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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 11:30pm-2:56am MSK

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another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell you and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. for a moment, you want to stop running and see how it rains, the leaves move, the sun shines, and how our life is built from all these little things? i want to look at... the world differently , to discover something new every day, it’s so interesting to us, because we do it with love, with love from belarus.
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songs sculpted by the bishop's choir of the sabornaga church of the lord of vitaly ivanavich sabalevskaga. and at the same time we very much feel like the service of easter saturday, the most important service for the lord before the blessed day.
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the plaque from the lord jesus christ, which was known in the temple, from good friday was brought to the altar and will be known.
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holy god, holy mighty, holy immortal, have mercy on us, holy god, holy mighty, holy immortal, have mercy on us, holy god, holy, mighty, holy immortal, have mercy on us, glory.
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this is a great opportunity for those who, due to the current restrictions, cannot stay this night uzjat asabista ўdzel u magistrі i і atrymats paўnavartasnuyu salod hell easter ўchistаstі. for all
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the right-wing people, there will be churches in all of belarus, which will have sacred holy services. prychodzie. about our great lord father, his holiness patriarch kirill, about his exarch , our lord, his most reverend metropolitan
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benjamin, to all our brethren in christ. lord have mercy, lord have mercy, lord have mercy. we also pray for our god-protected country and the authorities, the army and the people, and peace and we will live a silent life in all piety and purity. the great paunochnitsa is a hellish paunochnitsa, who serves in extraordinary parish churches. yana is behind the other side of the church.
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good and lover of mankind, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy.
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amen. the monk and at the same time the holy priest andrei lamakin, the director of the non-secular school and cathedral cathedrals, has passed away. and for a long time was oppressed by pharaoh, he cried out to god in prayer, and the lord sent
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his prophet moses, who brought jewish people from egyptian captivity. but at the wrong time pharaoh released the jewish people. he resisted for a very long time, first he promised, and then he broke his promise, then egypt suffered 10 plagues. the tenth was the worst of them. the death of every firstborn from man to beast in every house, but in the house whose doors were anointed with the blood of the passover lamb, everyone remained alive. after this execution, the jewish people were released by pharaoh and left egypt. in memory of the liberation from egyptian slavery, the easter holiday was established. christian easter - a special holiday, the greatest. holiday, the greatest triumph, because christ was crucified on the jewish passover, but at the last supper
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the passover lamb was christ himself, and if then by the blood of the lamb people were delivered from death, now by the blood of christ all humanity is delivered from eternal death, and if then the jewish passover marked the exodus of the jews. from egypt, then christian easter marks the exodus of humanity from slavery to the sin of death. and today, when we pray during the easter service, we will hear that every prayer imbued with this easter joy. great saturday is passing and sunday is approaching. the very atmosphere of holy saturday is imbued with peace and trembling anticipation. yes, christ was crucified, but hope glimmered in the hearts of the disciples. christ, even during his
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earthly life, said that he would rise on the third day. and of course, the students remembered this. and the myrrh-bearing women, early in the morning, on the first day of the week, that is, on sunday, went to the tomb. the gospel says that it was still dark when they went to the tomb. and as a symbol of this, before starting. worship services all the lamps in the temple will be extinguished, and this is darkness, which foreshadows the dawn, the dawn of the resurrection of christ, this is a symbol of the fact that the myrrh-bearing wives are about to learn about the greatest good news, which changed the whole world, just like us myrrh-bearers who went to the tomb , to anoint the body of the lord jesus christ, his teacher, because... on friday, when christ was crucified, the burial was done very hastily and
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the jewish burial rite was not completed, and the myrrh-bearing wives wanted to finish it, according to jewish custom, here we are in memory of the myrrh-bearing women, who with sincere love for their teacher strove for the tomb when it was still dark, the sun had not yet risen, and we will walk around the temple, carrying ... lamps in our hands, waiting the joy of christ's bright resurrection. and when the procession of the cross gathers in front of the doors of the church, then the bright easter matins will begin, and we will sing the greatest troparion of easter, that christ has risen from the dead. the entire easter service will be imbued with this joy. and it is very important, dear brothers and sisters, to have this joy about the risen savior. it filled our hearts not only on easter day, but on all days of the year, the symbol of this will be
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that blessed fire, which every year believers with love for the lord pass on to each other, accept it, into our temple, tomorrow, as planned, will be delivered by 9:00 am, each of you and i will be able to light our own candle from the lamp with the holy fire. dear brothers and sisters, let us remember that... easter is not only the greatest historical event that changed the whole world. easter is a personal holiday for each of us, because christ came into the world. suffered, was crucified and rose again, not only for humanity, but for every person, for each of us, for everyone who stands here, or perhaps who passes by the temple, who heard about christ and accepted the gospel, or who may be , while still far from the church, may the lord illuminate us with the light of his resurrection, and we, dear brothers and sisters,
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let us sincerely heed the words of prayer and truly rejoice in our... that christ has really risen, and we will bring this joy to those people who are next to us, to our families, to those who surround us, to our loved ones, because only sincere faith that christ has really risen, sincere love for our savior, will enlighten our hearts, to make us sources of god’s grace, pouring out not only on us, but on those who are next to us. blame andrei for those stupid words. everything is dying in the temple and in the chakana of the holy tree. we bachim, as
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the holy one in the temple is changed in memory of the great the world-bearing gentleman, who... from the beginning of the church slept at the tomb of christ, and at the same time the clergy and altars will sleep at your most beautiful scene, christ the savior. angels are flying in heaven, and give us glory on earth to the noble souls. over time, this scenario becomes more and more intense, as the dachshunds symbolize the neighbors and magicians. and at the hour of the third day there will be a terrible royal war and the end of the easter season .
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that resurrection, christ saved, by america, in heaven, and us on earth in peace, with a pure
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heart. passing on this most recent tragedy and history chalavetstva, where the creation has grown past the supratsa of our creation, where the heavens and the earth have crumbled. in this year hell was destroyed, when the earth descended upon the earth, this most tense and imminently occupied the whole world with holy easter,
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the passage of christ, the salvation of hell from death and life, from the holy earth and the light of the eternal day . we are glad that many people met in this temple and kalya yago, to honor the ancestor. life and death to the hero of christ, rightly this night at the supolnaya little one fell and fell the bright easter joy of the adzin after the end. we all we ask god that the holy god bless our people, and we have this great joy, which is already in our belarusian land. more than a thousand bastards. let me remind you that the holy day of sarakagodze is celebrated at the hour of the holy day and the honor of the sabor of belarusian saints.
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the purpose is to be holy for the last three days of the month. seleta yano budze svyatkavazza 14 lepenya. installed in 1984 .
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taxama seleta belarusian right-slav tsarkva uzgadvae 185-goddze z polatskaga sabora, on as a result of the monarchy of joseph syamashka, the ruler of the city was introduced into the russian empire.
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your resurrection, christ, is my desire forever, light, and sincere blessing. we are very harugly, which reminds us of military ceremonies and symbolizes them. during the easter season
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, the gospel and the icon of the beautiful christ are celebrated. the contagious knots of the temple fall on the square of the cathedral and fall in front of the dying beasts of the temple, as if they were the victims of the savior’s own grave. darechy, on this square there is a memorial to the ruler of philaret in the temple.
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yashche and momentary and easter blessings of holy blessings. the tsar's church is blessed and god bless you, so that he may give us honorable sirs the glory of uvas krasnaya.
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we eat with the adrabeks christ after measuring isush, christ is risen from the dead, the geta speў.
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then sing the tops of the ancestral psalm of david. paslya kozhnaga from the top of the choir paўtarae trapar of easter.
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middle people are getting stronger. christ is risen, has mercy. god do the lord. say hello and have fun.
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as we are, metropolitan viniyamin is attending the temple, and we all say these short exclamations. khristos uvaskres. khristos uvaskres. dear brothers and sisters. further on the divine service will be held in the church, and now we can feel the choir of the singing of easter in three verses, greek, latvian and tsarko-slavic,
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christ is risen, christ is risen, live, christ is resurrected death, christ is resurrected death, death death, death, death, jesus people.
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lord, those who enter this holy temple with faith, reverence and fear of god stink,
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let us pray to the lord. about our great lord father, his holiness patriarch kirill,
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and this hellishness arises from the fact that the kingdom of the spirit is poisonous to all believers, independent of hell to their social status. academicians and nationalists. god is a god for everyone.
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floating travelers, the sick, the suffering, the captives, about their salvation. let's pray to the lord. gentlemen, help me. you will deliver us from all sorrow, anger and need, let us pray to the lord. lord, have mercy. step in, save, have mercy. save us, o god,
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with your grace. lord have mercy. most holy, most pure, most blessed, glorious, our lady, mother of god and presna virgin mary, with everyone. having commemorated ourselves and each other as saints, and our whole life of christ our god, the lord will hand over to you.
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aytsu and the son and the holy spirit, forever and ever . mitrapalit viniyamin explains the explanation. this is the saddest part of easter morning. easter canon. all the little things of easter are in vogue and the easter canon is in vogue, because the most sacred, joyful joy is holy.
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those who were waiting at the temple for this holy easter church christ is risen christ is risen christ is risen.
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behold, have mercy on us, o god, by yours grace. lord have mercy. our most holy, most pure, most blessed, glorious lady theotokos and ever-virgin mary, with all the saints, having remembered ourselves
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and each other, and our whole life, let us commit ourselves to christ our god. you. passing the third song and the small ektsina, the choir sings the song, which is called “ipakai”. geta is diligent, deep-spirited , and quickly spreads them to us, like the ladies of the world.
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elder of the walking council, saint dziyanisiy kavalev. christ is risen from the dead, immeasurably. let us atone for the holiness that emanates,
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salutary. the church is divided. easter joy with all of you, dear tv presenters, i wish you all the best for the fact that christ’s chairs will bring you the hellish pit of our homes, leave them and yours, sir you are god's holy love, and finally their eternal joy. i shine, christ is risen, kalisi is risen, lord, varis is risen, christ is risen, risen, christ is risen from death, request and sushi according to the blood of the belly, christ is risen and
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measured. let us give ourselves and each other and our whole life to christ our god. to you, lord. yako hallowed and glorified by participation and magnificence of thy name, father and son and holy spirit, now and
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ever and unto ages of ages.
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intercede, save, have mercy, save us, o god, with your grace. lord, most holy, most pure, most blessed, glorious, our lady theotokos and the everlasting virgin mary, with all the saints, remembering ourselves and each
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other, and our whole life. then we will betray god to you, lord.
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for we know your name, accept for yourself, on the holy resurrection of christ, i will accept the blessings of the lord for myself.
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what is important for our citizenship, some of them are from the teaching staff of the village school, which is part of the holy spirit cathedral of the city of minsk. jana has been founded since 1989 and is the oldest family of children's schools in our country. nyadze's school has the oldest students for five years, and the youngest educational group and group.
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gifts to us are eternal belly and flesh. this is the pachynaetsa song of the paschalnag canon. christos saved his death. for the tragic death, here is the triumph of life.
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pack, pack, in peace, let’s pray to the lord. intercede , save, have mercy, protect us, o god, with yours grace. our glorious mistress theotokos
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and the ever-virgin mary, with all the saints, remembering ourselves and each other, and committing our whole life to christ our god. to you, lord, holding the kingdom of your blessed and glorified father and son and holy spirit, now and ever. the prime minister dzimitry netsvyataev has spoken out.
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dear celestial servants, dear siblings, we are reminded of the knotty jaws of the embellished christ, who cardinal changed not only the entire course of the world’s history, but also the skin dali magchymasts pryanitsa uvaskreslag.
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intercede, save, have mercy, and save us, o god, with your grace. lord have mercy. the most holy, most pure, most blessed, glorious, our lady theotokos, and the ever- virgin mary, with all the saints, having remembered ourselves and each other, and our whole life, we will commend to christ our god.
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glory to the lord, sweat and rejoice today
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, and beautify the post-war fighter. gets іrmos 9 songs, soft, joyful
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vitannes of the kingdom of christ, which is called the new jerusalem, and the return of holy bagarodzitsa, with the prayers, weighed the spirit with the blessings of you, the beautiful people of her son.
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the father and the son and the holy spirit send up glory to you, now and ever and unto ages of ages. the leading clergy of the cathedral, saint anthony gurau, has passed away. the contagion is known three times, like the skin year, as if it were sleeping exapascilars, these greek words, what a lethal meaning it is holy. let us respectfully listen to this word of the great religious, old-time creation. your lord.
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saved forever and ever, amen, sir. the clergy move to the altar, if it is already there perform divine services.
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only when the exapascilars are speaking, they are told the right spiritual sanctification that gaspodz gives to people. eight iago text. i fell asleep as if dead, you to the king and the lord, on the third day of your life, you learned from the decay of adam and the death of the world. easter is destroyed, the light
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is saved. the choir performs to the music of syargei krylov, a belarusian composer.
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wet, oblique, set, grazing, paska, enlightening all the faithful, like. easter, daragiya teleledachy, pa-yaureysk, pesach signifies the transition and the return. u the ancient church of easter was called
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holy, commemorating the exodus of the people of israel from egypt and the exodus of the jews from egyptian slavery. and in the queen of new testament, this is a sign that the son of god himself caused us the hell of slavery to death, the hell of slavery to graham.
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red eggs, these s_mvals will live forever. the settlement of the city is the highest priority for all holy easter, assemblies for those who serve the holy service on the altars.
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let us listen to these words of eternal life. christ rejoiced. christ rejoiced. powerful words for holy paska. our father
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john, archbishop of constantinople. he is very god-loving and will enjoy this wonderful, bright celebration. he who is glad, kind, prudent, let him rejoice, let him go to the joy of his lord; he who has taken the trouble to receive a son, let him take it. whoever worked from the first hour, let him receive the due fall today; whoever came after the third hour, let him celebrate with gratitude; whoever managed to come after the sixth hour, let him not worry at all, for he will not lose anything; who noticed before the ninth?
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to say goodbye, let those present not doubt at all, fearing nothing, whoever succeeds in coming only at the eleventh hour, let him not be afraid for his conduct, for the lord of hearts accepts the latter as a tera, reassure the one who came at the eleventh hour, just like the one who worked with first hour. the last iago has mercy, i am the first to care, and gives to this, and grants to this, and accepts deeds, welcomes intentions, and gives honor and favor to activities, praises. so, all of you, enter into the joy of our lord, both first and second, get award. poor, rejoice with
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each other, abstinent and careless, honor this day, fasting, non-fasting, rejoice now, feast abundantly, be satisfied , all of you. taurus is great, let no one go hungry, everyone enjoy the food of faith, everyone take advantage of the wealth of goodness. let no one complain about poverty, for the common kingdom has opened; let no one cry over sins, for forgiveness has shone from the grave; let no one fear death, for the death of the savior has freed us. he destroyed her, was embraced by her, he devastated hell, which descended from. upset
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the one who touched his flesh. isaiah, foreknowledge of this, exclaimed, from, he says, being upset, in the midst of his fate. he was sad because he had become idle. he was grieved because he was put to shame, he was grieved because he died. he was upset because he was not evil. he was upset because he was bound, he took the body, found god in it, took the earth, saw the sky in it. he took what he saw and was subjected to what he did not see, where you stung death, children, hell is victory, christ has risen, and you were not angry, christ has risen, and the demon has fallen.
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christ is risen, and the angels rejoice, christ is risen, life is created. christ is risen, and there is not one dead in the tomb, for christ, raised from the dead, is the firstfruits of those who have died. to him be glory forever and ever. amen. christopoda, christ is risen.
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where the bedchairs are everywhere orthodox. lord, lord, have mercy. lord have mercy. he also prays for mercy, life and health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness, abandonment, dikhoh radikh, brothers. to the parishes of this holy temple . lord have mercy, lord have mercy. lord have mercy. we also pray for those who are fruitful
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and virtuous in the holy way, you are all honorable, those who walk, those who sing, and those who stand before us. will, those who expect mercy from you, great and rich, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, my! for you are the merciful god who loves mankind, and to you we send glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. let us fulfill
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our morning prayer, o lord. we ask the lord for forgiveness of our sins and transgressions. give it to me.
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a painless, shameless, peaceful and kind answer at the terrible judgment of christ, we ask. grant, lord, our most holy, most pure, most blessed, glorious lady the mother of god and the ever-virgin mary, with all the saints, remembering themselves and each other and...
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the father and the son and the holy spirit.
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christ is risen from the dead by death
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, trampling death and giving life to those in the tomb , our true god, through the prayers of his most pure mother of all saints, will have mercy and save us, for he is good and a lover of mankind, christ is risen, christ is risen! christ is risen! christ is risen, death, death, origin, life. christ will rise from death. death is a reproach for death, death is a reproach for death, god is a god for those who seek death.
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easter message from his holiness kirill, patriarch of moscow all russia, to the archpastors, shepherds, deacons, and monastics of all the faithful children of the russian orthodox church. beloved lord, your eminence archpastors, honorable presbyters and deacons, god-loving monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters. on this current holiday and triumph of celebrations, which, according to the word of st. gregory the theologian, is so much superior to all celebrations, not only human ones, and...
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the reality around us is literally transformed. heaven and earth, and even the underworld is filled with light, the visible and invisible world celebrates, for christ has risen in eternal joy. the resurrection of the savior is not just a historical event that we learn about from sacred texts. this is the cornerstone of faith, according to the words of saint philoret of moscow. eternal news, a source of reflection, wonder, gratitude and hope. through the incarnation, the suffering of the three-day uprising, the savior renews human nature, delivers us from the power of the sin of death, opens for people the gates of the heavenly
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kingdom, shows us the path to unity with creator. it is in christ, who reconciled the world to god, that we all have opportunity. to receive adoption and justification, to obtain eternal life, for there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved, except the name of jesus, whom god raised from the dead. the rise from the savior's tomb adds death to immortality, sadness to joy, doom to hope. on the cross in the resurrection god is revealed to us of infinite goodness and perfection. love, awareness of this all-conquering love of god encourages us to be grateful to the creator and gives strength overcome the most difficult mental states and difficult circumstances, elevates us above the bustle of everyday life, helps correct previous mistakes and destroys the despondency that
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prevents us from living fully and spiritually developing. often people succumb to evil thoughts: that evil dominates and triumphs, and goodness seems imperceptibly weak. our mind doubts the power of christ’s redemption when we see the death of loved ones around us, hear about the eternity of torment for sinners from the pages of the gospel, and watch the world lying nearby. but the church of god is over thousands of years, convincingly testifies that the savior conquered sin, destroyed death and... drained hell. christ overcame the inevitability of death and the universality of evil, and we look at their defeats with the eyes of faith, already from the life of the next century, from the easter heights. the lord's rise from the grave reminds us not only of the most important event of the past, but
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also testifies to the coming general resurrection. for if we believe that jesus died and rose again, then... those who died in jesus god will bring with him. we need, through fulfilling the commandments of the lord, through performing deeds of love and mercy, through participation in the mysterious life of the church, joining christ’s victory, remaining faithful to him to the end, remembering the words of the holy scriptures. you need patience in order to fulfill the will of god and receive what is promised. and therefore , beloved... brothers and sisters, according to the word of the apostle, do not abandon your hope, which will receive a great reward, and let the feast of the resurrection of the lord jesus be a constant reminder of these true divine promises, giving us hope and
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strength in the most difficult circumstances. let this triumph inspires us all to live in faith and love, knowing that there is no death, by purity of life, good behavior and good deeds, so that, being transformed into a new man in christ, serving the living and true god, we may wait from heaven for his son, whom he raised from the dead , jesus, delivering us from the wrath to come. amen. kirill, patriarch of moscow of all russia, easter , 2024. christ is risen. amen. just because we sensed the traditional easter prayers of the holy patriarch kiryl, which
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had hidden current topics of our life. christ is risen. he took away the dead from death, those who eat the belly, christ rose from the dead, the death of death and the being of the belly, christ, from the dead, death from death by...
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hatselas would be the taxa of the sunny adnachyts, shanovny tv broadcasters, the fact that the belarusian right-wing tsarqua of the holy day 35 -gojo. stvarenne belaruskaga exarchate. the most important steps of these bastards are inadvertent, connected
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with the special metropolitan filaret vakhrameev. the bastards of the archpastor's ancestors in the borders of white russia, are assigned to the king's adradzhennym of life, the celestial and the future new churches and monasteries, developing spirituality. aducatsii i asvetnitsy zeinasts. during the hour of service of the ruler of philaret , 10 dioceses appeared in our land, 24 women and 10 men’s monasteries were opened. vitsebsk theological seminary, zhyrovtsy theological seminary and minsk theological academy. several times there was a number of right-wingers. as we pass, hundreds of new ones have been published and many destroyed temples and royal houses have been added. concluded in 2003
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is a pragmatic and supranational agreement between the republic of belarus and the belarusian right-slain king, laid the foundation of the king-dziarzhainyh adnosin in belarus, and on the post-savetsky prastor noma.
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highly sacred divine courage, rejoice at the joy of caring, blessed be the immaculate christ. lord, have mercy , lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, lord, lord, lord, lord, lord, lord, lord, the passover gadzina is approaching and completed and finally the divine liturgy, the christian christian rights bagazluzhenne.
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lord jesus christ, our god, have mercy on us. amen. christ is risen from the dead, death is corrected. the life of the one who lives was increased, christ will rise from the dead, death has been trampled upon, he who has run through has fought, christ has risen from the dead, he has taken away death from death, jesus is born, glory to the father and the son, the holy spirit and the new and ever and remember. lord, have mercy,
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lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy. let us bless the most holy lord christ. christ, our true god, rose from the dead through prayers, the most pure of his mother and all saints, he will have mercy and save us, for he is good and a lover of mankind. christ is risen. christ is risen. christ is risen.
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bless the lord, blessed is the kingdom of the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever. and forever and ever, amen. christ is risen from... the dead, trampling down death upon death, and giving life to the living slave, christ will rise from the dead,
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trampling down death through death, and giving life to those living in the dead, christ is risen from the dead,
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the words of the liturgy and translation from greek language. signifies on the right of all people, agulnae, supolnae dzeyanne. the hour of the liturgy explains the secrets of padzyaki. bread and wine, without changing their physical powers, through the work of the holy spirit, acquire spiritual spiritual power, and fall faithful to the advancement and advancement of life ’s eternal life. at the time of the liturgy, god brought forth the holy father, which
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is called the eucharist, which is translated from the greek language and the meaning of the father. eucharists are the gallant sacraments of the kingdom, established by the lord jesus christ for the provision of healing packages to iago, the gooseberry death and the beautiful one. the knot of the eukharystyi, prichashchenne the whole and the roof of christ bears the commandment of the savior, as our ancient teachings say to all christians:
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christ is risen, truly risen, christ is risen, truly risen, christ is risen, truly risen, christ is risen from the dead, by death death. let's pray to the lord's worlds.
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and walking towards the stench with the fear of god. let's pray to the lord. lord have mercy. about our great lord father, his holiness patriarch kirill, about his exarch, our lord, his eminence metropolitan benjamin.
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lord have mercy, hail this, every city country, and the faith of those living in them, let us pray to the lord, lord, for the goodness of the dissolution of the air, the whiteness of the fruits of earthly times of peace. let's pray to the lord. swimming, traveling, resting, suffering.
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i most-pure, most blessed, glorious , our mistress theotokos and the ever-virgin mary, with all the saints, remembering ourselves and each other, and our whole life, let us give up everything to christ our god. lord, for all glory is due to you, the honor of worshiping the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen.
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lord, intercede, save, have mercy, save us, god, by your grace. lord have mercy. our most holy, most pure, most blessed, glorious lady theotokos and ever-virgin mary, who together with all the saints commemorated themselves and each other, and our whole life, will be given over to christ our god. to you, lord, as your power is your kingdom , the power and glory of the father and the son of the holy spirit, new and ever and unto ages of ages. amen.
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have mercy on yours, save yourself.
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christ god. for god is good and a lover of mankind. we send glory to you, father and son, holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. the soloist of the choir uladzisla vitushka reads the tops of the dance antyfan, and the choir adkazvae weaves
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the trapara hrystos uvaskres. music by paul chasnakov. lord have mercy.
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and the clergy and the choir sing and say: save us, son of god, from the dead, we sing to you hallelujah.
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we send to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever. lord, save me, pious ones.
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and marching to the highlands, placed behind the thrones, which you call the heavenly light pointing to the highlands, taxama and for the rightful christians, the tsarkva nagadvae pras gatae
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spesenenno ab neprednasti zhoўvatsi for a thousand times.
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apostala, razdzel pershy, vershi z pershaga da vosmaga. uryvak, as they say, will be a reminder of the righteous jesus christ and the righteous, as he on the practice of sarakazen knew about the teachings of the day of recognition, and the tax is right... theophile, i am for an hour jesus, do teach, even to the day, he is commandments to the apostles, by
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the holy spirit, their chosen one will ascend, and set before them, alive after his suffering, in those true signs, for four days. "be baptized with the holy spirit, not more than all the days. having ascended lower, into his sin
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saying, “lord, this is the land, building up the kingdom of israel, and speaking to them, “it is not yours,” you mean the seasons and the summer, but i am the father of those who laid it down. according to your authority, but receive the power that the holy spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses, in jerusalem, and in all judea and samaria, and even to the last of the earth. in theophilus i write that jesus is a slave and a tunic, and on that day, when he passed away, the holy spirit of the apostles was given
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to the apostles, who were born before him, and who passed on. pack yours, show yourself alive there is a lot of evidence, for the duration of 40 zen, that they are the governors of the kingdom of god. and sabrashy іkh, yon riddle ў іm: there is no accident in jerusalem, but it’s abyssal. i tried, apparently: gentlemen, why are you giving the kingdom to israel right now? and she said to them: it is not your right to know the hours and terms that i have established in my life, but you are the power that is...
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the gospel of your beloved son, our lord, jesus christ. amen.
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glory to you, lord, glory to you, in the beginning was the word, the word was with god, the word god was there, the word was on the printed page,
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god had the words. im anfang war das wort und das wort war bei gott und gott war das wort. in the beginning
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there were words, and the word was not with god, and god was not the word, seek for yourself from god, everything was that way, without him there would be nothing that would have happened. belly, and belly, the light is a man, the light shines in the darkness, and its darkness is not embraced, there was a man sent from god, his name was john, and he came as a testimony, and testified to the light,
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his world is not known, at his coming , and did not accept his own, but the elitza accepted him, and gave them region, to be a child of god, believing in his name, and not from blood, not from carnal lust, not from the lust of man, but born of god,
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the word became flesh, dwelt in us, and we saw his glory, glory as the only begotten from father, fill the truth with grace. john testifies of him. i cried out, “seibe”, his asp, who for me came before me, as if i were the first, and from the fulfillment of it, we all received grace and grace upon grace, just as
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the law was given to moses, and grace is the truth. jesus christ shepherded the gospel budze aguchan.
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right of the village. beloved ў hrystse. manakhs and all the faithful members of the belarusian rightful church. hrystos vaskres, saprauda ўvaskres. the good vestka praiskralag savskrasel sunnya vyzyzizi paisy oursy zamlі, not only people, ale i jumpeden radutsets khrystov , boiner, he has been in full swaddling, i ... zamlya i pradonna. today we have gone for the lord in the path of iago's goat packages, and also for the apostles and the world-bearing gentlemen they plowed the berries clean and whole. and
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let’s say this immediately to the holy grygory bagaslov. sennya is saved for the light, the light of the tank and the light of the baby. christ from the dead, paustanets. with him and you. christ is in glory, the master and you. christ from magic, causing hell to pack up graha. adchynyayutstsa was baking, death was coming, dying. old are adam, old are new. in christ's salutary cry, the essence of the christian faith is shown. sensation to the light and fundamentally inodorous. over the skin of the chalavek. gaspodz uvaskres not dzela sebe, i iago peramog over death was not only iago asabistay peramogai. everything has become clear for us and for our salvation.
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the chalavecha has the light, which is subject to graha, decay and the law of death, it brings new leaven, which transforms the entire nature created by it and feeds back into graha. and i will settle their death and power. death, dze tvayo jala, hell, dze tvay peramoga? raucha more inquisitively apostled paul. so, i am sure that i am in our light, and that they do not panic over us, for in accordance with the words of the blessed theaphan the recluse, you are beautiful khristova has developed a new image of life, as everything is spreading. divine service of holy pascha. the many words of the apostle and holy saints. we celebrate the death of the dead. it was hot, stormy - for another day of life. in these words there is
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a very large and very large, but not very large, but rather a very large, magmatic system, which is deeply experienced in these days of the christians. uvaskrasenne khristova. this is a new life and a new reality, and what a future believer, like the living royal prince. our svetse has a lot of stuff the unsatisfactory and supernatural, troubling and sensitive worries of our gentlemen, often pausing us in the soul of the world and the ever-growing misfortunes and fear of the future. people ask the tortured people for hours: what is the power of the beautiful khristov, how to spread the easter joy from the dark lands that exist on our planet. on this day, you tell us the gospel, which we read at
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the easter liturgy. they had life, and life was holy for people, and the world was holy, and the world did not burn away. the damned tsemra of this world without... yana ўzho no it is possible to pagasit this holy thing, which is the most holy of every man who walks in the world. like budze manyatstsa and lepshaga. you are beautiful -
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this is not only the reality of the future century, but we are lucky enough to live on earth. arise, who will rise from the dead, and rise to the glory of christ. these words of the apostle paul speak not of physical death and beauty, but of the blessed spirit-moral change of life. yak tlumachyts. svyatsitsel yaan zlataust, who has the sense of the word? for those who have killed sin and righteousness you've got it, the old life has been destroyed, and the new, evangelical life has been destroyed. ale gatae adradzhenne deposits are not only the hell of the good will of god, who wants all people to be saved and for the past and the recognition of the scene. our diligent adherence to the commandments, our efforts. in the past, we are in need of all our lives and
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our neighbor, in all our minds, in which we can respect the joy of our lord, and in all our hearts, this reality is true easter services and holy anniversaries of god. god is for us, who will suprate us? menavita is the pledge of the soul the world and the unscented land. as long as we live with the gods, we accept the laws of our life, nothing can admit us to the hell of god’s love and the end of christ’s joy. we honor you, dear lady, with the bright christ's grace, i wish that the holy love of christ may be sanctified by your sirs, so that we may immediately fall on all people, near and far. nyahai gaspodz seize the world from ours.
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by god's grace, the witness of the great help of our lord, jesus christ, never ceases. hrystos uvaskres. benjamin metrapalit patriarchal exarch of minsk zaslau of belarus!
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lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy! lord
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have mercy! lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy! we still pray, o god, to protect our country, the rulers of the army, the people!
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for god, who is merciful to mankind and loves himself , we send up glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen.
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let's pray to the lord. lord have mercy! lord, grant your peace to your people, let all your people understand your love, the sweetness of the holy spirit, may people forget the grief of the earth, and may they leave all bad things, cling to you with love, and may they live in peace, doing your will, for your glory. as you just heard, metropolitan veniyamin is reading a special message for the world on our land and for us. the tsar's prayer is in the world, and the sun is assable. and at the same time we feel
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the value of the announced people, the value of the people, which grows and... of the spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. amen. elitsa announcement, ask. bring forth the great decrees. dioceses, peace. let's pray to the lord.
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lord have mercy. the liturgy of the faithful has begun. among the elders , only members of the royal family are active on this magli.
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lord have mercy, save, have mercy, save us, o god, by your grace. lord, have mercy, forgive me. for let us always keep your support and send up glory to you, the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.
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nowadays you will find a prayer for the health of the living and the memory of the packed sick. protadiyakan zdzyasnyae kajenne. and we are grateful, as the cherubic song of the day makes clear the departure. geta instant worship service.
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and our father kirill, the most holy patriarch of moscow of all russia, holy trinity sergius
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laurels, sacred. bishops, the entire priestly, monastic order, the father of the clergyman, the brethren, the parishioners, the benefactors of this holy temple, where the laborer, all of you orthodox christians, may the lord god replace you in his kingdom, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages, from
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the beginning of the century i remember patriarchs, bishops, saints, priests, manakhs and all the right-handed christians, as members of the royal and sacred sacraments of the christian church. this means that the holy gifts will be given to the healthy and saved of all memories, living and sick. and we really hope that the holy gifts were transferred to the altar and covered with the air, admyslovaya fabric with the roof revealed.
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let us fulfill our prayer to the lord.
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please. the rest of our life in the world of repentance will end. we ask the lord. god. christian death of our belly, painless, shameless, peaceful and a good answer to the terrible judgment of christ, we ask.
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through the bounty of your only begotten son, with him art thou blessed, with the all saints. your good and life-giving spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. peace to everyone. mirommu. let us love each other, and with like-mindedness, confessed voz and the son and the holy spirit.
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we are approaching the very important moment of the divine service and the holy canon. the bread and wine of the completed eucharist will be the sacred purposes and the sacred cover of the lord of our jesus christ. holy gifts. now we will suffer not only for us, but also hell for us in our small knot. the clear sacraments of the holy spirit are revealed in a sacred way,
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similar to how the savior on the secret eve took the sacred message to god aitz. the choir sings grace to the world to the music of kurt and the blessed laurence sandara. let us ponder and think about these evocative words of the divine service.
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the father and the communion of the holy spirit will be with all of you, we will breathe into your hearts. we thank the lord.
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singing, singing, calling and speaking. holy, holy!
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blessed they reigned, the prayer of the lord, they set it, they set it.
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the most mysterious moments come out, the mitrapalite asks for the sending of the holy spirit.
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say, with the prayer and inspiration of the holy spirit , the greatest mysteries are revealed. bread and wine, without changing their physical strength, acquire spiritual spiritual strength, timidly wholeheartedly and under the roof of our lord jesus christ.
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the choir sings songs, sparkles with bozhai matsi, music by barys lyadkovskag. and you, dear bagarodzitsa, rejoice in your beautiful people, who salute artsem gryshkevich and uladzisla vitushka, and the dachshund alisa lapinok.
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and magnificent is your name, father and son and holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. and
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may the mercies of the great god of our salvation, jesus christ, be with you all. christ is risen.
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pascha this ektsіnі ўўўўўўўўўўўѕіѕіѕіѕhіѕ, ўkhodzіtsіtsі in the temple crucifying the lord's prayer: oycha ours, from god’s prayers, you will give us our bread this day. to belarus, our bread is above all, give us sennya, datychytstsa not only bread of the earth, vegetable hedgehogs and a bounty of earthly bounty, which we all have of course.
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lord grant, the union of faith and the communion of the holy spirit, having asked for ourselves and each other, we will give our whole life to christ and god. and grant us, o lord, the courage to dare without condemnation and call upon you the heavenly god the father. our father, you are
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in heaven, hallowed be your name, may you come to your kingdom, your will be done, as it is on heaven and earth, our daily bread is all ours, and leaves us with debts. amen. peace to all. yours.
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bow your heads, o lord. grace and generosity, love for mankind.
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invocation of the holy to the saints is the most important thing, because the holy invocations are invoked for everyone. choir sleepy admyslovy versh perad prychashchenne. it is extraordinary, at this hour the royal gate begins to fall, and the altars of the pious clergy, and on easter and for the last month of easter, the royal gate remains insolent. the sign is that god is the lord.
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sennya, all the temples are filled with pilgrims, but not all people have the opportunity to attend christmas services. for them, live television broadcasts and broadcast hours were organized. the tsarva imknetstsa klapatsitsa i pratykh, who may patrabu ў dapamoza i padrymtsy. we are grateful to the tv channel belarus 1 inge byalovay, the director of the broadcast aleg shychko and the creative team, for the gift
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of magic to us, who could not sleep on different abstractions in the temple, far away... resly christos, visit your hellish pit at the mercy of the ladies, voydze ў oh, the blessings of your holy love and finally your gentlemen i have endless spiritual joy that we were in good spirits, day after day, and every day in the skin, thanking god for these precious gifts of life.
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we wish for all the spiritual and health benefits.


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