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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 5, 2024 9:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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hello, this is the main broadcast on bright sunday. orthodox christians celebrate easter; thousands of people came to churches today to hear the good news: christ has risen. on such a holy day, everyone prays for the most important thing, peace on our land, the well-being of loved ones. and we build bridges with those close in spirit and aspirations, where there is still faith, where the hand of godless democrats has not reached. the anglo-saxons, having forgotten all the commandments, willingly clear away valuables at home in...
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agricultural machinery is already in operation, but what about sales? let's stop by mtz to find out if everything is going smoothly with the implementation? a belarusian tractor always has spare parts, if something breaks, it delivers it on time, more than 40 thousand tractors are now in egypt alone, why are we interested in africa and the middle east today? we still need to focus on the long term, not on the current, some short-term moments, on being here for a long time.
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the whole world remembers the ukrainian-made path of those burned alive in odessa. everyone who opposed this were all registered as muscovites who should be stabbed. actually, these are on knives happened. but the protesters in france are different. macron, bonaparte, are ready to throw people to the front while the country is in a fever on the eve of the olympics with bedbugs. emmanuel macron, thanks to the olympic games, wants france to shine at the world level, but there is a price to pay. pay with human
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dignity. is it a big loss if the trend in sports today is towards a brand, is commercial success possible without a high result? in the future, have some kind of assistant person who would probably handle half of this entire internet process. let's talk to athletes, functionaries and sports marketing theorists. the saving image, the icon of the mother of god in forty-two saved the inhabitants of roshkovka from destruction. the plane was flying, but it seemed like the mother of god to him. there is an isolated case in occupied belarus. it is called one of the five wonders of the great patriotic war. today is a special day for believers. orthodox christians celebrate one of the main christian holidays: easter. people all over the country go to holiday services, churches are full of prayers. about
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health, well-being and peace. in the temple on easter is always and alexander lukashenko traditionally celebrates the day of christ on sunday, together with his fellow countrymen. the president arrived at the st. elias church of the holy dormition convent in orsha. it was founded back in the 18th century, survived the years of closure, was resumed during the great patriotic service, the real revival of the spiritual center of these places began in the ninety-sixth. the belarusian president is always greeted in his native places.
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years along the way, my cherished desire is fulfilled, christ has risen, i’m afraid. christ is risen, this you? in belarus, every person will find his own way to the temple. representatives of various faiths exist absolutely peacefully on our land. today's easter services are held in large churches in small churches like these. the heart of every believer at this moment is filled with hope and faith in good things. on this bright holiday , alexander lukashenko thanked the clergy for their important spiritual mission, addressing the audience, the belarusian president will remember how in childhood everyone looked forward to bright sunday. the holiday fills the warmth of people's hearts and souls. this year it so happened that literally right after easter the country
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will celebrate victory day. this and the spiritual secular holiday are in tune with the peace-loving policy of belarus, aimed exclusively at creation. the main thing is that if there is no peace, then there is no need for health, there is no need for education, in general a person does not need anything, if there is no peace, peace with oneself, we remember and pray for peace, this is probably in your souls and hearts, if there is no peace in
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the family, if there is no peace, in the end in the state, we are very seriously acute we realized, now, today the war has come to a very... native people’s house, and it’s already here, as i say, behind the fence, at our threshold, and i specifically choose the temple to go to, i came to this not only because i was once born here on the banks of this majestic ancient river, but i thought, mother, that our river is the dnieper, and this...
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was on the table, we achieved this, you remember, older, that was 20-30 years ago, and this was not enough, but most importantly, we pray for the peaceful sleep of our children, this very relevant, many, many children come to us from donbass, and after a week, being with us, when you ask them, what do you dream about, we dream about what will happen to us in our homeland. "we want to fall asleep and wake up not under bombings and cannonades, we really hope that this bright month of may will give peace to our brotherly people, and we
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will again celebrate all the holidays on the banks of the dnieper, as it was before. words of our president on this day in the temple they sounded heartfeltly and touched the soul within the political situation that is going on. change of generations, it is very important for us not to break the traditions that we created with you, so that our children do not throw away everything that we
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have created, not because we cling and hold on to the old, and that children definitely need this old, no, not therefore, and because those who... stood on the shoulders of the previous generation, we absorbed into ourselves everything that our fathers and grandfathers created, so we survived when it was torn apart in some state, necessarily in turmoil, and this is always there are many people who want to take advantage, so i really wanted that in this difficult situation in the process of generational change, we have preserved all the best that has been created.
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so that the saint patronizes all undertakings. on this easter sunday , the president and the people, however, like the whole week, have every day on the schedule, looking back, this includes several business trips, including to the southeast of the country in the mogilev region. alexander lukashenko talked with people in kostyukovichi, the sowing problems were resolved with the leadership of the region, everything is as usual . as a general rule, the military in the country underwent an inspection of the duty forces of the air force and the pvu troops. with the participation of the commander in chief, filming where there is no maximum openness, but there are results,
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if they just checked the sky, how quickly the military can react to adjacent objects that are not theirs, it doesn’t matter whether they are missiles or planes, the preliminary assessment is good, taking into account geopolitics, today this is one of the most important areas to control, something we all pray out loud to ourselves during easter. details in the first time section. three offsites a week, this is to briefly talk about the president’s schedule; we journalists call offsites anyone based on their distance business trips of alexander lukashenko, in general , everything that is not in the palace. so, this week we started with the kostyukovichs. journalists are brought to the site where the president is flying in advance; there is already a regime on the territory, this is... from professional designations, to put it simply, special security measures are in place.
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ministers, governors, heads of committees, in general, everyone who will be needed during the planned route, which may change, gather here. that's why we're now going to show you what's going on inside the presidential helicopter. spoiler: golden nothing will happen. this is also the answer to the question why the president is flying and not driving. this volume can be quickly recorded. only from above the route is formed, well, you see for yourself, then it’s already according to the program, at least at the start: in kostyukovichi the main one is the cement plant, everything is fine here, a new district chairman was recently appointed, but the president is also looking locally at the development of everything southeastern region. they start with the fields, they can be clearly seen from above, then there is detail: feed, land reclamation, old farms. the president is waiting on the field popular question: do special people prepare before.
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we must sow legumes, sow corn, and then feed the cattle with sour silage, this is also not the case, so we need more haylage, in addition to all the nuances, the sowing must be completed by may 9, pay people well and keep up the speed, if you need to sow briefly according to the military, here in the field there is equipment , including one that collects stones, this is a problem for the region, machines are constantly being modernized, stone pickers are objectively needed, another thing is what quality they are, you can now show this? come on, this is perfect cleanliness,
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after that you can sit, in general about technology, like everything that is shown to him, the president likes to talk not with the leaders, those who prepared, with those who work on these machines, and simply, as a rule, should to present them, remember our hero, briefly bio, vasily vasilyevich worked as a leading specialist at mtz for 35 years until retirement, and then moved to the marketing department, he will tell us this himself later. hello dear. well done, it’s nice to see that your equipment is tracked, it designed for use on waterlogged, weak-bearing soils. everything is just pleasant, because i’m already a person , i don’t feel any negativity from him, it’s simple, experienced, when a person is negative, he puts pressure,
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but everything is fine, i would repeat it, and ask about...
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defense, where essentially all military decisions are made -air forces and air defense troops to control the sky, a rather closed story. it’s not enough that you can shoot even in a room where journalists are waiting, maps, monitors, even the wording is all very carefully verified. example, air target, or control, big difference. this is an operational check: people who monitor the airspace, more simply the sky over belarus, do not know where it rises.
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but this is a little different, the command post is the brain of the entire system, they serve 24x7. all targets that were withdrawn by detection troops were destroyed by missile troops on the far borders of real destruction zones. the beginning of may is also the finale of principle.
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lukashenko plays for bastion, bastion always has a fundamental derby with a shield, both teams are leaders, it’s interesting to watch, this once the final situation is like this, but next time everything can change. and the end of the week today in orsha, according to tradition, on easter in the church the president lit a candle, this is the only event with the participation of the head of state where, instead of hello, it sounds: christ is risen. will congratulate everyone on this bright holiday and specially thank the representatives of the clergy for their mission in the state. belarusian churches have preserved our values ​​for centuries, along with them the people who
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dedicated themselves to this. and it is very important for us not to break the traditions that we created with you. everything depends on you. the land is fertile, there is a place to work, and there is an opportunity to earn money for yourself and your children.
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if you think about it, today we continue to protect all the best that we have preserved. the heritage was created even before us in soviet times, but what is it worth not letting the economy, traditions, culture fall apart, something that the president always focuses on, many
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funds for modernization, of course, not without their nuances, the president’s meeting on industry keeps the entire industry on its toes. what are you facing now? enterprise and how to find solutions? answers in the quality control section. a gift to belarus is a technique that is known all over the world.
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on the farm, consider it the youngest, it ’s not even 5 years old, it’s full of energy, one of these replaces 4 mtz 82, and in general there are
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tractors that are more than twenty. everything is on the move, but we’ll see how they are assembled at the factory itself. one of the largest manufacturers of agricultural machinery not only in the cis countries, but throughout the world. our tractors cultivate land on five continents. mtz, belarus brand. let's do some quality control here. do you even think this is a woman's? the thing is, to be honest, yes, i like it, the plan is to assemble 110 tractors in 24 hours, but now it’s only 8:30 already assembled, look, 14 tractors, only 4 hours of such prefabricated work , finished equipment will pass through this workshop, but even before large detailed ones, how many the machine will make a cycle, usually about 6-8 minutes? oh, it’s better to move away now,
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you’re probably used to working in oil, well, yes, we often encounter this, it’s washed off later, yes, the oil is easily washed off, it’s like you could say, the heart of the tractor, if anything it wasn’t like this before us, in any case, this is being eliminated, the head of state often, especially in the nineties, visited mtz, prices are rising, components arrive intermittently. they said, we have to sell at all, the president is against it, they don’t care, they just want money, money doesn’t smell, affordability and quality are what alexander lukashenko is focusing on, there is a big fight for the market, there is no need to relax, he will emphasize in 2015, pay attention to the interior design, well, it’s clumsy, clumsy - that’s me big i have a tractor, i don’t know what kind, probably this one, i drive it less, this one...
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it goes into the cabin and the strength of the cabin is checked. the presidential meeting on industry keeps the entire industry on its toes. sales are falling; for example, exports of tractors fell by 18% last year. the warehouses are full. in response to the sanctions, we quickly reoriented ourselves to the market
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of countries friendly to us, as before, this is the cis, but... the question does not go away, how will we proceed? in non-cis countries the situation is much worse, sales volume amounted to less than 20% compared to the pre-sanction twenty-first year. plans for export to friendly countries in the far arc have not been fulfilled. in africa, latin america, asia, today there is a huge demand for industrial products. during our president's state visit to zimbabwe, a contract for 3,500 tractors was signed. this year there is a drought in zimbabwe, and we have not yet implemented this contract and have not begun to implement it, but we are confident that in the near future, maybe even this year, the implementation of this contract will begin, we were also talking about energy-rich tractors, they are more efficient in operation, but some farms simply cannot afford them, the only option is to buy on lease, but if the only problem were money, at present we are still just coming to
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the delivery schedule as... something is broken, it delivers on time and, well, there is no major downtime, that is, you can fix it in a day and move on, the plans for this year are to sell more than 36 units of equipment at the minsk tractor site, whether this is a lot or a little, the task is to maintain the market, investments, technologies, discipline, quality, this chain is equally important for everyone, no matter what scale of production, but here one more and most important link is missing: people. they
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do their job with a smile on their faces, they are happy with every guest, there are really a lot of them who come as part of excursions, they are ready to help, they are highly trained specialists themselves, they love the place. in which they work, they are already confessed behind the scenes, only in this way can you communicate, doing your job, you can overcome all difficulties, there will be many of them along the way. daria rachko, alexey youn and alexander samailovich are responsible for quality. by the way, only on the market one of the far arc countries in egypt today has more than 40,000 mtz tractors. we are told that in each of our villages there is a belarusian tractor, plans for this year plus another 280 units, contracts have been signed, and in 2 years we will double the volume of supplies. this week, a delegation of the belarusian government
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led by the prime minister was in cairo on an official visit, negotiations between roman golovchenko and his colleague mustafa madbouly in parliament at a business forum and discussion of new joint productions and showrooms in site. economic zones, ours with the egyptian investment authority, there are agreements on a number of projects from mechanical engineering to pharmaceuticals and the export of educational services. why today we are interested in this market in general, africa and the middle east, and what we can offer. to a friend, our correspondent svetlana lukenyuk talked about this in the new capital of egypt near cairo with our ambassador to egypt sergei terentyev, who also heads the diplomatic missions of belarus in algeria, sudan and oman part-time.
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good afternoon, here we are now in egypt, but the countries for which you are responsible are, of course, algeria, oman, and also sudan. in general, if we talk about africa and the middle east today, how it is changing, how can we build this political and economic dialogue so that... it is mutually beneficial, this region is developing dynamically, first of all, it is important to note that the countries of this region for the most part turn to us, if there was a certain time of calm, there was a certain time of some kind of fear or embarrassment, then i would say so that over the past year we have been feeling movement forward, we feel interest in us, the market is huge, the population of egypt is currently officially 107 million people, note that over the last year it has increased by... egypt, the same applies to algeria, very interesting, very a progressive country, we are converting this positive attitude towards us and political
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contacts into the economy with them, sudan is our traditional partner, it’s not easy there now, there’s practically a civil war going on there now, but the sudanese know us, i’ll even say straight up, the sudanese love us and we love them, that's why. i think that with sudan we have this mutual respect, we also convert mutual friendship, aman, a small country, but they are committed to trade, they always say: come to us, and we will help you go to east africa, we will help you go in yemen, we will help you go to south asia, where we are already present, of course, but why not, so the omanis are very interesting partners , too, i repeat once again, all the countries that i mentioned are facing us. trade turnover is not just numbers. well , the dynamics, this is what you have noticed for yourself lately and today, how our trade relations are developing, you know, there were difficult years, the dynamics were different, the dynamics were both up and down, but i
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cannot say that i’m satisfied, let’s just say, i can’t say that we have reached our peak, well, there is such a common phrase: the potential of our cooperation is not fully realized, that’s exactly it, egyptians. algerians, even sudan and oman, these countries, in principle they can all represent a large and interesting market for us. once we master one niche, we can move on. goods, we must not forget about services, we must not forget about investment cooperation, we must not forget about the possibility of attracting investments from these countries. volumes are one thing, the quality of trade, the range of trade is something else. we need to work and we are working to improve the quality range. our trade, we still need to focus on the long term, not on some current short-term moments, on in order to be here for a long time, strategically, we affected the product range, in general it is changing, maybe in the near future, what should we offer to this market, what
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will go here, we know what should go here, so now special attention we devote our attention to working with food, in principle, the food sector, it is strategic, you must always eat, no matter what happens, recent years have shown that food should not be forgotten, therefore, to stake out a position in the egyptian food market, this is important, we are already present here, we are already present here with our milk, you can walk... in egyptian stores you will see our chips, i really hope that our confectionery products will appear here soon, i really hope that other products will appear here , i am sure, will be to the taste of the egyptians, you know, our tastes even overlap in many ways, of course , woodworking products are new, but our traditional goods, which have been here since the times of the soviet union, our mechanical engineering products, of course same very promising, we have not... mastered everything in this area, we need to work in this direction too, i talked about services,
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of course, our educational services, medical services, services in the field of high technology, goods in the field of high technology, by the way , why contacts between our national academy of sciences and the egyptians, with the amanis have been developing very actively lately, i hope that it will also be with algeria and sudan, this shows interest in our technologies, in our high technologies, you said about... services, i mean most of all , this is probably pharmaceuticals and medicine, medicine, i would say this, we need to work, we are already working on the export of medical services from our country, there is interest in our medicine, i think , that the potential is very large, what is interesting is that in the countries of my responsibility, in the region of my responsibility, there is effective demand, even in the most, let’s say, disadvantaged countries, where there is even a civil war currently going on, even with them we can work.
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that egypt for us is the gateway to africa,
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why shouldn’t belarus be the gateway for egypt or for the countries of the region to the eu, to the eurasian region, i think that belarus fully deserves this status. if we talk about a joint venture, it’s still a strategy, let’s say, as you say, you need to work for a long time, yes, this is still a joint production, these are just dealer houses or showrooms, or you still need to look at what technology, how you need to build your strategy in this market? of course, to have an enterprise here that will be oriented. with egypt, with algeria, we were recently in in algeria, they have very substantively worked on the issues of assembling trucks and passenger vehicles and tractors; there is great interest in our grain storage facilities. there is great interest in our construction equipment, this is all
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happening right now, if our enterprises see that it is profitable, we count everything, we count everything together with them, if they see that it is profitable, why should we refuse, well, on the other hand on the other hand, if we see that it is more profitable for us to keep the added value of the assembly, which leaves the assembly , well, let’s admit that let's supply fully assembled equipment, then our dealers and our distribution networks should be fully present here. including, perhaps, even our own enterprises’ distribution networks, who are our main competitors here in terms of technology, because many said that there is still a lot of used equipment or equipment that has already lived there for a long time and has been working for 20 or more years, well, i i’ll tell you honestly that we are not afraid of our competitors, this is one time, i can list many, let’s say, but this is not an obstacle for us, that is, you can say, for example, that chinese technology or indian technology is cheaper, i mean...
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direct with oman. omanis, yes, they are interested in attracting our tourists. also on the agenda is the issue of opening direct flights between algeria and minsk, between the capitals. if we can do it.
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tbilisi was gripped by mass protests, overturned trash cans, bonfires, blocked roads and clashes with security forces. the streets of the capital are filled with activists of pro-western ngos who oppose the new law. all, whoever receives money from abroad is considered to be served. other people's interests will be required to register as foreign agents, the situation is critical, due to the great involvement of citizens in these processes, one way or another, a whole industry and even a direction in the economy has been formed in the country, where the sale of georgia's national interests has become a business. details in the screenshot section. this is the end
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of this regime, this is, in a sense, a revolution in the georgian consciousness in general, over the last 30 years of independence. georgian kept women come out on the warpath, round dances of songs at one end of the street, hammers with rubles at the opposite, two eyes. wiped until i live, not otherwise, national interests, but the main product of their difficult business. over the course of several decades, the country has become one of the leaders in terms of the number of various non-profit organizations. they control literally all spheres of life, from media to education: bike rides, birds of batkovism, everything is outrageously familiar, only multiplied by 100 in scale.
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experts also note the colossal level of penetration into the corridors of power. in some in the sense of a revolution in general georgian consciousness over the past 30 years of independence. there , the georgian government until recently received a salary from the state department of the united states of america, here they dared to disobey, here they dared to disobey, the americans where we gave the loot extremely unexpectedly, but it turns out that honor and pride remained in georgia, proactive politicians decided to take advantage of the window of opportunity to put everyone in a stall kept woman, literally return georgia to the georgians. while the hegemon bats his eyes in the other direction and doesn’t really follow with their political assets, this option is indeed possible.
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ask, which articles of this law are russian? the fifth article is russian, because, like the kremlin law, this law is also aimed at publicly declaring people as agents, spies and traitors. russian law is the wording that kept women on the streets of georgia raised to the banner of protest, in the literal sense, a pivot between reality and narrative, a law that excludes the possibility of external influence on national interests, adequate international law... perhaps the first to adopt it was in the united states; the law on registration of foreign agents has been in force in america since 1938, and its requirements are among the most stringent among similar laws in other countries. the narrative about the russian law in georgia is being promoted as part of a general anti-russian agenda, which is driven by
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the entire international network of kept women, whose income depends on the favor of western funds. what is happening now is what we hear from protesting activists, youth and others youth, not just a slogan no to russian law, but a logical conclusion: no to the russian regime, and this is the end of this regime, now our goal as a society is to do this with as little risk as possible, for this we need consensus so that these numbers only grow, and not decrease, and so that we have the patience to continue until this regime is overthrown democratically, this is our strategic goal for the nation in... in the two thousandth gigabakeria acted as a consultant to anatoly lebkako in the office of senator makein's foundation. they discussed
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financing and technologies for carrying out a color revolution in belarus during the 2006 presidential elections. hours before the american president arrived, bakeria had two meetings at the mariot hotel with anatoriy lebedko, the leader of the belarusian opposition, who is seeking advice on how to spark a revolution upon returning home. belarus. at the senator mccain foundation. we are next, belarusians. elections are scheduled for 2006. the attempt of georgian politicians to return to the people the right to their own state, which is guided by national interests, is worthy of respect. as we can see, this is literally true. about the liberation struggle from outside control, about the decline of the hegemon, andrey sych in the screenshot section.
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what is important is that the events in georgia are taking place precisely on the same dates when odessa was burning, a monstrous tragedy and inhumane massacre in the trade union house. 10 years, someday what is happening will become history, textbooks will be written, they will highlight key moments and dates, and one of these will be may 2, 2014 . on this day, in the internal ukrainian conflict that flared up after the bloody feval coup, a point arose no return, it became clear that the matter would not end peacefully. in odessa, nationalists burned alive 48 people who wished their country a different fate, rather than to be obedient.
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preparation of a mass murder operation in odessa against opponents of the coup. the discussion was attended by former head of the ministry of internal affairs avakov, head of the sbu nalyvaichenko, secretary of the national security and defense council parubiy. oligarch kolomoisky was involved in the consultations. according to medvedchuk, the date of the operation was not chosen by chance, the day of the football match. this explained the presence a large number of ultras, over 500 radicals of the right sector. they are organized. into the city, they issued machine guns and molotov cocktails, and they dealt harshly with those who disagreed. the delivery of the performers to the site was ensured by
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avakov, parubiy, kolomoisky and his assistant igor palitsa, who led the action on the spot and was appointed governor of the odessa region on may 6 of the same year for its successful implementation. however, for all the executioners mentioned above, their careers took off after these bloody events, the beating, and then more tortured in the basements there are anti-maidanovites and the execution of their own heavenly hundred, the future deputy is a successful businessman. avakov spent another 7 years in the ukrainian government, now he has returned to commerce, growing hazelnuts in transcarpathia. odessa politician alexey goncharenko built his career on those events. he became famous for going live that day, posing against the backdrop of burnt bodies. today, however, he sits in the parliament as a deputy. in a word, none of the participants, and especially the organizers, are human. and reports from numerous democratic associations
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became the subject of angry speeches by american congressmen, while those who ideologically became followers of the criminals are in power, it is pointless to wait for justice. odessa khatyn became the very point of no return when brother became enemy to brother. nazism has been dealt with. matvienko, chairman of the federation council of russia, said that following the results of the svo , a large tribunal will be needed, where all the crimes of the kiev regime will be collected.
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on may 2, 2014, in odessa, he saw with his own eyes everything that happened. from a surgeon, a doctor of medical sciences, he turned into a man, who is well versed in explosives and the work of sabotage and reconnaissance groups. the case when, for the sake of the triumph of truth and justice, one is ready to put one’s own life on the line. vladimir, thank you very much for taking the time for the interview, because we know how busy you are helping the front on may 2, 2014, 10 years already this year.
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maidan-minded people, people opposed to the nazi negotiations, in particular in kharkov, in particular in zaporozhye, in particular in nikolaev, but it is in odessa that everything it turned out most vividly, most bloodily, most cynically. the most important point here was not even related to the mass murder, the most important point was related to what happened after this mass murder, how the people who carried out these mass murders. completed, subsequently, they finished off the wounded, how they mocked the corpses, in particular, they simply tortured them, took pictures of them as if they were some kind of prey, yes, they, you must understand, did not consider us to be people, this is the trend that was chosen , he was chosen much earlier, he was supported on the maidan completely, it became the mainstream of the maidan,
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muscovites to knives, where muscovites, naturally, were considered not only... russians from the russian federation, but the entire population , both pro-russian and pro-soviet, and simply anti-ukronazis, yes, that is, who they didn’t think that the future of ukraine, connected with a pro-western position, with confrontation with russia, was connected with the destruction of the russian and soviet people, everyone who opposed this, all signed up as muscovites who should be stabbed to death. actually these on the sheaths happened here this day on may 2, 2014, was it possible to avoid it in the history of ukraine, for example, to prevent the maidan, for example, how to take the territory of novorossiya under protection in the same way as it was, for example, done with crimea, or to support the uprising in novorossiya by the russian federation , this was not done, in the end we received the events that
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we received, both in odessa, and subsequently in mariupol, and subsequently. in the donbass, well , and then everything went to the point that forced measures would have to start the northern military district, everyone understood that everything was heading towards a big war, the ukrainian nazi state was preparing for this, well, on the part of the continental russian federation, as i understand it, they really hoped for the minsk agreements, because in fact there were no serious preparations for war, well , in fact, this is what the beginning of the northern military district demonstrated. 4 years in the custody of the sbu, 4.2, 4.2 me.
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on a tough position, they will perceive this as an indicator of weakness, we just have to understand, well, truth is on our side, justice is on our side, how effective we are, the chance we will have to avoid a world war of dragging other players into this conflict, our position is simple, there is no demand from the enemy, how can there be demand from the enemy, the enemy wants to kill you, telling you that... they do not comply with their agreements, guys, they they consistently want to kill you all. on may 2 , people were burned alive, they posed over their corpses, and these people had nothing, they only received awards from the ukrainian establishment. what agreements with whom? but having taken this path, you must follow it to the end. if we lose this war, russia will cease to exist, in principle will cease. and the people will cease to exist,
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they will simply be genocised. it's may 2nd. about which we started talking, it will be extrapolated to the entire territory in one form or another, perhaps not so brightly, but in concentration camps people will die very quietly, as, for example, during nazi germany. when the population of germany itself suddenly suddenly learned about these concentration camps, they really did not know about them, but how many people were destroyed there, this is the fate that awaits us if we lose the war, and the problem is not here the fact is that putin started from voo, but there, as many are trying to convey, that’s not the problem , many belarusians understood even at the moment when they tried to carry out a coup there, and much earlier, that you were simply being prepared to the slaughter, but...
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what it is, it’s good when nato starts playing openly in this war, well, i think many would give a lot for this information, i think that only nato knows about this, and maybe, most likely, i think so, that even nato doesn’t fully know about this, they also move according to the situation, that’s all it’s getting to the point where it will happen, now they’re just pulling in as many resources as possible, they’re pulling in again, look at how they work with... with public opinion, they open the overton window a little bit, and they look there, there, how the population will react, what else can you play on, play for pity or
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, on the contrary, play on some more harsh themes, but here’s how to do all this, for example, not to cause discontent among the population, that is, well, it’s just obvious, i just remember , how it was. well , in ukraine, how they tried to promote this topic of the ato, in order to attract the maximum number of people into this, i just remember, for example, camouflage networks, i remember, i was in prison, the tv was on for a while, i just turn on the news there every day, then that russia, donbass must be destroyed, constantly, every day, every day, every day, but, for example, at the end of their news there, and there in the evening, they have such a social plot. like a good little girl, it means she’s weaving these camouflage networks somewhere at school, somewhere on a re-series, that’s what people they are involved in helping the army, it’s so worthy, it’s so cool, and of course everyone says, we
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are against the war, we’re just helping, we’re helping the boys, we’re just helping the boys, and i just look like this, i’m biting my elbows, i understand, what are they doing, first she will come, weave networks, horizontal... connections are formed there , the military come there, they communicate, maybe they even like each other, then they communicate, there are connections there, that means how it is, how are things with the boys , yes, what else do they need there, maybe we need some kind of medicine, maybe it’s also necessary there, maybe we need to congratulate them, in short, on bandera day, that means sending them some kind of burns, but that ’s all there, and then it’s formed like this, it gets used to, people get involved, then suddenly unexpectedly.. so she started with camouflage nets, and then suddenly she was already a medic in some azov, that’s how it happened, of course, probably not, it was serious work for years, they knew what they were doing. , they wanted
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to fight, they knew that they wanted to get involved in the war, they saw a definite purpose in it their self-realization, a generation has grown up there that considers the war with russia as some kind of their sacred war. seriously, this is how they are, this is how they are, this is how they were brainwashed, but they did it for years and did it quite effectively, and at the head of this lawlessness and the warrior stood and stands the usa, today they cover up the nazis, it has always been so, money and career instead tribunal and justice, hundreds of scientists in the white house service, why the criminals of the third reich became big business, big politics, fake biographies... see clear politics on monday after the panorama.
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a sad aura has also shrouded the upcoming sporting event in france, there are less than 3 months left before the olympics, and macron continually increases tension with words about the possible introduction of eu troops into ukraine, so preparations for the multi-sports forum, and everyone admits this, are taking place in a nervous environment. in paris , olympic rings were set on fire during a may day demonstration, and new protests break out every now and then. the capital's garbage collectors' union filed a notice. about the strike, but these are all flowers. kristina kamysh will list point by point what is wrong with the competition in the city of lovers. what is the olympics? this is following the motto of pierre dabertin, faster, higher, stronger. a celebration for both athletes and fans. but there is a bad atmosphere around the summer games in paris, first of all it concerns global security. the international institute for strategic studies calculated that last year. has become
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a record over the past 30 years for the number of regional conflicts active in the world, there are 183 of them. agree, now the planet is somehow not until the sports festival in france. our goal is to remind everyone what they did in ancient greece during the olympic games. then they stopped wars, laid down their arms and competed in arenas. this is the message that we are trying to convey to the whole world, so that conflicts stop, everyone comes together and... unites in an event in which more than 200 countries participate. terrorism is a separate item on the organizers' list of problems. after the events at krokusehol in the moscow region, the secret services of the fifth republic recommended canceling the opening ceremony olympics or at least change its format. as planned, let us remind you that for the first time in history the show will not be held in a stadium, on the seine river, thousands of athletes will travel on boats along a six-kilometer route and see the main attraction. paris.
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about 300,000 spectators will watch the river parade. but just imagine the security measures that need to be taken to prevent a suicide bomber with a drone from squeezing into that crowd. we have very big ambitions to implement this unique project for the opening ceremony of the games on the seine river in the center of paris. and, of course, we are preparing this event taking into account possible unforeseen circumstances. we can adapt to any situation. in confidential information that concerned last monday in lily, a laptop was stolen from the protection of athletes directly in the olympic village, and this is the third case of theft, 18,000 soldiers have been called upon to guarantee peace of mind to the guests and participants of the summer games, by the way , a military camp has been built for them for two weeks now on the outskirts of the french capital, another 4,500 internal security personnel.
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and we are in complete uncertainty, for example, i am a security guard, there are about 200 people like me here, some security companies have already written letters to their employees asking them not to go on vacation, during competitions from june to august we cannot take time off, we are protesting against working conditions, wages, which remain the same, while the volume of work doubles. how much does it cost to keep the streets clean during the olympics? answer: 1900 euros bonus per person. the parisian
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waste pickers' union has filed two notices planned strikes, one of which will cover the entire period of the summer games, if their demands are not met. workers think they will be overworked in july-august, so they want higher salaries and bonuses. emmanuel macron, thanks to the olympic games, wants france to shine at the world level, but this must be paid for in human dignity. now they are evicting. homeowners and the poor, they build in a matter of moments an olympic village that can accommodate several thousand inhabitants, while over the past decades they have had nothing they didn't do anything to accommodate people from the street.
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they don't want to see paris as a city full of migrants and asylum seekers. the total budget for the games is just over 8 billion euros. the fact is that 95% of sports facilities were previously in use; only minor repairs were required. for example, at stadde frança it was necessary to update the running tracks, lighting, install screens and equipment to communicate 5.
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meters of water, this will allow us to hold back rainwater to prevent sewer overflow. cleanup project on this moment did not work, according to forecasts, because of this, changes will be made at the olympics. the non-profit environmental organization carried out laboratory tests from september to march in areas in the seine where the swimming triathlon is planned to be held. so here it is. the level of pollution exceeds the permissible levels by two and sometimes three times. an alternative location for triathletes to compete? i won't talk about this today because it's off topic. we are working on having people come out for a hayride around june 23rd.
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this will be an event. i'm about to dive into the river, and many volunteers have already volunteered to join me. hotel prices have skyrocketed. in the summer on the outskirts of the city you could spend the night in a hotel for 90 euros, but during the olympics they will ask for a room for 1,400 euros. traffic collapse is coming, some subway stations will remain closed. by the way, four baguettes, or just one metro ride. tickets will cost twice as much during games. and this also does not add enthusiasm to parisians. according to a recent survey, almost half of residents the french capital is not... we are going to introduce a new travel card. 16 euros per day is a fair price, a weekly pass will cost up to 70 euros, metro tickets - 4 euros, commuter train tickets - 6 euros from july 20 to september 8. my family and i
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will leave paris for 3 weeks. i want to rent out my apartment, but i don’t think about big profits. you know, there are people who will come and pay 800 euros for one match, and that’s of course.
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outlook and most importantly, they want not only to work on their sports day after day
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results, but to create a brand around your sports name, because an athlete’s career is short-lived, you need to take care of your future now. about what difficulties exist on the path to commercial success, what opportunities our country provides, in which industries it is worth developing as an athlete from a marketing point of view and, finally, whether we have managers of a high international level, and whether it is even possible. commercial success without high results, andrei kozlov understood. in april , there was a sudden and unexpected rush near the dynamo stadium. as a result, on a media league football match between the giants of the tournament, they are called, unusually for an experienced fan, a football club of ten, more than 13 thousand spectators came. the audience is huge, especially when compared with some of our professional fights.
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school age, but the fact remains: here exclusively the junior-secondary media league has become a successful commercial project. russia has now entered our market by integrating itself into the media club, in which famous belarusian players play in the past, and bloggers work on content. why is the media league interesting? because with them everything is open, absolutely everything is open, with us it’s the same, we are open to everyone. openness is for sale, closedness is not. such a competition is a successful commercial project for several teams, and even a newcomer like our club shows good numbers from the start. one of those who brought such a project to the media league, platon dmitriev, the boss. football dynamo, marketing department and there is something to compare with, it is not clear that there are results there, defeats,
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victories, well, this is a sport, but there is also a life that is interesting to fans, where are you doing all this for the fans? the most important element, television, the internet, why today is the formation of a personal brand? it is popular via the internet, because according to the latest expert estimates, today half of the world’s population uses the internet, 60% of those who use it are passionate about sports. tokyo olympics medalist alina gornasko. my career is developing rapidly right now, there are more than 80 thousand subscribers on instagram, this is very good for us. but you, let’s say, as an athlete, need a professional marketer-brand manager, for example, i would like, yes, probably in the future to have some kind of assistant person who... probably dealt with half of this entire internet process, because that you still need to have time to live, and not just do this.
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i personally encountered it through my own example and i explained to the athletes that working on your brand is a lot of work. we understand that a person is an athlete who works hard in training, carries out grueling training, and then we also need to wedge in our brand, develop it, this leads to the fact that we choose either professional sports or working on a brand. do you think it's successful? and you know, i think yes, because today an athlete is a combination of several components, this is physical potential, this is intellectual capital, this is a result, and as a result, this is an example, this an image, an addition to a sports result when forming a personal brand is, in my opinion, you know, the charisma of an athlete, you are interested in this in the future, of course, i will develop, i will now have finished studying. phew, let’s figure out something new, but i don’t know what to recover from, i have new ideas every day, i’m a creative person, really, but
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i’m still in sports, i’ll calm down a little there, i’ll do what i want, then , i’ll probably look at all this differently, maybe there will be people who will help me when our an athlete has the status of, say, world champion, olympic champion or olympic medalist, he has all the initial data so that you...
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i’ll also clarify so that not all viewers know your profession outside of bison. yes, bison is my hobby, i am not a professional athlete, because i work at my job, i am the head of physical education in a kindergarten, so this is my hobby. tatyana pekhtereva participated in the season of the heroes transformation project. in recent years , another image of an athlete has emerged in belarus, this those citizens who simply want to be in excellent physical shape. and this girl, by the way, is the mother of two daughters, one of the main stars of the belarusian obstacle race besun reis, which... over the past 9 years people have come from north america, asia and dvali from all over europe. the girl grew up with bison and last year became the world champion in one of the age categories. probably, you can’t say that, it’s not interesting, there probably isn’t yet such a target audience, so large-scale that it would be an interesting company that wants to cooperate with you, that is, we are still very young in this regard. and our sport, yes, of course, even if we compare it with
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football, hockey, the same biathlon, there is not the same audience, there is not the same fame and there is not such a quantity. because thanks to the last season, it became, you know, not just a regional club, but it works, develops, and this can be done, the city of minsk, and today it is the flagship of the country, you know, the club itself is working on the image of the team, but not the individual athlete, so we are probably at the beginning of the road, and if we will talk about this, the athletes will probably hear us. dynamo minsk is
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the best hockey club in the country. this is actually the message that we are promoting at home, and i think it’s difficult, there’s hardly a person who can argue with this at the moment, it’s really so, dynamo minsk, the coolest, largest sports brand in belarus. of course, sports marketing is a very specific story, very narrow, and you can know the basics, for example, what kind of marketing in general. this is generally accepted yes meaning. sports marketing is a slightly different, completely different direction. we primarily work for belarusian hockey, it seems to me that any marketing department should not forget that they primarily solve the problems of the team and the development of their sport. sports stars are the same stars of show business, plus everything, they also promote a healthy lifestyle, and
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some cool story about the formation of their path, many there overcome some kind of injury. we are some kind of life's vicissitudes, then there are these, well, unlike the brutal business, they are just positive heroes who can set an example for everyone, it will probably be great if we reach this goal in the near future, in this plot, which has a short time frame in view of the law of the genre, there are only a few examples, but absolutely everyone who studies this market or works in this field looks at the process positively, don’t stand still, look at life more broadly, you have everything for this, there is no competition in this anymore, well which?
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know from the epoch-making events of 1812, football fans, thanks to the successful title of the country's club bata, and those who like to look into the past admire its historical and cultural heritage. our colleague, katerina strichan, looked at one of the oldest belarusian cities in the capital region from a slightly different angle. let's find out what attracts tourists to borisov and get to know the people who live, work and study here. this city is well known far beyond the borders of belarus; once back in 1102 , prince boris sislavich founded it at the confluence of the berezyanye skhi rivers. today it is the largest industrial center of the minsk region, which is called a place to live by
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more than 140 thousand belarusians. urazhenko, borisov district, works on a line where medicines are packaged. a printer worked in clesograph printing, we painted the stamp on the ankula and gave it to packaging in the same way, then computerized equipment arrived, we mastered it, got the fourth start, now we are working on these wonderful machines, our working conditions are very good, they provide us with special clothing, as you can see, this is most of all, we work 8 hours. we have an eight-hour working day, a city-forming enterprise, founded in 1965, it all started with a small factory with 250
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people, today the borisov medicinal products plant is a leader in the country's pharmaceutical industry. more than 250 types of drugs are produced here; they focus on quality and export abroad. registration certificates, we have about 1,100 of them, we sell our products in confirmed by the presence of a large number of 20 countries around the world, new production workshops are being created, new production areas, modern technologies are being introduced, the range of products is expanding, technological potential... our enterprise consists of five main production workshops, the people who work here are trusted with the most valuable thing - health.
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every year, the local plant produces about 5 billion tablets, more than 200 million capsules, approximately 15 million packages of ointments and up to 30 million bottles of antibiotics. more than 80% of domestically produced drugs, including those from the borisov medicinal products plant, use v. this is a multidisciplinary specialized institution in which not only borisov residents, but also residents of the cities of berezino, krupki and zhodina can receive medical help. it is available on an outpatient and inpatient basis not only to adults, but also to children. great emphasis is now placed on orthopedic care, that is , endoprosthetics of large joints. over the past 2 years, the number of patients treated in this profile has more than doubled. and already for the first one. quarter about 100 prostheses and 100 patients were installed, the first in our area was completed, in our region, thromboextraction in case of acute cerebrovascular accident,
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simply put, removes a blood clot from the vessels of the brain. 2 years ago , ksenia zaichenko became part of a large and friendly team of professionals. the native borisov resident studied in vitebsk, at the central regional hospital for work, which will end in 3 months. the girl says: “ it’s so warm and cozy in my native land that i don’t want to leave, and the profession of an anesthesiologist and resuscitator is quite in demand, it’s not the easiest profession, you’re at work, you have a situation that you must resolve, you must help the person, the emotional component fades into the background, the goal is still in the foreground, and you must achieve it by all means, then you come to the resident’s room, you exhale, you understand that your hands are shaking. that your legs are shaking, but still you accomplished your goal. about 40 young specialists come to the borisov district every year. after working
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, about 80% remain at their jobs. when you have free time, contact to the education department, and there you will need to fill out an application. oksana petrova is the only
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specialist in the capital region who has unique knowledge and skills, which is why the demand for her services is high. 161 people receive the carrier service from me, this is a large number, because 222 people with hearing impairment live in the borisov region.
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slesarev, a former officer, is today a famous collector, an outstanding expert on the napoleonic era and a successful entrepreneur. for many years now he has been restoring the statskogo estate advisor and millionaire ivan kaladeev. the man restored the 19th century building at his own expense. his collection contains hundreds, maybe thousands of rare exhibits. to the house museum. about 500 people visit this place every year. you are serious about your business, you begin to root for him. and he becomes a part of himself. i will say, i made another discovery for myself. as a person ages, his age probably increases. you understand, in that direction, when more than half of my life has already been lived, i
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i appeal to all older people that... there must be something to keep you here on planet earth, you understand, right? here i am supported by my children, my family, and what i am creating, from the point of view of my living here in my homeland, i cannot imagine at all that i could live, for example, in another place, leave, see everything there, inquire about what- then there it is, yes, it’s interesting, but i can only live in mockery. vladimir slesarev is confident that over time he will be able to return the glory of a historian to his small homeland.


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