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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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that she did not reveal to the enemy either her mission goals or her comrades, the girl remained silent and only said that her name was tanya. after prolonged torture, zoya kosmedemyanskaya was hanged on petrichevskaya square. zoya kosmedemyanskaya, the first woman during the war, was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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i am working on literary events in the maladzechansky region. i need prices for meats, for the sake of yanka kupala. yayki is good, but shpahi dachshama , which were, so that our lives were here, others. yes, as maxim bagdanovich is right in the summer in rakutsyovshchyna. and the house of gaspadar vaclav emіrykavіch lachkovskaga yon hadzіў stalavac. many belarusian writers, in the current rumors, added the advantage of not sitting down for months, but parroting, where in the different corners of our land you can know the history, remember.
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and even entire museums, where they tell about the history of the belarusian paetau. the maladzechansky district does not become switched off. every belarusian knows the name yanka kupala, the name of the people here in the non-vesachtsy knitting of the people's republic belarus, and you are just a peep, how jumpy it is here. the hut, which in 1882 was expected to have a future life, was restored following archival documents and old age. and it was a great time before the yanks kupala gave me the help of iryna uladzimir. iryna uladzimirana, provіtanne. good zen! here we have a museum of great honor and our knitting, 75 years ago, and we visit every sign of the knitting.
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killed the wife of kupala uladzislava francaina, who was born here, when a museum was built here, when people came here and learned here is the right meat, for the sake of our first crumbs. people are so familiar with the name of yanka kupala that they often forget that besides this pseudonym, the real name of the poet is ivan daminikavich lutsevich, and this name is still history. is it true, what is the forest?
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lichuli ўzho such a sloўya, ў ў ў мішчін мінська, ініякі позлахгіч, well, all this fact then bought the package and the basis of the drama , the scattered nest, the factual and the products of lutsevich dachshund or the rights to the land, and life there, and self-interest, and the past well... it’s another matter, let’s put it this way. the inside of the house can be ўbachyts іnter'er sylyanskaya hut kanets 19 stagodzia. the atmosphere of everyday life is created by authentic speeches collected in a string of bundles. here... everything is broken up just like it was for you bastards, when the young sam lutsevich lived here , the meetings are all over the place new, many people and their saprads dakranajutstsa, there is a geta from that sapral hut, from a naradzia paet, because the geta are budynak rebooted now, just like the theater has started with a hanger, so the house has started with the animals in the village, and the bolts are there, as before
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the huts began to decay, and all the same key is given to us by the adzin from the guard. bundles, where there is a navy eye, and that’s why side gaspadar, kali prihodziў, all gety pin so prasoўvaў. this piece fell from this side of the door , the current doors were like this and did not happen, i had the same key, i never got around to the hell of the door. if you can get more valuable speeches from the pack, i’ll say, saprauds, the consequences of them are unknown to me, although our products are paid to them regularly. you bachytse eight geta syringe, what is a geta? all this is such cabbage and slave, ground minced meat, cabbage. and the adzin tsikavy expansat, yashche plyadzitse, like two jars of us with a handle, these sprouts were called then, nasili abed in the field, the first, the other, the current youth, kali pryhodze, you know what these sprouts are called, lunchbox, well saprauda velmi suchasna, then we have
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great nights, well, we know everything, we all know what we can do, we can do it, kali bathed, on some belarusian nights you began to feel that there was a lot of magli paklasti pa... the kali dzitya fell, began to change into a useful mechanism. this hadunok, at seryedzin ’s place they installed, this bow was like this, the plow could have been tied up , and the slave worked, and on the other hand, we can work on it, and in others, yes, it's an easy turn, nowhere, and nowhere else , yes, everything here is a joke here, so... that i didn’t like to see such a thing for a thousand days, or even two, but at the time when yanka kupala lived here, there were benefits where are the mensch? the hut was the most beautiful, the windows were droopy, and the light of such an electric lamp, there was gas, and there were
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such rays, which were not bright, but such rays were rich, well, if the chickens were ready to bake, then the eggs would be heta goodness, ale shpahi taxama yakiya... i’m going to continue to follow the territory of the reserve. yanka kupala in her works, there are often popular saints and sayings, there is no point in saying that here several times a month there are vyachorki, on which all ahvochys can work on their own such dolls, that’s where i raised the workers of such
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tsudouny aberokh. our products were installed and such dolls with all the sur'eznasstyu, yana supervised by the atrimanya... all we will be with you this morning, such a doll, tell me how yana robitstsa let's i will slave so separator that's all that's the whole thing these hands are like this here and they are sweaty. such a very tight knitted frame, such a frame. the tyrant, the tyrant, the slave of such a doll, this velma is important, because the skin itself is robotic, uh-huh, then we put on such an apron, that’s it the worker, and all such a vyarovachka
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to such a tyazvoets, tsikava, that the previously created dolls were turned off by the maid's work, was treated, because... only hell is smart, i will inform and the diligence of the maids, who carved out the doll, lay there most of the time and it’s a paradox for khatse. geta abyareg, yon ad chago, or for chago? well, hell, it seems, like the hell of drained vachas, perhaps, hell of sickness, you want, well, the hell of all evil, the hell of all evil spirits. tamara uladzimiraina, thank you for such great maystar class. abyarog i will take abavyazkov with me, and ale spachatka. i’m taking a walk in mayonka, because it’s nature there are special merits here. the area of ​​the velma reserve is wide, 21 hectares. around the edge
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of the hut, near yanka kupala, the dachshund had a dwarf hut, a planter, a porch, an orchard and a linden alley. you can eat crayfish, fagot, what is called meat, and ancient trees. it’s easy to see, as in the dzyatstvo, we walk here and breathe . the reserve can know all these boulders, which were cut out from the river yanka kupala, i know that menavita yashche dapamagutsa paet's creative work. if i had a corner of the new land, if i had a piece from the kalaso, i would call you people, if i would call a vyanochak, if i had a meadow above the river, if i had a harvester, i would pick up a bouquet for you from my unforgettable brother. if i have my own khatsina, if i have a wife, i would ask you from the state, for kut
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pasadzi, if i don’t give you so much, shchyranka like dzetsi, roof god, new, senazhatki, khata in all this world. it’s not for nothing , it seems, the poetry is natkhnyaya, i wanted to write so many hundred things, and for the natkhnaya i’m going to get a good cup of garbatty, a vase from which i pastel the flowers. and charnilitsa, kab be the rightful people. something like this is possible in the maystar class in radashkovichi. i'm great. i love ceramics, not only because they are elastic, but also because they are great for the skin. and i’m
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glad that i’ll be able to work hundreds of times with my own hands. at the factory, the output and production of ceramics are processed by bastards: in some months they prepare pots, in others they work with soils, in others they apply paint, and in others they polish the workings of the furnace. there is such a frame and hand-made creativity, bring it here to me and patrabna, if you don’t want to get dirty adzenne, peraaapranusya. so, what do you need to do?
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on the one hand, it is necessary to give out saprauda shmat to the hour, and on the other hand, i want to give out these outstanding hobis, behind the scales, we paspeli will draw out the scenes of our vase, it’s time to give it its shape, oh yes, a certain thing is crying, that’s what they call it ik, shnalik, right? issued, it’s a pity, i can’t take all the money from myself, i just
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need to get it, otherwise i can look at the masters of the masters, what kind of knowledge is here at the museum of creativity. all the workers are gathered here, which were produced from the moment of creation of ceramic art, pearls can be used in a service known as radashkovich, and decimal eggs on which carnivorous landscapes are painted. apynnuўshy in radashkovichi, the animal farm as far as i remember. these months are associated with many famous famous people, and one of them is the writer yadviginsha. a pioneer of the new belarusian master's prose, menavita here at radashkowicz wrote
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the song "zlodzi", which has become so popular in the history of the belarusian theater, like radashkowicz. the theatrical idea, unfortunately, would have been wasted. and yashche menavіta ў radashkovіch znahodzitstsa kascel, yakіm 1882 khrystsіl bathed. the temple looks simple, yet elegant and reminiscent of the classical architecture of the 19th century. not only yanka kupala, but also maksim bagdanovich, cares about any land. the vesach residents of rakutsoўshchyn have built a museum and illuminated the iconography there. they were born in different parts of the world. i
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came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty. came here first. i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. minsk has very good conditions for living as a family, especially with small children. i love belarus and i proudly declare that it was here that i acquired
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my great happiness. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. get to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the difference between our equipment is that they have very large capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities. our equipment is today, in fact, a very reliable margin of safety is built into it enormously. an approach to business that everyone should strive for.
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maxim bagdanovich visited the myastsov farm in the summer of 1911, and just before 80 a museum was built here. spachatka was given the house of the arandatar, who lives with him. darechy, bagdanovich himself says that there was a lot of goodness here. menavita ў rakutseўshchyne paet old two cycles of the top,
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which are the latest in the collections of old belarus and months. two poems by veranika and the vessy were written here. any ivana, hello, you and i are in a great month, and there are a lot of people here, and tell us all about it. for the landlords, such summer ladies would be published, in which the landlords have a hedgehog, deal with the hell of bad weather and start. so this entire summer, as maxim bagdanovich came here, there was no tenant in luchkovsk. and maxima bagdanovich is staying with this lady, so for eight months now with this lady he is rightly in his summer holidays, for the last two summer months, for the last two summer months , for the last two months of the year, in this house of arandatar. this is the atmosphere created by the citizens, which is
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so lethal and praiseful to bagdanovich, which came out to me as a companion, and this is also a master’s illusion. geta house arandatar - geta adnoўlenaya pabudova, where in 1943 geta pabudova, and yashche gaspadarchaya pabudova the threshing floor were dismantled by the germans. on the barvenna, but on ўspamіnakh there was a padmurak, and on ўін adnoўleny, on ўspamіnakh there were old people who knew lychkowsk, and they knew what the ladies' hets looked like. to know the life of that hour, the rivers for the home of leisure and the carpathians were collected all over the world, magchyma, change on such a spoon the young bagdanovich is sleeping, and all of them from such a valiant family are coming from rakutsovshchyna from vilna. maxim bagdanovich is appreciative here, she wrote kindly, as he said, he has a queen. pit, and ў the house of gaspadar vaclav emirykavich lachkovskaga yon hadziў stalavatstsa, there yana magli pіts garbatu, razmaulyatsya on various topics, where vaclav mirykavіch was a written
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chalavek, the italian faith nya, even though the rubbish gentry, ale chalavek would be more possible. at the house of the gaspadar, the interiors of the kitchen, kitchens, and the interiors of the kitchen have been completed. the largest part of the exhibition has softened ў gascinay. the great jumper looked at the same oak buffet. brought from igumen from the radzyma of the mother of maxim bagdanovich and the dzyadzka of maxim bagdanovich. on the stages we can take with you many photographs of the smoke from our headquarters of vaclav mirykavitch lychkouk. unfortunately, the photo is not taken, except for iago’s two sisters, jadvisya, zofia and my niece emilia shabunya and their husbands. so. it’s easy to see how people from these photographs had their way, prayed, and got busy with theirs. the right and the joints of the gas. you can have eight of these lusters, trumo, jumpers, peўna looked at this hour,
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so you can now look at this chandelier and enjoy the jumping end of 19, part of the 20th stagodze. i don’t mean dry goods, of course, but i just look at it like that. geta spadara is like a chest of chestnuts. some people may know something wrong with the skin. you can have a lot of dzitsyachy kashulki, zvarynstse ўvagu, all this linen boudzionnaya with high, all this dzitsyachy kashulka, called for some time, and all the kashulka there, you can have a lot of kashulka, this brave shirt so, for the sake of the adzenne, if the adzenne was clean and fresh, our products extracted great mechanisms, this is called pranik, and all such praniks washed the adzenne. hedgehog, and all such pranks were given adzeju, and they were mercenary, brought adzenna, machili ў
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rivers, kvali on the masonry, and all this way they knocked out parls, then palaskali and all this geta geta, geta light hey, and yashche these pranіkas were abated by the flax snaps of the halo, you know, not all of them are true, but the fruits of life are the same, but if these problems are the same for... the earned income is simple, then it’s for the meat in the threshing floor it is possible to collect a large number of finds that burned the fathers of the salayans. geta pabudova chalk had its purpose, it was extracted for the capture of iraja, as they harvested the fly, and in the spring the fall began to ablate. here we have collected speeches from our navakol weights, which were previously ... the mercenary peasants and their gaspadars. for example, geta prylada zavetstsa winnowing fan, yana adzyalae zbozha hell chaff. the grain was poured
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all over here. we have this, then we twist all this handle, blades, we twist all this way. and i mean, we are, adsartsіroўvae, rascals ў adzin side, and grain - another addulina. kali laska, mozhatse navat pakrutsіts, vos. bachytse, there are blades like that, and the falling grains and the adsortment. geta prylada is called a syachkarny, it was dug out for cutting, cutting grass, all here and here grass was put, batva, lard, all this way, all this way , all this way, only for us jumping geta jumping, adzin chalavek all this way all the way here, all the way... .. there is such a pen here, it was necessary to take care with your hands so that your fingers didn’t fall there, other people turn the handle and cut the spills, and now become self-interested. in
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many months, this was a great thing, any ivana, thank you, but i know that you can get away not only with good spams and laughs and new knowledge, but also why can you make hundreds of things with your own hands, well, for example, barel' ef maxim bagdanovich, so of course it’s possible, so i immediately ask you to help yourself in our maystar class, as we tell our guards, let’s go. from the french bas-relief it is laid out like low relief, so they call it for the weak size of the part that protrudes. there are different techniques for creating a bas-relief, but i try one from the simplest using clay and shapes. how is kavalachak adzyalits?
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stress, geta relaxation, and we need the geta relief will be given from the getai gypsum forms, so let’s start with our fingers, or knock out, for example, the whole thing, we saps, there are tumbleweed sacrets, add soft kavalachak clay, hardened berries balls and jump at the edge of the bas-relief, patting it on yourself. the clay is soft.
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all the different things that exist can be done by touching with your fingers, so that the package is not dry, then this bas-relief will dry out, become firm, remember the color and you can then adapt it with any paints because it’s great, you can work on these bas-reliefs. everything, you know, is given out, in museums it’s true that not only the excursion, but also the maystar classes, and you can do a hundred of these things. i'm glad that now i understand
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the heights of yanka kupala and maxim. bagdanovich, because i learned more about how i lived like the shmat of the jumper bachyli vakol himself. in germany, the source of life organization was established, its task was to stimulate an increase in the birth rate. true aryans, as well as increase the german population by naming children from slavic peoples. children were taken from their families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis do not take their own ukrainian children to eu countries, but this is different. in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia, in others,
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they turn a blind eye to...
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live news in the studio elizaveta lokotka. hello to this episode. today is holy saturday for the orthodox, in jerusalem, believers are waiting for the descent of the holy fire. flowers to the monuments of fallen soldiers, events for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus are taking place throughout the country.


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