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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 12:45pm-1:01pm MSK

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you for yourself belarus. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we are talking about who has a short path to belarusian citizenship. should we be afraid that unworthy people might get it? after it became clear that two of the four perpetrators of the brutal terrorist attack in the crocus city hall near moscow received orders for deportation several times, but managed to live and earn extra money in russia, raids were carried out in the neighboring country on large enterprises in cities with a population of over a million. it turned out that hundreds of unregistered foreigners were working there, and many of them had broken the law and were subject to deportation. without
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knowledge of the language and the willingness to adapt to a new society, she long ago received russian citizenship. law enforcement officers began to contact people who were registering migrants and discovered that one private agency in balashikha near moscow, with the help of two purchased police officers, had fictitiously registered more than 1,500 immigrants from central asia, and this is only one of the episodes in multimillion-dollar russia after. about him, internet exploded with a flurry of stories about the work of gray schemes for obtaining russian citizenship, then belarusians had questions, but with us this is possible, and we check those who come to us not to visit, but to live, and how many people move to belarus forever. on average , 3.5-400 people receive belarusian citizenship every year. a sharp surge in applications occurred in the twenty-first. there is
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an explanation for this. in august 2021, alexander lukashenko spoke with journalists in the format of a press marathon, a big conversation with the president. it always lasts several hours allows you to receive a detailed response from the head of state to the most pressing needs of society. it was then that alexander lukashenko was conveyed the request of refugees from ukraine to somehow speed up the procedure for them to obtain our citizenship. the president ordered to provide. decent people have this opportunity in the shortest possible time with one condition: the future citizen must live, work in belarus and write an application in his own hand, so that there are no frauds with remotely obtaining the right to be called a citizen of our country. how as a result, in 2021 about 6,000 people received belarusian citizenship, in 2022 about 5,700, people who have long decided where they want to live and work. raise children,
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they were in a hurry to finally legalize. in 2023 , the influx subsided slightly, although almost 4,000 people received belarusian citizenship, and this is a figure that does not differ from long-term indicators. foreigners can obtain belarusian citizenship in two ways: through a simplified system on a general basis. if we are talking about simplified documents, then the documents are reviewed for 2-3 months, in depending on which country the person came from, you do not need to pay for their consideration, and the decision is made at the level of the internal affairs bodies. if citizenship is issued on a general basis, you need to pay five basic amounts for the procedure, and it may take a year to review the application, because the package of documents is wider and there are more verification steps. the data is checked by the department of internal affairs, state security departments, then they are studied by the commission on citizenship issues under the president, and after that the lists of applicants.
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passes it on to the head of state for signature, in this case, the members of the commission propose to give citizenship to someone from these lists, and for someone to recognize this decision as premature. it all depends on whether the person meets the requirements for an ordinary citizen of belarus. a person must work to be able to provide for himself and his children. there should be no dark spots of crime or outstanding convictions in his biography, all application documents must be present. in order: their list can be found in the latest edition of presidential decree no. 209 dated 17 november 1994. the structure of the document includes a provision on the procedure for considering issues related to citizenship of the republic of belarus. the twenty-second point is the list of documents for applying for belarusian citizenship for foreigners. according to the simplified system, citizenship of belarus.
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do people who are in one way or another connected with our country receive, for example, a person who lived here before the collapse of the ussr, once left, and now wants to return, or someone who lives or died here? relatives, such as grandparents. in addition, according to in a simplified system, people with belarusian citizenship can apply for it for their children and spouses. of course, the degree of relationship with a belarusian and the fact of his residence in our country must be documented, provide a birth certificate of a relative, if this is not possible, certificates from housing organizations, payments for housing and communal services, a copy of the work record book. if we are talking about spouses and children, then a marriage certificate about the birth of the children will be required. the list of documents for this category of applicants can be found in the fifty-sixth paragraph of the above provisions from presidential decree no. 209. there is another group of applicants who have the right to rapid review of documents. 24 years ago, belarus, russia, kazakhstan and
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kyrgyzstan entered into an agreement on a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship, that is, the path for residents of these countries to belarusian citizenship is both faster and easier. although they are checked no less scrupulously, it’s just that a system of work has long been established between the employees of the migration services of the countries of the agreement, which allows you to quickly exchange data and establish the authenticity of the documents of the applicant for citizenship, while the one who receives it on a general basis, the one who has the right to a simplified procedure, must renounce in writing the citizenship of the country from which he arrived at his consulate or embassy, ​​to our citizenship authorities or migration... present a certificate stating that such an application has been submitted, without this the application will not be accepted. and if a foreigner does not know our language, then he will not be given citizenship. on july 11 last year, the changes to the citizenship law, its new
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version stipulates that foreigners who want to become belarusians are required to take a language exam here. their level of vocabulary training should. enough for unhindered communication with residents, emergency and social services of our country. a foreigner can choose to take an exam in russian or in the belarusian language . the results are assessed according to the criteria specified in the instructions developed by experts from the ministry of internal affairs and the ministry of foreign affairs. it was approved by resolution number 138/9 dated 22 june 2023 on the procedure for assessing the level of knowledge of one of the state. languages ​​of the republic of belarus. briefly about what is in this document. the test taker is given 45 minutes for the exam. he answers questions in cyrillic, legible handwriting in the presence of an employee of the immigration citizenship department. you cannot take phones, flash drives and other gadgets with you. if the correct answers
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are less than 60% of the total, the exam is considered failed and citizenship is postponed. this rule was introduced after a couple of cases in russia. when new citizens committed a crime, in the courtroom they declared that they did not know russian and asked for an interpreter. this is now impossible for us. in addition, according to the law on citizenship as amended in july, all foreigners who have received the right to be called belarusians are required to take an oath of allegiance to our state. anyone who refuses to do this will not receive citizenship, even if the remaining stages have already been completed. most of. people who have received belarusian citizenship in the last few years are immigrants from ukraine. in last year there were almost 1,400 out of 4,000 people. next come immigrants from russia. in the twenty-third there were about 1,200 people. the remaining citizens are from kazakhstan, armenia,
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moldova, turkmenistan, syria, and afghanistan. someone is going home after a long search for himself abroad. some people visit relatives, others come here to study and can no longer part with them. with our land and people, someone gets married, uses the opportunity to stay forever in a country where one of the main values ​​is family, someone comes for work and discovers that very quiet a haven where it is not scary to build a business and a home. people who come to us forever only initially have different motives, then they are united by a single desire to become citizens of one of the few states on the continent that has the right to be called sovereign. when it comes to obtaining belarusian citizenship, the question is not relevant: why do we need this? we don’t invite anyone to be our citizens. it’s not us who need this, but them, the people who feel at home here. the belarusian state is a well -structured system. our territory
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compact, our resources and technologies allow us to check who we give the right to become one of us. and plans for economic development give us the opportunity to employ those who want. and if there are people in the world who... are given a real strong home, see it in our country, are ready to work for its good and continue its history in their children, there is no reason to refuse them. do not try on negative scenarios, even if they unfold very close. fear can deprive us of the joy of communication, the happiness of becoming someone’s family, the safety of accepting those who once left in search of himself, because their return suggests that a foreign land could not stand comparison with our country, and, well , value the right to be a citizen of belarus. there are people who have written these words on napkins many times and swallowed the chimes, but so far their wish has not come true. i’m marina karaman and what the new citizens bring to belarus, we figured it out, everything is clear,
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see you! why do we need an astronaut in space? basically, we have nothing else to do. a sovereign belarusian in space is pride for the nation, so that’s it some conversations are stupid in their essence, in any business there must be a goal to which you need to strive, without this stagnation will come, and it’s alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist of this approach in the country, he says: let’s produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we have built a station, although also... there was also hand-wringing, howling, now the most important thing is that if we suddenly take on the
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aircraft construction project, this is already more than enough for development. documents leaked to the internet robert koch institute, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during a pandemic cause more harm than good, and alexander lukashenko will also remain in history as the leader who is the most effective in world solved the problem of coronavirus. don't suffer. psychosis never in anything, just listen to your dad. author's project of igor turay, propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will tell you about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. the recipe for this cheesecake was found in the book of the radevilovskys recipes, translated from polish to our employees, now we can use it to treat everyone to such a cheesecake . according to the guest, how... it’s not osvizh, it’s not like summer at all, it’s equated to fried meat, all because it’s made
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from minced pork, let’s plunge into holiday culinary traditions, and of course we bake easter cake, only here in this area it is not called easter cake, if in the whole world there are easter cakes, it turns out to be easter cakes, in everyone these are easter rolls, and we will also introduce the tv viewer to the history of this or that in other areas of our country, they travel outside... to see the castle, the farny church, everything connected with the radivils. by the way, pay attention to the letter r on the caps. what does rodivila mean? look at the food anywhere in the project. on the tv channel belarus24. only for our tv viewers. we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at the overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city where alexander vasilyevich suvorov planned to stay. seriously for a long time and set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago there were
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the lower castle and the passade, and then the town hall, where the city magistrate was located. so the kobrin princes of their squads stopped and feasted, definitely here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long. to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. on belarus 1 news now, in the studio vladislav bundar, hello,
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security issues are the focus of the president’s attention today, the main topic of conversation with the military.


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