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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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about what these codes are for, they told me, don’t worry, everything is fine, i received a message that money had been debited from my card, i turned them off, realized that they were scammers and immediately contacted the police, according to these facts , employees of the anti-cybercrime department of the frunensky rvd conducted inspections and initiated criminal cases. the police remind you, do not click on links sent by strangers and do not install the application on your mobile phone at the request of third parties. next on air review of criminal and emergency incidents. deadly accident in the varshansky district. last morning, on the m-8 highway, vitebsk-gomel, the ukrainian border, a truck driver hit a minibus that was about to turn. as a result of the accident, the driver of the gazelle died on the spot from his injuries. a car was on fire at the entrance to a shopping center in grodno. the emergency happened the day before on the street of soviet border guards. according to eyewitnesses, the renault driver saw it. the heat under the hood
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tried to put out the fire, but soon the flame spread into the car interior and was extinguished rescuers caught fire, a citroen parked nearby was injured, glass broke and the paint was charred, experts are investigating the cause of the incident. a pensioner in the slutsk region ran out of metal flooring, a local machine operator decided to help a fellow villager with cleaning the site, dismantled the roof of the cellar and sold it for scrap. the woman did not expect such work, especially... she did not ask to restore order, the police quickly identified the secret assistant, and a criminal case was opened for theft. instead of studying at school, she was engaged in prostitution, a pimp under guards, an investigation into the organization and use of three girls for prostitution has been completed in minsk. a year ago , a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl from the smalevichi district met an eighteen-year-old guy who told about unusual earnings, he selects clients, the money is divided in half. initially. i didn’t like
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her friend’s idea, but a few months after a serious conflict with her mother, the girl decided to take a desperate step. last may , the teenager went to her first order. after providing sexual services the girl earned $200, half of which she gave to her employer. having received such an impressive amount, the minor willingly agreed to the following proposal: the schoolgirl did not see anything reprehensible in her activity. she continued to go to school, and on weekends she went to work in minsk. parents didn’t... two of his friends, who were familiar with the intricacies of the profession, got a job. gradually, the young pimp began to serve foreigners, but at the end of the year he was detained, and then the scale was revealed secret business. i ordered a wholesale batch of wallets for 300 euros on instagram and was left with nothing. capital city became a victim of scammers on
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the internet, the buyer was attracted by the price of italian leather accessories, but the pleasant offer was not just like that. to continue the correspondence, the buyer was redirected to a telegram chat, where she was sent details for paying for the goods, a personal card of an individual with a foreign name and a contact phone number, i said that i would call and ask if i could transfer money, they said that you can’t dial, no one will pick up the phone, this is supposedly data only for transferring the amount itself. the owner did not hide the fact that alcohol was brewed here on an industrial scale; this is not the first time that the owner of the production has received a fine from the confiscation of products, semi-finished products of the apparatus itself. it was a project, our news.
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wake up, ana quiluri maryana morenkovaya, today we greet you with this amazing, warm, may, beautiful friday, yes, the last working day, the third day, and you wanted, friday, yes, you won’t wake up if we don’t shout, friends, ahead the long-awaited weekend, of course, weather forecasters promise warm weather, well, it will become a little colder than it was on all these days, when it was almost, but this is traditional, it seems to me that before easter the degree always drops a little, synoptically, in any case, dears. friends, as we tune in to the day, so it will pass, you know, no weather can interfere with a good mood, yes, we invite you to now comprehend such a very important wisdom, yes, how you greet saturday morning is how you will spend the next week, of course , and
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weekends too, and weekends and in general throughout life they hinted, dear friends, that every saturday at 9:15 you need to greet the morning with svetlana borovskaya, well, let's see right now.
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watch satellite belarus 24, including necessarily friends, and we remind you that at the moment in the studio on makayunka 9 with you maryana murenkova and anna kviloriya this sunday, may 5, in a special super lotto draw 20,000 rubles are being drawn in the main round,
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as well as many other prizes. buy tickets on the lotto website. i am history. nature. good morning, connections? good morning, communications. so share the news. the day before, brest met the victory combat vehicle, a heavy tank of the is family. it was delivered on the initiative of the regional military commissariat on the eve of the celebration of victory day and the eightieth anniversary. he has temporarily registered in one of the military units of the brest garrison, where he will be renewed and put in order by may 9, everyone will have the opportunity to see him, because he will march in
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a parade along lenin street as part of 79 units of weapons and equipment. this is the first news. the route of her three-day press tour ran to the places of memory and military glory of belarus, brest became its end point, the south ural guests will present their impressions of visiting our country and its iconic places, including the mound of glory, khatyn, stalin’s defense line, the breda hero fortress and the dudutki museum complex in their materials on returning to homeland. in particular, here, the russians met with members of the belarusian union of journalists and exchanged experiences and impressions. a small announcement: interesting projects, joint forums and reciprocal pressure will not keep you waiting and
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tourists who will come will keep themselves waiting, i’m sure after these materials published by chelyapinsk journalists, yes, we are sure that their trip was productive, come to us again, well , what are we continuing, and the most interesting thing is that the first belarusian unmanned tractor is being tested at brest technical university. the minsk tractor plant transferred it there. the students already have experience in agricultural automation. they got down to business with enthusiasm. the university will have to improve the security system, navigation and other characteristics so that without a pilot he can work in the field. it will be started using a remote control and has a top speed of 38 km/h. it is assumed that the unit with a capacity of 350 horsepower will be able to work 24x7. which means it will significantly speed up the execution of field work, as far as technology has come, that is, well, here, the tractor will be
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working there somewhere for 24 hours, can you imagine, and you can still be at this moment, for example, in a cool room somewhere, yes, so as not to be scorched, a great find, we wish it soon was already functioning, well, our story, finally, in the security department of the ministry of internal affairs of belarus, open competitions were held in... service all-around specialists, dog handlers. not only belarusian, but also russian specialists took part in the starts. the winners of the competition were representatives of the brest regional department of security, junior dog handler andrei rogov and his partner dog berkut. our correspondent met the champions. colleagues. oh, you know how to end the inclusion, of course, so cute and beautiful news. thank you very much for the wonderful selection. let's look at the story. andrey rogov began serving in the kobrin department of the security department as a policeman in
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a police platoon. it was there that i became more familiar with the specialty of a dog handler. all my life, almost my entire childhood, i was with dogs in the house, so this was not new for me. already in brest, andrei trained as a dog handler and continued his service here. it is recognized that it is especially important when working with dogs. approach to each four-legged animal, coercion or aggression in the process education is a big mistake, the dog needs to be felt, we negotiate with him, we do not force the dog, it is by selecting motivation that we try to speak his language. hard training, the determination of both partners, and most importantly their friendly communication, all this helped to achieve impressive achievements in competitions. for me to compete - the competition took place over
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5 days and included a general and special training course, service biathlon, and overcoming an obstacle course. andrey rogov and berkut received five out of six possible diplomas, showing impressive results. very painstaking preparation of our team. non-standard methods and approaches to training our service dogs allowed us to achieve great success; in the entire history of all-around, we have never been able to achieve such results. the champion himself is pleased with the results achieved, and berkut is also pleased with the tasty encouragement from the owner, but they do not reveal the secret of success and the subtleties of training. i will never give these secrets away, so everything worked out for us, yes it certainly exists, it certainly exists. and this dog, who, with whom i have become in this status of champions, he
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lives in my apartment, he can sleep with me on the couch, that is, we, we are partners. andrei rogov and his four-legged partner berkut will continue to serve, perhaps next year they will take part in the championship again to take an unconditional victory. hello everyone, on the air wow news, in the frame nastya rudskaya, on the agenda is a digest of current news from the internet universe, turn up the tv volume to the maximum, because right now i’ll tell you how to fulfill your dream of starting a career
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as a tv presenter, how old is the oldest gorilla on the planet in which city of belarus was the large-scale event held? the festival will be covered by our mobile correspondents. you are between 18 and 40 years old, you have long dreamed of becoming a tv presenter. then this news is for you. bel tv and radio company invites students to attend courses in the educational program “specifics of the work of a tv and radio presenter.” famous teachers, famous presenters and reporters will introduce you to the world of television and share their professional secrets. listeners. are waiting classes in speech technique, the basics of acting, television and radio journalism, work in the studio, including with a teleprompter. duration of training is from 3 to 4 months. graduates will receive state-issued training certificates. to register for a class, you need to fill out a form on the website and record a video with a story about
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yourself. lasting up to 1 minute. the ballerinas set a new world record: 353 dancers, upon a signal, simultaneously stood on pointe shoes and quickly performed bure checkers, that is, a special choreographic an element in which ballerinas quickly transfer their weight from one leg to the other, standing on their toes or half-toes. thus, they beat the 2019 achievement. then 306 ballerinas gathered. girls from different states came to new york for the current record. and even other countries. thus , they decided to congratulate the organizers of the world's largest international scholarship ballet competition, which turned 25 years old. the oldest gorilla on the planet celebrated her 67th birthday at the berlin zoo. in honor of the birthday girl's holiday
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they brought her favorite sweets. gorila fattu lived in the zoo when she was still a baby. since then she has. its elderly residents. patu is the first gorilla to give birth to a baby at the berlin zoo. on october 30 , 1974, she had a daughter named dufte, now fata is already a great-grandmother. note that the usual life expectancy was 40-50 years. a large-scale festival of creativity and art was held in brest. right now let’s plunge into the world of music and dance together with our mobile correspondents, a large international festival is taking place in our city, yes, such an amazing event where talents are met with energy and inspiration, and this is not
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just a festival, it is a whole world of arts, where music, dance, theater, fashion and many. other forms of creativity are merging together, right, and what's especially cool is that participants from different countries come together here to share their ideas. thank you for joining us for this exciting event, and we'll go into the room to get inspired, bye-bye! we will continue our virtual communication tomorrow at the same time, i was with you, nastya rutskaya, bye-bye!
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interesting, let's see the announcement: all the radio stations of the belarusian radio on one platform, channel one, culture radio belarus, radio fm and radio stolitsa.
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may 14:00 come to our radio day, it will be very interesting. which broadcasts in nine broadcast languages ​​our channel culture radio station capital, well , ultra-fashionable, ultra-modern one hundred percent hit our radio station radius fm, we will all
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gather on one site of the trading house, it will be a multi-hour show, but as far as we plan, it will be many hours program, that’s how many voice out these numbers, how many, well, about five hours we plan to rock on this site, and i ’ll tell you more, you know, we have about 100. there will be participants in this show, that is, guests, and musical groups, our djs and there will be a lot of invited guys who are already, you know, even some have started asking, they just say, listen, yes, yes, they really call and say, you have something very cool planned there, can we come, we would like to participate too, i say, what will you do? do, it’s our chic number, that is , the kartik must also go through, of course, why was this particular site chosen? and you know what prompted us to this idea, one interesting event, the trading house was opened by the head of our state, we saw that
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all our main national brands from all over our republic were collected there, all regions were represented, our largest manufacturers, these retail outlets , and belarusian radio is a national brand, and we, by the way, are winners of the national award, the spadshina brand, and we solved this whole mosaic. traditions, because radio broadcasting, by the way, next year our radio will be 100 years old, can you imagine, 100 years old, yes, and for us this holiday, which we are now planning to organize and
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give it to people, it will be long-lasting, we with it we begin practically all these major events, celebrations of our centenary anniversary, this is just the beginning, yeah, but in general the show is called musical-interactive, it is clear that there will probably be live performances, there will be live performances by artists, yes, of course artists, by the way, we have very... good support from our friends, our first music production company and our factor winners, x factor factor byy the loudest show in our country, then let's call a spade a spade, and on the first channel, by the way, here is the most our fresh winner, so to speak, factor 60+, also promised to be present, perform songs from his repertoire, give them to ours, well , i think this will really attract people, they will come to listen. you know what, our production center belarusian radio also includes musical groups and ensembles are our holiday, conversation, where it appears, it’s already
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a holiday, you know, it’s enough just to appear in a conversation, it’s enough to mention this word, we’re all smiling, besides, we now have a symphony orchestra preparing for a big concert slavic bazaar, we will also have a great rock show, we are doing it with symphonic accompaniment. rock concert, and the guys were learning these interesting compositions, such popular ones, yes, somehow it happened, and some of them decided to create their own cover band, they will have a presentation of this cover band at our festival tomorrow, it will be very cool, very interesting, and you mentioned that the orchestra will make hits at the slavic bazaar, perhaps we already know what compositions, so now we can attract also a spectator, we are playing a tribute to the scorpions show, spectators, do you hear? and i’ll tell you that this will be a very high-profile event at the slavic bazaar, plus everything, this is the first time, firstly, rock is returning to such a platform, live,
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it was called that radio day, not on the radio, yes, this will be for guests, for visitors, may, this is an off-air holiday for us, we even have this day, and you know, we have 4 for everyone, by the way, another interesting moment, we are now with you before easter we are orthodox, so as part of this holiday, we, together with the minsk city executive committee, will hold an easter bun festival, we will choose the most delicious easter bun, if suddenly it is
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something very amazing. the lives of belarusians, yes, well, we still celebrate the seventh, yes, it’s a big holiday, all the workers radio television, i think that this also needs to be noted on air, definitely, definitely, so on the seventh we will have an on-air holiday, it will be more interactive for our radio listeners, there will be a lot of gifts for our subscribers on social networks, we are very active now on tiktok, youtube, vkontakte, odnoklass, well, almost everything, that is, radio is now something more than radio,
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it takes over everything. you know, what you mentioned, there is a wired radio, this is our very warm memory, it evokes historical, of course, now it is very important for us to be, well, as everywhere as possible, wherever our viewer is, is already watching the radio, where our listener is, where our subscribers are, and we know that we record such an interesting thing that the number of views of our content on modern information platforms already practically exceeds the number of average listeners - average daily listeners of our broadcast, and what does this mean? firstly, it’s more convenient, it’s delayed viewing, delayed listening, that is, the content can be accessed at any time moment to watch, plus on top of everything we have enormously expanded our geography, if before it was, well, practically only the territory of our country, for example, and the border region, now a lot of people are watching us in russia, a lot of people in ukraine, by the way, they are watching very a lot of our information content is from there, and people
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talk and...
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the next question was how much belarusian radio is listened to, we understand, belarusian radio is listened to everywhere all over the world, belarusian radio is watched , thank you very much for coming, thank you for the amazing conversation, friends, in our studio was the general producer of the belarusian radio anton vasyukevich, and we’ll rush to advertise, we’ll be back soon. hello, today
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our topic is stretching, and if suddenly you don’t have a gymnastics mat at home, then you don’t need one, because today we will have three wonderful exercises that you can do anywhere, just on... on the floor , go! so, the first exercise: dasha, we put one leg back, pay attention here the angle is 90°, that is, we are forward, we don’t bring the knee out, we spring and pull the arms up, and thus spring: 1, 2, 3, we count somewhere around a minute, yes, this is good, very useful, then, accordingly, we change our legs and do the same in the area of ​​a minute, we keep our back straight and try to stretch up, this way we stretch. only the legs, but also the upper shoulder. the second exercise that we will perform is called sumo,
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and i want to say right away that we are doing it in order to prepare our body for the third exercise, but we will not get ahead of ourselves until the second one, so we spread our toes as far apart as possible. on the sides, we place the legs wide, in this way for about 15 seconds, yes, then we move the whole body to the left and accordingly press to the right, and the internal muscles stretch very well, we work about 3-4 approaches of 15 dashes 20 seconds on each side . and it was not in vain that i prepared us with the second exercise just for the third. the third exercise, it’s quite dynamic, we do three or four approaches, about 20-30 seconds each, put on
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cool music right away to make it fun. so, we sit down and stretch our arms forward, here in this position, we roll smoothly through almost a split to the other leg, pulling the arms forward. the lower you roll, the better, don’t tear off your toes, don’t tear off your heels either, pay attention to how fun and how cool it is to exercise with your child, to stretch and train together, so do it and be healthy, stand on the floor, put one leg back, bend the second at your knees at an angle of 90°, do not move your knee forward, stretch your arms up, make springy movements, keep your back straight, now put your legs to the sides, toes spread as wide as possible, squat down,
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knees bent at an angle of 90°, alternately press your hands on each knee, now squat down, one leg looks to the side, the other is bent at the knees, extend your arms in front of you, now do ... to the other leg, do not lift your feet off the floor, try to roll as low as possible, in each exercise choose the load according to the child’s strength.
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belarus on the calendar is friday may 3 at 7:54, if i don’t shout friday, then it only means one thing. that maryana vasilievna somewhere far away, maryana vasilievna, please respond, what do you want to tell us, standing there on the map, the synoptic gauge, i’ll correct you, but i’m not that far away, i’m somewhere here near the map and i want to tell you what the morning indicators are right outside the window, look, in the minsk region up to +8 - this is if you have one foot already at school or at work, but haven’t looked up the weather on the internet +10 +12 in bresse in vitebsk up to +6 +6 + 8 in gomel in grodno up to +12 +4 +6. do you want to know what the weather will be like during day, don’t answer, i’ll tell you, look, in minsk +18, +20 and +25 in the brest region, this is may 3, i remind you, up to +18 in vitebsk, it’s traditionally cooler there, this is the north of our
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side +18 + 20 in gomel, up to 24 in the grodno region, +17 +19 in mogilev, no precipitation anywhere, cloudy with clearings will only be in the gomel region, sunshine everywhere, beautiful may weather, i love it when... you know how the sun feels lead like the sun, like a rocket, almost some kind of cosmic according to this synoptic card, yes, she asked the question herself, she answered it herself, she doesn’t need anything or anyone. you will see and hear everything, so see you,
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like this without spoilers, being the first is difficult when choosing your path, but you can only do everything. be yourself, and don’t give up, don’t break, hold on to life, know that the sun is shining for us through the clouds, now, there are hundreds of hands behind you, hundreds of eyes, in this world you and i are not alone, look, the sun is on belarus, i... sows because
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he loves us all, the day will be good, let the world know what’s in my heart now, we want peace, believe in dream and love, the sun is above us, will shine. know, not only in fairy tales, good wins, with one breath open your heart to people, bring love warmth to this world with you, know that there is always someone to give a shoulder to, go forward and don’t regret anything, friends will help, stand next to you you. my dear, the sun on belarus, shine brightly, because
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you love us, the day will be good, let the world know what is in my heart now, we want to live in peace, believe, dream and love. the sun will shine above us, the sun will shine on belarus, shines brightly because he loves us all, and the day will be good, let the world know that in my heart now we want to run.
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