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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 12:50am-2:21am MSK

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a kanam mehuva manusha he barbane amaren ge saarečaven ge teaven. kaj to mi robo, meže toca je lakava, meniroj lo dava, meni roil load, kaj tu, kaj to mi
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robot. kajtu, kaj to miro bojo, ne zhilat, meine roy lodava, meiroda, hej!
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shkinovany, let's light a fire, people, little guys, huh? rozvicha for the yagori, i burn the gifted ones, your shat mertus, for the spiritual, rich people, where
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i gave, that yakan kalys.
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when i was a child, my dad threw me into the river, and then they brilliantly answer the host’s questions. does anyone know why september is called september? not because it's the seventh month, no, nikita, it’s great, this is the seventh month, september is simply called a serial number, relatively speaking, even the adults are delighted with the erudition of these guys, and why
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does the population seem to me not be among the top ten countries in the world? sonya answered correctly.
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he gives black samples of gypsies in my soul , oh yes to us! give the gift of the chernoprovs of styganen the goal belongs to my soul oh yes and yes oh yes and yes oh
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ram-taram yes khoydamtarda oh yes oh daram tara. above your hand is more than life, wake me up,
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wake me up early in the morning, the song is calling, my heart is bursting out of breasts, as if you say, they are all for nothing, you understand that for love, horiyny, we are so different and for myself, i, chamomile flowers, don’t knock, i won’t open my heart, and not with you, i’ll pay the laid in the morning, as i can with my head, and if i don’t dig it up, i’ll fall from the green morning. house with a head, and the grass is all mowed in the morning, as your words were thrown on the road, oh
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, i don’t believe it, sorry for your confession, you dispel my doubts, awaken my desires. i have hot confessions, you dispel my doubts, awaken my desires, i pick daisy flowers, i won’t open them without knocking, and not with you, i will kill the green grass with your head and not... with you, i will leave the beast with my head, well, where are you, let's
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sing together, and the whole hall sings the chorus, well, i'm not flowers for you, in the morning i will fall whose head and not with you green in the morning i will fall on my head, i will fall on my head, i will fall on my head. let's go, flowers, i'm picking daisies, don't be bored, ration, i won't open it and i won't stop,
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i'll fall on the gray grass, i'll fall with my head, and not with you, raw grass, i'll fall under the rootstock with my head, i'll fall,
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well, now we're meeting the head of the show, alur radionova lyudmila. the cheerful ringing of a guitar is heard, songs are heard around the fire, music flies from all bulgarians, because
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today is a holiday for the gypsies, sonorous bouzouki began to play, legs began to dance on their own, lights twinkled in the eyes. even the old people started dancing, oops-oops, there are golden evenings and enchanting sounds are heard until dawn, oops-oops, ta bouzouki, golden evenings, raise your hands high, sing until the morning, like gypsy outfits, ringing laughter is heard everywhere, the face of young voices, like birds rushing into the sky,
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the gypsy woman's head spun and whispered quietly about love, my heart is bursting out of my chest, i know happiness awaits us ahead. oops, there are bouzoukis, golden evenings, enchanting sounds, heard until the morning, oops, there are bouzoukis, golden evenings, raise your hands higher, until the very morning. opa-opa, taboo golden evenings, their enchanting sounds, are heard until the morning, opa-opa, taboo zuki, golden evenings, raise your hands higher, oh until
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the morning, oops, there are buzu zuki, golden evenings, their enchanting sounds part until in the morning, oops, there are bouzoukis, golden ones. evening, raise your hands higher, fight until the morning. i will quietly approach the long-awaited guitar carefully and carefully touch the string, it
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will respond invitingly, fill it with kindness. stream on the lyrical plate and with a familiar trava i will go into the falling stars, to be happy for everyone, like a song, i will ask her and the guitar will explode,
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like my heart, from kings to kings, from you. to the long-awaited guitar, i quietly pluck the string carefully and carefully, because there are guitars, they will sound, large orchestras are silent for the most part.
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there are rumors about you, my beloved is coming,
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you are very good, you are very beautiful, yes, but if heart... heart is published, is this also beauty, i am looking for beauty, i am looking for love and tenderness, i see russia in the crystal frost. i want to see a beautiful, beautiful willow that stands fallen in the autumn in the forest, they will mark it,
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they will sweep it away, they will sweep it away, they will sweep it away, not the same! it's time, it's time, it's time, it will come to us, and the dry willow, and the dry willow, and the dry willow will bloom again, on another's temples. gray hair shines like a thin furrow, wrinkles disappear, there is such, such kindness in the eyes, but this is also beauty,
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i am looking for beauty, i am looking for love. and fidelity, i see in crystal and myrrh, but i want beautiful, it’s beautiful to see the willow that stands fallen in the autumn in the forest, they will sweep away, sweep away, sweep away, snowstorms are coming, it’s time, it’s time, it’s time to come to us, and the dry willow, and the dry willow, and the dry willow
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will bloom again, yes.
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it’s either midday or evening and year after year flies , they say that time heals. but it ’s the other way around, why does my soul hurt, spring is so good, the water of the river has carried away my youth forever, but why should i water my soul, because the fire is still burning, the sparks are beating to heaven, only there are no more miracles, it’s either summer or autumn. as if the clock is rushing, the sky is asking for a miracle, an eternally young soul, but why does the soul hurt? and spring is so good, the water has carried away the faces, my youth
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forever, and why does my soul hurt, and the fire is still burning, they will merge to heaven, only there is no more sitting, i will hug your guitar, a cry from the soul, she will understand, we will be sad together, and my melancholy will pass, but why does my soul hurt, spring is so good, the water took away the rivers, my youth forever, but why does my soul hurt? the whole fire is still burning, they will disappear into heaven, only there are no more miracles, only there are no more miracles,
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only there are no more miracles, only there are no more miracles.
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the heroes of this program chose life for city, why do you need this? and where does the money come from, my two favorite questions, i would really like to take a look at what a school, which is no longer a school, looks like inside, where they see more opportunities and use them to the maximum. 26
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paros, do you have chickens? 130 chickens, who else do you have, ducks, a cow, a cow, a cow, ducks, that’s what you don’t have, it’s free time that you can spend on laziness and... tired, i understand, that’s definitely not what you have, there is no time for depression, or despondency, and there is no time to be lazy, yes, the task of the presenter is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this, when we do it here, in the future, we are a reception room, we do it here, somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some laundry, that’s what we have leftovers here, valuable, we’ll probably hang an exhibition here now, like... applause, smiles, thank you very much, watch the project “i’m from the village” on the
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belarus 24 tv channel. analysis of the opponent, work on mistakes, choosing the right strategy for a match, athletes have to work a lot with head to become a champion, they know exactly what success is. sports grounds, but still, what does it feel like to become a champion, emotions subside, some realization already comes that we have actually achieved such a significant goal both for the club and for the fans, but what will the result be in a real battle of intellect, as gymnastics is called a projectile where two parallel crossbars are installed at the same height, smooth bars, bars, absolutely correct, what does the abbreviation bfvs stand for? you need to press, you don’t know what’s next, then everyone will guess, alexey, the belarusian federation, maybe the sun, the sun, there is a yellow card, a yellow card, the coach
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who won all these titles, while he is the only one, in fact, he always considered himself, he always considered himself the only one, this is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer, absolutely right, portuguese specialist. watch the intellectual and sports show " head game" on our tv channel.
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hey, my dear alur, i’ve been with you for 20 years , well, let’s light it now, hey, novels once again, there are valuri, chayuri, ay, they are beautiful, and roma, nothing, i know lunka, this and that, oh, there are on shine tanislumba, don’t be sorry for you, and pour some wine, oh,
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oh patrupa, you’re the only one so stupid, don’t expect to dance yourself, oh patrupa, you’re the only one like that , i don’t expect.
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simple, come on, dance with me, patupa, there is a light of tani hearing, don’t be sorry here, go ahead, oh, she’s such a luke, lombai, come on , come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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the belarusian region brought me to fate, everyone we are glad to see you, it’s our twentieth anniversary, the potanya club is groovy, come on, dance with me, light up solura-minsk, but we’ll sing write, oh patukha, there is light tanya sluma, don’t be sorry, and games on shares, oh, not just one.
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well, let's keep rocking, vinsk, let's go, republics, hands up, little color, where are you?
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all the petana are over the fog, but why are they already looking good, guests are coming, accigan. my soul is eager to dance, i’ll wander with my friends three gray horses, on a merry ride, be more merry, see me coaxing the bell under the arch, drunken sigranes are riding, going home, drunken giles are riding, three merry souls, shameful, the war song flies, all we sing, black eyes, bravo, passionate eyes, very burning and beautiful, so i love you, how afraid i am of you, that i even
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saw you, i was at an unhomely hour, they surfaced, come on. a common soul, and forward to the svyaz star, kozhevoy, on the charge of the seven, and your eyes, lo and behold.
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dear long lady, let’s go ahead and dance with the pig and your princess, and yourself, and the string.
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leila, leila, leila, leila, bala bude, jaskana meres, meresvalade, leila, leila, leila, leila, balate, chaska na meres, meres palalade, leila, leila, leila, leila, bala, chaskana meres, meres falalade.
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thank you very much, thank you, thank you, thank you,
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sola, sergey razyunov. oh, that's for you, that's for natasha, i'm so cute, i'm a beskulanyatka. performing soloist anyura, natalya gorbacheva.
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then, then i would say that this is a doctor, first of all, a surgical oncologist who has been working at the alexandrov republican scientific and practical center of oncology for more than 30 years. and this is also a scientist who today heads all scientific research in the field of oncology in the republic, you know, we talked a little behind the scenes, after all, the word academician should be heard, just an academician, just an academician, but for for your patients, the very understanding that the reds are coming to them, this is hope, this is what the title of academician plays for them
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, even for understanding.
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and i have already worked in oncology for quite a long time, oncologists differ from other doctors quite significantly, therefore among oncologists there are many more believers, this applies not only to doctors, nurses and aides, they are characterized, i would say, by the highest degree of mercy, otherwise in oncology it's simply impossible.


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