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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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in a live panorama about the main events of friday, may 3, i, sergei lugovsky, will tell you, hello, targets were found and worked out, the sky is under control, the president visited the central command post of the air force and air defense forces, the check was done with dignity, should the maidan in georgia be parallel with history the ukrainian crisis is being carried out.
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inspection of the air defense forces on duty by the commander-in-chief, its preliminary results in a couple of minutes in the panorama. the georgian american dream did not coincide, who is behind the organization of protests against the law about foreign agents in georgia and why the authorities need this law at all, why tbilisi found itself between the west and the east, we will discuss in detail. a one-way ticket to all savings and the migration crisis is in the active phase. there is less and less on the planet. places suitable for comfortable
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living, for whom the european garden has turned into a thorny jungle, details in the periodic table. new approaches to treating patients, innovative developments and modernization of medical institutions, the development of healthcare in belarus is one of the important principles of building social oriented state policy. there is a first victory. the belarusians, not without volleyball , managed to beat the kazakhstan national team in the opening match of the kazakhstan hockey open. from astana with the latest news anna eismand. the seventh round of the major league continued with a match in minsk. but today we’ll also talk about the national cycling championship, about the high-profile appointment of vladimir olekn in volleyball. and we will discuss the composition of the belarusian wrestling team for the final olympic selection in istanbul. we will show and tell you everything, including about tennis madrid. security issues security is the focus of the president's attention today. alexander lukashenko visited.
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the troops and equipment worked perfectly in the air, all targets were detected and worked on. alexander lukashenko closely monitored the work of the military, interested them in detail at every stage of ensuring combat readiness. all those present gave a detailed answer: how is the belarusian sky protected? the commander-in-chief praised our capabilities. we are ready to repel any potential threats emanating from the enemy from the air. passed the test, first question. who worried me that it was all objective and honest, as a military man i can tell you that if you organized the inspection honestly, as it should be, then this is worthy, i did not serve in the air force, air defense, but i see how the inspection is carried out, its plan, you have discovered all the goals, you have accomplished all the goals. this is great, not a single target
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passed you by, all of belarus, it is visible in real time, you are in control.
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the situation on the external circuit forces people in uniform to be constantly on alert. they are serving on the ground in the air 24x7. particular attention to air defense. the militarization of the baltic states and poland carries risks for our security. the concentration of nato troops near the belarusian borders remains high. the military monitors all types of threats, because the methods of warfare are constantly changing. today's preferences. they give to drones, which is why there is such attention to defense by air defense forces. the concentration of nato troops near our borders remains high, we note the high level of operational activities training, for example, today
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six exercises are taking place on the territory of countries adjacent to us as part of the defender of europe exercise, a very large amount of personal equipment is moving across the territory. countries, including aviation equipment, therefore, today it was the decision of the commander-in-chief to check, as part of the ongoing surprise inspection of the armed forces , the air defense forces on duty, how they carry out and carry out their combat duty tasks, guarding our air border, in general, the complex of measures that was was carried out today, while now we can’t talk about the result...
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not only at the point of permanent deployment, but also a feature was that a difficult air situation was created, additional air targets were assigned, all targets that were withdrawn were discovered by the military troops, destroyed by the troops on the far borders of real destruction zones, aviation also worked very well, destroyed the assigned targets and found, classified and were also worked out...
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send out more summons to the reserves, and in order the figure was not impressive, and therefore they urgently decided to intimidate their own population even more; they planned to introduce a curfew in kaunas and vilnius. latvia, where there is even less population left than in lithuania, decided to quickly dig in. the anglo-saxons ordered them to dig ditches on the border with belarus and russia to create strong points for
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ammunition depots, and ordinary latvian taxpayers would pay for these trenches. now the amount is already more than 300 million euros. washington also ordered. preparing for war and a reserve bridgehead of the west, in moldova will host military exercises with nato participation. date: may 9. and the americans will be in charge there too. so far , only 400 military personnel from moldova, as well as military equipment from the states, will take part in the exercises. in fact, their plans in ukraine are a fiasco. therefore, washington and london are beginning to nervously inflame the entire region. if earlier. they said that the masks had been dropped, but now we already perfectly understand their true goals of the task. moreover, the anglo-saxons
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themselves say everything openly. the head of the british foreign ministry said in an interview with reuters that ukraine has the right to strike with british weapons at targets inside russia. the material was published the day before, but was soon urgently withdrawn to revise some details. such obvious aggression. confused the editors, however, later the same interview reappeared on the reuters website, as london’s promise to continue to provide assistance to ukraine in the amount of $4 billion. the dying hegemon suddenly began to be hampered by problems within the united states from deciding the destinies of people and countries far beyond its borders. student protests against the genocide of the palestinian people. the cradle of democracy is traditional, not ceremony. according to media estimates , law enforcement agencies have already arrested
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more than 200 people, while grandfather biden has already stated that peaceful student protests are completely illegal, dangerous and completely non- peaceful, apparently he forgot to call the students domestic terrorists. the police were given the fas command in los angeles and dispersed the pro-palestinian rally as harshly as possible. the clash between students and... does not add popularity to the authorities; people trust speeches from washington less and less and are already
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are approaching the boiling point, according to opinion polls, 100 million state residents are confident that civil war will occur in the country before 2030. a third believe this will happen if biden is re-elected, and a quarter expect the same if trump is elected. the saddest thing is that the statements of the two main parties make exactly this development. events in the united states are not just probable, almost inevitable. they are rocking georgia now. the west needs a puppet government there ; protests against the transparency bill do not stop in the country foreign influence, or, more simply, about foreign agents, initiated by the ruling georgian dream party. the law should reduce the influence of american ngos in the country; naturally, the hegemon did not like such a georgian demarche towards independence. the american embassy in the republic officially supported the protesters; the prime minister of georgia has already refused
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a visit to the united states due to washington’s demand to withdraw the bill on foreign agents. about the true reasons for the protests. author's commentary by maria petrashko. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency. are you watching the news? it seems that there is no stability in the world, but in fact there is constant unrest, color revolutions. this is what happens when the american and georgian dreams do not coincide. yes, the american dream is a completely controlled georgia, eating the last tie without butter. and the georgian party. it is for
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these purposes that the law on foreign agents was proposed: to reduce in georgia the destructive influence of dubious funds of american ngos and ngos, the consequences of whose work are most clearly visible in ukraine. probably not very good for georgians i want to host maidan wars. in conditions of opaque activity. phenomena, of course, hinder economic development. oh, these reliable american partners, two attempts at revolution in just a few years. the united states is the customer of foreign agents in georgia, it is they who cannot be a foreign agent there, but in georgia it is possible, because foreign agents exist in georgia with their money. the ex-leader of the ruling georgian dream party, bidin ivaneshvili, does not want
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the west to interfere in georgian politics and is trying to limit this. they will pass the law, president.
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let him be the first to throw a stone at his own mirror, behind all these rallies there is an experienced and well-known hollywood hand. of course, the pocket president of georgia, but for some reason, a citizen of france, zarabishvili, according to the american training manual, supports the caring master's hand. don't forget about an important detail in the region. energy bridge - georgia, armenia, iran, very beneficial for all participants in the project, but very disadvantageous for washington. therefore, not only to lose georgia as... they want, the question is what do the georgians themselves want for the abutment point in the caucasus, the states, oh well, not they don’t wonder about the ocean, you know? georgia tried to integrate into the euro-atlantic community, and it came to a half-life war ; the country does not want to continue moving along this path. all countries where washington’s hand has intervened have the same problems: the outflow of the working population, the ruin
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of enterprises and farmers, a series of color revolutions, ukraine with the maidan and the resulting war, romania with ruined farmers due to the extraction of shale gas on romanian lands by american corporations that moldova, shocking outflow figures population with constant internal political disputes and protests, devastation instead of development, in short, divide conquer, nothing new, but people are being behaved like children in the old way for some reason. even more analytics in our telegram channels. so why is georgia still so... important for the west, the law on foreign agents breaks the global strategy in the region, experts and guests of the editors club draw parallels with the history of the ukrainian crisis, what the sign of the struggle for democracy can turn into, open on the tenth anniversary of the odessa tragedy new details and even the names of the organizers who stood behind
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the nationalists at that time. this is not a junta in the full sense, it is a gang formation that seized power in ukraine. and bandits have such a concept, yes , initiation, you need to soak, well, as if bind with blood, commit a crime, then it means that you enter a gang and you will not be able to get out of it, this was also the mobilization of nationalists, but for this the thing is, secondly, there were the same pogroms, crimea would have expected it too, yeah, the same pogroms were burned berkutovtsev, this is a fact, they were in mariipol, the same thing was being prepared in the donbass, it was a whole series, yes, but what would have happened in the twentieth year,
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from the one in power who continues to mock migrants and human rights organizations, the newspaper published material about recent testimony volunteer organization group border. in mid-april, activists received information that a seventeen-year-old refugee from somalia was on the polish side. when trying to help him, the volunteers were forced to their knees by the polish border guards and ordered to surrender theirs. phones, while the military did not introduce themselves, did not show identification, but instead filmed their abuse on camera, all attempts to reason with the people in masks led to nothing, the further fate of the refugee was not specified. the problem of the migration crisis, if the eu disappears from a trip, it won’t be for
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long. the democratic west has long been dividing refugees into categories; in fact, eurosat is increasingly becoming a thorny jungle. about how uncontrolled migration in europe and the usa crosses all boundaries in the author’s column the table is smaller. wars, violence, destruction, natural disasters and famine, there are fewer and fewer places on the planet suitable for comfortable living, deceived and abandoned people are trying to escape from problems that they often create themselves, a one-way ticket to all savings without... let's put it in place, this is the periodic table, consider all the political elements and
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hello, when destinies are at stake, swim to a better life or sink into oblivion. 2023 was the deadliest year for migrants in modern history, with more than 800 deaths people, 60% of them drowned, this is international data... look how bad the environmental situation is here, i sleep in the corridor with three children, i have no milk, no clothes, nothing. i came here in 2012, when i was young, i started getting an education, and i spent all this time here in a refugee camp. life here in the camp is very difficult, getting enough food is almost impossible. the european garden has turned into a thorny jungle. refugees are becoming victims of the political shortsightedness
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of european politicians who previously called cheap labor, but given the subsiding flow of people, i still can’t figure it out years later. hence the overt border genocide. poland, lithuania, latvia maim and even kill the disadvantaged with impunity.
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britain. they cross all migration boundaries , which essentially undermines property rights during the crisis in the united states. donald trump accused biden of causing a bloodbath over the refugee situation. biden brought carnage, murder and chaos from all over the world and dumped it right into our backyard. the number of cases of migrant detention in the south state borders are gradually approaching millions from october 2023. the circulation of people, the west divides migrants into categories, while some try to survive in refugee camps, while others, along with a sense of permissiveness, bring discord. late in the afternoon, a crowd of ukrainians attacked passers-by, a man and a woman. they claim that they started beating them just like that, to satisfy the desire to fight. or here are the next shots. in them, a ukrainian, in a state of drug intoxication,
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threatens the residents of poland with a hammer. accept it is impossible to deport, instead of putting things in order to help those who are really in need, european officials are using the funds they have above them to incite new conflicts. which causes even more people to flee. a vicious circle created by humanity. this is a difficult time for all the emirati people. alexander lukashenko sent condolences to the president of the united arab emirates mohammed ben-zayed al-nahyan in connection with the death of sheikh tahnoun. ben mohammed al-nahain. sheikh takhnoun died at eighty-two year of life. he was a close advisor to sheikh zayed, who was abu dhabi's ruler
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and president. after the declaration of the uae state in december 1971, he held a post on the supreme petroleum council. the country has declared seven days of mourning in honor of the politician, who played a key role in the formation of the country. on the eve of the sacred day for every belarusian, the country is preparing for the day of great victory. today, fresh flowers were laid at the masyukovshchina memorial, the eternal flame has been burning here for 60 years, the patronage of the complex was taken by students of military-patriotic classes, search teams and simply caring young people who improve the memorial all year round. on the eve of the big holiday, young patriots, together with deputy prime minister igor petrishenko, honored the memory of the heroes. that great feat. what
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people did during the great patriotic war, this cannot be forgotten, because this is our memory, this is our history, without this, well , i don’t know, i can’t imagine how you can live without this, you need to know your history, mine fought great-grandfather, he was a partisan, and i wanted to know his story, i got into the search engine detachment and now i’m doing this, i like to stand for my homeland, i also had relatives who were in the great patriotic war and i want, let’s say, to offer a memory.
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hundreds and even thousands of places in belarus where the nazis committed their terrible crimes. on the site of a military camp, the nazis organized a camp for prisoners of war; they also killed ordinary people, children, women, and the elderly. in total , 80,000 people were killed here during the years of occupation. during these may days, our veterans get all the attention and care, and of course, congratulations on the eve victory day words of gratitude for the peaceful sky. veterans of the great patriotic war are already being visited by young people, the leadership of the region of the capital and the city, so on the eve of may 9 , semyon tainovsky met the guests, he is 92 years old, during the occupation he was a prisoner of the minsk ghetto, from there he was miraculously able to escape, then he ended up in a partisan detachment in the baranovichi region, i met him in the capital on victory day, after the war he worked as a builder almost all his life, raised two sons
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who were pleasant... well, i’m very proud of my father. on the eve of may day, i received financial assistance received 8.371. the total amount was more than 10.5 million rubles. let me note that payments have been doubled. on the eve of the holiday, representatives of the belarusian red cross and the ministry of labor and social protection visited ivan likhosherst from the first days of the war. he was the commander
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of the second platoon. we come to the homes of veterans not only to talk with them, to find out their unique history, to find out what they know, remember, to share these stories with the younger generation, this is not the first day we have been carrying out this action and we see very positive responses, this nice.
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the importance in general of remembering what we avoided thanks to what our grandfathers, our grandmothers, great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers did, the fact that we now live in such a beautiful country, and i myself, i am the mother of four children, and i am constantly with them i’m talking about this, we visit our monuments, we all know that times are difficult, and now we must appreciate this even more, remember and appreciate where we live, where our children grow up, what is available to them, what... what is allowed to them perhaps you will forget the past, there will be no future, therefore the past that was just heroic for our belarusian people, when every third person died, but it’s
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simply impossible not to remember this and not to talk about it, i think, i think that this event is very important for each of us, for the students, for me, for my grandfathers, because visiting memorial places for those who gave us a peaceful sky above our heads is... very important, by the way, even before the start of the bike ride, more than 100 participants paid tribute to the memory of university student teachers who died in the struggle for freedom and independence our homeland. operational news, photo reports, emotional radio stories and analytics, the winners of the minsk regional competition among the media and journalists were honored today in
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the press house, and the ideological activists of the region were presented with awards from the presidential administration, in total there are almost 30 laureates and 10 nominations, among the winners is our talented media about the minsk region , congratulations. a respondent for the tv news agency, she radio-television communications workers, the day before , became the best author of stories at the republican professional holiday and was also honored in the city hall, 35 people were awarded gratitude from the leadership of the capital, among the laureates.
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for a long time, twice a day we rumble on the belarusian language naviny and live broadcasts in the padzes of minsk, the capital region, there is a lord who is so ignorant, we are so agul in our kalektyvu, velma are glad, then i meet here at the budynka of the stalichny town hall , i’m extremely happy here in the smoke, in the smoke, but this past seven months, such a worthy reward for the state, for the current era of the belarusian whitewashing campaign and...
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caring for people's health is one of the important directions of our state's policy; belarus continued to follow this course, even despite the current situation around it. and most importantly, we have our own developments, which are not only not inferior in quality to imported ones, but much better. svetlana
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chernova, about our breakthrough technologies in medicine. a week after knee replacement, and elena makarova, a patient at the republican scientific and practical center of traumatology and orthopedics, is already calmly moving along the corridors of the center. she can easily without crutches, but the doctors still insist on rest, bends, extends, i practically don’t feel anything anymore, there were examples of my friends that they... yes, the knee restoration was performed using a belarusian endoprosthesis, this is a joint development of the scientific and technological park of the bnto polytechnic of the employees of the republican scientific and practical center of traumatology and orthopedics. last year, clinical trials of the endoprosthesis were successfully carried out, and work was started on their implantation in a number of clinics in our country. currently, about 100 endoprostheses have been implanted. this year it is planned to supply order to the clinic of our republic
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2.0 knee joint endoprostheses and about 4.00 hip joint endoprostheses. over the next few years, we will be able to achieve almost 100% import substitution for hip and knee replacements. by the way, we have already achieved 100% import substitution in metal structures for operations. on the spine, domestic developments to protect health in the cardiology industry tatyana had her heart valve replaced, instead of the usual mechanical one, they installed a bio valve, made by us. 11 days after surgery, an eighty-four-year-old patient shares how she feels. i didn’t think that there would be any danger there, or that there would be. it’s better now, of course, i can get tired myself, i can. walk along the corridors. the biovalve frees
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the patient from lifelong use of blood thinning drugs. when installing a mechanical prosthesis. anticoagulants are needed on an ongoing basis. another additional option of the new product is high wear resistance. the belarusian heart valve is the result of the joint work of our electronsh plant and specialists from the republican scientific and practical center cardiology. first, the production of biological tissue from which it will be possible to make a biological prosthesis. then there was a rather long process of choosing a design. serious such valves, this will be quite a step forward in cardiac surgery and in clinical medicine in belarus. we are currently undergoing clinical trials.
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devices for recording fetal cat. affordable medicine is a code that is embedded in the policy of the socially oriented belarusian state. development of our own domestic innovative products, medicines, vaccines, for example against cancer or. 19 opening new branches with high-tech equipment,
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including in small towns. behind everything is the invaluable work of professionals in their field, our belarusians, those who are interested in the development of the country and the well-being of each individual person. svetlana chernova, andrey novgorodtsev and alexander samailovich. tv news agency. eat. first victory. the belarus national hockey team wins the first match of the three-day kazakhstan open hockey tournament with with the participation of three teams: belarus, russia and kazakhstan. from ostana, reports our correspondent, anna eismond. on the eve of the start , the head coach of the belarusian national team, dmitry kvartalnov, made cautious forecasts for the first match of his squad, explaining that the team had been significantly updated and there were many young people. however, the belarusians started the match so quickly. that was abandoned already 12 seconds after
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the starting whistle, alexander skorinov scored, and he eventually scored a hat-trick in the first period. alexander, congratulations, such a brilliant game in the first period, what was it, three goals scored at once, it seemed to me that the whole secret was that you had a gopro on your helmet. well, yes, this is what it is, i couldn’t do it any other way, but it’s pure luck, probably, the partners helped, they were handsome, they created chances, it turned out to be an empty net, and it was just a little further than belarus. they did not miss the victory, allowed the opponent to tie the score 4:4, the game went into overtime, where vitaly pinchuk scored the winning point 5:4. yes, it’s our own fault, we lost our game and started something stupid. mistakes made a lot were deleted, thank god you endured it minority, our goalkeeper played great today in his debut game, sort of, the handsome guy won, so we tried to just win today, a good first period, the guys were so concentrated, but i say again, there are no trifles, you know, that’s what we agree on, we need it’s like we’re still
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going to do this, there were some minor shortcomings, and such small things that they stopped doing, they basically turned the game upside down, here we need something like this... i would say, we should have continued to work, i think tomorrow we we will do better in this component to look like. tomorrow is the final day of the tournament and the cherry on the cake, the match between belarus and russia. it is in this match that it will be decided who will win the trophy. let me remind you that the day before the russians minimally beat the kazakhs. so, turn on belarus 5 at 13:55 and root for belarus. anna eismond, timofey gomzunov, astana, kazakhstan. and, of course, we wish our guys good luck. that’s all for me, there’s more sports news and a detailed weather forecast for the weekend ahead of you, well, right after the heated debate about whether there will be a maidan in georgia and what the sign of the struggle for euro-democracy can again turn into, parallels with the history of the ukrainian crisis are being drawn by experts and guests of the editors’ club, don’t miss it, well, right now i’m giving the floor
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to our sports columnist andrei kazlov, good evening, good evening, sports and world. years is the motive of each issue of the sports day project. we will find a place for both team events and individual events. friday brought a number of notable stories. don't switch. sports day is on air. andrey kozlov is with you. hello. let's start with football. program the seventh round of the major league continued today with a match in the capital. the current winner of the belarusian cup and super cup , zhodenskaya torpeda belas, visited the minsk football club. and the townspeople were close to a sensation, but the automakers equalized in the end, and then veteran forward maxim skabysh brought victory altogether. 2:1. zhodina is catching up with leader slavia in the table, but mozyr will play its match tomorrow. volleyball club zenit st. petersburg today officially announced the appointment of olympic champion vladimir olekn to the post of head coach. about
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the fact that a native of polotsk will start working in st. petersburg was discussed earlier. it is interesting that the duo will perform at zenit next season. russian attacking players vladislav bobevich and maxim bogatko. the specialist’s contract with the club is for 2 years. olekna led the russian national team at the triumphant 2012 olympics. he won the world league and world cups at the club level and has been working for 13 years at kazan zenit. won the champions league five times. the belarusian national wrestling team has published the lineup that will take part from may 9 to may 12 world olympic qualification. this will be the last chance for our wrestlers to go to the main four games.
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most of all there are licenses for the olympic games, wrestlers all have licenses, i think that’s quite a lot, but we all know that licenses are not the end result. the world olympic qualification will be held in istanbul from may 9 to 12. medalists in each weight class will receive trips to paris.


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