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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 9:10am-9:46am MSK

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memory frozen in rhymes, a literary competition for victory day was organized in derzhinsk, employees of the central regional library, representatives of the knowledge society of white russia invited people to read their favorite poems and excerpts from prose dedicated to the fiery fortieth victory of our people in the great patriotic war. i really like telling poems because they are very beautiful and their writers are good. tom alyonka, childhood is over, the golden time, in the summer in the forest, singing by the fire, swimming in the river, lying on the sand, listening to the train rustling in the distance, there is no more alyonka, the girls are speaking in a deep voice, a cheerful deer with a fluffy braid, heavy tanks passed through the fields, the deer swept away my childhood like grass, i really love poetry, i go there, i write, from 8 to 11 years old i
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participated in reading competitions in the past year at the reading competition she told the grand prix stockings. first they were ordered to undress, then the corvus turned to everyone, but a friend’s voice sounded, childish, naive, quiet and lively. results of the competition and awards. the winners will be summed up on may 9, ceremonial events will take place in children's park in derzhinsk. these are the main news of the tv news agency project , available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen. watch the developments on our broadcast at noon, have a successful day.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, and live broadcasts. places
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of events, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus , austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up satellite... the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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hello, this is the main broadcast on bright sunday. orthodox christians celebrate easter; thousands of people came to churches today to hear the good news: christ resurrected on such a holy day, everyone prays for the most important thing, peace on our land, the well-being of loved ones. and we are building. ukraine, moldova, georgia, pro-american
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interests are trying to squeeze out national, and at the same time, ideas of christianity. we’ll tell you about this and more today, maxim uglenitsa and polina shuba are with you, watch the program. protection both food and from attack, heaven and earth are in strong hands. the results of the inspection of troops and the progress of the agricultural company in the section "time of the first". military style. agricultural machinery is already in work, but what about sales? let's stop by mtz to find out if everything is going smoothly with the implementation. a belarusian tractor always delivers spare parts, if something breaks, on time. more than 4000 tractors now. only in egypt, why are we interested in africa and the middle east today? we still need to focus on the long term, not on some current short-term moments, but on being here for a long time. we'll talk about contracts and agreements with the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary. protest
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by crunching state department cookies, hot drinks and gas masks. level of protest organization in georgia all inclusive and paid. not only in content, but even in headings, your russian law is identical to the kremlin law. the united states is pushing tbilisia towards a coup, leading along the path trodden by ukraine, those burned alive in odessa are remembered by the whole world. everyone who opposed this, all registered as muscovites who should be stabbed, in fact, this is what happened, but the protesters in france are something else. emmanuel macron wants france to shine at the world level thanks to the olympic games, but this must be paid for in human dignity. is it a big loss if the trend in sports today
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is towards a brand, is commercial success possible without a high result? in the future, have some kind of assistant person who would probably handle half of this entire internet process. let's talk with athletes, functionaries and sports marketing theorists. the saving image of the icon of the mother of god in 1942 saved the inhabitants of roshkovka from destruction. the plane was flying and it seemed like the mother of god to him. there is an isolated case in occupied belarus. it is called one of the five wonders of the great patriotic war. today is a special day for believers. orthodox christians celebrate one of the main christian holidays - easter. people all over the country attend holiday services and churches are filled with prayers for health, prosperity and peace. in church on easter, alexander lukashenko always traditionally
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celebrates christ's sunday together with his fellow countrymen. the president arrived at the holy dormition convent church in orsha, which was founded back in the 14th century. survived the years of closure, during the great patriotic service they were resumed, the real revival of the spiritual center of these places began in ninety-six, in the native places of the belarusian president they are always greeted especially warmly and sincerely, christ is risen, risen, today on easter the people are celebrating, christ is risen, adults and children rejoice, may there be peace many years to come, because this is the brightest day in the world, i wish you happiness, health and love, warmth and understanding in your soul, may you meet... adversity along the way may your cherished wishes come true. christ is risen. christ is risen.
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this is for you? thank you. in belarus, every person will find his own way to the temple. representatives of various faiths exist absolutely peacefully on our land. today's easter services are held in large churches in small churches like these. in the heart of every believer in this.
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in this regard, i support, the main thing is health, as i always say, there will be health, we will acquire, buy everything else, at this time we remember and pray for peace, this is probably the main thing, if there is no peace, then there will be no health necessary, no education needed, in general, a person does not need anything if there is no peace, peace with oneself, in your souls and hearts, if... there is no peace in the family, if there is no peace in the end in the state, we
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have realized this very seriously now, today the war has come to to our native people, very close to us, in a house, and this is already here, as i say, behind the fence, at our threshold, and i , specifically choosing the temple to go to, came to this one not only because i... we let's return to those times when our peoples will be together, we also on this day pray for
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daily bread so that everyone has it on the table, we have achieved this, you older people remember what happened 20-30 years ago, and this was not enough, but most importantly, we pray for the peaceful sleep of our children, this is very important,
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from there is no escape from this, we must maintain peace and quiet on our land, the greatest task for our generation, i also often say, times are difficult.
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whoever broke the thread of generations would certainly give rise to turmoil, at least, at most, war, we were saved by the fact that we always talked about it, we stood on the shoulders of the previous generation, we absorbed everything that our fathers and grandfathers created, so we survived when it was torn apart in some state, when there was always unrest, and this is always... there are many who want to take advantage of it, so i really wanted that in this difficult, this in the process of changing generations, we have preserved all the best that was created on our land. the arshan land is known for its hardworking people; the region has everything for life from fertile fertile soil to a large number
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of enterprises, which makes it possible to earn money for yourself and your children. by the way, easter tradition of everyone getting together. with the wish that the saint would patronize all undertakings. on this easter sunday, the president and the people, however, like the whole week, every day is scheduled, looking back, this includes several business trips, including to the southeast of the country, to the mogilev region. alexander lukashenko talked with people in kostyukovichi, the sowing problems were resolved with the leadership of the region, everything is as usual. how, in general , the military in the country underwent an inspection of the duty forces of the air force and air defense forces with the participation of commander-in-chief. filming where there is no maximum openness, but there are results: if they simply checked the sky, how quickly the military can react to adjacent
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objects that are not theirs. it doesn't matter if they are rockets or airplanes. the preliminary assessment is good considering. details in the first time section. three trips a week - that's a short summary of the president's schedule. we call any journalists traveling journalists. due to the remoteness of alexander lukashenko’s business trip, in general, everything that is not in the palace. so, this week we started with the kostyukovichs. journalists on the site where the president flies is brought in advance to the territory by the regime, this is also a professional designation, to put it simply, there are special security measures in place. ministers, governors, heads of committees, in general, everyone who will be needed during the planned route, which
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can and will change, gather here. that's why we're now going to show you what's going on inside the presidential helicopter. there will be nothing golden spoiler, this is at the same time an answer to the question: why is the president flying and not driving, such a volume can quickly be recorded only from above, the route is being formed, well, you can see for yourself, then according to the program, at least at the start, in kostyukovichi the main one is a cement plant, everything is fine here, a new district chairman was recently appointed, but the president is also looking locally at the development in general...
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here in the field there is equipment, including one that collects stones, this is a problem for the region, machines are constantly being modernized, stone pickers are objectively needed, another thing is what quality they are, you can show this now. come on, here's perfect cleanliness, after you can sit, in general, about technology, as well as about everything that is shown to him, the president likes to talk
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not with leaders, those who prepared, with those who work on these machines, and simply , as a rule, must present them, remember our hero, briefly bio, vasily vasilyevich worked as a leading specialist at mtz for 35 years until retirement, and then moved to the marketing department, he will tell us this later himself, hello, hello, well done, it’s nice to see that you have tracked equipment, it’s designed for work on waterlogged weak-bearing soils, weighing 13 tons, almost 13 tons, yes, well, how did you survive, yes, everything is fine, the feeling is whatever you say, well, it’s presidential, otherwise you don’t feel negative from him, everything is simple, everything is simple, pleasant, because that i am already... an experienced person, when a person is negative, he puts pressure, but everything is fine, yes, they would repeat, yes, i asked
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about the work of the auto shops, this is an irreplaceable story in the villages, now the fleet of cars is being renewed, in kostyukovichi themselves the president was shown a new one cultural center, and immediately with results from several groups, immediately after the concert the president will be given a towel, and this is a story with history, the master
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is not seeing the president for the first time and is not the first time giving him gifts, with love and gratitude to you, even if i don’t even give it to the museum home, no need, it’s for you, well, tell me how it felt to communicate with the president. a kind, pure, bright man, god bless him, thought he would be so serious. people could ask all the questions they were interested in during communication, there were minimal security measures and, please, almost no restrictions. a what are you filming, the arrival of the president, a historical moment, for kostyukovich, we are glad to see you at our place, questions about graduation, the answer must be adequately organized. this. a good holiday, but limousines are not necessary there, and parents should also think about it, it will greet the dawn, it will be beautiful, there will be something to remember, the participation of belarusian athletes in the olympics without a flag and an anthem is the result
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of political games, we must remember that an athlete can prepare for this start all my life, so the head of state will say to them discretion will be the first, everyone will still know that these are belarusians, and the most painful topic that the people of the npp asked about, pestyukovich, the affected area of ​​183 settlements 8 may not be as strict as expected or strict not well, not as strict as expected yes as long as it does not concern military issues,
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the central command post of the air force and air defense forces, where essentially all decisions on control of the skies are made, is a rather closed story. there is little that can be filmed even in the room where they are waiting journalists, maps, monitors, even wording, everything is very carefully verified. unexpectedly, suddenly and honestly, it’s decent. in such a command post , only officers of certain ranks with extensive experience can work as duty officers ; there are no newcomers, although the duty officer sounds simply like
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a soldier at... a post, but this is a little different, the command post is the brain of the entire system, they serve 24x7, all the goals that were withdrawn, discovered by technical troops, destroyed by vira-missile troops on the far borders of the real destruction zones, the beginning of may is also the finale with...
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next to nikolai alexandrovich. this is the solution. but seriously, in general, everything is in its place in lukashenko’s sports family, all men play hockey well. both young lukashenkos play for bastion. bastion always has a principled derby with a score. both teams are leaders and it’s interesting to watch. this time the final situation is like this, but next time everything may change. and completion. week today in orsha, according to tradition , on easter in the church the president lit a candle, this is the only event with the participation of the head state, where instead of hello, christ is risen, alexander lukashenko will congratulate everyone on this bright holiday and specially thank the representatives of the clergy for their mission in the state. belarusian churches have preserved our values ​​for centuries, along with them the people who dedicated themselves to this. and it is very important for us not to break those traditions that...
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first of all, today we pray for peace in the whole world, for peace, for peace, for peace, and, of course, when we come to church, we always pray, even for the health of our president, because that the feelings are overwhelming, and i am all praying in belarus, first, for health, of course, well, the second is now peace, the main prayer of all people, it seems to me, today is for peace, so that there will be
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peace, i think that peace will always brighten us, blue sky, good health to everyone, well , appreciate what we have today, and may god grant these prayers to come true during the first, if you think about it, today we continue and...
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the technology, which is known all over the world, could have stop production: components were supplied intermittently, prices were rising, and the plant wanted privatize, alexander lukashenko’s decision is to preserve it, a lot of effort has been invested in modernization, of course, not without its nuances, the president’s meeting on industry forces us to keep the entire industry on its toes. what is the company facing now and how are they looking for solutions? answers in the quality control section. a gift to belarus, a technique that is known all over the world. if it `s not a secret. the one i work on in belarus. the struggle for survival is a difficult story for the domestic
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flagship. there are 100 people in the service, and there is nowhere to put the six-month supply in the warehouses, there are certain issues with logistics, there are certain issues with cash flow, we rely on energy-rich tractors and don’t forget about the classics, my first posting is the quality control section, let’s go belarus 35. 22 on the farm, consider it the youngest, he’s even still no 5 years, energy-rich, one of these replaces, four mtz 82, but in general there are those tractors that are more than twenty, all running, and how they are assembled, we’ll see at
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the plant itself, one of the largest manufacturers of agricultural machinery not only in the cis countries, but also all over the world, our tractors cultivate the land on five continents, mtz, a belarusian brand, we will carry out control here. quality, do you even think it’s a woman’s business? to be honest, yes, i like it, the plan is to assemble 110 tractors in 24 hours, but now it’s only 8:30 am it’s already assembled, look at 14 tractors, only 4 hours, so... prefabricated work in this workshop will be carried out by ready-made equipment, but even before large, detailed , how long the machine will do, usually the cycle is, well, 6-8 minutes, oh, now it’s better to move away, you’re probably used to it already in the oil
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work, well, yes, we often encounter this, it is washed off later, and the oil is easily washed off, this is so to speak, the heart of the tractor, if something was wrong before us - in any case , it is revealed and eliminated, the head of state often, especially in the nineties i visited mtz, prices are rising, components are supplied intermittently, they said we should sell it altogether, the president is against it, they don’t care, they just want money, money doesn’t smell, availability and quality are what alexander lukashenko is focusing on, for the market there is a big struggle going on, there is no need to relax, will emphasize in 2015, i draw your attention to the internal design, well, it’s clumsy, clumsy, i’m a big tractor, i don’t know, i probably have this one, i drive it less, this one, well, from the outside you’ll look beautiful like this,
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here these are the parts inside, considerable sums are invested in production and modernization every year, almost 100 million rubles, the customer is more demanding every year to meet task number one. to us countries, as before, this is the cis, but the question does not go away, how we will act
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further, in the far abroad, the situation much worse, sales volume was less than 20% compared to the pre-sanction twenty -first year, plans for export to a friendly year were not fulfilled. distant countries in africa, latin america, asia, today there is a huge demand for industrial products. during the state visit of our president to zimbabwe, a contract for 3,500 tractors was signed. unfortunately, there is a drought in zimbabwe this year, and we have not yet implemented this contract and have not begun to implement it, but we are confident that in the near future, maybe even implementation of this contract will begin this year. we were also talking about energy-rich tractors, they are more efficient in operation, but some farms. they simply cannot afford them, the only option is to buy on lease, but if the only problem were money, at present we are still just arriving at a schedule for the delivery of components that could really...


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