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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 2:55am-3:25am MSK

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difficulties that they had, so this term was preserved, it can even be read in the church bulletin published by the orthodox synods, and this can be said, for a long time the highest circles of the church were very confused by why the lagishin people resisted so much, one can even talk about the lagishin character, because you can remember another episode of the lagishin riot, when the lagishin residents began to resist the landowner governor tokarev and...
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analyzing the opponent, working on mistakes, choosing the right strategy for the match, athletes have to work a lot with their heads, to become a champion, they know exactly what success is on sports grounds, but still, what does it feel like to become a champion of emotions in...
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belarusian federation, maybe the armed forces, the armed forces? the coach who won all these titles, so far, he... is the only one, in fact, he always considered himself, he always considered himself the only one, this is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer, absolutely true, portuguese specialist, watch the intellectual sports show, head game on our tv channel, in 24 hours you can do a lot, in 7 days and even more. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events since... there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our
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amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project broadcast 24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. throughout its history, lagishin finds itself at the epicenter of events that can be considered world history. because lagishin passed through suvorov with his troops, bogdan khmelnitsky, the first world war affected, swept through lagishin with all its might, and to this day local residents find witnesses of that terrible war in their gardens. the second world war
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also brought no less tragic events. in the first days of the war, literally in august , the jewish ghetto in the village whose grave is located was shot. at the village cemetery, but despite this, lagishin managed to survive all the tragic events, and today he remains a modern village that has an infrastructure that has all the opportunities for the development of youth, for example, a modern stadium where our famous baseball team lagished wolves and other sports practice, a house of mercy, which... for the elderly using new technologies, a school , an art school, a hospital, everyone can find something to their liking to stay here and further develop the village. i always
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liked the story, so i finished it first. it turned out that due to different circumstances, there was a museum at the school, there was a head who was such an interested, active person, i watched her and gradually somehow i was drawn into it, and then over the course of... time it turned out that the position of the head of the museum became vacant and through for some time i was offered to do this, and i immersed myself, for more than 10 years now i have been immersed in this, and you know, well, this is probably a large part of my life, i feel
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like when i logically just immersed myself in history, as you know, i dived in right away , and after that i began to gradually, gradually study, become interested, study somewhere, develop, and i like it. from the very beginning , everything in the museum was brought by local residents and students. for example, an ancient hebrew prayer is written on parchment. despite the fact that during the war the germans brutally dealt with the jewish population and those who help them, the residents preserved it, and after the war... already in the fifties they transferred it to the museum, there are a lot of such exhibits, almost everything that is here , this was brought by local residents, students and then what was found in the surrounding area, the same stones, hammers, documents, documents of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, the russian empire, advertising leaflets, various household items,
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peasant, military items, because the war very brutally swept through our village, through this territory, for example, partisans handed over after... the war, a partisan printing house, which is not in every state museum, documents of the ardzhinkidze partisan detachment, and almost all of these exhibits are authentic, so it is carefully preserved, and to this day people... find out about us and bring them, for example, an indicator sign from the first world war, the direction of lagishshin is 11 km, they brought it and left it without even saying who brought it, they just handed it over, and some also bring it and say: this is for your museum , here are peasant household items, almost every year new exhibits appear, very interesting, our museum, in addition to the fact that it is the oldest school museum in the area, it survived when many school museums simply disappeared, they are not...
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very interesting when people come to you they talk about something or bring the same museum exhibits, which you understand that there are a lot of caring people, and this gives strength to continue working when children bring exhibits, you understand, maybe this is a small drop in world history, well, for us this also needs to be left sometime for later, if not me, then who? and i think there is interest in the museum. there will always be, our school museum is generally unusual, the children who come, visitors, they say,
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you smell of history, how can you not be interested in this, i, for example, myself i consider myself a fan of our museum, because, well, well, this needs to be felt, i don’t know how to convey it, i always tell children, history. it seems, but it happens every day, every day something happens in the world, in our village it happens in the republic, and we can’t escape history, there is the history of the family, there is your personal history, and there is the history of the village, there is history country and the world, and this is very important to know, we will not get away from this, we must know about this and remember, there is a very good saying that history life teacher. she teaches us always and everywhere, if we learn from her, perhaps we will make fewer mistakes, because
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we cannot live without mistakes, this is our experience, but be that as it may, we must always remember about her, and a museum is like a means of preserving this history, because if there is nothing to preserve, then how to live. i want to stop for a moment. to see how it rains, the leaves move, the sun shines, and how
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our life is built from all these little things, you want to look at this world differently, discover something new every day, we find it so interesting because we do it with love, with love. from belarus. the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when the soul pushes to move forward, and the stomach sings from the soul to keep up. and there is a thirst for adventure travel along the way. you always like to eat somewhere, food
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anywhere. belarus can be called a country of all religions, and the numbers confirm this, because in our country there are officially 25 religions, the most widespread of which are orthodoxy and catholicism, and easter is considered the main holiday in christianity, so even in soviet times it was secretly celebrated. both believers and atheists. now many will no longer remember why exactly it is necessary to beat eggs, why the easter cake has such a shape , it will be difficult to explain how catholic easter differs from... therefore, today i am going to find answers to these questions and learn about the culinary traditions of the holiday. i get to see how a catholic church is decorated. every detail matters. try the easter bread prepared according to old recipe. to attend the removal of the shroud, on the saddest day in the church
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calendar. the word easter came to us from the greek language meaning deliverance. this is the most ancient christian holiday, which symbolizes the victory of life over death. where can you learn the original traditions of catholic easter, if not in the most ancient catholic church in the village of vselyub. hello, ksen sveta. glad to see you. i won’t lie, i love this place very much, there is a special atmosphere here, very good people. and that's why i came here on the eve of catholic easter. to understand all the traditions, both cultural and culinary, of course. vitaly, what is easter? easter is the brightest holiday, it is the most important holiday in the life of a christian, it is always a renewal of life, it is always a return to god, this is what the lord gives us, new life in christ.
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catholic and orthodox easter are very similar, but some traditions differ. to figure out what exactly i ’ve been to this temple more than once, but i haven’t seen it so beautiful yet i saw, and a large number of installations that are new to me have appeared here, tell me what each of them means? firstly, each of these installations talks about preparation for easter, that is, the so-called tridum, the first installation is the dungeon where jesus sat in captivity before the trial, the second is the moment of the crucifixion. worship of the cross , the third tomb, where jesus was laid in the tomb, well, as the pinnacle of the whole holiday, this is easter, this is the so-called resurrection, that is, a solemn proclamation, oh resurrection of christ. together, they symbolize the easter triduum and easter itself. prison is maundy thursday. the cross is
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good friday, the tomb is great saturday, and easter is itself.
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you are a precursor to the resurrection, it is lit from the sacred fire, it rushes into the church, stopping three times, proclaiming christ is risen, truly risen, it is lit, the candles are brought into the most important altar part of the church, that candle is placed. and while the church is preparing for the start of the service, i am very interested
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to see how the parishioners themselves are preparing for happy easter, why not? of course, i’m interested in learning about culinary traditions. in belarus, not a single holiday is complete without a feast and easter is no exception. irina will tell me what they eat for easter. irina, hello. hello, i see that you have even prepared something, we are now within the walls of the temple and the temple is preparing for easter, right? what it is? and this is a treat for children, these are cookies in the shape of a lamb. and here are the cookies. this is a treat specifically for the easter period, that is, children are they can eat once a year, the children in the village are lucky. irin, i heard that the symbol of catholic easter, one of...
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an egg, and easter cake, of course, is baked, only here in this area they don’t call it easter cake, but what do they call buns for easter, if there are easter cakes all over the world, it turns out to be easter cakes, in general - these are easter rolls, i’ll tell you how they are prepared now. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. i remember when a person described the use of apple cider
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vinegar for the treatment of cancer for ten pages diseases. this can simply have catastrophic consequences, it’s clear why. let's share interesting facts. however, there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers. for example, galilen believed that the center was cardiovascular. they began to add it to food and use it in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend the life of the most important organ of the human body. we have created a long time ago and in the clinic we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses, these absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. in general, i want to note that the convicts are very hospitable with pleasure, on the eve of easter they will let you into their house and show you how they prepare for it... oh, easter begins right from the entrance, look, huge tree, easter eggs are hung on it as decorations, in general this is a wonderful catholic tradition, eggs are usually not only hung on trees, but they also hide it somewhere for the kids to look for. today i am also on a search, but unlike children, i am not looking for eggs, but for easter recipes. marina, thank you for your hospitality, for allowing me to become part of your family on the eve of easter, and since i’m part of the family, why not cook something delicious, and i came to you, i won’t hide the easter secret rolls, perch
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stage - we will knead the dough, to prepare the dough, mix 100 ml of warm milk, yeast, a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of flour, after which the dough is infused in a warm place about an hour, the dough is ready, we move on to the dough! we need to mix 200 ml of milk, three eggs, five tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, then beat it all well, pour the dough into the resulting mass, now add 600 g of flour, for a festive smell add a couple of drops of citrus extract to the dough, it can also be used replace with lemon zest, then pour in melted butter and a little vegetable oil, now the dough can be kneaded, i’ll trust marina with this task. a woman understands how she prepares for easter, what a man does at this time, man does, the man must prepare the pine horseradish, peel the horseradish, take the grating container. like
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meat, if there was such an additive before meat, one way or another, a place, a role in easter culinary traditions, there is one for everyone, a man grates horseradish, a woman kneads the dough, and the children have fun and then eat it all, after we we kneaded the dough, it needs to be allowed to rest and rise, it will take about 3-4 hours, on this table, marin, we used everything. besides raisins, maybe we’ll add some, we’ll add some tying, our dough is ready, now we can transfer it into a mold, we first grease it with oil so that the bun does not burn, our easter cake is almost ready, and i would put it in the oven and eat it, but you need to wait until the dough rises, and you have to spend a lot to prepare an easter bun time, but i am sure that it
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is worth it, on the bright holiday of easter after the all-night vigil a huge number of dishes will appear on this table, but today - especially to demonstrate to you, here are the main easter dishes and not only dishes, but also some more traditional things, let's discuss them all: the first thing i see that distinguishes a catholic table, an easter table, from an orthodox one is the presence of a willow tree, and what does it mean? this means that jesus... christ belongs to jerusalem, i sustracali, the people sustracak willows, palm trees, dropped their feet, this semvalizu, it must definitely stand on the table, well , catholics put willow on the table, then what i i was surprised when you added the adjective family, this is easter, that is, this candle is lit once a year on easter in your family for many generations, who should light this candle, well, with me...
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but the easter cake itself, pay attention, it is also especially decorated, if in the orthodox easter cake the inscription x in christ is risen, then there is a mandatory cross, but that’s not all, what ’s missing here, what attribute from any slavic holiday is alcohol, yes, wine, for example, kogor, maybe in catholic easter there is no alcohol on the table, mine is brewed perfectly. flavored
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coffee. another important element of the easter table is eggs. this is familiar to everyone for a child from childhood, it doesn’t matter whether you belong to religion or not. they need to fight. it suits them. well, why are we worse than children? hold it. let's. let's try. let's try. oh, i think i lost. hold the egg, marin. do you know why you gave away the egg? the tradition of beating eggs is not religious. it is popular, in times of famine and children took, on the eve of the holiday, they took colored eggs, went out into the street and fought with them, whose egg turned out to be stronger, he took the egg of his opponent. the children chose eggs for these battles in advance, they tried to choose the strongest, the most powerful, that’s why, because such an egg fight on the eve of the holiday could feed a family for...
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