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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 5, 2024 3:15pm-4:06pm MSK

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the degree of nato hostility in the belarusian direction is growing, and another information attack has begun. thus, the italian press, citing sources in the leadership of the alliance, writes that nato may intervene in the war in ukraine if belarus is involved in the conflict on russia’s side, or if russia attacks the baltic countries, poland or moldova. the largest german chemical plant producing fertilizers is on the verge of bankruptcy. they cannot cope with competitors from russia and energy prices. the local television and radio company reports that the company has applied for support for politicians, it is noted that the chemical plant consumes more gas than any other company in germany, recently things have been going badly for it, in 2022 it even had to stop production for several weeks and due to energy prices, and now there is a danger that the plant will go to look for a better life abroad, which means about 1000 germans will be left without work, to work efficiently and...
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the president actively targeted belarusian enterprises at this at a recent meeting, and even factories with big names, like minsk tractor. today the products are known all over the world, and the difficult post-soviet period is behind us. components were supplied intermittently, prices rose, and then it almost came to privatization. the order of the head of state is to preserve the enterprise. they invested a lot of effort and money in modernization, how things are at mtz, we have now checked our quality control.
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we will conduct quality control this sunday on the main broadcast. today is a professional holiday for reporters and editors of newspapers and magazines, layout designers and publishers. it's print day in belarus. representatives the president congratulated the industry. your work is a mirror of our life, allowing us to discern the essence of what is happening in the information diversity. this requires the press to provide a high-quality analysis of the event, efficiency, and accuracy of assessments. also a strong patriotic
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position, the age of high technology post-truth, you, with one word, penetrating the minds, hearts and souls of millions of people, capable of pleasing or saddening, instilling hope and confidence, warning of danger, drawing attention to current topics, you help solve topical issues, let every line written by you contribute to the development of belarusian society, help us confront the challenges of new times, the head of state noted. old today. periodicals in belarus, newspapers zvyazda and sb belarus segodnya. electronic systems, although they are rapidly taking over the information field, paper media do not lose their relevance and many of them have also moved to the internet, they talk about what is relevant on a variety of platforms, regardless of the format, the main task of any media, especially against the backdrop of fake news and information hoaxes - to provide the audience with high-quality and objective journalism. and on may 7, the country will celebrate workers' day.
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we will be happy to come to you, from world hits and soundtracks to folk songs and belarusian premieres, such a program did not leave the diverse musical audience indifferent, shopping and entertainment in one place is the criterion of a modern mall, this increases the attractiveness not only for shopping, but also for full-fledged leisure. we will continue at 7:00 pm, keep an eye on you can also follow developments in our social networks or in the mobile application qr code on the screen, right now sports news. it's time for the playoffs in belarusian mini-football. four
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pairs of teams have already played their first matches. the results are as follows: veten beat ovd dynamo 5:2, minsk put the squeeze on dynamo 4:3 in extra time, the capital was stronger than gomel bc 6-3. vrz celebrated victoria in a match against dynamo bntu 2:1, the series will continue next week. belarusian anastasia gorelik from leningradka was included in the symbolic team of the russian super league as the best diagonal. plus, the team won bronze medals at the end of the championship. for other belarusians, this season can also be considered an asset. vera kostyuchik with the locomotive became the silver medalist, anna klemets as part of dynamo akbars became the champion.
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basenkov, pyotr kharitonovich, participant in the great patriotic war, hero of the soviet union, senior. born in the village of vyleva, now dobruzhsky district, gomel region, into a peasant family. during the great patriotic war he fought against the invaders near stalingrad, on the kursk bulge, in belarus, the baltic states, east prussia, germany. mechanic-driver of the t-34 tank of the 326th tank battalion. september 18, 1944.
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city of gomel. there is a memorial plaque on the house where he lived. sequel to maidan from hollywood directors washington was not inspired by the georgian dream. teaching light about palestinian protests in the schedule of a university in the usa. it's not eh'. logical toxic statistics , environmental pollution, new apartments for
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the giaconda, where the monoleza will smile as an esthete. you look around the planet, we are on the air on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24. in the studio daria tarasova. hello. the day of spring, labor and may is already predictably becoming a day of bread and circuses on the champs-elysees. with the blessing of the trade unions , a wave of 260 marches swept across france. the may day motorcades included palestinian flags and manifestos against the olympics in the city of love. on the day of international workers' solidarity, law enforcement officers greeted demonstrators in stuttgart, germany, with batons and tear gas. with the same props the police entered the campuses of columbia university and the city college of new york. dissatisfaction with the ruling elites ranges from patronage of israel to economic collapse. the tip of the european iceberg. dissatisfaction evgeny belausov. if you think that the first day of may is exclusively
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a day off with obligatory trips to nature, barbecue and festivities, then you are somewhat mistaken. this holiday dates back to the 19th century and is by no means joyful. on these days in 1886 in the usa, workers protested demanding stop the exploitation of child labor, establish an eight-hour working day instead of a 12-15 hour day, and also increase pay. on may 4, at a protest rally in chicago's haymarkt , an unknown person threw a bomb at the police, who responded by shooting into the crowd, resulting in dozens of wounded deaths on both sides, mass arrests, death sentences and unprecedented consolidation around the tragedy. however, for everything that happened they prefer to blame not the authorities, but migrants, communists and other modern scapegoats, because it was they who fought for rights that no one was in a hurry to give them.
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russia, and then to the soviet union, receiving the final name labor day with all modern attributes. but this is our story. in other countries, may day still does not lose the spirit of its prototype. people who demand respect for their work receive violence and lawlessness in response. in france, demonstrations in lyon, paris and other cities escalated into violent clashes with security forces. the police used water cannons, stun grenades, tear gas and main.
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i don’t like the way the protesters treated the olympic rings; the upcoming games are a bone in the throat for ordinary robots. in total, 121,000 people across the country were dissatisfied with their workdays, but this is according to the french ministry of internal affairs. but the organizers estimated their forces at more than 200,000. in general, the numbers are on the scoreboard. it turned out to be a hot day in turkey, even though the thermometer showed only 16. in istanbul, law enforcement officers used pepper gas and rubber bullets against protesters trying to break through
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the police cordon. the conflict arose due to due to the fact that the city governor did not allow to celebrate may 1 in taksim square, but representatives of trade unions and political parties decided to hold a procession anyway, more than 200 people were detained, for whom the coming days will be an additional day off. protests in chile turned violent, with thousands of demonstrators marching through the streets of santiago. it all ended in mass clashes with the police, who used water cannons and tear gas. in reply.
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the law on agents who plan to ratify tbilisi has been around for decades valid in the usa. and the state embassy regarded this insight as georgia’s distance from the euro-atlantic future. the past week has rocked the georgian capital with violent protests. demonstrations against the law on foreign agents, like waves, beat the lonely beacon
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of the legislative power of georgia, one after another. but analogies can be drawn with more than one sea. parallels. it is possible to trace from the events in ukraine in 2014, protesters also burned bonfires, pitched tents, stormed the georgian parliament and erected barricades. the law was adopted in the first reading last week, after which a violent fight broke out between security forces and violent protesters. tear gas and... blast cannons entered the entrance, and the danger level in parliament was raised to yellow. against the backdrop of consideration of the law in the second reading, the next act in the georgian theater of action
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was a pro-state rally for the adoption of the law on foreign agents, according to the organizers. the action gathered much more supporters than any protest of the opposition, which completely forgot that a similar law exists in the west, however, its presence in georgia is undesirable, because it could the whole scheme of influence on tbelisi from overseas through ngos and non-profit organizations will be revealed. for them, georgia and ukraine are like cannon fodder; back in 2008, they pitted georgia against russia, and in 2014 and 2022 they put ukraine in even more trouble. georgia is that, despite great efforts, they were unable to turn it into a second front, which could have been achieved if their agents were in the georgian government. in the second reading, the bill was nevertheless adopted, and passions in the meeting room also ran high. following
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the adoption of the law at this stage, there was another intensification of street protest, its strength gained even more zealous, demonstrators began to storm the legislative building , the danger level was raised to red. through the broken window, protesters threw fires and stones and tried to harm those inside. the response from the security forces was no less brutal. water cannons, batons, tear gas and even rubber bullets. more than 60 people were detained, and about seven police officers were injured. the us embassy in georgia expressed support for the protesters, while washington said the foreign agents law
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had put georgia on a dangerous trajectory. answer dbelisi was tough on his part. we act taking into account national security, and we are far from the subjective opinions of domestic and foreign politicians. this week marked 10 years since the tragedy in the house of trade unions. on may 2 , 2014, it was burned by ukrainian nationalists and supporters of the coup. there were anti-maidan representatives in the building at that time. 48 people were killed and 200 injured. anyone who tried to leave the burning trade union building was severely beaten. on that day, in clashes on the streets of odessa, they died at the hands of nationalists. six more people. criminals. they were never punished, in memory of the victims in donetsk they laid flowers at the memorial sign, we will not forget, we will not forgive. may 2, it seems, was like the day
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after a wonderful holiday, the day of solidarity of the working people of all times, but since the fourteenth year, this terrible date of the revival of nazism and fascism on earth, did not fit into the format of perception as... in the city of odessa, in the city of the hero who took upon themselves the suffering of the great patriotic war, suddenly this rabble was reborn. names the organizers of the mass murder of people were named by the head of the other ukraine movement, viktor medvedchuk, among them, the acting president of ukraine at that time turchynov, the former head of the ministry of internal affairs - avakov, the head of the sbu - nalyvaichenko, the secretary. national security and defense council parubey, oligarch kolomoisky. and now in ukraine, human rights are being trampled on loudly.
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at the beginning of april, the country submitted a written application to the council of europe regarding a partial derogation from compliance with the european convention for the protection of human rights and freedoms. the document is posted on council of europe website. in particular, we are talking about the right to inviolability of home. freedom of movement, education, entrepreneurial activity, labor, freedom of speech, measures applied in ukraine during martial law can be considered a deviation from the convention, among such forced alienation of property for the needs of the state, curfew, and much more. meanwhile, the un noticed that a similar situation is developing in moldova, rights are being infringed upon. people, and more precisely, ethnic minorities. in particular government agencies refuse to use russian . russian-speaking people face
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discrimination when hiring, participating in elections, and receiving public information. they also have problems with access to justice , says the report of the organization’s committee. experts recommended that chisinau take measures to ensure that russian is used as an interethnic language. communication in accordance with the constitution. but despite the decidedly pro-western and russophobic policy of official chisinau, the majority of moldovans, exactly 63%, said that on may 9 there will be celebrate victory day. in spite of everything. these are the data of a sociological survey conducted by the aideta company. europe day, which the chisinau authorities are calling for to be celebrated, is ready to celebrate. only 40% of respondents, let me remind you, the sandu regime, under threat of a fine, banned the wearing of the st. george ribbon, but this initiative
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was opposed by the public and the parliamentary opposition. according to various estimates , about 400,000 moldovans fought in the ranks of the red army. they want financial independence, several countries at once decided to withdraw gold stocks from american storage facilities. in particular. hanna, cameroon, egypt, south africa, senegal, algeria, nigeria, and these together are quite decent volumes. egypt's reserves are 125 tons. south africa has accumulated the same amount. actually, the problem for the americans is not even the withdrawal of gold in itself. the fact is that this gives rise to panic. in the 2000s , germany also tried to get its gold, but was reminded of its political and economic dependence. african. europe and
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the usa. the agency notes that the president of the people's republic of china is going to the eu for the first time in 5 years with a clear messages. beijing offers europe far more economic opportunities than washington. moreover, the trip will take place against the backdrop of how the european union is gradually moving closer to america in matters of countering cheap imports from the middle kingdom. let me note that, according to information from the foreign ministry, the chinese leader will begin his five-day trip to france. the country has officially submitted an application for participation in the clear sharing program, in which belgium, italy and germany are also involved. this was stated by the deputy minister of national defense of poland. full control the americans are in control of the deployed nuclear weapons, and this is pan zalewski in full.
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are unfolding in the northern philippine provinces, located less than 300 km from taiwan. according to legend, a reaction to the armed seizure of the islands, the rights to which are disputed by china and the philippines, as well as brunei vietnam and malaysia, is being worked out. the philippine military called the largest maneuvers in three decades preparations for war. mass layoffs in the largest american
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companies. amazon, google, meta and tesla are reducing spending, fearing a new wave global economic recession. since the beginning of the year , about 120,000 it industry employees have been left without work. nearly 300 technology companies have announced mass layoffs, analysts believe. the tense geopolitical situation is increasing uncertainty about the prospects for the global economy, forcing companies to tighten their grip. in addition, the active implementation of artificial intelligence in the industry is also becoming a factor in favor of the decision to reduce staff. 100 million americans are confident that by 2030 the country will there will be a civil war. these are the shocking data of opinion polls, newspapers report. as it turned out, 41% of us citizens believe war
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is inevitable. at the same time, they are confident that it will happen if biden is re-elected, and a quarter expect that the conflict will be unleashed by trump’s coming to power. the two main parties make this development of events not just probable, almost inevitable. republicans have announced that the november presidential elections will be rigged; if their candidate loses, the majority will refuse to recognize the results. democrats too. they are developing a scenario for trump's victory; it is assumed that congress will block recognition of the voting results and outlaw the winner. pro-palestinian protests in the emergency schedule of us universities. thus, students of american higher educational institutions are demonstrating their “no to genocide” in the gas sector. a youth revolt following the patterns of american blockbusters ended with arrests and a scattering of batons. washington's position in the middle east
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is unshakable. no matter how many times the students spoke, he mentioned this at the briefing head of the white house. son wajo has a different reason for migraines. 41% of us citizens have already said goodbye to the american dream by 2030 and prepare for a civil war. yes, the entire scenario for the november elections has already been leaked. the election of biden or the revenge of the trumpists does not matter. the military outcome of the conflict is not dictated to me by both parties. yana mendeleva will continue. changed lectures.
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british students began at the beginning of the transition of the conflict in the middle east into an acute phase. the catalyst for large-scale actions was the fact that washington approved a new package aid to israel, as well as a statement from the rector. columbia university in april. she stated that participants in the protest movement would be seriously punished. the ban gave rise to even more violations. university students set up a tent city on campus. later, the demonstrators went further and barricaded themselves in one of the university buildings. they stocked them with furniture and metal barriers, and hung a palestinian flag from the window. the security forces led people out with their hands tied. the students were supported by the youth of harvard university george washington bryan and a dozen other educational institutions, as a result,
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strikes by thousands of students, to which teachers are increasingly joining. the police do not stand on ceremony with young people; the most democratic methods are used to enter. the security forces show consistent cruelty. despite the fact that protesters are suspended from classes, and in some cases even thrown outside the walls of the almamater, this does not diminish their determination. in some cases, universities are transferring education to distance learning and even canceling graduation ceremonies. for security reasons. after what happened at columbia and usc , we feel our goal is simply not to get arrested. in the white house, the massive dissatisfaction of young people with biden’s policies in the middle east, as well as the violent clash between protesters and security forces , was delicately ignored. the us president
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did not comment on this issue for several weeks and spoke about the protests only on may 2. violent protest is not protected. peaceful protest - yes, when violence occurs it is illegal, threaten people, intimidate people. circle of the planet,
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conditionally in poland there is capital that wants to make a profit, we have our need for jobs, our land, we agree everything is fine, then: the polish government has clicked something, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in the head , they have revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile, we cannot leave european markets. the polish government, of course, is our enemy, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different that the two are actually at war countries may well do business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the keeper of the balance, balance is the best that a leader can give for the country and... the people, balance is the golden mean, on opposite ends, whatever they are, this is radicalism, this is exactly the worst that can be given country and its citizens. author's project of igor turai propaganda, watch on tv channel belarus
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244. let's go on a trip to belarus. this town was built from 94 to 90 sixth year of the last century. it is unique in that the concept is fully realized here.
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you are watching a program around the planet on belarus one and belarus 24. the chance to come to an agreement with plastic, which has long overflowed its banks, there is optimism and the toxic statistics of environmental pollution are added to by the works of scientists from the university of california. san diego has created biodegradable plastic, its breakdown is facilitated by smart bacteria, will it happen? bio-innovation is part of a comprehensive plan for the transition to a circular economy, question:
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is it safer to simply reduce the amount of plastic used? they were looking for a compromise at the un negotiations on a potentially binding international document to combat plastic pollution. about environmentally friendly transactions, tatyana volkova. every minute, a million plastic bottles are purchased around the world. every year, 5 trillion plastic bags are used. this is just some data. from alarming statistics from the un environment program that warn that plastic has become part of the earth's fossil record and a marker of our current geological era. plastic is now everywhere, it is in our fresh water, it is in rivers and lakes. i come from switzerland, we find microplastics in every lake, in the mountains, in the soil, in the air. plastic is everywhere, and it's in people's bodies. species and ecosystems are suffering greatly, and we must recognize that... biodiversity and ecosystems are the foundation of society and
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the economy. we truly depend on water to drink and healthy ecosystems. the plastic threat has been fought everywhere for a long time, but there is still no comprehensive commitment to it. manufacturers. the issue was raised in march 2022 when 175 countries agreed to the first legally binding treaty on plastic use.
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we must put an end to this, create a new global consensus to end the practice of producing costly, ineffective, harmful plastic waste. environmental and community groups are calling for a gradual but decisive phase-out of polluting single-use plastics. the sea and takes place in landfills for decades. judith enck is the head of one such group, operating in the usa. a trip to any american supermarket is something of a plastic disaster, but there are steps we can take as individuals to reduce the amount of plastic. my family loves peanut butter, so i look for this product in glass jars rather than plastic. i put the oranges in a reusable bag. when i buy fish, i ask that it be wrapped. according to the united nations
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environment programme, the equivalent of 2,000 plastic-filled garbage trucks are dumped into the world's oceans, rivers and lakes every day. he forms entire islands of garbage and mountains of waste on land, breaks down into microplastics, a dangerous and invisible enemy to the health of humans and the planet. particles with a diameter of no more than 5 mm penetrate almost all living organisms through food. air, but direct pollution is not everything. most plastic is made from fossil fuels, increasing toxic waste emissions into the atmosphere. if nothing changes, plastic production is projected to double or triple in 2050, with associated emissions equivalent to emissions from more than 1,700 coal-fired power plants. we collided. with the triple planetary crisis being climate change,
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biodiversity loss and pollution , and the outcome of our negotiations on plastic should contribute to the fight against this triple planetary crisis. however, negotiations on this vital issue have reached a dead end. industry representatives are lobbying for a treaty that would focus on recycling and reusing plastics rather than limiting their production. until next time on... at least eliminate unnecessary disposable and short-lived plastic products from circulation. in my opinion we are extremely inefficient, less than 10% of the plastic we produce is recycled, this is partly because we design plastic products without defining their lifespan. we have an incredible variety and
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complexity of different chemical compounds that are used to essentially perform the same function. we need to limit their number. than the proportion of material that can be reused. fight with plastics is still limited to national efforts, and many countries have made impressive progress. for example, in france up to 25% of plastic waste is recycled, in germany up to 80%. and in sweden this figure tends to be absolute. in brazil , the decision to involve the poor in collecting waste for a fee turned out to be successful. in chile. the commercial use of plastic bags has been banned, and the strictest legislation regarding these products is in force in kenya, including prison sentences or a fine of tens of thousands of euros. disposable plastic tableware is banned in the european union from 2021. since the same year
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, belarus has also abandoned its use in public catering facilities. in addition, our country has increased the degree of processing over the past 10 years. garbage three times, and citizens are not lagging behind: sorting garbage, refusing unnecessary plastic bags, in favor of shoppers and alternative containers. belarusians, like residents of many countries, have long adopted these principles. individual the choice will certainly not solve the global plastic pollution crisis, but it also matters as the world moves towards a systemic solution. after all, the more we refuse plastic, the less demand there is for it, and therefore the reason to produce it, and the more people who strive for a waste-free lifestyle, the cleaner the earth will be. tatyana volkova, around the planet. monulise will be evicted from room 711 of the louvre;
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davinci's creation is expected to move to the basement of the parisian temple of mus. reasons for migration of the smiling web - epidemic public disappointment. no, it's not about canceling the master of the italian renaissance, it's about the numbers. every season, the louvar receives 9 million guests, while the remaining 80% of visitors pay an entrance ticket for the sake of visual contact with the giaconda. on especially busy days , 250,000 people line up to see an oil painting. there are only 50 seconds left to get acquainted with the portrait of mrs. lisa. so the new apartments are for the better, no artistic collapses or environmental activists. what else happened over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, which is definitely worth finding out about. nikita makhodkin has prepared a special selection for you. the vast and wide world of art. how the sculpture glorifies the flora and incredible
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adventures of missionary pandas, as well as the unique bugati from a private tyugeran workshop and the balloon festival. in russian traditions, about this and more in our non-political review. more than 10,000 contemporary works of art from around the world are on display at the tenth edition of world art dubai at the dubai center international trade. work from more than 300 foreign galleries under one roof. and guests are greeted by pavilions of russia and japan.
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famous artists and novice authors, covers a variety of areas, from street art to arabic calligraphy. the main goal of world art dubai is to make art accessible to a wider audience. fair prices start at 367 dirhams, which is $100 in the us. 17 unusual sculptures were presented at kew gardens in london. stainless steel products bronzes were placed in different parts of the park. they were created by artist mark quinn, inspired by the activity. botanist scientists from kyu gardens. i like how the sculptures harmonize with the park, i like the fact that they were conceived here and
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presented here, they seemed to be born in their own world, and this is a very beautiful place, and since there is a lot of interesting things in the reflection, you see doubly and even triple more of this beauty . to me, it's just a beautiful, holistic presentation. the plants from which they are made inspire special respect. medicines for cancer and others diseases: turmeric, pacific yew, plants from the famous palm house, everything deserves attention and genuine interest. iranian mechanic jamshit nazemi creates incredible replicas of the world's most prestigious cars, and he does it in a modest workshop in tigeran. the 1931 bugatti royal is behind us. now it is being tested on earth. skills in working on lavachu's replica of the noah bugatti, the only $ 18 million hypercar ever
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produced. for a car like bugatti, which is one of a kind there are no parts, this is a purely factory assembly of their unique parts, we cast and grind the parts ourselves and how long it will take, i can’t say, unless there are problems with...
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the festival attracts hundreds of guests, the spring aeronautics festival in pereslavl has already been held for the fifth time. from the world of pandas, two representatives of a wonderful family feel great, gobble up bamboo with appetite and play in the enclosure. we see ding xi and juyu shortly before their flight to spain. in the madrid zoo they will have to live on for 10 years under the so-called diplomacy program. in the important government service , they replace huazui ba and bing xing, who have lived in madrid since 2007 and returned to
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china in february. hundreds of baby sea turtles rescued from a devastating storm in south africa have been given a temporary new home in cape town. about 500 small turtles were saved. it is too dangerous for such babies to be in the big ocean, these are lucky. the turtles will spend the first few months of their lives here in a special constructed plastic tanks. our two-ocean complex is not just an aquarium for temporarily keeping turtles. there is a whole staff of specialists working here to rehabilitate these animals. our task is to restore their health to normal, solve their problems, and then release them back into the wild . as you know, baby turtles have to take care of themselves. about themselves from the moment they hatch on the beaches and head out to the ocean, sea turtles have purses in their brains.


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