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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 8:15am-9:00am MSK

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menchanka, who stole a woman's jacket from a pavilion in a shopping center. walking through the aisles, the woman noticed a rack of clothes. after making sure that the seller was busy with other things and was not looking in the direction of the buyers, the defendant took the things and left the shopping center. the entire episode was caught on surveillance video. already at the police station, the woman remembered that she had to pay for the goods and, of course, admitted her guilt. broke the door of a store to find alcohol. the most interesting thing is that the whole situation took place in front of the workers of the trade pavilion. entered two instead a call that an aggressive buyer is in conflict with the staff and is damaging the property. the task force detained a drunk man, who explained that his thirst for alcohol pushed him to the extreme step. a criminal case was opened for hooliganism, damage to the store amounted to 600 rubles. fire in a five-story building on school street in novopolotsk, the owner was rescued. emergency situations ministry soldiers found the woman on the floor in one of the rooms. the pensioner was conscious, but she was disoriented and could not leave the apartment on her own. after examination by doctors for... poisoning by combustion products and
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suffered from thermal burns and was taken to the hospital. careless handling of fire while the owner of the apartment was smoking is the main version of what happened. the dog's paw got stuck in the carabiner of the collar, and it couldn't have happened without the help of rescuers. the workers of the ministry of emergency situations of the city of glubokaya reacted with emotion to the message from the village of miretske. a few minutes after the signal for help, the unit was on the spot. the whole operation took a few minutes, all this time the dog wagged its tail with its mane. having been freed from captivity, he also... gvieva thanked his saviors. these were news for, stay tuned to belarus one.
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belarus, good morning, country, we continue to wake up, anna quilori, maryana murengova, today are your, so to speak, alarm clocks, because we are starting a new week, today is monday, but this is logical, may 6 is on the calendar, and we are not going anywhere, anywhere .
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on how fate, in principle, develops, they are precisely in the strongest position at the strongest degree, there is only one day a year - this is always such a basis, such a coincidence occurs of all these fact for may 10th, now i’m thinking, what can i do on may 10th, i just don’t have this and that, it ’s impossible, you need to multiply something, the panic is already so mild, multiply yourself on the weekend, perhaps you can really multiply your vacation. you can multiply it if you want, for example, to buy something, at least so that you have it on a large scale, buy it in a small one, uh-huh, uh-huh, if you want a big refrigerator, buy a small one, and this works with everyone, i do i understand, in other things, first a small one, katya, stop
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us, tell us also what needs to be done in may, what favorable, unfavorable dates there may be, and the most unfavorable day in may is the eighteenth, especially it is negative.
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that is, on may 18, saturday, a legal day off , you suggest people not to go out anywhere, not to make a mistake, but to stay at home and of course not to swim, is it possible to take a bath? well, of course, if karma is really bad, you can drown in the bathroom so to speak, sit quietly on the sofa, it’s better not to wash anything in case of fire, this is also somehow connected, you don’t wash the dishes, no, friends, of course , let me be favorable in everything, probably much more, but there is a seventh.
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may 7 is a wonderful day, yes, on this day there should be good news on the air, it’s great and yes, we always have only good things , and it’s the twenty-fourth. katerina, i, of course , understand that you have singled out these wonderful days, but isn’t any day that we choose for ourselves, that we set ourselves up to go through life, beautiful? of course, of course, the most important thing is how you set yourself up, by the way, how a person knows how to tune himself, influences, maybe i’ll tell you this life hack, how the moon is located in your chart, so if one of the listeners knows his time of birth and his chart, look at what kind of moon you have in terms of qualities, by.. the quality of a person’s psyche and emotional stability depends on this; it can be black, yes, but in the western tradition, in the indian tradition, there is no black, but nevertheless , it also has its own characteristics, but if
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a person has weak emotionality, for example, not. if sensuality is developed, there is no strength of emotion, then he cannot control his mood, he is usually susceptible. cannot control his emotions, and if he is too sensual, yes, but these are two different qualities, there is the power of feeling, that is, when
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a person is not emotional, that is, more rational, for example, the principle is developed, then here it is also quite difficult to adjust oneself these affirmations, all the meditations, it will have... but a small influence, because a person is a logician, after all, this is a state, any affirmation, but there is not only the strength of feelings, but also the quality of these feelings, when there is this... imbalance, a person is too emotional and very susceptible to emotional swings, then here too there are characteristics and then it is also difficult to manage your own, to find balance in everything, let's talk about that the month of may has finally arrived, our grandparents said you can’t get married in may, you will suffer, but what astrology will tell us about this, you can get married in may and even need to on these days, which the astrologer promised you can get married in may, possible from may 19 in particular. because there venus will be in taurus, conjoined with jupiter in taurus, attention will come, as they say, yes, yes,
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these last weeks, well, almost 2 weeks, starting from may 19, are very favorable for starting a family, for to make proposals to your beloved woman, in order to start a serious relationship, taurus is a sign - more of a family sign, so traditional, that is, it’s not about flirting, not about easy relationships, it ’s about such long-term ones, but considering that the application must be submitted 2 weeks in advance, in i will say my defense, my parents got married on may 8, they lived happily for 34 years, well , to be honest, astrology does not adhere to this superstition, so i think it’s something from the folk calendar, as an option they came up with some kind of nonsense, get married whenever you want, let’s also, as i understand it, we have literally another minute, we’ll go over the signs of the zodiac. some will have just a fountain, some will have, well, a fountain, but smaller, but it seems to me that taurus
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, scorpios will have a very successful fountain, definitely, in addition, libra exactly from the nineteenth there will be a good time, the end of may turns out to be not the most favorable time for the twins, but they can go on vacation or travel in may, even on may 18, except for may 18, that is, it’s better for the twins... and somehow move away from the everyday routine of everyday life, for all the other signs of the zodiac it will be just a good month, in general the month of may is very favorable, note virgo and aquarius, catherine did not mention, well, just fine, perhaps maryana is ignoring us, perhaps there is nothing to say, thank you very much, it was very interesting, as always, friends, we remember that the stars help us make the right decisions, after all, you make decisions yourself, rightly so, astrologer korneva was with us, now we give the floor to our food blogger anatoly moiseev, he has a new recipe, recipe for you, pear puff pastry, yes,
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if i'm not mistaken, uh-huh, good morning, many people associate fresh pastries with a cup of coffee with the ideal breakfast, why don't we make one today, you can use ready-made puff pastry. prepare puff pastries with a variety of fillings. today i suggest using a pear with a secret ingredient in the form of raisins. we will need frozen yeast-free dough, pears, raisins, egg, powdered sugar. peel the pennies and cut each one in half. cut out a small recess. on each half we make deep cuts with a knife, as if dividing it into slices. try not to let the half fall apart. turn it over and put
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the raisins inside, pre-washed in hot water. this will be our little surprise. unroll the defrosted puff pastry; we will not roll it out. lay out the pears obliquely at a distance from each other. then cut the dough into squares so that each half lies on its own square. a little bit of each half. press it into the dough, and grease the dough itself with beaten egg yolk, carefully using a spatula, transfer all the preparations to a baking sheet lined with pecor paper in advance, put them in an oven preheated to 200° for 20-25 minutes, until the dough turns golden. sprinkle the finished puff pastries with powdered sugar through a strainer and serve to the table. it's very tasty, neutral crunchy base. juicy and tender pear is an explosive raisin surprise. prepare a double portion at once,
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as these puff pastries fly apart within seconds. have a good, positive day and bon appetit. hello, who didn't dream of a magic wand as a child? dazh, did you dream? i also wanted her to fulfill all our wishes, and today we will have our wand. fulfill our desires, but they will be aimed at making our figure beautiful and healthy, so today there are three wonderful exercises with such a stick, in principle it can be your body bar, if you're good. and trained, yes, that is , then you can choose a larger weight, we have light poles, in this case they serve as our stabilizers, let's go, so, dash, look, behind the head, legs, and put it wide, and do a squat, and we move our butt back, our body is in a deflection, our back is level, let’s go, we squat our butt back, that’s great,
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knees, just pay attention, we don’t bring them inward under any circumstances, our knee is pointing, but in the same direction as ours is looking. as you exhale , we rise to the end without straightening your knees, to protect our joints, we work three or four sets of 20-25 repetitions. second exercise: we will do split squats. so, dasha, in this case we put one leg forward, the left one, we move the right one back, even further, and we do a cross-seat. please note that we do not bring the knee forward, but. the back is in a deflection and slightly tilted forward, for what? in order to maximize the use of the back of the thigh. we work three or four sets of 15-20 repetitions on each leg. and the third
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exercise will work on the back surface betra gluteal muscle. how do we do this? we'll make tilters, pay attention! attention, the legs are slightly wider than the width of the shoulders, the knees are slightly bent, fixed, arch in the back, we move our buttocks back, we bend, we strain our buttocks, as if we are lifting ourselves with them, we press, yes, we work three or four approach at 20-25 inclinations, as you can see, the wand is still magical, with the help of it you can wonderfully practice with your child. exercise and stay healthy. place a body bar behind your head fix it on the trapezius muscles, place your feet wider than your shoulders, perform squats, move your pelvis back, keep your back straight, knees pointing in the direction of your toes,
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do not straighten your legs completely. now move one leg forward a little, the other back. squat. u... the front leg should not protrude beyond the toe, the back is straight, but slightly brought forward, place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, toes to the sides, knees slightly bent, move your buttocks back, bend forward, return to the starting position, strain your buttocks , in every during the exercise, choose the load according to the child’s strengths, we go on an expedition through the coves on... we will become saturated with emotions and emotions. everything is there, that in advance folklore expedition with the paradoxical numbers 590. the vitsebsk region has passed away many times before. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. let us admire the greatest glory of the church of the holy trinity. the temple was founded in 1999
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on the basis of the former royal parish school, so let's go to... 24!
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good mornings belarus, we continue to wake up, we continue to celebrate this amazing wonderful monday in may today. the sixth is already anna quiloria, mariana murenkova and, by the way, this thursday, holiday thursday, may 9, the ministry of defense will open 10 thematic
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sites in minsk. residents and guests of the capital will be able to visit various locations, exhibitions of weapons and military equipment, photo zones with military equipment, demonstration performances by military dog ​​handlers, concerts of creative groups and military bands. also, anyone can participate in competitions and receive branded souvenirs from the armed forces. in addition, there will be field kitchens where you can enjoy soldiers' porridge and hot tea. yes, our colleagues from belarus-24 also joined the festive events; the main directorate of the tv channel held a memorable bike ride, dedicated, in fact, to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus and the upcoming day of radio and television communications workers of the republic of belarus. in addition to belarus 24 employees, famous belarusian athletes took part in the race, belarusian representatives.
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the most popular offenses among motorcycle drivers are speeding, improper maintenance and operation of motor vehicles, as well as lack of insurance or a helmet. motorists have a much more extensive list. passing a prohibitory lane, violating the requirements of road signs, markings, to one degree or another, lack of documents, this is both the right to drive a vehicle and insurance, including violations of traffic rules by drivers in terms of committing an emergency. this traffic accident, including driving while under the influence of alcohol. late payment of fines in gi leads to problems. ban on traveling abroad, refusal to
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provide a bank loan, questions from the employer when applying for a job. in addition, penalties are charged on the amount recovered. over time, the debt will only grow. hello. the division of the city of minsk will pick up the registration certificate. here the certificate is photographed and changed. you can check for fines and pay them without leaving your home. on the website of the ministry of internal affairs. to do this, click the login button, register, if this is your first time on the site, go to the unpaid fines section and you’re done, their amounts are calculated based on the base rate. from january 1, 2024 , it is 40 rubles. why don't you fasten your seat belt? from march 1, 2021, after changes were made in the republic of belarus , legislation for violation of traffic rules was tightened. this became the starting point in reducing
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the number of drunk drivers on the roads and those who like to drive without a license. what i can tell drivers on the roads? please try not to disrupt as much as possible. yesterday i was stopped just like that, just to check my documents. and i’m like, and i’m so calm, i think everything’s fine with me, i’m buckled in, i’m afraid. documents, everything is in order, so nice, i just smiled, and they smiled back at you, i say hello to the person who stopped me yesterday, really, it was seriously nice, all the greetings were sent, yes, well, our next news came from sunny turkey at the airport istanbul started work, attention, dogs, psychologists, yes, the task of four-legged psychologists is to calm and distract passengers who are afraid to fly, pets can be touched and stroked, the service is provided free of charge, which is quite a lot. in turkey, such a project was launched for the first time, while five specially trained dogs passed the exam for permission to work at the airport, together with instructors they are on duty in the international departures area, this technique in
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the fight against stress from... is already used in the usa and canada, there in at airports , not only dogs, but even ponies help overcome fear. a this is what to do for those people who are afraid of flying, of dogs, of picking up, taking a pony in their arms , going with him to the meh, where dogs help cope with stress at the istanbul airport, for example, i’m a person who is afraid of large dogs, i’m not i’m only afraid of the little ones that i can run away from, no matter how nervous i was, when i was about to fly, then a dog comes up to me and says: i’ll calm you down, but here i’m kind of... tense, and i know, i have two suggestions for people like you, keep small dogs, well, on staff, so to speak, psychologists, and also cats, that is, for every taste and color, so that you calm down, so that you don’t get nervous, don’t stress, fly correctly and give each other only a good mood, oh, friends , oh, these fantasies, but you understand, treat them with a bit of humor, our next heroine will help you cope with absolutely any stress, it’s unlikely that anyone will be
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afraid of her, she’s very sweet, her... she’s a mouse looking for his way home, good morning, today i will introduce you to the most gentle creature in in this world, meet me, this is a mouse, she is looking for her way home, this baby was found on the roadway, scared and hungry, it’s even scary to imagine what... could have happened to her if she had not been picked up. the mouse is only 2 years old, an affectionate domestic dog of medium height. this beauty is a cheerful , positive dog who loves to frolic with other pets. the mouse will definitely turn every walk into an exciting game. our girl is absolutely healthy, sterilized, vaccinated, treated for
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parasites, etc. also trained to walk on leash, the mouse is nearby, nearby, well done, and now let's run, the mouse is unpretentious in food, does not chew anything in the house, gets along well with both adults and children, is ideal for a family where they are ready to pay attention to the pet, this baby loves hugs and kisses, communication with her guarantees a good mood for the whole day, the mouse is given as a gift to adults who will look after her, and most importantly, will never betray her. both an apartment and a private house are suitable for her to live in. if you want to get closer get to know the mouse, call the phone number indicated on your screen. she is really looking forward to meeting her future owner.
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amazing people of our country, everything that i hide, as in a sarcophagus, in my works, in my small sculptures, this is already different, i don’t know what will happen, for me creativity is getting out of my head to create something, what do you have there. the purpose of this hall is to distract children from the street.
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oh, don’t even count it, i really really miss your bread, but overall it’s great that it’s available, wax, we know where buy eggs, that's it, we sit and do creativity, visit the bright sights of our country, in 1800 count felix patocki laid a saccharine here, here is a kruga, amal shto hadzila and mlynera, who grinds flour, who grinds cereals, if
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a person comes, he prays ...with faith he turns to this miraculous icon of the mother of god, he begins to see this face very well, it always helps. look in the program. the route was built on the belarus24 tv channel.
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belarusians can send postcards for free for victory day, belpochta promotion will take place on may 6 and 9. and victory day is a significant date for the entire belarusian people, an important holiday for every family, a tribute to memory, deep respect and gratitude to everyone who brought this very victory closer. field postal employees also made a contribution, just think about it, they, risking their own lives, delivered mail to the soldiers on the front line, letters-triangles, connected the soldiers with their home, the post helped the residents of a huge country not to lose each other, to unite families separated by
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the war. during the event, by sending a message veteran, you can express sincere words of gratitude to them for the peaceful sky above your head, and also congratulate your loved ones on the upcoming holiday. list of post offices where it will take place. this action can be viewed on the belposhta website, be sure to do it, it seems like a small gesture, but it’s really so nice for those people who, thanks to whom we live peacefully today, yes, we live in such a wonderful country, our broadcast, friends, continues yours , our also beloved profession section, we go to the workplace of the seller elena gavrilchik. my name is elena gavrilchik and i work in the perfumery and cosmetics section of the country's main department store as a fifth -class salesperson. my morning begins in a way that is already familiar to me. i wake up 2 hours before the start of the working day. and my working day usually starts at 7:30. and i do
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my makeup, cook breakfast, do my hair and rush to the bus. upon arrival at the department store, i change into my branded clothes and go out into the sales area. i wouldn’t say that it’s super dense, but this one looks like natural, it’s adapts to the color of the skin, this one has a warmer undertone, this one has a colder undertone, after the eleventh grade i decided to connect my life with trade and my choice fell on the bgeu branch, minsk trade college, to specialize in commodity science. having successfully studied for 2 years in college, i also received related professions, fourth- class salesman and cashier-operator. and when i arrived at veniverk for work, i became a fourth-class salesman, at the moment i have upgraded my qualifications to a fifth-grade salesman
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discharge. first of all, i love my job for the opportunity to help people, and for me it is important to satisfy the customer’s demand so that he leaves our department store with a good mood and a smile. it all comes down to one goal - this is to satisfy the population’s demand for goods and services, and we minimize the time it takes to find the right product for the buyer, and also in our sales area products are presented by purpose groups, these are hygiene products, these are hair cosmetics, body cosmetics, decorative cosmetics, and work the seller allows the buyer to reduce the time spent searching for the product he needs. and also help you make a choice and make the right purchase. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. we wish elena a great day, how beautiful, wonderful
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our girls are. but for elena, for all our tv viewers, for her colleagues, we tell you that today the weather is, of course, in a bad mood, the danger level is at a high level, and anna quilori has more detailed information in numbers. yes, that's absolutely right. so, a meteorological map to the studio in minsk + 7 + 9 this morning 14 to 14° will be in brest, +6 +8 expected in vitebsk, in gomel. +7 +9 to 14° the temperature will be in grodno and mogilev +7 +9. friends, in almost all cities and regions of our country, except perhaps gomel, rain is expected and in some places even thunderstorms. as the picture changes during the day, a small spoiler will of course be a little warmer, but as far as precipitation is concerned, it will not be better. so, in minsk +17 +19 thunderstorms and rain. 20:22 with a plus sign in brest, thunderstorms, rain. 9:11 also with a plus sign in vitebsk, it’s raining here
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+21 + 23 expected in gonola thunderstorms rains thunderstorms and rains and +19 + 21 here in grodno and +17 + 19 thunderstorms rains in mogilev, i haven’t uttered the word thunderstorms rains so often, probably never, but i really wouldn’t dramatized, because this is a thunderstorm, this is moniya, these rains in early may, i would like to quote the classic.
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the bgsu team entered the top 20 best teams at the world student programming championship. come with me and find out all the details. this championship is the largest international competition of the youth elite of world programming. he conducts. since 1977 in three stages - quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals. belarusian teams began participating in the world student programming championship in 1995 . throughout the history of participation in the championship , bsu has won a gold medal, a bronze and three silver awards. at the same time, the bgo team is a regular participant in the final performances. there is a lot you need to know here , combinatorics, geometry optimization, well , many, many things, including modeling, a lot of things you need to know.
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anton and i have known each other probably since the sixth grade, that is, in the sixth grade we had already crossed paths at various olympiads, probably in the seventh grade we already started participating in olympiads in teams as part of the same team. our first overall great achievement was in the tenth grade, we went to the all-russian team olympiad for schoolchildren, this is a major olympiad in the countries of the former soviet union, and there we took a bronze medal and took overall eleventh place. have you agreed to enter the same faculty together? well, yes.
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what if you didn’t make it to the semi-finals or the finals, then the experience of being able to solve and formalize problems in this way will help in general with work in the future, and if you were able to pass, then i wish you good luck. by the way, bgo is the holder of a university certificate as an organizer of regional qualifying quarter -final competitions of the programming championship among students, we wish the guys success in the future. and i was with you on the 360 ​​morning watch. we are proud of our
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guys, thank you very much and success in new, so to speak, achievements, and now exactly, on this wonderful note we end 3 hours of our live broadcast, yes there was a slight false start, i had a few minutes ago, but it’s okay, i prepared the viewer, i just watched anatoly moiseev prepare this pear puff pastry, you just want to go and also eat something delicious like this, really prepare it, we wish you a great monday, we woke you up. as best we could on this day of may 6th and we will tell you more that tomorrow we will do the same, so turn on our tv channels, we we'll be glad to see you, bye bye hello.
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wenn wir sind mongonen und der teufel giegt uns rugen, hey leiter ho leute herreiter immer weiter jing ist kann heynner so wie immer und man hört sie lachen. lauter lachen und er lährt den cooking eigen zu.
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