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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. read more close packs, we appreciate the last minute for ours. daily belarus 24. we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair: zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship was rewritten again never before by the sixth and seventh squads.
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so that these products comply technically, regulatory legal acts, correspond to the standard model, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve your goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel . six traditional traditions and preserve the memory of the meat zhikhars of zhytkavitsk, vetka, pinsk, dragichynsk, gomel and maladzechansk region.
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shesst karagoda sennaya znahodzitsa ў spіse element of intangible cultural decline. since childhood, i have always been very fascinated by the railway, in principle, probably, like most boys there was a children's railway, an electric one, it always delighted me, i really loved riding trains, even at one time... working as a conductor, i really liked it , my name is andrey gulevich, i am the deputy head of the carriage assembly shop of the gomel carriage plant, our task is to ensure the comfort and safety of the passenger.
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returning from practice, participation in gomel state college of railway transport, through the car window i noticed the walls of the gomel car repair plant inside me. the thought that i want to work here, i am drawn here, my house is nearby, something connects me with it, well, that’s how it happened, that is, i passed the state exams successfully and was assigned to the gomel plant at that time, later
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it became closed joint-stock company in the gomel carriage works. our plant repairs special-purpose carriages, passenger carriages, carriages flaw detectors, restaurant carriages, carriages, laboratories, the range is very huge, and our plant also carries out repairs and manufacture of various components for passenger carriages. “i work in the very main workshop of the plant, where the final assembly of cars takes place, and , accordingly, it is sent to the customer, in a finished, assembled form. my working day begins at 6:30. an interesting tradition at
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our plant is the presence of a horn that signals us topics about the beginning of the working day, the beginning of the lunch break and the end worker." my working day begins with this beep; we are one of the few enterprises in the post-soviet space that still use this beep. my job is to quickly solve delivery problems from adjacent workshops, units, so that people working on in this facility, but efficiently, without interfering with each other, we assembled the carriage. we will prepare two carriages for the street, 24993, 24564, we are also taking them for preparation, but there are some questions about them, there is no upholstered furniture on 2493,
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we are waiting for them. we'll give you back first tomorrow at 10 hours, satisfied with 24563. in principle , we have no questions, everything is going according to plan, the workshops still have some questions, then we finished the measuring meeting, we go to work, how all this happens, a car arrives from the customer to the territory of the plant, there are certain services, who accept it, describe it for the presence of all component parts, and accordingly transfer it to the disassembly and assembly workshop, remove rejected or in need of repair units and components and transport them to other workshops, here we are in a carriage to which
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a major overhaul will be carried out, this is a rigidly open type carriage, and a reserved seat carriage will be built in the open air. at this stage, on this car, those components that require repairs have already been removed and handed over to the death crew. after the carriage is placed in the third building, assembly work will begin on it, new casing will be installed, the carriage will be assembled from top to bottom, that is , ceilings with lamps will begin to be exposed, then luggage racks will appear, new upholstered furniture, a table, heating pipes, new linoleum , all for...
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after the car has been dismantled in the dismantling and assembly shop , the car body has been repaired and is ready for the assembly process, it is forced into the third building of the car assembly shop, where the body is lifted. vladimir vasilyevich, get up. rolling out running bogies, supplying them for repairs while the car is in the jacks, repairing undercar mounted equipment , tightening all wires and undercar cables, moving the undercarriages into wheel-bogie carriers, where passenger bogies are repaired, shock-traction devices and wheel pairs. the heart of the car is the wheel pair, the wheel pair is the safety of
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the car moving along the railway track. i began my career precisely with this roller department of the section for repairing axlebox units and new formation. this is where the wheelset is assembled. each bearing has an individual number. a special journal, and that is, even after a lot of time, you can track who made this wheelset and assembled it when. in this department there is lowering the bogies onto ready-made wheelsets and feeding the ready-made bogies under the cars. depending on the type of wagon repair, bogies that can be repaired are disassembled,
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each part of the bogie is inspected, checked for compliance, and then assembled and rolled under the wagon. the car is lowered onto them and continues to move forward, after which furniture, some components and parts begin to arrive at the position from adjacent drywalls and it finally begins. car assembly, all this happens in the car assembly shop, also in the plant’s facilities there is an electrical repair shop that deals with the complete filling of the entire passenger car, lighting, and power wiring. recently , a lot of passenger cars have begun to be equipped with information boards, on which the passenger sees all the events that are happening in the car, the ambient temperature , air conditioning, and the occupancy
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of toilets. vasily vladimirovich, please write it down at 23550, the wooden paneling is ready, take it and start displaying it. here we looked at the stage. disassembly work, now we are in the car, on which large-unit assembly is already taking place, new windows have been installed, new trim has been installed, luggage racks of our manufacture have been installed, the lower sofas, also completely made by us, are being tried on, then they will be sent to the woodworking shop, where foam rubber will be installed , lined with vinyl and leather, the woodworking shop is repairing partitions. upholstered furniture, hard furniture, doors, entrances, passages, which are available in the new one. at this stage you can reverse
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pay attention to what materials the components and parts on the car are made of. the partition consists of fire-resistant plywood, covered with plastic on both sides. the lower sofas are made of metal structures with foam rubber. and gradually the car takes on a finished look. our plant also carries out repairs and manufacture of various components for passenger cars, including one of the main workshops of chugonoy produces brake pads, which are used throughout the belarusian railway on all types of cars. now we are in the center, we are here
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we produce carriage brake pads. first, we make molds, which are then filled with molten cast iron, after which the molds are cooled down by the smooth cast iron, that is, the brake pad goes outside and cools down, this form is disposable, that is, when it comes out, it is broken and then crushed.
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on the roof, the car, in principle, can already go onto the street, the car from the painting body is fed onto a transborder cart, and this cart and car are thrown out onto the street. perhaps only at our enterprise you can see similar ones, how the carriage moves sideways. when he went out into the street, his commissioning work was carried out, we have it. a certain place in the factory where the car is driven, the so -called grid, where high voltage is supplied, is checked by a car test, and the operation of all electric heating devices that are installed on the car is checked. an internal factory passport is created for each car, which indicates all the components and
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assemblies that are installed on it, all the operations that were performed on it, all comments that were identified and recorded with a note indicating their correction. the final authority for car acceptance is the inspector of the design and technical center, who finally accepts the car. for all employees of our plant, the main task is the safety and comfort of the passenger, therefore. at our plant , several quality control tests are carried out on the assembly of passenger cars, cars are presented that have already undergone the entire complex of assembly work, the bodies are fully painted , the so-called running bogies are painted, the cars are already, in principle, ready for dispatch
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to the customer, and all information about this car can be found directly on the body. that is, on the left side the inscription is attributed to lhf6, the owner is the belarusian railway, and the section is vitebsk, on the right side of lobovaya there are stencils indicating the completion of planned types of repairs. in the twelfth year, we carried out a major overhaul of the second volume on this car. we carried out the dypovo repairs in the twenty-fourth, but this shoulder strap will already be sent to the customer. west gom means that the repairs took place at our carriage building plant in the city of gomel. after all the comments of the technical control department have been eliminated on the car, the car is completely ready for operation, representatives of the customer and conductors arrive, the car is inspected again, there are some comments from representatives, some wishes, all this
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is eliminated as quickly as possible , and the car is ready for use. the main customers of our plant are, first of all, the belarusian railway. our good partner is also the russian federation, which also repairs its cars with us. established work with the kazakhstan railway, which also repairs cars on the territory of our plant. absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero?
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why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. how are you different at work from yourself at home? it seems to me solely by appearance. not i’m turning from some kind of grymza into a cute cat, no, i’m either a grymza everywhere or a kitty everywhere. how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative. to regret is not the same as to sympathize. pity is an arrogant feeling, a feeling of superiority. look at the project 100 questions for adults on the tv channel . you can do a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days.
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in our project you will learn about key dates , events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects, that will surprise and lift your spirits. russian cinema and, of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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the gomel carriage works today is the city-forming enterprise of the city of gomel, which employs almost 1,200 people. over its 150-year history, the plant was able not only to preserve its staff and traditions, but also... to increase and to improve the work of our enterprise, also over the past 10 years, our plant has mastered the production of cars based on car sets, such as a flaw detector car, a track measuring car, a diesel power station car with a capacity of 250 kw, a pharmacy car, these cars are used for the population in emergency situations, the plant has also mastered manufacturing. containers, which are currently in demand in the post-soviet space, production and re-equipment of passenger cars, cars for various purposes, this can be said
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the strong point of our plant, each of our customers can count on the fact that everything will be done efficiently on time with love for their work. 2 years ago we mastered the overhaul of a snowblower, this machine is in use. for clearing snow on railway tracks, that is , it is operated exclusively in the winter season, the principle of its operation is that there is a feeder, which is equipped with brushes, which scoops up the snow and delivers it to the conveyor; in the last tail car there is an external conveyor that can lean either to the left or to the right and throw snow out of the way, just like a carriage, the snow blower is disassembled in all components, repaired and assembled for further operation of this machine. here we
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are in the position of repairing a completely new product for our country, on the basis of a covered freight car we are producing a completely new product, it will be a diesel power station car with a capacity of 400 kw. there are no analogues in belarus yet, which we are very proud of, that we are the first. at this stage, all parts are cooked structures, strengthening the body and welding the corresponding foundations. next, this car will go to the position of the car assembly shop, where the installation of the car lining, installation of diesel engines, installation of a fuel tank, heating boiler, and heating system will be carried out. this car will be used as an autonomous diesel power station to supply electricity to the car or containers that transport
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perishable products. our plant will celebrate its 150th anniversary this year. was founded in 1874 on lyubavoromenskaya railway, was founded as locomotive repair shops. our plant is very interesting in its history, because it developed along with the development of the soviet union, and now with modern belarus. we survived the revolution, we survived the civil war, and there is one very interesting fact: after all, the first subbotnik was at our car repair plant, which only later spread to the masses and appeared in
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the soviet union. during the history of the plant, we survived two wars: the second war, the great patriotic war, of course, was more destructive, from the plant there was virtually nothing left. the plant in 1943 , after the liberation of the city of gomel, was restored by the forces of workers, by the forces of townspeople. after the end of the war. the plant also began to operate at full capacity and develop. we are proud that for 150 years our plant has served as a passenger and continues to serve. we transported people comfortably, and continue to comfortably transport people throughout the territory of our republic, and not only. in those distant times in the 19th century, to this day we remain faithful to the traditions and quality of our plant. in
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this year our plant will celebrate 150 years, and it so happens that my experience at this plant is 20 years, that is, i , too, like my plant, have an anniversary, remembering my student years, remembering the friends who... my family, i met my future at the plant , which i am very happy about, after all, my friends and wife are here, we have a beautiful daughter, she is now 12 years old, she is already showing great interest in the plant, they always ask how work is, is there a lot of work, what do you do and
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which ones? the races you are doing now are also very loves with us if we travel, we always try to travel by rail, it’s romantic, it’s beautiful, she travels with us with admiration, here’s my daughter, this is our factory in a smaller form, let me tell you how everything happens at our factory, it all starts from this side, the carriages move along the rails. the locomotive pulls them in, leaves them here, our workers are already coming to them, this is where my workshop begins, this is how big it is, you see, on the scale of the entire plant, my workshop is the largest, there are more of all people works, upon returning from some business trips or from travel, paying attention to some worn-out parts or poor-quality
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repairs, not even necessarily... from our plant, to our people, to our craftsmen, we convey that please pay pay attention to this idiot, let's somehow make it more beautiful, or what? looking back on 20 years of experience, and, accordingly, studying at a technical school, i can say with confidence that i made the right choice in my life, that i came to work for gomel car-building plant, here i am... surrounded by worthy people, i like working with them, i like overcoming some difficulties, i see that after all i made the right choice, that i connected my life with the railway.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly
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important events, live broadcasts from the scene . current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for everyone ages, in the countries of azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan , kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar. united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and
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is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight. too much do not take the light ones, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with. and spinach, quite unusual, but it seems to me that sometimes you can treat yourself, let’s get started, if you have a difficult day ahead, and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will really help you, not we forget
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and about invigorating exercises, we raise our arms up, raise our legs and do this cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts. watch in the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus24 tv channel.
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they were born in different parts of russia, in belarus at... a look at belarus two amazing people and two destinies, each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus.
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edgar retz was born and raised in kamchatka, a fabulously beautiful, harsh region, when he started a family, he decided to move to a more comfortable climate for living, having arrived in our country for a few days, they decided to stay here, today edgar and his family live and work in grodno, in the festival cultural center. from the far east, from the kamchatka territory, the city of petropalets kamchatsky. at the time of 2015, my wife and i decided that we would move from kamchatka, since the climatic conditions there are quite difficult, and this question had been brewing for us for a long time, that we needed to choose some new location to live, in 2015, my wife and i decided to fly on vacation, we flew to... we looked at moscow, looked at the central part
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of russia, traveled there, right during our vacation, my wife suggested we go to belarus, where by the way i had never been before. we took tickets and arrived in minsk, we lived in minsk for a couple of days, saw how it was there, we liked it, belarus is the country that makes you fall in love with itself, this is really so, because before that, unlike my wife, i've been here at least once as a child. then for me it was all the first time, but nevertheless there was a feeling kinship and closeness were present, because well, despite the fact that i grew up in russia in the far east, there are also quite a lot of belarusians, we also communicated with belarusian goods, it should be noted that belarus has very respectful relations with belarusian goods in russia, so in the place where i lived, it was always a coupon like...
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they took things and moved to belarus, for me it was literally starting from scratch, because i didn’t take anything from my things, i really left kamchatka from one a bag, with a small suitcase, that is , they just started a new life again, there was a complete reset, including in work, in career, which you also need to always understand when moving to a new region, that it is always life from the very beginning, yulia semenchenko, originally from the moscow region, arrived in belarus on
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a business trip and has been living and working in the city of brest, in the russian center of science and culture, for almost 5 years. during this time, she traveled a lot and visited different parts of belarus, and the city of brest became her home and beloved city. i arrived in belarus directly to brest from moscow, or rather even from the moscow region, i am from moscow, i came here for work to lead. russian center of science and culture, which, in principle, i have been doing for almost 5 years. i was born into a very ordinary family, my mother is a primary school teacher, she worked at school all her life, now she, of course, is already a student and a very busy, very energetic person. my dad worked as a driver all his life, there were no diplomatic roots in my family, it was just my fate that i started engage in this activity, but at the same time i have two sons. my sons are already adult, one of them works, has three higher
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educations, the second is studying at moscow state international relations institute, and i assume that this dynasty, probably diplomatic, will begin with me, so my sons are, in principle, focused on this work, work in the international field, promoting the interests of the russian federation abroad, and i wish them, of course, great success in this, so that all their plans, all their ideas come true, this is important for me, as for a mother, well, as for any mother, success his... children, he is more important than his own success. my children, of course, come to me, very often, my youngest son lived here with me, for the first year, until he graduated from school, he studied under the name of pushkin. he really liked brest, and of course, first of all, when the eldest son and the youngest son arrived, we went to the brest fortress, this is certainly the place where you need to go first, and my grandmother came here to see me, they really liked belarus , they were natural in minsk, they were with me in grodno, they were impressed by these cities, their
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beauty, their architecture, and not so long ago my sister came to see me a year ago, in the spring, it was already very warm, of course, when you come from moscow, it’s still winter there.
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city ​​and i always think with regret, to be honest, that i will have to return someday, in belarus the people are simply unique, in fact, i say without any flattery, without any pathos, i am always amazed by these people with their altruism, first of all, i travel a lot around the country, in the brest district, in the brest region, everywhere i encounter people who with an open soul, in an hour without any additional finances, do the job, this is very important. they do things from the heart, from the heart, they invest all their possible resources into it, often without support, or any support, but they are simply passionate about this cause, and this captivates me, in fact, belarus rests on such people, i am with them i meet people everywhere, here’s a museum, we’re going to some museum, this is the director of the museum,
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this is some ordinary person, this is a deputy, this is a public figure, people are investing your soul, your heart into a cause that is necessary for the people, for your...
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vision, the day of national unity has been approved in belarus, strength is in unity, the belarusian path of development, it is truly humane, the future lies ahead of us, say the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new ones releases on the belarus 24 tv channel, we are going on a trip to belarus, this town was built from 94 to 96 of the last century. it is unique in that the concept of a pedestrian zone is fully implemented here. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. good afternoon, masha, how many years, how many. oh, don’t even count it, i really really miss your bread. but in general, it’s great that it’s available, wax, we know where to buy it, and
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eggs, that’s it, we sit and get creative, visit the bright sights of our country.
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dear friends, welcome to our cultural festival center, here you can see, right at the entrance we are greeted by a belarusian and a belarusian woman, these costumes are made in the traditional grodny style and they greet our guests, here you can watch. we have a permanent an exposition dedicated to the festival, and i will remind you that our center, the festival cultural center, is called a festival center for a reason, it is dedicated to the history of the festival, which takes place every two years in the city of grodnoe, this is such a branded event for our city , i always celebrate it. on the walls you can see stands that are dedicated to the history of the festival, from the first to the current eighteenth year, this is the twelfth festival, here we are... now i’ll reveal a secret to my friends, we have already allocated a place here for the thirtieth republican
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festival that took place in grodno this year, how the festival appeared in my life, it appeared in september 2021, when we celebrated the day of the city, the city of grodno, we, as part of a delegation of diasporas, were invited to a general holiday dedicated to... the day cities, we had several diasporas gathered there at once, it was the polish diaspora, lithuanian, ukrainian, there was chinese, jewish, we were from the russian side, then i first discovered for myself that there is such an institution, at that time i was still about i didn’t know it, because i’m in grodno i was visiting by and large, having been here i liked this place, when of course i found out that the leader was leaving here, then of course... i wanted to collaborate and i established contact with the cultural center, and the cultural center is the parent organization
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of the branch of the cultural center festival, and we agreed that they would look at me, and i would look at this work for myself, to what extent it was mine, because of course this area was new, and from the side of the cultural center there was also, let’s say, such a big credit to me, i understood this from the very beginning, i understand it now, because i actually came from a financial background. sphere, i was not connected with the cultural one, but apart from, if not to mention this social activity, of course, it was new to me, nevertheless, it turned out to be so close to me that somehow quickly enough i began to get involved in it, in addition, i have very good personal contacts with diasporas, we worked together at the festival before my arrival, so it was not difficult for us to continue this interaction, and in many ways even easier somewhere, already when i became the head here, we have had a festival of national cultures for more than 20 years, and it is significant for all of us, for the residents of our country, and not only the residents
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of our country, but also and for our neighbors, those who take part in the republican festival, that is, such a holiday that unites peoples, here we are in grodno, we decided that we would have such a house, albeit in miniature, where our diasporas could unite under one roof . that's how the idea was born the creation of such a cultural center, which is called festival in honor of our own, one of the main holidays of our city, because as i always note, this is a brand event for our city, but not otherwise, and everyone knows the festival of national cultures, including outside grodno and even outside the republic, for me this is a new round in development, in general, and in my personal development, because... the cultural center is a festival, due to the fact that it is multifaceted, here you have yourself the opportunity to try in completely different
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directions, we have the opportunity to work with diasporas, and work with artists, creative people, and organize cultural events, so you yourself participate in the development and preparation of the concept of some event, in addition to you. .. sometimes you yourself often directly participate in this event, and this is both responsible and interesting, so you discover it for yourself and you develop yourself in this area, having previously worked in insurance business, i really liked the fact that this business is also multifaceted, since when insuring some enterprises, some people, you are forced to delve into the field of activity with which you are involved. business, and working in the far east, of course, this is aviation, this is shipping insurance, that is, you must
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understand the terminology, you must understand these processes. which occur at certain enterprises in order to offer an adequate insurance product, in exactly the same way in this for myself i found similar points that i now need to delve into and what i like is the processes here, i need to understand painting and photography, that is, it develops me, i have to communicate with a lot of people, and this is a positive moment for me, because i am a sociable person, i take a lot for myself here from communicating with people. in addition, when communicating with diasporas, you need to understand that each nationality is unique in its own way. working at a festival, and i’ve been working here for almost a year, i come to the conclusion that you know, everything in my life is not accidental, everything it’s no coincidence that this period of my life,
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this new round, i think so too, but already practically. we are glad to welcome you to the russian center of science and culture, this building has already existed since 2014, in general, for quite a long time, next year we will celebrate the tenth anniversary of our center, which of course we are very happy about, get to know us as people .
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grodno, these are museums, this is a public organization, these are libraries, we are trying to equip them, yes, with what modern russian publishing houses now represent, here we have several classrooms, a training and methodological center,
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projects, we recently joined a forum, for example, on the battle of stalingrad, which took place on the tables, took part in some international events , took place in several countries, the main platform was moscow, they are held here we sometimes have small film screenings for career guidance for college kids, in general, it’s like this, any of our venues, not only this one, but any of our offices, it’s multi-format, and we work with the guys at these venues on absolutely different topics, i received my appointment in moscow, i was the boss...
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they don’t understand my suitcase mood, yes, when you’re sitting on boxes getting ready to go somewhere again, my mother tells me this: i can’t imagine how you sat here and went again again on these boxes, it’s rebuilding there, arranging life, well, it’s all complicated, but i can’t imagine my life in one place anymore, although i love my hometown very much, i’m from the moscow region, and it’s not difficult for me anymore, i’m coming home , i'm passing a year or two, and something's wrong with me
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he begins, you know, to urge me inside, i understand that i need to go somewhere, i need to change. environment, i need to communicate with other people, i need to be in a different space, so i never regretted that i had such a chance to do this work, i am very grateful to the people who helped me at certain stages, i i’m very grateful to fate that it turned out this way for me, to my parents, of course, who probably brought me to this one way or another, after a while you begin to understand that this, this, that, yes, there are some supporting points to which, which led you to this one way or another, i am happy that i am doing this and i hope that i will be doing this for many more years, of course there are nuances that i regret, each of us has them. yes, i regret that, for example, i studied few languages, now, yes, i feel that if i also knew two or three languages ​​there, it would help me, when you know the language, you know the culture of the people, yes this is interesting,
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i regret this, i regret that maybe in my own time i haven’t studied any musical instruments for a while, unfortunately i don’t have any hearing, but i would like to be able to play that a little more, i probably needed to study art, world art. sometimes i feel some kind of lack of knowledge in this area, but nevertheless i am sure that this work, my current work, has given me a lot, and i am happy to be a diplomat serving for the benefit of my fatherland.
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white and red is now our flag. let's form a hand-to-hand grip. the hitch is a priori an element of attack. and of course the phrase "let's grab it." this is under... under the bc flag, inciting social hatred and hostility, but this is different, probably a smogarsk pro-ukrainian singer, this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now he is exchanging article 342, what conclusions were probably drawn? , then i was under the emotional influence of the general information flow, very strong, now in my life there has been a big... revaluation of values, it is possible to conduct a constructive dialogue, so i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus and on the poster in my hands "i support ukraine." well, before that, she didn’t
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support the residents of the brotherly donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years. why now, while in georgia and moving around the european union, does he not go out into the streets in support of palestine? this is ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project. watch the rest on the belarus24 tv channel.
12:01 pm
live you watch the main news at noon, pavel lazovik is with you, hello, in this episode, about the events of the war...


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