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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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this is news from the vladislav bunder studio. hello, that's what we'll talk about in this episode. the ringing of bells with the news of a miracle and god's light in the holy fire. on easter day with the orthodox christians according to tradition and the president. lithuanian springboard for the overthrow of the belarusian government. the neighbors turn red. the line about responsibility is reminiscent of our mit: it could not withstand the competition and valuable energy, the largest chemical plant in germany risks going bankrupt. today they themselves are on the front pages in belarus, press day, on the eve of our professional holiday we are giving a day radio. today is a special day for believers; orthodox christians celebrate one of the main christian holidays, easter. people all over
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the country attend holiday services, churches are filled with prayers for health, prosperity and peace. aleksandr lukashenko, by tradition, always celebrates christ's sunday in church on easter with his fellow countrymen. the president arrived at the holy dormition church of the holy dormition convent in orsha. it was founded back in the 15th century, survived the years of closure, and during the great patriotic war, services were resumed, the real revival of the spiritual center of these places began in the nineties. sixth, in his native places, the belarusian president is always greeted in a special warm and sincere way, today the people celebrate easter, christ has risen, adults and children rejoice, may there be peace for many years to come, because this is the brightest day in the world, we wish you happiness, health and love , in the soul of the warmth of loved ones there is understanding, let no bad luck come your way, covenants will be fulfilled. christ is risen, christ, this is for you,
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thank you. in belarus, every person will find your way to the temple. representatives of various faiths exist absolutely peacefully on our land. today's easter services are held in large churches in small churches like these. the heart of every believer at this moment is filled with hope and faith in goodness. on this bright holiday , alexander lukashenko thanked the clergy for their important spiritual mission. addressing those gathered, the belarusian president will remember how in childhood everyone looked forward to bright sunday. the holiday fills people's hearts and souls with warmth. this year it's like that it coincided that the country was literally right after easter. will celebrate victory day, this and
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spiritual secular holiday is in tune with the peace-loving policy of belarus, aimed exclusively at creation. you know, we are on this day, and you, first of all, pray, when you come to churches and houses, in front of icons, for your health, for the health of your loved ones, your relatives, i support you in this regard,
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by the fence, at our doorstep, and i specifically went to the house and it’s already here, as i say, i choose the temple to go to, i came to this not only because i once i was born here on the banks of this majestic ancient river, but i thought, mother, that our river is the dnieper, and this temple has always united ours...
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and there is no waking up under bombings and cannonades. we really hope that this bright month of may will give peace to our fraternal people, and we will again celebrate
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all the holidays on the banks of the neprak, as it was before. the words of our president that day in the temple sounded soul-searchingly. alexander lukashenko spoke about what worries everyone, about peace. about our future, the moment is difficult, now more than ever, we need the unity of people, it is important to honor traditions, remember the exploits of the generation of winners, work hard for the development of the country, today there is simply no other way, since the time has chosen us, there is no escape from this, we must preserve peace and tranquility on our earth, the greatest task for our generation, i also often say, time is difficult within.
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it necessarily gave rise to turmoil, at a minimum, and at a maximum war. what saved us was that we always talked about it, stood on the shoulders of the previous generation. we have absorbed everything what our fathers and grandfathers created, so we survived. when this breaks down in some state, there is bound to be turmoil. and there are always many people who want to take advantage of this. therefore , i really wanted that during this difficult process of generational change, we would preserve all the best that was created on our land, have a place to work and have the opportunity to earn money
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for ourselves and our children. the main thing is peace, this is already my problem. therefore, let us, since the time has chosen us, save this world. and peace, christ is risen, risen! arshanskaya the land is known for its hardworking people, the region has everything for life, from fertile fertile soil to a large number of enterprises, which makes it possible to earn money for yourself and your children. by the way, the easter tradition is for the whole family to get together, visit each other, and exchange gifts. alexander lukashenko donated the icon of the resurrection of christ to the svyatoly church. in response, the abbess of the monastery presented the icon with the image. concentrated on what was happening, but our journalists collected not only comments from people who for the first time personally talked with the president, watch today on
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the main broadcast. well, is it summer here? checking the duty forces of the air force and air defense forces is decent, if all this is unexpected, sudden and honest, we cannot show everything, but rest assured, everything is in order, we are protecting the peaceful sky. sports, two alexander lukashenkos at hockey and, of course, preparations for
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the main holiday of orthodox believers, today we pray for peace. look, during the first one. the resurrection of christ united 5 million belarusians in prayer today. church of st. nicholas of japan on kamennaya the hill from 8 am welcomes large families, the area has a young strong faith. confirmation of the children's religious procession, it ended with a festive liturgy,
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the lighting of food continued in the morning, in the open bell tower to ring the bell to announce the good news, queues gather and the whole mood on the eve is joyful and solemn, easter is our favorite holiday, we always go with the children , today it’s true that not everyone is a family, the elders there are already preparing the table for us, probably a family tradition, yes, because they are always with their parents we’re going, so we decided to be young too. restoration of unity between the spiritual and
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the easter of christ, it just speaks about the physical, because they wanted to take the soul away from christ, it seemed to work, but jesus rose from the dead. easter is not a holiday of one day, bright week is ahead, for 40 days you can greet each other with the canonical christ is risen, the royal doors in churches will be open. and today orthodox believers can join easter vespers. services are held in all churches. countries bright sunday it is noted in ukraine that despite the actual religious war, it was unleashed against the canonical church by schismatics and the kiev regime. many believers celebrated easter at the kiev pechersk lavra, where a particle of the holy fire was also delivered from jerusalem. the festive service at the monastery was led by the primate of the uoc, metropolitan anufriy, and so many people gathered at the liturgy that they could not accommodate everyone in the church itself. the lithuanian authorities provide support, including financial support, to paramilitary formations in their territory, which aim to
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overthrow the legitimate government in belarus. the minister of foreign affairs of our country stated this in an interview with ria novosti. sergei oleinik especially emphasized that vilnius should stop supporting extremists opposing the belarusian authorities, this could have a boomerang effect. the information that we have, which we conveyed, including through diplomatic channels, and which...
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attack, so the italian press, citing sources in the leadership of the alliance, writes that nato can intervene in the war in ukraine if belarus will be involved in the conflict on the russian side, or russia will attack the baltic countries, poland or moldova. the largest german chemical plant for the production of fertilizers is on the verge of bankruptcy; it cannot cope with competitors from russia and energy prices. according to a local
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television and radio company, the company turned to politicians for support, it is noted that the chemical plant. more gas than any other company in germany, recently things have been going badly for him, in 2022 he even had to stop production for several weeks due to energy prices, and now there is a danger that the plant will go to look for a better life abroad, which means about 1000 germans will be left without work, work efficiently and...


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