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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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demonstrate an unattractive model for external partners, it will be weak, it will fall apart, it is necessary to prepare some kind of ground for normal friendly relations in advance, it shows that we can work well, here is the economy, we cooperate, we do not deceive, we do not cheat, the only correct approach , which we have been voicing in belarus for 30 years, a union of two sovereign states, two strong, economically, politically states that complement each other and make our union stronger. the project is objective, not miss new episodes on tv channel belarus 20. four.
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live news on belarus 1 in the studio of elizaveta lokotko. good afternoon. and in this issue. the miracle of the descent of the holy fire in jerusalem. a piece of it will be delivered to belarus. oratory lessons and rules of communication with children, a dialogue platform for future teachers. nato is preparing for a potential conflict, the russian foreign ministry commented on the legend of the alliance's teachings, a staunch defender. warm, dry without rain, sunny weekend in belarus, restrictions on visits to forests have been introduced in all regions of the country. today is holy saturday for orthodox christians. in their prayers, believers remember the life, suffering, death of jesus, who brought himself into...
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well, life, and we wish everyone great , great happiness and always celebrate it very widely. on this day we remember that our lord jesus christ has risen, and as the scripture says, if we believe that the lord died and rose again, then we also have hope of eternal life on sunday. traditionally, sacred easter treats are the first holiday food that is usually served on table at the end of a strictly forty-day fast. egg. as a symbol of rebirth, and easter cake reminds us of the bread that jesus shared with his disciples after his resurrection. elizabeth, i give you the floor. thank you, katerina. a miracle happened, the holy fire descended in jerusalem. the sacrament took place in the church of the holy sepulcher. according to tradition, in kuvukla, which is the name of the tomb in the rock where christ rested, the patriarch of jerusalem receives the blessed fire, then it is lit from the sacred flame. candles
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co-celebrants and believers. very soon the particles will scatter throughout the planet and deliver the lamp with the holy fire to belarus. common prayer will unite orthodox believers ; easter services will be held in churches at midnight. according to tradition, the main service will be hosted by the minsk cathedral of the holy spirit. broadcast to belarus-1 and belarus24. at 23:30, it will be a sign translation, and tomorrow is holy sunday in belarus alone at 8:50 in the morning, metropolitan of minsk izoslav benjamin will address the believers. in connection with the upcoming night services and in conjunction with easter holiday events, the ministry of internal affairs is strengthening control near churches on transport. in places where large numbers of people gather, access control will be organized using technical means; traffic police officers will ensure comfortable conditions. parking, and
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detour routes have been developed to avoid traffic congestion. the police are asked to be understanding of the security measures being taken. it is also necessary to report suspicious persons or abandonment. unattended items. nato exercise stalwart defender suggests that the alliance is preparing for a potential conflict with russia, maria zakharova stated. the representative of the russian foreign ministry noted that for the first time since the end of the cold war, in the legend of the maneuvers, russia was officially named as an enemy. the alliance is working on collective actions against the russian army. all instruments are used in the exercises, including hybrid ones. meanwhile, the united states is trying to get the g7 countries to agree to provide ukraine with an aid package worth 50 billions of dollars. it is assumed that such a decision could be made as early as june at the j7 summit in italy. true, only americans are hinduists who give help. according
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to bloomberg, the negotiations are difficult and the g7 countries are in no hurry to part with money. at the same time, the idea of ​​confiscating russian money in favor of ukraine itself seems to be in vain. participants. the seven agreed that it is legally impossible to carry out such a procedure, however , there is also a selfish motive here. the seized russian finances are now at the disposal of western banks; if confiscated, they would have to be parted with and transferred to kiev. this technique is known all over the world. minsk tractor plant has been a brand of the country since soviet times. there was a difficult period after the collapse of the union, when components were supplied intermittently, prices were rising, and the plant was completely wanted. privatize. the order of the head of state is to preserve the enterprise. a lot of money has been invested in modernization. of course, not without its nuances, the recent meeting of the president on industry forces us to keep the entire industry on its toes. what problems are they currently facing and how are they looking for solutions? watch in
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the quality control section tomorrow on the main broadcast. gift to belarus. a technique that is known all over the world. not a complicated history of the domestic flagship, we could purchase materials, assemble new tractors, what the industry leader is hiding, problems that require immediate solutions, at mtz only the marketing service of 100 people.
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create a unique image, master speaking and self-presentation skills bkpu passed the final lesson within the project is the formula for the image style of a modern teacher. particular attention was paid to the importance of developing public speaking skills among future teachers, and the basic rules of communication with children were also discussed. in total , more than a hundred students from secondary specialized education institutions in belarus took part in the dialogue platform. students are participating in the project. bgpo. all the children's questions were answered by invited speakers from the ministry of education and the belarusian women's union of the national beauty school. i counted for myself, this is an incredibly important event, since i will go to work very soon, i still
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need to deepen my knowledge a little about the appearance, speech and makeup of a teacher. this image is very important. if the skills that they acquire together with specialists are then reinforced by their daily work, then i am sure that our young specialists will look worthy, our young teachers will love, i think that this project, which was a trial project, which started in may 2024, will give us new impulses, new points for development, perhaps we will expand the scope of meetings with our girls, it is probably very important that today the ministry of education. beauty schools of belarusian women have united in order to give some new knowledge to future teachers, but these girls who are present in the hall today are the future elite, the one who will raise our children, and how they will do it it is very important to do this, including aesthetically, because it will determine how our children will grow up. also today
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will sum up the results of the three-week classes; next year the project plans to expand and attract even more university students from secondary specialized education institutions in belarus. the challenge was passed, the team became known as the winner of the republican military-patriotic tournament, which was organized by the patriots of belarus and the training center of the military academy, which competed for almost a year. 140 schoolchildren from different parts of our country took part in the agility and courage competition. the guys learned the basics of army life, went through an obstacle course and a run-in tanks, controlled drones, and took part in paramilitary relay races. the goals of the project were to popularize military service, attract applicants to enter the military academy, and of course talk about life in the army, about the army in general, and dispel some rumors. well , the children were very interested in this project, we already have a lot of
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applications for the second season of the challenge, they have transformed very much from the qualifying stages to the finals, firstly, they have become more united, this is teamwork, the commanders worked clearly, everyone listened to each other, then they could quarrel and argue, but when they need to pass tests, they listen to each other, secondly, they became stronger, more fearless, nothing. there are no losers in the tournament, the team from brest is in first place, then grodno, gomel and vitebsk regions, today in the panorama we will learn in detail how the eleventh final race of the byzov team went. in the iranian city of yasuch, the vagaries of the weather probably only pleased the local residents; there, along with the rain, quite large fish fell to the ground, but there is nothing otherworldly in this event, a hurricane wind came to the city after it had walked over a lake located nearby, and the storm developed there.
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both directions are suspended, and belarusians are not expected to have a warm weekend with dangerous and unfavorable hydrometeorological phenomena, it will be sunny and dry until 23 degrees celsius, the middle of next week will become colder, rain and night frosts are predicted. restrictions on visiting forests have been introduced in all regions of belarus; lighting fires and impromptu picnics are strictly prohibited. behind it attentively. forest guards are present, specialists receive information from cctv cameras, and drone
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patrols are also used. a specially trained team immediately responds to any smoke in the area. the third class of fire danger has been established, and this is a restriction on visiting the forests. today, people can safely walk through the forest and use an open fire. any heat sources in the forest are currently prohibited. naturally, the most basic reason is careless handling of fire, this is even the simplest an abandoned cigarette butt, today the forest floor is very, very dry, it is probably comparable to gunpowder, so the slightest spark can cause a fire. there is a fine for violating the rules, so before going into the forest you need to familiarize yourself with the situation on the interactive map of the ministry of forestry . during. now imagine how grateful we should be
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to the soviet people, because only now can forests planted 80 years ago be put into industrial use. however, look episode of the atn project in the public domain. tv news agency presents: in the public domain. we have no secrets from ours. people. this film footage was obtained by our cameraman from the dobraneivsky school forestry of lyalagoisk. the workers, the helpers of the forester, the dry forest. and sasyonka was the keeper of their friends. the trees are already 8 years old, and in order to turn into huge trees, they still have to grow
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and grow, and for each move they need, this clearing was extraordinary, 280 million trees pasajana on belarusian land in just one month, in order to grow this christmas tree yes... the age of ripeness is about 100 years old, and we work for the future generation, every day it will go about its business. "plenty sochyts stanislav ivanavich, behind the floodplains of forest fires, vyaz their strict ulik, jumping bird, capercaillie, ale pasprebuytsya in our forests, amal amal on the right, chamu , tested by tatstsyan yaugena kutavaya, the manager of the reserve, yana, gave her
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thanks . breeding of these birds by incubation methods. vaina. pushcha pessila ikh, ale zhytstse chalaveka korotkae. the mighty volats make a noise while grazing the berries, the pavins make a noise, because they are all the same sense of life. the gaspadarka is quite large, thousands of hectares.


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