going to visit a confectionery factory and find out how line operator marina yakovets starts her day. my name is marina mikhailovna, i am a line operator. at a confectionery factory, my morning usually begins with sending the children, some to school, who's off to college, after i've sent everyone off, i can devote a little time to myself, then i get to work, come to work, first of all i say hello to the team, to my employees, see what we have planned, what's the task for the work shift , that's it, let's get to work, we have
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a small team, nine people, i'm the foreman, we always help each other, we always help out, somewhere we can replace each other, replace each other, my mother worked at this confectionery factory, uh, when we were kids , my sister and i often came here, we really liked it, and i decided to connect my life with... with this sweet factory, i came here in 2001, and as a packaging machine operator, i met my future husband here, he also worked here for a long time, after two maternity leave i moved to a slightly different workshop, went to packaging, designer of finished products. i have a crazy sweet tooth since childhood, my whole family also loves chocolate,
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i like my job because there is a lot of variety, every day we have a new product, new chocolate, new fillings, i love my job because it makes good morning to my country.
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today we choose spring onions. this vegetable is a source of fetoncides, plant, volatile, biologically active substances that have antimicrobial properties, so it is useful to eat onions regularly. but in reasonable quantities, and adding onions to food allows you to reduce the salt content in it and increase the benefits of food for the heart and blood vessels. let's figure out how to choose a good bow. let's start with weight. a fairly dense, weighty onion, i will say that there is no developing disease, no one lives there in
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terms of parasites and pests. if the seed manufacturer, the originator of the variety , declares one maximum size of the bulb, an onion several times larger awaits us, then this will indicate the unfair use of nitrates, evaluate the condition of the husk: there should not be a lot of it, but it should have shine, this speaks about the correct storage of onions, also pay attention that there are no spots, dots or traces of insect activity on the surface of the onion, in the area the roots should not have plaque, signs of mold or too much soil accumulation. very often onions, which... have a long time interval from the manufacturer to the counter, are deprived of their covering nonsense, partially or completely; you should not refuse such an onion, but it makes sense to use them first. there should be no wet areas on the surface of the onions; if such places still smell strongly, then the vegetable is definitely spoiled. by the way, about
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the aroma, don’t be shy and be sure to appreciate it. a quality onion has a characteristic smell, but it will not be pungent. or cloying, also, when we choose an onion, we need to understand that any sprouts that appear are minus density, minus moisture in the bulb itself, so we choose either a full-fledged onion without missing sprouts in the form of green stalks, or we then buy full-fledged feathered green onions . the lighter the onion, the more pungent the taste it will have. this vegetable is ideal for canning and long-term storage. purple onions are suitable for salads, they contain more sugar and less hot. so, a good onion should be dry with a small amount of shiny skin, and don’t forget about the aroma, it should be present, but not pungent, quality healthy purchases.
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the heroes of our program are outstanding characters, buried in their right hand, when you move on and think, what can be done so that it has such a sound, so that there are a lot of highs, and a lot of lows, and the balalaika is very difficult to achieve on a small instrument such a balance of sound. familiarity is a bright victory, and you take it, fragile young the girl is 2-3 kg, and you need a whole performance to play for her. work, dance, hold your hand this way and that, so you pump up and so on, until now, you feel, this is a puppet theater artist, someday, well, when possible, we will have such an area, we will try to do it, it would be nice, for this museum to be combined with a workshop, for not just people to come to the museum, but also
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to come and see how it’s done, and to allow the work to understand the soul of the belarusian people, my only dream is that we will... all be healthy, so that there is peace and of course to live and work and also do something for people, even if it’s small, watch the belarus project on our tv channel, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, we also decided not to look at overseas countries and came to the belarusian city where alexander vasilievich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time and we set off into...
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landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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today you are greeted amazingly a beautiful warm may third day called "friday, yes, wake up, and meanwhile in los angeles the premiere of the film stunt men of the new action film
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by david licce took place. the main roles in the film were played by ryan gosling, emily bland, aaron taylor johnson, winston duke and stephanie xu. stuntmen of the re-imagining of the series of the same name, which was released in the eighties of the last century. in the center of the plot is stuntman colt seavers, played by ryan gosling, after a break in his career, he finds himself on a film set . high budget jodi morena, sievers' ex-girlfriend, is not very happy to see her ex-boyfriend on the set of her debut film. suddenly the main star of the film disappears and sivers is tasked with finding him. the stuntman, armed with professional skills, goes on dangerous adventures to regain both the actor and the trust of jody morena. according to many critics, the comedy and romantic action film has every chance of becoming a hit. the film hits the big screens today. well, you understand, anna valerievna told us everything, why do we need it now? go, that’s it, there was no spoiler, and it’s unclear how it will end,
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this film hasn’t premiered in theaters yet, but i look into the eyes of ryan gosley, and he looks into my eyes, and he tells you, i’m not a ken now, i’m a seavers now, well you see, there are many wonderful films in our domestic cinemas, and they are also shown, so i have prepared for you a selection of films that every belarusian should definitely see, so let’s watch. yesterday a high-profile domestic premiere started in all cinemas of the country, it’s time to return, a historical drama based on real events, the belarusian film was directed by belarusian director ivan pavlov. the film became a cinematic dedication to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the plot of the tape will tell about the unique actions of the belarusian partisans, which gave important tactical advantages to the soviet troops during the offensive. operations bagration to the prototype of the main characters of the picture are real people, for example, ivan rolkov, our compatriot hero of the soviet union, as well as uzbek
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mamadali topvaldyev at the request of kazbek, whom gidler considered a personal enemy, because he had hundreds of amazing heroic deeds in his arsenal, for example, he single-handedly rescued 140 people from captivity; in the premiere film, their images were embodied by andrei senkin and alexey takharov, however, there are selections of heroes, films and fictional characters that came off literally. on the page of the script from wartime photographs , by the way, the working title of the film initially sounded like if we don’t die, this is a phrase from one of the heroes of the film by a three-year-old child. the filming took place on the territory our country, specifically in the smolevichi and berezensky reserves. for filming , artificial rain was created and the swamp for the scenes was chosen from eight, literally measuring the depth with one’s own hands for the safety of the actors. work on the film time to return began on june 23 last year, the date makes sense, because it was on june 23 in forty-four that the fateful operation bogration for our country started, 35 days, that’s how long
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the entire filming process lasted, the budget of the film was about 4 million rub. well, we move on and on the film agenda is the film mexican director michel franco, memory. a little about the personality of the author, michel franco himself is known in the world of cinema as someone who does not strive to become hollywood, calmly films a quiet family film for himself. dramas, although sometimes there are more expressive films. in general, a creator searching for himself. his paintings are consistently presented at festivals. this time in venice the memory remained . leading actor peter sarzgard received the wolpe cup for best actor. by the way, he was paired with the inimitable jessica chistain. in the center of the new film sylvia single mother and social worker. she, like many people on this planet, is struggling with her past. and he is sol, a young man. suffering from dementia, it turns out that their destinies once crossed in high school, and again a romance begins between the young people. by the way,
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franco’s new film will throw us back a little to his work twelve years ago, my name. to his triumphant film in competition, a special look at cannes after lucia, how the author connects the dramatic lines of different films, what the new film by the mexican director with bold font will emphasize, is modern man healthy, what social and mental issues does michel franco raise in his premiere. find out for yourself, in the cinema seat. well, maryana vasilievna, well, master, of course, you’ll be so intrigued, so intrigued that you’ll just go straight ahead and be there. look for cinemas fili has a good memory, well, if there is something in the torus for the film, this is a guarantee that tomorrow on saturday at 9:15 we will all turn on the tv channel belarus 1 and we will greet the morning, and together with our dear beloved svetlana borovskaya, well, right now, what we will do, we will watch the announcement of where she will go, in fact, in tomorrow’s program, which you just mentioned, this saturday svetlana borovskaya.
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zassenitsa, you see, my homeland makes fashionable cheeses, don’t turn your beautiful mustache away from the camera, you’re probably starting to feel dizzy from this work, look for the center here, if you show this piece, the rating will skyrocket, which surprises senitsa secondary school number two , what kind of farm products can be found at the local market who transform siberian trees into works of art.
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friends, right now we are ready to tell you the weather forecast for today and even this morning. so, if you haven’t opened the windows or left the house yet, here are your morning indicators. please, in minsk +6 +8 to 12° celsius, in brest, +4 +6 in vitebsk, the same indicators in mogilev, in gomel up to 8° celsius, in grodno +10 +12. how
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will the picture change during the day? anna valerievna, she will change significantly, yes. maybe after all it won't be up to 30°, but it will also be hot, this is the stu map, click on the weather button, click, here it is where it is with us, look up to 20° in our capital region in brest up to 25 + 16 + 18 this is vitebsk the region, of course, it’s cooler there, to the north, +18 +20 here in gomel in grodno up to 24 degrees celsius and +17 +19 in the mogilev region, great beautiful friday, it seems to me that for may 3 it’s just somehow unique. wonderful weather, but as we said before, don’t relax, it will get a little colder, well , just a little, just a little, but friends, we we are sure that yes, this will not prevent orthodox believers from celebrating easter, the brightest holiday is ahead, yes, the nativity of christ, i apologize , sunday of christ, yes, well, excuse me, i started talking, live broadcast, friends, what is the broadcast, yes, well, right now all orthodox christians
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have been preparing for easter for the whole holy week, and already yesterday. today they are making keys, painting eggs, tomorrow there will be a service, they will provide coverage, and by the way, be sure to turn on the tv channels of the belty radio company, namely belarus 1 and belarus24, because at 23:30 there will be a live broadcast of divine services, well, on sunday we will all really celebrate the bright holiday of easter, and next week, friends, will also be full of various holidays, for example, on may 7 in our country they will celebrate the day of radio-television communications workers, our colleagues, we will congratulate next tuesday. today in the second part of our broadcast we will talk with the general producer of the belarusian radio anton vasyukevich and find out what awaits the residents of the capital's guests tomorrow as part of a loud musical and interactive show dedicated to radio day well, you understand that there will be a very interesting conversation, besides this, traditionally on fridays we expect our famous nutritionist svetlana kashitskaya to visit, she always has something interesting, that’s what we
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’ll talk about today, how to improve your diet, how to look good for summer, be sure to turn it on. in the third hour and the information will be useful for you, friends, well, in literally, well, 20, well, maybe 15 minutes, we will return to this studio to tell you again, before the leakers there were a lot of mistakes, for example, galen he completely believed that the center of the cardiovascular system was the liver, the ancient people liked sour wine, they began to add it to food and use it in medicine. we ask the most
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exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend the life of the most important organ of the human body. we have long established clinics; we mainly use our own mechanical ones. the prostheses are absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models. look in the science nearby project, at tv channel belarus 24. belarus captivated them at first sight. first of all, probably, when you get to the republic of belarus, you are impressed by the cleanliness, first of all, the cleanliness, neatness, now having lived here for 7 years, i understand that this is...
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may 3rd friday, i’ll tell you what events we start this day with, vladislav bundar, good morning, watch the episode, the time of the strong is coming.


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