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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 7:10am-7:20am MSK

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a living memory of grateful generations, the country's schoolchildren were actively involved in patriotic projects for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. in vitebsk, the results of a creative competition on the initiative were summed up.
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charitable foundation of alexei talai, children drew places of military glory, captured patriotic events in their cities, and also talked on paper about the heroes of the great patriotic war that their families were proud of. everyone sees war differently. such competitions are important in order to remember our past and not make mistakes in the future. through this kind of event, of course, involves every child in preserving historical memory - this is our task. this event allows you to make your contribution to the general fund. the main directions of the foundation's work today are preserving the historical memory of the great patriotic war, attracting children and families to create folk monuments in minsk, moscow, brest, popularizing a healthy lifestyle, helping donbass families, helping children. all this emphasizes the peace-loving policy of our country. during the summing up of residents vitebsk took part.
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starts at 19:30, then on may 9 the team will play in tula and on the 11th at the minsk arena. economic news will continue to broadcast the project . the tv news agency is also available on social networks, in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a successful day and see you at exactly 8.
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the days of the gomel region open today at vdnkh in moscow. export transactions on the stock exchange exceeded imports, the balance was positive and annual inflation in turkey accelerated to almost 70%. you are watching economic news, i am with you svetlana lukinyuk. morning. the days of the govel region open today in the belarusian pavilion of vdnkh in moscow. the program includes a presentation of the trade, economic, cultural and tourism potential of the region. the signing of a road map of interaction between the gomel and bryansk regions is expected. action plan with the kursk region and a memorandum of cooperation between our gomel and obninsk, kaluga region. a tasting of products from the gomeshchina enterprise and negotiations with the honorable one are also planned.
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guests and leaders of russian partner regions. from january to april, the amount of export transactions on the belarusian universal commodity exchange exceeded import contracts by $138 million. at the same time, compared to the same period last year, the volume of exports increased 10 times, and imports decreased by 8%. sellers and buyers on the exchange platform are residents of 36 countries. the most active bidders are companies from. russia, china, azerbaijan, uzbekistan and kazakhstan. these countries account for 90% of the foreign trade turnover of our exchange. since may, the ministry of finance has increased the estimated prices for precious metals that are purchased for the state fund. on average, they rose in price by 7%. and this trend has been observed for several months now. thus, gold now costs a little more than 236 rubles in government procurement. per gram of metal. this is 5% more expensive than... a month
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ago, platinum rose in price by about the same, and the price of silver immediately soared by almost 9%. the most expensive among precious metals remain both rhidium and rhodium, they now... cost about 510 rubles. the belarusian confectionery industry is looking for new countries importing cocoa beans, in order to avoid the risks associated with a sharp rise in prices for raw materials for chocolate. on the world market, the growth rate of the cost of cocoa beans last year compared to the previous year was 60%. the last time they increased so significantly was almost 50 years ago. the rise in price is due to weather conditions in the countries of west africa, where they traditionally grow. cocoa beans, by the way, account for about 40% of the cost of production. a single mobile application for purchasing route taxi tickets for all carriers will be created in belarus by 2025 year. this platform will be state-owned, with information on all intercity,
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suburban and city routes with accurate schedules and tracking of available seats. it is assumed that it will be possible to buy a ticket in the application at any time of the day. but the goals of innovation are to take travel payments out of the water. in addition, government agencies will receive real information on the volume of passenger traffic, which will allow them to take prompt measures by scheduling traffic directions. now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange, our ruble strengthened against the dollar. and this morning the following exchange rates are: dollar 3 rubles, 23 kopecks. for 10 yuaniya at the auction they gave 4 rubles 44 kopecks. 3.50 costs 100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 47 kopecks. the japanese authorities have already spent $23 billion to support the currency. the government is trying to stabilize the rate of the falling national currency, at least at the level of 160 per dollar. the fall of the yen
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could not be stopped, despite the first increase in the key rate of the japanese central bank in many years. currency interventions the regulator has not yet particularly influenced the situation. in april, annual inflation in turkey accelerated to almost 70%. over the month, the figure increased from 68.5%. thus , annual inflation became the highest since november 2022, when it was recorded at 84.39. the consumer price index rose by more than 3% in april. russians began to more often buy and rent storage rooms amid a decrease. area of ​​apartments in new buildings, so the share of them available for purchase is now from 30 to 50% of the number of apartments in the building. every year up to 4,000 m2 of storage rooms are sold, which is more than 600 premises. the area of ​​which is about 5 squares. in addition, over
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the past six months, demand for remote storage services has increased by 40%. but most often , russians put furniture and equipment into storage for the duration of repairs. books, toys and seasonal items. this was the economic news, good mood and see you! morning broadcast about... hello: a scheme to move polish apples through belarus to russia was uncovered by operational customs officers. 19 were involved in the fraud polish carriers, turnover amounted to almost one and a half million tons of fruit. it is known that
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70 consignments of goods were provided with false documents and phytosanitary certificates. they indicated that the sender was a moldovan company, and the recipients were a company. from kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan. belarusian customs officers, during operational search and verification activities, found out that all products were loaded at one of the warehouses in poland. forged documents were also prepared there. supposedly moldavian apples, like officially declared, in reality they were of polish origin. all these products were unloaded at one of the markets of the russian federation. digest of criminal and emergency incidents. next in the program. the driver's feelings caused a fatal accident in minsk. doctors tried to save a fifty-year-old man, but he died without regaining consciousness at the scene of the accident. and, according to the traffic police, the accident occurred on saturday afternoon. the volkхvagen was moving along the outer ring of mkat from pritytskogo street in the direction of mazurovo. near
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34 kilometers, the car went into an uncontrolled skid and left the roadway. previously, the driver became ill while driving. a biker ended up in intensive care after a collision with an opel. the dzyatlovsky rvd received information about an accident on sovetskaya street near az. a woman driving a red station wagon was turning left and did not allow an oncoming kawasaki motorcycle to pass. motorcyclist hit. flew forward, the man had serious injuries and leg fractures. several barconiers were detained within 24 hours in...


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