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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 5, 2024 6:30am-7:36am MSK

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they did not believe that their savior, the great teacher, who resurrected the dead, healed the sick, that he would end his earthly life like that. in the gospel of luke we read about how, after the event on calvary, two of christ’s disciples walked from jerusalem to emaus. they talked about everything that had happened and were in a very depressed state. this is not the mood at all.
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on the first day of the week, early in the morning they hurried to the tomb, but not in order to meet the resurrected teacher, they carried aromatic oils with them to complete the ritual burial, in accordance with jewish tradition, on the way they could not talk about the upcoming joy of christ's resurrection, as we prepare for the easter holiday, but thought about how to roll away the huge stone from the entrance to the cave where the savior was buried. no one believed that christ would actually rise again. but he rose again, as he said about it. when the angel of god appeared as a wife to the myrrh-bearers and announced the resurrection of the savior, the disciples were in such awe and horror that they did not even tell anyone about what they had seen. disbelief in the resurrection of the savior, we see in in the words of the apostle thomas.
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to know and understand what the resurrection from the dead is, how can it be, until we saw everything with our own eyes, until we experienced with all our hearts the joy of the resurrection of christ, when jesus himself appeared to his disciples, he reproached them for their unbelief, as he writes evangelist, and hard-hearted, that they did not believe those who saw him risen. even
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today, the event of christ’s bright resurrection delights the minds and hearts of people. someone, like the apostle thomas, doubts and does not believe that christ has risen. we are we believe with all our hearts that christ is truly risen. and this faith is the basis of the life of the church. the basis of the life of every christian. easter is the center of everything in our faith, the center of orthodox doctrine. after all, we believe that god became man and was born clothed for the sake of our salvation, which was accomplished through the crucifixion, death and resurrection from the dead of the lord jesus christ. easter is the center of the church's liturgical life. easter services are very different from all other church services; easter begins on the day of report of weeks in the church calendar. the first
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week after easter, the second, third and so on. the easter service is filled with joy, rejoicing over the risen savior; with its solemn mood it foreshadows the future eternal joy of the heavenly kingdom. easter is the center of our spiritual life, the apostle paul tells us about this, reasoning like this. if christ is not resurrected, then our faith is even. you are still in sin.
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adam and eve transgressed god's commandment and lost paradise. church teaching tells us that after the fall the doors of heaven were closed for all people, both righteous and sinners. jesus christ, by his resurrection, again opens the gates of heaven for everyone who wishes to enter there. this is why the bible calls christ the second adam. the act of the first adam led to the expulsion of humanity from paradise. the feat of the second adam. christ, again opens the doors of the kingdom of heaven to us. we hear about this repeatedly in the prayers of the easter service, where it is said that the chains of hell are broken, hell itself is bound , defeated, and can no longer hold
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the souls of people within itself. the main chant of the holiday is the easter trapar says that christ, by his death... destroyed death and gave life to those in the tombs, but someone may notice that since the moment of christ’s resurrection, the life of mankind has not changed, people still suffer , die, in the spiritual in literature we can find many references to the fact that a sinner exposes himself to future hellish torments, the holy fathers say this, a person of his own free will fell away from god by...
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this joy is characteristic of a christian not only on easter days. venerable seraphim sarovsky is filled with the gifts of the holy spirit and christian love for man, performing many miracles out of love for his neighbors. he greeted everyone who came to him with the words: “christ is risen, my joy.” his soul always lived with this joy about the risen savior, which he shared. with other people, many saints tasted this joy on earth, but not everyone discovered it as the monk seraphim of soros discovered it in his earthly life. dear brothers and sisters,
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holy scripture tells us that if christ has risen, then we will also be resurrected for the life of the next century. and this news, on the one hand , fills us. genuine joy, on the other hand, encourages us to take a serious and responsible attitude towards our earthly life, just as at the time of the spiritual formation of climbing the ladder of virtue, on this path, like the never-setting sun , the joy of the risen lord jesus christ shines. let this easter joy be a constant companion in our daily lives. after all, christ is risen and remains with us, truly christ is risen.
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this week doesn’t give a damn about a second-rate film, the main character hangs around in the frame, doesn’t harm people, the hero has his own health, he is unrequitedly in love. oh, if i hadn’t been so wintery, i would
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have been married to a saint. i would like to meet you again, as if i didn’t recognize you. to return these days, when our meetings promised us paradise, i wander around the city like a homeless person, but the sadness does not go away, you have overpowered me, you are in my heart, and i am very sorry for you, at panet there is a disco in the sky, a stucco is falling from the sky.
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the planets are like heaven, falling from the sky we are overweight, if i hadn’t been so wintery, i would already be a saint, the planet has all the necessary ditches falling from the sky. and if i hadn’t been like this on earth, i would already be a saint, oh, i would
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already be a saint, yes, i would already be a saint. the night saddles its black horses, the summer day has calmed down, the wind smells, the herbs smell like honey, oh, how sweetly the girl sings to us the night. hug me, girl, hug me, quickly, open the gates, you won’t
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believe how it was at the meeting, i was waiting for it, i fell madly in love, i’m lost, oh it’s night, oh these lips, let them smear me... these caresses, these caresses will carry you to the stars, oh these caresses, these caresses will carry you to the stars, the braids smell, your mints are not time for sleep, i am intoxicated, i am drunk in style without wine,
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let the night play on golden strings, i i'll remember. this night every world, the night rejoices, the night laughs and sings, somewhere near us there is a girl, happiness awaits, i want to look into bottomless eyes, i will give everything for this song, endlessly, so this is the night, and these kupas.
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oshti hop go to the night, and let these lips, let them lead me down, and let the geta night, and let the geta eyes, let them fool me, save me.
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there is no thorn, for the time being, jumping up to the ex right in the face, he, like no one else, brought me a lot of evil, because of him i didn’t sleep at night, i don’t... i raise heartless people, this is over at the finish line, the end, i was , i was stupid, naive, i haven’t changed, i waited in vain, still, still, still, everything, maybe,
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maybe, maybe, i’m holding back, they say it’s beautiful, so friendly, so patiently, all my life, all my life , that’s all, maybe, maybe he can, i hope i’ll see you again one of these days, he’ll be able to read everything in my eyes, new hero, what’s wrong with friends? not did me no harm, no offense, often walked past, didn’t notice, there’s no reason, condemn with heat, sweet torment, i want to overflow, the planet depicts happiness so close, tormenting with my eyes i conduct
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a dialogue, if only you could understand me. oh, sweet torment, i want to go over the edge, happiness is so close, goodbye to the planet, silently with my eyes, i’m conducting a dialogue, if only you could understand me, still, still, still, everything, maybe, maybe, maybe i restrained, they say it’s beautiful, so hello, bleed.
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picture, turn it over, kolidoskok, new day of hope, grain, turn it over, colitoscope, no
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give up, it’s still possible, turn it over, coloroscope, you can’t start all over again, this was supposed to happen, it will be a dream for more than a year. and someone will be missing, build the middle one by, you need to become yourself, you need to burn the masses, a reliable start in life, turn it over, kolidoscope, new horoscope, new picture, turn it over, koledoscope, new day of hope, group, perevernik,
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do you want to know who created this world, who gave life and reason, where do these stars come from, me and you, who is our world? sent to you i can’t answer right away, i was able to open one, how good, how
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it’s good to live in this world, eternal love that heaven gives to people, there is eternal love, no matter what... i and we bless my homeland , heaven, every house and everyone in it, and every house and everyone in it , bless, bless, you want to know where the sun comes from, and what... and life, why we live, we are waiting for the dawn, to meet the day, you have a heart, i have a heart, you
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hear these three, how good it is to live in the light, the heart tells us , there is eternal love that it is not... heaven that gives people, may it be eternal love that we trust in it, please bless my the homeland of heaven, every house and everyone in it, and every house and everyone who is in it, bless, bless, bless.
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the eternal love that heaven gives to people is the eternal love that we do not trust, i ask you to bless, i will cleanse the sky, and each new of all who are in it and each new of all who listen. bless, bless, bless, bless.
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good evening, good evening, dear friends, people meet, people fall in love, get married, i don’t feel so good about this, it’s just a misfortune, finally last night i met a girl there where three... the trains are knocking complexly, the trains are buzzing, oh, oh, she went to her raven, smiled from the window, the train was chasing the light, i just waved her hand back, she entered her carriage, smiled from the window, the train started moving. there is a light, only a hand
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in response, blonde hair, woven into braids, and eyes, a bottomless blue sky, spring in a smile, a slender, sweet, very beautiful girl, maybe somewhere now, somewhere nearby, oh, to her gentleman, she smiled from the window, he touched the light of the train, only helped her with his hand in return, she went to her bed, smiled from the window, touched the belt, and i looked into the light, only waving my hand in response.
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they love their father so much, i’m so unlucky in this that it’s just a disaster, that’s just a disaster, just a bida, that’s just a disaster, that’s simple.
7:00 am
we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. i remember when a person described the use of apple cider vinegar for the treatment of cancer for ten pages . this can simply have catastrophic consequences, it’s clear why. let's share interesting facts. however, in the assumptions of ancient thinkers there were many errors. for example, galien believed that the center of the cardiovascular system. the ancient people liked liver and sour wine; they began to add it to food and use it in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend the life of the most important organ of the human body. we have created a long time ago and in the clinic we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses; this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic
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parameters from western models. look in project science is nearby on the belarus 24 tv channel. you can do a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films, pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project. broadcast 24/7, watch everyone on our tv channel friday evening.
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i love it when the rain hits the pavements, the flowers fall into the dust of the roads, the rain hits the glass and silver. alive, sad mother, the sound of rain outside the window, in the sides of the rain, i see a silhouette
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outside the window, whoa. face, your portrait was there and not, it was washed away by the rain, knock-knock-knock, na-na-na-na-na-na, washed away by the rain, i recognize with my face what comes with... the rains, i see your eyes and smile , i see again how the stars are burning
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in us and above us, i recognize their kind light in the distance, in the strings... of rain, i see a silhouette outside the window, whose face, your portrait was and no, it was washed away by the rain, you will come again, you will go and melt away without a trace, like the smoke of a candle, a burnt-out report, the rain of your textbook in the spring,
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of good days, resurrecting the days when i was with you. in the same strings, i see a silhouette with a window, even your face, your portrait, was and is not, it was washed away by the rain. i love it when it rains outside the window, i love it when it rains.
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we will hug each other on the green blossoms. on a summer afternoon , i will run towards you, it’s easy for me, i fly, i fly, i want to repeat every moment again, i will dissolve in you, i will melt, so that, like a cloud across the sky, above us, you endure, you will smell a cheating fart. the paper one hides in the sky, breaks out of our hands,
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the wind is blowing over us, don’t rush to wake up, it gets lost somewhere among the stars, our two souls are circling in the sky, we will wake up with you at dawn, leave the familiar world far away. in the very heart of a blooming summer, where we weren’t even in our dreams, everything around will be clean and new, when we open our eyes, i’ll come to you again across the sky to say three eternal words, above us is the wind, the wind, the aduman’s paper fluff beach ours breaks out in the sky and the darkness,
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the wind is above us, in no hurry to wake up, lost somewhere among the stars, our two souls are circling in the sky. and above us is the wind, the wind, don’t rush to cling to it, among the stars our poor souls are lost somewhere, circling in the sky, among the stars, lost somewhere, circling in the sky. our two souls.
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i cut them out of paper, my beautiful magical birds, they flew high into the sky, they soared in the sky so easily, all my birds , birds, keep me safe, for now, my birds, birds, fly into the clouds. there is a long,
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bright light behind the clouds, my birds, birds, i am speaking for you everything is so little. there are white birds left on them, where you birds have flown with the wind, i see you in a dream and in reality, as long as you exist, i believe, i live with me, my birds, birds, keep me, while you, my birds, birds, are there for clouds, distant bright light.
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i'm flying, i'm flying. i am flying after you in a dream, i am flying, i am flying after you, fly, fly, beyond the clouds, and
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i am a distant light, my birds are birds. i keep the light behind you, my birds, my birds, keep me in bass, dachshund, my sons, birds, are out of place.
7:13 am
hey musician, please play. spring has come , something is restless in the heart, fill the soul the songs are overflowing, let the world spin loudly with us in the dance. eh, play, violin, play, cry, please don’t play at half strength, let the earth’s
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axis bend in a crooked way, become us for great pursuits, dryness. raspletik astu, let it echo on me, do not spare the fire, because happiness awaits me, a night with my beloved promises a meeting, do not spare the fire, happiness awaits me, a night with my beloved promises a meeting . my violinist, please tune in the cheerful old violin, let it bloom like a snow-white garden in spring, with with your melody, happy smiles, play the violinist, do not restrain the game, give fire and sadness,
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crazy joy, i will follow you to heaven, in my life. you don’t need more, play the violinist, play the cry, please don’t play, at full strength, let the earth’s axis bend in the roof at a slant, become us for great pursuits, let the existence of a scatterbrain, let it beat me up on this. do not regret the fire, because happiness awaits me, we promise a night with my beloved, do not spare the fire, happiness awaits me, the night promises a meeting with my loved ones,
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oh, play violinist, play crying, play, mid-winter please. let the earth's axis bend in a crooked way, become a great driver, sushirosa unravel. let the sky beat us up, don’t spare the fire, happiness awaits
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me, the norge promises to meet my loved ones, don’t spare the fire, happiness awaits me, promise a maximum meeting, game, play, play. like all the girls, i dream about him, in a dream about his dream, his portrait secretly from everyone, more than once i
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drew in my thoughts, no one else came up, the people of the one i dream about, so we met you, as you are, now i know, you are red, you are red, you are my golden, funny timeless, cheerful with friends, jealous of you when you’re next to me, you follow other girls with your eyes, you’re red, you’re red, you ’re my golden, like that, like that without guilt, guilty, you’re red, you’re red, and you’re mine, only mine , and i don’t need anything else in the whole world, yes. the girls are looking after you,
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ready to rip for souvenirs, but you are not enough for them all to make at least one happy party, i’m not sure of you, i’m jealous for no reason, i won’t hide it, i say thank you. fate, for finding us with you, you are red, you are red, you are my golden, ridiculously carefree and cheerful with friends, jealous of myself when next to me, watching other girls with my eyes, you are red, you are red, you are my golden, like this, like this without guilt, guilty, you are red, you are red, you are mine, only mine,
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you are mine golden, you're red, you're red, you're my golden, red, you're red, you're my golden, red, red, red, red, mine, mine, gold, and my golden, so, so there is, without malice to blame. you are red, you are red, and you are mine, only mine, and i don’t need anyone else in the whole world, you are
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my red, still.
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dream that we are all healthy, that there is peace and of course to live and work and do something else for people, even if it’s small, watch the belarusians project on our tv channel, you need to go to the city, why are you sitting here in the village, there are no men left here, ir, but i’ll leave my parents to whom, oh oleg levovich, this
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is not far from a hypertensive crisis, so that means bed rest, yeah. and no hassle, including chess, but this anishchenko gave in to you, i don’t only like him today, i don’t like him at all, so i wanted to tell you that you are not only like me i like your colleague, but also as a woman, girls, i ask you to meet our new doctor igor romanovich, eremeev, eremeev, please love and favor, why so officially, you can just igor, love and favor is a must, well, you in any case, well done, colleague, with you... feel free to go on reconnaissance, there was love, love has passed, that’s enough, it’s over, but don’t, don’t look at me with such sad eyes, i’m nothing to you, by the way i didn’t promise, igor, i’m pregnant, but you’ll soon get tired of him anyway, she loves him, and the child needs a father, watch the series “rare blood type on the belarus 24 tv channel.”
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there at the memory of the sir, the father of the path, the house, where you are narrated, the windows of your family are holy, with that holy dze of dyatsinstva live a man, with that
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holy... that is not in the treasury forever, forever the blessed stench of the land, my belarusian land, the land of the whites , white grew up, you are my happy forest, on thousands of doors, an unspoken window, the gods bless us in the land, gifts. yours is holy, and i have no wings, and my heart is upon you, ladies, here you are above, whoever you are, i am yours.
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here i set foot on the people at home, here is my splendor, and the outflows of roads, roads, blessed land, my belarusian land, the land of whites, whites, you are my happy flattery, on thousands of gifts, unknown akno,
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nay white, white bro, you are mine happy. we love life and the sun, we love the rain, the laughter of children, breathing in their horse, fear among friends, among friends, we love day and morning, and the house in
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which mirla is, everything that is difficult for us, that has yet to begin, everything tyyulya. all are holy julia, all are julia, saying together, all are you, all are you, with the scrapers of the sun, let’s bring our house. let life be beautiful, the eternal sky above the earth, everything comes true as in a fairy tale, what you and i dream
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about, we love life, the sun, we love rain , the death of children, we are afraid to breathe easily, among friends, among friends. july is all holy, lula is all holy, i’ll take all the holy things together, i’ll take all the holy things, all the flowers with sunflowers, i brought hope, all the holy things, all the holy ones. with drops of sun, we will bring our house, with drops of sun, we brought our yes.
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we sing everything, life plays hide and seek with us, life plays hide and seek with us, and not old riddles, this world, this world, this world, this world, a typical world, time separates an hour. with those who give us happiness, this is life, this is life, this is life, this is life, our life, together with
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the kitties we are carried away into the sky, together we fall in ties, we fall down, we love to be sad on the day.
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you and i are so similar, we are silent, be silent, we are silent, be silent, we are in a hurry, we believe in order to be deceived, we leave to return, to live again, to live again, good world, good world, to open dreams, we are together shouting to the sky we're carried away. and together we fall like stars, we fall
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down, we love, we believe, we love, we believe, we are sad, we are mistaken, the heart is careful, the heart is careful, we preserve the memory of the past, once again, we are carried away into the sky together with the pussies.
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do you think this is the final song, no, now is the final song, we will still sing, in the darkness of the night in the silence of the dawn. we are warmed by the songs of the sisters of the stars, today the city is singing with us, the length of the river and the old bridge are singing, the waves are feeding you, the wind is in your blood. he
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is green, they will force him again, he will force him again, the prince’s heart is stronger, we will find him again, we will find him again, his heart will curl stronger, he is on earth. the custom is very old, on the road going to sit, but it’s still better before parting, to sing a farewell song with friends , be quiet this evening.


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