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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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a proposal that we go deeper into these issues, well, an agreement was signed on the creation of a multi-purpose small aircraft asvey, nineteen-seater, but i will show you again, multi-purpose, that is, it will be multifunctional, it is very important that we have not just divided some competencies in parts of the production of this aircraft, but today we are talking about the creation of a development, that is, our designers of the republic of belarus, designers of russian property.
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when the soviet union collapsed, how difficult was it to establish these cooperative communications, how difficult it was to find suppliers of individual components that someone once produced, but we survived it all, we went through this difficult, i will say such a difficult path, and today we are proud that our industry provides the domestic market, well, i’ll say that most of its products are exported. a good tradition, the updated republican board of honor was solemnly opened in minsk. based on the results of last year’s work, there were 64 winners from regions and organizations, for achieving high results in socio-economic development. industry, construction, agriculture and forestry, the service sector, this is how the state emphasizes the significant contribution of citizens of labor collectives. development
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of the country. anton malyuta met the winners. here they know exactly what the essence of effective work is. improve technology and reduce costs. the production volumes of belarusian white gold today exceed domestic needs by several times. only a fifth remains in the country. and nine out of ten export wagons are sent to russia. this is not the limit, we are ready to take more. the markets are well-known and we have decent authority there, so our products are sold, we do not experience any problems with sales today. today there is something to be proud of for everyone who came to the center of the capital on the eve of labor day; there are whole scatterings of regions in various fields of activity. this is like confirmation that everyone’s contribution is important to the overall result. thanks to the sustainable operation of enterprises in 2023, our economy has grown more than we ourselves expected, by almost 4%. that's why.
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we set the bar for the year of quality even higher, our driver last year was industry, one of the nominees, moreover, nominees are from various categories of industries, including private business, and enterprises of municipal ownership, republican ones, our brand integral is also on the scoring board today , and this is, in principle, an indicator of the efficiency and competitiveness of our enterprises. this year marks the anniversary of the republican honor board, a quarter of a century since they decided to revive it. the criteria were constantly becoming stricter, but this traditions of recognizing the best workers. only motivation to work harder and better, at least to re-consolidate success. people in the minsk region know how to do this; by the end of 2023, it is represented more widely than ever. the central region lives up to its name and remains in the spotlight. it’s clear, this is the bar, it sets certain goals, not only to maintain the achieved result, despite the high base, but you need to aim.
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kutbur milk rivers. by the way, local cows are among the most highly productive in area. all thanks to the abundant and high-quality food supply. now, for example, corn is being sown in ostrovki. the kostini plan to collect 120 centners of grain per hectare. a tender will be announced for the construction of a predatory dairy complex for 800 heads. this is also another step towards more modern development of livestock farming, increasing milk production and improving the quality of milk.
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we accompany him from birth to golden age, well, we hope that this will be a good start for the future, we will continue to work efficiently and achieve the results that our citizens need, immediately after the ceremony we take a photo as
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a souvenir, we capture the moment, but don’t forget, now we’re back to work, even more ambitious goals lie ahead. anton malyuta, natalya ignatenko, alexey kondratenko and ilya maksimov. and that’s it for today, all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy, and we will tell you about the areas of interest next week. let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck and good mood to you.
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kondraty ivanovich naumov august 22, 1944 at the age of 26, he received the high title of hero of the soviet union, marriage, courage and heroism shown in battles with the nazi invaders. the commander of the tank battalion, captain naumov, distinguished himself in the bobruisk operation. during. several days in june 1944, in a battle for a railway station with four tanks, he destroyed two anti-tank guns and knocked out one self-propelled gun, at the head of a group he liberated a fortified point, set fire to an ammunition depot, knocked out a tank,
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and captured the northwestern outskirts of bobruisk destroyed a column of enemy vehicles, despite the severe wounds received in this battle, he continued to command the battalion until the very end. on september 5, 1944, during fierce battles, the tank of captain naumov’s guard was hit. this time, the seriously wounded battalion combatant was evacuated to the hospital, but he could not be saved. in addition to the title of hero of the soviet union, kondrati naumov was... awarded the order of lenin of the patriotic war , second degree, and medals posthumously.
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the ukrainian authorities refused peace negotiations with russia in istanbul in 2022. she also abandoned agreements on safe navigation in the black sea exactly 2 years later, where turkey acted as a mediator. the impression is that ukraine , represented by its officials, is not looking for peace, is not looking for fair agreements, and is generally not going to talk to its opponent russia.
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russia and ukraine for two months, without devoting the public to it, negotiated with turkey on a deal to ensure the safety of navigation in the black sea, and even reached an agreement on the text of the document, which ankara was supposed to announce on march 30, but kiev, unexpectedly for everyone, withdrew from the agreements, they say that it was he... who pushed ankara to organize these negotiations, only the result, or rather the lack thereof, only raises additional
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questions. for example, the ukrainian side could negotiate in order to delay the accumulation of the required number of missile weapons on unmanned boats in order to subsequently fire them at russian ships in the black sea. when we say ukraine is a state terrorist, this is not some kind of propaganda. stamp is a term reflecting reality, zelensky and his regime are focused exclusively on war, so achieving any agreement, be it a general peace agreement, or a local agreement on security in the black sea, in particular on merchant shipping, the security of merchant shipping in the black sea, zelensky and his regime are interested solely as a process, the result is not needed, is not interesting to him, much less to his masters,
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as a mediator and an interested country in these negotiations was to agree on unhindered movement of food in the black sea, both from ukraine and from russia. turkey in this case is also a beneficiary, since it is interested in food imports from both countries, despite its dual policy, yours, ours, supplying the same food to ukraine, but nenko chooses a different path with his own. western partners, the path is unsafe for both sides, both from an economic and
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political point of view, to redirect food flows to the european union, with the blessing, of course, of brussels. i want emphasize that it was brussels that decided to lift restrictions on food imports from ukraine to the eu. due to its excellent extremely fertile black soil, ukraine is the world's bread basket, most of the world has benefited. this, but this is really a problem for our farmers, because food from ukraine is cheaper and destroys local markets. our market is much smaller, we are half the size of ukraine. having refused to sign an agreement on safe navigation, ukraine did not lose at all with its so-called partners from the uk and usa. on the one hand, they paved the way for future terrorist attacks in the black sea, on the other, russia still cannot transport. normally , food products are transported through the black sea, which primarily negatively affects africa and
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asia. and of course, enterprises and land bought by the anglo-saxons in ukraine should also bring in money, even during a war, so it is logical that the united states and great britain have once again fooled the european union. but how did brussels allow this to happen? corruption? let's discuss this today with a polish politician, chairman of the front party, imagine. refused to support further protests, so explain what was happening all this time, it was unnecessary panic, were these protests justified at all? let 's take a look at what is happening now on the border between ukraine and the european union, that is, on the polish border, romanian border, slovakian border, and so on. to date, only in april of this year, despite very serious
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restrictions on exchanges between ukraine and european union, including poland, every day 12. different types of agricultural products such as sugar, vegetable oils, grains and meat, that is, every day 12,000 tons of products, cross the border from ukraine to the european union, which flood the eu market within duty-free imports and which do not comply with european union standards, that is, these are volumes that, regardless of their relationship to ukraine, but from an economic point of view, these are volumes that make a significant contribution to the economic destruction of eu farmers.
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will go to african markets and so on, now they tell us that this will be transit through the european union, let's ask where ukrainians want to transit through the european union, spain, poland, germany, france and so on, no, these are goods that must be considered from the point of view of their economic interest, because it
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is profitable for ukraine to sell on eu markets using duty-free imports, they just usually want to make money, not paying attention to the fact that this disorganizes european farmers market, and if we add to this the fact that the owners of the concerns are not poor ukrainians, but the same oligarchs, dutch oligarchs, french oligarchs, american oligarchs, british, please note, then we are not surprised that they want to unite and discover market, that they want to do business, polish farmers rightly protest, but they can’t do anything, today the protests of polish... farmers are under control, they must be carried out in such a way as not to harm, god forbid, ukrainian interests, at the same time time put polish farmers in a bad light, pit polish farmers against polish society, what they manage to do, the state of the european union in particular poland, you are a former member of the sejm,
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are somehow looking for a way out of this situation or are still looking for enemies where they are not here? you don’t see anything, you don’t see trains, you don’t see cars, it’s all a deception, it’s some kind of illusion, some kind of myth, you don’t see it, the ambassador is trying to lie to us disgustingly, at the same time he directs this lie towards confrontation, setting up poles against belarus and russia, claiming that grain from belarus and russia goes to the republic of poland. ladies and gentlemen, you know very well that
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the export of grain from belarus has been prohibited for the last 3 years, this is clear to everyone. and i explain this to polish farmers. in ukrainian propaganda, it is not ukrainian grain that destroys our european markets, but russian and belarusian grain. a week ago, we had a commission meeting in the polish sejm, led by european commissioner janusz wojcachowski, where they discussed the problem of grain and other agricultural goods. and now i appear in parliament committee on agriculture, in the polish sejm, and what is happening is that they are handing me such a document from the sejm office of the service. security of the marshal of the sejm. this document states that i do not have the right to enter the sejm and senate of the republic of poland, because i pose a security threat and at the same time a propaganda establishment. activities directed against the interests of the republic of poland, for the fact that i am now talking to you with our neighbors, that is, with the belarusians, through your media, about that.


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