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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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on the ground, in the air and at gunpoint, to effectively apprehend criminals, they are ready to work in any of the most difficult conditions. gomel detachment. qi for special purposes,
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including taking part in counter-terrorism operations carried out in the region. proximity to the ukrainian border obliges us to be fully armed 24x7. how often do you go out in person? it's not always possible to travel often. but to keep ourselves in good shape, in order to understand how the unit works, whether we are moving in the right way, what we have learned, is everything used in practice, somewhere to suggest some nuances, maybe how best to make this or that movement, even, and young people at these moments, your subordinates, how they are more responsible, the commander is always the controlling body behind, the presence of the commander, how during shooting, for some reason this always makes them responsible, but not fear, channel a02. channel a04 now you already
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know what mission you are leaving for, as i understand it, we are going for a real detention, but we are going for a real order, we have not yet been given the information before our arrival, as it were we will meet with the operative and provide the information, that is, in the process you will decide how to act on the spot, absolutely right, how to act on the spot, what equipment is needed, a large shield, a small one, whether we will open the doors, we will not, the composition of the group is always the same, or just once for each task? or you always travel in your own group, supported by the same group composition, but everything depends on the task, in the group there are climbers, brush climbers, brichers, those who open doors, this is the briccher set, i understand, yes, what is included in it, there are special push-ups, an ax, somewhere to hammer something in, open it, to open the doors of the room.
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the address could possibly contain both a child and a wife, it’s possible, taste watch, yes it’s turned on, it’s already turned on, yes, it’s on.
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according to operational information, it was received that the person was suspected of committing a crime, could offer active resistance or disobedience, and may also have weapons. the event went well; the suspect did not have time to offer resistance. come in, come in, zhenya, working, on the floor, on the floor, lie down, on the floor,
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on the floor, turn your back, on your stomach, lie down, on your stomach, on your stomach, said, on your stomach, lie down, behind your back, behind your back, i noticed that one of the... employees has a gopro camera hanging from the reader, we record all our events on video, so that later , during classes, during training, we can thoroughly disassemble everything, see how they are placed on helmets, on the chest, on body armor, the special training department, together with employees of the operational-combat plant, carries out the work over mistakes, some little things, every time detentions or nuances arise in order to eliminate them in the future or prevent them, we also analyze what is happening now in ukraine, we look at all the different videos that are posted on the internet, there is also something to see there, the employee
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must undergo individual training in order to to confidently, safely become part of the group, because he will be in the group as the first number, second number, third number, the employee... will be excellent, only then will he safely have a certain control section of exercises in individual training, his assessment there can join any combat group, in any number, perform any task, ours really has the ability to simulate the situation, due to mobile modules, we can make a two-room, one-room apartment, three-room apartment, we also have specially... lighting that allows you to work at night, in twilight, overcoming obstacles, for example, closed doors, broken windows, video cameras are installed that allow you to analyze the work fighters in a group, for example, or individually analyze his mistakes, on what principle were weapons chosen for training and in
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general in work, the main weapon of a combat group, a pistol and a submachine gun - in our urban work, a model of a submachine gun for each employee different, some may have... 5, some may have pp-200, some may have ppk-20. as a group, we worked through the detention today. the introductory task was this: a group of people robbed a jewelry store using firearms. we had some targets marked with white hands, this is the enemy who has surrendered to us. he was not shot. any event related to ubop, drug control, criminal investigation, interprets such actions that the use or use of firearms is... 70 or 80 percent, so these are the trainings we have in preparation every day in order to go with the guys to event to fulfill our combat mission. today we have a unique opportunity
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to learn about the arsenal that amon employees use in their daily work. let's talk about the weapons we have here now. we see before us what it is, in what cases it is used and why it is unique? in a detachment of miles with a special meaning, it means that there is a large arsenal, as you can see, of powerful weapons, we can divide it into several, which means positions, which means the first thing is we ’ll take pistols, they also come in several modifications, which means the first thing is there are pistols, grand power, russian -made with rubber ammunition, so to speak, non-lethal weapons, 10 mm ammunition can be used by two types of ammunition in our unit, this is a rubber bullet with light and sound action
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of ammunition. our next weapon is twelve caliber, this is the mosberg, this is an american weapon, which means this weapon is widely used in our unit, it can be divided into several. this means - stages, the first is for mass riots, it is used, which means a rubber bullet, rubber shot, rubber buckshot, there is also lethal ammunition . this is a steel bullet, yes, which, in we mainly use a steel bullet to stop a vehicle, the next weapon we have is a russian pp-2000 submachine gun, we have an ordnance, the magazine capacity is 20 rounds, there is a device for low-shot shooting, let’s call it a silencer, yes, the employee has already directly installed it for himself collimator sight and infrared device for day and night spectrum, for comparison. the magazine capacity in
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the pp-200 submachine gun pistol is 20 rounds, in these two it is 30, the capacity of the magazines is increased, the device for low noise it is removed, yes, the weapon, it becomes even smaller, and if you take it as a hidden carry, then it becomes just like this, a submachine gun pistol... the jacket can be hidden and you can walk somewhere and then quickly perform the task with the pistol 20 rounds, and as far as i understand, these ones can’t be sorted out like that, but that’s absolutely true, this weapon can’t be sorted out like that, well , you can see its dimensions, they are noticeably different, it won’t be possible to use it like that once opened, if you compare the dimensions, the difference is obvious yes much smaller, huge weapon, what is it yes gm gm94, it's russian. this is the first grenade launcher in the world that was developed that could be used indoors,
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it has a capacity of three shots from above and one barrel is allowed, four shots, a range of up to 300 m, a minimum distance of up to 20 m can be fired, the range of ammunition in the gm 400 we have is this light-sound action and vgm 200 is a gas grenade, which, when fired, it immediately detonates and gas immediately flows in. personally, which weapon do you prefer? the more comfortable it is for you to work, if it a more police task, then of course, this is a submachine gun, now new types of weapons have entered service, but i personally value it, after all, the first submachine gun is the mp5.
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storming, but the entrance door, for example, it is metal, will take a long period of time to open it, in order not to waste time, for this they work storm, the first to go is a person who knows the situation in the apartment, he goes, he goes, he turns over , not with his head, these are elements of acrobatics, he turned over, he looked at the stop in apartment, before the assault, he found out if there were people there, where, for example, a criminal was located, if he sees that he can... work, he gives the group a command that they can work, then returns to his usual position and
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begins to walk out the window . each employee involved in assault mountaineering has his own direct equipment, his own individual safety system, his own descending devices, their differences, it all depends on the task at hand, if dynamic detention, yes, we... we use a figure eight climbing device there, if somewhere already under control, at some kind of blocking, or hiding the window is working, employee, which means we are working on the descent source of the paratrooper, a safe paratrooper, because when you let him go, he stops the rope, you will not lower yourself anywhere, but eight, if you don’t control it and let go of your hand, then the descent will be uncontrolled, you have no right to make a mistake, this is very important, you know how much. floors in the house, you know how many ropes you need to measure per floor, how many you need from
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measure out the supply of rope, how to properly put it in a bag, because the rope has a genetic memory, so that you understand that if you store it for a long time not in a bay, in an endless knot, or store it incorrectly, it remembers its shape and this then affects even the exit from the assault places, significant detentions in our country are not the law of the circulation of narcotic substances, psychotropic drugs, the cooking was directly when drug addicts themselves... get rid of the street, absolutely right, if we urgently need to enter through the window into the room, there is employees who break the glass, open the window and the group is already working on the assault under the detention of the criminals, the maximum height from which you descended, now i’ll tell you, this is a twenty-story building in grodno, twenty or 22, 22 floors, what kind of detention was it,
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it was a detention a drug addict at the address who was manufacturing drugs, and you know there too... a nuance arose, because to get out, it was not a flat roof, it was a triangular roof, it had such a spire, above the address, above the window you could get attached only after falling down this spire, so we miraculously found a wooden ladder that had been lying there since the time this house was built, climbed onto this spire, tied ourselves correctly, as we say, and made an assault and nuances, the higher... the more difficult work, now i’m going to try to go down from the high-rise, and the guys will help me with this, this is a descender, yes, you told us about several, this is some kind of distancer, a rope will be attached to it, it’s scary. no,
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no lower, let's get out of here, you give it to me, squeeze the lever and pull the rope a little, now take a small step, check on the facade of the building, more, more, more, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, press, grass, grass, and with my knees nothing that i rested on, that’s it, you can, everything, now squeeze, squeeze rope, get up on your feet, get up on your feet. feet slowly and in small steps, just like i showed initially, well done , to be continued, amon works.
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over the past year, the memorial was visited by more than 520 thousand people, and these were not only citizens.
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how the village perished during the great patriotic war, the church itself is dated was the end of the 16th century, it was illuminated on november 6, 1794 in honor of the virgin mary, then it passed into the fold of orthodoxy and was the church of the holy mother of god, when the decision was made to recreate
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the church, then of course they turned to written sources, this church, this not the creation of some new church.
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generally historical, it covers a large period of our history from the 10th to the 20th centuries, there is information about the post-war period, about how the memory of those tragic events and tragedies that occurred in territory of our country during the period of 3 years of occupation, but of course, this is the emotional part, we influence our museum visitor through emotion, and the artistic decision of the museum.
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which is over our heads today. zoya kosmedemyanskaya, a participant in the great patriotic war in october 1941,
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as a tenth grade student, voluntarily went to the front. as part of reconnaissance sabotage groups, she carried out missions behind enemy lines, participated in mining roads, blowing up bridges and crossings, and destroying lines wired connection. 29th of november. while performing a combat mission, zoya was captured by the nazis. the girl was subjected to severe torture and bullying, but despite everything, she did not betray either her mission goals or her comrades to the enemy. the girl was silent and only said that her name was tanya. after prolonged torture, zoya kosmidemyanskaya was hanged on petrishchevskaya square. zoya kosmedemyanskaya. she was the first woman to be awarded the title of hero of the soviet union during the war. by death.
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everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. with the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given over to him.
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another important shrine of the monastery is its relics, which we will tell and show in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel. they know everything about their small homeland and generously share this knowledge.
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aristocratic interest appeared, we just watched the flight of large birds of prey , eagles, looked at where their nests were, a project about the middle classes, and so we have this how modern poleshuks live, love for the homeland, the homeland is everything that is around us, we must live in it and must love, treat it as human beings, this is cohesion, unity, understanding of the pain or needs of another.
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who he is is unknown. glyadzice ў praektse, architecture of belarus. if there were more european trots at the time, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained the strength to give out something new and aryginal. on our tv channel.
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7:01 pm
on-air news in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, at the beginning, briefly about the main topics release. the belarusian sky is under reliable protection, not a single target passed by. the president today personally observed and assessed the sudden inspection of the duty forces of the air force and the air defense troops. belarus values ​​every veteran. the hero receives congratulations on these may holidays.


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