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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

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politics, the project is objective, do not miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
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on-air news in the studio yulia pertsova, good afternoon and briefly about the main topics of the issue: adherence to traditions for the sake of protecting our union historical truth. a wine from the belarusian embassy in russia was placed at the grave of an unknown person. soldier in moscow. latvia continues to handcuff people for the memory of the feat of the red army; a man was detained for a sticker with the order of the great patriotic war. polish judge thomas schmidt asks the defense of the belarusian authorities about the reasons for his risky but principled decision, he publicly announced in minsk. a new increase in salaries in the healthcare sector, and which healthcare workers received increased bonuses. on may 9, one
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of the main holidays of belarus and russia, today wine from the embassy of our country was laid at the tomb of the unknown soldier in moscow. the ceremony traditionally takes place on the eve of the great holiday and is dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. the monument is located in the alexander garden near the kremlin walls. this place - a symbol of memory of all soldiers. “your name is unknown, your feat is immortal, as noted by secretary of state of the union state dmitry mezintsev, may 9 is one of the most important holidays for both belarusians and russians, especially today, when the history of the great patriotic war is being rewritten, and monuments to liberating soldiers are being demolished, in these difficult times times, this date unites our peoples even more strongly." the vast majority
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of russians and belarusians understand the need to protect historical truth when macron calls for either troops to be sent the french republic, either the instructors, or scares, but the most important thing, whatever the rhetoric, it.
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it is written that the united states of america won the victory over fascism, therefore for them the reality of threats and challenges is, of course, downplayed, if only this insight would come sooner, sooner this rhetoric, which has no prospects, would be replaced by a realistic assessment of what is happening, including number on the european continent. it is symbolic that today, in the year of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, right at the tomb of the unknown soldier , the order was awarded to a veteran of the great fatherland. this once again emphasizes for our countries, for the union state, it is very important to preserve the true history of the exploits of our peoples, primarily for the younger generation. home front workers of the great patriotic war will be equal to veterans; the draft law is currently being finalized; after its adoption , the monthly pension supplement for this category will double. they took russia as an example, where such standards already apply, the deputy minister of labor and social protection marina artemenko during...
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considering this anniversary year, yes, since january we began to carry out work to survey, study the needs of each veteran, a wide variety of assistance was provided, this included cleaning the local area, this provided social services, this provided technical funds, social rehabilitation, all applications were closed. the ministry of labor will conduct such monitoring of the needs of veterans, in addition to other social benefits and guarantees, throughout the year. on the eve of may 9, the latvian authorities are actively continuing their vile hunt. in lipai, police arrested a local resident for placing a sticker depicting the order of
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the great patriotic war on the wall of his house. already at the police station , the detainee explained that his relatives suffered from nazism, and he honors the memory of the army that defeated hitler. a criminal case awaits him. in recent days , at least four people have been arrested in latvia for committing so -called ideological crimes. among them is the man who brought flowers to the monument to the liberator, which was demolished 2 years ago. forgive everything, as the usa saved nazis. money and career instead of tribunal and justice. hundreds of scientists serve the white house. why did the criminals of the third reich become big business and big politics? fake biographies and a secret resettlement program, a cynical hunt for minds for the sake of world domination, see in clear politics, today after the panorama.
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polish judge thomas schmidt asked for protection from the belarusian authorities, he told reporters about this today in minsk. about a week ago, the official left his homeland, and today he publicly showed his official one. certificate, and also signed a letter of resignation, the reasons that forced him to take such a step, a protest against the actions of the polish authorities, who, under the influence of the united states and great britain, are leading the country to war? my departure from poland was dictated primarily by the political situation; the pressure that was put on me; in 2-3 months it would have been too late to leave. if we talk about our policy, it is not completely independent; the united states, great britain, and germany have a very large influence. in poland, when communicating with each other, we are forced to turn off phones can be wiretapped without a court decision. this is our democracy.
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strangers periodically came up to me and said: don’t stick your head out, otherwise you’ll end up badly. thomas schmidt made a request for protection directly. president of belarus alexander lukashenko. at the same time, he noted that he was ready for pressure from official warsaw. he believes polish politicians should think about restoring dialogue with belarus and russia. german chancellor scholz arrived in vilnius today. the purpose of the visit is to resolve the latest disagreements over the creation of a german military base in the country. the bundeswehr will send 500 soldiers to lithuania. their placement will require 11 billion euros. and even though the transfer has already begun, in this one. history is full of ambiguities: who will pay, where they will be stationed, how to recruit soldiers if the germans do not want to go to the baltic states. schols will probably try to force the lithuanians to bear at least part of the costs. the baltic states are becoming more assertive as senior partners increase their presence in the region. just
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today several exercises began at once. in in estonia, 14,000 people are involved in maneuvers, a spring storm, in lithuania the combat capability of the air force will be tested during the vigilant falcon astral events. knight. more than 30 years of so-called independence and lithuania has turned from a showcase of a once great country into a doormat for nato. population outflow, high taxes, medicine. not available to everyone, it would seem that everything can be fixed, presidential elections will be held in lithuania this sunday, but do people have a choice or was it stolen 33 years ago, what nausėda promised, running for his first presidential term and how he deceived the lithuanians, the first interview in the series of the project “the inside out”, watch this evening’s broadcast, a series of interviews, we will give a platform for lithuanian politicians, thank you,
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nausėda. word versus deed.


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