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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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good evening, on the air of economic environment on belarus one satellite tv channel belarus 24. an investment program for the twenty- fourth year has been adopted in belarus, the corresponding decree was signed by the head of state. in total, the document includes 120 objects, the third of which is planned to be put into operation. already this year, among the sixteen new ones on which funds will be spent, roads, orphanages, hospitals and infrastructure facilities, over 2 billion rubles are provided for financing. at infrastructure facilities in the twenty-fourth year will concentrate financial resources and development bank. at the end of the twenty-third year , the volume of financing of the belarusian economy from the bank increased by a quarter compared to the level of the twenty-second year. the main direction is investment, export and support for small medium-sized businesses. trading
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belarusian networks will continue to provide social discounts. the corresponding agreement was extended for the second quarter of this year. according to march, 13 retail chains will continue to support vulnerable categories of the population by providing a discount of up to 10%. with on january twenty-two, the total amount of discounts under the agreement exceeded 64 million. the french budget deficit at the end of the twenty- third year amounted to 5.5% of gdp, which significantly exceeded the forecast parameter. such data... the sugar industry in belarus is on the rise. according to the belgos-fishcheprom concern, sugar production in 23 reached a historical record: 670 thousand tons, plus 1517% of the level of 22. this strengthens the export potential of belarus, especially. but in the context of rising world prices for
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sugar, the domestic market is secured. by the concern forecasts that production volume this year will be at least 150% of the level of product consumption in the country. investments in fixed assets continue to grow in belarus, belstat reports. in the first 2 months of this year, their volume amounted to 4.7 billion rubles. the growth rate is over 117%, compared to the level of the same period in the twenty-third year. exchange trade turnover between belarus and russia increased 3.8 times. this data is provided by the belarusian universal commodity exchange. based on the results of the first quarter of this year, the amount transactions between entities of the union state amounted to almost $200 million. growth through trade in agricultural products . how is the union state developing? what results have been achieved? we will discuss with competent experts right now whether there are difficulties and where additional drivers for the development of integration processes lie.
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today we have a studio of experts who are well versed in the economic issues of the development of the union state, mariana shchetkina, head of the representative office of the standing committee union state in the city of minsk, igor nazaruk, deputy. minister of foreign affairs, yuri zolotarev, trade representative of the russian federation in the republic of belarus, irina novikova, head of the department of the belarusian state technological university. dear guests, good evening, good evening, good evening, hello, yesterday, april 2, we all celebrated the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia for the 25th time, a quarter of a century, dear experts, what is this holiday for you, what is it? means. indeed, here it is april 2
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in 1996, an agreement was first signed on the creation of a community of belarus with russia, then on april 2, 1997, an agreement on the creation of a union of belarus with russia, and already in december 1999 , an agreement on the creation of a union state, and this year we will celebrate 25 years from the date of signing of this agreement . a lot has been done during this time. industry, the agricultural sector, science, and education, no matter what we have achieved in any area, very great achievements, but this cannot be done if there is no support of the people, if there is no support of two peoples, then there will be no movement forward, therefore this is the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia, this is the locomotive, this is the driving force, this is the resulting direction that leads us to the construction of a union state.
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russian federation on the belarusian track, well, i would like to immediately emphasize that our trade and economic relations are a two-way street, my thoughts are first of all, of course, about the economy, this is the unification of our economies, we are moving very consistently towards this direction, that 's why of course the starting point, which is there refreshed the entire process, the entire history of bilateral relations, including in the trade and economic sphere, so the signing there in november of the twenty-first year was precisely an integration package, including 28 programs, one of them is the union program about the formation of a unified industrial policy, i want to say, to get such space, can you imagine, without a visa, you can go to
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vladivostok, from grodno to vladivostok, and from grodno to vladivostok from brest to ladivostok, everyone speaks the same language as you say, take... social units, when mom, dad, children and so on, but in a broader context, this is the state, the belarusian family, the russian family, for me this holiday is the unity of these families, fraternization, these are
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family ties, this is the interweaving of all kinds of relationships, and i wouldn’t single out anything here... the foreground is politics, economics, the social sphere, cultural, humanitarian, there is a large-scale complex of these points of contact, that’s what this holiday is for me , and the most important thing, a state of security, because we see what is happening, we see what wise decisions our supreme commanders make, and this inspires a certain. optimism, and confidence in the future, but i don’t know about you, for me personally this holiday yesterday caused some kind of uplifting, well, i don’t know, a feeling of confidence, you absolutely said it, well, positive emotions, why 25 years of unity
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belarus and russia officially, and how many more centuries unofficially, well, this is wonderful, time shows that our togetherness, real, productive. igor vasilyevich, i can’t help but ask you, i know that you have a granddaughter, but if she came to you and asked: grandfather, please tell me, from the height of the experience of many years of diplomatic service, how can you characterize the relations between belarus and russia, without diplomatic vocabulary, without complex structures, it’s understandable for a child, how would you answer her to this? question, i would answer as follows: granddaughter, karinochka, our relations between belarus and russia are like between sisters, or between siblings who, firstly,
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will always support and protect each other, and secondly, will share the most necessary... first of all, the economy, our president emphasized this thesis during a meeting with the governor of the novosibirsk region in minsk, precisely in interaction with regions of our neighboring country, we focus on industrial cooperation, offering our capabilities in updating the fleet of passenger transport and other equipment. the two countries have everything
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necessary to develop cooperation, release new products and create joint production our country has now set a course for restructuring its capabilities in the large russian market.
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during the period from 2000 to 2023
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, more than 80 programs worth more than 65 billion russian rubles were implemented, yeah, the areas are those that are necessary for the development of the union state, first of all, security and defense, and we felt it now more than ever, yeah, therefore, of course, this year border security programs are also being implemented to... to implement the provisions of the treaty on the union state for 2024-2026, then there too
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it is noted in the industrial policy that a road map in the field of microelectronics must be implemented, which we are doing through programs, for example, this year in 2024 we are developing an excellent program called intelaft, in fact, in simple terms, this is the development of smart intelligent protection control systems for highly automated vehicles, dual.
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year, a program in the space sector is also being implemented, and this is the development of new on-board equipment and, by the way, it is planned to implement it in within the framework of this program to create an experimental model of a nanosatellite, therefore, on our part, this is the academy of sciences, and once again i want to emphasize, to support the words of our president, how good it is that we have preserved what was developed earlier, because in order to work with space, and this is practically all the filling, all the content, this is done in...
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a specifically developed device can do it, and so on, but this must be in the interests of the union state, and this work now it is being carried out more comprehensively, because it is based on the requests of the union state, what is needed today and what is beneficial today for belarus and russia, this could be the automotive industry, we understand that there must be import substitution, although only for
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auto parts, components, that is, this approach is targeted.
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and also give effective results. belarus has transformed and received the status of a nuclear power, but well, firstly, you know that in november last year, the commissioning of two units was already ensured belarusian nuclear power plant. just recently we discussed this on our program, but now, if i’m not mistaken, they are still considering the issue of perhaps building a third power unit on an existing site or selecting a site for a new nuclear power plant, which will consist of two.
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specialized organizations of the republic of belarus and rosatom, which are aimed at implementing, including non-energy, non- nuclear projects, this includes , among other things, nuclear medicine and construction research mobile reactor in the republic of belarus, that is, a whole palette of interaction in a very high-tech industry, well, the second point is that our two countries are already implementing there, this is the creation... specifically in belarus of the aircraft manufacturing industry, this is also very important, a decision has already been made there that the republic of belarus will provide , among other things, the assembly of a twin-engine nineteen-seater aircraft, this is being done through, first of all, plant 558, which is located in baranovichi, and so
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the ural civil aviation plant in this regard, if i’m not mistaken, is very actively involved in 407. civil aviation plant. pyotr aleksandrovich parkhomchik, deputy prime minister, who oversees industry, including, if i’m not mistaken, has already at least indicated that by the twenty- sixth year the first two prototypes will be built, and by the thirtieth year, this level, quantity, volume the aircraft produced will be about 90 units, so it seems to me that the events that characterize the integration processes in the format of a union state.
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so we sympathize with him, we treat him with respect, of course, so he emphasized that, let’s say, of all the imports of meat products into the russian federation, exactly 50% were supplied from the republic of belarus, so he also emphasized that this is a very good contribution, and this is also a distinctive sign of precisely that integration format, which is the union state, so... therefore, in addition to this, of course, vehicles and engineering products, energy equipment, chemical products, this is all that at least makes up
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the top five main positions in the product range, namely belarusian exports, we still still dope the products of the fuel and energy complex, so we are still in any case, we supply large volumes of both oil and gas, you know, the supply of gas volumes is decreasing, decreasing, they are quite logical, that’s why, because, among other things , the belarusian nuclear power plant has already appeared, the need is already for raw materials for thermal power plants are no longer available, of course, this also includes equipment and machinery, that is, we are ferrous metals and products made from them, plastics and products from them, which is why i would like to emphasize that, of course, there are trade and economic relations between.
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trade, well, in this case with the russian federation, without a doubt, we know that belarusian exports to russia in the twenty-third year grew by more than 9% and amounted to, well, an impressive 25 billion dollars for our country, tell me, do you have you have forecasts for exports to russia for this year, and if we take a broader view of how you assess the development of bilateral cooperation between our countries, there are forecasts.
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there are more than 100 visits, everyone concludes agreements, they didn’t just come and see and leave, this is an agreement, these are concrete results, and here is another important point, look, this is our development, personnel training, now we are talking about personnel training in within the framework of the union state, we have a belarusian-russian university that trains according to russian programs, according to belarusian programs, according to high-tech industries, we are preparing.
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a number of related industries, where previously there was absolute import, today is a union product, and this is an indicator that together, in unity, it is possible to confront any challenges, union programs, projects, reference points for the development of integration in the reporting of the economic environment, please, the big one is seen from a distance , from the heights of the iss, space relations between the allies acquire brighter colors, and in every sense. belarus is a space power;
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evidence of this is the realized allied programs. belarusians participated in the creation of technical innovations, without which space flights are unthinkable. we were able to create a basis for the development of a number of industries, that is, space has become a driver for the development of science. new materials, optics, electronics, information technologies, for example, the skin of russian spacecraft are created taking into account belarusian technologies. the device, when moving through the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere, undergoes heating, and if the heat-protective materials are made and calculated incorrectly, the device burns out. allied programs have flight normal, so one of them gave the union state technologies for decrypting space images for monitoring objects. participating in space research is like playing in the major leagues, that is, there are very few countries that have the technology and can be
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the first. in space research, experimental equipment for sensing the earth was also included in the union program, this is a series of high-tech projects, our satellite information acquisition system is... in the union economy, it is used in the interests of many industries, and our income exceeds the cost of maintaining space control for the first spacecraft by more than $40 million. the integration of belarus and russia for many states is clean space. since the approval of twenty-eight union programs , almost all areas and industry drivers have reached new heights with a unified approach, and it took a long time to achieve the status of russian and belarusian products.
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another victory, the approved strategy for scientific and technological development until the thirty- fifth year, it will combine the experience of two scientific schools skolkovo is already being produced by belarusian startups, here is a flying taxi, a wheelchair with mobility on stairs , a glass heater. such joint cooperation, when belarusian companies come to us in order to enter their products into the russian market, of course we welcome them. we are helping to achieve a breakthrough; we need personnel ; the formation of a unified educational space is already underway. after graduation, students receive two diplomas, one from the republic of belarus, the other from the russian federation, and here we are very open, already in the past in the entrance campaign, we admitted our
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russian friends to our universities based on the results of the unified state exam. moscow and minsk are switching to payments in national currencies. another important area is logistics. in the twenty-third, belarus almost doubled its growth. belarus and russia have been brought closer in all respects, where previously there were imports, today they are a union product, both in industry, science, tourism, culture, festivals, by the way, also with a plus for the economy, with a plus for the economy, well, maryana akindinovna, we looked plot, you had remarks, maybe additions, no, i was just delighted to see pyotr aleksandrovich vite, i saw vladimir grigorievichakov, i remembered. that the first prize of the union state in the field of science and technology was precisely for activities in the field of space, and it was a prize for the creation of a remote sensing system for the earth, for the creation of an effective electromagnetic
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protection system, for the creation of a new generation of sensors for on-board equipment, and these were first prizes, and in general within the framework of the union state we have prizes in the field literature and art, there are awards in the field of science and
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the preparation of socio-economic development forecasts, support for the development of small medium-sized businesses, including through digital servers, platforms, and so on. if you open any section, today we talked a lot about industry, i’m opening the fourth section: industry, and it also specifically states what should be done, here is the implementation of the roadmap in the field of machine tool industry, the responsible ministry of industry of the republic of belarus, the ministry industry and trade of the russian federation.
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but they were close to somewhere average, minimal, and so on, and to stimulate this growth, this will also be a significant driver, we are talking about human capital, about human potential.
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partners with the authorities in the relevant regions and cities to implement these projects, of course, this is a road in two directions, so we will consider and implement exactly the same proposals here, so i see here, among other things, opportunities for
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realizing these opportunities of ours, when deepening integration , a certain unique conflict of interests arises, such as
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105 billion russian rubles, then it was the equivalent of 1.7 billion us dollars, which russia allocated to the republic of belarus for the solution of integration, including import-producing industries, and our approach here is completely different , healthy, correct, we are carrying out this work through the ministry of industry of the republic of belarus, the ministry of industry and trade of the russian federation and coordination is underway, the belarusian side. picks up project, it is proposed to the russian side and the ministry of industry and trade approves it, that is, from that position , not as some kind of controller, but as a way to ensure that there
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is a sufficiently wide range of those enterprises where these loans will be used, they were here, the credit line was, first of all, it was aimed at precisely the production of those products, in order to avoid duplication of certain enterprises there operating in the market of russia or the union state and solving problems, among other things import substitution.
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are of particular interest to the belarusian side, well, in the context of the development of trade and economic relations, first of all,
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but all others too, the ministry of foreign affairs is a rather conservative structure, so to say that we will change our positions here at the moment would be incorrectly, as regards the regional development of cooperation, it is now on an upward trajectory. the coverage of regions and regions is increasing; it is enough to recall the tenth anniversary forum of regions, which was held in bashkarattastan in ufa last year, where delegations from sixty regions of the republic of belarus took part from the russian side, all regions were present. a colossal number of agreements, contracts have been signed, we just became friends, we just got to know each other, there is already, as i
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say, splitting into atoms, there is already a separate one there, for example, village or city formations, yes, on the russian side, they are showing interest in our cities, villages towards us, that is, we, we are strengthening this... this network, this chain of communication, with each other, this contributes, firstly, to strengthening our cooperation, and secondly, it allows us to interact more deeply, firstly, and economically, in other areas, with our partner, to help him where necessary, where we need to receive support, there is a very powerful process going on in this.
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they tried it here a long time ago, about 10 years ago the first store with exclusively belarusian goods appeared, now there are already 19 of them and this is
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only in the city, the network is growing and at the same time extends beyond the region. there are already points in novosibirsk, yekaterinburg, chelyabinsk, podolsk, aimed at moscow. everyone knows that belarusian products are now very popular, mainly because of their quality. all our products are transported under strict processing in vehicles with special equipment, so the delivery time for dairy products is always good, everything is the freshest, the best. and this is already the territory of our industrialists. the minsk motor plant opened a trading house several years ago to be closer to its own. including both end consumers and manufacturers of road construction equipment, pumps equipment. what is important is that the production of minsk engines does not depend on western parts, they are made from belarusian and russian components, this allows for servicing to be carried out as quickly as possible and to prevent downtime of equipment. we are ready
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to provide spare parts at any time. we also have service centers throughout the russian federation that are ready to provide service support 24x7. people in orenburg know firsthand about belarusian quality. this is a showroom for light industry products. camboli and galantea, svetana, kokalinka. perhaps all the famous brands are represented here, but the undisputed flagship is belarusian flax. i'll be honest. after visiting the factory, i simply fell in love with the history of flax and really wanted to present these products here in the orenburg region. the demand for our medicine is only growing and even though there is no big store yet, this does not interfere with trade at all, especially since sales are increasingly moving online, and now goods are sent all over russia, digital reviews are flying in response, here are four at once
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the ratings are all a's, that is, this clearly says that the product is. burger region, i think, will be very popular if you come and indeed some shopping facility will be filled with everything belarusian, so there are a large number of, let’s say, options for interaction. belarus and russia are a union of great prospects; among the basic goals, of course, is a single educational space. recently, the bilateral agenda has been actively growing with events and projects in this area. and for good reason, because for
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universities not only teach science, but also the real sector of the economy. today's student is tomorrow's specialist. quotas at russian universities are a common thing for our students. 1,300 free places based on last year's results. the ranks of novgorod university students are replenished with belarusians every year, and university dialogue is generally on the rise. vitebsk, brest technical, capital computer science and radio electronics. the rector is confident that we will enrich each other by today’s standards of time. double degree programs are available. guys can study for a year. in the territory one state and a year on the territory of another state, in the finals diplomas from two universities must be issued simultaneously, a person can feel very comfortable both on the territory of one and on the territory of another state. from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs, not to compete, but to complement each other in various areas, from ensuring technological independence to
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food security, this is not a stock phrase, but a real format worker. first of all, this is the implementation of equal rights, no borders, free employment , wages, everything is standardized, so to speak, normalized, that means, please, payment of sick leave, sanatorium treatment, medical care, payment to families, benefits for raising children, pensions, no matter where you live, that is you have a record of work experience,
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that is, everything that is necessary for people’s lives today, everything that interests them, everything. if suddenly some problem arises, the standing committee under the leadership of secretary of state dmitry fedrovich mezintsev acts interdepartmental working group of the russian and belarusian countries. to resolve issues related to the implementation of the agreement on equal rights of citizens, this is the most important thing, i can say that the number of russians in the first half of the first half of 2023 was visited by 420 thousand, this is already in the aggregate indicator and at least surpassed, well, the volume of tourist flow from russia according to the results of the twenty -second year, in the three quarters of the twenty- third year, on the contrary, the counter flow of belarusian citizens doubled.
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today, at least the total number, namely, let's say, there are 50 railway flights, routes, well, two units, it seems to me that this is a sufficient degree of bond between russia and belarus, which is also provided there, this is a serious bond, we also have brest airport and gomel, and regional and absolutely, but in any case, to our brothers and... from the russian federation, welcome to belarus, to minsk, regional cities, other small medium-sized cities, we will drink, feed, show the sights,
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we have a beautiful country, clean , cosy, come, we will be glad, we will give a similar installation to our citizens, if you want to go and see one of the regions of the russian federation, this should be done, it’s amazing. nature, good people, rich traditions, all conditions for the development of tourism in our countries. dear experts, summarizing our conversation, how do you see the future of the union state and what do we all need to do for this? i would probably say briefly that a union state is a successful integration association of like-minded people, changing. world for the better therefore, the unity of peoples is our driver of movement, and naturally the efficiency of the movement will depend on our joint efforts, only
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together, and one more topic that we, well, probably implicitly had in mind, is that after all we have two the dates are the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus this year from the nazi invaders, next year we have victory day, this is the eightieth anniversary of victory. as a result, as a result, an ordinary person will win, in the form of an improvement in the quality of his life, in the form of lengthening or increasing the duration of his
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life, in the form of the emergence of new opportunities, to prove oneself not only there on some minimal demands there, but also more broadly, because each of us has that... beginning, for this we need additional time, for this we need additional resources , including financial ones, this is all we will have at the output.


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