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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 6:45am-7:31am MSK

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at the hour of the first day of life, the temples have beautiful designs and struc- tures in the interior, as well as unique frescoes. the pains from the forest collected the muscles of the saints and killed them near the roof of the vaspensky cathedrals. in both churches, every hour of the day is dedicated to worship, and the great sacraments are not celebrated.
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getty kalektyў byu gonaram of the belarusian stage, adzіn from a few in the ussr, zhanochy vakalny.
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vocal instrumental ensemble charaunitsy is growing in grodno. prynyastsov palaces of culture tekstylshchykaў. arganizava ensemble graduate of the grodno music school in the clarinet class, genats litynski. geta was a most outstanding teacher, an arganizatar, as they would say, sonnyamen.
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there was no name back then, as the veterans of the ensemble have confirmed to me, i think that the hole of the palace of culture of textiles, viktar filipchyk, this menavita pit is tied to the enchantresses of their name, which was the foundation
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of the ancestral tsa on the whole savetskiy union. eyes are black, not eyebrows.
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maskve's female vocal-instrumental ensemble had ideas of both types, but the idea could not be realized until the end, and in lithuania i was trying. the forests of the original stage of the historical ensemble of the enchantress became their node in the republican television competition of self-proclaimed ensembles and salists, founded by europe. what the hell was like in the spring of 1973. they became laureates of this competition. the nobles sang dunaevsk's favorite song "oh, you're a sirsa sirsa dzevich" from the movie "shukalniki shchastya".
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there were the director of the belarusian philharmonic society, and at that time the head of the jury for the competition was anatol kalandzyonyk, the directorate of the ministry of culture of belarus. how it brightened up the heart was my favorite song, the smell of which it lethally melted. and of course, so that the charmers could become laureates and work hard to train them...
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just as a teacher, so he was very guessing which instrument was which, so i
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came, i played the drums, then he gave me a trombone, and the training was all happened in 2-3 months and in this short period of time he managed to teach us how to get us on stage, that is , you didn’t just play somewhere, but you played in good halls, you played to a sold-out audience, and then the trumpet, that’s all - after all, he me, then my third instrument was a trumpet, specifically a trumpet. he left me, he said: “this is your instrument.” and so it was with many. he showed himself more of a manner, but
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let’s say, when i started playing the trumpet, he immediately took me to valery shcheritsa, that is, he took me to musicians with whom he was friends, whom he knew well, who were pros, i took lessons from valery’s daughter , that is, he always brought us together with musicians, namely professionals, these are the instruments we played, and he gave us lithuanian, he gave manner, he played for us...
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so taking into account, here we have masha, she had a third octave, well, female claretura, natasha, kalinin had a small octave, we could allow the work to be decomposed vocally into four into five voices, that is , this is polyphony.
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in the fall of 1979, the charmers became the winners of the all-russian variety artist competition
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in leningradze, where the ganarovs took the place.
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this has already become the most popular competition in which belarusian artists have consistently become leaders, performers, and leaders since the 66th year, when viktar vuyachych won, anel baguslavskaya became laureates, then songs in the 70th, then laureates in the 74th, and all in the 79th laureates of the all-union competition.
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they worked, it was called the warm-up, the first part, the second part, the famous blue bird with its famous hits, they, of course, immediately looked down on us very, very much, we worked the first part, the whole blue bird was standing there, there was such a podium from it it was necessary go down the steps, all the blue birds stood and gave us their hands, they said, deeds, you are class, old bass... the gods were light, aishesh yash dubya, hear, i love you, like no one else was expected, they were not loved, they were popular, among the vocal and instrumental ensembles of the union,
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they were the strongest, especially... they absorb knowledge with an enviable appetite. is it true that in developed countries the male population predominates over the female population? the female population predominates there because men have a higher mortality rate in childhood. what do you think caused this? various factors. when i was a child, my dad threw me into a river, and then brilliantly answer the presenter's questions. does anyone
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know why september is called september? not because it's the seventh month. no, nikita, great, this is the seventh month, september is simply called a serial number, relatively speaking, even adults are delighted with the erudition of these guys, and why the population, it seems to me, cannot be included in the top ten countries in the world. sonya answered correctly, she’s smart, she has very well developed logical thinking, and even if she doesn’t know something, she can reach correct answer, precedent, precedent is some kind of case, incident, i am very glad that. she answered correctly, this is exactly the word we were studying when preparing for the olympics , and therefore it’s great that it coincided. watch the intellectual and entertaining project, me. i know on the belarus24 tv channel. children's curiosity and genuine interest, and
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absolute honesty are the sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? how do you think, why the children chose you to talk to. i hope i can answer their questions. talk show with famous people. look at the project 100 questions for adults on
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the belarus24 tv channel in 1979.
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their best hits. at the beginning of the 80s, the charmers celebrated a new song by uladzimir budnik, pakh chabarov. gets of this famous hit have become a hell of a charmer's favorite. because of this, the name of the ensemble is inscribed in the history of the belarusian stage by the famous writers. why did she get burned by me?
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when the smell of cheborov already sounded from all the windows, when i was waiting for you, i sounded enchanted, already they were in a team, i was so pleased, i went to, say, some department store, and before this department of records, it was so very visited, they bought all this, so i go into the department and there are enchantresses singing, i’m waiting for you, it’s nice, you’re no longer with you, but i still don’t believe you’re gone.
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but they didn’t allow it, because extra concerts, even if more than twenty concerts were not paid for a month, we could go on tour for a month, then we came for 3-4 days, a couple of days rest, 3-4 days rehearsal, but we also rehearsed on tour, it's clear that site, you arrive earlier and work, i went again, we traveled a lot, a lot, we are girls, we still managed to arrange our personal lives, we managed.
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members of the ensemble charaunitsy, and all this dzyakuyuchy raman from the bassist ensemble natalia beruk. i came to the rehearsal, i was then doing amateur performances in the variety orchestra of vyacheslav serdyuk in the palace of trade unions. i came to the rehearsal in the evening, i saw girls and women on stage, preparing equipment, setting up guitars, keyboards, microphones. i i found out that this is our ensemble. an extravagant young girl, tuning a bass guitar with a short haircut, somehow it was unusual for me, it was interesting, i saw it and something started pounding inside me, i came up, got to know each other, we started dating natasha, i went on tour many times ,
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sometimes i traveled with them, i remember they had a pazik bus, around the cities of belarus, i came a couple of times by train to the cities where they performed, we began a whirlwind romance, which then grew into a wedding and the birth of boys in 1987 year, everything is by accident, everything, everything in this day is accidental, like a white seagull on a breaking wave. as if he always said: oh, how great, you are on a par with the pesnars, the veropravda siberians, of course, everyone was far away, yes, so i say, well, on an equal basis with the sebras, with the veros, you are in the same rank, i remember the keyboard player alexandra konstantinova, she , in my opinion, she was their musical director, but in general...
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on the professional stage, and we met several times at the piano, she gave me lessons, so many thanks to her, thanks to that time for this, thanks to the chernovnitsy and thank you natasha, we danced yesterday, the old grass fell, we left. advoch, havayuchy vyadro, advoch, havayuchy vyadro,
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the charmers were the top bands on the all-union market of pop music, there... yana actyna toured not only in the savetsky union, but also abroad, in the german dema short republics, poland, hungary and balgars, and ў 1986 their governments in afghanistan. the trip to afghanistan, napeyna, the whole thing is called a tour, the best thing for everything is the same gramadzyan abaviazak, we traveled there in the midst of the war,... the height of summer, at the reshtse rasht, it’s obvious that it’s moldy in afghanistan, it ’s baked sapraudnae, there the thermometer stand exceeded 40 degrees, yang, of course, there the great people packed and suffered from homework,
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and reported infrequent blows, and beaten hell by unaccustomed hedgehogs, and all this chaos, flights , transfers, unsafe for life, everything. performances in the charnobyl zone and afghanistan were a great achievement for
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belarusian artists, and the entire trip to bhenyan for the 13th world festival of youth and students in lipen in 1989 became for the enchantresses.
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this is how sensational archival footage flows from the traveler anatol yarmolenka and other members of the belarusian delegation. belarusian state ensemble charaunitsy. parvaslaunye less. the trip to africa took place in 1990. and of course, no one could even think about it, because amal adrazu took care of these trips,
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paspyakhovs, earned, the most beloved kalekty enchantresses, his sleep and his knowledge. ale menavita geta i hello. chamu? well, i’m so sorry, that’s how it was. vigilance in the region went into overdrive, the card system broke down ekanamichnyh chalavechs, and all of the ensemble of enchantress dachshunds on special rats chalavechy adnosina, so they are the same, but the enchantresses disintegrated. in 1998, nadzeya mikulich appointed her benefit, connected with the 25-year-old creative zeinasts. for me, there were many surprises in the endless battle of the veteran ensemble of the enchantress. who came to the concert with their former ruler
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gennadzem lyatynskiy in the field of varba, fell in varba vada, there hadzila, there was walking, dzeuka mala. ale passed yashche until 13 years ago, first of all , the enchantresses will finish their cantsertnaya zeynasts, і adbudzetsa geta ў 2011 year. nadzeya mikulich plays a major role in the adrage of the charm of the sun. we’ll gather the girls and perform for my anniversary, come on
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, okay, well, it happened, geno left earlier, and the only thing left to think about was to gather the girls, especially since it was lyuda naumovich’s anniversary, we gathered in the restaurant, and they gathered and sang several songs, so beautiful, well , the trees are green, as if they never left, i go all the girls, come to my concert, well, that’s it, they came to me at my anniversary concert, sang live, i had musicians, they we sang several songs live.
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and at that time these songs were at the top. now we are perhaps perceived as a retro team, but i always tell everyone that charmers are fashionable, modern, bright, beautiful girls, and we must correspond to this trend today.
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cherovnitsy was born in the glorious city of grodno, grodno is generally a very musical city and letinsky is from grodno, nadya mikulich is from grodno, the first line-up was all from grodno. we also have a couple of girls from the first cast, well, we’re all girls we call each other, we are very friends with lyudmila morkovskaya, she was in the first cast of enchantresses, next to us is always our beloved, lyudochka morkovskaya, who always starts our page right from our arrival here, she is enchanted - this is her signature song , this is her yes this is the first disc,
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seagulls, red maidens, girls, well , many, many female groups, there were no better charmers than ours, all beautiful, all pretty, pretty programs, but our real musicians, real musicians, just from the roots of their hair to to heels, because geno knew how to make real ones out of them, how many concerts i attended, i always sat with my mouth open, i looked at their program with such pleasure, because it was so... interesting, it was so beautiful and professional, i’m just happy that i was in this team, my husband was with this team for many years, i remember these years that i worked with them with such
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warmth, not a single day causes me regret, i would gladly repeat it, with great pleasure . i'm so for it i am grateful to fate that i ended up in this team, that i met litinsky, i can once again say a huge thank you to him, that he gave us a different life, we saw the world, i traveled all over the soviet union, we were abroad, i was in countries that i could never have dreamed of, well, the best years were, of course, in cherovnitsy.
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klazin, bary marusya, nits brook, i’m falling down like that, in the arms of yamcha. little hand, little hand, blazing tails, little hand, little hand, why are you high school, little hand, little hand? come on, you’re high school,
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for a moment i want to stop running and see how it’s raining, the leaves are moving, the sun is shining.


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