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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish , weighing 41 kg and 2 meters long. to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, houses afloat are called the fashionable word houseboard - house, ship. but there is no term for floating stations yet. they came up with landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness that enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the tv channel belarus 24. they absorb knowledge with an enviable appetite. is it true that in developed countries the male population predominates over the female population? the female population predominates there because men have a higher mortality rate in childhood. what do you think... caused it? various factors,
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my dad threw me into a river when i was a child, and then they brilliantly answer the host’s questions. does anyone know why september is called september? not because it is the seventh month, no. nikita, great, this is the seventh month, september is simply called ordinal, conditionally speaking, number. and even adults are delighted with the technicality of these guys. why population size?
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in 1999, on the basis of the former tsarkoina-parish school, so let's go to pragalinka, let's go to the top, let's go to the spring, let's go through the winter, go, go , spring, go, go to the red, with rye rolls, wheat snaps, and in addition to old traditions, there is a new life, a spring, a spell of summer, and a green...
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the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books. people's voices can be heard clearly and distinctly. everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books. by reading,
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a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present. belarus 24. state security committee of belarus, together with the television news agency. television and radio companies are presenting a project about the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. khatyn tragedy. we break sealing wax from archival documents. for so many years we could not tell the truth that really was. he fired number one from a machine gun. the information was closed. for today.
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there are no white spots, what happened in a forest village 80 years ago, eyewitnesses of the bloody events, they were driven away, but... they didn’t shout very much, there was such a cry that i remember to this day, the people who were looking for, arresting and interrogating the executioners khatyn, the purpose of our trip was to detain basyura and deliver her to the coffin, let's name those who burned and shot 149 people, set them on fire.
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gali khaty, watch right now. hundreds of volumes of criminal cases where details are revealed tragedy in khatyn. testimonies of victims, profiles of those arrested, protocols of interrogations of witnesses, accused, confrontations, examinations, tens of thousands of documents. the result of investigative measures. employees of the state security committee of the bssr, the files are stored in the central archive of the kgb, belongs to the state secret of belarus. i came to the archive as a young employee and got acquainted with the archival funds, i was introduced to our veteran, i drew attention to a very large
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criminal case, it occupied more than a whole shelf in the storage room, and then i asked, what kind of interesting thing is this, that is, all the things, there are a few boxes there, well, maximum there. five or six, he said in one succinct word, this is khatyn. and when he asked me, do you know who burned the khatyn? i told him: of course i know, of course the germans burned down khatyn. he said, no, it was not the germans who burned khatyn. the first punishers from the ukrainian company of the special ss battalion derlivanger, involved in the extermination of the inhabitants of the village of khatyn, were arrested in the early sixties of the last century. and when i read i saw what they were.
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yes, the formation in question, the 118th ukrainian security police battalion, was the one that destroyed khatyn. the nazi unit was created in kiev in august '42. sd captain erich körner was appointed battalion commander. benderts smo was appointed his deputy. one of the servicemen of these units, the second in particular, he shows that smovsky called us a bolshevik gang, that is, well, as far as he was concerned, he was not entirely trustworthy. in december 1942, the unit was sent to belarus to perform security duties. various objects of the occupation
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administration of the fight against partisans, which implied punitive functions. during the war, the destruction of villages was done by... the occupying forces, this was their daily, let's say, in quotes, work. the most famous action was 118 battle,
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shot put, vasily meleshka was also with him. at this time, near the site of the partisan ambush there were residents of the village of kozyri, whom the occupation authorities sent to cut down the forest. it was necessary to clear 50 m of forest belt next to the road in order to the partisans were unable to get close to the highway. the kuzarevo lumberjacks became the first victims of the khatyn tragedy. they laid them on the asphalt, they died, they killed them, they beat them as they walked, brother, well, they were lying there, the oldest, four bullets hit the chest, 24 civilians from the kozyrevsky lumberjacks were killed, some still managed to escape, they were able to escape into the forest, it was on the morning of march 22, 1943, the partisans who set up an ambush retreated to... the police battalion was sent from pleshchenitsy to massacre the residents of khatyn 118, since
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the connection was damaged and the unit did not know what happened on the road, only after the wounded little fellow returned, the personnel were alerted, this happened at approximately 13:00, and they set off to pursue the partisans in full force and with heavy weapons. they sent the 118th police battalion from logoisk to help the ukrainian police battalion.
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replenished that you couldn’t even raise your hands, the size of the barn was 12x6 battalion translator lukovich, coming out from western ukraine, on vasyura’s instructions, ran up to the barn and set fire to the roof of the barn, when the command was given, they set it on fire the barn and the first one screamed there, which means everyone was...
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9 years old, the youngest tolik yaskevich was only 7 weeks old, he burned down along with his mother, vera yaskevich, minsky's eldest daughter yadviga was in the last month of pregnancy.
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nina belikova, when the firefight began, the partisans began to retreat towards mokrodi, this is about one and a half to two kilometers from khatyn, today there is a forest, in forty-three there was a field. residents of mokrodi, hearing the shots, began to run into the forest. nina abelyakova somehow inexplicably found herself on the field today with buckets of water. where or where did she get them from? carried, no one will tell today. the girl was killed by a random bullet. she became the first victim of khatyn at the same time. in addition to the fifty-six-year-old blacksmith joseph kaminsky, several more children remained alive. vityuzhi lobkovich was covered by his mother with her body, volodya yaskevich was hiding in a potato hole,
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his sister sonya was in the cellar. they were my peers. the pit was covered with boards, so they told me that the german had opened the board, and there the children were sitting, and he waved his finger, closed it, closed it, went, i had a burnt back of my body and arms, my son, who was lying nearby about three meters from me, he called me to his side to pull him out of the puddle, i crawled up, lifted him, but saw that he was cut in half by bullets, my son still managed to ask if his mother was alive, he died immediately, i i got up myself and couldn’t move, but soon
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my brother-in-law came up to me. they lived on a farm in about...
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they were investigating the crimes of the nazis, those who burned villages and killed people. the 118th ukrainian battalion was stationed in the grodno region in 1944. they were from grodno requests were sent to several regions of ukraine and the baltic states. the first to go was lakusta, he lived in donetsk. he was arrested on april 1, 1973. on the same day at 12:30 the first interrogation began. then he was transported to grodno. four more accused were gradually brought here. before the trial, they were in grodno prison number one. today it is difficult to say whether it was by accident or intentionally, but the case of the khatyn punishers was opened on the thirtieth anniversary of the tragedy of march 21 , 1973. a native of the chernivtsi region of ukraine, grigory lakusta worked at the trust, donetsk - shakhtostroy. he led a brigade
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of carpenters. a crew of 35 people, he coached the management football team. shook her head, she turned around alone from the table to the window, tried to pull down, the second took the trigger, the people lived.
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kuibyshev, everyone was taken to grodno. the investigation continued until december 29 , 1973. of the five accused, only lakusta was taken to khatyn. '73 the memorial is already in operation, but for the duration of the investigative experiment, the complex was closed. on the site of the former village of lasta i saw concrete obelistki in the form of a chimney and open stitches in place of houses.
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mercy and sadism were expressed in the destruction of the civilian population, the doomed were driven into a barn , they set it on fire, when people began to scream and tried to run out of the barn, they were shot
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with all types of weapons. on may 22, 1975, the military tribunal of the belarusian military district announced the sentence to vasily meleshka, capital punishment, execution. the sentence was carried out on december 22, 1975. from the entire circle of this punitive, well, i won’t call this a special person, a special person and
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by harshness, by sadism, by dexterity in decision-making or dexterity in evading responsibility, here is a notable person with such traits, vasyura was first arrested in march 52, sentenced to 25 years, but released under an amnesty in the fifty-fifth year, re- criminal case. grodno was kept in a pre-trial detention center on the territory of the prison, was extremely reluctant to give evidence, and did not confess to the crimes until the very end. as for khatyn. that’s what he
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called right away, he was forced to call it khotoevich somewhere, in short, he even changed the name, when they pressed him with other testimony, but i forgot that that was the name of the village, that’s what she called it, they usually bring him in the morning, then he takes him back to the prison for lunch, after lunch he brings him again, he brought him the first time, he says, i won’t go for lunch , why, because if i have lunch, i’m out of breath, i can’t speak, that means he brought with him two candies, caramels, and two pieces of black bread spread with something, well, maybe margarine, something like that in a thin layer, well, we already made him tea there, from places of detention in belarus were delivered to sakhno, kurka windows pilazinsky, arranged confrontations, went to crime scenes, he was brought to khatyn vasyura, no,
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criminal case 26613 on charges of vasyura grigory nikitovich amounted to 17 volumes. the investigation ended on september 3, 1986. the information is that he, in general, said the words at the trial, yes, it was i who burned the khatyn. there was no such thing, no. and he is completely imputed to him for the actions specifically proven by witnesses. yes,
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vasyura’s indictment and sentence were about 150 pages. military tribunal on december 26 , 1986, the belarusian military district sentenced vasyura to death. when vasyura heard that capital punishment was being imposed, what was his reaction? he was silent. october 13, 1987, to the head of the zaks bureau of the bravarsky district committee of the kiev region. notice was sent. i ask you to register the death of the convicted vasyura grigory nikitovich. date of death - october 2, 1987. the battalion commander, smovsky, escaped punishment. lived in the usa, died a natural death. the ukrainian commander of the first company vinnitsky lived in canada, headed ukrainian diaspora. he was not brought to criminal liability. another executioner from 118 settled in canada
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. it confirmed that katryuk actually participated in punitive operations, directly, personally, but canada seemed to agree to take part in the investigation, but some obstacles were created. the last executioner of khatyn, vladimir kotryuk, died at home in canada in 2015, he was 93 years old. during his lifetime he did not answer for the crime, until... for which there is no statute of limitations, even today there are some legal possibility, posthumously, to find them guilty of direct participation in punitive actions, in the killing of civilians, so it will probably be our moral duty to those who died to recognize them.
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guilty and condemn them even 80 years after the tragic events. criminal case against. the trick of vladimir konstantinovich, a native of the chernivtsi region of ukraine, is not over, it is suspended. marat kozey, was born on october 10, 1929 in
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the village of stankova near minsk. his military biography began immediately after the death of his mother, when he and his sister joined the partisan detachment named after. for the battle in january 1943, when the wounded marat roused his comrades to attack and fought his way through the enemy ring, he received a medal for courage. in march 1943, the young hero actually saved a partisan detachment when punitive forces surrounded the partisans near the village; it was marat who was able to break out of the encirclement and bring help. on may 11, 1944, near the village of haramitski , a group of partisans was surrounded by the germans, the group commander, mikhail larin, died immediately, and marat began to shoot back when the
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cartridges, the hero threw one of the grenades at the enemy, despite the losses, the germans wanted to take him alive, when they approached, fourteen-year-old morat kazei blew himself up with a grenade. for his heroism in the fight against the nazi invaders, morat kazei was posthumously awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. in different parts of the world, i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband sergei was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here, i was born in selinograd, that is, there is, so to speak,
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a little history there, first there was telinograd, then akmala, everyone found something for themselves here, this is our favorite scene, our home, i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home.
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the sunshine is exhausted, the sun is falling, the gloom of the day we jump, all and sunshine are visible, the geese are croaking, the spack on the oak is full of sprees, the sun is warmer than jumping, the ice is melting, the cranes are dying clap. and the winter disappeared like smoke, the greener meadow sank, like hell , our native land was filled with pain.
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this is an enterprise that clothes people, for us, well, in general, everyone knows where it’s good here, we work for a single result, a powerful, modern, dynamically developing enterprise, without which, and this is without pathos, a comfortable, convenient life is impossible, large, working as a well-coordinated mechanism of an enterprise, responsible, and this is an indisputable fact , for beauty and fashion, the only one. cis and europe, a manufacturer of pure wool and
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wool blend fabrics for suiting and dress purposes, the flagship of the belarusian light industry. this is an enterprise that makes high-quality products, as i say, a brand, probably of the republic, it’s some kind of pleasure, of course, when it transforms the fiber is given color, when the mark is born, when the rough fabric is born, then the finished one, that’s of course. red ecology, naturalness - this is again about us. the full production cycle is carried out here, from the production of yarn to the production of fabrics and fashionable capsule collections of clothing. the company's slogan: the art of creating fabrics and, figuratively speaking, workers of the freestyle art really create high-quality products. of course, this is a lot of work for all our workers. the company produces weaving yarn. business class fabrics, fabrics jackets such as tweet, fabrics
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for departmental purposes, fabrics for school uniforms, for corporate clothing, own brands of men's and women's clothing. we create miracles, yes, yes, yes, the mood is always good, because we love our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy. the company is over 65 years old, this is the age of knowledge, the ability to accept reality and successfully exist in it. the history of the factory in 1951 with the resolution of the council of ministers of the ussr on the construction of a plant for the production of blanket fabrics in minsk. first yarn was released 4 years later in '55. i came here by assignment after graduating, at that time it was called the minsk college of light industry. the young specialists were received very well. accepted, trained, i was very worried, i remember, working
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as a foreman, i came, i don’t know how much time in advance, what at the beginning of each working day, because the workers had extensive work experience, they were workers, but the knowledge was very great, excellent, so pass, say, an exam every day in front of your own employees, i certainly wanted not to lose face, so... the plant was twice awarded the title of an enterprise of excellent quality products, the fabrics produced were supplied to consumers in more than 30 countries near and far abroad. i came to nisyat in my third year, graduated from college, and started working at eighty.
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and so i began to work here, the backbone of the enterprise, the craftsmen who were faithful in the very difficult nineties and during the difficult period of large-scale modernization, their professional responsibilities as a girl the factory workers did the job to the highest standard, the work here is really done by people who not only know, but also love their work, i came here in 2009, well, for 10 years, yes, for more than 10 years, i have a partner elena, we are together. we work in serpar, i’m very happy, i
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’m happy with everything here, there’s work, the salary is also not bad, it’s good, everything is coordinated, no conflicts, nothing, it’s like that, everything’s fine, we ’re rewinding the yarn, here’s a spit on a bobbin, and then uh, well , we are rewinding yarn, of course, you have to be careful, because there is yarn here, one light, another, once... today the company has more than 800 people on staff, we are not going to go anywhere, because we like it, and we know it, we do this work well, we sometimes they invite us and this has happened more than once, but we are somehow faithful to our enterprise, and the enterprise, represented by the management
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, reciprocates its loyalty to its faithful, hardworking and professional employees, and offers a good social package, and organizes leisure time, and most importantly, improves conditions labor. thanks to large-scale modernization and reconstruction of production, work here has become much easier and more comfortable. in 2012, let’s say, the plant was generally faced with the question of whether it should exist or not, and of course, alexander grigorievich visited our plant, a decision was made on his part that there should be a plant, they considered different options, not here, but it was accepted deciding what exactly... to take an unusual project, firstly, the structure itself in the form of these shed shells, and keeping it in its same place, yes, but with global modernization, now it looks just like candy, the walls, the boiler room are new, yes, water treatment,
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climate control, which is in the workshops, so there are simply no words, i came even before the reconstruction. economy classes capable of competing in the global market. the modernization of production allowed the enterprise to establish the production of fabrics, business and
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the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need this, and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to take a look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, there they see more use them to the maximum, 26 parrots... there are chickens 130 chickens, who else do you have, ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have, it's free time that can be spent on laziness despondency, i understand, that’s for sure, no, there’s no time for depression, or despondency, and there’s no time to be lazy, yes, the presenter’s task is
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to find out why rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe we’ll sort it out when here... we're doing a reception room in the future, we 're doing it here, somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe to be some kind of laundry, that’s what we have leftovers here, valuable things, we ’ll probably hang them here as an exhibition, now how fashionable they say it will be here, how is it all happening, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you huge, watch the project i'm from a village on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. we know very well the properties of wool, this hygroscopicity. its breathability, now the fabrics after the modernization of the commander are wool, then often the specialist is strict, you admire, i have already said more than once, how silk-like, thin numbers of yarn are produced, thin fabrics are made from it, such as dress and costume groups, here is the final finishing, of course, which occurs on the fabric, well, tailoring naturally, and we will see the final product that wants... to be worn, worn. today the company produces fabrics with various wool contents for dresses, suits, trousers and jackets. fabrics for special
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purposes. the portfolio contains woolen fabrics with the addition of both natural and synthetic threads, polyester fiber, viscose, elastane, linen. the assortment is very different, both the civilian assortment, these are fabrics and special-purpose ones. recently , we have experience, but the finished yarn comes to us, and we...
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this is still a new stage in our development, the team does not stand still,
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yes, the creation of a new collection begins with the production of yarn, the choice together with colorists and marketers, the color scheme , layout, determination of future colors, and if any design can be applied to calico fabric by printing, then in standard uniforms everything much more complicated, not only coloring plays a role here, but also weaving, due to which visual effects are often achieved, it is not surprising that master colorists are in exceptional demand here. we develop new colors, for example, we are given a sample of fabric or some fashionable range for next year, so we select, dye the fiber in different colors, combine, that is, mixes are made in different proportions of wool, synthetic fibers, and then in the finished fabric you can already see our... work the colorists of the enterprise have developed more than 5,000 colors and shades, sometimes it takes us
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, well, maybe a week to work on one color, sometimes we do it right almost on the go, because the application is urgent and that is, it goes straight to production and does it, sheep, one is whiter, one is yellower , and you need to come to the same color, that is , color correction is very difficult, synthetic fibers, they are also like... this is white polyester, yes, but today it is painted this way, and tomorrow it is the same recipe, it is painted completely differently, and the color the customer needs the same, some kind of chemistry is tested in production, yes, well , we still create, workers of different professions create here for the joy of themselves and people, the complex of functional properties and parameters of fabrics meets international standards, while the ratio is fashion, the price, functionality of the product is optimal, selected wool from argentinean and australian sheep...
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over its history, the company has supplied fabrics to more than 60 countries around the world. geography of supplies today - russia, armenia, azerbaijan, turkmenistan, kazakhstan, turkey, serbia and other countries. quality comes first - this is in any product, not only, as i say, with regards to fabrics, it seems to me that this is even a credo for the whole of belarus. production culture,
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serious attitude to responsibilities, friendly atmosphere in the team, secrets. information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about our
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exercises in order to create an information fund around the deployment...
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channel belarus 24.4


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