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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:25pm MSK

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the news is on air in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, first, briefly about the main topics of the issue. the belarusian sky is under reliable protection, not a single target passed by. the president today personally observed and assessed the sudden inspection of the duty forces of the joint forces and air defense forces. belarus values ​​every veteran. the hero receives congratulations on these may holidays.
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white lodya chess competition, who won the champion's cup and will represent belarus at the all-russian tournament. security issues were the focus of the president's attention today. alexander lukashenko visited the central command post of the air force and air defense forces.
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so exactly, as i understand it, you said in advance from where which targets will fly, yes, no no, i know that the check and where and the composition of the forces of the means attracted from, so that there is no real window dressing? the commander-in-chief was informed about the current situation and the progress of the inspection of the air force and air defense forces on duty; the president watched the training along with the military. the check of the duty bodies lasted more than an hour, troops and equipment worked in the air on great. all targets were detected and hit. alexander lukashenko closely monitored the work of the military, being interested in details at every stage of support.
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found all the targets on time, all the targets, you dealt with them where necessary, hit them where necessary, forced them to land, and so on and so forth, you see everything that is being done in the adjacent area, reconnaissance is working well, information is being transmitted, well done, one thing only, if this is all unexpected, sudden and honest, if so, then yes, it’s not just impressive, but... it’s decent, they will the results of objective control, then we will finally sum up the results at the ministry of defense, right victor? therefore, my only concern is that it be fair, a sudden check, which means that those who need it know, and the rest work as if in wartime , if this is the case, then well done, that’s not bad.
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the situation on the outer contour forces people in uniform to be constantly on alert; they serve on the ground in the air 24x7. particular attention to air defense.
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carried out today, it’s too early to talk about the result, we just failed in general, the set of measures that was the preliminary result, the final result based on the results of objective control, but it is already clear that in general, one can say, they coped with the task, the composition of the duty forces was significantly increased, that is, you ... additional forces, starting from the technical troops, these are mobile groups, were withdrawn, additional aviation crews, both airplanes and helicopters, were also assigned, and units of anti-aircraft missile forces were also additionally assigned, including not only at the point permanent deployment, another feature
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was that a difficult air situation was created, air targets were additionally assigned, all targets that were withdrawn were discovered...
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next in line were defensive fortifications, ammunition depots, as well as minefields. the general mobilization in ukraine has not yet seen such bloodthirsty appetites of the kiev regime; with the imminent entry into force of a law abolishing the concept of limited fitness, the armed forces of ukraine will begin to conscript people with cancer or hiv. the only thing that can save you from being sent to front - inoperable or progressive tumor or metastases. moreover, the verkhovna rada of ukraine published a decree according to which armed. the forces will be replenished by people with a number of psychological diseases and mental retardation, sending them to the rear to the front will begin tomorrow. the berlin defense plant diehl is on fire. the fire destroyed four floors and part of the building collapsed. the emergency poses a great danger to both people
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and nature. chemicals, sulfuric acid and copper cyanide burn. a poisonous column of smoke poisoned the atmosphere within a radius of several kilometers. residents of the german capital are advised to avoid the area. close windows and doors, turn off the ventilation and air conditioning system, among the products of the dil plant are arist anti-aircraft missile systems supplied to ukraine. about 130 firefighters went to the defense plant to extinguish the fire. rescuers are forced to use protective suits to extinguish the toxic fire. a criminal case for flowers in memory of soviet soldiers, so the latvian authorities spat in the face of their own human rights and their history. the police detained. a man who brought flowers to the site of the demolished monument to soviet soldiers in the city of rezoknye, at first a case of administrative violation was opened against the malicious violator, but when it turned out that the man dared to pay tribute to fallen soviet soldiers more than once, the case was immediately reclassified as criminal.
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now he could face imprisonment for up to 5 years. the latvian police also emphasized that on the eve of may 9 they are strengthening control over public order. to prevent the celebration of victory day. we are belarusians, we will always remember the feat of our heroes. attention and care are the most important things our people need now. during may, representatives of the belarusian red cross and the ministry of labor and social protection are implementing a republican project called the heart. today congratulations were addressed to ivan liharsherst. from the first days of the war, ivan konstantinovich was appointed platoon commander on the second ukrainian front. during the battles he was wounded in the leg. i celebrated the victory at home. volunteers presented a sign of respect to the veteran with a multifunctional tonometer sweet treats. serts' tanometer - this belarusian brand and the tanometer can be deformed, this is very
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important for veterans, which is the most important thing for veterans, and the entire tanometer has such functions that give maximum comfort to the skin of a veteran b. remember to share these stories with the younger generation, this is not the first day we have been carrying out this campaign and we see very positive responses, this is pleasant, and even more pleasant to see that the veterans are cheerful, that they are celebrating the holiday, as winners are supposed to be greeted. during the joint the social project is planned to visit over a thousand war veterans, concentration camp prisoners, as well as lonely elderly people. in addition to gifts, veterans are provided with financial assistance; by may 9 , more than 8 people had already received payments. operational
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news and photo reports, emotional radio stories, analytical publications. the winners of the minsk regional competition among media journalists were honored today at the press house. also, the ideological activists of the region were presented with awards from the presidential administration. in total there are almost 30 laureates and 10 nominations, the best creative project in print media, presence on the internet, authors of socio-political and socio-economic topics were noted. among the winners is our colleague elena vitko, special correspondent for the telenews agency. she became the best author of republican media stories about the minsk region. for conscientious work. top reports, current content from the life of minsk and the country, on the eve of the professional
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holiday, outstanding radio and television communications workers were also honored at the city hall. thanks from the leadership of the capital was awarded to 35 colleagues, these are employees of leading media, both television and radio, and information media in online format. among the laureates are the editor of the television news agency of the belarusian radio company alexandra goitan and ilya tsvitkov. i want to eat some keravnika. our agul nashaga kalektyvu, the lords are glad that this morning i meet here at the capital of the capital
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city hall, i’m extremely happy here to walk in the smoke, and this whole year i’m so worthy of the noble people, for this reason, of course, the kingdom of beltal and radio campaigns and administrative city, we will continue to work, have an effect, a product for our country and for our native minsk, our dear native city, which i am proud of. performers. legal education of youth:
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the academy of management today awarded the winners of the republican olympiad on the theory and practice of the electoral process. this year it took place in three stages. based on the results of the qualifying tests, out of almost 2.0 high school students, 70 children from all regions of the country reached the finals. students passed computer testing and also demonstrated ingenuity during an educational board game. 22. the winners were awarded diplomas and memorable gifts. of course, it is very honorable to participate in such a large-scale republican-level olympiad, despite the fact that i am a republican olympian in...
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me, the team from the capital’s gymnasium number 50 took the champion cup, silver medals from another minsk gymnasium, the sixth bronze goes to grodno with the team of secondary school number 35. two squads from each region and capital fought for 4 days for the main prize, a trip to the sochi park hotel health complex. there in june the final stage of the open all-russian chess competition will take place, at which our champions will perform. but it was very tense in the last round, why? because we were losing half by one and a half, then by some miracle i won on time, then later i made a draw and we ended up winning the tournament, our nerves are always on edge, that is, the children themselves, they are no longer little athletes, they already understand everything , they understand the cost of the price of a mistake, and this pressure of course affects them, then there are many who played differently than usual, many were constrained, and well, this is experience for them for the future, i
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think next year they will show a better game than now, the features and uniqueness of the tournament. namely, that it takes place according to a three-stage system, that is , first the guys compete at their place of residence, and then regional competitions, and from each region two of the best teams are selected for the republican finals. this year the tournament was held for the ninth time, the organizers of the belalaya competition, we recall, are the presidential sports club, the ministry of sports and tourism, education and the belarusian chess federation. this tournament is a real holiday for...
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including, i think, athletes, who most of all want to prove to themselves that they can. at the moment , kaladinskoe and kurochkina were guaranteed tickets to paris; the volnikov quartet had only one license from the classics, from khoslakhanov.
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we talk about the most fascinating things from the world
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of science, i remember when a person described in ten pages the use of apple cider vinegar to treat cancer diseases, this can simply have catastrophic consequences, it is understandable why we are sharing interesting facts, but there were many in the assumptions of ancient thinkers. for example, galilen believed that the center of the cardiovascular system was the liver. the ancient people liked sour wine, they began to add it to food and use it in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend the life of the most important organ of the human body. we have long been created, in the clinic we are in we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses, these are absolutely ours. a protest that is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models, see the project science nearby, on the belarus
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24 tv channel, childish curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty, sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything, are you ready to meet our hero, why do you think the children chose to talk? specifically you, i hope i can answer their questions, a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation: how are you different at work from yourself at home? it seems to me that solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grymza into a cute cat, no, i’m either a grymza everywhere or a kitty everywhere. how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative, pity is not equal to sympathize, pity is an arrogant feeling, a feeling of superiority, see
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the project 100 questions for adults, on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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