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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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a look at belarus on our tv channel.
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and we want to congratulate all orthodox believers on the past easter and remind us that we will celebrate it for another whole week, because this is bright week, and today people called it wet monday, you know why, if you want to tell us, because today the weather forecasters announced an orange level of danger to us , perhaps today we will interpret it this way, in fact, our ancestors believed that girls on this day should give their lovers colored eggs, in turn... their lovers poured water on them, so that the girl maintains beauty and health, that’s why monday was called wet. i would really like my husband not to hear this today, because i wouldn’t want to be doused with water this evening. friends, i will repeat, about the current information for today, that unfortunately an orange danger level has been announced due to rains, but do not worry, very soon the weather will again acquire spring notes, so to speak, spring colors. by the way, we will have a wonderful celebration this week. holiday, day
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victory, and then we have a 4-day weekend, so remember this when you go to work, let’s wait, this is how we start the morning in a positive way, yes, it’s okay that the danger level is orange, we are starting a new one, this is the color of our program , yes, we are starting a new holiday week, wake up. whoever believes, i don’t believe it myself, it’s either good or bad, i have seven fridays a week and 13 months a year, my sky is strong, it will bring me something in life, i’m baptized and can be anointed, in general, i'm happy, that's all, i
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happy as no one, i'm happy , i'm flying, i'm happy, i'm living, so happy we'll go, i 'm happy, like no one, i'm happy, for 100 years, i'm happy, i'm not lying, and i'll go out so happy, tata knows, i'm not myself. .. i know where the finale is, there is somewhere a stripe behind which there are only the gates of heaven, and behind them there is just heaven, but for now the whole sky is only in the stars, not in a dream, and in reality, what i will say for my life, i just, i happy that i live, i’m happier than anyone, i’m happy, yo. oh, i'm happy,
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i'm libru, so happy we'll leave, i'm happy, like no one, i'm happy, for 100 years, i 'm happy, i'm not lying, and so happy we 'll leave, i'm happy like no one and i'm happy for the summer that i'm happy. well, i’ll go in happy, i’m
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happier than anyone, i’m not just happy, i’m happy! happy, happy as no one else, we are happy! still, it is important to be able to speak, i am happy, i am grateful that i have a wonderful song, footage from the slavic bazaar, very soon we will plunge into this bazaar atmosphere again, but for now on the calendar may 6, this is monday, we
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we continue to help you wake up, that's what we have planned for the next hour, yes, the elite of world programming will learn about young talents from the belarusian state university in the morning before... our correspondent anna ganzhu went to the city with traffic police inspectors. good disposition and intelligent look in the section “the way home” we will look for owners for a charming dog named mouse. let's make our country's morning good, let's see what time saleswoman elena gavrilchik starts her working day. the knight's move is about how the final of the republican chess competition white lodya went. our correspondent, olesya boyarskikh, will tell you, yes, we also constantly informed you over the past week that this kind of competition is taking place, but today we will have such a correspondent report on air, yes, but that’s not all, and by the way, that’s also not all plans for today, i also took a breath, took a breath, and
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got more air to tell you more, on may 5 our colleagues celebrated their professional holiday, press day republic of belarus, so we are waiting in our studio for the director, editor-in-chief of the publishing... belarus today dmitry zhuk and congratulate him and the entire team, in fact, everyone involved in the publishing business, on the holiday. yes, according to the tradition of monday, in the third part of the program we will be joined by astrologer katerina korneva, we will find out what the stars have in store for us in may, a small spoiler: may 10 is just an incredibly lucky day for absolutely everyone, and i think it’s a lucky day, every day, if you set yourself up correctly, yes, but we let's talk to katya korneva, she will tell us, really.
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good morning, many people associate fresh pastries with a cup of coffee with the ideal breakfast, why don’t we have one like this today... from ready-made puff pastry you can make puff pastries with a variety of fillings, today i suggest using a pear with a secret ingredient in the form of raisins. we will need frozen yeast-free dough, pears, raisins, egg and powdered sugar. peel the pears and cut each one in half, cutting out a small indentation. on each half. we do deep cuts with a knife, as if dividing it into slices, try not to let the half fall apart, turn it over, put raisins inside, previously washed in hot water, this will be our little surprise, unroll the defrosted puff pastry,
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we won’t roll it out, lay the pears on an angle at a distance from each other, then cut the dough into squares so that each half... lies on its own square, press each half a little into the dough, and grease the dough itself with beaten egg yolk, carefully using a spatula we transfer all the preparations to a baking sheet covered in advance with pecor paper, put them in an oven preheated to 200° for 20-25 minutes, until the dough becomes golden. sprinkle the finished puff pastries with powdered sugar through a sieve and serve to the table. this is very tasty, neutral crispy base, juicy and tender pear , explosive raisin surprise, prepare a double portion at once, as these puff pastries fly apart in a matter of seconds. have a nice, positive day and bon appetit! and...
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the television news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. the united organization helps pupils of the capital's orphanages and boarding schools decide on their future profession and place of work. ministry of industry of the belarusian women's union. since the end of last year, this public association has been implementing the republican project “my choice” - my profession. its essence is to acquaint graduate students with a difficult fate, with leading industrial enterprises, show working conditions, and also tell how in the future they can become a full-time employee of the organization. important, that the managers of the enterprise supervise all interested high school students. details on the pages. in february of this year, by decree of president
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baranovich, they were awarded a pennant for courage and perseverance during the great patriotic war. for 3 years the city was occupied by the nazi invaders. the nazis established a regime of harsh terror and violence there, too, but this did not break the will of the patriots to resist. they created an extensive network of underground organizations of groups that made a significant contribution to the common cause of defeating the enemy. because the. were a major railway junction, one of the priority goals of the anti-fascist resistance in the city was to disrupt the movement of german trains through it to the front. this important matter involved several unrelated groups, and anatoly kristofik’s reconnaissance and sabotage group, which included over three dozen people, also operated. read about the heroic past on the pages of sb belarus today. environmental issues, preserving a favorable environment. environment in belarus receives significant attention, condition and environmental safety are of
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national importance, while the problem of the spread of invasive plant species is still relevant. an increase in the number of such species poses a threat to the conservation of biodiversity and can lead to negative consequences in some sectors of the economy, and sometimes even cause harm to human health. read about how belarus is fighting invasive plant species and the drugs used to destroy them on the pages of the belta news agency. in the amusement season has started in belarus. there are 187 registered attractions in our country. their technical examination is carried out by three organizations, but the main burden falls on the department for supervision of the safe conduct of work in the industry of the ministry of emergency situations. at least once a year , specialists visit each attraction and monitor the technical condition and organization of safe operation. carousels will operate in parks named after gorky, named after chelyustkintsev, and also named after the 900th anniversary
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of minsk. there are 50 in these three locations attractions, five more were purchased. the banner of youth will tell you the details. the little experts shared with us which muscles, in their opinion, are the most important in the human body and how to properly pump them up. these are the most important muscles, hand muscles, there may be muscles on the legs, the brain, girls don’t need muscles, biceps, in the head, brain, muscles, for girls here, do the exercise, run, push-ups, do that. you need to jump while
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walking, that is, on a jump rope, weights, and dumbbells, fall from the dumbbells onto your head, the dumbbell will fall somewhere, i have handel, and what do you do with them, exercise, and i don’t do anything with them, they’re just me... mom even has elastic bands for sports like this , or i’m sitting like this with one hand, pumping up the muscles needed for the tongue.
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six traditional traditions of the zhytkavitskaya vedkauska, pinsk, dragishchansk, gomel and maladzechansk regions. shest karaggoda sennya znahodzitstsa.
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there's nothing to object to. so, i’m announcing the daily figures and today it’s still nothing, i’m warning you. +17 +19, thunderstorms, rain in minsk, in brest up to 22°c, there are also thunderstorms. + 9:11 in vitebsk there will be some sediment. at 21:23 we are promised in the glorious city of grodno, gomel. and in grodno, actually +19 +21 to 19° celsius, in mogilev and in all the cities, in fact, the above ones too. thunderstorms and rains, well, what do i want to tell you, why did i say nothing yet, because tomorrow it will be even colder, and then even colder, well, why live for tomorrow if you can live for today? yes, please write it down in quotes, yes, orange danger level today, due to showers and wind, as we see, and during the day during thunderstorms, there will be heavy downpours in places,
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squally winds up to 15-20 m/s, so be careful and careful and be sure to take it with you. yes, to be completely frank, during the week it is even predicted that in some places across the republic there will be a slight minus at night, and where we will find out later, but by the weekend the weather forecasters promise the return of spring, i want to believe that this will happen, of course, the return of spring and in general, spring in principle, regardless of the weather, we feel it and feel it on those festive as we celebrate this week, we remind you that we will all celebrate victory day on may 9 and 10 at the historical and cultural complex. stalin’s line invites everyone, in fact, to the ceremonial events dedicated to the day of victory in the great patriotic war. visitors can expect excursions, a canine show, a concert program, a battle reconstruction and interactive zones where they will be offered to shoot, fly in a helicopter or ride on a tank, so be sure to come, but while you are planning how to spend your weekend, belarusians are among the best
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teams at the world student programming championship at the belarusian state university. i didn’t just visit, but prepared a special report, so let’s take a look. the bsu team entered the top 20 best teams at the world student programming championship. come with me and find out all the details. this championship is the largest international competition of the youth elite of world programming. it has been held since 1977 in three stages: quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals. belarusian teams began their participation in world student programming championship since 1995. in the entire history of participation in the championship at the bgu kopilka, there has been a gold medal, a bronze and three silver awards. at the same time , the bsu team is a regular participant in the final performances. there is a lot you need to know here: combinatorics, geometry, optimization, well, many, many things, including
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modeling, a lot of things that you need to know in order to perform well at such competitions. well, many, of course, disciplines. are studied at the university, but there are some that, of course, the guys master yourself. the uniqueness of the championship this year was the holding of a double final; the results of the season from 2021 became known. they are given a certain number of problems, from ten and above, there are from 10-12 problems, they have to do this, in 5 hours, all competitions are 5 hours, during this time they have to solve as many problems as possible. and now i propose to get acquainted with the members of the winning team. anton and i have probably known each other since the sixth grade, that is, we have already crossed the sixth grade.
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what was and continues to be convenient in one team participate in university competitions. difficulties arise from the fact that you have one computer for three participants, that is, you must have a well-thought-out algorithm of actions for what you will do at the olympiad and you need to come up with it before the olympiad in order to perform successfully. in total, about 250 teams from 50 countries competed in the finals. the next world championship final will take place in the fall of this year in astana. i would like you not to be too nervous, even if suddenly you didn’t make it to the semi-finals or finals, then that’s already an experience. ability to solve and formalize problems it will help in general with work in the future, and if you were able to pass, then i wish you good luck, by the way, god is. holder of the university certificate of the organizer of the regional qualifying quarter-final competitions of the programming championship among students, we wish the guys success in the future,
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i was with you on the 360 ​​morning watch, nastya rutskaya, well, what can we say, only one thing: we are proud of such amazing compatriots of ours, imagine what they will do next, they are still students, but they have entered top 20, and then they will enter the top 10, and then they will simply take all the first places. yes, top one. well, we continue to share interesting news with you. and today, may 6 , the victory museum on poklonnaya hill in moscow will host a requiem concert every third, dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. yes, it should be noted that a whole troop of our belarusian artists landed in moscow yesterday and will actually take part in the requium concert, and this is a tribute to the memory of all the victims and heroes of the great patriotic war, a story about the destinies of ordinary people, the synthesis of new ones.
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you will also be able to hear soloists of the bolshoi theater of belarus and a brass band, the main department of internal affairs of the minsk city executive committee, theater and film artists, as well as many others. joined the celebration. in general, the memory that what we avoided thanks to what our grandfathers did, our understanding of the importance of such an action, the importance of grandmothers, great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, the fact that we
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now live in such a beautiful country, we all know that time not easy, and now we we should appreciate this even more, remember and appreciate where we live, where our children grow up, more than 100 participants in the bike ride rode along pobediteley avenue to stella minsk, the city of heroes, where they laid flowers on the cables. the total length of the route was more than 7 km. yes, well, our correspondent, anna gadzhur, also recently went on a kind of trip, company, she was accompanied by gai employees. here are all the details in its plot. let's see. with warming , the problem of safe participation of drivers in road traffic becomes urgent. motor vehicles, motorists, scooters and cyclists. everywhere, traffic police officers carry out preventive testing of automobiles. today , the state traffic inspectorate uses various forms and methods: hidden control, open, public, including with the use of civilian
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equipment, civilian vehicles, including official motor vehicles to suppress offenses on the part of motorcyclists. the most popular offenses among motorcycle drivers are speeding, improper maintenance and operation of motor vehicles, as well. temporary payment of fines in gi entails problems, a ban on traveling abroad, refusal to provide a bank loan, questions from the employer, getting a job, in addition, penalties are charged on the amount collected;
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over time, the debt will only grow. subdivision of the city of minskazh, your passport will be a certificate, they will photograph you and change you. check for fines and pay them without leaving home. on the website of the ministry of internal affairs, to do this, click the login button, register, if this is your first time on website, go to the unpaid fines section and you’re done, their amounts are calculated based on the base rate. from january 1, 2024 , it is 40 rubles. why didn’t rimushkom fasten it? this is your safety. from march 1, 2021, after changes were made to the code of administrative offenses of the republic of belarus, it became stricter. this became the starting point in reducing the number of drunk drivers on the roads and those who like to drive without a license.
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we set off for the morning, into the distance with conversations about life, again the arrows lead us to where they are waiting, they meet the cities, we are in a hurry to be on time, to sing the best songs, and the belarusian roads, highways and narrow country roads, we are tightly bound by you, together for half our lives on the road, we are not far from minsk, we breathe on the same gift, if along the road it is easier for you and me to live. so whoever hasn’t traveled
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will not understand what touches our souls here, us and the guests from afar, as if clouds are rushing through fields and forests, gray land...
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and it’s easier for me to walk through life, belarusian roads, highways and narrow country roads are on the way , we are tightly bound by you on the crits, together half our lives on the road, tell us from minsk distance, let's fly to breathe. we are all definitely on the same path, let us continue to wake up, today on our calendar is monday, may 6, naquiloria mariana marenco is greeting this wonderful morning with you, and on may 8 the ministry of justice will hold a free consultation campaign, which is actually timed to coincide with victory day, the event will take place this
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wednesday. from 10:00 to 13:00, citizens will be able to get answers to their questions that are within the competence of the institution and do not require familiarization with documents, look for contact details on the website of the ministry of justice, and be sure to ask what news came to us from london, anna valeryevna, what would you guess? but i won’t speculate, i ’ll just take it and tell you now: the big premiere took place at the british zoo uipsnate, so the public there... was given a baby southern white rhinoceros, who was born a few weeks ago. according to veterinarians, the baby already weighs 100 kg and is very active, which is not surprising: he took his first steps just 2 hours after birth, they named him benja. in the wild, this species lives in southern africa. at the beginning of the 20th century, the southern white rhinoceros almost became extinct, with less than 100 individuals remaining. thanks to intensive population conservation measures, the species
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was saved. now there are about 20,000 individuals all over the world, well , what an incredible little thing, a little thing, yes, but i thought, on the contrary, that of course, i don’t want to snuggle such a baby, i want to run away from it, and away from it, well, yes, that’s it -it is believed that rhinoceroses are one of the most aggressive animals in the world, well, they they are quite large, but i know that this is the species, the southern white rhinoceros, it can survive for a long time without water, you know, not a single animal, not a single living one. the soul on this planet for a long time cannot do without care, affection and a loved one, why do i know what you are hinting at, yes, friends, we want to introduce you to a mouse, and this is not a mouse-mouse, but this is a charming one a dog looking for a new home. good morning, today i will introduce you to the most gentle creature. in
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this world, meet me, this is a mouse, she is looking for her way home, this baby was found on the roadway, scared and hungry, it’s even scary to imagine what... what could have happened to her if she had not been picked up. the mouse is only 2 years old, an affectionate domestic dog of medium height. this beauty is a cheerful , positive dog who loves to frolic with other pets. the mouse will definitely turn every walk into an exciting game. our girl is absolutely healthy, sterilized, vaccinated, and treated for parasites. and also trained to walk on a leash, the mouse is nearby, nearby, well done, and now let's run, the mouse is unpretentious in food, does not chew anything in the house, gets
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along well with both adults and children, is ideal for a family where they are ready to pay attention to the pet, this baby loves hugs and kisses, communication with her guarantees a good mood for the whole day. the mouse is given as a gift to adults who will look after it and, most importantly, will never betray it. both an apartment and a private house are suitable for her to live in. if you want to get to know the mouse better, call indicated on your screen. she is really looking forward to meeting her future owner.
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program wow news and i nastya rudskaya is ready to tell you how to get a free ticket to the capital? zoo the winners of which competitions will now be able to receive not only a memorable gift, but also a cash prize in which country in the world the squarets deceived the police, but for now on to other news. the capital's zoo announced the start of a large-scale event, each participant of which will receive an invitation ticket to a free visit to the zoo, ecology, creativity, children, this is the name of the festival, within which... may, before completing a creative task, the organizers recommend that participants carefully read the terms of the competition on the website of the minsk
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zoo. i love to draw, i also want a free invitation ticket to the zoo, i’m participating. and schoolchildren who win international and national competitions can count on receiving a cash prize. in total, the list includes 46 events, including republican and international tournaments for young mathematicians and physicists, the final stage of republican olympiads in academic subjects, an international conference of young scientists, international olympiads in mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, geography, computer science, astronomy, astrophysics and geosciences. you can also count on a monetary reward for the winner of republican research competitions in academic subjects: the union state schoolchildren olympiad in russian language and russian literature, republican competition student of the year, world
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invention competition, as well as a leader in a number of other international and republican events. the winners from among belarusian schoolchildren are entitled to cash incentives from the special fund of the president of belarus. the acceptance of applications for the world's first beauty contest among participants created using artificial intelligence has started. the contestant will be judged on their appearance and posture, as well as the technical skills that were used to create them. among the special criteria the jury will evaluate the popularity of each avatar on the internet. in addition, participants will have to answer a series of questions, just like in a classic beauty contest. the organizers will clarify. that only photographs or videos completely generated by a neural network can take part in the show; deep fakes and other works with at least the partial presence of a real person will not be allowed to compete. the winning creator of the miss artificial intelligence competition will receive
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a large cash prize from the organizers. the blue forest appeared in belgium. that's what they call it halerbos nature reserve, which is located near brussels, where. the cints bloom every spring, and now it’s as if a colorful carpet has been laid out in the middle of the forest. the blue forest acquires a special charm at dawn. at this time, the area is enveloped in the morning dawn, and thick. the fog further emphasizes its mysterious atmosphere. at the same time , the aroma of flowers is strongest. usually this beauty lasts up to 2 weeks. if you are not planning a trip to belgium yet, take a look at the botanical gardens of belarus. there you can see no less memorable beauties flora of our country. in england, a squawk copied the sound of a siren and confused police officers who happened to be nearby. the imitation of the sound was so accurate
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that the officers who were at the station at that moment decided that something had happened to their official cars. running out into the street, they saw that everything was in order with the cars, and the sound was made by a bird sitting on a tree. users of social networks suggest that it could be skvares, because this bird is considered an excellent imitator and can copy not only the sounds of other birds, but... also the roar motorcycle and even mechanical noises, and in the meantime i will continue to collect a digest of positive news for you, see you tomorrow on the air of the wow news program, my name is nastya rutskaya, bye-bye.
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yes, yes, and more than once. well, our broadcast continues with news from north america. a popular home rental service offers to rent a flying house from the popular cartoon up. they can’t come up with anything, but we have, yes, material to tell you and show you. a real model of an amazing structure was created in the desert new mexico. just keeps it in the air, not a huge number of balls, a large crane, inside a study, a bedroom with all the amenities. the company promises. complete immersion in your favorite cartoon, applications will be accepted
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for a few more days, what a beauty, a toy, in fact, i’m wondering how much it costs, we don’t specify, but it seems to me that staying in such a house is not a cheap pleasure, but it’s it’s very beautiful, how to get there, maryana vasilievna, what do you think, it seems to me that everything is thought out, from the tap like this from top to bottom, it seems to me that there is some more realistic way of immersing the house, perhaps it is possible, but this is such an instagram story, you understand, that’s all now. the world is done in order to show it on social networks and so that it is brightly beautiful, but we also sincerely hope that it is still convenient, well, it seems to me that for people who have this favorite cartoon, this is really a very cool story with immersion, it even seems that everything is drawn such things, although they are real, it’s true, they are real, yes, i actually didn’t watch this cartoon, i’ll definitely take a look, i’ll evaluate this house in more detail, maybe we ’ll greet you later via teleconference. let's establish with you and or with us, yes, well
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, instead of plunging into the world of the cartoon, let's do something else, visit the workplace of our heroine of the profession section elena gavrilchik, believe me, it will also be bright and interesting, my name is elena gavrilchik and i work in the perfumery and cosmetics section of the country's main department store as a salesperson of the fifth. discharge, my morning begins in a way that is already familiar to me, and i wake up 2 hours before the beginning of the working day, and my working day, as a rule, begins at 7:30, and i do my makeup, cook breakfast, do my hair and rush to the bus, and upon arrival at the department store, i change into my branded clothes and go out to the sales area . i wouldn’t say that it’s super dense, this one looks like
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a natural one, it adapts to the color of the skin, this one has a warmer undertone, this one has a cooler undertone, after the eleventh grade i decided to connect my life with trade and my choice fell on branch of bgge, minsk trade college, on specialization in commodity science. having successfully completed 2 years of college, i also received related professions, becoming a fourth- class cashier salesperson. i’m a rationist, and when i came to veniverk for work, i came as a fourth-class salesman, at the moment i have upgraded my qualifications to a fifth -class salesman, first of all, i love my job with... for the opportunity to help people, it is important for me to satisfy the buyer’s demand, so that he leaves our department store with a good mood and a smile. it all comes down to one thing goals are to satisfy the population's demand for goods and services, and we minimize
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the time it takes to find the right product for the buyer, also in our sales area products are presented in groups for... this is a hygiene product, these are hair cosmetics, body cosmetics, decorative cosmetics , the work of a seller allows the buyer to reduce the time spent searching for the product he needs, as well as help him make a choice and make the right purchase. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good.
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everything was harmonious with you and me, until i read your page. a snowball of confessions of prohibitions hit my planet, forget about it, my heart whispered, forget about everything, my mother told me, and i won’t cry into my friend’s vest, i’ll put a black mark in her heart, and i... i don’t know , how did it happen, my friend fell in love with you, and i won’t cry for my friend’s vest, i’ll put a black mark in her heart, i don’t know how it
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happened, my friend fell in love with you, here. everything was perfect with you until i saw you and her together, you gently hugged her by the shoulders, i will always remember this evening, forget about it, my heart whispered, forget about everything, my mother told me, but i won’t pay. like a friend in a vest, i’ll put a black mark in her heart, i don’t know when it happened, my friend fell in love with you, but i won’t cry on a friend’s vest,
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i’ll put a black mark in her heart, i don’t know when she’ll get it. my friend fell in love with you, but i won’t cry into my friend’s vest. but i won’t cry for my friend’s vest,
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i’ll put a black mark in her heart, i don’t know how happened. i’m a friend who fell in love with you, and i won’t cry when you can’t find your fitness instructor, but we found one, yes, by the way, friends, we do exercises in the morning, this is the key to health, and to your attention pavel. levashov, pasha, good morning, good morning, what will we do? today we will do exercises, of course, and it will be aimed at mobile stasis of the joint and we will get rid of any clicks in this joint. and any discomfort, i learned this, that is, mobile is not only telephone, but the hip joint, how interesting that if suddenly you feel
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some clicks in this joint and any discomfort when moving, then this means, well, it’s very bad, if clicks occur and there is no discomfort and no pain, that means it’s normal and not scary, pasha, and if you always hear these clicks from your co-host, if the co-host doesn’t suffer, then it’s all normal. next, of course, we will start exercising, we lie down on the floor, we simply stretch our legs in front of us, the first movement we will have is we raise the knee up, place the foot on the ground, open at the hip joint and lower the knee down, return the reverse movement, here you can change the leg, also raise the knee, place the foot on the carpet, open at the hip joint and lift. in the opposite direction, here you go, please tell us, or rather those who, for example, don’t have a very good stretch, because it’s not necessary to put your knees straight on; it’s also important here at
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this moment that your two buttocks are pressed to the floor, then there should not be such a thing that you fall into one of we open the sides as much as possible, 10 times can be done on each leg, then i don’t understand why you have such a negative attitude towards clicks, please explain to tv viewers what this means, if these cracks do not cause discomfort, but you feel them, this happens on on a regular basis and achieve this, we make a rotational movement of the hip joint, mobility of the hip joint also occurs here, and
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even if here in this movement you experience some discomfort, then this is not very good, if suddenly there are some cracks here, this is normal, no pain, no pain, yes, here we also change the leg, we also turn the thigh in the hip joint inward, outward, inward, that is, we develop the joint in all directions, forward, backward, to the side. okay, then we will have the following, we lie down on our side, as if we were going to bed, like this, bend our knees towards ourselves, lift one leg up a little and move backwards, the leg is bent at the knees and towards the chest, it is also important here do not bend in the lower back so that the lower back is stable, in at the peak point in the back position, we will have a stretch, a tension in the front of the thigh or in the quadriceps femoris. and come on pash, let’s add that in this position in which you are now, when you pull your knee to your chest, there is still a very good
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stretching of the sacral lumbosacral, as well as the annual muscles, here too , everything is stretching, and in the morning this is very important, and i like your terminology, stable lower back, it’s very nice that colleagues have some knowledge, yes great, very good, here you can also do 10 times on each leg, change sides, when you change sides, the next one will be... exercise, you also remain in this position, we raise the leg a little, well, the upper one, naturally, the knee up, and the same thing happens here rotational movement in the closed composition, something crunched, it seemed like it was a microphone, but the microphone, he didn’t feel any discomfort, so it’s normal, here we also do such rotational movements, cool, how cool set, i really wanted to make it a rotational movement, that is, fitness and radio have something in common, rotation, rotation yes. there are hits, and here they are hipped and also here our lower back is stable, please note, yes, we do not bend in the lower back, we lie flat
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without any pavel, yes we do not bend in the lower back, please wish our tv viewers well, remember that the movement - this is life, be healthy, yes, you shouldn’t bend your lower back, i change, so to speak, health, be stable, we wish you that you not only had a cell phone, but also a hip joint, well, right now. let's look at our story from the white rook tournaments. concentration, critical thinking, strategic planning the final of the republican chess competition, white rook, took place in the capital. but you will see what was there right now. the final stage of the tournament took place at the republican olympic training center for chess and checkers. the event was organized by the presidential sports club, the ministry of sports and tourism, the belarusian federation chess, as well as the ministry of education
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of the republic of belarus. the tournament itself begins its history. began its history back in 1969, in soviet times, when children's writer lev kosil and world chess champion vasily smyslov organized a chess club called belaya ladya. the tournament in belarus was revived in 2015 . guys from different parts of our country came to compete for the title of the best. a total of 14 teams took part in the competition. children here take part at the age of 14.
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this kind of competition is a real holiday for young athletes. what opportunities does this chess tournament open for you? well, here i am for the first time in the finals. it was difficult to get here, but i’ll probably need to train more. i have been playing chess for 5 years now, i want to become first at least the champion of the city, then the republic. how long have you been playing chess? yes, i’ve been training for 6 years now, i have the first category, i want to get a candidate, master payback, the competition program has seven rounds, each of which is difficult in its own way, prizes are distributed according to the total number points scored by team players in all matches, each mistake is essentially a defeat for the entire team, that is, everything you did before, one mistake, and you could completely
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destroy all the work of the entire team and... you must understand, that their nerves are always on edge, that is, the children themselves, they are no longer little athletes, they already understand everything, they understand the cost, the price of a mistake, and this pressure, of course, affects them, that is, many played not as usual, many were tense , and well, this is experience for them for the future, winners the competition was won by chess players from minsk gymnasium number 50, the winners scored 18.5 points, second place went to students from minsk gymnasium number six, that’s true. the strongest team was rounded out by the guys from grodno secondary school no. 35. emotions honestly just ended in the last round, because the guys went so confidently almost until the last round. we have the youngest team in the tournament, perhaps even the youngest white rook in the history of these competitions. we got here through a very interesting and difficult path. good impression, i'm glad that
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flew to sochi. i'll probably be packing my suitcase soon. the main prize of the tournament was a trip to sochi to participate in the final stage of the open all-russian chess competition belaya ladya, among teams of educational organizations. we also join in the congratulations and wish the guys only victory. we certainly join in the congratulations. how clever you are, it seems that children even know how to tie their shoelaces, and already they’re playing in such competitions and... they’re playing, participating, or rather in such competitions and winning, the most the main thing, friends, i once again convey all my admiration for these wonderful young talents, well, now let’s move on to the weather forecast, we have another talent, well , maybe not so young, of course, but nevertheless, yes, talent, talent to tell the weather, here you see how they identified me, i know that today is monday, many of you are already going to work, to school, here is the current
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forecast, up to +9 in the minsk region in brest up to +14, cloudy with clearings , there will even be thunderstorms in some places, we we remind you that today there will be an orange level during the day dangers, so please don’t forget to take umbrellas with you, and the wind is up to 20 m/s, you noted the creativity of our director, who showed a girl who was very surprised by our weather indicators, i think it’s an amazing move, this is the first hour. the run is ending, after the news release, we will contact vitebsk, we know what interesting things happened there over the past week, and i would like to remind you that yesterday, may 5, our colleagues celebrated the professional holiday press day of the republic of belarus, so we are waiting in our studio today, director of the editor-in-chief of the belarus publishing house, dmitry zhuk, we will congratulate you live, so don’t switch, according to the tradition of monday, in the third part of the program
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, astrologer katerina korneva will join us, we will find out what the stars have in store for us. in may, and they have prepared all the best for us, see you. on that land, before the sunset of the sustrac, on the hidden days of the abyssal dawns, the abras are molding hell to the world. in just an hour, the sun will be coming, belarusian jumpers, veranikas,
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alesya and shuni, often times of the day you are affectionate, would it be a fairy tale, belarusian jumpers, thin flax waist with juunay beauties. no, the heavens of gold are laid, and you may, a race of brilliant, foreign enchantresses, leave the sampa of the flowers, the scorching ones, the fish that are ours.
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natalya vikuli, i china a vase of caress, not a bull, belarusian, thin ice of a beautiful beauty, palates
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of gold, abranae, abdymae!


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