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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, today at 4:00 am, without any declaration of war.
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kuntsevich nikolai nikolaevich, participant in the battles against the nazi invaders. since the beginning of the great patriotic war, nikolai nikolaevich, the commissar of the second battalion of the gomel militia regiment, carried out a lot of political educational work among. fighters and commanders. the militia, together with units of the red army, courageously defended the city of gomel. on august 18, 1941, the battalion led by nikolai kuntsevich recaptured two enemy attacks, during one of which the commissar rushed forward with an exclamation for his homeland, for our victory, and carried the soldiers with him into a counterattack.
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hello, you are watching the program “say don’t be silent”, in the studio of victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest is dmitry kryad, editor-in-chief of the people's newspaper of the publishing house belarus today. good afternoon, dmitry.
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i probably wouldn’t separate correspondent work from editorial work, but if you stop being a correspondent, well , probably an editor and an editor from you too, it will probably work out, maybe not the best, but still, you don’t need to lose your skills, you don’t need to lose this role of a playing coach, but this is important for the microclimate in the team and for interaction with your colleagues, with your subordinates, this process did not take long, well , they probably helped me, after all, my colleagues were involved in it...
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just the communication and with the colleagues with whom yesterday i was in the same ward, today you are leading, that is, the moment of subordination, how did you cope with it? you yourself worked for a long time in the press house, yes, you probably you understand very well that atmosphere, and the kind of climate level of relationships between people who work there even in different publications, well, we used to all be in different publications, a people's republic in itself, a star, sat, then soviet belarus, now sat belarus today, these were completely different editorial offices, we somehow grew up. all in different groups, but at the same time we always crossed paths with each other, we always knew each other, we greeted each other, as if we were communicating somewhere, formally somewhere, informally, that’s why i’m an isbshnik, as if grown up to the marrow of my bones, from there from those young nails, but still with people
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who work in the people’s newspaper, we crossed paths somewhere in life, we crossed paths somewhere there at work, as if we knew each other, so the moment of subordination, it is important, the main thing is not... to put pressure on the subordinate, yes, he will not have this reaction, like you, maybe, yes, bend over to another side, yes, this is how relationships are built, that is, we are like enough, i respectfully i treat each of our employees as a professional, yes in their field, some in medicine, some in culture, some in another path, and maybe i understand that since they are on their own topic , for example, i will never write, i have my own.
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but i’ll tell you more, pool is a state of mind, but if you don’t have a soul for it, you’ll never work there, you won’t fit into this coordinate system, this system of tasks, this system of high-level awareness, probably responsibility, but what you do, in the team, again but pulovsky, he too, i don’t know, in a surprising way he somehow comes together when people feel each other very subtly, tv people, newspaper people, information people, too...
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a new plot, they say , forget this old plot, they say it’s impossible, and in general i was glad that i was instructed not to forget this plot of mine, well , because this is 25 years of creative life, well... you know, just like that, throw it away and step aside, well, i remember you confessed to me yourself, that’s when you were appointed later for some time, i asked you, why didn’t you choose one thing, you said, i need drive, i need drive, because, really, pool is also a way of life, yes, it’s drive, it’s constantly being ready to rush somewhere, go somewhere, carry out an operational information task, yes, when you don’t do this for a long time, you start to sour a little, because well... you’ve lived half your life in exactly this rhythm, and this is really very difficult, on the other hand, as they say now, yes, in
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to a greater extent, the power of journalists, to a lesser extent of the power of journalists, more now they say: we are soldiers of the information war, that’s it, but i was also brought up that way, well, they ordered, they answered, they ran to the embrasure, to trench , to storm, and so on, i think that everyone is experiencing this the newly appointed editors of the newspaper, they want it.
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first of all, i set out to change the face of the newspaper, because i came simply for the sake of experiments to the white press kiosk, and you look at how the newspaper lies on display, and you understand that the way it lies, only the white edge sticks out, you can’t sell it like that, no one has any identification, yes, that is, yes there is no identification, so the idea arose to make the first page like a mosaic of the main topics, and put five or six topics there. the people’s newspaper, well, maybe this is already a professional deformation for me, but nevertheless, i wanted something more, let’s say, reflective of our political realities, our symbols. if we made these first two letters in the style of the national flag, yes, it already
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looks a little different, the fonts have been changed, the presentation of presidential materials has changed, after all, it is a weekly newspaper, and it was no longer entirely correct to focus on the information component, so i take as a basis the materials during the week, which were like materials with the participation of the head of state, and i isolate from them some key messages quotes, and now by submitting this quote further, it’s as if i’m making some kind of author’s commentary on the development of this topic, so it’s more analytical, more journalistic, as if what’s the point of all this, that it’s not just so that the reader i understood that this was said, yes, but somehow i’m trying to reason with the reader why it was said and what messages are contained in this, well, the same thing applies to other different materials, that is, the emphasis on...
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it’s i did it, i did the second one, i’m calling him, let’s try to put it together like this, like this, how would i do something like this as a whole thing, he says: well, come on, so we tried to do this plot with macron with rats, that means they also thought about where to put what frame, how to draw these rats, how to draw someone else, so i took i printed this strip in color and
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came to dmitry aleksandrovich zhuk, dmitry took it, looked at it, looked at some pause there, he...
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was it difficult to achieve the publication of such comics in the presidential newspaper, i’m only mainly concerned with the technical side i see that in poland, for example, media workers are fired simply for an unsuccessful photo of a piper, where he was not allowed to sit down next to trump, but here you can do something like this, that same co-author yuri terich, and a couple of times we introduced the image
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of the president into commerce, you you know, i don't remember what. it’s important to upgrade the model with high quality, but the person you hire, that is, it’s quite painstaking, very difficult work, our model was of very high quality, the head of state looked very respectable, as if there were no questions, but i think that’s not mediated by a back negative reaction, that’s what would be worse,
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but it’s one thing to go on air like this, yes, but another thing is to see how it all arrives. several consistent solutions for the development of the it industry, but we are now ahead planets of all on blockchain, crypto exchanges there and so on, that is, it is very high-tech. a person, he very subtly understands in general the importance of high technologies, neurocomex is part of these high technologies, well, plus the fact that
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the president has a rather clear, subtle sense of humor, as if he were a living person, as if these all came together at the same time , at the same time, yes, when an understanding of technology, as it were, and a subtle sense of humor, well, that’s why we were probably allowed a little like this, like such an easy free spirit, although we have. it’s far from poland, probably, where they almost execute people, but for the fact that the pipe was filmed incorrectly, there were cases when people were fired, well, that’s how he was fired from this journalist’s tv channel, that’s probably all we have -it’s a little simpler, well, we have a kind of dictatorship, so yes, but about the text, i’m interested, the neural network itself is already generating the text of these, so i would like to have some kind of intrigue here, but leave it here and let in a little more fog, here and you have to help.
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so they confirmed this matter, they tried a couple of times it’s a matter of somehow doing something, here
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’s the same image of using a presidential one, it turned out to be a complete schlag, as if yes, not because the president turned out to be ugly, but because he didn’t look at all like how they made him, like i don’t know what kind of knee they made these portraits, they just don’t know how to do it stupidly, so they get very angry, they... seem to be very sorry, they grind their teeth, as it were, but they’re prickly, they ’re climbing a cactus, they have nothing it turns out, and terrikh and i laugh at them, but they just often say that this comic is not ours culture, american, yes, that is, how did it take root in our culture, and we also ask about this, that is, our readers responded, it’s not a newspaper for teenagers, they stop by, but people quite like it, they note, well, -firstly, they note it themselves.
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the difference between
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our equipment is that they have very large capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities. our technology today is actually a very reliable margin of safety in it a colossal one is being laid. an approach to business that everyone should strive for. we carry out 100% control, uh, so that these products comply technically, regulatory and legal acts, correspond to the standard model, in literally 3-4 years we should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i don’t even have any doubts that we will achieve our goals. see the project, sign. quality on tv channel belarus 24. there is a main line for the anglo-saxons to maintain global
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dominance. the only way to save global domination - war in europe. indeed, preparations are underway, the majority of the poles really don’t want to fight, but it’s one thing for the population, another thing for the elite. in order for the gun to line up, it must first be loaded and hung on the wall. and in order to start a war, you must first accumulate weapons, accumulate armed forces on the border, and then some trigger can lead to the outbreak of hostilities. it’s not for nothing that our president says that yes, we are preparing, including for military action, but we are not going to start them yourself. but this is the only thing they understand, if we, within the framework of a union state , demonstrate an unattractive model for external partners, it will be weak, it will fall apart, we must prepare some kind of ground for normal friendly relations in advance, show that we can work well, here is the economy, we cooperate, we do not deceive, we do not cheat, the only correct approach, which we have been voicing in belarus for 30 years, is a union of two sovereign states, two strong, economically, politically states, which complement each other and make
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our union stronger. the project is objective. don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is the editor-in-chief of the people’s newspaper of the belarus today publishing house, dmitry kryad. the extreme neurocomic we discussed. was active in the first part on the topic of the consequences of the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant, we will show it to the audience, and if you can comment, well , here we have put, let’s say, the meaning of the whole belarusian policy, the policy of the belarusian state in the fight against the consequences of this catastrophe, well, that is, these stalkers are suddenly a tractor, yes, yes, that is, there are, as it were,
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two levels of understanding.
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some kind of cheap coffins, yes, those that were scattered over a bunch of people, just crazy money and did not give any effect, they did not give any development to populated areas or roads, they were not built for this by the residents themselves, in fact, they criticized this, yes they, yes they called them coffins, yes what is this, well, you got this penny, you bought yourself an extra one excuse me, a bottle of ink there, or maybe there was some vodka there, i drank it, i was happy, as if everything was fine there, well, the problem is not solved either. but the decision was made to collect all this money in a heap, and so purposefully direct it to the development of these regions, yes, somewhere a road was needed, somewhere it was necessary to supply gas, here is a whole gasification program that soviet times was started, then it was stopped and resumed under the current government, why why first of all in polesie, why before only in the chernobyl regions, but because a grandmother who goes into the forest and takes
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a radioactive lump. then he shoves it into the stove, but this is a disaster for grandma, and for the environment and for everything, then we need gas, we need electricity, we need roads, we need housing construction, other things, such things, we just need to make people a comfortable decent life, yes, sow the fields, there is fertile soil, there are weather conditions, little by little, that’s why we also drew the tractor here , yes, because the land little by little is not so fast as we would like, but they are starting little by little.
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well, that’s it, they returned there, and now there ’s only one or two residents left, which means that’s it, now they’ve all died there, and a photograph of the cemetery, which means with monuments where the real dead are, which means local residents, apparently spouse's husband,
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they were 90 years old when they passed away, you know, they, and they made such a tearful story about it, yes, but well, they didn't leave when they were 40, but people came back, these are grandparents and lived for another century. april 30, just the other day you were with the president on a trip to kostyukovichi and traditionally alexander lukashenko talked with people, let's see how he was received during his visit. on our land, good afternoon, good afternoon, thank you for being here. i wanted to say, it’s already hot, well, we were waiting for this warmth, we really need it, the main thing is there is sun, that means everything will be fine with us, including kostyukovich, a warm atmosphere, and well, you won’t play this, yes, that is, not feigned, but at the same time our opponents like
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to claim that state employees have been driven away by force, but you were there right in the thick of it, what do people say, what opinions are expressed there, not only there, as if i agreed to attend many such events, let’s even take it not the outback, but just like that... this is in minsk, where the president travels around minsk every day, yes, but what do you want in the outback, when the president was there last time, as he noted, he was in kostyukovichi 5 years ago, yeah, people are waiting, people are waiting for the head states, they are completely sincerely rejoicing, because even for these 5 years during which they did not see the head of state, yes.
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the last role of the head of state is that they have these facilities , they use them, they work, their children go there, study there in drawing clubs, there is either a boxing gym, they also swim in the pool, they understand thanks to whom all this exists, therefore, here there is a completely sincere, as it were, joy and delight from the meeting, but you can’t play it out, you know, you can’t do it like that by order, you just need to feel this construction, by the way, when you told it.
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if it’s really there 15-20 years ago, even when you went there, it left you with such a well , some kind of aftertaste, quite bitter , yes, because yes, and the people are kind of drab, yes, they are, and there’s something there, and there’s something there and
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no one cares about it there is no one there and they didn’t hold the phone for someone else there, everyone has their own kind of pain, their own kind of trouble, all this together, this is some kind of clot, uh, that’s really enough... some kind of sick, hopeless , now, when you come here, this is the mood, this is it it is like this, this is how the president was greeted, yes, that is, people have a new quality of life, people have prospects, it gives birth there. 10 years ago, i would like to recall the post
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of one of the people who dreamed that in 10-15 years, investments from the eu , the us marshal plan, the whole country is in construction, these are their dreams, highways, factories, farms, sun grace, grain is ripening in the steppes, progress is everywhere, monorail trains run from end to end of the country, it takes 7 hours to get to paris, it’s there, well, at the same time, behind the stone wall on the north, all the peoples in the empire...
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what an amazing narrative is contained in the anthem of ukraine, yes, our little witches will perish there and we will panic, that is, the little witches must somehow perish on their own, like dew in the sun, and like dew in the sun, yes, and then we’ll panic somehow freely, that is, we ourselves don’t need to stress anything at all, so here in this post it’s written, the eu will come, the usa will come, investment will come, but guys, nothing will come to anyone will not give anything, but even better, you still need to add to this matter, put in at least a little effort. on your own, yes, at least do something,
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then maybe, everything else is just this, it will come, it will bring, es, well, these are fairy tales, fairy tales for the benefit of the poor, yes, probably, yes, this is this mentality, that if we don’t like this government, we’ll tear it down, build a new one for ourselves, that’s the same thing, that is, someone always owes us something, but if we don’t like it, we ’ll remove them, well, let’s make an effort to create something and do it long-term for the future, build some kind of strategy, build some kind of strategy. i for example, i haven’t observed this for quite a long time, and that’s how the habit of normality of lawlessness was born, but the authorities didn’t like this, we’ll tear it down, then we’ll tear it down again, and there’s the fact that living is not according to the constitution, not even according to the concepts, yes, just by the will of some seven-minute emotional impulse, but today i want to jump and burn a tire, i burn a tire, i jump, i want to put a suit on my head, i put it on, i put a pan on my head, i want to, i sweep away everything in power, that is, this is an abnormality .
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everyone has a single goal, yes, remember, this is it, either jokingly or seriously, the president, yes , he also said, he noticed, lukashists have gathered here, there are no enemies here, yes, this explains a lot, but if we think a little more seriously, even more deeply, yes, then, the head of state, the president, yes, he declares his readiness to pursue a certain, let’s say, state policy. he goes to the polls with these proposals, so he receives support for this intention in the form of a majority of votes in the elections, and after that he forms a team with the help of which he will implement this policy, yes this government, well, i can’t imagine
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that there will be a sitting in the government, one who will vote for, another against, and the third will say, but in general i don’t need this, guys, you are the conductors of state policy, the president of the national assembly... also gathered his supporters who will help him carry out his policies, how can it be otherwise, why really recruit anyone there , yes, because we have defined who our civil society is, and we have defined party structures that operate, so we will come back again roll back to the time when it was believed that civil society was the soros foundation, no, guys, we don’t need such a civil society, let’s better be our own, solve problems on our own, together with our supporters, if you choose...
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say, on in your opinion, has our society been cleansed or is there still work to be done in this regard, because well, i’ll say literally from my own experience, after the events
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of the twentieth year, one of my former colleagues, and he quit before the twentieth year, before all the events, periodically wrote to me message, he sided with those rebels and proved to me from the foam of the urt that he was right, i’m mistaken, just a couple of days ago messages came from him, sorry,
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after all, something is wrong, probably here ’s where- then lukashenko is right, but he would have gone over to the side of the world, yes, but the people who were here then shunned there, then they didn’t like it there again, they came back again, well , somehow i have something like this there is no particular trust, and uh, about whether society has been cleansed, whether society has been cleansed, well, in many ways, yes, the fact that the most notorious ones left is good, but they say that...
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there are dangers, yes, it is clear that time on behalf of information comes and goes out, and there and somewhere spies were caught, somewhere these the next terrorists somewhere else, someone else, these are professional people, they know what they are doing, they know how to do it and they do it quite effectively, but in society it is too much for us to push the topic of these sub-printers looking for these witches , well, probably it’s still not worth it, otherwise it will break ours... this primordial tolerance, this is our sincerity, if we look for
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an enemy in every passerby and transverse person we meet. let's take a break for a while, after a short break we'll return to this studio again, subscribe to our telegram channel for now, say don't be silent, look for all our releases on the belarus 1 youtube channel. on the air again , say don't be silent, our guest today is the editor-in-chief of the people's newspaper of the publishing house belarus today dmitry kryad we’ll talk about the shades between democracy and democracy, why are we asking, because the first vns passed under the slogan only the people have the right to decide their own destiny, how do you feel about the term democracy of the people of power, it seems to me that already in modern times this word has become democratized.
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they wanted to block our time, well , they blocked the path of our kaliya through the baltic ports in the name of democracy, how many people died in the middle east in the name of some kind of democracy, but there they simply use bombs, well, let's talk about the future, the future about bright future, future, children are our future, as you know, your pride, your daughter sofia,
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musician, she plays footstool. remains in a state, plus adolescence, this whole thing has been superimposed on one another, everything is in tears, not mine, which means that the oboe here it seems to be in a rather complex shelf now and we won’t deal with it, they were sitting in my office, that means , we thought, her tears are flowing, and almost mine too, so what
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are we going to do, well, let’s sort it out. i don’t know why, she chooses st. petersburg, although we were at a competition in moscow, she performed well there, she chooses st. petersburg, so she entered this year, which actually opened up for her the opportunity to perform on the stage of the marinsky theater, to go to the world youth festival, there is a completely different level of teaching, and she has an excellent teacher, honored artist of russia,
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honored artist of russia, hanifim aledinovich chinokaev, he promises: to make her a worthy specialist in oboe affairs, what will happen next, we also talked about different things, but it’s hard to guess now at her 15 years old, almost 16, yes, well, god knows, maybe she’ll graduate from the conservatory and come here to start an oboe school, i’m like that option, i don’t exclude this option either, she wants to be just a musician, well, let it be just musicians, but now she is an orchestral musician, she has already been accepted into a brass band, a junior.
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and the stars will align correctly, well then , god willing, well, in general, your family is an example if all this comes together, plus the union state in action, yes, that is, they don’t throw us into any issues, we are russia we don’t give up, now it’s not because of a good life that we went there, that’s how the circumstances developed, because well, just listen, and what could be better for a teenager than st. petersburg, it’s such a layer of culture for her to cut off to go to museums, this is a city of a museum, well, i understand your father’s pain, but you have something to do in the new position of editor-in-chief of a people’s newspaper, more so many comics have not been drawn, and we know that we are now in the active phase of the information war, in general, dim, in fact, there are boundaries that need to be taken, which to strive for, thank you, as always,
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for such a bright, interesting heart-to-heart conversation , we understand what you're talking about, and you... goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, dmitry kryad is speaking now. as a newspaperman, i am pleased to address my colleagues, my comrades-in-arms, i want to congratulate you on the upcoming press day, colleagues, television workers, radio operators on the upcoming radio day, i wish everyone from the bottom of my heart inexhaustible inspiration, creative flight, well, to the delight of our audience, on joy to our readers and viewers. let everything be good and interesting for them, i ask you to leave a stroke of the pen of the editor-in-chief of the people's newspaper, with pleasure, much, much joy,
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well, the rest, i think, will follow. the main thing came out. an order that the membership of the belarusian red cross in the international federation has been suspended, but at the same time, we provide
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humanitarian assistance to everyone who needs our help, migrants from ukraine, from the middle east, from other countries. thanks to the legislative work of our parliament, today our security forces and our law enforcement officers have all the necessary legislative tools to effectively... both prevent and severely punish for committed acts, we will we will continue to work and we will be ready to cooperate and communicate with our international partners, but only on a parity basis, that i, of course, have a belarusian heart and the latest technologies, with the help of which we must carry out cultural and economic expansion throughout the world, and i am sure we will see how belarusian brands, belarusian cuisine, belarusian dances will be no less recognizable than sushi, kimano and everything else. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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