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tv   247  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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[000:02:23;00] athletes have to analyze the opponent, work on mistakes, choose the right strategy for the match. emotions subside, some realization is already coming that we have actually achieved such a significant goal for both the club and the fans, but what will the result be in a real battle of intellect, as the gymnastic apparatus is called, where two parallel bars are installed at the same height.
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vlad. bars, absolutely right, how the abbreviation bfvs stands for, you need to press, you don’t know, then everyone will guess it. belarusian federation, maybe bc, bc, yellow card, yellow card, coach who won all these titles, while he is the only one, in fact, he always considered himself, he always considered himself. watch the intellectual sports show, heading game
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on our tv channel. in the next issue of the ether 24x7 project , we will talk about rating news on important dates, and find out why it was not customary for our ancestors to say hello on easter. let's continue our acquaintance with the sights of the city of pinsk. and, of course, we will present to your attention fascinating and educational projects of our tv channel. stay up to date with all the latest news in the country and the world, watch our traditional friday
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project. in the sections your choice, we get acquainted with news from the world of economics, social life, sports culture, a business forum in cairo, a meeting of the hero of belarus, cosmonaut marin vasilevskaya, with belarusian students and a republican tournament. on work technology. more than forty companies from belarus took part in the business forum in cairo . a government delegation led by the prime minister was on an official visit to egypt. bilateral negotiations between roman golovchenko and mustafa madbouly took place. the parties discussed new niches for mutually beneficial cooperation, with special attention to stock trading. the egyptian company has already become a broker on our exchange. on tuesday, at the business forum, in addition to negotiations, there was a presentation of the belarusian investment climate and free economic zones, as well as exchange mechanisms for a company from two countries. in 2023, ss-minsk increased by eight
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residents, the total investment volume is more than $18 million. today in the territory of the ss 105 enterprises operate. the main activities of residents are mechanical engineering, microelectronics, metalworking, pharmaceuticals. this year. four companies have already been registered, this is an enterprise that is implementing investment projects for the production of sanitary products , charging stations for electric vehicles, as well as a plant for the production of metal pipes and processing of metal products. marina vasilevskaya met with students and teachers of the presidential academy of management. hero of belarus, cosmonaut, shared what the preparation for the flight was like, how life works on the iss and what the astronauts feel during the flight and after. marina vasilevskaya became not only a hero of belarus, but also an example to follow and even an idol of youth. such dialogues attract dozens of listeners. so last week , about 400 children visited the national academy of sciences.
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a republican robotics tournament was held in zhillobin. more than 200 schoolchildren from all regions and the city of minsk presented their inventions at the palace of team sports. age participants from 9 to 17 years old, 13 in total. the winners received prizes and certificates. the tournament program included not only competitions for zhlobin guests, but also excursions, an innovation exhibition and career guidance platforms for young people. the musical premiere was presented specifically for the vns. the patriotic hit is heard by the voices of the continuity of young performers, star participants of the factor byy show and masters of the belarusian stage. generations, love for their small homeland and
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professional dedication, the lyrics and melody have already hooked many, the clip is gaining views and becomes an internet trend. already this sunday, may 5th, the entire orthodox world from '. easter is the most important and solemn christian holiday, preparation for the bright sunday of christ among the orthodox... in exactly 40 days, this is the time of great lent, it is considered the most strict, for almost 2 months the basis of the believer’s diet becomes vegetables, cereals, mushrooms, honey, nuts, fruits and other plant products. the lists of foods
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that are allowed or prohibited to eat during fasting depend on the day of the week. the most stringent restrictions apply to wednesday friday. on tuesdays and thursdays, as a rule, it is allowed. hot food on saturday and sunday - hot food with vegetable oil. most often, believers refuse poultry and eggs, meat and dairy foods, fish and seafood. fish is allowed only twice during lent: on the feast of the annunciation and palm sunday, it is necessary to celebrate the holiday with peace in your heart, forget all past grievances, it is best to take communion before it. the main stage of preparation fell on the week after palm sunday, where on a special day it was a clean thursday. our ancestors got up early in the morning to thoroughly clean the house, decorate it with greenery, and prepare it. with embroidery, and then later in the evening and take a steam
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bath in the bathhouse. on friday saturday, work was in full swing in the kitchen. the housewives tried to prepare as many delicious and varied dishes as possible for the festive table, where the most important were colored eggs and easter cakes. according to legend, mary magdalene presented the roman emperor tiberius with a chicken egg and said: “christ is risen.” emperor doubted her words, he said. that a person cannot be resurrected, like a white egg, cannot become red. at this moment , a real miracle happened: the egg turned red . this incident formed the basis of christian custom. in belarus, eggs were colored using onion peels, oak bark and even medicinal plants. in addition, our grandparents had a tradition of painting them with patterns. such eggs were called pysanky. where each element had its own meaning,
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so the rhombus is a sign of fertility, the circle with a dot in the center is the sun and life, and the four-pointed star is a symbol of fire of light. after all the preparations, people went to churches with elegant baskets to illuminate eggs, easter cakes, meat and salt. the ceremony took place either on saturday evening or during the all-night service. the first meal, at which it was customary for the whole family to gather on easter day, had to begin. from the illuminated egg, it was divided into pieces and distributed to everyone, only after that a true feast was organized. the main entertainment for easter was the game of cue ball. its essence was as follows: before starting to beat, the eggs they examined the teeth and, by tapping their teeth, chose those with a stronger shell. everyone played, children, young people and even old people. i believed that the winner would have good luck all year long. a special feature of easter in belarus was
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the movement of volochniks, boys and young men, who glorified the librob, his family, and his hard work in their songs. each family that the volochebniks visited gave them bread, lard, eggs, and cheese. they walked all night, and in the morning they gathered in someone’s hut and arranged a general treat. it is noteworthy that greetings on easter were not accepted. according to tradition, the greeting sounded like “christ is risen,” and they responded to this truly risen, glorifying vyalikden. a festive atmosphere reigned everywhere these days. the main signs of the holiday are traditionally associated with the weather and the future harvest, on which everyone’s well-being depended. there were sayings on this score: the sun is rolling down the easter hill into the summer. on holy week, there is thunder for good.
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in the section on the dates of the week , we will find out what significant dates will be remembered in the context of belarusian culture. outgoing week: three talented belarusians, three stories of a unique creative path. on the last day of april. the future singer, teacher, honored artist of the republic of belarus, natalya tamela, was born into a military family. at the age of 4, the girl began studying ballet f6 and music. after the family moved home to belarus, she graduated from the glinka music college and the belarusian state university of culture and arts. since 1992 , natalya has been a soloist of the national academic concert orchestra of belarus, which was led by mikhail finberg for a long time, the first success came to the artist in
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1994, when she won the vocal competition of the national festival of belarusian song and poetry "molodechno". today, the singer annually takes part in the international arts festival slavic bazaar in vitebsk, muzynyasvizh and other major music forums. among the students are natalya tamela, participants in the national qualifying rounds of international... the project was broadcast by the factor byy television and radio company. on may 1 , the poplavsky musical dynasty was replenished. the daughter of edviga was born, the future people's artist of belarus, composer, producer, arranger, father of the singer konstantin poplavsky, conductor, folklorist, honored
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artist of the bssr, dreamed that his children, cheslav, kristina and yadya would one day form a musical trio. yadviga konstantinovna received her musical education at the belarusian conservatory in 1971, and as a student she became a member of the vio-virasa. in seventy-nine, the ensemble's repertoire included the song malinovka, composer eduard hanka, which brought the performers all-union fame. soon the viros began to travel to foreign vocal competitions and festivals. in 1975, edviga married. they won with the song happy occasion, after which a duet of the same name emerged. hits malinovka, carnival, i live with grandmother
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zavirukha, enjoys constant popularity among listeners of different ages. may 3, 1939. belarusian film director, people's artist of the russian federation, leonid nichaev, was born in moscow. i first felt a taste for performing on stage in childhood, when i went to the theater studio at the pioneer house. in 1967 leonid nichaev graduated from the directing department in ghika. the young director shot his first film fairy tale, an adventure in a city that does not exist, in 1974 at a film studio. the belarusian film debut turned out to be successful, a year later the legendary musical film the adventures of buratin was released. nichaev filmed very actively in the seventies and eighties, his films were released once every year or two. fairy tales became real hits: don’t
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leave. red-haired, honest lover, peter pan. the tale of the star boy, little red riding hood. they have not lost their relevance after decades. and make up the golden fund of soviet children's cinema, time to explore a new place on the map of our country, we go to the heart of the belarusian woodland, the city of pinsk, here is the palace of one glorious polesian family. we will learn more about the pearl of belarusian architecture in the traditional section for travel lovers, a place on the map. we continue the promenade along the pearl of polesie and one of the oldest cities in our country. in 1784 , with the participation of the king of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth stanislav august ponitovsky on the eastern outskirts a palace was founded in pinsk, which absorbed
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the features of baroque classicism. it went down in the history of the city as pinsky mur. three glorious polesian families: butrimovichi, hordes and skirmunts. alternately owned this palace. in the past, the palace was the main repository of the creative heritage of napoleon orna. this beautiful building with antique porticoes on the side wings and a resolith protruding in the center is the first stone civil building in pinsk. the palace belonged to mateusz butrymovich, an old pinski, a deputy of the lithuanian tribunal, through whose efforts pinsk became a port of international importance with two exits to the first stone in the foundation of the palace was laid on september 9, 1784 by the hand of king stanislav august ponitovsky. construction took about 10 years. the appearance of the building combines
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early classicism and outgoing baroque. in the central part there is an oval hall, which forms a semicircular arch on the main facade of the palace. with a balcony. the palace facade is richly decorated with daric columns and half-columns. five porches run down to the river from a high plinth. and no one guesses that the moor, thanks to an ingenious drainage system, was built directly above the springs gushing out of the ground. many famous people lived and visited this palace. the grandson of mateusz butrymovich, artist and musician napoleon, worked here after returning from emigration. jozef kraszewski, an incredibly prolific novelist, ethnographer, author of 600 volumes of works, including 223 hangings and a novel, often visited here. the last owner of the palace was the writer constance skirmuth, then the curia of bishop
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casimir bukraba was located here. decline that has known desolation pinsky mur was restored in 2008. today, the ancient building houses a wedding palace; in its right wing there is a small museum dedicated to the history of the palace. welcome to belarus. in the guide section you will find the best projects of the tv channel. let's learn about the most striking events that have happened in the world recently . we will visit a glass production facility and talk about traditional dishes for the upcoming holiday. heavenly expanses and a sea of ​​flowers. nemophila also flourished in the prefecture and baraki in japan. hundreds of tourists come here in pursuit of colorful shots. in the park. in nihitachi, over a vast area of ​​3.5 hectares, you can see more than 5 million blue flowers. big
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catch. after 14 years of hiatus , the nwonyo fishing festival was held in nigeria. secondly, the festival participants armed themselves with nets and jumped into the canoe. fishermen boast that the largest fish caught at the festival weighed 170 kg. the second largest is 150, the third is 120. the forty-first international festival of soaring reptiles was held in china. thousands of kites took to the skies in shang tung province. participants from more than thirty countries and regions around the world launched more than a thousand aerial figures, including anime characters, whales and even squids. for the most interesting international news , watch the “around the planet” program. what is unique about the gomel-glass enterprise? “it is the only enterprise in the republic of belarus producing sheet glass. in general , there are few such enterprises in the cis. more than 80% of the products we produce are sold for export, we are investing in improving our technologies,
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well, we must, we simply must go v keep up with the times. glass production begins with the preparation of a batch, a mixture of starting materials. we are in a sand warehouse, this is the main component of shahpi, soda ash, dolamite, field sludge, coal. sodium sulfate. quality control of finished products is carried out in the production laboratory. first of all, these are optical characteristics. here the most important indicator of sheet glass is controlled - this is the coefficient aimed at transmitting light, which is subject to very stringent requirements. we will visit an enterprise that produces a material without which it is difficult to imagine any building, in the program for one day. what does the shape of the easter bag symbolize? after the easter service. such large loaves of bread are illuminated, they are called arthas. arthas , translated from greek, means bread, and among the people the similarity of this arthas is
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easter cakes, easter bread. why is easter made from cottage cheese? the fact is that it is customary to cover on easter the food that we abstained from during lent. that's why easter cottage cheese, that is , religious people abstained from cottage cheese and dairy products, but here they illuminate, what do they illuminate? asks for blessings to use these products again after lent. the tradition of beating eggs on easter is not religious . in times of famine, the children took, on the eve of the holiday, they took colored eggs, went out into the street and fought with them. whose egg turned out to be stronger took the egg of his opponent. such an egg fight on the eve of the holiday could feed a family for a whole
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week. we follow the sporting life of our country; belarusian weightlifters have won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair: zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. the british runner raskuk, known on the internet as the toughest eccentric, set his sights on a record a year ago; he wanted to run across all of africa.
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from south to north. two-time world champion. steeplechase anouk guernier set a new world record for the kanata climb. a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. observing the trend of the last few olympic cycles, we see that in modern swimming not only records are increasing, but also the density of the result. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 20.4 tv channel. the heroes of our program are distinguished persons buried by their right. you move on and think, what can be done so that it has such a sound, so that there are a lot of highs, and there are a lot of lows, and there is husky in a small instrument , it is very difficult to achieve such a balance of sound. familiarity, brilliant performance. and you,
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fragile, young girl, take 2-3 kg, and what about you? you have to put on a whole performance, play it, work, dance, hold your hand this way and that, so you pump up and so on, you still feel, this is a puppet theater artist, someday, well, when perhaps we will have such an area, we will try, it would be good if this museum was combined with a workshop, so that not only people would come to the museum, but they would also come, see how it was done, and let the people understand the soul of the belarusian people. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world
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that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films from the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project air 24 on 7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. for a moment i want to stop running to see how it rains, the leaves move, the sun shines, and how our life is built from all these little things, i want to look at this world differently and discover something new every day. and it’s
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so interesting to us because we do it with love. with love from belarus. the president of belarus visited the central command post of the air force air defense. the commander-in-chief was informed about the current situation. inspections of duty forces of the air force air defense forces. alexander lukashenko watched the training along with the military. the check of the forces on duty lasted more than an hour. the troops and equipment worked perfectly in the air. all targets were detected and hit. the president closely monitored the work of the military, delving into all the details of ensuring combat readiness. everyone present gave a detailed answer. the commander-in-chief praised our ability to repel
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any potential threats emanating from enemy. air, the belarusian sky is under reliable protection. the situation on the outer circuit forces people in uniform to be constantly on alert. services are carried out on the ground and in the air 24x7. particular attention to air defense. militarization of the baltic states and poland carries risks for our security. the concentration of nato troops near the belarusian borders remains high. the military monitors all types of threats, the defense minister emphasized. moreover, the methods of warfare are changing. today. preference is given drones, therefore, such attention to defense by air defense forces, how the air border of belarus is guarded, a detailed summary will be summed up a little later, the final results of a sudden check of the armed forces will be reported to the commander-in-chief. the innovations of the updated legislation are intended to streamline business and financially support entrepreneurs. at the same time, the innovations are not fiscal in nature. the reform creates
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clear and transparent conditions for conducting business. provided by law. mechanism for a seamless transition from individual entrepreneur to legal entity with preservation of rights, obligations and a package of documents, other incentives for scaling were also reflected, for example, paying a state fee for creating a commercial one. the organization is not needed, and its location may be a residential building with the same tariffs for utility services for an individual, what types of work will be left to micro-businesses, while the question is open, the public will soon be involved in its discussions, on may 15 the list will be posted on the national legal internet portal. until july, the government will determine the types of activities that can engage in individual entrepreneurs, registration in those areas that are not included in the list will be stopped from october 1, if individual entrepreneurs. wants to continue to engage in activities that are not included in the list, he needs to change the status of a legal entity, the deadline for the transition period is until january 2026. at the end of june, vitebsk, polotsk and novopolotsk
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will host the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia. preparations for its holding were discussed at a meeting in the vitebsk regional executive committee. a dozen sections have been formed, their format and venues have been determined. the city above the dvina will host several thematic platforms: industrial equipment will be presented on the water square, next to the summer amphitheater belarusian russian enterprises will demonstrate their achievements in various fields from light industry to electrical equipment. the scientific potential of higher education institutions, as well as enterprises mastering the production of import-substituting and innovative products will be presented. the capital of the festival of the workers' fair of the village of dozhinki 2024 in the minsk region will be volozhin. the grain growers' festival is not just an image project, it... will qualitatively improve living conditions of the city and region itself. the regional leadership assessed the progress of the reconstruction of the central square of volozhin. the work must be completed by august 15. these include the replacement of utility networks, modernization of roads, and
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street lighting systems. 12 houses will be overhauled. in addition, they plan to install a ct machine at the volozhin central district hospital. this is a significant event; many problems that have accumulated for citizens are being solved. this includes water supply, sewerage, that’s all. on the pronya river during the great patriotic war war to all those who died here in the fight against the fascist invaders. the location for the new memorial sign was not chosen by chance. in 1943, the nazis created a serious line of defense here.
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it was about 20 km deep. soviet troops managed to take pronya, but at a very high cost. until now, search engines are raising the remains of red army soldiers here. chausy is a long-suffering land. the front stood for 9 months. 33,000 people died, went missing, this is a terrible tragedy, these numbers simply defy normal perception, but the people survived, the people survived, they revived land, villages have been revived, unfortunately, not all of them, but we live and develop, and today we must appreciate the peace that we have, that stability, our land. they started talking about the construction of the monument back in 2020, then local residents asked to perpetuate the memory of the heroes who fought against fascism; in total, there are 103 burial sites in the area, in which more than 18 thousand soviet
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soldiers rest. the spiritual and educational center of the borisov regional library dedicated an exhibition to easter, a project called sacred images, a window to the spiritual world, collected 33 works by participants in the icon painting studio at the parish of the church of dmitry donskoy. in borisov, the faces of saints and scenes from the gospel, as well as the main christian images of jesus and his mother mary, were depicted by non-professional artists, people of different ages and professions. the exhibition is accompanied by literature, including from the collection of rare publications, telling about icon painting as a cultural phenomenon. we tell you how to choose quality


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