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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 2:20am-3:11am MSK

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i’m still not a magician, and i would like people to come to me earlier, when they can be radically helped. this is why we are writing today’s program, i hope this is why. are you from a military family? yes, did they break tradition? but the fight against a deadly disease, can’t it be attributed specifically to the concept of protective nature? i agree, we are talking about salvation. tens of thousands of people, so this is part of the country’s national security, beautiful, but most often i came across doctors, atheists, yes, but you are not from their category, and why and how often do you see cases of healing, when, well, it seems that hope has already gone and medicine is powerless, well, i will say this: i was baptized when i was 36 years old. that is, already at a conscious age, and
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i have already worked in oncology for quite a long time, oncologists differ from other doctors, quite significantly, therefore among oncologists there are many more believers, this applies not only to doctors, nurses, orderlies, they are characterized, i would say , the highest degree of mercy, otherwise... it seems that without faith in oncology it is very it’s difficult, but miracles have happened in your practice, the logs are simply impossible to work with, so i can do as much as i want, every day, both positive and negative, which are quite difficult to explain at the moment, but thanks to the development of science, we can explain some of them today , but explain it after the fact, right?
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somewhere outside the city, yes, to be honest, i remember this time, in the early nineties , patients came to the hospital, in fact, literally feeling a tumor, yes, that is, already feeling problems, today the survival rate from cancer is above 60%, well, according to statistics, more than every second, and for some types of cancer it tends to 100%. i’m not confusing anything, in
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this regard, there are changes, absolutely true, but i still don’t agree with you, on what? and the institute of oncology, then it was an institute of oncology, was never a hospital, somewhere outside the city, it was always a leading oncology center, which was in a leading position in the soviet union, yeah, and it remains so today, another thing is that it the institution instilled some kind of animal. fear in all people, some kind of hopelessness, people were afraid not only to get treatment, but in general to simply pass by, and the word cancer itself was prohibited, now everything has changed dramatically, and what factors do you consider determining the development of belarusian science, the medical base, state support or the attitude of the belarusians themselves to the fact that these numbers have become, well, let’s say, more encouraging, and you listed everything yourself? all i can do is
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probably go a little deeper. let's start with science. as for oncology, this is on today is the most dynamically developing branch of medicine. every 3-5 years everything changes radically. well, for example, at the aleksandrov republican scientific and practical center of onology , from 50 to 70 scientific projects are carried out simultaneously, annually. they relate to absolutely all areas of oncology. and each of these projects. this is a small step forward in some direction to increase life expectancy, to reduce mortality, even by a few percent, to improve the quality of life of cancer patients after treatment, to improve diagnostics, again, in total, over decades, this gives a very large-scale result, we recently calculated that we have a wonderful cancer registry, it was famous for this... yes,
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the republic of belarus is a small country, it is possible to register all the events that happen to cancer patients. so, we considered that science gives a colossal result, over 20 additional years, i emphasize, additionally, thanks to scientific research, more than 100 thousand human lives have been saved, this is a city like molodechno, not much, not little, now the second component, everyone is well aware of the phrase of vladimir ilyevich lenin, personnel decide everything, indeed there are simply wonderful specialists working in oncology, and they are concentrated in our republic. in medical institutions , we have maintained a system of oncological care, an oncological service, which has collapsed in all other countries. this gives a colossal result: the concentration of all specialists of all resources in one place, all oncological patients are treated only in
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oncological institutions. already proven in serious foreign studies that the results in an oncology hospital are an order of magnitude better than... in the general medical network, everyone understood this, they are trying to restore it, but this is not so easy to do, it requires colossal resources, continuation of lenin’s phrase, not everyone knows this , personnel decides everything, but if we have the appropriate material and technical base, yeah, here we are really lucky, because in the nineties this material and technical base left much to be desired, you correctly said that patients. patients themselves felt for a tumor and came for treatment, thanks to government support , several government programs were carried out in the field of oncology to re-equip our system, thanks to which we received the most modern
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equipment, and in all oncological institutions and republican oncology centers and dispensaries, everything you could want , including:
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having overtaken cardiovascular diseases, thanks to the development of cardiology, that is, cardiologists, thanks to their successes, are increasing the workload on oncologists, life expectancy increases, and cancer is still a disease that favors older people, so the better cardiologists work, the more malignant neoplasms there are. okay, well, here’s the last one from the list that i outlined, attitude. has changed dramatically, i have already said that before cancer, the word cancer was prohibited, why, because the chances of a cure were quite small, less than 20% of people recovered, but before, if it was temporary, it was when
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years ago, when i came, came to work, then it was forbidden to say the word cancer at all, why because... the survival rate of patients increased three to four times, and in some localizations and in the early stages 100%. people are no longer afraid to talk about it, and you can give many examples when famous people, artists,
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politicians talk about how they defeated cancer, were cured, this evokes respect from people, at the same time it removes this fear, if he was cured, i can’t, well, besides, we are actively promoting our success, we live in a unique time with you, when cancer is due to an absolutely fatal disease. boiler from the world of science, i remember when a person describes on ten pages
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the use of apple cider vinegar for the treatment of cancer, this can simply have catastrophic consequences, it’s clear why, we share interesting facts, however , there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers, for example, galen believed , that the center of the cardiovascular system is the liver, the ancient people liked sour wine, it began to be added to food and used in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend the life of the most important organ of the human body. we have long established clinics; we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses. this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models. watch in the science nearby project on the tv channel. belarus 24. children's curiosity and genuine interest, and
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absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything, are you ready to meet our hero. why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from growing up people. how are you different at work from yourself at home? it seems to me solely by appearance. i’m not turning from some kind of grump into a cute cat. no, i'm either a grym everywhere, or a cat everywhere. how are you how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative, to regret is not the same as to sympathize. this is an arrogant feeling. this. a feeling of superiority, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. well, look, sergei anatolyevich, when talking with kandratovich, you know this doctor very well, i have known him for more than 40 years, we studied together. we asked him about one particular operation named after our capital, yes, but still this operation is your know-how, and how did you manage to fit minsk into world history oncology? we are talking about an operation that was called minsk-koln pouch. this reservoir is a rather severe group of patients suffering from bladder cancer when removal is required. tubes were placed and urine was constantly
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collected in some kind of bags, or transplanted into a continuous intestine; as a result, the person recovered from cancer, then he began to suffer from all kinds of inflammatory diseases, the infection enters through the tubes or from the intestines enters the kidneys, pilonephritis develops, kidney failure for . 1-2 years most often, these patients died precisely from postural failure, and so, at that time , artificial bladder operations were developed, when a reservoir was formed from a section of the intestine, about a meter long, like a soccer ball, i can compare something, this reservoir was sewn to urine of the excretory canal, ureters were transplanted there, in general it was all designed to improve quality. lives of patients, but it turned out that this was the topic of my doctoral dissertation, we operated on a lot
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such people, this is a very difficult operation, at that time they took about 8-9 hours, one operation yes, now they are performed much faster, because the same team, everyone knows the movement of their colleague, there is no need to say unnecessary words, and we do it in 3-4 hours, well, that is, already automatically, we trained a lot of people in our republic in all oncology institutions, it’s done abroad, including a lot of our colleagues who came to study, and so it turned out. that the life expectancy of these patients is dramatically increases three or even four times precisely due to the fact that they do not die from inflammatory complications. we went further in this regard and developed an operation for those who still have damage to the urethra, this is an even more difficult operation, of course, it is usually called by
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the name of the surgeon, yeah, the operation, but somehow modesty did not allow it.
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entire vertebrae, there are vertebral prostheses, all of which stabilize the spine, right up to replacement
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; by the way, belarusian production is organized, including fixing devices and... vertebral theseses, everything is produced in the republic of belarus, returns mobility to the patient, the patient can take care of himself, he is not bedridden, he does not develop bedsores with all kinds of infections, which naturally shorten his life, well, he can be given appropriate antitumor treatment, so these patients are treated very effectively, and the results are now radically different from what they were 10 years ago. i immediately apologize for maybe asking questions that are so amateurish for an experienced doctor, but still i can’t help but ask, what are these killer cells that belarusian science is now rumored to be inspired by? we are talking about the so-called card-cell therapy, a very complex technology, if you will allow me, i
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will not talk about it in detail, i mean about the technology itself, very much so. months, so these patients secrete uh-huh, such patients live on average about 2 of their immune cells t-lymphocytes, and then they are outside the body. are modified in such a way that so -called chimeric or artificial receptors that perceive specific receptors on tumor cells, in this case we are talking about cd-19, these receptors for lymphomas, yeah, thanks to these receptors , lymphocytes recognize tumor cells, kill them, which means that not outside the body, in
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vitro, these are essentially modified. .. already, i would call them universal soldiers, specific killers, they multiply in huge quantities, up to 50 to 100 million pieces, are introduced back to the patient, not only do they begin to multiply already in the body, they also they rush to specific tumor cells, lymphoma cells, cd19 positive ones and begin to destroy them, this is where a massive immune reaction occurs. resuscitators are joining the fight, why? because this condition is very similar to the cytokine storm during covid, the main thing at this moment is to save the patient. so that these immune cells do not kill him, this is a very complex technology, it cannot be performed on a stream, as they say, a team
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of doctors, chemotherapists, doctors, resuscitators, and, if necessary, surgeons must work very harmoniously. the technology was developed jointly by three organizations: republican scientific and practical center onology named after alexandrov, republican scientific and practical center for children. oncology, hematology, immunology, and the institute of biorganic chemistry, national academy of sciences. to date, the results have simply impressed us, the effectiveness of this method, 88% complete extraction, complete and 12% partial, significant prolongation of life. let me remind you that we are talking about dying patients, where is the effectiveness. no more treatment methods have been exhausted, no such analogues exist abroad on the map cellular
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therapy in highly developed countries , the cost of treatment for one patient is about 5000 euros in the republic of belarus thanks to the use of our original technology of belarusian reagents of all 50. so , accordingly, for an oncology patient it is free, this is the cost for a foreigner, naturally this price attracts foreigners, they have already flocked to the republic belarus. how long has this technology been around? for several years we have had two-year results. by the way, we held it completely by accident at the insistence of the patient such treatment for the primary patient, completely, as we say, well, maybe this is a slang expression, neglected, that is , with... massive spread of lymphoma throughout all organs, lymph nodes of all locations, yeah, this patient refused, this woman
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was, refused from chemotherapy insisted on carrying out just such a treatment , card-cell therapy, this was the first time in world practice, so we assembled an international consultation, consulted with experts leading the world in this direction, and decided to carry out such treatment. it was carried out, it was quite difficult to tolerate, but nevertheless all the tumor foci disappeared completely, now six months have passed, the patient is healthy. okay, what types of cancer does this technology work on? so far only leukemia and lymphoma. the fact is that other types of tumors are much more complex, it is difficult to find this very antigen that the lymphocytes will act on, it is necessary that... this antigen is present in all tumor cells, until this has not been done, uh-huh. sergey anatorevich, i know that people who can afford to have
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operations in the most advanced oncology centers in the world, and they do it in belarus, even on the brain, yes, not only those operations that you say, but why is this the choice they have in belarus, yes , despite all the reputation they are trying to create for us, so what’s new? appeared in this area with us? about 2.5 300 foreigners come to belarus every year in the field of oncology, every year, every year, yes, this in no way interferes with the treatment of our domestic patients, well, for example, at the republican scientific and practical center for oncology we treat about 30,000, yeah, patients annually, of which 2.5-300 are foreigners. that is, 10% is not so much, but why do they come? price-quality ratio is business as usual, for them, quality, for them, of course, the quality is very
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high, the price is reasonable, that’s why they come, but i will add one more thing, this is the attitude of belarusians, belarusians are very hospitable and friendly people, they -they treat patients differently, they are compassionate, they speak russian. which is also important for neighboring countries, so i i think that collectively this attracts foreign patients to us, although not only from the russian federation, but from many countries of the world, mostly these are people who came , well, i would say, for help, not for medical tourism, their i'm interested in real medical help. as for brain tumors, there have also been significant changes recently, which, unfortunately, this pathology is very severe and bad.
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given treatment, there is such a blood-brain barrier, our immune cells do not penetrate through this barrier systems and do not destroy brain cells, this is a specially created such a system during evolution, but in addition, this barrier does not allow drugs to pass through, therefore all anti-tumor drugs either do not penetrate the brain at all, or penetrate very poorly in insufficient concentrations, age matters ? age doesn’t really matter, but the results of treatment are very bad and there are many examples when famous people who have all the possibilities for treatment in the best clinics did not achieve the effect, that is frizki, khorostovsky, this is all absolutely, absolutely true, they are all rumored, yes, and as for the brain tumor, what changes have appeared, well, first, we
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have medicines. damage, it is very important to maintain their effectiveness during surgery, not the quality of life after treatment. then we had the opportunity to perform endoscopic operations, when a large incision is not made, for example, through a small incision above the eyebrow, which will not even be visible, we can remove the tumor using endoscopic technology. unique just radiation therapy technologies,
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absolutely with the help of... uh, x-ray, or rather not x-ray, but this is a beam of radiation, gamma radiation, uh, with the help of this beam you can destroy a tumor, so-called radiosurgery, as well as stereotoxic radiation therapy with 3d technologies planning, it is possible to destroy tumors that are located in vital places very deep in the brain, without damaging the surrounding tissue at all. we have cases where we removed 150 brain metastases without damaging healthy tissue, these are simply unique results that we had never even dreamed of before, well, you tell such fantastic things, however, for the uninitiated, until 2020 we tried to compare all the time, but in what ways does belarus keep up with western medicine, now this is the truth, finally i have a feeling that we understood, we ourselves understood that...
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in the republic of belarus, we are in no way inferior to the highly developed countries of the world, we will not name which, but i will give only one example, the same bladder cancer, among the countries with the lowest mortality rate from this diseases, the republic of belarus in the eighteenth year came in third place in the world, second only to south korea and finland, if we also had less smoking, like in these countries, then we would be in first place, the next thing i would like note - this is... screening for prostate cancer, in this area we may not have wanted it, but we ended up among the leaders, why? why? because in all countries this event was simply prohibited. it was believed to do more harm than good. based on on research that turns out to have been, to put it mildly, falsified. so we...
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carried out screening of the cancerous prostate gland, studied its effectiveness, starting in 2011 and were under severe pressure from the world organization... yes, the definition of prostate-specific antigen, thank god, thanks to this screening, they now know about prostate-specific antigen almost all the inhabitants of our country, both men and women, threatened us with sanctions if we did not
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stop, but then alexander intervened again grigoryevich lukashenko said that sanctions are not your concern, you do your job and work calmly, and thanks to this in the republic... thousands of human lives were saved, these are quite young men, while the results for the world were recently published , hundreds of thousands of additional deaths due to the cessation of screening programs, as a result, the european union in the eighteenth year decided to restart screening programs for cancer of the presidium and recommended that all countries take up this process, the republic of belarus was ahead of the curve in everything.
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family values, this seems to be such an imperceptible process that is happening, but i would say a gradual elimination , strangely enough, in developed countries of the world, gradually, parents are prohibited from raising their children as they see fit, the child can simply be taken away from the family if the parents force him, for example, to study at school. and refuse, giving them to the appropriate parents , the institutions themselves that raise these children are already starting from them, even if the state takes care of them, but
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naturally, such children will never take care of their parents, i’m generally silent about some things, for example, it’s not even difficult for me to imagine being... called parent number one, well, yes, so that my child or grandson at the age of 3- it took him 5 years to determine what gender he was, what he wanted to be, right? yes, a boy or a girl, well , just amazing things, or, for example, in the same great britain, artificial insemination from three people was officially allowed, but a person should not interfere with these things at all, especially from three, a person already imagines himself as god, such things are clearly aimed at reducing the birth rate, that is, this is a real problem. population, but this will ultimately inevitably lead to
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disaster, there are any number of examples, remember the great roman empire, remember the biblical sodom and gomorrah, well, i have already seen the end, the first and second have complex treatment, like in oncology, everyone should participate here, at the family level , at school, by the way, you can’t blame everything on the school, it can’t handle it on its own, and neither can public organizations. of course, at the state level, if there are no corresponding policy laws, then there will be no sense. nastya, you touched on such a topic, you can talk about it endlessly, but i really, for a sane person, especially a doctor, yes, there is someone besides a man and a woman, what other options could there be? well, you communicate, including with foreign ones, with world stars, and from medicine. what do they think about it? well, this is nonsense for a normal
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person, you know, when you talk to them one on one, everything is fine, everything normal, absolutely true, also, by the way, it happened with the experts of the international agency for research on cancer regarding screening of the cancerous gland, one on one they say one thing, when there is an official discussion, then something completely different, that is, by and large they are simply afraid that their they will peck, absolutely right, you know... this is what scares me, because even those opinion polls that the westerners themselves conduct say that 77% of the same usa are people of absolutely traditional values ​​orientation, yes, then there is an active and a very aggressive minority begins to impose its forms and its values ​​on the overwhelming majority, this is scary, really, here you inevitably begin to draw parallels with the events in our country several years ago. sergei anatorevich, we, because here... this question turned out to be almost philosophical, yes, but it
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is not the last one, we, let us continue our conversation on saturday, early in the morning. we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine.
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the president of belarus visited the central command post of the air force and troops air defense, the commander-in-chief was reported on the current situation and the progress of the inspection of the duty forces of the air force of the air defense forces. alexander lukashenko watched the training along with the military. the check of the forces on duty lasted more than an hour. the troops and equipment worked perfectly in the air. all targets were detected and hit.
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the president closely monitored the work of the military, going into every detail of ensuring combat readiness. all those present gave detailed answers. the commander-in-chief highly appreciated our ability to repel any potential threats posed by the enemy from the air. the belarusian sky is under reliable protection. the situation on the outer circuit forces people in uniform to be constantly on alert. services are carried out on the ground and in the air 24x7. particular attention to air defense. the militarization of the baltic states and poland carries risks for our security. the concentration of nato troops near the belarusian borders remains high. the military monitors all types of threats, the defense minister emphasized. moreover, methods of warfare are changing. today, preference is given to drones, which is why there is such attention to defense by air defense forces. how the air border of belarus is guarded will be summarized in detail a little later. the final results of the surprise inspection of the armed forces will be reported
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to the commander-in-chief. the innovations of the updated legislation are designed to streamline business and financially support entrepreneurs. wherein. the innovations are not fiscal in nature; the reform creates clear and transparent conditions for running your business. the law provides for a mechanism seamless transition from individual entrepreneur to legal entity while maintaining rights, obligations and package of documents. other incentives for scaling are also reflected, for example, there is no need to pay a state fee for creating a commercial organization, and its location can be a residential building with the same utility tariffs for individuals, which types of work will be left for the micro. business is still an open question, the public will soon be involved in its discussions, and on may 15 the list will be posted on the national legal internet portal. until july the government will determine the types of activities that individual entrepreneurs can engage in; registration in those areas that are not included in the list will be stopped from october 1. if an individual entrepreneur wants to continue
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to engage in activities that are not included in the list, he needs to switch to the status of a legal entity, the deadline for the transition period is january 2026 . at the end of june, vitebsk, polotsk and novopolotsk will host the eleventh forum of regions of belarus of russia, preparations for its holding were discussed at a meeting in the vitebsk regional executive committee, a dozen sections were formed, their format and venues were determined. in in the city above the dvina, several thematic venues will unfold, industrial equipment will be presented on freedom square, next to the summer amphitheater, belarusian russian enterprises will demonstrate their achievements in various fields from light industry. before electrical equipment , the scientific potential of higher education institutions, as well as enterprises mastering the production of import-substituting and innovative products, will be presented. the capital of the dozhinki village workers' fair festival 2024 in the minsk region will be volozhin. the feast of grain growers is not just image project, it will qualitatively improve
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the living conditions of the city and region. the regional leadership assessed the progress of the reconstruction of the central square of volozhin. the work should be completed by 15. among them are the replacement of utility networks, modernization of roads, street lighting systems, 12 houses will be overhauled, in addition, they plan to install a cat apparatus in the volozhensk central district hospital. this is a significant event, many problems of citizens that have accumulated are being solved, this includes water supply, sewerage, heating today, the road network is being updated, so this is a significant amount of money that is being invested with the help of the regional budget into... the development of the region, other settlements, such as venets, rakov, of course, they will not be left without attention, and maybe not all we will be able to do what we would like, but let’s just say that, again, we will certainly try to solve some of the main problems. a memorial sign dedicated to the events on the pronya river during
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the great patriotic war to all those who fell here was solemnly opened in the chaussky district in the fight against fascist invaders. the place for the new memorial sign was not chosen by chance in 1900 to normal perception, but the people stood, the people survived, they revived the land, revived the villages, unfortunately, not all of them, but we live. we are developing, and today we must appreciate the peace that we have, that stability, our land. they first
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started talking about erecting a monument back in 2020. then local residents asked to perpetuate the memory of the heroes who fought against fascism. there are a total of 103 graves in the area in which more than 18 thousand soviet soldiers. the spiritual educational center of the borisov district library dedicated an exhibition, a project called “sacred,” to coincide with easter. images, a window into the spiritual world, collected 33 works by participants in the icon painting studio at the parish of the church of dmitry donskoy in borisov. the faces of saints and scenes from the gospel, as well as the main christian images of jesus and his mother mary , were depicted by non-professional artists, people of different ages and professions. the exhibition is accompanied by literature, including from the fund of rare publications, telling about icon painting as a cultural phenomenon.
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kharchenko, nadezhda yakovlevna, born in 1921 . in the village of korsunovka, poltava region. after the start of the great patriotic war, nadezhda yakovlevna was assigned to accompany the transport with the wounded evacuated from the hospital to the rear. on the prest-minsk road, the car in which the wounded soldiers were traveling was destroyed by fascist planes during a bombing. having survived the raid, nadezhda yakovlevna kharchenko walked to minsk and then joined a partisan detachment, where she performed.
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we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. final qualifying start for the cup. times ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair - zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before
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have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. we review the most interesting event. british runner raskuk, known on the internet as the toughest eccentric, set his sights on the record a year ago. he wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk gornier. set a new world record for climbing kanata. a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. i have been observing the trend of the last few olympic cycles; we see that in modern swimming it is not so much the records that are increasing, but rather the density of results. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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