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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 5, 2024 6:20am-6:30am MSK

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and this, well, this is gold embroidery, this is a very unique type of creativity. olga starostina, organizer of the international project "let's connect the world with beauty", in which she brings together craftswomen from different countries, these are knitting balls, christmas tree decorations and accessories, the project seasons, where four outfits: spring, summer, autumn, winter, were jointly created from small , knitted fragments, by dozens of knitters. this time, tabitha, to the gold embroidery specialists who created such a work of art: gold embroidery, the technique of hand embroidery with metal gilded, gold and silver threads. gold embroidery is used mainly for embroidering hats, velvet shoes and parts of men's and women's costumes. such expensive suits could only be worn by rich and noble people. today.
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a gift decorates the kupala church, this is a eucharistic set, these are two small covers , a large one, they are used during the divine liturgy, these covers cover the holy gifts, the cup with the blood of christ and the paten on which the body of christ is located, the large cover that covers and the cup and paten already. this is a special time, a time when we celebrate a special event, the church calls this event a triumph of celebrations, there is no greater holiday in the world than easter, no, because we celebrate the victory of life over death, the victory of righteousness, purity, color over evil , over sin. over
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all uncleanness, and of course, these days we especially should, probably, also behave in purity, in joy in giving gifts to each other, yes, visiting each other, visiting our loved ones, and we also should not these days, probably, we should forget those who are no longer with us, visit the burial place of our relatives and friends, and, of course, give gifts. it consists of everything bad that is on earth, this is not true, it is malice, anger, the cross probably consists of tears, of untruth. from,
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well, let’s say, all the bad things that exist on earth. god took himself, and god shed blood on the cross, god sacrificed himself for each of us, on easter, when the lord rose, rose not only in soul, but also in body, he gave us great hope that he would come the time when you and i will also be immortal. eggs are the most important attribute of the holiday of the resurrection of christ, with which holiday traditions are associated. the collection of easter souvenirs, which were created by hand using different artistic techniques, also pleased the residents of kopol. and one more easter surprise. there are about thirty easter eggs in this basket. every work of art. they all came not only from different cities of belarus, but... but also from
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different countries, each masterpiece was made using its own technique, here weaving with beads, irish lace, wool felting, gold embroidery. the collection of souvenir eggs is another international project, which then travels to neighboring nesves for an exhibition at the radevil castle. and olga starostina’s daughter anastasia, who also took part in all the lace projects, helped her collect such a souvenir collection of eggs. these techniques actually require great skill, when performing different threads and tools are used in order to fasten them together, you get such a beautiful composition, and also naturally, it takes a lot of time for everything to work out smoothly, thread by thread, and if we talk specifically about beadwork, then of course this is very painstaking work.
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which requires dexterity and also, of course , a lot of time, so that everything turns out evenly and looks neat after visiting the kopol land of the souvenir. separate apartments of the radewilovsky palace await eggs; in a special room , all visitors to the castle will now be able to admire exquisite works of art. our program is released on the eve of the holiday easter, may the words of christ is risen not remain just a traditional greeting for you on tomorrow’s holiday, may they touch your very heart. peace in the soul, good thoughts and will set you up for good deeds. the truthfulness program was with you, i am ingabelova, all the best to you.
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dear brothers and sisters, christ is risen. with this joyful greeting we bear witness to the greatest joy in the history of all mankind. the resurrection of our lord jesus christ from the dead. today the orthodox
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church celebrates the brightness of christ sunday, easter. easter is called in the liturgical texts the feast of feasts and the triumph of celebrations. she. crowns the church calendar, the theological meaning of easter forms the basis of orthodox dogma. we learn about this greatest event from the holy gospel. after the painful death of the lord jesus christ on the cross, his disciples, according to jewish tradition, buried the body of the savior. but since the day of the crucifixion was friday, the burial ceremony. in a hurry and was not completed, because saturday is a day of rest for the jews. on the first day of the week, which today we call sunday, which follows saturday, the faithful disciples of christ,
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the myrrh-bearing women, hurried to the tomb of the savior to complete the funeral rite. it is also important to remember that the savior repeatedly said during his earthly ministry: that he should be crucified, die on the third day and rise again, but as the gospel text tells us, none of the disciples firmly believed that the lord would actually rise again , at the same time, as did not believe that their uh savior, the great teacher who raised the dead, healed the sick, that he would end his earthly life in this way, in the gospel of luke, we read about how, after the events on golgotha, two disciples of christ walked from jerusalem to emaus. they talked about everything that had happened and were in a very depressed state. this is by no means the mood with which a person expects
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good news. even when the risen savior himself appeared to them, the disciples did not recognize him. only when christ filled them with what spoke... during his earthly sermon and broke bread, as he did during the last supper. the students' eyes opened and they recognized their co-teacher. of course, it was... a spiritual action, and also myrrh’s wives.


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