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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 5, 2024 6:25pm-7:01pm MSK

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eggs on the eve of the holiday could feed a family for a whole week. for information about easter culinary traditions, see the program where to go? these other projects are on air on the belarus 24 tv channel. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city where alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time and set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago they were here. the lower castle and
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posad, and then the town hall rose, where the city highway was located, so the kobrin princes of their squads definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is , a plastic fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long. to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america they call them floating houses. in short, a houseboard is a house, a ship, they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. see the city program belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. white and red is now our flag. let's form a hand-to-hand grip. coupling is a priori an element of attack, of course the phrase “hitching”. let’s stand up,
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this is a call, here is a bc flag, inciting social hatred and enmity, but this is different , probably a smogarsk pro-ukrainian singer, this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now he is exchanging article 342, what conclusions were probably drawn? , then i was under the emotional influence of a generally very strong information flow, now... in my life there has been a big reassessment of values, it is possible to conduct a constructive dialogue, so i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus, on the poster in my hands “i support ukraine.” well, she had not previously supported the residents of the brotherly donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years. why now, while in georgia and moving around the european union, does he not go out into the streets in support of palestine? ksenia lebedeva's author's view on the policy of double standards. this is different in the project,
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watch it on the belarus24 tv channel.
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we are located at the faculty of philology belarusian state university, where those people who fall in love with languages ​​receive education. there is a unique specialty here, a specialty dedicated to classical languages. there is no such specialty anywhere else in belarus; students of classical philology study such ancient languages ​​as latin and ancient greek. it looks like it might be interesting. in these ancient languages, but it was these languages ​​that largely laid the basis for many other modern languages, these are the romano-germanic languages, and the greek language largely influenced the formation of the church slavonic language,
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the alphabet that we have today is in fact a revised alphabet of the greek language, when we talk about the history of our region, we must understand that this... culture has in many ways already been formed in the format of christianity, because writing appears precisely after - here - christianity appears, and many texts of christianity were written in ancient greek and latin, so studying these languages ​​will help us a lot understand our culture, our way of life, our understanding of this world. classical philology is recruited once every 4 years and this... as we can already see, is a rather rare specialty, only 20 people are recruited every 4 years, and the relevance of this specialty today lies in the fact that there are a lot of texts, including on our territory in belarus it was written in both latin and
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greek, the history of our region is also unthinkable without knowledge of these languages, now i am a second-year student at the department of classical philology, when... i entered here, then for me the main goal was to study precisely these ancient languages, because when i entered the magistrate at the minsk theological academy, i was faced with the fact that in order to study the holy scriptures qualitatively, it is necessary to turn to the original texts, and the text originals of the holy scriptures, they are written in ancient greek, this is the new testament, in hebrew the old testament, and of course, you could study on your own, delve through the jungle of these languages, but it’s always easier...
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in addition, another one of the languages ​​that they study, this is english, this is the second language of the specialty, along with this , the polish language is optionally studied, as a teacher at the academy, in parallel, i am now deepening my knowledge in hebrew, since i teach it at the academy, from ancient languages, i am studying ancient greek, latin, hebrew, church slavonic, and among the new languages, living languages ​​- these are modern greek, english, russian, belarusian polish. why does a priest need so many tongues? the apostle paul in one of his letters says that there are various ministries in the church, here is someone chooses the path of service through
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charity, through the work of working with the sick and prisoners, and for me i found such a path of service in... the study of holy scripture, because in fact, holy scripture for christians is the base, the foundation, and they flow from holy scripture all other types of service, and for me this is the first basis, the first beginning is the holy scripture, and the study of it, for some it may be enough to study it through the texts of translations, through its interpretations, explanations, but for me it has always been it is interesting to find out how this text sounds in the original, very often during translation some shades of meaning are lost, sometimes the style is lost, and sometimes the rhythm of the poetics of the text is lost, it is always very interesting to find out exactly how this text sounds in the original, for example, in the holy scriptures, for example, in
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the old testament, there are a lot of books that are poetic, but when translated into any language , this poetics is lost, so when we open these texts in the original, they begin to sound like songs, like poems, one of these texts are psalms, because psalms were originally written in order to be sung, and these are a kind of songs that were sung in ancient times to the accompaniment of beads. such a musical instrument goes along with the psalter, but unfortunately, during translations, although very often they try to preserve this specificity, this poetics, it is lost. last year we had a first-year subject, introduction to classical philology, this is a subject that allows future philologists to understand what awaits them in the future, what they will encounter, what they will study, and one of the topics that was part of this course, this is... a topic related to inscriptions, including
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inscriptions that can be found on the territory of belarus, and when we come to churches or churches, we very often encounter various inscriptions, they can be in different languages, these are inscriptions in greek, la tène, church slavonic, and if church slavonic is a little easier, these are texts that we can more or less read, then the inscriptions are in latin or greek, for many people... that there is a lot of graffiti on in latin, in greek, and nesves,
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also a fairly famous place for the history of belarus, in the farny church, where you can find a lot of inscriptions in latin, and of course, when we arrive there, we, someone simply admires the view, someone admires the frescoes, and a philologist, when they come to such places, the first thing he sees there is the inscriptions, so we tried to collect them, systematize them, translate them. and as a result, last year we presented the first results, we had an exhibition has been organized, which is now traveling around belarus, to schools, to other universities, to colleges, and through such an exhibition, including future students of the faculty of philology, can find out what awaits them here, that philology is not boring, that it alive, that you can not only sit in it, read books, but... also learn about the world, learn about our history, sometimes it’s a whole adventure about how to get this or that
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inscription. let's go on a trip to belarus, this town was built from 94 to 96 last year century, it is unique in that here...
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money, the most two favorite questions, i would really
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like to live outside the city, why do you need it, and where did you want to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, there they see more opportunities make the most of them. 26 piglets, do you have any chickens? 130 chickens, who else do you have? ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have, why rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe we'll arrange it, when we do it here in the future, we're a reception room, we're here we’re doing some coffee somewhere, maybe some kind of laundry, that’s what we have leftovers here, valuable ones, we’ll hang it here, probably an exhibition, now how fashionable it is to say the reception will be here, how all this is happening, 13 children, we’ll just reward you
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with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, look. this is the project i'm from a village on the tv channel belarus 24.
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knowledge, today at the minsk theological academy there are advanced training courses for clergy who once previously completed their spiritual studies establishments. today the minsk theological academy is the center of education for the belarusian exarchate. the academy has three specialized departments: the department of biblical studies, the department of church history and the department of apologetics. those departments that prepare future specialists who will subsequently serve in parishes, in special synodal educational, synodal church departments, and some of them will remain here as future teachers, now i combine my education at the minsk theological
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academy, along with teaching biblical hebrew in the master's degree, in the first and second years. biblical. hebrew is very important for future biblical scholars, since the old testament is written in it, when we read the apostle paul, then we also have texts from the new testament, of course we remember that they quoted the old testament, which the savior, the apostles read and heard precisely in hebrew, and knowledge of hebrew actually helps us to penetrate deeper into the contexts of the texts of the holy scriptures, into the structure of these texts. and as a result, understand better what i wrote about the apostle paul, what the savior taught, well, in addition, the department of biblical studies itself prepares future specialists in various biblical disciplines, who will later help in teaching in parishes, who will lead sunday schools, prepares
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specialists who will be able to conduct various conversations in educational institutions, opened the so-called qumran caves, where some other texts were discovered, but in principle all this is part of the sacred scripture and tradition, therefore from the old testament from...
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mashahaya hu sheiheeh uma shanasha hu sheya asheh, veane, kol, hadash, tahad hashamash. what was and what will be, and there is nothing new under the sun. this is the book of ecclesiastes, one of the books of the old testament in which king solomon is supposedly the author of this one. book sets out his teachings, including to his descendants, and this book is in many ways the result of the life
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of king solomon, his quest, and the verse that we have just read is at the very beginning, this is the ninth verse of the first chapter, where king solomon reflects on the fact that on earth everything that was everything that will be is already once happened, once happened. and as he himself writes, there is nothing new under the sun, in fact, a phrase that will later become popular in many languages, when groups are small it is always very easy to find an approach to each person, it is very easy to communicate, it is very easy to see a person, in this regard the minsk spiritual the academy helps in education because small groups, small classes, all this contributes to studying.
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as one of my teacher friends said, if you want to understand something, start teaching this subject, so of course, i like teaching, this is another way of gaining knowledge, receiving.
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this is one, one of my current places where i do my ministry, and i hope that i will be of some use here as well.
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god is not the god of the dead, but the god of the living. now we are in the church of the holy great martyr george the victorious in the city of baranovichi, it is located almost immediately at
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the entrance to the city. as if welcoming those entering the city and inviting them to prayer, this temple was built just recently, last year it was the fifth anniversary of the consecration of this temple, and its rector and builder is father dmitry baena. when the temple was being built, one of the main ideas was to maintain the temple in a single style, so that there would be no mess in order to... in the temple, nothing distracted the believers from prayer, because the way the temple is equipped very often affects the internal state of the believers. for a very long time, father dmitry looked for where he could paint icons, how to paint them, in what style, then one day bishop stefan told him about one icon painter who originally from bulgaria, he now lives in st.
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and tells him that he is a good master, a good icon painter, he painted another chapel near baranovichi, father dmitry, having gone there, saw the icons, he really liked them, he orders icons from this master, and now there are all the icons in the temple, almost all the icons , letters from this author, my whole life is connected with this city, i was born here into a family of just ordinary workers, my mother works at a factory as an engineer, as a mechanic at another factory and, in principle, our family is not particularly different, the only thing is then, when we began to analyze our genealogy, it turns out that along one of the lines, right up to the 18th century at the moment, there is a priestly line, there were priests and deekona, and pannomarii, people who help during worship, in the last of that branches, who was connected with the church, it was my
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great-grandfather, konstantin travin, he was the regent, the leader of the church choir in the nizhny novgorod cathedral, which was in the kremlin. unfortunately, only two music books and his photographs have survived from my great-grandfather. in during the soviet period, my great-grandmother, fearing the consequences, was forced to destroy all documents related to his activities as regent, his notebooks, but that’s when we started. to look for information, this was the first photograph, the first documents that i encountered when we began to study our genealogy, and then, when i began to grow up, at the age of 6 my grandmother took me to church, to a service, it was just an ordinary a weekday, without any holiday, there was a service in the church, a liturgy, there weren’t very many people, but it was for me i remember this day as a day when there was
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silence without any fuss. i was able to pray for the first time, of course, then as a child, just, perhaps, without special prayers, but for me this day was remembered as the day when i first consciously came to the temple and communicated with god. the priest and i, we are all ordinary people, so, of course, in each of us there are some sinful principles, sinful passions that gnaw at the person who is present in him, and here it is very... important how we perceive this sin, the holy fathers teach about in order to redirect sinful passions for good, there is in church tradition, in church literature the concept of righteous anger, when the anger that is in a person is directed for good, for example, to fight sin, or when the holy fathers recommend that if a person angry, then redirect
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the energy that he spends on anger to some good deed, this is the law of conservation of energy, it is still relevant today when a person redirects his negative emotions for some positive deeds, positive activities, and this is even is consistent with modern psychology, when there are some negative emotions, there are negative feelings, do not keep them to yourself, do not engage in self-gnawing. and to redirect them to some positive emotions, to good deeds, the holy fathers teach about the same thing, so that the sinful beginning is redirected to doing good deeds, therefore, when i, too, feel the beginning of some sinful passion, then i i try to redirect them to some good deeds, and if this is in relation to people, then according to the thought of one of the holy fathers, one must learn to always see
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something good in a person, then the ability to see goodness or goodness in a person will allow, if not completely remove, then minimize the anger that is present in relation to this or that person. happiness is probably when a person is in his place, when he receives a return, when he sees that what he does benefits both himself and, as a priest, when he sees that people also benefit, and the fact that the name of christ is glorified, and for me happiness is that i can come to temple, i can communicate with people, the fact that people come and ask questions, the fact that students are not afraid to come up and talk, the fact that i have the opportunity today to openly tell people about christ, about the gospel, to share that knowledge with them, which i received at the seminary at the university, happiness, for me personally, is just being with the people and being among the people.
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we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three
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licenses for the olympics in paris. final qualifying start cup world ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair: zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten never before. the sixth and seventh squads of the smooth season did not reach the golden series, but we are reviewing the most interesting event: the british runner raskuk, known on the internet as the strongest eccentric, set his sights on a record a year ago; he wanted to run across the whole of africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk gornier has installed a new world record for climbing kanati. a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the eiffel tower. let's listen.
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sunday, may 5th, we will sum up the results of the day together, in the studio. vladislav bunder, hello, at the beginning, briefly about the main thing. in large temples and small churches, in the sphere, in homes and hearts, how orthodox christians celebrate easter. french troops on the ukrainian front, who have already been sent and who declare their readiness.


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