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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 9:45pm-11:11pm MSK

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the belarusian national wrestling team has published the roster that will take part in the world olympic qualification from may 9 to 12. this will be the last chance for our wrestlers to go to the main games of the four-year anniversary. the belarusian kaladinskaya kurochkina and the volnikov quartet secured tickets to paris with only one license from the classics from khoslakhanov. therefore, attention now will be especially paid to the greco-roman wrestling team. we really want to get more licenses, because this is the last stage of selection for the olympic games. as there further? will be unknown, but i want to prove to the whole world, including, i think, athletes, most of all i want to prove to themselves that they can, the republican olympic training center has the most licenses for the olympic games, wrestlers have all the licenses, i think that this is quite a lot, but we all know that licenses are not the final result, the world olympic qualification will be held in istanbul from may 9 to 12, medalists in each weight class will receive tickets to paris. queen of madrid arina
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sabalenka entered the competition for the third time in her career. final of the wta thousand tennis tournament in spain with a prize fund of almost 8 million euros. the day before , the belarusian defeated ilena rybakina from kazakhstan in a tense match. kristina kamysh will talk about the course of the confrontations, as well as the layout of the match for the main trophy. only true fans of aryna sabalenka's game continued to follow the developments in the semifinals of the wta tournament in madrid against elena rybakina after. first set, because it seemed that the outcome of the entire match was predetermined, in the opening game the belarusian literally had everything fall out of her hands, and as a result, she gave it away 1:6. the tennis player from kazakhstan confidently walked towards her victory, leaving behind three of the four starting games of the second set, but when there was nowhere to retreat, the second racket of the world noticeably added, as a result , sabalenka took six of the next eight games, which allowed her to close this one.
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it's going to be a great final, we've had good matches in the past, they've always been very tough battles, i'm really happy about this final so i'll do everything i can to get this win, we're getting better, we're changing some adjustments throughout the year so i 'll watch her matches to see if i have to change my strategy. i insist that the main strategy again will be to focus on yourself, stay aggressive.
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which took place as part of the belarus open road cycling championship. the competition took place in the logoisk region near one of the villages. the athletes covered 25 km with three turns. not only the terrain, but also the weather conditions made adjustments to the course of the competition. this is not the first time we had a good ride with mark. we stand for the goron region. the race was difficult for me, after the road straight from the russian cup. 2 days on the road, yesterday i rode a little, stretched my legs, but i still stayed, so the race seemed difficult. but
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today the wind is not the lightest, plus the route is also not the easiest, it’s not flat, in that direction it’s almost all the time up, and also against the wind. tomorrow the cyclists will compete for medals in the group race as part of the bolshakov memorial. let me note that andars and juniors take part in the competition. about sports for this that's all for a minute, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the night air.
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hello to belarus 1 belarus 24 club editors program, allow me at the very beginning of our issue to introduce the guests who will call us to the studio today. editor-in-chief of the publishing house.
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his quote: nazism has not been destroyed, the masks have been dropped, well, these are the masks that have been dropped, here are the quotes, nazism was not defeated, many were punished by executioners, hidden abroad in the usa, canada, latin america, they are alive in europe, in the baltics, where the ss men march, our western, so-called colleagues from civilized countries, hypocritical persons, we sent more than a hundred requests for legal assistance in exposing the crimes of the nazis there. a sacred deed is being done, belarus asks to provide data, at least regarding the punitive ss units. not one of our requests: lithuania, latvia, great britain, usa, canada, australia has been fulfilled. lithuanians and latvians generally responded
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that they would not comply with the requests of the belarusian side, because their implementation was contrary to their national interests. once again i draw your attention to the lithuanians and latvians asked for information. medvedchuk gave, let me remind you that in odessa , 400 people were injured, suffered, 400 were injured, 48 people died, at least they say that they walked around odessa the whole day, finishing off people, but what they didn’t see, they didn’t see, unlike what they
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what we just showed on our screens, that’s what he showed, the man in plain text, named those responsible for this crime, under the chairmanship of turchynov, his president of ukraine in the fourteenth year. 10 days before the tragedy, a meeting was held to prepare operations of mass murder in odessa of opponents of the coup. the discussion was attended by former head of the ministry of internal affairs avakov, head of the sbu nalyvaichenko and secretary of the national security and defense council parubi. oligarch kolomoisky was involved in the consultations. the date of the operation was originally set for may 2, the day of the football match, which explained the presence of a large number of fan members. groups and 500 radicals of the right sector, the delivery of the performers to the place was ensured by ovakov, parubiy, kolomoisky, his henchman, igor politsa, who led the action on the spot, for its successful implementation, was appointed governor of the odessa region on may 6 of the same year, well, this is
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of course a blasphemous decision, the person who organized the murder later took such a position in this region, remember gonchurenko’s video, yeah. who, to the applause of the tv viewers, what was going on on your television, i don’t know, talked about how they killed, killed seporov, killed collaborators - here we have photographs so you understand, after that he drove around in europe, he was somewhere in pastom, and we have a photograph, he met, hugged with european politicians, spoke, although he did some weird things there, i remember that the right to vote was deprived for some time, but this everything that our european partners were capable of in relation to a man who took an active part in the mass murder of people became greater.
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hello, hello, hello, alexey, now i’m translating with a camera, it’s the remains of the separatist camp that are burning, i don’t know if you’ve seen them, the remains of the separatist camp near the waders, on the waders field, the station.
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i will continue, why is odessa so tough, now there are a lot of materials, especially on the anniversary, and i read an interview with a deputy of the regional council of the odessa region, who at that time was an active deputy, so he tells why this is so? in general, odessa is a pro-russian city, and the odessa region is a pro-russian city, and he says: we understood that we were on the side of, well, the russian-speaking population, and we did n’t even think about admitting that things could be different for us, one step on... separated from the formation of the odessa people's republic, following the example of the dpr or lpr, when it became clear that this would be
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the case, then trade unions took place, this act of burning, destruction took place, and so that really no one i couldn’t raise my head in order to eradicate this russian spirit as much as possible, was it possible without approval without coordination, well, of course not, yes, because such acts of mass murder are just like that. from what happened, of course, no, but the point is not that you can imagine a situation where suddenly some group of russian-speaking people decided to declare a separate state, yes, they were punished for this, some kind of reprisal happened, such an event, after all, this was preceded by a law , yes, the language law, firstly, secondly, a coup d'etat, with which they did not agree, secondly, they said that the nazis had come to power, murderers, murderers, everyone
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said, what kind of murderers they are, well, here they are on themselves felt that you were then inside. involved in this, people who came to power through murder and terror, it is important to note those names turchinov, parubiy, avakov . and i am glad that these names are heard today - these are the same people who are behind the executions on the maidan, and here it is important not to separate, yes, no matter what flags and slogans they stood with. yan rulevsky also arrived, agreed
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to come and talk to the relatives of the victims, lay flowers, after which we were blocked in the hotel together with them.
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when he became president, there was hope that an investigation has been carried out, will be, and even his political opponents, who are really involved in this, will be punished, but again, they did not receive approval, but how can he, in this were not only his political opponents, but also his curators, so , so how can he, it’s not he who can be against the relationship between avakov and parubiy there or someone would have conducted an investigation, but i named the names that had flown in the day before. what kind of investigation could there be? well, regarding the investigation, it’s generally funny, if someone doesn’t know, elementary software in 2024 with such quality, based on uncovered faces, can name the names of these people in 15 minutes from minsk, based on facial recognition, who is involved in all this, answering your question about connections with western technologies, this is not
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only the twentieth century or - this is really the deep western state and deep western technology. done, everything is correct, absolutely, but i liked it, that’s what you just said, but i liked one more definition, mykola azarov, former prime minister, recently stated that i absolutely agree with her, that this is not a junta in the full sense, this is a gang that seized power in ukraine, and bandits have such a concept, yes, initiation, you need to soak, well, as if bind with blood, commit a crime, then ,
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which means that you are part of a gang and you will not be able to leave it, this was also part of the mobilization. we know very well how the vice president of the united states, the current president biden, and all of them, commanded, he sat down, yes, poroshenko sat on the side, and he sat down at the presidential seat. he commanded there, he distributed the prosecutors general, where, who to send what, this shows once again, i just want for our citizens, now i don’t even want to deal with this ukrainian topic, what’s the difference in
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power and powers, you need to be able to use your powers or not, even yanukovych had the opportunity to deal with this , yes, and in kiev to deal with this maidan, and it was even possible to do it not through the berkut officers, but the berkut officers said that they were framed. without weapons without without firearms without any cartridges at all, and so on, but there were also opportunities to sort it out informally, because i, for example, know the fact that for 3 weeks there were trains at the kiev station where donbass miners were located, and to get down there means from the monument , well, along shevchenko boulevard, and to get to the maidan, it’s a 15-minute walk from the kievsky station, they would have dealt with this maidan there, as they say in simple terms, in labor terms... everything depended on yanukovych’s decision, he did this decision so and didn’t give, we know what ended for yanukovych, and the minister of transport of ukraine, who at that time,
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organized these trains, which later turned out to be useless, already when these parubi and other avakovs arrived, he allegedly committed suicide at his kiev dacha by shooting himself five times with a hunting rifle , well, normal suicide, that’s why. this is all that we are seeing now, this is an ordinary everyday practice, i apologize for this expression, the practice of, yes, ukrainian nationalists, but i would not reduce it to such an ordinary everyday practice, look, 10 years have passed, 10 years, what we can clearly say is that this is an operation under the supervision of the special services, in my opinion, today it is an obvious thing, which is confirmed by the words of medvedchuk, yes, that turchinov. both others and avakov took part in this. why odessa? odessa is a multinational and multicultural city; no ethnically
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monolithic population has ever lived there. and at the same time, odessa is a very capricious and freedom-loving city. and it is significant that the residents of odessa were scared. why were you scared? but because they saw that they they can’t do anything because they are. the power that brought these right sector activists, and from western ukraine, 500 people, these fans who were there, and moreover, live, without the participation of the police or any other law enforcement agencies, allowed this mass murder to be broadcast throughout the country, yes, they intimidated, yes, they definitely intimidated, why it was done, it was done with one simple goal, to suppress the will.
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he showed courage, boldness, yes, and, if you like, insight, that you can’t give away the blue, everything depends on the first person, so we had such a situation, yes, but we did not allow such an event to develop. and i would also like to add that yes, i agree, the actions, of course, are now broken, but i would not want the responsibility for these damned personnel, and indeed for what happened there, to be borne only by these stubborn bastards, yes, who were allowed into power, because i know odessa well, i ’ve been going there since childhood, yes, that is, i went on vacation every year, i can say one thing, at the beginning of the two thousand, 2000, 2002, this threshold, i noticed, that they started bringing buses there, first with tourists, ternopil, ivano-frankivsk.
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but no matter what acts of intimidation were carried out, it was still not possible to completely knock out the russian spirit from odessa, anyway, the pro-russian mood there is quite strong, so now the mobilization events that are being carried out there are carried out there with a special, well, how to say, well, even with a special one with some special one, yes, because in fitness clubs, on the streets everywhere, because they understand that in this way this act of intimidation continues, yes, that is, it is necessary to send these odessa residents are young, not young. odessa residents to war so that they defend ukrainian interests, i agree, the odessa spirit cannot be completely killed, but in order for it to manifest itself, an organization is needed, leaders are needed, yes, it is necessary, i had never heard before these events, that russia somehow laid claim to this city, the thing is that there was no organization of any kind, but it was an arbitrary, as if it were the action of ordinary people, lord, people wanted to speak the language in which they wanted to speak and live
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the way they live was no longer there. here people are being subjected to terror, many are already out of how to ensure this mobilization spirit, if the activists who took a really prominent position, they either left, were able to escape, or they, you know, are in the dungeons of the sbu, today people, not only are they tired of war, not only do they want to escape, today i have relatives who are outside the territory of ukraine, they communicate, they say: we are tired, we want a peaceful life, we want not to lose our odessa. you noticed, yes, the recent publication of elon musk’s tweet that the reaction to tsirsky’s post that ukraine is losing its territories, but the key battle will be for odessa, the british will naturally provide every possible support to the ukrainian authorities, the ukrainian armed forces, so that this territory naturally, he wouldn’t give it to the port, although the people of odessa themselves never
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wanted such a life for themselves, and the fact that... he looks so proud, don’t worry, we have everything under control, we will do everything, that’s how we see, such arrogance, yes and disorganized, if you like, if you like, even routineness, let’s take our term, yes, it always ends very badly, if there are sprouts somewhere, if you notice, and the slightest temptation in the destructive direction, this must be done immediately and you need to crush the germ ,
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when we say, yes, yes, i apologize, here... you pushed me to remember a conversation with viktor medvedchuk, a personal acquaintance, here he was talking about his dialogue, winter 2013, he was in his office viktor yanukovych says:
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of its existence, formed on its territory a real split in society on linguistic grounds, with the oppression of some by others, on religious grounds, schisms, seizures of churches, humiliation, who is a purer ukrainian, who is not a purer ukrainian, now we see that there is discrimination not only of the russian-speaking population, hungarians, romanians, moldovans, bulgarians, all nationalities, that is...
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standard of living, excuse me, about what you will have in your wallets, on tables in refrigerators, so once again, once again, if you are somewhere they saw something that seemed suspicious to you, non-standard, especially
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associated with some elements of subversive devices, possibly weapons, don’t be silent, don’t be silent, you will save yourself, us all, i told that story on the air, hope may not have heard , maidan. in full swing, the olympics in sochi, i’m in sochi, in a room with a ukrainian journalist, we’re watching live everything that’s happening there, these first cries appear that the russians will choke the muscovite with a bullet in the forehead there, not tymoshenko’s bullet with nagilyak, yes tymoshenko, it’s not a bullet in the forehead, he’s a bullet for himself so tymoshenko’s rant, remember from nuclear weapons, started out of the blue, suddenly such an anti-russian theme, and they sound very publicly.
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they don’t pay for it, but he came here and works and gets american weapons. today, the dutch nrc came out under the title ukraine needs new soldiers, a report on how recruits are being recruited by the same third brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, headed by beletsky. the dutch lead this brigade, cite this brigade as an example: beletsky's past statement of white supremacy his race makes him an attractive target for russian propaganda. so we don't have to do anything else.
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around the cities, here is this famous video and a screenshot like this, well, the video is ordinary, they catch a passerby and voluntarily send him to kill russians and die herself, freeze frame, pay attention to the badge of this person, explain something to tv viewers that this is a typical symbol of a fascist and the telegraph is making plaintive material now, these are just fresh facts, we always get them, show them, well, of course, photographs.
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these are exactly the same pirates, these are the nazis in
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ukraine, who will kill, it doesn’t matter to them who they kill, they will kill ukrainians, they will kill russians, they will kill poles, belarusians, they will kill everyone who is not like them and does not support their philosophy, the whole question is how to destroy nazism, while this nazism has these feeders who are interested in it living, existing, and periodically thriving, they then burn it into the coals.
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here are my colleagues, here is ivan mikhailovich, ivan mikhailovich said about conscience, yes, for us a very important point in our worldview, yes, but we need to clearly understand so as not to be caught in a quarrel, as has happened, unfortunately, in our history, in many western cultures, where we have a conscience, they have a benefit, it is completely this benefit, such a concept, a feeling like conscience, removes not only from...
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about the war there, including this cliché that the ukrainian government is supposedly connected with nazism, i answered them about 50 such photographs, they write to me , this once again confirms that you are engaged in propaganda, says thank you, i understand, i just also have photographs of them, their own photographs, they stuttered in the french,
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the famous french proverb, there is no morality in business, so there is no conscience to say there, it’s bullshit, you know, i feed it like that you ’ll be collaborating with putin, with merkel, with trump, with others, that’s what my assistants write, but i have a good memory, i’m an artist, i’m not bad, i just got a taste for this story,
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bogdan stretched us out there, that’s right believing that artistic tributes and... now turn on the wallpaper and turn on everything, i don’t know why tse prazuu there with the franziyi chi british, with the nimechini chi polishchei, the remaining an hour to build it, they are not prazuu, the same is not prazu, ale, ala vin, vo mora, i only wanted about the roots, we talked about the roots here , zelensky is just a fool, in my thing he calls by his proper name, whom he uses, he is ordinary...
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83 on questions yes, this is sociology, he speaks russian, but he thinks in total more because if you look at sociology in kiev , look at modern ones, even at zelensky first speaks russian then translates into ukrainian. it’s just visible from the movement of the lips, but that’s not the point, i’m in favor of how you’re going to solve this, well, it will be resistance, he says, don’t worry, but we have a good example, at one time czechoslovakia, and in the twenties, and there the czechs didn’t speak czech at all, everyone spoke german when the austro-hungarian empire collapsed, and we mean them, well , in the czech republic, that means they began to speak czech, so i say, and you remember what it ended in czechoslovakia, here he should answer...
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hitler did what he did to czechoslovakia, here i tensed up, he will take the industry of people in ukraine, mobilize them to continue the war, it is better to stop putin in ukraine, 500-700 km from here. it seems to me that in the division of czechoslovakia, poland had one of the most important roles - poland, which did not let the red army through.
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western europe, the united states of america, brazil, egypt, vietnam, the russian federation, ukraine, china wrote, some of the theses remarkably diverged there, regarding the sco and brix, in particular belarusian-chinese relations, the post-soviet space, well, it just seems to me that...
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why why? because the americans themselves don’t need anyone to win there, they need this meat grinder to wear out this eastern europe for a long, long time, targeting who, against russia and against china, we shouldn’t forget this, because you look , red sea, transit, they blocked it with their actions, now they are trying to transit overland across northern eurasia for...
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i don’t think that european politicians even more nations are interested in an active hot war on their territory, they will try to prevent this, again, supporting the ukrainian regime today . moreover, i am almost sure that in the near future, i think, before the end of summer, we will see concrete decisions from the baltic countries, poland and other countries where there are quite a large number of ukrainian refugees.
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well, here we also need to understand that in addition to this moment that peter spoke about, there is another moment, zelensky is a hostage not only of external forces, but of internal punitive ones bodies, the same sbu, the same military commissars, these are the people who, with the departure of... zelensky , will put themselves at risk, they understand perfectly well that dissatisfaction with their actions in ukrainian society is very high, and the degree is high, they rest only on that that this punitive machine is working today, as soon as it weakens, they understand that they can become outcasts or enemies in their society, and this also keeps this situation in the moment that we see today, listen, well, how could he bring it? such situation, again i’ll say once again how many years we’ve been saying here that he took the wrong path, and this will simply lead to big trouble, he will find himself in such a stalemate that the question will be life and death, including why he cannot leave his
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position, it is unknown how leaving this position will end for him, in any case, ivan mikhailovich, i want to add here , excuse me, mothers of dead children and fathers, what will happen to him if he stays alive, he can only live undercover some special services, and western ones, this is out of the question... regarding our president’s thesis that he said that we should try to have time to carry out some negotiations, they have already talked about may 21, yes, when zelensky finally loses , even formal and legitimacy, why was this important, why the west does not push or push him to negotiate, for one simple reason that anyone who replaced bylensky yes... to one degree or another would have to talk about peace, yes or about changing some policy, but this is in no way case, joe biden is not happy, who at least needs to drag out this conflict until november, this conflict needs to be dragged out until
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november so that it continues and flares up, and they demonstrated what they can say that he is some kind of macho, but this american president, and so after may 21, too, if zelensky remains, then any agreements that could possibly be agreed upon. yes somewhere and about what and by the way our president clearly said that the basis for these negotiations can only be that the conditions that put by the russian federation, this will make us dance, this is not, not a freeze in any case, we must understand this, yes, he said, the istanbul ones mean like initialed agreements, which we will recognize further, taking into account the new reality, so i say again that zelensky is leading to such a situation that after may 25, even if he does something.
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said, if everything is sincere, then the person simply has a very rich imagination, everyone around him just nods their head, and he, in many ways, has driven himself into such a situation, because everyone there applauds him rather as a public figure, all the key decisions are made by andrey ermak, but you understand, it seems to me that the worst thing for ukrainian citizens will be, you know, turning back time to be at point a, where from where it all began, remember this donbass.
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we repeat once again, we know approximately what zelensky went through, because we ourselves, so to speak, became participants in communication with british diplomats regarding the russian federation, so i even know what they say there, when they come, we heard it, yes we heard that we heard it, that it needs to be done with russia, so everything is obvious here, but the british, as always, about freedom of speech, johnson taught us there, but fortunately in 2024, it seems to me, that they have achieved this. level, i see from my colleagues, and in general, it seems to me, from our state, but we generally don’t care what they say about us, well, it doesn’t even matter what they do, but just their authority, starting from these from odessa, from donbass, from closing the eyes of the swastika on these nazis, but they simply undermined so much, not only trust, it may not have existed, the desire to pay attention to these people at all, that i don’t even know how we will then restore some kind of relationship, of course we will have a relationship. but
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there will never be faith in these people, here is georgia, the law on foreign agents, yes, which they pass, you probably saw everything, i won’t tell you, they came out, well, they call them soras, i hope it doesn’t offend them, they should be proud this, they are against such a law that they say specialists, much softer than the law that is in force in the united states of america, and in some european countries, the reaction is interesting, vonderlein condemned the violence against demonstrators in georgia. barel condemned the actions of georgian police officers at the protest. the united states, where we have headlines, yes, condemned the georgian government for suppressing peaceful protests. well, naturally, the us embassy in georgia spoke here, by the way, i advise them to look at the experience of interaction between the belarusian state and the american embassy, ​​how is it possible work? how many of us are there? there is only one person left. american diplomats believe that the law and the anti-western rhetoric of the ruling party are putting the country on a dangerous path. in their opinion , the georgian dream does not work. compatible with
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democratic values, which are the basis of membership in the eu and nato, but in my opinion , georgia can easily be carried through, it will live happily in peace, they will not be accepted into either the eu or nato. this is simply the best gift for this country, looking at ukraine. the european parliament proposed depriving georgia of its eu candidate status and stopping european funding for a project in georgia, well, everything is as always, impose sanctions against the head of the georgian dream party ivaneshvili, ban the entry of deputies who voted for this bill. i’m looking at...
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everything, so i’m wondering what the reaction will be of these georgian men who are naturally proud, naturally self-confident and naturally love their country, i haven’t seen a single georgian who doesn’t love georgia, very much i want to believe that it will really be correct and that the georgian authorities will be able to withstand what is being done now, an attempt is being made on the maidan, an attempt to repeat ukraine, it is now happening in georgia, these sarossians, whom you...
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nato members were going to set up a second front for russia, but georgia, georgia, yes, in this the front didn’t go, didn’t want to, normal meaning, they started to choke them, join the sanctions, yes, sanctions, there’s more, yes, they refused, that is, they didn’t accept this front, and they are taking revenge on them, yes, through soros and other things, just for this non-pro-russian one, and the pro-georgian position, you are right about the second front, and what is happening there now is the same.
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the wording there, by the way, was present as an agent, as in the american, yes, the rafa law, which was adopted there back in the thirties, that is, but now they have softened it completely, there is not even the concept of a foreign agent, it simply says that organizations have uniform transparency of financing, in which 20% of the budget is supplied from abroad, but in this regard, this is, in a sense, a revolution in general georgian consciousness over the past 30 years independence, so to speak, their independence. there, the georgian government until recently received a salary from the state department of the united states of america, here you dare to disobey, here you dare to disobey, where did we give the money to the americans, yes, well , every situation needs to be brought to the point of absurdity, except that the law is much stricter in the usa, and the united states is putting pressure on georgia,
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let me remind you once again of the statement, ursula condemned the violence against demonstrators, barel condemned the actions of the police, but here is the next headline, for example, rbc. us thousand people per pro-palestinian protests. green party student candidate stein was detained at the protest. ban funding for higher education institutions whose students participate in protests. university students came out , they closed it down, yes, it’s not just a matter of funding, it suddenly turned out that many, well, this is rewarding them, probably, or it’s given that many universities receive funding from qatar, that is, they found this qatari trace there, universities receive funding from qatar and these
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pro-palestinian actions are what is being done, as it were, for this money, and the states are saying that they still need to look at the funding of universities to determine if there is 20% of funding from outside, then something needs to be done with these universities, how is this different from georgia with its law on foreign agents, which, nothing, only threatens national interest there, does not threaten national interest here, americans believe, everything comes down to one simple formula, if it does not meet the interests of the white house administration and deep american state, it must be destroyed, and it doesn’t matter where it is located in georgia or in the united states, well, simply.
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regarding the protests in the usa, that he is, of course, sympathetic to those people who protest, but there is a law that cannot be broken, the law is the most important thing in a democratic society,
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the usa is not a banana republic, therefore such protests are prohibited in the usa , the capture of parliament or the white house, in other countries it is possible, and this includes their attitude towards other countries, towards their sovereignty, independence. even before the decision of the us congress to allocate assistance money to ukraine, and even in january , he sent there, without notifying congressmen about it, 100 missiles and tacomes, and even the same cluster weapons, he committed a state crime, so
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what’s going on ? recently, when many eyes have been opened, when there is one position on israel, another on ukraine, in principle the same thing is happening, a number of african and middle eastern countries in recent months have begun to withdraw, withdraw their gold reserves from the united states of america, reports the houston post. we are talking in particular about nigeria, south africa, ghana, senegal, cameroon, algeria, egypt, saudi arabia. quote. the trend marks a significant shift in global economic dynamics, growing skeptics highlight.
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countries independence, all enterprises, all resources remained with those companies, former colonialists, it is only now that african countries have seen that they need to fight this, otherwise this country is fake, by and large , it will be in a situation of aggravation of international relations, the aggravation of international struggle, when this unipolar american world is actually... delegitimized, that is , ceased to be recognized by society and
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the international community, then in this situation, african states, arab, let's see, and latin american, none of them joined sanctions, everyone has their own position, this is the first time, moreover, saudi arabia, indonesia have already appealed to the us government, please do not steal these 300 billion russian reserves that are on your territory, but you know why, because? that is, if in response russia can simply confiscate or nationalize not only money, but
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assets invested in production, and in corporate money, and these huge gigantic funds, by the way, the european commission has already addressed many western factories and russian to the government, then please , the russian government means the departed ariston and bosch, and here are two companies, we all know, someone there has washing machines , there’s something else, they seem to have joined it. and the russian government has taken temporary control of itself, such a soft form of nationalization, the european commission is already asking: please return it, that is , you didn’t understand the hint, what are you doing, are you stepping on this rake, so you don’t need to call the kremlin, but call tell uncle joe, remember, uncle, yes, well, we’ll finish our program, one more piece of news, just for your information, although you probably know, i came, you remember, in march , a former slaughterhouse quality control engineer was found dead in south carolina .
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all sorts of different quality standards are violated in the production of boeings, which is scary, in principle the whole world flies on them, well then they reported that the cause of death was considered suicide, although there were questions, but this week another news appeared, a former quality auditor of a supplier company for boing joshua dean died after a short sudden illness, he was one of the first to report possible and... ignoring defects in the 737 max aircraft, he reported this, he was fired from the company, he filed to court, against the company, because he believes that he told the truth, and this is known within the companies, but after that he suddenly died, in principle, for the united states
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of america, which we love very much, but this is not certain, no, the country is good , but management. died, there, according to some reports, up to five people were killed inside, i can confirm that boeing has a very serious security service that is involved, here is the result of security, yes, thank you very much, it was a club of editors, we will see you in exactly a week on the tv channel belarus 1, goodbye!
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everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world.
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another important shrine of the monastery is its relic. let's tell you for now.
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and 2 meters long to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house. ship, they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. in many cities of belarus there are streets named after the glorious patriot vera
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khoruzhy. june 22, 1941, a terrible day for the soviet people, found faith in the city of pinsk. without hesitation, she and her husband joined the partisan detachment. husband, brave. the polish woman lost in the first days of the war; he died heroically in battle with the nazis. in august 1942, at the head of a group of underground workers, she went to work in vitebsk, which by that time was overrun by fascist troops. thanks to the data of the underground fighters of the weapons group, the soviet aviation carried out precise strikes on ammunition depots and barracks of the nazis, causing them great damage in... strength and equipment, anticipating their imminent defeat, the german fascists intensified the fight against the people's
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avengers, seeking to decapitate the partisan movement. following the denunciation of a traitor, vera falls into the hands of the gestapo, where even under torture she did not betray her comrades, for which she was executed. there is evidence that hitler's executioners. they hung her publicly in the square in vitebsk. vera zakharovna kharuzhie was awarded the order of lenin and the gold medal star, the order of the red banner, and was also awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.


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