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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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russian federation. digest of criminal and emergency incidents and further in the program. poor health of the driver caused a fatal accident in minsk. doctors tried to save a fifty-year-old man, but he died without regaining consciousness at the scene of the accident. and according to the traffic police, the accident occurred on saturday afternoon. the volkswagen was moving along the outer ring of mkat from pritytskogo street in the direction of mazurov in area thirty. kilometers the car went into an uncontrolled skid and went beyond the roadway, the driver first became ill while driving. a biker ended up in intensive care after a collision with an opel. at 16:29, the dzyatlovsky district department of internal affairs received information about an accident on sovetskaya street near az. a woman driving a red station wagon was turning left and did not allow an oncoming kawasaki motorcycle to pass. the impact sent the motorcyclist flying forward. the man has serious injuries and leg fractures. several barconiers were detained during the day. in
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the brev region, vavotsevichi and molar regions, the state inspectorate checked fishermen knowledge on environmental protection. it turned out that the locals, and these three men ignore the rules, are fishing with nets. their catch amounted to about 150 fish, including carp, crucian carp, perch, pike and bream. in all cases , poachers used prohibited fishing gear. damage to the environment exceeded 25 rubles. a criminal case has been opened. the suspects have been detained and investigations are being carried out with their participation. and then about commodity-money relations: threat detectives detained a menchan woman who stole a woman’s jacket from a pavilion in a shopping center. walking through the aisles, the woman noticed a rack of clothes, making sure that the seller was busy with other things and not looking in the direction of the customers, the defendant took the things and left the shopping center. the entire episode was caught on surveillance video. already at the police station, the woman remembered that she had to pay for the goods and, of course, admitted her guilt. broke the door of a store to find alcohol. the most interesting thing is the whole situation. a call was received on line 102 that
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an aggressive buyer was in conflict with staff and was damaging property. the task force detained a drunk man, who explained that the thirst for alcohol pushed him to the extreme step. a criminal case was opened for hooliganism, damage to the store amounted to 600 rubles. fire in a five-story building on school street in novopolotsk, the owner was rescued. emergency situations ministry soldiers found the woman on the floor in one of the rooms. the pensioner was conscious, but disoriented. after examination by doctors , the victim was taken to the hospital with poisoning from combustion products and thermal burns. careless handling of fire while the owner of the apartment was smoking is the main version of what happened. dog's paw stuck in the carabiner of the collar could not have happened without the help of rescuers. employees of the ministry of emergency situations of the city of glubokaya reacted with emotion to the message from the village of miretske. a few minutes after the signal for help, the unit was on the spot. the whole operation took a few minutes.
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having freed himself from captivity, he also playfully thanked his saviors. this was the news for, stay tuned to belarus 1.
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good morning belarus. good morning belarus, good morning country. we continue to wake up together. we remind you that anna quiller and mariana marinkova today welcome you to the new week. it's already monday on the calendar. may 6, that’s it, that’s it, friends, now, and since that’s all, i propose to find out what news our colleagues have prepared there in vitebsk, maria dean is in touch with us, good morning, good morning, good morning, masha,
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tell us what news in the vitebsk region, our first news about the beauty of the game, the queen of the students of the vitebsk region was elected in the city above the dvina. in the regional round of the republican project competition , six charming creative girls out of four competed for the crown of the winner universities in the northern region. the jury assessed not only the grace and beauty of movements, but also creativity, artistry and intelligence. the title queen of students of the vitebsk region 2024 was awarded to student of the vitebsk state technological university polina lebedeva. she will represent the northern region in the finals of the competition, which will take place years later. in minsk, great, yes, every week we talk about how we have a beauty contest somewhere in belarus, i even wondered in which region we have the most beautiful girl, how difficult it is win in belarus, where all the women are very pretty, really, everyone, thanks mash for this information, let's move on to the next one, now
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we'll talk about little athletes, a football festival was held in vitebsk for first-graders, participants in the republican experimental project let's play football, the kids were offered. there were a lot of activities and match meetings: children took penalties, demonstrated dribbling, performed accuracy exercises, and challenged leadership in team confrontations. the let's play football project started at the beginning of the school year initiative of the belarusian football federation and the ministry of education. in physical education lessons, first-graders learn the basics of football through outdoor games and exercises with a sword. in the republic , 258 educational institutions have joined the project. this is the cutest video that we have ever seen during today’s broadcast, of them taking a penalty kick, but i wanted to say that this project is probably also aimed at identifying children who are more or less inclined towards football among them we see that 60 percent are girls, yes with
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with pigtails like this, move on to the next news, and we will tell about the kids, including girls, in the next news in the dokshetsky region. they organized a holiday for young hunters and fishermen, fifteen children were solemnly presented with membership cards of the belarusian society of hunters and fishermen. competitions were organized for the young recruits. the guys demonstrated their rifle shooting skills and got acquainted with another type of weapon - a bow. according to the law, you can join the ranks of the society of hunters and fishermen from the age of eight age, but only with parental permission. members of the society conduct extra-curricular activities with students.
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with tears in our eyes, solemnly and for a selection of interesting news, let's immediately watch the plot of the eightieth anniversary of the enemy's breakthrough: a celebration from the blockade of the polotsk-lepel zone by partisans, emotionally in ushatchina they celebrated the opening of the program of the victory miles motor rally with the participation of the patriotic project "on the roads of war, on the roads of victory" . at the foot of the monument , the polotsk pilgrim theater presented a theatrical prologue, so that they remember, from the first days you have been great.
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the capsule will be opened in 10 years, the feat of our ancestors was discussed at a solemn meeting, no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten, a feeling of pride in our ancestors and a sense of patriotism, and such, probably, a feeling of unity of all, and today we pay tribute to the memory. to the feat of our ancestors, partisans, partisans, civilians, soldiers of the soviet
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army, who 80 years ago accomplished such a legendary, i believe, feat. today we experience a feeling of joy in that number, because we won, we live and celebrate for 80 years, give birth to children, wait for our grandchildren, we hope that it will always be this way. wreaths and flowers were laid at the breakthrough memorial clites. the minsk historical and patriotic association let's remember, showed a reconstruction of the battle, thematic interactive platforms worked, you could get acquainted with the partisan life, weapons, try soldier's porridge and take a photo as a souvenir, symbolic and beloved military songs about the blue handkerchief, the dark night and katyusha. regional leadership, delegations from the vitebsk region, guests from the pskov and smolensk regions of russia, took part in the folk festival. a marathon
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is an extreme load, even for a professional athlete, so from my point of view , the participation of children in marathon races is unjustified, in fact, from my point of view, a marathon. contraindicated for children in general as an extreme form of exercise, running, please, what distances, well, here, you should probably focus on school standards, they, school standards for physical education, they are not made up, they are based on the physiology of the child’s body, and there these people at the beginning are 60, 100, then how many half a kilometer, a kilometer, in high school they run 3 km, this is more than enough to... train from the point of view of physical education, we are not talking about professional sports, we are talking about physical education and
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health. let's start with the fact that before you run, you need to warm up, that is, it should not be so that the child fits absolutely, he sat through four lessons at school, went to physical education, changed clothes, shot the starting pistol and he rushed, no, at the beginning there is a warm-up, all the muscles warm up, joints and ligaments are stretched, the body prepares for this load, then the race itself begins, again a recovery period, breathing restoration, the time that is needed for recovery. as for how to prepare: the first thing is clothes. when running, clothing should not interfere with the movement of the limb, especially the legs. clothes should not put pressure on the chest because we are breathing. clothing is better breathable, which removes steam from the body, while prevents hypothermia. due to the wind, due to movements, each sport has its own shoes, for boxers it has its own,
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for runners it has its own, so these are most often sneakers, running sneakers, what surfaces are best to run on, of course, it’s better not on asphalt, there is a special the surface, if you play sports, they are yours, school stadiums are most often sandy surfaces, quite enough - there are no problems here, running on the grass is dangerous, you can slip and get injured, run on roots, trees in parks are dangerous, you just need to watch your step, where you are running, there are usually treadmills, if you run in a stadium, everything is already there for you, everything has been provided for you, you run on the surface that exists there, like this way.
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good ranitsa belarus, this monday, may 6, mariana murenkova and anna kviloriya continue to meet you, and it’s time to find out what the weather will be like today, maryana vasilyevna, do you have something to tell us, of course, there is, spoiler, the weather will be good, yes, but she got spoiled mood, so, the morning indicators of this day: yes, in the minsk region in brest up to +14 +6 +8, in the itebsk region in gomel up to +9 +12 +14 and in the city called correctly grodny mogelev up to plus nine. there will be precipitation everywhere this morning, in fact, when we were driving to work, we felt it ourselves, yes, and in some places there will even be rain, well, not in some places, everywhere, excuse me, but this is not bad weather, yes maryana, yes, during the day the situation with precipitation will not change, but the temperature will rise slightly, to +19 in the minsk region in bresse, to +22 +9 +11 in vitebsk, of course, it’s traditionally
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cool there, this is the north of our country, +21 +23 in gomel in grodno to +21 + 17 + 19 in mogilev, everything is fine, orange danger level today, amazing, you remind me of one of the heroines meryl streep, where she walks around against the background of the window and demands her subordinate: send me home immediately on any plane, whatever you want, what is the weather, the weather is beautiful, and just in the background there are just palm trees lying like that in the wind, this is maryana vasilyevna, everything is fine, weekend i watched a movie, maybe, well, i want you...
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our correspondent olesya boyarskikh, we watch, remember and rejoice. concentration, critical thinking, strategic planning, the final of the republican chess competition took place in the capital, the white boat, that’s what was there, you’ll see right now. the final stage of the tournament took place at the republican olympic training center for chess and checkers. belarusian chess federation, as well as the ministry of education of the republic of belarus. the tournament itself begins its history, began its history since 1969, in soviet times, when children's writer lev kasil and world
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chess champion vasily smyslov organized a chess club called belaya ladya. guys from different parts of our country came to compete for the title of the best; a total of 14 teams took part in the competition. children here take part at the age of 14 years and younger, of course, this is a unique tournament for specialists, because it is an opportunity to discover some new stars, for children, this is the first competition at such a republican level, because of course this is a three-stage selection, first by competition. a real holiday for young athletes. what opportunities does this chess tournament open for you? well, this is my first time in
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the finals, it was difficult to get here. but, probably, i will need to train more, i have already been studying chess for 5 years, i want to become first at least the champion of the city, then the republic. how long have you been playing chess? yes, i’ve been studying for 6 years now, i have the first category, i want to get a candidate master of splat. the competition program includes seven rounds, each of which complex in its own way. prizes were distributed according to the total number of points. accumulated by the team's players in all matches, each mistake is essentially the defeat of the entire team, that is, everything you did before, one mistake, and you could completely destroy all the work of the entire team, and you must understand that there is always nerves are at their limit, that is, the children themselves, they are no longer little athletes, they already understand everything, they understand the cost of a mistake, and this pressure, of course,
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affects them, that is, many played differently than usual, many are tense, and well, this is experience for... the winners of the competition were chess players from minsk gymnasium number 50. the winners scored 18 and a half points. second place went to students from minsk gymnasium number six. but the top three were completed by the guys from grodno secondary school no. 35. emotions honestly just ended in the last round, because the guys went so confidently almost until the last round. we have the youngest team. i'll probably be packing my suitcase soon. the main prize of the tournament was a trip to sochi to participate in the final stage of the open all-russian chess competition belaya
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ladya, among teams of educational organizations. we also join in the congratulations and wish the guys nothing but victory. we. let's talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. the recipe for this cheesecake was found in the book of radivilovsky recipes, translated to our employees from polish, now we can use it to treat everyone to this cheesecake. according to the guest, the nesvizh cutlet is not a cutlet at all, it is equated to fried meat, all because it is made like made from minced pork. let's dive into holiday culinary traditions. and kulich, of course, is baked, only here, in this area, it’s not called kulich. if all over the world there are easter cakes, these are easter cakes; in the whole world, these are easter cakes. we will also
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introduce the viewer to the history of this or that area of ​​our country. people go to nesves to see the castle, the farny church and everything connected with the rodivils. by the way, pay attention to the letter p on the cap, which means rodivila. look in the project. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why? you, and where does the money come from, are my two favorite questions, i would really like to take a look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, where they see more opportunities and use them to the maximum. 26 piglets, you have a chicken, 130. chickens, who else do you have, ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have, this is free time that can be spent on laziness and despondency, i
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understand, this is definitely not the case, there is no time for depression, despondency or laziness, yes, the task of the presenter is to find out why the rural life is still better than city life, and then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this, when we do it here in the future, we’ll have a reception room , we’ll... we’ll make some kind of coffee somewhere to drink, maybe some kind of laundry here , that we have leftovers here, valuable ones, we ’ll probably hang an exhibition here, now it’s fashionable to say, there will be a reception here, how it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, see the project i’m from the village on tv channel belarus 24.
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its circulation is about 150 thousand, one-time circulation, this is a lot for the republic, they like to count for the whole week, so this is the circulation of one issue, the newspaper is published by the republic, it is also a daily newspaper, it is a government newspaper, its circulation is more modest, of course, about 20 thousand, still a lot, a good circulation, but i what pleases me most is the circulation of the youth newspaper, banner of youth, which is close to 4000, today this figure is very, very high.
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holiday, congratulations on the advance, you see, and there, a little, and there, ah, this radio station broadcasts in all regions of belarus, well , the direction is rather closer to conversational radio, there are political talk shows, quite interesting author's columns, now we are working on creating a new radio station, we have already received a license from the ministry of information, it broadcasts, it is called victory on radio, you can already listen to it on the internet if you like. and this is the content, these are songs about the war, about the war, and just the same, if we are talking about the musical war period, there are poems about the war, there is news, there is very interesting information, this is a patriotic radio station with a patriotic focus, will there be some analytical programs like on alpharadio? now we will put it on the air, we are now working on this in minsk, i hope that within the next
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foreseeable time there.
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make it available on the internet so that young guys can look for their grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and maybe even great-grandfathers and look, because let’s say my grandfathers didn’t tell us what the orders and medals were for, and i was interested, so we started with this interest, well, the idea arose from this interest, and for what, and how they fought, and today this project will still develop, yes, because there is today we have digitized about one and a half million documents, several years, but there is still a huge underground, so we still have an interesting array of work there, these are partisan magazines, magazines of partisan detachments, this is essentially every day, that’s how there are large partisan battles there you had a story about
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a monument, a breakthrough, but this is huge.
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an educational institution to attract young people to this cause, yes, many come, there has not yet been a single event, at least here in belarus, when... one of i didn’t find my relatives of the participants, what do you mean? yes, yes, and for them this is a revelation, these emotions, they are worth the work, this year for the first time the partisans brought this exhibition and project to russia, opened it at the belarusian embassy in moscow, in the cultural center at the embassy, ​​in our plans with the support of the embassy, ​​they became interested in this project, to hold this exhibition. by regions of russia, but what will this give? this will expand the project, right? you understand, the fact is that the partisans included natives of almost the entire soviet union, of all nationalities, and tell them that their fellow countrymen here
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fought in partisan detachments, this is also interesting, and for them it is also important, yes, after all , many died here and knowing some information about them is very important for the future generation, but but you started talking: about what is included in your media holding, let's continue, this is radio, we know that there is also a youtube channel, yes, it already has more than a million subscribers, it is not alone, there are others, well, the main one, yes, more than a million subscribers, in fact it is a small television studio in which we record programs every day, every day in the morning we do a weekday talk show, it goes on radio alpha radio, alpha radio, the live broadcast goes to us on youtube,
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in fact, let’s say this is an addition to what we do in print , and if we are talking about our internet portal, website, whatever it is called from the bby, then, firstly, about 180-2000 people visit it every day, watch it, this is a pretty decent indicator for our country, you are making competition with the visual media, how can i tell you, we cannot compete with ether, ether, because what you have...
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they have platforms, they have social networks, there they block us, put us in bans and so on, those channels for delivering information to our population that we control, they tried to talk, and television they don’t look, they said that they didn’t say, they said, this is what we control and guarantee our people to receive reliable information, so they tortured it for your, let’s say, horizons, you know where the most circulation is. newspaper where in the usa, no, no, in japan, the most technologically advanced country, its circulation is about 7-8 million, then there is trust in what they read, they hold it right in their hands, this is it for you, whether they read it or not, and one more important thing, a newspaper, a person
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pays for it, and if he pays, it means he needs it and is interested, yeah, and this value acquires some additional one, though it’s still in his eyes, he doesn’t just scroll the feed, he comes across it, he goes and buys it.
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some, the newspaper is an understanding of what happened, perhaps even forecasting, just like on any self-respecting tv channel there is a sunday summary. program, is it about the news, no, is it about results, it's about meaning, yes, i should have come in t-shirts today, strength is in truth, and truth is on our side, merch of the first, by the way, thank you for the amazing conversation, there are still 10 seconds to wish your colleagues all the best on their professional holiday, dear guys, young people who came to the journalistic profession, i want to wish you an interest in life, a taste for life, all of us belarusians, congratulations on may 9, this holiday
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is very, very important for us, thank you very much happy holiday to you too, thank you for visiting us came to such an early morning broadcast, and i remind our tv viewers that today our guest was the director, editor-in-chief of the belarus today publishing house dmitry zhuk. friends, this ends the second part of our program, the parting will be short-lived, stay tuned to our tv channels, see you soon, and for now we’ll listen together. how much light, the first ray, the dawn shone and illuminated hearts over the dnieper, over the burning day, together we can do a lot, the main thing is to believe in the dream to the end, we can. everything, if we are together, we cannot be broken if we
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together, a brother will stand up for a brother, a friend will stand up for a friend, we can do anything if we are together, if we are together, you know, it’s you and me, we are responsible for everything, we live in our children, and we must convey love to them, teach them to appreciate ours and be proud that we were born here, live, create, work to protect. and we can do everything
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if we are together, we can’t be broken, if we are together, brother stand up for brother, friend stand up for each other, we can do everything if we... we can’t be broken if we are together, if we are
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together, once you stand up for your brother, stand up for each other, we can do anything, and if we are together, and if we're together. good morning belarus.
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the morning broadcast on belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with news in the studio pavel lazovik, hello, the orthodox celebrated one of the main christian holidays on easter, in the church on this bright day it is always and alexander lukashenko, by tradition, celebrates the day of christ sunday together with his own.


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