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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 1:15pm-2:41pm MSK

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it didn’t help, well, try to break free, you ’re on duty without me, but i’ll think of something, some problems, girls? hello, igor romanovich, are you on duty today? yes and you? me too, but i don’t know what to do, my neighbor is feeling really bad, i need to go give her an injection. and natasha cannot be left alone. why? i can handle. exactly? well, of course. if your neighbor is feeling bad, you need to help. and if anything happens, igor romanovich will help me. really, igor romanovich? well, i'll go. are you sure you can cope without me? exactly, exactly. don't worry, go.
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aunt masha, aunt masha, of course so, aunt mash, have you stopped taking your pills again, or is it the sun? well, i don’t know how it happened, we had such cucumbers, they turned out good, we were full of food, we were full of food, duty was interrupted, oh
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, forgive me, nadyushenka, but it’s okay, okay, igor, huh? hello, hello, well, like a neighbor, i came to my senses, yeah, yesterday i was still lying down, and today i’ve already rushed to weed the garden, it’s clear, they’re restless with me, and what time do you get free in the evening, i’m up at night, yeah, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, maybe we’ll igor romanovich, yes, hello, hello, i brought my dad to you, remember, i told you about headaches, yes, i remember. sorry, let’s go to the office.
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hello, anfis, hello, nat, you had a fight with your boyfriend early today. i didn’t quarrel with anyone, it was just a hard day. “of course, you have a lot of girlfriends in your city, why would they share their grief with me, but i don’t have any grief, it’s just that one person and i just can’t talk, then i’m busy, then he, so you came to him on your day off or when you’re not on duty, you think, well, there’s nothing to think about, you’re just, you’re just alone somehow more beautiful, there do your hair, choose a dress, there are beautiful shoes for the day, otherwise you walk like
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a gray mouse, oh, mom, that’s enough , now wait, wait, equal here for the piercing one, here’s one more thing, oh, so, oh, hello to you , neighbors, i was on time , i was bringing the skirt, now, wait, we’ll finish with nadyushka, somewhere here, okay, that’s it, the final touch, okay, that
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’s it , what happened? immediately i want a brisk run and a walk, like the rain, a shady forest, a sunny day, and how our life is built up from these shotguns,
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i want to take a look at the light of day and skin day to cover something new for myself. this is so good for us, because we work for this with anyone, with anyone and belarus.
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it’s impossible to say that they don’t need google because they already know everything, but our players strive for this, their erudition often amazes adults, but will it be enough to win in... ivan zamulin, secondary school number three in the city osipovichi and chemistry teacher, lyudmila viktorovna mikulich. maria katchenko, nesvezhskaya gymnasium, class teacher-english teacher, natalya vladimirovna katchenko. elvira pekarskaya, secondary school. gymnasium number 5 of the city of minsk named after the hero of the meeting on the elbe and mathematics teacher nadezhda valentinovna novitskaya. valeria filimontseva - gymnasium
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number 36 of the city of gomel named after melezh, mathematics teacher svetlana nikolaevna borozna. yana zhuk, secondary school number two in the city of berez.
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hello guys, we are glad to welcome you to our playground. right now, at this very minute in the staff room, my colleague yulia pertsova is already communicating with your teachers. julia, you have the floor. vasya, we’ve all gathered, we’ve already
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had time to communicate and are in the best mood, not a word more than good luck. let's start the game quickly. we're starting the first round, come on! let's remember his rules. in the first round, players are asked 12 multiple-choice questions - yes or no, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 7 seconds. each correct answer brings. one point per participant, the eight players with the most points advance to the second round. first question of the first round, pay attention to the screen. have we correctly used the medical book for the ringing-nominal verbiage? time! ivan, what do you think? well, i can’t give an exact answer here, but personally it seems to me that it’s correct. it will be one and a half meters, but what were you guided by, maybe you remembered some rule, or just visually you don’t
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like the way everything is written? i don’t like the way it’s written, it’s a good position, maxim, live, yes, that’s right, it will be one and a half meters, one and a half gets along with the male and non-male genders, one and a half for women, one and a half lyshkas, barrels and so on, yes, well done, that’s it correct, comprehensive answer, do not take away, do not add, the correct answer to our question is no, correct, really. the second question: was the world's first globe really made by the ancient greek scientist eratosthenes. time! alexey, what do you think? i think yes. do you think this is erotosthenes? yes. well, we'll see later, maria. i think not. it seemed to me that...
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the globe, well, in the form in which you have it. maybe someone will tell us who invented it ; they could have seen it, for example, in a geography class, i’ll tell you, it’s really not eratosthenes invented the globe, someone else did it. the non-greek scientist crates or crates, as you prefer, erotosthenes created the first geographical map taking into account the sphericity of the earth, this is also important, the correct answer to our question is no. third question: is it true that a computer mouse pointer can change shape depending on what object it is placed on? time. vladislav, let's figure it out, yes, this is so, because, as i
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remember from the sixth grade computer science textbook, the cursor has so-called context sensitivity, and it can really change its shape depending on what object it is directed at, for example, if it is directed at a text, then i also don’t know how to explain it, there is a stick, above, below, i also see that he is feeling very comfortable, feels confident and relaxed, no, he is worried, you see that he is worried, yes, if, for example, in a picture, then an index finger may appear there, well, with which you can interact, and also next to the cursor, for example, when the computer is in the mode of calculating or processing some data, sandy pure, sandy clear, everything is right, an absolutely accurate answer, the correct answer to our question, option yes, the fourth question: is it true that prince svetopolk, known under the nickname akayany, was including the prince of turov, time: alexander, what do you know about
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the light regiment? i don't know anything about him, but i answered yes. and do you often do this in life? no, i just didn't get the question. well, hopefully the following questions will fall within your area of ​​influences knowledge. valeria, i don’t know much about the light regiment, but if i’m not mistaken, he really was the prince of turov. i'm happy that lera remembered. or yes, well, then attention, the correct answer, in 988 he was sent there by the prince
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, the father of kiev, prince vladimir, there - this is in turov, the turov prince, everything is absolutely correct. fifth question: is it true that the poet maxim bogdanovich’s father’s name was adam. time. maria, what do you say? i don't remember exactly. but it seems to me that yes, but naturally, don’t remember your patronymic name, then everything would fall into place. nikita, what do you think? i don't know for sure, but i answered no.
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i don’t know the answer, well, i remember that the nobleman of ostrog was mentioned, that he was the prototype, but i don’t remember exactly for whom, either for troykovsky or for dubrovsky, what the answer was, as i understand it, no, how did you answer this question , well, i answered yes, what’s there to comment on, don’t be
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upset, wait, the teachers are more worried. they answered yes, just in case, okay, yana, what do you say? i answered no, but i don’t know exactly the name of dubrovsky’s prototype, but it seemed to me that this perhaps not ostrozhsky, so she answered no, that is, definitely not ostrozhsky, that’s who is not known, the novel will shed light on this complicated story, i know that ostrozhsky was the prototype of dubrovsky, but i seem to remember that he was not a nobleman, but a robber , so i don't know if you count this as a plus or a minus, so wait, you answered. to this question, yes, but do you think that the problem is in the title in the field of activity, i think that he is distrustful, because he was a robber, maxim, he was still a nobleman, but according to surname ostrovsky, and my god, maxim, my god, well done, it took my breath away, well done, he hit me in the face, yes, here, right here
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, as they say, the dog rummaged, with... ostrovsky, not ostrogsky. the correct answer to our question is no. seventh question: is it true that the word triplets is a numeral? time. sasha, what do you think? i believe that no, the information was not accurate, but in my opinion, it is not a numeral. let's go then. if you don't know exactly what the word triplets is, well, let's think about it, maybe noun, this is a feminine noun , the correct answer to our question is option no. eighth question: is it true that the title of the ruler of the arab countries, caliph, in translation meant the deputy of the prophet, time. yana, what
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do you think? i answered: no, i don’t remember exactly the correct answer, but it seems to me that he is not a deputy prophet. yeah, well, or a deputy prophet, but then not a caliph. maksim? the caliph , after all, is the deputy of the prophet, and the first caliph, if i remember correctly, was the honor of magomed abu bakr. what about the second caliphs? and this already so important. no, it doesn't matter, it's just an optional problem with an asterisk. is he worried now, or has he already relaxed, because... he caught the wave, even he has already come to play, he is enjoying the game, who is the khalif? this is the ruler, the ruler of the country, the ruler of the arab caliphate, for example, the ruler of the arab caliphate, the correct answer to our question, option: yes, the caliph, indeed the deputy of the prophet. ninth question: is it true that a common
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feature of mandatory road signs is a red border? time! alexey, how are you? with signs? okay, okay, then you handled this issue with ease, as i understand it. how did you respond? the answer is no. the answer was no. okay, then if they don’t have a red border, here’s how to distinguish a prescriptive sign, for example, from a prohibitory sign. the prohibitor has a red edging. yeah, what about the prescriptive one? some other, some other, but not red, blue, let’s say, a novel, shed some light, it seems, as my dad told me, they all have something different in...
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it’s still there will be an information sign, well then there is a sign that informs, really informs us that somewhere ahead 600 m, a kilometer there will be a place where you can eat, a place where you can rest.
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prescriptive signs, well, as is clear from the name, order us to do something, prohibitory signs, as we have already said, here with you, naturally, they prohibit, they have one very bright, understandable difference, prescriptive signs, blue, blue . border, and prohibitory signs are always red, no matter what shape they are. the correct answer to our question is no option. we have mandatory signs on our screen, so you can pay attention to them; mandatory sign 50, for example, recommends that we drive at a speed of 50 km/h, warning us that there may be a pedestrian crossing or something else ahead. tenth question: in parallel sixth grades.
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it’s their right to decide, yeah, it will be 100 students, but we say that there are 40 sixth graders, and since 30 is less than 40, then of course the answer is no, the correct answer to our question is option no. eleventh question: is it true that the city of riki avik is the northernmost what is the capital of the world in the world? time. nikita, i answered yes, because arikavik is the northernmost capital, and it is the capital of iceland, yeah, the capital of iceland, and where, well, here we
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have iceland, i don’t know what seas there might be, oceans wash it, it’s located on in the north of the atlantic ocean, it turns out to the right of greenland, yeah, what other feature do we know about iceland, there are a lot of geysers there, there are a lot there. and, as far as i know, there are no mosquitoes there. agree, this is a delightful feature, especially when it comes to our summer spending time somewhere in the forest, in the country or somewhere else. otherwise, you said everything absolutely correctly. the correct answer to our question is, yes, indeed, the northernmost capital. pay attention to the screen. here he is, our handsome man, rick javik. twelfth question: really? overcoat: the name of a formerly popular hero of puppet shows in france. time! roman, i
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’m sorry for spying on you, but you have such an interesting tradition, i don’t know, it’s just a ritual, before you give an answer, you do something like this, is this some kind of internal thing? this, i didn’t know, i was counting the little numbers, so, again the little numbers. yes, for this program he learned four new rhymes, well, i knew the previous answer, then i thought that no, then again i thought that yes, i did, in general, that’s why i thought so too. roman, may i be curious, what kind of counting is this? uh, eniki, beniki, yalivareniki. yeah. i thought that polishans were something like clothes, but then i thought about it, but then i saw that it is capitalized, so they also ask about the fact that this is a puppet hero, yeah, which flashes in france. but... this is actually the first time i’ve heard about this, i chose yes, because the counting machine said yes, well, you see, so far well done, and while i was counting, i applied logic, and it’s
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a novel.’ have you heard such a stable expression as an open secret? yes, you heard it, but do you know its meaning? a secret that is no longer a secret. the correct answer to our twelfth final question is: yes. well, let's talk a little before we sum it up and you know what we'll do? let's compare this first round and the first round in our qualifying round game. sasha, which tour did you think was easier? personally, it seemed to me that this one was easier, well, firstly already... for the second time i’m kind of filming, so the atmosphere is already easier, secondly, well, some questions, i read, heard, saw, do you see yourself in the second round ? well, i think so, i think i answered 12 questions correctly, that is, if everything is good, we will see 12 points there, yes, yeah, a bid for victory, ivan, how did you do, honestly, i didn’t really think about it , but it seems to me 7.8, 7.8, what do you think
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of these points? nikita, unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. there is one controversial point; we again need to turn to the computer in order to establish which of the players currently in the orange zone gave their correct answers faster than their competitors. maria was lucky ; ivan, unfortunately, did not have enough speed. here it is, the eight participants in the second round.
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super final of the intellectual show, i know, at the bottom of the list, as always, are four players with whom we will say goodbye here now, well, guys, thanks for the game, all the best, see you goodbye, i’m not very happy with the results of this game, because i planned to reach at least the second round, maybe i didn’t have enough knowledge, maybe there were very strong opponents, maybe anxiety played a part, i ’m not very happy with my result, since the questions were more difficult than in the last game, well , that’s understandable, because this is a super final, i want to say thanks to my teachers, my parents, who helped me prepare, i’m a little upset, because in the last game i reached the third round, in this one i dropped out first, i’m offended by the question about ostrovsky, because i only later remembered that his
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name was not ostrozhsky, but ostrovsky. since the questions were much more difficult than in the past, in the past they were easier, and my opponents were stronger, but i’m happy with my result, we’ll tell you how to choose high-quality products for healthy dishes, take nuts in your hands and estimate their weight, don’t take ones that are too light, in such the fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started! if you have a difficult day ahead and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that
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will help. we don’t forget about invigorating exercises, we raise our arms up, raise our legs and do this cool exercise - a cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow, watch the champion's breakfast project on the belarus 24 tv channel, we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science, i remember when a person describes on ten pages the use of: apple cider vinegar for the treatment of cancer, this can simply have catastrophic consequences, it’s clear why. let's share interesting facts. however, there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers; for example, galen believed that the center of the cardiovascular system was the liver. sour wine for ancient people i liked it and started adding it to food and using it in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and
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today our cardiologists have the ability to extend the life of the most important organ of the human body; we have long ago created in the clinic; we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses. this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models. watch in the project science nearby on the belarus 24 tv channel. we are starting the second round, let's remember it rules. in the round, players are asked 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct, the choice must be made in 10 seconds, each correct answer brings the participant two points, the four players who score the most points advance to the third round. the first question of the second round: what type of borrower
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does not form on the slope? a - tsyabe, b, syabe, c) us. time. we won’t confuse the borrower’s form, vasya, it won’t confuse maria, uh-huh, here’s the gateway borrower, yes, for yourself, not on the slope, this adzel group is replaced, your answer
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i understand the correct answer to our question, option b, is really a gate replacement and it does not have the shape of the named slopes, the second question, how is it deciphered? name of the technology 3g option a - 3 gb, option b - three groups, option c - third generation. time! vladislav, the correct option, as for me, is option c, since, as i understand it, here the letter g stands for the word generation, yeah. that is, generations, this is internet technology, yeah, and then what were the two previous generations, here is 2g, here was 2g, i don’t know exactly what the first was, well, in 2g what, how 2g was so conceptually, fundamentally different from 3g, well, it’s speed,
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stream width, speed basically, this is really the third generation, combining both internet flow, internet at good, high, high speed, and radio communication technology. which creates a third-generation data transmission channel from english, again vladislav, you remembered everything correctly, the correct answer to our question is option c. the third question: on which continent is the largest plain on earth located? a- eurasia, b- south america, c-antarctica. time. roman, i didn’t see you resort to counting, but i also don’t see the confidence on your face, how did you answer? i know that antarctica is supposedly considered a desert, because
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there is little precipitation, which means there are no mountains in the desert, if there are no mountains in the desert, then it means it is a plain, if it is a plain, and antarctica is very large enough, then i think that antarctica is the answer to this question, ah. no, a little bit, no, the logic failed here, what didn’t please you, for example, south america, i immediately thought of south america with this amazonian immutability, the amazonian plain, and yes, well, what did tip the scales in favor of antarctica, from the amazonian lowland, for example, antarctica does not seem to consist of land at all, but of what it's made of, wait for it, ice. my geographer, the head teacher, will kill me, yes, what will happen, will the novel get in, will it get out of habit? yes, the quarter marks are there, so you can
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relax, geography is not your strong point, yes, maybe the arctic is not made of land, yes, you see, a little happened confusion, valeria, tell us, as you already said, this is real. amazonian persistence in south america. i saw that lera immediately raised her hand and was sure that lera was remembered correctly, because we were just repeating geography this week. the correct answer is b. america is really about the amazonian lowlands. fourth question: what word comes from french and literally translates as mark. a - remark, b - play, c - replica. time. alexander. i acted by elimination. i remember what. replica is an actor’s phrase from my last play, a play -
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this turns out to be such a work, one might say art, then it turns out to be a stage direction. the correct answer to our question is option a remark. fifth question: which scientist introduced the rectangular coordinate system? option a - isaac newton, option b - rene descartes, option c - karl gaus. time! elvira, i believe that the rectangular coordinate system was introduced by rene descartes, everything is correct, what else can i add? yes, as it is also called, this rectangular coordinate system, in another way, well, that’s right, an additional question, don’t remember, and okay, maria, cartesian, cartesian coordinate system, and therefore, newton is unlikely to have invented it. they called it cartesian, would you agree that newton
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would at least be offended in this case, alexander? the correct answer is descartes, i have been playing chess for 7 years and we were taught that this is a cartesian system, it turns out that we take a number point, their intersection is measured , it is called let's say move d4 with a pawn, that is , the correct answer is descartes, you would know this if not chess, no, probably, that is, you didn’t go to school, did you only study chess, well, no, no, didn’t you go or not? option a - znich, option b - kupala, option c - svarokh. time.
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who defeated the darkness restored peace on earth, and then from him came perun, yaryla and dazhbog, it’s like, well, if we return to past questions, like the second generation of gods, yeah, they were also called svorozhichi, yeah, that pushes us to that , what is the correct answer to our question, the word version. seventh question: what is the name of the stylistic figure that consists of contrasting images, actions, positions... concepts option a - anaphora, option b - alliteration, option c -
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antithesis. time. alexander, i answered antithetically, i remember that for sure. we recently repeated it with my class teacher. this is the antithesis. well, what is anaphora then? how can i understand that this is an anaphor? so i open in front of me, as it were, some text and read four lines and say: yeah, alexander told me - i can only guess what alliteration is, oh, alliteration, did you mean, and what is it, this is probably when from inanimate animate, or is it when they are flying, flying, yes, each of your answers gives rise to more and more new questions from me, i propose to stop here. it’s true,
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alliteration is the repetition of any consonant sounds, consonant or identical to consonant sounds, but anaphora? anaphora is the same beginning of lines, you can’t give us an example off the top of your head to make it clear, belarusian literature will do, of course. even since the new land, the land has not changed and the land has not received help and gifts land, help, servant and magicians of the land again, i’m doing great! you see, well, applause, and maxim, a brilliant example. the correct answer to our question is option c, antithesis. eighth question: under which russian ruler did the famous stand on the ugra take place? option a, ivan the second, option b -
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ivan the third, option c. ivan 4. time! well, sasha, what do you think, how did they answer? well, i answered ivan ii, i know for sure that this is not ivanty, well, i chose from a or b. well, as far as i remember, then it was ivan ii. what kind of standing was that, what were they standing for, who was standing there? in my opinion, the russians are against the tatars, but i don’t remember exactly. who remembers? alexander, you, as i understand it. remember, i wanted to say that it was probably ivan, who was also nicknamed the formidable, and either they stood against the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, or against sweden, and they say there too, they stood, but, but not like that, but not there and yes, and not those, well in what sense they stood, well they fought, battle, battle, it was somehow
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decisive, but why then standing, it was some kind of very passive battle, standing for a long time, and they stood for so long that they were already ready for battle strength in principle? and there was none left, i understood, maxim, what do you say, did they still stand or fight, the troops of ivan ii and johann akhmat stood, and the ugra is, in principle, a small river flowing in the territory of the tver region, such a child is afraid to enter the classroom , well done, kaluga, smolensk, yeah, they just stood there in...
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living locally in one territory is: a biocenosis, b - biogeocenosis, c - ecosystem. time! roman, tell me. as far as i remember, bezzenos is when one and the other receive something from each other, and about this question. they will say, so one second to each other is something, this is something, excuse me, two organisms live next to each other and receive some benefit from each other, and this can be called poverty, but since it is not said what they receive from something - then from each other, so i
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chose the ecosystem, like us, this is also biogeocinosis and the environment since it is too smart, it starts from a big mind too much. i know that if one benefits and the other does not, this is parasitism, well, you are a little confused, look, parasitism is when one organism lives at the expense of another, you see, that is, it sucks out of it, well , relatively speaking, all the juices that are most useful, it can hardly be called such voluntary cohabitation, alexander, roma confused the biocenos with symbiosis, symbiosis is when two organisms live and at least one benefits from the other, can symbiosis live? without - well , i can give examples, for example, a tree and the flu, they work out, let's say the flu gives the tree organic matter, the tree, for example, water, but can this fungus live outside the tree, but of course, of course not, jump,
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well, the correct answer is ecosystem, the correct answer? ecosystem you think, well, let's figure it out so that it becomes clear once and for all: biogeocinosis is a stable ecological system in which organic components, animals, plants, are inextricably linked with inorganic ones, water, soil, ecosystem is a community of living organisms , living in a certain territory, biocinosis in combination with their habitat, since in the question about the habitat nothing was indicated about the nature and... solar oil, b - honey, c - amber. time. you see what a
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twisted question we got, it seems like everything is yellow, yes, everything looks like the sun, everything can look like gold, but the correct answer can only be one thing. maxim, what do you think? that's all here. here is a complete guessing game, a guessing game, in shock, it was a complete guessing game, yes, but he answered that intar, well done, well, after all, that means it’s incomplete, sunflower oil, sunflower actually comes from mexico, what kind of north is there, really, no, with honey, how are you, well, also the color it’s suitable, well, honey, we used to have an active question about honey, well, it didn’t go easy on your soul, you don’t like honey at all, and so your answer: amber, okay, sasha, i’m sure it’s amber, well, amber
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in general is a resin that hardened and became solid, he makes many jewelry from amber, it is actually mined - well, in the north, so to speak, well, closer to the north, so i think that this is amber, yes, we have amber, northern gold in the teacher’s room , yes is the correct answer to ours. question tsimtar two rounds behind, two rounds of the super final of the intellectual show, i know i'd like to talk about your chances. elvira, do you think we will meet you in the third round? i really hope that i passed in the first round, i scored 10 points, this is basically not that much, but as i calculated, i answered all the questions correctly or almost all, i think i will pass. yeah, valeria, we 'll see you, i don't know. i answered, if i counted nine questions out of ten correctly, yeah, well, presumably yes, but maybe not, that is, having such a great
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result, you still doubt it, all the children here are very smart, i have no doubt that they have the same great result, well, then everything can be decided by speed, romance, i’m definitely out, i have eight answers in this in this round, but what went wrong in this round, because of what, lack of knowledge, excitement, a big burden of responsibility? what's wrong, everything taken together, multiplied by two. well, maybe everything is not as scary as you imagined and counted for yourself. in any case, no one except our screen will tell us about this. attention. maxim, vladislav, elvira, alexander. valeria, alexander, roman, maria, unfortunately, was not enough. what strong children. players at the top of the list with whom we will meet in the third round of the mind show, i know, at the bottom of the list, as always, there are four players to whom we say, goodbye already here now,
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guys, thanks for the game, good luck, come in, i really liked it this game, even though i qualified in the second round, i’m still happy with myself, but i think if the sun had shone with another country, i would have played better, well, actually i’m not very upset, because i understand that everything were very strong for nothing, but this is a super final, at least i had a goal - to get into the first qualifying game and go further than the first round, so i think that i have already accomplished my goal, everything is fine, in the last game i took first place with with a lead of 23 points, and i thought that it would somehow be easier for me in this game, because i was already here, it seemed at first that it really was easier for me, but then... i realized that any mistake can become fatal, and so it happened, in the first round, i was at the bottom of the table, but in
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in the second round i dropped out due to the fact that i had two mistakes, i wasn’t very upset, i think i showed an excellent result, 28 points is really a lot, more than in the last game, i’m grateful for an unforgettable experience, for which - a new experience and i wish good luck to everyone who stayed further, in the show i know there is a change on the stage of the soloist. my parents bought it for me for my anniversary. the whole boy alone, the two of us went with him to walk the dog in the park, there was a small dog,
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the question was clear, who is taking care of who? now we follow him, we run and run, now everyone knows us the city, now we are after it, we run and run, but now the whole city knows the carousel fun in the park ves doesn’t like childhood carousels, the dog doesn’t know, doesn’t even want to know that i like the boy very much, carousel faith, songs loves heartsgari veski knows even know. wants that i like the boy very much, the dog doesn’t know, doesn’t even want to know that i like the boy very much, sit down with him in a cafe, calmly eat, ice cream and dream, i fall off my feet, i hold the leash yet i don’t lose heart, people take it to the house, cats, hamsters and fish
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parrots, and what do you... the dog, he has grown up great, we are having difficulty catching up with him, and what is the dog, he has grown up great, we are having difficulty catching up with him, carousels are fun in the sphere, the dog doesn’t like the hearts of the carousel, sands don’t even know wants that i like the boy very much, the carousel and the weight where in the park, loves songs everything that the carousel sands knows, doesn’t even want to know that... i like the boy very much the dog doesn’t even know doesn’t want to know that i like the boy very much dula, lapadida u vap.
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the dog doesn’t like carousel fun in the park childhood carousel the dog doesn’t even know doesn’t even want to know that i like the boy very much, the city is having fun in the park, the carousel has loved the song since childhood, peski knows doesn’t even want to know that i like the boy very much, peski knows doesn’t even want to know that the boy likes it i'm very, the dog doesn't even know. wants that i like the boy very much, lapadu sit vzai, lapadutkae, vapa doi, wai,
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let's go on a trip to belarus, this town was built from 94 to 96 of the last century. it is unique in that it is completely the concept of a pedestrian zone has been implemented. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. good afternoon, masha, how old are you? oh, don’t even count it, i actually really miss your bread, but in general. it’s great that it’s available, wax, we know where to buy eggs, that’s it, we sit and get creative, visit the bright sights of our country. in 1800, count felix potocki laid mill here, here usya akruga, amal that went and mlynara, who grinds flour, who grinds cereals, if a person comes, prays, converts with faith
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to this miraculous icon of the mother of god, he...
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how, if you don’t feel your work, will you be able to produce or weld such a machine? watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. i congratulate you on reaching the third round and before we continue, i suggest taking a short break to chat. sasha, please remind me how that first game, that qualifying round, ended for you, second place 46 points, this is a very good result for second place, i want to tell you, with what feeling, with what did you go home in the mood then? happy, of course. well, not the first, you never know ? well, yes, but still the second thing, there is a competitor, competitor maxim, who scored 63 in the same game and became first, yeah, now
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we’ve come to win a rematch or just play and the result that was enough is enough to enjoy the game, of course, i want to win, good luck should be wished to all participants, what weaknesses were discovered in themselves after... the qualifying game, speed, well, the excitement of being confused, what to press, preparing for the super final was somehow especially special, what they pushed, what they read, what they taught, well , basically all the subjects, i went myself, agreed with the teachers that i needed to study extra, and i took several classes in russian, mathematics, belarusian and so on, yes, geography, history, then sat down and read the textbooks and said that we had to go, last time you came with your mother,
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some special attitude on the first day of school after the program aired on monday, everyone congratulated us, they didn’t excuse us from lessons they didn’t give me a day off, but i wanted to he has a lot of new acquaintances now , we have been invited to the gomel youth palace, there on saturday and sunday they invite children who can try themselves at speed, specifically the question is being asked, there are several children standing there, there are six or seven, when a person comes, who presses the button first. and something tells me that you came here after all, not to have fun, play and achieve the highest goals, so i wish good luck to sasha, thank you very much, now let’s talk to elvira, you’ve completed
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qualifying game in third place, that’s right, yes, with what feelings did you leave the court then, i was glad that i even made it to the third round, took third place, what they talked about, what they discussed, what... and you see all these defects, it’s scary, we are too critical of ourselves, however, we watched the broadcast with you, with your participation, well, honestly, in some places i liked my performance, in some places
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i didn’t like it, what i didn’t like, but here are my answers to questions or in general, the way i stood, the way i looked, i understood how to to do what not to do, well, that is , you already came to this program with work done on the mistakes?
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what is the plan for this game, what subjects were improved, maybe there are some weak points, i read geography, i didn’t remember very much, did the teachers criticize the subject teachers, god forbid, are the teachers sitting, they, we, we, we ourselves don’t... dacha, let him also strive for his cherished goal. now let's talk to vladislav. let's refresh your memory, how did the qualifying game end for you? i took third place with 27 points. what was missing? eh, most likely speed, because i knew the answer to most questions, and very clearly, but i didn’t have time to press the button. well, this is my reaction. how did you feel when you went home after the qualifying game? i was very pleased with myself, i fulfilled my goal then, i set myself that i needed to reach the third round and take there. at least
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third fourth place like this, so i was very pleased with myself, i didn’t even expect that i would pass, really, really not vlad was upset about the third place, it seems to me that boys always have very high ambitions, vlad was of course lying, everyone wants to win, everyone, of course, it’s just that in principle he probably didn’t expect that he would actually reach the third round, you were surprised by the result and maybe perhaps your ambitions also awoke, since you reached the third round, why then to the fourth? not to make it, but that time, of course, i just enjoyed the game and waited for the result, that’s what it would be, and then, after watching all the games, in principle, we calculated that we would get into the super final preparation, what is the bar now in the super final, i’ve already completed it, to reach the third round, well, it’s not much different from the bar there, well, yes, but i want to repeat the success, but how to grow, how to grow a little bit constantly, well, let’s check , how will it turn out, i understand that today you have... ambitious
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goals, just unlike that game, your mother is ambitious, vlad knows about this, no, well, now he’ll find out how your life has changed after airing of the program? well, you know, not much, just like many others, they congratulated me, well, they gave me good grades in subjects, some teachers, oh how, this is already good, well, you see, in addition to fame, satisfying some of his own ambitions, there is also... quite a material profit, after the broadcast at school they supported him very much, it was so nice , when they met him, they praised him, everyone started from the teachers, our guards, the guys, all the gymnasiums watched the broadcast, oh great, it was great, indeed, it was a very big psychological support, after that vlad probably gave a start that getting ready, getting ready, re-read the textbooks in sixth grade, i also watched different programs, well, for example, to test general erudition, past ones. well, of course, have
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you noticed any weaknesses or strengths? oh, i’m not such a tactician as to notice someone’s weaknesses, but i realized that they are very strong, it will be hard, so tell me, how did you feel in the teachers’ room, did you like yourself, or did you also watch the broadcast out of the corner of your eye? i pulled myself together, sat down and looked, everything was fine, everything was great, are you happy, yes, well, since you had such a positive feeling on that program, then let this positive continues here, now, today, well, the game continues, we wish vlad to concentrate on meeting your expectations, including him, we just have to talk with maxim, you are the winner of the qualifying game, last time you took first place, and it would seem that why are you here, where are you going?
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i don’t remember this right away, just like that, yes maxim said that at school they didn’t really watch, watched, watched, after the broadcast came out, even when the broadcast had already started, calls and messages had already started, we have a chat of teachers in viber, then have everything, car launched, everyone sat down at the tv and started watching, my mother, she actually called me, she watched this program, there were recordings eight times, she said, god, what a boy, god , what a boy, that is, of course it happened. everything was very joyful, touching, someone burst into tears, this was the expected result for teachers and classmates, basically everyone believed that it should. did you watch it with your parents and did you even watch yourself on tv? looked, looked, and how? at first they didn’t give it that way, it’s a thought, at first i was confused, yeah, but then i pulled myself together and things started to loosen up, yes,
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i was already on the verge of dancing, as i understand it, maybe there was a question that stuck in my mind the most, there was a question about sports .
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questions, the participant with the fastest reaction gets the right to answer, the correct answer earns him three points, in case of an error and the right to answer goes to the other participants, the two players who score the most points advance to the fourth round. first question: the ancient egyptians made such stands from marble, wood, ivory, stone and metal. the prototype of which modern bedding is shown in the photograph. vladislav. i believe it's a pillow. oh, well done! solve the puzzle that you will now see on the screen, maxim, supplier, supplier, what about you, how did you
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reason? the first picture is in st, then the letter a, box, the first one is replaced with in supplier, supplier, well, let’s check how our computer coped with this task, and then we’ll think about it, we thought of the word supplier, but the speed of the train, what is called in this case, this does not affect the puzzle, you guessed it correctly.
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answer: yes, it’s him, yes, he surprised the school with argentina, now again, yes, he surprises us, now it’s the fourth question, continue the phrase polindron, vladislav, perhaps it’s an eggplant, an eggplant, the boar pressed the eggplant, yes, rejoice , rejoice for your son, he is truly polyglot, you can read from left to right, you can read from right to left.
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that priests should not take money for completing religious rituals; for his own beliefs, he was burned at the stake along with his works. jan hus. you absolutely right. the sixth question is chest questions. in our chest there is an object, the symbolic image of which is often used on email services to indicate a button that allows you to attach any files to a letter. what's in our chest? sasha, well, i don’t know for sure, but i decided to try, maybe some brand, brand, alas, no, this is the wrong answer. maxim, pushpin, pushpin, alas, no, it’s not a pushpin,
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vladislav, it’s most likely a paperclip, in such a big chest, yes, but we found a big one, here it’s big, of course, not the same as the button to attach files to a letter, and yet, it’s a real office paper clip, albeit not quite an ordinary one, in our case a designer one, but a paper clip. seventh question: before you is the boris and gleb church, which served as the residence of the orthodox metropolitan of the grand duchy of lithuania. what city is it in? vladislav, perhaps this is grodno. alas, no, this is not grodno. maxim, novogrudok. novogrudok. in 1316 , an independent orthodox church was created in the grand duchy. the metropolis, the center of which was novgorod, today is novogrudok. eighth question: i have
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granite rock in my hands. it consists of three minerals, feldspar, mica, well, name the third. maxim, quartz. this is quartz. both the bird and its base. all. it’s great here, the ninth question: here is a still from a film, which is called the same as the story it is based on, reproduce this title, sasha, maybe snow white, well, yes, sasha takes risks, and i would do the same in his place, it’s necessary do something, yes, we need to do something, we need to, apple, alas, no,
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i can’t remember the name of the student when i already went to her homeland, well, her hometown, she sent him a box filled with pasta, on which there were several apples on top, so that’s why i decided that these were putin’s french lessons, one hundred percent answer, these are really french lessons and really in frame, this is what we see on the screen, maybe a flight over the city, something like that, exactly, well, i don’t remember exactly, alas, sasha, alas,
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elvira, a walk, no, that’s right, maxim, your answer, well, that’s all - just over the city, mark, over the city, that’s already accurate the name of our picture, mark was walking over the city, let's look at the picture, it's on our screen below. the city, and they, they really are lovers, yes, they really fly over the city, but the picture is called over the city. well, no more screens with results, here i will be a messenger, who i really hope, according to medieval tradition, will not be beheaded for bad news, i will announce these very results. the fourth round with a score of 49 points is over. maxim, it’s you, maxim, yes. but it seems to me that you are doing this even without my knowledge knew very well,
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vladislav will be your company with a result of 42 points, vladislav, great, let's applaud everyone, maxim and vladislav, i congratulate you on reaching the final, fourth round of the intellectual show, i know, sasha, elvira, i was very pleased with to play with you. i hope that you are not upset, thank you for the game, all the best, come on guys, it’s good to see you, i congratulate you, you shared third place in the super final, hurray, you are happy, well, for some reason it doesn’t turn out very happy , but hurray, but hurray, hurray, elvira, let's start with you, here's a little spoon like that. from where, yes, what didn’t work out in the third round, why didn’t they give me speed, so i didn’t have time, or
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after all, there were the wrong questions, not yours, well, most likely they weren’t my questions, i was upset, upset, right? what question could you answer? in principle, if i even answered all the questions correctly in the third round, it wouldn’t give me anything, guys, it’s very strong, the competition is very serious, but in general, i’m digging, digging, why dig, it seems to me, an excellent result, maybe and it’s better not to, really for you, no, you doubt it, anna anatolyevna, let's support elvira, because it seems to me that she needs to be congratulated, we will definitely support her, we will definitely congratulate her, we are proud of you, this is a super final! you were among the winners, we were among the winners, super, the strongest game, perhaps even all the super finals in general - these are very strong results, very strong guys, titans, battle of the titans, great, i would have answered much worse, i would have left after first round and purely, purely heartfelt recognition, i congratulate and wish you the very
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best of all, tasha, are you upset too, no, well, i see.
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vasya, begin our final fourth round. we are starting the fourth round, let's remember its rules. in the fourth round, participants are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories. the leader by the number of points is the first to choose the topic of the question and, if answered correctly, receives four points. if the answer is incorrect, the second participant enters the game. the correct option brings. belarus may you are a hell of a lot before whom i flock on my knees, i’m going to let your neck drop, it’s easy i live with your glory, who is the leader of these radkos?
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maxim thought about it, he doesn’t know. made from flour and malt, it is the basis for okroshka, the basis for okroshka is kvass, this is kvass, of course, the code returns to maxim, maxim, select a category, belarusian, from the vyalik pump, utensils simple form of the highest level paraўannaya, more, more, correct the answer is yes, more and
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no way, so the guys are great, they are already going, already the same, the same. yes vladislav, let's try math. fill in the blank. according to the rule of subtracting rational numbers, in order to subtract another from one number, you need to add the minuend with the missing number of the subtrahend. most likely, this is the opposite, because addition with the opposite number is equivalent to, well, subtracting this number, the opposite of the subtrahend. that's right, you said, yes, this is the correct answer, vladislav pulled himself together, you see, uh-huh, maxim, biography, what is the name of the layer of earth located between the earth's crust and the core, the mantle, this is the mantle, well, of course, this is the correct answer, vladislav, let’s try biology, what are the organelles called?
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plant cells filled with cells. juice is vacuoles, vacuoles, of course, they are, unexpectedly, this is how your children are revealed, our program, maxim, do you choose? what traditionally do many film directors do after the first filmed scene of a film in order for the filming to be successful, a plate, yes a plate, a plate, yes, he has lost confidence, he is already afraid, yes, this is the first question, they break the plate, a little more confidently, maxim, you are saying everything correctly, they are breaking the plate, vladislav, let’s try homonyms. what word in french of origin are both a type of sofa and a culinary dish in the form of small round sandwiches called? but there is no answer.
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maxim, canapes, canapes, that’s the correct answer. maxim, if there is music. the name of this wind musical instrument means... a small trumpet, it has been known since the 18th century, but it gained particular popularity thanks to the patter of what kind of instrument it is: clarinet, clarinet, of course, this is it. vladislav, you have the last opportunity to earn four points, let's try space. in what constellation what is the closest star to the sun? let's try small bears. no, maxim, no, the correct answer is a centaur or a centaur, as you please. well, all 10 categories
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of the fourth final round have been completed, the answers have been received, the scores have been recorded, all that remains for us to do is to find out the final result and decide who the winner of the super game of the intellectual show is. i know, pay attention to the screen. maxim, 60. maxim vladislav wins today’s super game with a result of 67:56, you fought honestly, nobly and interestingly, thank you for this game, all the best, vlad, i congratulate you, great second place, at least second, but, but... two reasons, first, you are in the super final, second, second - you improved your result from the last game, yes, you shared impressions, i want to hear your emotions, that’s it, don’t hold back, here, here, i’m
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so happy, i don’t even know how to convey these emotions in words, because i exceeded my plan so much, i didn’t even expect that i could get into fourth round, well, do you think you still had the opportunity to get ahead of maxim or did you already understand that this probably impossible, yes, i think i could answer several questions if i came across them. yes, i probably managed to beat the battle, well, it’s not scary, compare the super final and the final, that’s what you liked here, which game did you like better, why? of course, i liked the super final more, because already...


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