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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm MSK

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sunday, may 5, we will sum up the results of the day together in the studio of vladislav bundary. hello, first, briefly about the main thing. in large temples and small churches, in the sphere, in homes and hearts, how orthodox christians celebrate easter. french troops on the ukrainian front, who have already been sent and who declare their readiness. with
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reservations, another leak, secret data of the german ministry of defense is again in the public domain. from paper to digital, new formats and old postulates about the rebirth of newspapers and magazines on the day of printing. today is a special day for believers. orthodox christians celebrate one of the main christian holidays on easter. people all over the country attend holiday services. churches are full of prayers for health and well-being. and the world. alexander lukashenko, according to tradition, always celebrates the day of christ's resurrection together with his fellow countrymen in the church on easter. the president arrived at the st. george ’s church of the st. upinsky convent in orsha. it was founded back in the 18th century. survived years of closure. during the great patriotic war, service was resumed. and the real revival of the spiritual center of these places began in ninety-six. in his native places, the belarusian president is always greeted with special warmth and warmth. christ
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is risen, risen, today the people are celebrating easter, christ is risen, adults and children are rejoicing, may there be peace for many years to come, because this is the brightest day in the world, i wish you happiness, health and love, warmth in the soul and understanding of loved ones, will not meet let there be no obstacles on your way, in belarus every person will find his own way to the temple, on our land representatives of the most different faiths exist absolutely calmly. today's easter services are held in large churches, in small churches like these, and the heart of every believer at this moment is filled with hope and faith. on a good day,
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on this bright holiday, alexander lukashenko thanked the clergy for their important spiritual mission. addressing those gathered, the belarusian president will remember how in childhood everyone looked forward to bright sunday. the holiday fills people's hearts and souls with warmth. this year it so happened that literally right after easter...
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this health, as i always say, will be health, we will acquire everything else, we will buy it, at this time we remember and pray for peace, this is probably the main thing, if there is no peace, then there is no need for health, there is no need for education, in general a person does not need anything if there is no peace, peace with yourself, in your souls and hearts, if there is no peace in the family, if... there is no peace in the end in the state, we have realized this very seriously now, and today the war has come to the home of our native people, very close to us, and it’s already here, as i say, behind the fence, at our threshold, and i i specifically choose the temple to go to, i came to this one not only because i was once born here on the banks of this...
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majestic ancient river, but i thought about the fact, mother, that our river is the dnieper, and this temple united always ours...
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and not waking up under bombings and cannonades, we really hope that this bright month of may will give peace to our fraternal people, and we will again celebrate all the holidays on the banks of the neprak, as it was before. on this day, the words of our president, on this day in the temple they sounded soulful and touched the soul. alexander lukashenko spoke about what worries everyone about the world, and
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therefore i really wanted that during this difficult process of generational change, we preserve all the best that was created on our land, there is a place to work and there is an opportunity to earn money for ourselves and our children, the main thing is peace, this is already my problem, so let us, since the time has chosen us, keep this world peaceful, “christ is risen.” the arshen land is known for its hardworking people; the region has everything for life, from fertile, fertile soil to a large number of enterprises, which makes it possible to earn money for yourself and your children. by the way, the easter tradition is
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for the whole family to get together, visit and exchange gifts. alexander lukashenko donated the icon of the resurrection of christ to the saint elias church. in response, the abbess of the monastery presented an icon with the image of alexander. testicles, so we welcome you with joy, religion
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teaches a person to be kind, to behave fairly and correctly, spring is in full bloom, a bright, good holiday this is what everyone notes. all people, all lands are people. easter is a holiday of not a single day, bright week is ahead, at this time the royal doors are open in churches. for 40 days , believers greet each other with '. christ is risen. great sunday is celebrated today by the entire orthodox world. in russia. the main easter service, according to tradition, was held in the cathedral of christ the savior in moscow, where thousands of believers came. patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia led the religious procession, easter matins and liturgy. orthodox easter services took place in churches in serbia, bulgaria, montenegro, turkey and greece. by the way, there, residents of one of the districts in athens traditionally celebrate easter near the local church of the ascension. when the first phrase “christ is risen” is pronounced in the church, people take to the streets and begin throwing molotov cocktails and
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firecrackers on the road. typically the promotion lasts about 10 minutes. and in georgia, even on the night of christ’s sunday , there are opponents. the law on foreign agents did not abandon the next rally, this time they did not start riots, instead firecrackers brought candles and easter cakes. in jerusalem, the anticipation of easter was overshadowed by a scandalous incident in the church of the holy sepulchre. during the ceremony of the descent of the holy fire , israeli security detained a policeman from the security of the consul general of greece. he was forcibly taken out of the temple. the reasons are not reported. bright sunday of christ is celebrated in ukraine, despite the actual religious war. it was unleashed against the canonical church by schismatics and the kiev regime. many believers celebrated easter at
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the kiev pechersk lavra, where from jerusalem they also delivered a particle of the holy fire. pope francis also congratulated orthodox christians on holy easter. the pontiff wished the faithful a happy holiday. the lithuanian authorities provide support, including financial support, to military formations on their territory that aim to overthrow the legitimate government in belarus.
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military formation. the head of the kgb of belarus, ivan tertel, previously stated that in lithuania, poland and ukraine there are about 50 foreign foundations that finance both the promotion of soft power policies in relation to our country, as well as radical options for changing power in the republic. our security forces prevented a series of drone strikes on targets in minsk and prigorod. according to the kgb , the attacks were planned by combat drones from lithuanian territory. the degree of nato hostility in the belarusian direction is growing. another information attack has begun, so the italian press, citing sources in
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the leadership of the alliance, writes that nato may intervene in the war in ukraine if belarus is involved in the conflict on the side of russia, or russia attacks the baltic countries, poland or moldova. brussels indicated its readiness to enter into a conflict, but made sure in advance that both so -called red lines would not be crossed, however, mercenaries from different nato member countries have long been in harm’s way. apu. aziia times reports that french military units from the foreign legion have already arrived in ukraine in the slavyansk region. the publication refers to former assistant deputy secretary of defense of the united states stephen bryan. he claims the advance group numbers almost 100 people. in the future there will be 1,500 of them. let me remind you that about a month ago macron did not rule out sending his military to the northern military district zone. the united states and nato leadership disowned the statement and said that they do not plan to send their soldiers. to help kyiv. there is a new scandal in germany related to the information security of the ministry of defense.
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data from six online meetings were stored publicly on the internet for several months. many of them were classified as secret, the zeit newspaper found out. but this is not the first time that the bundeswehr finds itself in such a situation. just recently there was a conversation going around the network high-ranking officers. they discussed the possibility of using german long-range taurus missiles to attack the crimean bridge. forgive everything, how the united states saved the nazis, money and a career instead of a tribunal and justice, hundreds of scientists in the service of the white duma, why the criminals of the third rich became big business, big politics, fake biographies and a secret resettlement program, cynical mind hunting for world domination, look in an understandable way politics on monday after the panorama.


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