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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 9:50am-11:01am MSK

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we feel interest in us, the market is huge, the population of egypt is currently officially 107 million people, mind you, over the last year it has increased by 2 million people, they need to eat, they need to dress, they need to get an education, this is a huge niche, i’m just saying about egypt, the same applies to algeria, a very interesting, very progressive country, we are converting this positive attitude towards us through political contacts into the economy with them, sudan is our traditional...
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that we have reached our peak, well, there is such a common phrase: the potential of our cooperation is not fully realized, this is exactly so, the egyptians, algerians, even sudan and oman, these countries, they all, in principle, can represent a large interesting market for us, when we master one niche, we will be able to move on, goods , we must not forget about services too, we must not forget about investment cooperation, we must not forget about the possibility of attracting investments from these countries, volumes are one thing,
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we pay attention to working with food, in principle, the food sector is strategic, you must always eat, no matter what happens, recent years have shown that food should not be forgotten, so to stake out a position in the egyptian food market, this is important, we are already present here, we are already present here with our milk, you can walk through the egyptian stores, you will see our chips, i really hope that our confectionery products will appear here soon, i really hope that there will be... other other products,
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which i am sure will be to the taste of the egyptians, you know, our tastes are in many ways even , even overlap, of course, woodworking products are new, but our traditional goods, which have been here since the times of the soviet union, our mechanical engineering products, of course, this is also very promising, we have not mastered everything in this area, we need to work in this direction too, i’m talking about services, of course, our educational services, medical services, services.
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however, egyptian medicines are also entering our market, so why don’t we talk to them about getting them? technologies, receiving their investments, then, in egypt, let's work on this, when we talk about the fact that egypt for us is the gateway to africa, why shouldn't belarus be the gateway for egypt or for the countries of the region to the eac, to the eurasian region, i think that belarus fully deserves this status. if we talk about a joint venture, it’s still a strategy, let’s say, as you say, you need to work for a long time, yes, this is still a joint production, these are just dealerships.
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this time, i can list many, let's say yes, but this is not an obstacle for us, that is , we can say, for example, that chinese technology or indian technology is cheaper, i ’m talking about tractors, for example, our technology has undeniable advantages that we must promote, which we must advertise, which we must use, so yes, there are competitors, but we don’t need to stop, the presence of competitors here cannot in any way be an excuse for us, we probably haven’t touched on one more area, this is, of course, tourism, but egypt is for...
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africa, it is very promising, we should be here. thank you very much, thank you. perhaps one of the main international news this week was the events in georgia. the country, which has repeatedly faced interference from the so-called outside democrats, is again trying to rock it. the methods are still the same, hot cold drinks, sandwiches , snacks, rain is also not a hindrance. the organizers are handing out raincoats. for the sake of a coup d'etat , the leaders of the destructive force do not feel sorry for such good things. tbilisi was gripped by mass protests, overturned trash cans, bonfires, blocked roads and clashes with security forces. the streets of the capital are filled with activists of pro-western ngos who oppose the new law. those
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who receive money from abroad, considered to serve the interests of others, will be required to register as foreign agents. the situation is critical due to the high involvement of citizens in these processes. one way or another, a whole industry and even a direction in the economy has been formed in the country, where the sale of georgia’s national interests has become a business. details in the screenshot section. this is the end this mode. in a sense , this is a revolution in georgian consciousness in general over the last 30 years of independence. georgian kept women are on the warpath. round dances of songs at one end
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of the street, hammers with clubs at the opposite, two times i rubbed my eyes with dazhivyu, no less. national interests, and the main product of their difficult business. over the course of several decades, the country has become one of the leaders. in terms of the number of all kinds of ngos, they control literally all spheres of life, from media to education: peloprogs, bird-batkovism, everything is outrageous, familiar, only multiplied by 100 in scale. experts also note a colossal level of penetration into the corridors of power, in a sense, the revolution in general georgian consciousness has subsided over the past 30 years , where the georgian government until recently received a salary from the state department of the united states of america, here they dared to disobey, here they dared to listen, where the americans did we give money? extremely unexpectedly, it turns out that honor and pride remain in georgia. proactive politicians decided to take advantage of the window opportunities to put all the kept women in a stable, to literally return georgia. georgian, as long as the hegemon blinks his eyes in the other direction and doesn’t particularly monitor
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his political assets, this option is indeed possible. the new law requires media and non-profit organizations to register as foreign influenced if they receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad. logical? yes, of course, whoever pays for the music, the ngo dances. in the sense of a fifth point between reality and narrative, a law that excludes the possibility
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external influence on national interests, adequate international practice, it was almost the first to be adopted in the united states; the law on registration of foreign agents has been in force in america since 1938, and its requirements are among the most stringent among similar laws in other states. the narrative about the russian law in georgia is being promoted as part of a general anti-russian agenda, which... now what is happening is what we are hearing from protesting youth activists and not only youth, not just a slogan no to russian laws, and the logical conclusion is no to the russian regime, and this is the end of this regime, now our goal as a society is to do this with as little risk as possible, for this we need consensus so that these numbers only grow, not decrease. and that we have the patience to continue until this regime is overthrown democratically. this is our
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strategic goal for the nation at this historical moment. gigabackeria is not only an influential politician who brought saakashvili to power during the ros revolution, he is also an experienced coach on color revolutions. in such every belarusian political scientist knows his role. in the 2000s, gigabacker acted as a consultant to anatoly lebko in the office of senator makein’s foundation. they discussed finances. senator mccain foundation. 0 sixth. we are
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the following: belarusians. elections are scheduled for 2006 . the attempt of georgian politicians to return to the people the right to have their own state, which is guided by national interests, is worthy of respect. as we see, we are literally talking about the liberation struggle from outside control. about the decline of the hegemon. andrey sych in the screenshot section. what is important is that the events in georgia take place exactly on the same dates when odessa was burning, the monstrous tragedy and inhumane massacre in the house of trade unions is 10 years old, someday what is happening will become history, textbooks will be written, they will highlight key moments and dates, and from
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fate, and not to be an obedient puppet of 48 people who wished their country a different west. another 200 people were injured, opponents of the maidan were herded into the house of trade unions, and the building was set on fire. those who tried. shot, beaten, mocked. these events became one of the symbols of ukrainian nazism the organizers of the bloody action were named by the head of the other ukraine movement, viktor medvedchuk. under the chairmanship of turchynov , the then president of ukraine, 10 days before the tragedy, a meeting was held to prepare the operation of mass murder in odessa of opponents of the coup. the discussion was attended by former head of the ministry of internal affairs avakov, head of the sbu nalyvaichenko, secretary of the national security and defense council porubiy.
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oligarch kolomoisky was involved in consultations. according to medvedchuk, the date of the operation has been chosen. random football day match, this explained the presence of a large number of ultras, over 500 radicals of the right sector, they were brought into the city in an organized manner, given machine guns and molotov cocktails, and with their hands they dealt harshly with those who disagreed. the delivery of the performers to the site was ensured by avakov, parubiy, kolomoisky and his assistant igor palitsa, who led the action on site and was appointed governor of the odessa region for its successful implementation. heavenly hundred, a future deputy successful in the basements of anti-maidan activists and shot by his own businessman. avakov spent another 7 years in ukrainian cabinet, has now returned to commerce, grows hazelnuts in transcarpathia. odessa
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politician alexey goncharenko built his career on those events. he became famous for going live that day. odessa khatyn became the very point of no return when brother became enemy to brother. nazism squared its shoulders, and russophobia became a national ideology in ukraine. at that time, it was difficult to imagine that the civil conflict would cross all conceivable boundaries in the 21st century, decades after the end of the great patriotic war,
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ukrainians will be burned alive by their own people. valentina matvienko. the chairman of the federation council of russia stated that following the results of the svo , a large tribunal will be needed, where all the crimes of the kiev regime will be collected. on the main broadcast we will tell you the details of those events in the first person. right now, watch an interview with vladimir grubnik, underground fighters, anti-maidan activists who have been tortured by the sbu and on death row. on may 2, 2014, in odessa, he saw with his own eyes everything that happened. he turned from a surgeon to a doctor of medical sciences. a person who is good understands explosives and the work of sabotage and reconnaissance groups, the case when, for the sake of the triumph of justice, he is ready to put his own life on the line. vladimir, thank you very much for taking the time for the interview, because we know how busy you are with helping the front on may 2, 2014, this year has already been 10 years, let
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’s say, it was the clearest manifestation of nazism at that time, here in belarus this tragedy. they call it the odessa khatyn, do you think it was possible to predict that the ukrainian authorities would come to such extreme measures. the events of may 2, they were quite predictable, not for everyone, well, for us they were, before that there were other crackdowns on anti- maidan people, people opposed to the nazi negotiations, in particular in kharkov, in particular in zaporozhye, in particular. the most important point here was not even connected with the mass murder, the most important point was connected with what happened after this mass murder, how the people who committed these mass murders subsequently finished off the wounded, how they
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mocked the corpses, in particular just from... they took off, took pictures of them as if they were some kind of prey, yes, they, you must understand, did not consider us to be people, this is the trend that was chosen, it was chosen much earlier, it was fully supported on the maidan , this became the mainstream of the maidan, muscovites to knives, where muscovites, naturally, were considered not only russians from the russian federation, but also the entire population , both pro-russian and pro-soviet, and pro...
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federation, this was not done, in as a result, we received the events that we received, as in odessa, then later in mariupol, and then later in the donbass, and then everything went to the point that forced measures would have to start the north military district, everyone understood that everything was heading towards a big war, the ukronazi state was preparing for this, well, from the side of the continental russian federation , as i understand it, they really hoped for the minsk agreements, because preparations for war actually...
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how effective we are, the better we will have a chance to avoid a world war and dragging others into this conflict players. in our country...
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if we lose this war, russia will cease to exist, in principle, it will cease to exist, the people will cease to exist, they will simply be genocised, this is may 2, which we started talking about, it will be extrapolated to the entire territory in one or another form, perhaps not so brightly, but in concentration camps people will die very quietly, as for example during nazi germany, when the german population itself suddenly suddenly learned about these concentration camps, they really did not know about them, but how many people were there...
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many would give a lot, i think that only nato knows about this, and maybe, most likely, i think that even nato doesn’t fully know about this, they are also
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moving, well, depending on the situation, everything is heading towards that , what will it be, now they are simply drawing in as many resources as possible, again they are drawing in, look at how they work with public opinion, they open the overton window a little at a time, and they look here, there... how the population will react, what else can you play on, play for pity or, on the contrary , play on some more harsh themes, yes, here’s how to implement all this, for example, not to cause discontent among the population, that is , well, this is simply visible, i just remember how it was in ukraine, how they tried to promote this topic of the ato, in order to lure the maximum number of people into it i just. for example, here are camouflage networks, i remember, i was in prison, the tv was on for some time, i just turned on the news, there every day, that russia,
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donbass must be destroyed. constantly every day, every day, every day, but, for example, at the end of their news, and even evening news, they have such a social plot, like a good pooping girl, which means she weaves these camouflage networks somewhere in a school, somewhere on the periphery, then people are involved in helping the army, it’s so worthy, it’s so cool, and of course, everyone says, we are against war, we’re just helping, we’re helping the boys, we’re just... helping the boys, and i just look, i’m biting my elbows like that, i understand , what are they doing, first she will come, weave networks, horizontal connections are formed there, there the military come, they communicate, maybe they even like each other, well, then they communicate, there are connections, it means how are the guys doing, what else do they need there, maybe they need some kind of medicine, maybe we need something else there, maybe we should congratulate them, in short
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, happy bandera day, which means they saw in this a definite goal of their self-realization, a generation has grown up there that considers the war with russia as some kind of their sacred war, seriously, that’s how they are, that’s how they are, that’s how they were brainwashed , but they did it for years and did it quite effectively, and at the head of this lawlessness and the warrior stood and stands the united states, today they are covering up for the nazis, it has always been so, money and career instead of the tribunal and justice, taught by
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the white house service, why did the criminals of the third reich become big business, big politics? fake biographies and a secret resettlement program, a cynical hunt for minds for world domination. look in clear politics, on monday after the panorama.
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a sad aura has enveloped the upcoming sporting events in france , there are less than 3 months left before the olympics, and... cron, then the matter increases tension with words about the possible deployment of eu troops to ukraine, so preparations for the multi-sports forum, and everyone admits this, are taking place in a nervous atmosphere. in paris , olympic rings were set on fire during a may day demonstration, and new protests break out every now and then. the capital's waste collectors' union has filed a strike notice. but these are all flowers. kristina kamysh will list point by point what is wrong with the competition in the city of lovers. what is
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the olympics? this is following the motto of pierre dabertin, faster, higher, stronger. celebration for both athletes and fans. but there is a bad atmosphere around the summer games in paris, first of all it concerns global security. the international institute for strategic studies has calculated that last year set a record for the last 30 years for the number of regional conflicts active in the world, there are 180 of them
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. at the stadium, on the seine river, thousands of athletes will travel on boats along a six-kilometer route, see the main attractions of paris, and watch the river parade . watch about 300 thousand viewers, but just imagine what measures security measures must be taken to ensure that a suicide bomber with a drone does not squeeze into this crowd. we have very big ambitions to implement this unique opening ceremony project. games on the seine river in the center of paris. and, of course, we are preparing this oblivion taking into account possible unforeseen circumstances. we will be able to adapt to any situation that may occur in france at the time of the ceremony. last monday , a laptop containing confidential information
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related to the protection of athletes directly in the olympic village was stolen in lily. and this this is the third case of theft. 18 thousand soldiers are called upon to guarantee peace of mind to the guests and participants of the summer games; by the way, a military camp has been built for them on the outskirts of the french capital for two weeks now. another 45.00 internal security officers, police, gendarmerie and about 20 thousand employees of private security agencies will provide protection. will they cope? doubtful, especially given the numbers and facts: paris is hoping to attract more than 10 million fans from all over the world, and the police are now conducting regular demonstrations. i came to the demonstration today because the olympic games are approaching and we are in complete uncertainty, for example, i am a security guard, there are about 200 people like me here, some security
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companies have already written a letter to their employees asking them not to go on vacation during the competitions since june until august we cannot take time off, we are protesting against working conditions and wages, which remain the same. while the volume of work will double. how much does street frequency cost during the olympics? answer: 1,900 euros bonus for person. the paris waste collectors' union has filed two notices of planned strikes, one of which will cover the entire summer games, if their demands are not met. workers think they will be overworked in july-august, so they want higher salaries and bonuses. thanks to the olympic games, he wants france to shine at the world level, but this must be paid for in human dignity. now the homeless and low-income people are being evicted. they build in a matter of moments an olympic village that can accommodate several thousand
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residents. while over the past decades they have done nothing to accommodate people from the streets, so these games are a social cleansing, public contempt and an environmental disaster. 100 days before the olympics, police. evicted 450 migrants from the building of an abandoned enterprise near paris, such operations to clean up the capital are now taking place constantly, because you need to create the impression that everything is fine in the city of lights for love. this is another example of the social cleansing that occurs before summer games. the police are evacuating all the tent cities because they want it to be clear for the eyes of tourists during the olympics. they do not want to. seeing paris as a city full of migrant asylum seekers. the total budget for the games is just over 8 billion euros. the fact is that 95% of sports facilities were previously in use; only minor repairs were required. for example, at studde france it was necessary to update
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treadmills, lighting, and install screens and 5g communication equipment. the parisian aquatic center and the olympic village have already been completed, as well as a huge drainage basin underground. state. according to forecasts, because of this change there will be a cleanup project that has not worked at the moment, the olympics. a non-profit environmental organization carried out laboratory tests from september to march in the areas
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where the triathlon swimming event is planned to be held. so, the level of pollution exceeds the permissible levels by two and sometimes three times. an alternative place for the competition. i won't talk about this today because it's off topic, we we are working so that around june 23rd people can come and swim in the seine. this will be an event, i am going to dive into the river and many volunteers have already volunteered to join me. hotel prices have skyrocketed. if last summer on the outskirts of the city you could spend the night in a hotel for 90 euros, then during the olympics they will ask for 1,400 euros for a room. traffic collapse is coming, some subway stations will remain closed. by the way, four baguettes or just one metro ride. tickets will cost during games. twice as expensive, and that too does not add enthusiasm to parisians. according to
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a recent survey, almost half of the french capital's residents are not happy about the sports festival. we are going to introduce a new travel card. 16 euros per day is a fair price. a weekly pass will cost up to 70 euros, metro tickets - 4 euros, commuter train tickets - 6 euros from july 20 to september 8. my family and i will leave paris for 3 weeks. my apartment for rent, but i don’t think about big profits, you know, there are people who will come and pay 800 euros for one match, and this is of course nonsense, so i don’t i will do charity work. and now about my shirt, which is always closer to the body. belarusian athletes in a neutral status are still fighting for olympic licenses. at the moment, our boys and girls have won 20 quotas, and in a good way there should be three times more. for comparison.
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don't die. kristina kamysh, we especially offer an alternative: not to see paris and the main broadcast. over the years of our country’s sovereignty, belarusian sport has written a number of beautiful victorious stories at the highest world level, went down in the history of the olympic movement, but the most important thing in the country was thought. and above all, to make sports accessible to absolutely everyone, so that our country, our
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nation, is healthy. there are all the possibilities and resources for this, including the highest class infrastructure. and now those athletes who appeared in the 21st century are beginning to come to the fore. they are more open to the world, have a broad outlook, and most importantly, they want not only to work on their sports results every day, but to create around your sports. name of the brand, because an athlete’s career is short-lived; you need to take care of your future now. about what difficulties exist on the path to commercial success, what opportunities our country provides, in which industries it is worth developing as an athlete from a marketing point of view and, finally, whether we have managers of a high international level, and whether commercial success is generally possible without high results. andrey kozlov sorted it out. in april near the stadium. dynamo suddenly suddenly experienced a stir,
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resulting in a media league football match between grandees of the tournament, they are unusually for an experienced fan here called dart and football club ten, more than 13,000 spectators came, the audience is huge, especially when compared with some matches of our professional major league in football, with all the love and respect, why are they even football players? , as i understand it, and dynamo even more so, why do you need to take pictures? take it off at all, but they are cool players, it’s interesting to watch them, our match was watched from the first match by 600, there are 12,000 today, 612,000, these are huge numbers for our sport, the target audience here are exclusively of junior high school age, but the fact remains: the media league has become a successful commercial project in russia, and has now entered our market, integrating the media club, in which famous belarusian players play in the past, bloggers work on the content. why is the media league interesting, because with them everything is open, absolutely everything is open, with us it
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’s the same, we are open to everyone, uh, openness, it’s for sale, closedness is not. such a competition is a successful commercial project for several teams, and even a newcomer like our club shows good numbers from the start. one of those who brought a similar project to the media league is platon dmitriev, head of the marketing department at football dynamo, there is something to compare, it is not clear that there are results there: defeats, victories, well, this is a sport, but there are. also a life that is interesting to the fans, where are you doing all this for the fans, if no one is interested in you, then no one will go to your football, then let’s take non- media sports content. highest achievements in belarus, where the social role of the athlete and responsibility are the most important elements: television, the internet, why today is the formation of a personal brand, it is popular through the internet, because according to the latest estimates of experts, today half of the world's population uses the internet, 60% of those who use it are passionate about
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sports, medalist of the tokyo olympics, alina gornasko, her career is developing rapidly right now, there are more than 80 thousand subscribers on instagram, for us this is very... good, but what you need, for example, as an athlete, is a professional marketer, brand manager, for example, i would like, yes, probably in the future to have some kind of person, an assistant, who would probably deal with half of this entire internet process, because you still need to manage to live, and not just do this. i personally encountered this through my own example and clarified with athletes that working on your brand is a lot of work, we understand that a person, an athlete, works hard in training, carries out grueling training, and we still need to get involved.
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in my opinion, you know, the charisma of an athlete, are you interested in this in the future? well of course, i will develop, i ’ll just finish studying, phew, let’s figure out something new, but i don’t know what to recover from, i have new ideas every day, i’m a creative person, really, but i’m still in sports , i’ll calm down a little there, what i want to do, then, probably, i’ll look at all this differently, maybe there will be people who will help me when... our athlete has the status of, say, world champion, olympic champion or an olympic medalist, and he has all the initial data to shoot, so that even in the belarusian market, in the russian market, if a person wants to organize his work competently, of course, in belarus it is possible to create a very good such media market in the field
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of athletes and the development of their personal brand, the latest trends that have begun to emerge here, that is, they are gradually appearing there some youtube shows in the field of hockey, in the field of football. i work at my job, i am the head of physical education in a kindergarten, so this is my hobby. tatyana pekhtereva participated in the season of the project heroes transformation. in recent years , another image of an athlete has been formed in belarus, these are those citizens who simply want to be in excellent physical shape, this girl, by the way, is the mother of two daughters, one of the main stars of the belarusian obstacle race
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bezon reis, which in nine existing over the years people came from north america, asia, and from almost every corner of europe. the girl grew up with bison, last year she became the world champion in... one of the age categories, it’s probably impossible to say so, not interesting, probably, there is not yet such a target audience, large enough for it to be an interesting company that wants to cooperate with you, that is, we are still very young in this regard, our sport, yes, of course, even if we compare it with football, hockey, the same biathlon, there is not that audience, there is not that fame and there are not so many people involved, and that is , the target audience is still small, but again, this is all within our power, i want to give another example of professional hockey.. . minsk we are in an academic environment we study the experience of implementing sports marketing through sporting events over the last season. today this is the most striking economic and socially profitable example of the fact that marketing, sports
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marketing in belarus works, is developing, and it can be done, because thanks to the last season, it has become, you know, not just a regional club, yes. the city of minsk, and today this is the flagship of the country, you know, the club itself is working on the image of the team, but not the individual athlete, so we are probably at the beginning of the journey, and if we to say this, the athletes will surely hear us. dynamo minsk is the best hockey club in the country, this is actually the message that we are promoting at home, and i think it’s difficult, it’s unlikely that a person who can argue with this at the moment is... so dynamo minsk is the coolest, large-scale sports brand in belarus. marketing is a very specific story, very narrow, and you can know the basics, for example, of marketing
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in general, some generally accepted meaning, sports marketing is a little different, a completely different direction, we primarily work for belarusian hockey, it seems to me that any marketing department should not forget that they primarily solve the problems of the team and the development of their sport, sports stars are the same show business stars, plus but in... vicissitudes, that is, these are such, well, in contrast to some kind of trauma, some kind of life from a brutal business, just positive heroes who can set an example for everyone, it will probably be great if in we will reach this goal in the near future. in that plot, which has a short time frame in view of the law of the genre, only a few examples, but absolutely everyone who studies -
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and returning to the festive theme of the day, all churches in belarus today greeted believers with a special ringing of bells, the gospel. the bells on the temple in the small village of rashkovka in belovezhskaya pushcha can be heard several kilometers away. on the feast of the resurrection of christ, it is not as crowded as in the majestic city cathedrals, but the church attracts believers with a special atmosphere, the miraculous icon of the roshkov mother of god. it is in her honor that the local temple is lit according to the sacred. the icon is a baby, she is only a little over 80 years old, but it was this image of the mother of god that saved the inhabitants of roshkovka from
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destruction in the forty-second year. people were already standing on the edge of the execution pit. there is an isolated case in occupied belarus. it is called one of the five wonders of the great patriotic war. elena bormotova, about the phenomenon of salvation. on the edge of the village of roshkovka, the blue temple, the color of the walls of the sacred building symbolizes the virgin mary. the church houses one of bresca's shrines. the germans already considered the territory of the third reich, among protected forests, giering set up a residence for himself. even before the start of the great
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patriotic war , goering came to hunt in belovezhskaya pushcha. after the occupation of belarus, the nazi leadership had special plans for the reserve: in the relict forest, on the initiative of gerring , an elite hunting reserve was created for the top of the third reich. the local population was subject to either resettlement or destruction. the first punitive action in belovezhskaya pushcha began. already on june 25, 1941 in just over a week, more than 6,500 people were evicted, several hundred people were killed, and villages were burned. roshkovka faced the same fate. the punitive action began in september 1942. the village was surrounded and machine gunners were stationed around the perimeter. the youth were taken to forced labor in germany, the executioners robbed houses, collected from the cat, people were driven to the center of roshkovka. today the house of olga saevey stands here.
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people were sent home, after a miraculous rescue, the residents of rozhkovka decided to build a temple in the village, they brought it from belovezhskaya pushcha the house of the staircase, a church was built from it, in november 42 it was illuminated in honor of the kazan icon of the mother of god. a german officer brought an image, this image of the roshkovskaya mother of god, it is carved like a bas-relief from a single piece of wood, it depicts the most holy theotokos. with a baby in his hands, this german officer said that the mother of god appeared to him, with the words stop the execution, she was killing innocents. the officer's name was emil albert herbst. rescue of civilians went against the nazi policy of extermination. luftwaf major herbst, by order of gerring, was removed from positions and sent to ordinary pilots on the eastern front, and the icon presented to them is still in the church today. the date september 28 is a holy
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day for the residents of roshkovka, a local church holiday. every year after. divine services, people walk in procession behind the village, to the cross, it is installed on the site of the same execution pit, which in september 42 was supposed to become a common grave for all residents of roshkovka. in 2000, in the alexanderevsky lavra of st. petersburg , an image of our lady of oroshkovka was painted for the temple in roshkovka according to strict orthodox canons. the temple itself re-consecrated. now it is named in honor not of kazan, but of rozhkovskaya mother of god. about the miracle of salvation on the main broadcast. and that’s all we managed to tell you about today. maxim uglenitsa and polina shuba were with you, happy holiday to all orthodox believers and see you on the main broadcast. happily.
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the difference between our equipment is that they have very large capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities. our technology today in fact, it is very reliable and has a colossal safety margin built into it. approach to the matter.
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in principle, everything is deteriorating for them today, diplomacy, when a diplomat, whose mandatory function is to build bridges, to maintain this thread of communication between two conflicting countries, today these diplomats, on the contrary , are inciting war, they are the main hawks, the same goes for their politics, their economy, then what does the west care now? gibla: if you are not lost, if you know who your opponent is, then you are moving towards victory we are alien to this makevialist approach, according to which the end justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to lie, to meanness, to cooperate with the devil and the devil just
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to win, so our path is long, but. .. this is a conscious choice. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on belarus 24 tv channel. everything you wanted to know about communications and history. religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyasoslav is associated with the emergence one of the oldest cities in belarus is famous. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedislav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, instructed, reconciled them, she paid
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attention to the elderly. it’s clear now, god knows, the snow has melted into the damp earth, the rain
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has fallen on the road, the storms of spree, the sun is warmer than the sun, the ice has been crushed, the crops have fallen, the gloom of the day. they are jumping to us, they are showing themselves, the geese are crowing, the spackle is spreading on the oak tree, the cranes began to dance, and the winter disappeared like smoke, the meadow became greener, the sky, like hell felt pain, our native land!
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bt belarusian television, from here, from communist six on january 1, 1956 , the first domestic signal went to a device for the elite or a miracle of technology. in the fifties , not everyone could afford such a luxury, not that now there is a tv not only in every home, but also in every smartphone.
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from the television center, the first moscow programs of central television came to belarus in 1957, when there was the seventh festival of students and youth, three repeaters were used to deliver the signal, one stationary svalensky, and two more that were installed on airplanes, the airplanes flew at an altitude of 3500 m between orsha and vyazma, this is how the signal came to belarus, the same television without a television tower on ... no money or metal was spared on this capital landmark. the total height of the tower with the antenna was almost 200 m. by the way, many are mistaken that we are now broadcasting using
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this structure. no, technology is too much are developing rapidly, it lost its relevance literally in the first decades. it was optimized, shortened by 40 m. and now it is one of the most recognizable objects in minsk. the engineers were standing there, they were still tightening them specifically in order to synchronize faster in the sixty-first year , a direct regional line was opened, and in the sixty-seventh year our viewers
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could already see color programs, in order to receive material from vitebsk and from brest, we came to a special editing room, which was allocated for this, there stood such a phone, you know, in the best soviet traditions with a handle, you turned this handle, said hello, minsk is listening, mogilev communications, yes mogilev said yes i am communications, an internet project, the 5by sport portal, absolutely recouped, the costs that were planned for the first year of activity, they paid off, it seems to me that in the first two months when i arrived, there was only bt, so when you dreamed of being a television journalist, you certainly dreamed of getting on bt, of course, today we have the ont tv channel, and tv channels stv and high competition, everything needs to be done promptly, and if you didn’t become the first, then no one hears your second word, it was more light in relation to, say, during this time the channel
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was transformed, we started making a slightly different ont, did anyone not like it? the goal is that we must gradually move into the field of our own product. when i came to ont, there was 55% here, specifically for the first channel, according to the results of last month, this is already 27%. when i came to television in 1995, a television news agency had already been created, officially it already existed. about six months, but on everyone’s lips it sounded like an edition of information, and here it was familiar, at the journalism department, in general in journalistic circles , but there were, well, if we look at it from the point of view of information media, there were these cassettes called btcom and btcom sp , that is, btcom sp - it was a more advanced format, but since they looked exactly the same, it happened that you went out to shoot, gave the operator a tape, he inserted it into the camera, but it didn’t fit. now there are these
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little, little flash drives that the correspondent takes it with him when traveling. our country, i believe, is the only one in the world that went live at 4:00 in the morning, we made something out of cardboard, then we painted a board for decoration, everything was so a little theatrical, if something is wrong, you’re just they fired you, they kicked you out, they changed you, and it wasn’t a rebranding, it’s a beautiful word, if someone made a mistake in the accent or in the numerals, then whatever will happen...
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in my opinion, she’s 25 years old, in my opinion, danik, more guys, that is, they are program managers, directors, editors, then that’s it it started later, that is, like by the age of 30, by 35, or even by forty, they can trust you with something, everyone has mastered very different genres, because then, if you do science , it’s one story, if it’s good morning, it’s third story, news is ...
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information about who sees their advertising, we created our own company, united, we are the world's second national capital television, created a company to sell advertising space on our airwaves and also received, immediately felt the economic effect. we are pleased to welcome you in the betelerokpania, the media has turned into a weapon, and you know, this weapon is more powerful than poison. we have become tougher, we are forced to talk to our viewers more honestly, more...
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i obviously lack an information channel, and this was discussed several years ago, including at the level of the head of state, we have not discarded this idea anywhere, it is now in very serious stage of implementation, on average the share of the belarus-1 tv channel is 7-8, sometimes there is 9%, then 24-25% of the share was collected by the live broadcast factor in by the way, about a million belarusians are turned on to one degree or another every day. watch what we produce, we have about 2.5 million subscribers on all platforms, let’s take the youtube channel of the utel news agency, it has already surpassed the million subscriber mark, reaching about 5 million users weekly, i assure you, i know
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the plans and of course ours and our colleagues, this is just the beginning, next year television will be 7 minutes. just as you were holding the book in your hands, shaking one piece after another, sniffing the words from your ears. books have thoughts minulaga, report and expressive huchas galas of people. everything that chalavetstva created,
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she ate on old books, bytstsam enchantress. we read the past centuries, the closer ones, we appreciate the past, for our daily life. belarus 24. russian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair - zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship was rewritten again never before by the sixth and seventh squads.


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