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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 12:20am-12:50am MSK

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as it was called then, they accordingly paid us indemnities and reparations, and not only to the soviet union, but also to other states participating in this anti-hitler coalition. ale nikolaevich, i know that you have been studying this topic for a long time, what you use, these are archives, witnesses, there are fewer and fewer eyewitnesses, or you still manage to talk with the participants and witnesses, maybe some international ones...
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during a business trip there, going to place there, but basically, if you take me, we work with archival materials, identify in archives, new documents that can shed light on the circumstances of this , and the destruction of our populated areas , the extermination of people, as for international cooperation, the political situation now is such that our international cooperation in this regard, this... in general, only concerns union state of russia, and russia within the framework of the union state , forums are being held, this is such a big project without a statute of limitations, and it is not subject to obliteration, there is, within the framework of which we are meeting with russian colleagues, we exchange experience and knowledge with them, because they have different experience in their work, they do exactly the same work on collecting evidence about the genocide of the population, but... they do it
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within the regions, we have a slightly different one here approach, that is, within the framework of the republic, we work together with the prosecutor’s office in this regard and look at it like historians, somewhere we develop some new terms, for example, before the initiation of a criminal case , we have a gradation of settlements that were injured, burned or destroyed in years of the war, it happened as follows, these are settlements destroyed along with the war, that is, they are actually these that were restored after the war, they are not taken into account and the inhabitants are destroyed after being restored in the khatyn necropolis, for example, like those who shared the fate of khatyn, then only simple the reason was that khatyn was not restored, including 186 villages.
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restored, and others were restored, but this does not mean that they did not share the fate of khatyn, because these inhabitants came, were killed, and then they burned some alive, some already wounded and killed in their houses or in some separately selected room, like in khatyn there is a barn that the blacksmith kaminsky used as if for his household needs there, or in these other barns and so on and so forth, then populated areas... partially burned, destroyed to the happiness of the residents, not restored and also restored, that is, four categories, we introduced at a general interdepartmental meeting the category of victims, because it must be admitted that not all villages were destroyed during punitive operations or actions, there were battles on our territory, and the battles were fierce, the front stood for several months, if we take 43 there.
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they struck, touched upon, although it seems to me that the whole topic is like that, it’s all on the nerve. the fact is that i am researching the activities of state security agencies. and german intelligence services in the occupied territory of belarus, while developing this topic, i found materials indicating that both the abwehr and the intelligence departments of the headquarters divisions and higher army corps there, they one way or another participated in punitive activities against civilians and partisans, and if in nuremberg the ss is recognized as a criminal organization. vermakt is not, much less abvar is not, these are such knights in white gloves, and these knights, major kribetz, the head of the minsk branch of abvar, are at least witnesses from among abvar’s employees who appeared before our court in the bssr, they they said that he was
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the initiator of the burning of stalag prisoners of war 352 sick, today this is the belinsky area a military town, there are pushkin barracks and there was a branch of the camp. 152 he had a part of the forest, here was a city part of the burning in a barracks along with prisoners of war doctors, nurses were burned there, not to mention the units assigned to avver during the war, these are the geheimfeld, the police and groups of secret field police, in fact it is the gestapo, which acted under security divisions were engaged in the destruction of the civilian population of partisans, underground fighters there participated in...
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you read the mechanism of this destruction, episodes, especially, if we say so in general, they were destroyed, it’s something like this, when you read the testimony of the german communications platoon commander, he was from the 392 oberfeld commandant’s office, it was located in minsk during the occupation and, in general, at territory of the general district of belarus exercised its executive power there.
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there is no nobler mission than preserving historical memory in the name of a bright future,
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these words belong to the president of belarus alexander lukashenko. and perhaps this phrase perfectly reflects the meaning of that work, which our scientists have been leading, in fact, since the great moment. victory, so that today we, our descendants, can proudly say: belarus remembers, remembers, sacredly honors and will always suppress any attempts to rewrite history. what is the miracle of belarusian politics? in that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront. china and belarus will work together as peace-loving states and peoples striving for common
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security. let's start with each of us. so i want to reach hearts so that it becomes better, everyone should become better here in belarus. belarus and china, without agreeing, came to similar points of view, a genie has been established in belarus to... will answer everything, you are ready to meet our hero. why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can
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answer their questions. a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. how are you different at work from yourself at home? it seems to me solely by appearance. i don’t turn from some kind of grump into a cute cat. no, me or the grymza, everywhere. and the cat is everywhere, how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative, to feel sorry is not the same as to sympathize, pity is an arrogant feeling, this is a feeling of superiority, see the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. people, delved into their infirmities, helped their needs spiritually and financially. and she especially
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raised the younger generation with love for god and devotion to the homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? holy cross cathedral monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery. is its power, we will tell and show it in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel. the belarus24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch the project. our tv channel, so what is it like, belarus?
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business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, athletic and team-oriented. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active,
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energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air.
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we are located at the faculty of philology of the belarusian state university, where those receive their education.
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modern languages, these are romano-germanic languages, and the greek language largely influenced the formation of the church slavonic language. the alphabet that we have today is in fact a revised alphabet of the greek language. when we talk about the history of our region, we must understand that this culture was largely formed in the format of christianity, because writing appeared precisely after that. how does christianity appear here, and many texts of christianity were written in ancient greek and latin, so studying these languages ​​will greatly help us understand our culture, our way of life, our understanding of this world. classical philology is recruited once every 4 years, and this, as we can already see,
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is a rather rare specialty, only 20 people are recruited every 4 years and... the history of our region is also unthinkable without knowledge of these languages. now i am a second-year student at the department of classical philology, when i entered here, my main goal was to study these ancient languages, because when i entered the magistracy in minsk. academy, then i was faced with the fact that in order to study the holy scriptures qualitatively, it is necessary to turn to the original texts, and the texts of the original holy scriptures, they are written in ancient greek, this is the new testament, in hebrew the old testament, and of course, you could study and delve on your own through the jungle of these languages, but it is always easier and always
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more correct when there is a tradition of passing on knowledge, so i was very lucky when... at the minsk theological academy i met arina vladimirovna krichenko, now she head of the department of classical philology, and thanks to her, today i study here at the faculty of philology. students of classical philology during their studies study many different languages, including ancient greek and latin. in addition, another language that is studied is english; it is the second language of the specialty, and at the same time an elective one. i am studying the polish language as a teacher at the academy, at the same time i am now deepening my knowledge in hebrew, since i teach it at the academy, from ancient languages, i am studying ancient greek, latin, euridic church slavonic, and among the new languages, living languages ​​- modern greek,
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english, russian, belarusian polish, why so many languages? priest, the apostle paul in one of his letters has words that there are various ministries in the church, so someone chooses the path of service through charity, through working with the sick, with prisoners, but for me i found such a path of service in studying holy scripture, because holy scripture itself for christians is the base, foundation, and refined... enough study it through the texts of translations, through its interpretation, explanations, and i was always interested in knowing how this text sounds in
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the original, very often during translation some shades of meaning are lost, sometimes the style is lost, and sometimes the rhythm of the poetics of the text is lost, always very it’s interesting to find out exactly how this text sounds in the original, for example, in the holy scriptures, for example, in the old testament there are: there are a lot of books that are poetic, but when translated into any language this poetics is lost, that’s when we open these texts are in the original, they begin to sound like a song, like poetry, one of these texts is the psalms, because initially the psalms were written in order to sing them, and these are the kind of songs that were performed in ancient times to the guzli, to the psalter, such a musical tool, but unfortunately during translations, although very often they try to preserve this specificity. what kind of poetics is this, but it is lost. last year we had a first-year subject, introduction to classical philology, this is a subject that allows future philologists to understand what their
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awaits in the future, what they will encounter, what they will study, and one of the topics that was part of this course is a topic related to inscriptions, including inscriptions that can be found here on the territory of belarus, etc. .. when we come to temples or churches, we very often encounter various inscriptions, they can be in different languages, these are inscriptions in greek, la tène, church slavonic, and if church slavonic is a little easier, this texts that we can more or less read, then inscriptions in latin or greek, they remain closed to many people because people don’t know the language, don’t know how to read it, don’t know where to find a translation, so we conceived a project that would allow us to collect in one place if not all of the majority of inscriptions that can be found in belarusian churches, last year we started such a project, and the first
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places we visited were etovichi, a temple in the grodno region, known for its antiquity and the fact that there is numerous graffiti there in latin, greek, and nesves is also quite a famous place for history. in belarus, in schools, in other universities, in colleges, and through such an exhibition, including future students
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of the faculty of philology, can find out what awaits them here, that philology is not boring, that it is alive, that it is possible not only sit and read books, but also learn about the world, learn about our history, sometimes it’s a whole adventure about how to get this or that inscription.
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for many clergy, the minsk theological seminary academy is their almamater, for a long time the minsk theological academy was together with the seminary in zherovichi, however , through the efforts of the honorary patriarch-exarch metropolitan filoret, now deceased, the minsk theological academy was moved to
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minsk for which a special building was built, which is located right in the center of minsk and is a pearl for many of us. vladyka fillorette was distinguished by his subtle, refined taste, and the building in which the minsk theological academy is located today is a symbol of this taste that the late vladyka possessed. and today for many, the minsk theological academy is. today, at the minsk theological academy, there are advanced training courses for clergy who once previously graduated from a religious educational institution. today the minsk theological academy is the center of education for the belarusian exarchate. there are three specialized departments at the academy, this is the department of the bible.
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the department of church history and the department of apologetics, those departments that prepare future specialists who will subsequently serve in parishes in special synadal educational, synodal church departments, and some of them will remain here as future teachers, now i am combining my education at the minsk theological academy. together with teaching biblical hebrew in the master's degree, in the first and second years. biblical hebrew is very important for future biblical scholars, since the old testament is written in it, when we read the apostle paul, then texts from the new testament, we, of course, remember that they quoted the old testament, which is the savior, and the apostles read and heard in hebrew, and
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knowledge of hebrew actually helps. we can penetrate deeper into the contexts of the texts of holy scripture, into the structure of these texts, and as a result, better understand what the apostle paul wrote about, what the savior taught, and in addition, the department of biblical studies itself prepares future specialists in various biblical disciplines who will help then in teaching in parishes, who will teach sunday schools. prepares specialists who will be able to conduct various conversations in educational institutions, schools, in principle, the entire education system at the minsk theological academy is built in such a way that the output is a ready-made specialist who could serve in various parishes in the exarchate, and some of the graduates today carry out their service outside the republic of belarus, well...
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preserved today, here is the actual body of the old testament and in the 20th century the so-called qumran caves were opened, where some other texts were discovered, but in principle this is all part of the sacred scripture and tradition, therefore from of the old testament, from the biblical believer, nothing was preserved except in the bible; of course , later prayer books were written in hebrew in the jewish tradition.
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ein, kol, hadash, tahad hashamash. what has been is what will be, and there is nothing new under the sun. this is the book of ecclesiastes, one of the books of the old testament, in which king solomon, presumably the author of this book, sets out his teaching, including to his descendants, and this book is in many ways the result of life.


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