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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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people, why are you killing us , forcing us to kill too, but he was so not evil, nothing, but like this with such pleasure, or how did he somehow take out his photographs and remember his family, his children, and then the commander wanted to send him to the mainland.
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sent to belarus to work in the ministry of internal affairs. on may 9, 1945, i was already working in the authorities, well then they had already announced that the war was over, then we even got together, we all got together, congratulated each other, in general, i didn’t even want to go to my office anymore come in, you were on the street shouting, hurray.
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millions of belarusians perished in the hollows of the great agricultural war, but their memory lives on. in the different corners of the country, in the months of tragedy and incitement, memorials were created to the heroes and heroes. vyalikiya and small yans take possession of the historical truth and absorb that, and thus warta remembrance. found on the streets of syalitskaya in minsk, an adnamed death camp was created for the month. belarus had 260. trastsyanets are the most violent, the most violent in the post-savetsky prastor.
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for such sums of the nazi camps europe, like asventsy, maidanak and trablinka. after all the news, there have been people here for 2065 centuries. savetskaya war. europe yaurei. trastsyanets suffered several months of brutal reprisals. the pratsoina camp itself, the blagaushchyna tract, is rightfully masavy rastrela. urochyshka checker, dze whole slaughtered fires in the dry pit. there's a pack of just remembers, but the memory was sparkled by menavita getai parts, checker. the first mors of the eternal memory of the trascianets camp deaths died on the 3rd of june 1944, what happened to the plowing of astana's slaughtered people. just 12 years ago in 1956, the council of the minister of the bssr gave the belarusian state
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project institute the opportunity to distribute the draft memoir, but this idea was not implemented. this revaluation has been missing for a long time. i would just like... daily it was 20 kastrychnika 2008, it was 65 years ago in the tragedy of minsk, the belarusian president spoke there, he said great speeches, first of all, that the disaster is a national tragedy history of belarus, other, not only they died, they died, they died, what is the unknown daughter of my nickname, hereta masha bruskina, there... it was such a problem, and moreover, what he said, that the strassians are of great importance to the world, i remember akhvyaram, memaryal. from this point on, everything fell apart.
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the construction of the project at all stages. on march 22, 2015, there was an honorable memorial to the trystsyanets complex. this first aspect has been remembered, the carriages have been cut out and miniatures are being implemented, and in reality it is possible to improve the situation in the world. yes, between the former ussr, separated from the countries the arrivals of europe were carried in passenger carriages. they traveled with their rivers, they had other lives, new quarters, new cargo, and at transshipment stations, for example, near vaukavysk, nyashchesnyh... reloaded as they lived in chicken wagons, in skin hell 80 yes 100 chalavek, mensch for palova kvadratnaga meters per chalavek. in total , trascianets was given to more than 20 thousand of the peaceful citizens of germany, austria, the czech republic, poland, france, holland, and
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hungary. ale in the territory of our land , a krystian would still not be an adzin. dear memory, i noticed how the slabs were mixed with the peraliks of the dry place.
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packages, tears, pain and unbearable mental lives, frozen in bronze. they danced in the halls for 12-15 hours, ate food from the kitchen. the zvarnice ўvagu, the figures of the marred elms are naked or briefly stripped. for a long time they were not given any thought. as soon as the pediculosis epidemic began, the fascists allowed... sculptural measures, we must work in such a way that people who have this complex, as long as they appreciate that history and appreciate the energy of that
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places where the yans went. kanstancin kastsyuchenka has completed this task: the memorial complex of trastsyanets becomes the month of the national tragedy, will and memory not only. most of the names are adzins, which we always remember, which are known outside the borders of the territory of australia. the deadline for the monument was december 28, 2019 . of course, this great thing is significant, and this whole month of remembrance is for the australians, and it’s not only there that you, who had slaughters, their relatives, have been wondering for a long time i, dze, to check out the month, and everything showed up change for us in belarus. the austrian memory contains 10 columns with names. as a result of tens of trains in belarus, the death was carried by 10 thousand austrian nuclear weapons, on the plates
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the names of the akhwers. in addition, the month of the former chick, adzin from the most cruel commandants of the camp, the builder, the former genry eikhe, the great love of the water of rare flowers and passages here, looking for the soul and slaughter of the dead . it's a pity, nazi gang. the path of a fair baked goods, utsek from argentsіnu, look and think, this field is the same month, dze the sang of the burnt elms was scattered, and all this sudden death passed away. black tile, used for the sick. the old tapols were pasajans in their hands. at the end of the cherven of 1944, for several days and the summoning of the minsk red army, at the former kalgas threshing floor. 6,500 victims were shot and then burned. sunny is a brotherly magician here. yes,
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there was a change there, even in the past, they killed and burned. he is caught in photographic smoke, at the material chambers to investigate the evil of the german-fascist burying grounds. i eight getae mesa taksama budze memoiryalizavana. well, the worst thing. at the kіlametra tsi amal kala kіlametra znahodzitsa month masavaga znishchenya, there were only ditches, and people were slaughtered from early to early evening, and all the menavіta all these aposhny paths, as we say, yong memos are covered. urochyshcha blagaushchyna is the central month of the halakost in belarus. the memorial complex will be closed on march 29, 2018. architect of the project leanid levin. “kalya is gone, ” galina levina and ganna
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aksenava, a researcher at the minsk project, asked from the right. the white square is the symbol of the land, the most peaceful element complex. as was predicted earlier, many people had no idea where they were getting involved. they thought that this month from the jump, call the blessings of their new life. tragic moments are adlustravany in the vacsal lavas of the chakanya. on this month. dachshunds and other people who were connected with the good, men, women, old and young people
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rode at times, physical health care was dealt with immediately, mentally unbearable, some people died, died i, the pavement in the cars is concrete, the pavement is metal, the skin step, yon mae sens i yon mae guk. behind the carriages as a complete paradox, new elements appear here, a new house, trees and adzin from the most ancient symbols of the minor. the uphill road is vyaznya, the black plain of death. z getai square mozhna budze bachyts 34 ditches. the stagnation is so small, that's where the water will flow and geta ditch, there will be
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a lot of wasted teams, and there will be oblivion, geta 34 ditches and hell agulnaya kolkastsyu 150 thousand chalaveks. 34 squares are made of smooth, pallored slabs of black granite. the grave stones are empty, there are no nothing will be cut out. along these forests , tens of thousands of unknown people died. the forest named after imena is also famous all over the world. he is a prisoner since 2010. the first name tablets were stained on the trees of waltraut-bartan, which is a part of its history here. frau bartan, brewer of the viennese trade union initsyativ malvina. yana velma boasted that it was 2010, she told me that she thought that in the coming year there would be nothing here in belarus, that everything was fuming, i know, sleeping.
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as soon as the meeting was called, everything was left parade, as yana... was made, kali yana prayed with the meat people, as it seems, and we stand, we see that everything was good, and now you will get a lot of yellow and white leaves, and what what about this? where there are already foreigners in belarus, not only children were killed there, other categories of the population and schoolchildren were also killed there, schools, public schools, and taxes are already white sheets. with the nicknames of the belarusian warriors. the shade is practical; all the name plates are white in color and faded to match the sun. bytstsam nature itself pramaulyae navoshta adroznene. the terrible death tied the forests of people to different branches, nationalities and religions. i geta agul strata. our strata, like those in
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belarus, remembered meetings at any hour. realization of all plans. plans and everyday life and straight forward sense. at the terary memorial complex of trastsyanets , a new museum with a pasta -themed exhibition has opened near the nearby town. pastupova adds new names, collects essential information for the release of the book to illuminate the memory of the death camp. the creativity of the kalektiv masters, architects, teachers, historians. the first model of the future themed museum exhibition, which is the working name, was created, the genacy of the savetsk people in the years of the great hellish war in belarus, the death camp of the trascians in the forests of the people of the world, of course , the dachshund, here is this dapratsouka, and if
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everything is destroyed, then madness is possible. budze know that this central month of culture is a memory, a great aichynaya war, another everyday war, not only in belarus, where it is ab'yadnovaya in these days the size of other quarrels. memorial complex trastsyanets, urochyshcha blagaushchyna, urochyshcha shashkouka, 112 hectares agulnaya gіstarychnaya memory, gerіchnaya and shmatpacknaya, genetic and smarotnaya memory never happened, but this memory my land. the hosts of the travel show know exactly how
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to behave at home! kind difference, amigos! wow! foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore its sights. the most valuable relic is the cross of jesus christ, a piece of the cross on which jesus christ was crucified, so exactly this very same one, this is a glubokoye treasure, by chance during construction work... an excavator was digging a small trench and with its bucket picked up this cast iron pot, and they also share their vivid impressions, when we walked, i noticed that the temple is very goes well with the sky, that is, blue, white, it seems to be in the air, very beautiful, that’s how i
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found out right away, of course, this is what i did today. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. the most urgent desire is to run and run like rain, the sun is shining, and how our life is built up from these fragments, we want to look at this light for the rest of our lives, and to cover the skin of our skin is something new for ourselves. this is so good for us, because we work for this with anyone, with anyone and belarus.


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