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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 5, 2024 4:25pm-5:01pm MSK

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have achieved such a significant goal for both the club and the fans, but what will be the result in a real battle of intellect, what is the name of the gymnastic apparatus, where two parallel bars are installed at the same height, vlad, uneven bars, uneven bars, absolutely correct, as the abbreviation bfvs stands for, you need to press i don’t know, then it’s all about alexey, the belarusian federation, maybe the armed forces. there is a yellow card for the coach who won all these titles, while he is the only one, in fact, he always considered himself, he always he considered himself the only one, this is jose mournio, this is the correct answer, absolutely true, portuguese specialist, watch the intellectual sports show, heading the game on our tv channel.
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national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus, when the soul pushes, move forward, and keep up from the heart, the stomach sings, and the thirst for adventure travel is there, on the way you always like to eat somewhere, food anywhere. belarus can be called a country of all religions, and the numbers are confirm, because in our country there are officially 25 confessions, the most widespread of them are orthodoxy and catholicism, and easter is considered the main holiday in christianity, so even in soviet times it was secretly celebrated by both believers and atheists. now many will no longer remember why exactly it is necessary to beat eggs, why kulich has such a form.
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find it difficult to explain how catholic easter differs from orthodox easter, so today i ’m going to find answers to these questions, learn about the culinary traditions of the holiday, i you get to see how a catholic church is decorated, every detail matters, try an easter bun prepared according to an old recipe, attend the removal of the shroud, the saddest day in the church calendar. the word easter came to us from the greek language, it means deliverance, it is the most ancient christian holiday, which symbolizes the victory of life over death. where can you learn the original traditions of catholic easter, if not in the most ancient catholic church in the village of vselyub. hello, glad to see you see. i love this place very much, there is a special atmosphere here, good people, that’s why i
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came here on the eve of catholic easter, to understand all the traditions, both cultural and culinary, of course, vitaly, what? what is easter? easter is the brightest holiday, it is the most important holiday in the life of a christian, it is always a renewal of life, it is always a return to god, this is what the lord gives us, new life in christ. catholic and orthodox easter are very similar, but some traditions are different. try to figure out what exactly it is. i have been to this temple more than once, but i have never seen it so beautiful, but here it is. a large number of installations that are new to me have appeared, tell us what each of them means? firstly, each of these installations, it talks about preparation for easter, that is, the so-called tridum, the first installation is the dungeon where jesus sat in captivity before the trial, the second
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is the moment of the crucifixion, worship of the cross, the third tomb, where jesus was folded into a tomb, well, like a pinnacle. whole holiday, this is it easter, this is a so-called resurrection, that is, a solemn proclamation of the resurrection of christ. together, they symbolize the easter triduum and easter itself. prison is maundy thursday. the cross is good friday, the tomb is great saturday, and easter is the holiday of easter itself. do the traditions in catholicism and orthodoxy coincide? is it possible?
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they are in such a prayerful state. in general, on the eve of easter it turns out to be a kind of religious competition. each church tries to make these installations as as beautiful as possible. and you also know what ’s surprising: you won’t see such an installation again, you’ll see another one, because every year they change, every year all the residents of the village, from young to old, participate in their creation. the most important symbol in the temple is paschal, the name of a large candle on which the first and last letters of the greek alphabet are depicted, as well as the sign of the cross and numbers indicating the current year. easter symbolizes the resurrection of christ, the very moment of resurrection. when does this candle light? he
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lights the candle at the end of holy saturday, a foreshadowing for sunday, it is lit from the consecrated fire, carried into the temple three times. stops, proclaiming christ is risen, truly risen, lights these candles, is brought into the most important part of the altar to the church host and placed. and while the church is preparing for the start of the service, i am very interested to see how the parishioners themselves are preparing for the great easter, why not? of course, first of all, i am interested in learning about culinary traditions. in belarus, not a single holiday is complete without a feast, including easter. it’s no exception that they eat it at easter, i irina will tell you. irina, hello, hello, and i see that you have even prepared something, we are now within the walls of the temple and the temple is preparing for easter, yes, what is this? and this is a treat for children, these are cookies in the shape of
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a lamb, a lamb, these cookies are a treat only for the easter period, that is, children can eat this once a year, the children are lucky. irin, i heard that the symbol of catholic easter - one of the symbols - is a hare, why do we have a lamb here and not a hare? jesus is connected like a lamb, like a sacrifice, after all, who was sacrificed earlier in the old testament? a lamb to god, and jesus gave himself as a sacrifice, so jesus is associated with the lamb of god, so lamb, tell me the most important and incomprehensible secret for me, where did hares come from in this whole... story, but first of all, not hares, rabbits easter, and in general this is a european tradition, but here in belarus it’s still a chicken, this is the first time i’ve heard of this, it turns out that a chicken means the birth of a new life, since chickens don’t appear in winter,
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it is a symbol of spring, the same can be said say about the rabbit, it personifies the continuation of life and high birth rates, what kind of easter table is it? not only do people try to set rich tables with good snacks, but there are traditional dishes, they are very similar to orthodox christians among catholics, this is... easter, no, catholics do not prepare this dish for the easter table, here you go and the difference between the orthodox easter table and the catholic one, catholics don’t have easter, okay, but easter cake is easter, of course, easter cake is one of the most basic dishes, well, actually the most basic thing is a painted red egg, and the easter cake is, of course, baked, only here in this area it is called nekulich, but what? they call easter rolls, if in the whole world there are easter cakes, it turns out to be easter cakes, in all love -
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these are easter rolls, how they are prepared, now i’ll tell you, in general i want to note that catholics are very hospitable and will be happy to let you into their home on the eve of easter and show you how they are preparing for it. oh, easter starts right from the entrance, look, there’s a huge tree with easter decorations hanging on it eggs, in general, this is a wonderful catholic tradition, eggs are usually not only hung on trees, but also hidden somewhere for the kids to look for. today i am also on a search, but unlike children, i am not looking for eggs, but for easter recipes. marina, thank you for your hospitality, for allowing me to become part of yours on the eve of easter.
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milk, three eggs, five tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, then beat it all well, pour the dough into the resulting mass, now add 600 g of flour, for a festive smell add a couple of drops of citrus extract to the dough, it can also be replaced with lemon zest, then pour in melted butter and a little vegetable oil, now the dough can be kneaded, i’ll trust this matter to marina, the woman understands how to prepare for easter, that
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after we kneaded the dough needs to be allowed to rest and rise, this will take about 3-4 hours. on this table, marin, we used everything except the raisins. maybe we can add it? let's add obvyazkovo. our dough is ready, now we can transfer it into the form, we lubricate with butter first to prevent the bun from burning. our easter cake is almost ready, and i would put it in the oven and eat it, but we need to wait. until the dough rises, yes, it takes a lot of time to prepare an easter bun, but i’m sure it
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’s worth it. tomorrow, on the bright holiday of easter, after the all-night vigil , a huge number of dishes will appear on this table, but today, especially in order to demonstrate to you, here are the main easter dishes and not only dishes, but also some other traditional things, let’s look at all of them and let's discuss, the first thing i see...
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there are quite a lot of differences between the catholic easter table and the orthodox one, the obligatory presence of willow, the easter, which is lit by the head of the family after reading a prayer, but you can convert it yourself. it is also especially decorated, if in the orthodox clec the inscription x in christ is risen, then there is a mandatory cross, but that ’s not all, what is missing here, what is the attribute of any slavic holiday, this is alcohol, yes, wine, for example, it can be, during catholic easter
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there is no alcohol on the table, i have a wonderful brew flavored coffee. another important element of the easter table is eggs. this is familiar to every child from childhood, no matter whether you belong to religion or not. they need to fight. it suits them. well, why are we worse than children? hold it. let's. let's try. let's try. oh, i think i lost. hold the egg, marin. do you know why you gave away the egg? the tradition of beating eggs is not religious, it is folk. in times of famine. and the children took, on the eve of the holiday, they took colored eggs, went out into the street and fought with them. whose egg turned out to be stronger took the egg of his opponent. the children chose eggs for these battles in advance, trying to choose the strongest, most powerful ones. and why? because such
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an egg fight on the eve of the holiday could feed a family for a whole week, but some were cunning. some cunning and nekali dzetsi and gatavali ўhе yes ўіднідніні каўйка, ўкілі змі ўеўі plowed themselves more, and then, as the geta ўchyna opens up, oh, how much cuff i received it then, of course i wouldn’t do that, i’m still honest victory is much more valuable, but it’s all a child’s fantasy i’m equally delighted, it’s time for... the main dish of our table today - easter rolls. i’m watching marin and i got a piece of a cross, which means i’ll be happy all next year. the appearance of the easter cake is truly incomparable. you can see what happened to the test. it has risen so much that there are a lot of pores, such air bubbles, because of this it will probably be very tender.
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this is true. i will note that. the dough is really different from a cupcake, and from a loaf, and from any bun, because it is airy, that’s how we tried porous chocolate, remember how it differs from a regular bar, the same thing here. of course, i would be happy to eat this bun every day, but the fact that it is made once a year is what makes it so desirable. another important difference between easter cake and regular baked goods is that it is illuminated. how does this happen in a catholic church? it’s the same with us, we... we chew cats and spoons of cats, all such products can be called eggs , the very same colored ones, and spoonfuls of bread and spoons of meat, horseradish, salt, as you know, some i used to put in our cassela
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koshyk lamb, yano mozha byts baked tsi mozha byts...
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, in principle, everything is degrading today, diplomacy. when a diplomat, whose obligatory function is to build bridges, to maintain this thread of communication between two conflicting countries,
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today these diplomats, on the contrary, are inciting war, they are the main hawks, the same goes for their politics, their economy, then what does the west matter now, it’s perishing, if you are not lost, if you know who your opponent is, then you are moving towards victory, we feeling. this makevialist approach, according to which the end justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to lie, meanness, cooperate with the devil and the devil just to win, so our path is long, but this is a conscious choice, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. well, now i have to find out how orthodox easter is celebrated. easter is among the top 3 favorite holidays of belarusians, even without regard to religion, but for believers it is bright, well... probably my favorite holiday, which father andrei kindly agreed to tell me about. hello, god's blessings to you. so, andrey, what is easter? easter is the most important holiday of christians, the day on which we remember that the lord jesus christ, crucified on the cross, rose from the dead, but easter is a holiday for each of us personally, because if christ rose from the dead, then at the end of time every person will be resurrected. therefore, for us easter is easter, it is a holiday of the future eternal life, the beginning of this eternal life was laid by christ. there are a large
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number of stalls around the temple, selling kulechi until easter. from here we move on, father andrey , to the culinary traditions of this bright holiday. tell us about culinary symbolism? there are, one might say, two components here. the first is purely easter attributes, this is easter cake. interestingly, even the shape of the easter cake has a symbolic meaning. after the easter service, such large loaves are illuminated; they are called artos. arthas means bread in greek. the people have a similarity to this arthas, these are easter cakes, easter bread, which we illuminate in memory of the savior who rose from the dead. how interesting. okay, what is cottage cheese easter? the fact is that. it is customary to highlight on easter the food that we abstained from during lent, but what do we abstain from during lent? meat, milk,
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of animal origin, that’s why easter is cottage cheese, that is, from cottage cheese, from dairy products, believers abstained, but here they illuminate, which means illuminate, asking for blessings again for consumption these products after lent, that 's why this easter, this product consists of cottage cheese. like kulich, easter has this shape for a reason. the truncated pyramid symbolizes the holy sepulcher. to prepare easter, they even use a special form called a pasochnitsa. the most striking symbol of easter for me since childhood is a beautiful painted egg. where did this tradition come from? why egg? first of all, let's start with color. the original color of the easter egg is, of course, red. red is a symbol of the blood of christ, through which we gained eternal life. that's why red is the color of easter, but why the egg? in
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the orthodox, in the orthodox tradition, the egg symbolizes this. when we look at an egg, we understand that life emerges from it, while the egg itself is destroyed. and this is a deep symbol of our existence. we will end our earthly life at... we will die, leaving our body, but in the future we will be resurrected for eternal life, thus, this is our earthly life as a kind of egg, which, of course, will end its existence, will collapse, but this will be the beginning eternal life. so, it turns out that the egg has a very deep symbolism, however, it seems to me that this applies to all the attributes of easter. i was lucky enough to be in the cathedral on the eve of easter, on good friday. today is metropolitan. minsk zaslavsky veniamin will perform the evening service with the removal of the shroud. we will now find out what this means and how important this tradition is. good
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friday is considered the saddest day. in the church calendar. according to the bible, on this day jesus christ was crucified on the cross. the shroud itself is a piece of fabric, on which depicts jesus christ lying in the tomb in full height. in fact, this is a copy of the linen in which the savior’s body was wrapped. usually the removal of the shroud occurs at 2-3 o'clock in the afternoon; it is generally accepted that it was at this time that jesus died. the shroud is taken out of the altar and placed in the center of the temple on a raised platform, decorated with flowers and paved. incense. the gospel is placed in the middle of the shroud. matins begins as a funeral service. afterwards, the temple is illuminated and the news of the myrrh-bearing women who came to the tomb is proclaimed. during the service the shroud they carry it around the temple and sing to the holy god. at the end, the shrine is brought to the royal doors and returned to its place in the middle of the temple. there she remains until the late evening of holy saturday. only before easter matins. the shroud
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is taken away and placed in the altar. to the throne, where she remains until the last day of easter. on saturday, the eve of easter, a huge number of people flock to the temple in order to illuminate the products that will take center stage on the festive table. i didn't take anything with me, and yet i'm very curious see what's in these baskets. it’s interesting that food items for lighting are placed in baskets for a reason. this is one of the folk traditions. and while some only guide.
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were given in your family? you definitely need to paint the eggs, this can be done like onion skins, so that the egg turns out like this, red, and such a little easter cake will stick on, stickers - this is already the creativity of a child, but what is easter cake for you? and easter cake is like bread , the head of everything, yeah, i see, well, cottage cheese easter, it’s just delicious, it’s probably not easy it’s delicious, it’s also symbolic, it’s symbolic, in general i have a basket in my hands. full of traditions, and one of them is familiar to everyone from childhood, you remember, you probably did it too elena, and we beat eggs, yes, we played, can mark and i play, hold the egg, i have the egg, whoever’s egg remains intact , he won and he can eat it, he’ll be happy, happy, let’s try, come on, just really, wow, i’m lucky today. and you
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still have 1 2 3 4 5 or six chances to practice with dad. by the way, i found out why you really need to beat eggs. by according to ancient belief, the more eggs you break on easter, the easier and faster jesus will rise. and this is truly a great happiness. natalya, have you already covered some products? and what is traditionally present on your holiday table on the bright holiday of easter. of course, an egg, a bulb. and boiled, stewed, necessarily jellied meat, potatoes, jellied meat, what else, meat, sorcerers, sorcerers , definitely, definitely, an ideal set of representatives of belarusian cuisine. lighting takes place on specially installed tables in the churchyard. this ritual consists of blessing food so that it becomes sacred and is received with gratitude and respect. before you start, you can buy candles and put them
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in bags. easter, as i see, many did this. the most important moment for every believer, the priest illuminates not only the food, but also, as you can see, the parishioners. if this water gets on you, you will at least be a very happy and healthy person all year. thank you! in some regions there is a tradition of taking salt and horseradish with you for lighting. horseradish symbolizes health and long life, salt - abundance. in addition, they place the illuminated salt in front of the icon and sprinkle it on themselves. head, driving away evil. listen, there is some special mood here, it’s true, it’s not fake, it’s honest, real and very joyful. i don’t know, this is the first time i’ve found myself in such a happy atmosphere, an atmosphere of real happiness, really. in some ways, orthodox easter differs from catholic easter, in some ways they are similar. but first of all, the celebration of easter is a celebration
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of a miracle. and we shouldn’t forget about this. we tell you how to choose. quality products for healthy meals. take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight. too light, don't take it. such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight
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milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will prepare lasagna with pumpkin and spinach. quite unusual, but it seems to me. sometimes you can pamper yourself, let's get started if you have a difficult day ahead and you know that you need a huge amount energy, this is the breakfast that will help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, raise your arms up, raise your legs and do this cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, look at the project breakfast of the champion on... on the belarus 24 tv channel information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about our exercises in order to create an information fund around the deployment of german troops, they are going like
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