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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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interesting project, 80 unknown stories about the heroes of the great patriotic war, uh, weekly we publish information about the relatives of our students, university employees, they usually look for photographs in their family archive, and thus also a dialogue of generations between our students, employees and their parents , grandfathers, great-grandfathers, respectively, we learn a lot of new things, this will remain.
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and already in july, students from belarus and russia will gather for a forum on nazi crimes without a statute of limitations, young people will also take part in celebrating the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. two handlers of telephone scammers were detained in minsk, including an eighteen-year-old girl. together with a twenty-three-year-old guy, they took money from defrauded pensioners in the capital and regions. the couple took a total of about 100,000 from the elderly in a few days.
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if it happened to them, i don’t know, well , how would i experience it myself, and if the same thing happened to them, then i simply wouldn’t be able to, i probably wouldn’t understand the people who did it, now i i'm sitting on in place of these people, i consider myself a terrible person, the detainees said that their handlers promised them high earnings and assured them of impunity. the couriers were given instructions on how to take secrecy measures and avoid being detained by police officers. criminal cases have been initiated. the police remind you that couriers of telephone scams are liable on an equal basis with their organizers, this means up to 10 years in prison. the connection between times and innovations in the fine arts at the national art museum of belarus exhibition lina engraving. the exhibition includes graphic works by young masters. from glebov college,
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the audience judged a wide range of creative manners, as well as attention to color and flavor. the college today is a center for training specialists in the field of fine, decorative and applied arts, sculpture and design. here we present glebovka’s experiments, well, not really experiments, the work of glebovka’s students in various techniques. we had an exhibition of glebovka’s illustrations. now we decided to show it. linacut. linacut is one of those let's say, the most unpretentious, relatively simple graphic techniques, when you can cut out a design on a piece of linoleum and print it right away, without even using a machine. you can see the unusual embodiment of the graphic image until mid-may. next , my colleagues will talk about sports; the tv news agency’s projects are also available on social networks on mobile. application qr code on
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the screen. new information at one o'clock in the afternoon, see you later. plus two positions in the ranking for victoria azarenka. now the belarusian occupies twenty-fourth place, and minus four for alexandra sosnovich, who dropped to 113th position in the updated wta rankings. sosnovich starts qualifying for the tournament in rome today. her opponent in the first round.
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in addition to today's match, the teams will hold two more meetings, on may 9 they will play in tula, and on the 11th they will come to minskana.
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i am history, nature, culture, faith, people.
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shchodrastsya, adzin times you want and don’t grow up any more, here everything is right for us.
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they only drank swamp water and that’s it. he also wanted to live like me. we have forty dogs the first size and tarpaulin, and washed 136 wear at least until the end of the war. for the city as
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a girl, tamara alekseevna, deposits, city of khalturin, kirov region. the military rank of private, the position of code clerk in the ranks of the working peasant red army will take place in january 1942, in the forty-first year i graduated from 10 classes and the guys and i went there to the vyatka river, where our city is, holturat on the vyatka river, we went across the river play volleyball there and then we go back there and laugh, well, there are children here maybe this one is young. would be, and the old man goes and says, kids, what are you laughing at, because the war has begun, and we think, well, what did he say, you never know what, he said, he’s an elderly man, you never know what he said, we, we’re going, then,
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it means that we have an agricultural technical school there, we are watching a rally near the agricultural technical school, and then we already realized that the war had really begun. today at 4:00 am, without any declaration of war, the german armed forces attacked. dad, goodbye, tell me, i even, and then i turned and said: dad, goodbye, here
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you see, how much more childhood there was, but dad didn’t wait for me, this is because it was then in 1943 that he died of starvation , several of us girls were sent to courses to study a... after this completion of these courses, four girls from of the city , the district military commissariat sent us to moscow to special school number three, where they trained birth attendants, i studied there for several months at the beginning of forty-two... a special group of a demolition officer, a scout and i radiska, we were dropped behind
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the german lines, i was actually in a regional city lived, i i didn’t even see a real plane, only there in the movies, then they immediately put us on the plane at night, when we were flying, we were still, well , we were 17-18 years old there too, so we... we look, they are shooting at us, and we say, oh, what stars, somehow, in their own way, well , they were young people, then the pilot comes out and says, we are being fired upon, we need to go on a parachute, you will jump with a parachute, we say, yes, we have never jumped, we are parachuting in general if you didn’t see it, you’ll jump, well, they put it on the guys, they separated it from me, which means i was so fragile this is the same thing. they opened the doors of this very plane, the team would get ready, well, the guys
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came up there, jumped, when the team came to me, i was told to get ready, i came up, my knees buckled, it was very scary, because it’s also a shame to come back, it’s inconvenient, well, i’m already i don’t remember how i jumped, maybe this medicine helped me there or something, but i only came to my senses when the parachute opened, i thought, well, how can i not get to the germans, because there were cases where i was born, well, i ok, i landed on, i think, a tree or a tree, i no longer i remember the guys cut the sling and i ended up with the partisans, in 1941-1943 the bryansk forests were one of the largest areas of the partisan movement, up to 60 thousand partisans fought in them, including more. thousands of women there were three underground district committees, three city committees, 23 district committees in the all-union communist party of belarus, 16 district committees of the all-union leninist young communist league.
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in 1942 , 31 partisan formations, 27 brigades and a partisan artillery regiment were formed from individual partisan detachments in the bryansk forests. far behind the front line , vast partisan areas arose that had constant connections with the big one. i have at first the connection did not go well. we didn’t have an internship in a forest area, well , i’ll throw away the antennas, there’s no connection, moscow hears me, but i don’t hear them, and then it means that there was another birth attendant there, he also already had experience, so i asked him, he told me everything, then he dropped the antenna as it should be, showed me how to drop it, where and what, so we started. severok, we had hours,
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time when moscow, when with a detachment, say, or with a group, there we had certain hours, already a certain channel, well you look at the schedule, you know what you need to set up for it, they give you encryption and transmit it. you are transmitting the encryption, working with the key so that it is there while you learn, while this morse code, while you learn it, it was difficult. and then so as not to knock your hand off, you can also work, knock it off, knock your hand off, then they won’t hear you anymore, they’ll hear it, but they won’t understand it, dot tere, dot tere, yes, this is what you’re passing on, there’s a three there, there’s something numbers there
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, you’ll knock off your hand because you have to go slowly to work and for it to be difficult to sit in ambush, why? that's why what if you’re sitting there, it’s dark, or the weather is not good, you’re still sitting there, you’re transferring it to headquarters there, we didn’t stay in one place for long, because the germans would target us, they would recapture us, we then change
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the location and now we’re moving to another when here... moving from one place to another, you move, then you go, they go to the line, you go along with them, and it’s day and night, another time you go and don’t sleep, when you go, you go, and your eyes close you sleep, then you go out in the other direction, you walk, a man is already walking behind you, yeah, you fell asleep, by the shoulders you'll dry up, that's it, you'll open your eyes, you'll go again... i'll tell you that it was a little difficult for the girl, well, women and women, of course, there was no hot water there, there's another time and there's no water at all, there it was a scary girl, well, the guys helped us out, they gave us parachutes, we sewed them there,
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then we also sewed bras for ourselves, because... we don’t throw them into the derabaneto anymore, well, it was, of course, a little hard, but we adapted, we’re like girls , girls, in the evenings we’ll sit a little boringly together, i think, we remember at home, we remember our parents, i think the big land sent weapons to the partisans, we don’t always have food. they dropped it, because first of all they dropped their weapons, they sat without bread, another time you sit, without food, without water, old and young, fathers and sons take up arms to beat, beat and beat
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the fascist reptile behind enemy lines.
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russian partisans blew up a 290 m long railway bridge across the desna river on the bryansk-gomel railway line. the operation lasted only 26 minutes. train movement was suspended for a month. from september 1941 to september 1943, the partisans of the barian forests destroyed over 100,000 enemy soldiers and officers. about a thousand trains, hundreds of bridges, hundreds of kilometers of railway tracks were blown up. for courage and courage, 11 partisans of the bryansk region were awarded the title. hero of the soviet union. about 16 thousand partisans and underground fighters were awarded orders and medals. few of our relatives died. they were also dropped by a special group, she sat down from the parachute , so the guys were on stretchers first they were wearing it, but they had to
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carry out special missions, so then they left it with an old woman in the village, and a german came and shot the old woman, and she was shot, in the partisan forests of the present. all the war, we walked, ran into the germans, and also an ambush, here i was, i was 18 years old, then it was my first time in battle, you don’t know how to behave, and also one of the relatives who was with me didn’t you know how to behave, because there is shooting there, we run to another place, i’m shooting here, then the guys shouted to us:
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i also wanted to live like me, when free minute, so then we all get together and the guys, the guys there were also scouts, demolitionists, and we all get together to remember the house, each one told herself, or someone received a letter, says, like this, and so shares these memories ,
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often partisan units carried out tasks from the command of fronts and kingdoms. they were a threat to the invaders. this was in forty -three. we were surrounded. you need to break through the corridor and quickly run.
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we are new, and we stayed there for 4 days, the fifth day we have already left, and we know that our volnovna was in the village, our volnovna, i say, shura, i’ll go to the branch of the volovnya, here’s my walkie-talkie and documents, you never know, so at least you’ll keep it, but i just crawled up, it was there at night, i saw a fire and german speech, i went back and... we went in the opposite direction, which means from this village, well, we walked, we probably walked like this all day, in the evening we look.
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commander, hero of the soviet union emlyudin, immediately the conversation became so serious, he said how could you stay, you could to get to the germans, but now we don’t know, maybe you were with the germans, you were gone for 5 days, we have already reported to moscow that two rhodians
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have disappeared with registrations and codes. and we stood there, our tears were pouring out for everything, and we were standing there, dirty and so waxy, it wasn’t weakened anymore, then he came up to us, hugged us, said, well done, girls, that you saved the walkie-talkie, that you saved the shivr, and so that the living would return, and then there would be a fence, which means that the guys stood and she and i...
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in the rear of the fascist troops they successfully operate , delivering unexpected and crushing blows to enemy, heroic partisan detachments. we stayed in one place for a long time, and the guys built a dugout for us , and then they said: girls, go get a hotel, and there are several of us in the dugout. how to do it in a hotel, and then in the morning we got up, and there was water, water, it was all on the floor, well, nothing, but we
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stayed on the trestle beds, slept, and also. i had to sleep in the snow, because when on a hike the guys broke the tree branches on this branch, and then this raincoat, captured by our german soldiers scout, during interrogation he told about the location of enemy troops, we have guys. they took one german prisoner, so i think he was an officer, so he showed us his family, he told us, well, we didn’t really understand the german language, but he showed his family, that he had children, that he had his wife, he kept saying something, well, you look at him and think, well, you’re a man, and we are people too, so why are you
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killing? were surrounded and the guys shot him, the people's avengers spread panic, destroyed the viterovites and their accomplices, traitors to our homelands, after we were liberated, i was sent to moscow, to the central headquarters of the partisan movement, well, i worked a little there, and i was sent when they started belarus, i was sent to belarus
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to work in ... the ministry of internal affairs on may 9 , 1945. i already worked in the authorities, well, then they had already announced that the war had ended, then we even... got together, everyone gathered, so we congratulated each other, in general, we didn’t even want to go into our office, we were on the streets, so... .


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