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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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they absorb knowledge with an enviable appetite. is it true that in developed countries the male population predominates over the female population? the female population predominates there because men have a higher mortality rate in childhood, what do you think causes this? different facts? when i was a child, my dad threw me into the river, and then they brilliantly answer the host’s questions. does anyone know why september is called september? not because it’s the seventh month, no, nikita, great, it’s the seventh month, september is simply called ordinal, conditionally speaking by number, even adults are delighted with the erudition of these guys, and why , it seems to me, the population cannot be among the top ten countries in the world?
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answered correctly, she’s smart, she has very well developed logical thinking, and even if she doesn’t know something, she can reach the correct answer, a precedent is an incident, i’m very glad that yulia answered correctly, this is exactly the word that we studied with her in preparation for the olympics and that’s why it’s great that it coincided, watch the intellectually entertaining project, i know on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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isai pavlovich kazenets. one of the organizers and leaders of the minsk anti-fascist underground. in the summer of 1941, he created one of the first underground groups in minsk, a group of oil workers. for the sake of secrecy, he took the name of his deceased comrade vyacheslav yurygin. under the name slavka, he entered the history of the minsk anti-fascist underground. the oil workers have settled down. communication with other partisan
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detachments operating in the vicinity of minsk, equipped an underground printing house, organized sabotage in minsk railway junction and other objects of the occupiers. in march 1942, the minsk anti-fascist underground failed, as sd agents were introduced into its ranks. despite all the secrecy measures, be careful. after prolonged torture, on may 7, 1942, isaiah cozenets was hanged in a city park in the center of minsk. in 1965. was awarded
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the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. they were born in different parts of russia, and fate brought them to belarus. today in the new issue of the project a look at belarus, two amazing people and two destinies. everyone has it the hero has his own unique story, and his own view of belarus.
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edgar retz is born. grew up in kamchatka, a fabulously beautiful and harsh region, when he started a family, he decided to move to a more comfortable climate for living, having arrived in our country for a few days, they decided to stay here, today edgar and his family live and work in grodno, in festival cultural center. i came from russia from the far east, from the kamchatka territory, the city of petropalov kamchatsky. at the time of 2015, my wife and i decided that we would move from kamchatka, since the climatic conditions there are quite difficult, and this question has been brewing for us for a long time, that we would need to choose some new location for living, in
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2015 we decided to fly with my husband on vacation, we flew to moscow, considered the central part russia, we traveled there and right during our... vacation my wife suggested we go to belarus, where by the way i had never been before. we took tickets and arrived in minsk, we lived in minsk for a couple of days, saw what it was like there, and we liked it. belarus is the country that falls in love with himself, this is really so, because before this, unlike my wife, who at least once visited here in childhood, for me it was all the first time, but nevertheless, it was a feeling.
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that i didn’t take anything from my things, i really left kamchatka with one bag, with a small suitcase, that is , we just started a new life again, there was a complete reset, including in terms of work, career, which is also necessary always understand when moving to a new region that it is always
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life from the very beginning. yulia semenchenko, born from the moscow region, arrived in belarus on a business trip, has been living and working for almost 5 years in... in the city of brest, in the russian center of science and culture. during this time, she traveled a lot and visited different parts of belarus, and the city of brest became her home and beloved city. i came to belarus directly to brest from moscow, or rather even from the moscow region, i am from moscow. i came here for work to head the russian center for science and culture, which i have been doing for almost 5 years now. i was born in... very energetic, my dad worked as a driver all his life, there were no diplomatic roots in my family, it was just my fate that i began to engage in this
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activity, but at the same time i have two sons, already adult sons, one of them works, has three higher education, the second is studying in moscow, and i... work in the international field, promoting the interests of the russian federation abroad, and i wish them, of course, great success in this, so that all their plans, all their ideas come true, this is important to me , as for a mother, well as for for any mother, the success of her children is more important than her own success, my children, of course, come to me very often, my youngest son. but he lived here for the first year, until he graduated from school, studied in the name of pushkin, he really liked brest, and of course, the first thing, when the eldest son and the youngest son arrived, we went to the brest fortress, this is certainly such a place, where to go first, and my grandmother came here to visit me, they
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really liked belarus, they were naturally in minsk, they were with me in grodno, she was impressed by these cities, their beauty, their architecture, and she came to see me not so long ago. of course, i fell in love with brest with all my heart and soul, i feel at home here,
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because i’ve been living here for quite a long time, almost 5 years, and i know every street of it, i know every house of it, i know these people, really in fact, brest has become my dearest, very dear city, and i always think with regret, to be honest, that i will have to return someday, belarus... the people are simply unique, this in fact, i speak without any flattery, without any pathos, these people always amaze me with their altruism, first of all, i travel a lot around the country, in the brest district, in the brest region, everywhere i come across people who with an open soul, in an hour without any additional finances, they do the job, this is very important, they do the job from the heart, from the heart, i invest all my possible resources there, often without support yes...
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everything you wanted know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world, with the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, famous, this city was founded in 980.
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what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the holy cross cathedral of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia, and another important shrine of the monastery is her relics. we will tell you and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. and without hesitation, similar points of view came. national day has been approved in belarus unity, strength in unity. the belarusian path of development is truly humane; the future lies ahead of us. project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. dear friends, welcome to us at the festival cultural center, here you can. immediately at the entrance we are greeted by a belarusian and a belarusian woman, these costumes are made in the traditional grodno style and they welcome our guests, here you can see with us: a permanent exhibition dedicated to the festival, and i will remind you that our center is a cultural center it’s not for nothing that the festival is called a festival, it is dedicated to the history of the festival, which takes place once or twice a year in the city of grozny, this is such a brand event for our city , i always celebrate it. on the walls you can see stands that are dedicated to the history of the festival, from the first to
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the current eighteenth year, this is the twelfth festival, here we are now... i’ll reveal a secret to my friends, we have already allocated a place here for the thirteenth republican festival, which took place in grodno this year, how it appeared in my life festival, it appeared in september 2021, when we celebrated the day of the city, the city of grodno, we, as part of a delegation of diasporas , were invited to a common holiday dedicated...
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to collaborate and i established contact with the cultural center, and the cultural center is a shitty organization of a branch of the cultural center festival, and we agreed that they would look at me, and i would look at this work for myself, as far as it was mine, because of course this area was new, and from the side of the cultural center there was also, let’s say, this great credit trust my address, i understood this from the very beginning, i understand it now, because i actually came from the financial sector. i was not culturally connected, but apart from, if not to mention this social activity, of course, it was new to me, nevertheless it turned out to be so close to me that somehow quickly enough i began to get involved in it, in addition, i have very good personal contacts with diasporas, we worked together before i arrived at the festival, so it was not difficult for us
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to continue this interaction, and in many ways even somewhere simpler, already when i became the head of the national festival here... for more than 20 years, and it is significant for all of us, for the residents of our country, and not only the residents of our country, but also for our neighbors, those who take part in the republican festival, that is, such a holiday that unites peoples, here we are in grodno, we decided that we would have something like this, albeit in miniature, but to have a house where our diasporas could unite under one roof, like this... thus the idea of ​​creating such a cultural center was born. which is called festival in honor of our own, i’m not afraid to say this word, the main holidays of our city, because as i always note that this is a brand event for our city, but not otherwise, everyone knows about the festival of national cultures, including outside of grodno and even outside the republic, for me this is
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a new round in development, in general, and in my personal development, because... the cultural center is a festival, due to the fact that it is multifaceted, here you have yourself the opportunity to try in completely different directions, we have the opportunity to work with diasporas, and work with artists, creative people, and organize cultural events, so you yourself participate in the development and preparation of the concept of an event, in addition, you on... when you yourself often directly participate in this event, and this is both responsible and interesting, so you discover it for yourself and you develop yourself in this area, having previously worked in insurance business, i really liked the fact that this business is also multifaceted, since when insuring
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some enterprises, some people, you are forced to delve into the field of activity with which you are dealing. working in the far east, of course, this is aviation, this is shipping insurance, that is, you must understand the terminology, you must understand these processes that occur at certain enterprises in order to offer an adequate insurance product, i found exactly the same in this for myself here are similar points, what i need to delve into now and what i like the processes here. understand painting in photography, that is, it develops me, i have to communicate with a lot of people, and this is a positive moment for me, because i am a person who... is unique, i take a lot for myself here from communicating with people, except moreover, when communicating with diasporas, you need to understand that each nationality is unique in its own way, working
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at a festival, and i’ve been working here for almost a year, i come to the conclusion that you know, everything in my life is not by chance, everything is not by chance, so this part of my life this new round, it too, i think so, but i’m already practically convinced of it... i’m convinced, it’s also not accidental, and it gives impetus to my further development, i just see it, i feel it, i feel it, getting to know the belarusian enterprises and the outstanding result of their work, the difference between our equipment is that they have very... great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities, our equipment today is actually very reliable
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, a colossal margin of safety is built into it, an approach to the matter for which it is necessary we strive for everyone, we carry out 100% control so that these products comply technically with the regulatory legal act and comply with the sample standard. literally 3-4 years should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special engineering, i don’t even have any doubts that we will achieve our goals. watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel. club of editors. what does the all-belarusian people's assembly mean for the country? this is one of the mechanisms that will provide.
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man by man, had no future, no had a long history, europe, in the form in which it is now, has no future, one of the tasks of the entire belarusian people's assembly is, of course, protecting the country from ever starting to build it anew. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel . we are glad to welcome you to the russian center for science and culture, this building has already existed since 2014, in general, quite a long time, next year we will celebrate
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the tenth anniversary of our center, which we are of course very happy about, get acquainted with us, as with people, with ordinary people, the ice was broken, the next day the boy entered the living room with timid curiosity, which had not been seen since i settled as a strange city guest, showing...
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the necessary equipment, but like all our rooms, and it is also multi-format, we are often equipped with the classroom, as you can see , there is everything here, we gather with the guys, we participate in round tables, we participate in some international projects, we recently joined a forum, for example, on the battle of stalingrad, which took place in several countries, the main platform was moscow, here we sometimes host small film screenings about...
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in the region, if we talk in general about our tasks, then of course, this is primarily the movement of russian culture, because russian culture is close to people here in belarus, but i want to say, because i worked in other countries, in general, russian culture has always been interesting at different points. never in my life have i regretted my choice, that i began to do this work, probably on the contrary, i consider myself a very happy person, because not everyone gets this chance to do
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this work. and often my loved ones, my family don’t understand this, they don’t understand my suitcase mood, yes, when you’re sitting on boxes, you’re about to go somewhere again, my mother tells me so, i can’t imagine how you sat here, then you went again on these boxes, it’s about rebuilding there, arranging life, well, it’s all complicated, but i can’t imagine my life in one place anymore, although i love my hometown very much, i’m from the moscow region, it’s already difficult for me, i’m coming home, i've been going home for a year or two and something... then begins, you know, to urge me inside, i understand that i need to go somewhere, i need to change the situation, i need to communicate with other people, i need to be in another space, so i never regretted that i had such a chance to do this work, i am very grateful to the people who helped me at certain stages, i am very grateful to fate that it worked out this way for me, to my parents, of course, which , one way or another, probably led me to this, already after a while you begin to understand that
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this, that, that, yes, some that... that i will be doing this for many more years, i am happy that i am doing this and i hope, of course, the nuances that, oh which i regret, each of us has them, yes, i regret that, for example, i studied few languages, now yes, i feel that if i still knew two or three languages ​​there, it would help me when you you know the language, you know the culture of the people, yes, it’s interesting. i regret this, i regret that maybe i didn’t study it at the time some kind of playing musical instruments, unfortunately i don’t have any hearing, but i would like to be able to play, that a little more, i probably needed to study art, world art, sometimes i feel some kind of lack of knowledge in this sphere, but nevertheless i am sure that this work, my current work, has given me a lot, and i am
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happy to be. serve as a diplomat for the benefit of his fatherland. the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave when visiting at home. wow, lusty already speaks belarusian? certainly, marvelous! foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore its sights. most
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valuable. the relic is the cross of jesus christ, a piece of the cross on which jesus christ was crucified, so this is exactly the same one, this is a glubokoye treasure, by chance during construction work, an excavator was digging a small trench and with its bucket picked up this cast iron pot, and also share their vivid impressions.


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