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tv   100  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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our politics, then it is not completely independent, the united states, great britain, germany, and poland have a very large influence, when communicating with each other we are forced to turn off our phones, they can be wiretapped without a court decision, this is the kind of democracy we have, come to me from time to time strangers came up and said: don’t stick your head out, otherwise you’ll end up badly. thomas schmidt addressed the president directly with a request for protection.
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however, do people have a choice or was it stolen 33 years ago, which nauseda promised when going to first presidential term and how did she deceive the lithuanians? watch the first interview in the inside out project series tonight on air. a series of interviews, we will provide a platform for lithuanian politicians. thank you for allowing me to express what they really think about belarus. well, he will never give up belarus to democracy, that’s completely different. the main problem of baltic democracy. democracy in lithuania, when it became independent, there were many more smart people in power than there are now. nauseda, word against deed, what he can do is speaks populistically. to do things
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so that these people would be better, indeed, this did not happen, and let’s break through the propaganda of how lithuanians actually live, this is a painful topic, i would like to say, the inside out, interviews with lithuanian politicians, on the eve of the presidential elections, watch may 6 at belarus 1 and belarus 24. it appears that the european peacekeeping mission in the red sea, called aspedes, has come to an inglorious end. there are currently only three ships operating off the coast of yeman, which is not enough to prevent attacks from the houthis. in in december , the americans and the british headed to the red sea to protect ships from missile attacks from the territory of yemen. then the europeans joined them. this has no effect...
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saudi arabia. in the vicinity of the city of leila, six months of precipitation fell. this led to flooding of populated areas throughout the province. the region is located 300 km from the capital and is surrounded by desert. such weather anomalies have never been recorded here. cold weather has arrived in northern italy in the south tyrol region. the temperature dropped to 5° during the day and there are even frosts at night. to save the vineyards, peasants light fires. the effectiveness of the method is questionable, but
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in the next week or two there is nothing else left. the cold has come for a long time, which threatens to leave south tyrol without a harvest. cool weather awaits belarusians too. tuesday night there will be rain across the country, with sleet possible in places in the north. during the day there will be strong gusty winds up to 18 m/s. thunderstorms will occur in some areas. the air temperature at night is from +2 to 13, and during the day 7-16° above zero. in the night, in wednesday and thursday frosts from 0 to -3 are expected in most of belarus. during the day from +8 in the northeast to 18 degrees in the southwest. summer holidays will begin in less than a month for schoolchildren, leaving children without proper attention from adults. in some cases it leads to injury, and sometimes irreparable tragedy. over 3 years , 92 children drowned in belarus. disappointing death statistics. on the water shared in
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the prosecutor general's office. the supervisory authority draws the attention of parents. the primary task is to ensure the safety of your children during relaxation during the holidays. everything every year. period , accidents involving children falling out of windows occur. even a momentary loss of control over a child can forever divide life into before and after. last year alone , five minors died under such circumstances. and already this year there are cases where children fell out of windows and were seriously injured. you should be no less careful when riding bicycles, scooters and hoverboards, especially when going out. outside the yard. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00 on our broadcast. all the best.
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mark, good evening, good evening, you brought the film dugout to belarus, initially it was supposed to be released on victory day, but it came out two weeks earlier, with my friend paul and... we met when he brought me my first a car from germany, cars are his passion, he has another hobby, he looks for german awards, helmets, weapons on the battlefields and sells them for crazy money. i see you, and the history of the great patriotic war is better than me from my own people, when it’s business,
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better better and faster, european approach, put it on, why didn’t you take a german uniform for yourself? i will never forget that day. when i went with him to the excavations, seryozha, this is a bandage, he changed our lives forever, do you hear, it was so annoying, or what?
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i’ll kill everyone, we’re all for one thing, and there’s no chance, i have to get away from here, anywhere, forward to the germans, i can’t leave them. “the life of each of us here, this is another day for them, if you surrender to the germans, you will never come back again, i didn’t think to be angry, you will die, understand?” “they understand this too, but they don’t run away, the russians are a mountain,
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and i won’t lie, the trailer hooked me personally, i wanted to watch the film in its entirety, well , including from a professional point of view, given that we are trying to approach this issue, nevertheless, the fact that young people saw it on the eve of victory day is important for you? yes, this is very important for me, so we started talking about the fact that this is all coming out a little in advance, but the point is that it will be released just in time for victory day, because the release date is april 25, which is the may holidays, when people will have the opportunity to go to the cinema, now by may 9, when the holidays will, well, relatively speaking, end, there will be only 3 days of weekend left, a large number of people, in
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my opinion, will already be able to watch this movie. of course, for me it’s important that this comes out, and you saw our slogan, it says everywhere that it’s for victory day, that is, if you pay attention, there’s nothing else in the text, but there’s like an inscription for victory day, and we move on we can talk to you again, but this movie was made, and i tried my best to make it so that a young viewer could watch it and he was interested in it, well, i’ll tell you honestly, the reality is, based on the trailer, yes, it’s very realistic, well , high quality, let’s be honest, i don’t like fakes, and i don’t like it when they pretend, we have modern, unfortunately, modern cinema often shows the war as it never happened, but you are a famous director in russia, but only if it’s ours. film earlier, well, the fame of such a partisan film has long been established, then in your
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filmography i have not found a single military or patriotic film, but there are about hackers, about comedians, about ivanushki, and there is a well-known closed school, but there is no one about the war, why did you come to this most important topic only now, you know, for a very long time i dreamed of making a movie about the great patriotic war. i really dreamed, because for me this is a very important topic, it has always been, is will be, and i was brought up this way, so i grew up in a military family, my grandfather was a major general in the soviet army, a holder of several orders of lenin, a military red star, a man who commanding katyushas, ​​he took part in the battles for berlin, for prague, for warsaw, for a huge number of other cities. i was named after him, this is mark nikolaevich, this
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has always been a very important topic for me, and it’s not that i grew up with this topic, it’s just that everything came naturally, well , that is, there was a certain upbringing, and i always really wanted to tell an interesting story about that war, that is , it was necessary to grow up to it, to it, well, i think yes, i think yes, because there were proposals before from a military point of view... i ’ll tell you honestly, well somehow, probably the scenarios and what happened there were not very, not very interesting, were not very interesting in the description that was, but here, when the guys called me from legio felix, here is ilya kulikov, they said read it, i read this story in the evening, in the morning i called and said, yes, i want to make this movie, i’m interested in it, and to answer your question, i probably needed... to grow from a point of view and some kind of skill, from an
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internal point of view, always the same everything happens on time, there is such a story, we sometimes want everything to happen at 18 or 20, but then you want everything to happen at 30, so you try to run, grab on, at some point you still understand that everything in this life happens on time, when it should happen. now the story with the dugout, the story with this movie is happening at the right time, i think so, well, great, well, in fact, i’m very glad that you took up this matter, because i will watch the film - i guarantee it and...
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emotions, today such films are for what should you shoot in your opinion? you know, if just a little bit of a small microexcursion we will do, you are absolutely right in saying that during the great patriotic war these films were made in order to maintain morale, after the most important thing is that these films starred the greatest actors who went through that war and who could very reliably tell and show in the films , which, which were. now i think this is necessary so that, firstly, the younger generation, and secondly, people can once again plunge into feeling some very important things, this is the movie that we are talking about, about the dugout, this is the movie oh honor, it's a movie about friendship, and this movie, i won’t get tired of talking about it, is about the fact that it doesn’t matter any
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nationality, it doesn’t matter what religion you are, it doesn’t matter what territory you live in, it’s important. and answering the question, why? i think, then, so that people can see, after all , how, how terrible it is, how difficult it is, to immerse themselves in life, in the feelings of the people who were there, and at the same time they saw and understood that no matter how
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happened, you must remain human inside, without telling. conditionally, friendship, brotherhood, this is an extremely important concept, now sacrifice, yes, what you need to sacrifice for a friend today, yes, but look, mark, against the backdrop of the current world agenda, do you really believe that this is possible, well when you look around, what is happening, i believe that it is possible, now making this movie, and for the guys
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who find themselves there, this has become possible, which means that what... we are talking about with you, well, that is, i believe that everything is possible, but today’s youth, today’s and those who were 80 years ago, you essentially had to immerse yourself, well, let’s say, in these people who were filmed and shown as if they were 80 years ago, but they are the same as ours today or different, you know, well, of course different, of course different , different rhythm of life, different music, different movies, different literature, and the world is completely different, of course the world. which was in the forty-first year, in the sixtieth, in the seventieth, but this is tinsel, it’s around, yes, but a person, but a person, no, not different, not different, honor, it doesn’t seem to disappear anywhere, actions that people commit, they don’t go away, they just commit them in different circumstances, that is , conscience, betrayal, these concepts, they
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have always been, they have always been and are, i see how, i communicate a lot with the guys and those who 15 and you can tell people about history, yes, that is , you need to interest them, we are now trying to do this, and by doing it in an understandable language, with certain techniques, i really hope that... they will come and watch, because mm, this is truly the greatest part of history, which, well, that is, is not even discussed, to be forgotten, not
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forget, this is the greatest part of history that needs to be passed on from generation to generation and , as it were, told to children, grandchildren, sons, daughters, what is absolutely necessary, but look, on the other hand, you open instagram and there is successful success, right? you work with young people and work for young people, maybe i’m exaggerating, maybe after all everything is not so bad, not bad,
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exaggerating a little, condensing a little, not so bad, here are your colleagues, your guys with whom you worked together , yes, they were imbued with these feelings of this message that we we are trying to convey to the viewer that a huge number of young guys worked on my site, well, the group was more than 100 people. and 18-25 a huge number of guys who , firstly, read the story with interest, watched what is on the table, i’ll tell you honestly, this rarely happens, people in the movies, they’re a little bit with very thick skin, they’re cynics, absolutely true, and as if there is a process, there are people, everyone has their own task, and here very often there was a story such that... people who work inside process, they just stood and watched the scenes, they observed, they came up, asked, they said at the end of the shift, mark, you know, we
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seem to be from a different generation, it seems like they say that there should be other interests there, but we are so involved in watching it all, someone came up and said: listen, i want to read and study more carefully. look, and it seems to me that there are some very important things that we can do, but for the sake of this at least it was possible, they told me, we will definitely let's see it in the cinema, we want to see this movie, we want to show it to our friends, because we didn't imagine how it could be, and we didn't imagine what, what these people went through and are going through, because the truth is that well, a history textbook is a history textbook, it’s paper. yes, it’s still like, well, people read, watch, but here people were just immersed there for 2 seconds to months, yes
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, visually, i understand everything, thank god, well, it’s visual in the movies, but they saw what the same young people were experiencing boys like them who are there for more than 20 years, who are from what we are talking about, from good.
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already, as it were, who were inside the production group, specifically related to stunts, with pyrotechnics and with all the special effects, who advised , as it were, internally on some very everyday things, how best to make everyday army things, everyday and everyday army things, uh, but i still won’t deceive you, the movie is fantastic and there is a certain amount of uh in it.
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important, greetings, what’s happening with the heads, that is, you don’t even talk about it you think in real life, in army life, in life as if on the front line, what happens to hats, what happens to outerwear in different situations, just what happens to people, what is possible, what is not, if a person is sitting or drinking tea, well, that is, you understand, yes, all this is what it is, when you make an ordinary movie, i mean, as if modern, you don’t even think about it. there is a big scene happening there, which the germans have, so we left it in german completely with subtitles, so... and
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it was a very interesting experience, because there was a completely different life there, what they did, how they did it, it also helped a lot that almost 80% of the actors who played it, they meticulously spoke and speak german, that’s a lot the germans - who took part in this and this is straightforward, well, this is necessary for authenticity, let’s speak directly, the germans speak clumsy german in the film , this is good, the guys speak good and this. doesn’t hurt the ears and it works from a cinematic point of view, there was an absolutely huge number of forms sewn by the respected costume designer sergei struchev, he shot big great films with michal, that is, he is like a great master and he sewed a lot of things , you see people very often trigger when you clearly understand that this uniform is not from that era, but the shoulder straps appeared in other times
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tanks. editors club. what does the all-belarus people's assembly mean for the country? this is one of the mechanisms that will ensure the stability of all branches of power. this is the foundation on which to build further to belarus. this is the foundation of the belarus of the future. we have a new
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constitutional body. but there is one more function, the supreme national assembly can cancel the decision of any government body if it does not ensure the stable development of society, with the exception of court decisions, no society that based its activities on man-hatred, on the destruction of people by people, people by people, had future, did not have a long history, europe, in the form in which it is now, has no future, one of the tasks of the all-belarusian people's meetings, this is, of course, protecting the country from how...
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they have what many strive for, this is my favorite place, not only for relaxation, but also for fishing, just to come, look, listen to the sound of the water, already in middle school, so, we have such an aristocratic interest, we just watched the flight of large birds of prey, eagles, looked at where their nests are, a project about how modern poleshuks live, love for the homeland, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, conditionally in poland has capital that wants to receive
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our profit. there is our need for jobs, our land, we agree everything is fine, then something clicked for the polish authorities, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they reconsidered their attitude towards us. the polish authorities, of course, are our enemies, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different that two countries that are actually at war can easily do business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the keeper of the balance, balance is the best that can give for a country and its people, a leader, balance is the golden mean, on opposite ends, whatever they are, this is radicalism, that's... this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to a country and its citizens. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. but what is the story, what is at the box office,
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you have pushed aside gayarich. and just on that day they gave a tour to his film, well... i don’t know what the story is, i’m not you, i found out about this story, my friends sent it to me, they started sending it from social networks, which means articles started to call, to be honest, for the first 2 hours i didn’t understand at all what was happening, why they were asking me about this, i was on another set, then i read this story, so i asked the producers a question, they told me: we don’t know, so it turned out, it turned out that way, well, it’s also not bad, it’s correct, but it’s logical, since we’ve touched on hollywood, i can’t help but remember how in the usa, the usa is now basically filming in such a way that they defeated hitler, yes, well, really, so far only in cinema,
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thank god, yeah, you’re familiar with these kind of stories, that’s what you think about them, about this misinterpretation, well, let's be straight, but i treat them like comics, well, that's normal. comics invented it, with certain rules of the game, in a certain genre, with a certain comic character, well, it seems to me that there is a story, there are people who want to read the story or don’t want to read the story, that’s their right, that’s what cinema is all about fiction, and if there are comics in which such events take place, well, they should be perceived as comics, as some kind of fiction, but then... don’t look at them write, based on real events, they love it so much, perhaps, perhaps, but i feel about it, well, i can’t feel differently about it, because, well, really, we started the conversation with this, we all grew up on this, and well , this honestly makes me smile
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absolutely, well, let’s just be sarcastic and as if, well, if people want to invent some historical facts, well, let them invent it.
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there are people there , they just differ a little in the language they speak with names, that’s the main thrill, okay, ok, accepted. here is the question, where is the difference, yes, you played a german and a russian, you have already indicated this, for you personally, is this the second world war or the great patriotic war? for me this is the great patriotic war, so i’ll tell you this: every year for a huge number of years, in general, may 9th was a holiday for my family, so people, for example, in the movies very often get together with their families, for christmas,
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there for the new year, for some other holidays, when everyone gathers at one table, different generations, children, grandchildren, adults, this always happened in our family on may 9, may 9, no matter where we were, no matter what country in the world, no matter where we were, we would arrive at the military cemetery in the city at 10 or 11 o’clock in the morning. here at my grandfather’s grave, then my mother was buried there, and it was always a family day, which i always associated, well, with something very bright, and at the same time we always chatted, we, that is, we exchanged things on that day because of what happened this year, someone had children, that is , you know, for me this has always been a feeling some... holiday and really
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a very big family history, i probably don’t know how many, i don’t know, but for my family may 9th was always a family day and a day when we honored the memory, we came to my grandfather, and he gave us all the opportunity to always get together, for me it was like that, i grew up in this, grew up and it was always like that, for me this is the great patriotic war, because in my opinion... a huge number of people in the great international country, as if they stood up for the defense of their homeland, their territory, your country, your loved ones, and the so-called second world war, as it is called now, well, these are some dry numbers, perhaps for some it is like that, but for my family, for me, it’s like one grandfather, so i told how... i fought and became a very great, incredible person and an example for
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me in everything, the second one was shot in the babiemeru, during the execution of jews in the city of kiev, i’m very good with this, i’ll be honest , mark, here i won’t hide that when we agreed on an interview, and i read your biography, it was quite difficult for me initially, i was afraid of a few questions, because you were born in kiev? yes, you received your education there, and in any case, this is your homeland according to your place of birth, at least, yes, you came to russia at a conscious age, but today the situation in ukraine is a little different, may 9 is not there as a holiday, it is may 8, well, at least at the official level, i won’t hide it, i have the deepest hope that for many people may 9 remains a holiday, it’s just in the soul, it’s either there or not, yes, but now you can’t gather there with the whole family. now no, you can’t go to your grandfather’s grave either, now no, well, let’s
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hope at least this is what you can do delicately, and what is missing now, yes, even if it’s quite conservative, yes genre of television, here are the ratings among teenage students, besides, you are an experienced advertiser, yes, you yourself admitted that you filmed, here is the film dugout, yes, like... what, other than such a film, a feature film, yes, you can tell young people about the war, and if also more directly, here’s how to advertise the fact that they are the descendants of heroes today, so that it gets to them, you know, it seems to me that this is a language that is understandable to them, that’s what they are like, well, it’s not like they’re on tiktok, but you know, how about again but this is my personal opinion, there are a lot of guys - at this age, closed in themselves, closed in themselves, closed from society,
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they are, as if very many are playing, very many find their world in this, in this they find something, through that they explore the world, games, interesting, large, plot-forming games in which you can tell a story, in which you can show this story, where they can take part, and it seems to me that you can think about it and... for them it is a simple language, and in this simple language you can talk to them, and then, what we talked about the same dugout, in this movie there is a lot of action, a lot of so-called...
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that's what you say, in 10-12 seconds, they are able to digest some kind of colossal layer in general everything, so i think it makes sense to look for such approaches to reach them in what they live in, and in this small world of screens and computers in which they are located, then you can tell them about it, involve them in topics related to... the great patriotic war with patriotism and with some very different important topics, just trying to do it in their language. so it turns out to make interactive history textbooks, well, so that you know, i think, yes, why not, it could be quite interesting, and it would immediately help, you know, we are used to
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reading, for example, yes, and we sort of information from books, e and reading we draw, we draw, we draw. this is an understandable way for us, yes , this means interactive books, this is a visual documentary with a lot of interactivity inside, an opportunity, again, half a game, half a training, why not, okay, here are large-scale actions, parades, military parades, and what are we for they constantly criticize us for spending money on this, like holiday concerts. large-scale, well, let’s say, hundreds or tens of thousands of people in the square, and patriotic concerts, that’s what they’re all about should it play a role? you know, it’s hard for me to say, of course, like you, i also ask myself this question when you talk to the guys, well, probably most
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of them, unfortunately, don’t watch on tv, don’t come in person, ask a question, why? they say: well, this is how they do it, and again, you need to think about maybe some kind of interaction so that it becomes interesting to them, and they don’t come not because they don’t know there, well, in short, maybe it doesn't work with them anymore language, it seems so to me, but in any case , big actions, such as parades, like holidays, but they are also probably needed for all people, in order to understand that everything is in place, everything is in place, so , this is probably how it works, you know, a very competent person once told me, yes , no matter what happens, the system cannot be changed radically, that is, it needs to be clear, if there are rules, they must be followed,
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some must be added to them then additional opportunities, yes, you just need to proceed from the specific situation, from of a specific year, from specific events, so... okay mark, military cinema is increasingly turning to modern armed conflicts, and there are a lot of them, unfortunately, here's a good one, he was filming about iraq, let's say, yes, ridley scott about somalia, and many others, now what is happening in gaza, 16 states are already involved in this conflict in one way or another, this will also probably be reflected in cinema, i have no doubt about it, well, here are films about the northern military district, i honestly.
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also, here, this is, if you argue, too much pain, well, it’s close to life, yes, i ’m alive, i think so, well, well, here’s something that can already be comprehended, i don’t know how involved you were in this, at least informationally our 2020 in belarus , an attempt at a coup, let’s say, directly with foreign money, a time when families were breaking up due to political disagreements. the bonds between fathers and children were breaking down, right? something similar, it seems to me, is happening in russia even now within individual families, or people who have communicated for many years. well, even among people of art, let’s be honest, this is a chamber drama, this is already dramatic material, where there is
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conflict, where there is development, where there are heroes and anti-heroes, they didn’t think about making a story about it, i didn’t think, i didn’t think , here, but what you are talking about, yes, this is a movie, this is ready-made dramatic material, but in my opinion, this is what we discussed earlier. it seems to me that time needs to pass, difficult, difficult, hot time. what will you be filming yourself in the near future? in the near future i will be filming a comedy. we, too filmed a comedy, you know, i liked the answer of our director, which he voiced when we presented it, to my question, to my question to him, why are we now going to film a comedy at this time, and we have, well, let’s say, information it's a busy time after your twenties. because they made comedies during the war, that was his answer, and in my opinion the answer was correct, i liked it, so we took a risk, spent
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money on it, did everything right, yes, but that’s why you will make a comedy about what ? you you know, i can’t reveal everything yet, because the producers might scold me, uh , yes, a very good human story, right about two brothers who don’t know that they are brothers and each other. they are looking for it, it will be a full meter, it will be a full meter, it will be released - in the cinema, i hope, in the very near foreseeable future, it will be an adventure, a very cool comedy, where you can relax, exhale, sing, that 's it we've already started talking, and soon in june my next full-length movie will be released, which is called a tour with ivanushki, it’s already been announced, whom you probably know, a very warm, very understandable, very musical story, in
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which everything also seems to be very simple, but very sincere, but it will also be a full- length film, it will be a full-length film, yes , you told me behind the scenes that the dugout was your first experience of a full-length film, but i didn’t deceive you, it’s mine, did you just like making feature films so much? at some point - i was very worried, uh, worried that i didn’t have a full-length feature film in my filmography, and i i made some colossal efforts, i was looking for material, material that i found i didn’t really like, and then i said to myself: mark, mm, do what you do and what you love and do it well. and i exhaled, i began making wonderful film series, i’ve been doing this for many years, i
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let go of this story, i saw 30, 40 episodes in reality, and this was only in one season, i let go of this story, i told myself, the time will come everything has its time, that is, it has come, it has come, now is just like that this is the period when you actually get several in a row.
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history, how can we win this battle today? due to the authenticity that we show, we shoot in the movie we are talking about, specifically, for example, the dugout, in this movie, i’ll tell you honestly, i’m a very modest person, and i still, well, that’s how i was brought up, but the movie , which we have now made, for example, in terms of certain levels of special effects, in terms of the content that exists inside, this is a movie with...
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no worse, there is a story inside, oh which you say, human, understandable, and which cannot be rewritten, imposed, remade, i believe that our task is simply to do what we do and tell it, this is how we consider it necessary, important and correct, uh, you know , because someone is always trying to change something, trying to turn something around, uh. we have a different path, we know it, we move along it and make the movie we make, and let the viewer watch and make all the necessary decisions for themselves, mark, thank you for this conversation, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, we follow sports life.
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belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair: zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. we review the most interesting events. the british runner kkuok , known on the internet as the strongest miracle of the year... has set a record, he wanted to run across all of africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk guernier set a new world record for climbing the kanata. a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the ephel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. observing the trend of the last few olympic cycles, we see that
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not only records are increasing in modern swimming. you don’t want to run and run like rain, rain, shine, sun, and these pellets our life is shaping up, we want to look at these worlds for each other and protect our skin for ourselves... something new, this is so good for us, where we work together with anyone, with anyone, and belarus.
2:00 pm
this belarusian strawberry is known among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the
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scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus , austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8, tv channel signal. broadcast in the clear and available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. only for our tv viewers. we
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choose the best routes. we also decided not to looked at overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city in which alexander vasilyevich suvorov planned. stay seriously for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, there was a lower castle and a passage here, and then the town hall rose, where the city highway was located. so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is , a plastic fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations.
2:05 pm
landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program “cities of belarus” on the belarus 24 tv channel. they are absorbing.


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