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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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and we are ready to surprise again again, when i gave the work to viktor ivanovich sukharukov, he looked at it, was silent, then somehow he took it, so my god, some children have already filmed something there, they are fine, well, they lead a normal lifestyle there , let ’s say, they don’t commit bad deeds, they have taken the path of truth, they are training, they have other goals, other tasks, watch the belarus project on our tv channel. as soon as we approached the next point on our route, the mass grave of soviet soldiers, it started to rain, they say, so often happens, you just have to approach the place of memory, the chronicle of which is woven from sad events. the history of this mound dates back to the first military times.
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127 soviet soldiers and commanders who died defending ruzhan are buried here. in october 1966, local residents reburied the remains of the courageous tank crews and built a mound next to the grave. on the slab, which was installed in front of the mound, 12 of those buried are listed by name, the remaining 115 are recorded as unknown. a year later, in 1967 , a t-30 battle tank was installed at the foot of kurgan. 4, which to this day continues to attract the attention of tourists passing by. but our film crew could not ignore the central sovetskaya street; we completed our acquaintance with the city with a promenade along it. from a distance we notice some action taking place right in the center of the village. so what's here? and this is wooden! sculptures
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of historical figures, mostly, of course, sopek. a very important event is depicted here, namely the awarding of magdeburg law to ruzhany. and according to local woodworkers, this important historical the moment looked exactly like this. by the way, very soon this important event will turn 400 years old. we noticed that it is easy to navigate in ruzhany on your own, without a navigator map. here it is in front of us. towns, which are a kind of center of ruzhany. in general, they can tell you this about ruzhany, however, these stories are often on the verge of fantasy, and so, they say, somewhere in ruzhany they walk around and don’t know it, the illegitimate children of vladimir vysot.
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yes, the creators of santa barbara are resting, but i believe that the legend was born exclusively due to the fact that at one time in ruzhany viktor turov filmed the film “i come from childhood”. he invited the then popular vysotsky to play the main role. it seems that the urban village has a much larger history of legends than its population of 300. and these people are incredibly lucky. i really want more than a few. hours, like a marathon runner, to run around all the sights, and leisurely wander through them, so as to be sure to go back to the era whose name is persal. do you know what i realized today, it doesn’t matter what kind of view you have from your window, the main thing is that versailles was in your soul. well, it’s time to get ready for the journey, because new, incredibly interesting and unexplored cities await us.
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kondraty ivanovich naumov on august 22 , 1944, at the age of 26, he received the high title of hero of the soviet union, for his marriage, courage and heroism shown in battles with the nazi invaders. the commander of the tank battalion, captain naumov, distinguished himself in the bobruisk operation. over the course of several days in june 1944, in a battle for a railway station with four tanks, he destroyed two anti-tank ones and knocked out one self-propelled gun. at the head of the group, he liberated a fortified point, set fire to an ammunition depot,
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knocked out a tank, captured the northwestern outskirts of bobruisk and destroyed a column of enemy vehicles. despite the difficult ones. naumov was hit. this time, the seriously wounded battalion combatant was evacuated to the hospital, but he could not be saved. in addition to the title of hero of the soviet union, kondratin. was awarded the order of lenin, the order of the patriotic war, second degree, and medals posthumously.
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year along the 182 km border, which was guarded by the seventeenth red banner the detachment was bordered, more than 500 violators were detained, about 500 cases of violation of the airspace of the soviet union were recorded. on saturday, june 21 , an order came to strengthen border security,
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all leave of absence for the command staff was canceled, border guards took up reinforced duty, but military units were not put on combat readiness. transfer order.
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that everyone also noticed that this was very unusual, that there was no noise from the machines, there were no engines, well, that is, the equipment had already been pulled together, everything was already ready on the other side bug. around two in the morning , a sabotage detachment landed in brest; its task was to deprive the city of light, water and telephone communications, and a few minutes before the artillery attack , the germans took a crossing over the beech tree. the enemy acts according to a clearly developed plan. map diagram of the attack on the fortress on july 22. at 4:15 the first
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shells fell on the garrison. since the war with the soviet union was supposed to become lightning fast, the wehrmacht troops were given only a few hours to capture the fortress. preliminary completion time of the operation, according to documents enemy half. therefore, active air and artillery shelling was carried out on the citadel. in the first half hour alone , about 5,000 shells and mines were fired at the fortress. in his office, the war was met by the regimental commissar of the 84th infantry regiment, fomin. he arrived for service in brest in april '41. on the eve of the war , he received a short leave to bring his family, who remained at their previous duty station in latvia. but there were no train tickets. i postponed my vacation for a day. it was the military incidents of the 84th infantry regiment that began.
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defense of his regiment, the burly commander was during the exercises, the eighty-fourth rifle regiment was located in the defensive barracks to the left and right of the kholm gate, one of the first, if not the first counterattack on german units, was led by the komsomol of the regiment, junior retruck, mate vasya, as his father said that many komsomol members, many the fighters ran, got ahead of even me and disappeared, who? some have a super shovel, some have a bayonet, some have something, and with this
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blow the defense of the press fortress began. the result of the counterattack was that the breakthrough on the central island of the fortress , the enemy assault group was defeated; the enemy did not count on such resistance. the wehrmacht, which had never retreated throughout europe, was forced to do so in brest. the first order to retreat from the beginning of the second world war. during the war, german troops arrived in the area of ​​the brest fortress. on june 22, 1941, the ruins of the engineering department housed a weapons workshop, a gym and the headquarters of the 75th separate reconnaissance battalion. it was here, most likely on the night of june 23, that he withdrew with a large group of fighters commissioner famin. they tried to contact the headquarters, which was located in brest, but
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this was impossible. the airwaves were busy with german speech. the verwacht troops carried out active propaganda so that the defenders of the fortress would surrender, but no one wanted to be captured. instead of encryption, they broadcast clear text. i am fighting, holding the defense, reinforcements are needed, after the war , the remains of an unknown radio operator, the remains of a walkie-talkie and a mosin rifle were found in the ruins of the building. they fought for every square meter, the battles took place inside and outside, everything in the smoke, it’s hard to breathe, there’s no water, they were waiting for reinforcements, but there weren’t any, the shelling didn’t stop, there weren’t enough weapons, at the end of june famin was captured, unfortunately, we don’t have the card of the prisoner of war, the names of the regimental commissars, we haven’t found it yet , he
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was captured according to his memories, the regimental commissar, a communist and a jew by nationality, was shot. today, on the outside of the kholm gate , a memorial sign has been installed in memory of regimental commissar fomin; in 1957 he was posthumously awarded the order of lenin. near fomen at dawn on june 22, the political instructor was there. matyosyan himself wrote about these events, was awakened by a terrible noise, exploding shells, artillery shelling went through the fortress, quickly got dressed, ran out into the corridor, ran into the duty officer of the unit, asking the question what happened, the duty officer said, i don’t know, maybe some kind of warehouse - it exploded, but soon everyone understood, yes, that this was the beginning of a war, a war had begun.
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matelosyan received his first head wound in the first counterattack, but the bullet went tangentially and he remained in service. together with the fighters. made several attempts to break out fortress, but to no avail, it became clear that the garrison was surrounded, he received a more serious wound in the thigh, either a mine, or some kind of shell, which means that an artillery shell exploded, and half of his thigh, which means he vomited, with meat very much, even in adulthood, when many decades had already passed after the war, he... in the fall of '41 he managed to escape, he ended up in a partisan detachment, another wound, only in '44 he was back in the active army, dad, among, therefore, many others, underground users
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partisans or something, he passed this counterintelligence sieve, smershit and... when the grand opening of the brest fortress hero memorial complex took place, it was samvel matevasyan who was awarded the honor of carrying the torch from which the eternal flame was lit. samvel matevasyan was one of the first participants in the defense of the brest fortress, who was found by the writer smirnov in the fifties; it was he who rehabilitated the feat of the garrison and brought back the names
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of the defenders of the citadel from oblivion. i saw how much it cost not only time and... effort, but how much moral strength it cost, you know, because it was , well, practically impossible to break through this soviet wall, instead of treating these people kindly, torturing them to some kind of pussy, thaums who are not worthy of entering, instead, these unfortunate people survived everything else , first of all, of course, the prisoners of war, for the first time after the war... another defender, alexander makhnach, then smirnov, they became very friendly, with them there was already an employee of the newspaper literature and art. from that time on, an active search began for others defenders of the fortress. well, then these were not very old people, yes, although they were very courageous, so to speak, matured beyond
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their years, but that was in my opinion. already such grandfathers, who for some reason hugged each other, cried, because this was the kind of hug they had. the last time samval mativasyan visited the fortress was in 2001. shortly before the trip, he underwent surgery, but he really wanted to get to brest, realizing that this was the last opportunity to meet with friends. and when we were already leaving, we arrived at the station see you off, oles ivanovich, uncle.
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meeting, they would not see each other again, in 2003 , because they understood that this was mativosyan’s last samvelo. aleksei naganov's tunic, an exhibit of the museum of the history of the great patriotic war, a lieutenant's uniform from the year 1935 with two cubes in the buttonholes, it was found during the first excavations in the brest fortress, before that he was a lieutenant. leucenate naganov, thanks to the fact that in the pocket of his tunic there was a komsomol card in his name, and he had a cocked tt pistol in his hand, there were three cartridges in the channel, the fourth was in
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the bore, it was fired to the last, it was found essentially next to the house, only in the month of may twenty-six-year-old lieutenant naganov and his eighteen-year-old wife anastasia were given an apartment in the tower above the terespol gate. the family was expecting a child, they did not have time to arrange housing, he was young. the commander went on training, returned to the fortress on the evening of june 21, and was supposed to take over as assistant to the regiment duty officer. and in the morning the war began. naganov sends his wife to the basements of the 333rd infantry regiment, not far from at home, there is an opportunity to escape. every hour, women and children arrived, without clothes, because it was morning, yes, the war had begun, they did not have time to dress, an improvised hospital was created there, as best they could. where the husband was and what was happening to him, the wife did not know, she never saw him again, little is known about lieutenant naganov, where he held the defense with whom. makhnach
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alexander ivanovich, he was the 45th track regiment, that on the first day alexey fedorovich found himself in the location of his unit, this is also all close. and asked two fighters for help with a hand bullet. in general, he was given a message to send a messenger, but the messenger never arrived, and no one saw naganov himself again, and those who fought with him remained unknown, this was generally a common practice, filling out medallions was considered a bad omen, fill it out, you will die, an empty note was a hope for someone to stay alive, now there is no way to establish the identity of the dead, for example, the excavations that were carried out here in 2011, in the area of ​​our st. nicholas 58 remains were found in the garrison temple, there were 13 medallions, only two of them could be read, that is, the rest of the medallions were not filled. presumably, lieutenant
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alexei naganov died on the first day of the war. a few months later, in october 1941, his wife gave birth to a daughter, hope; in 1949, the last hope of seeing her husband alive finally disappeared. the daughter saw her father only in photographs. they are dedicated to their work, i am proud to work for such a company.
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watch on belarus 24 tv channel.
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live broadcasts on tv channels belarus adzina belarus 24 november of the capital and region, at the studio volga myadzvedz, good evening! in memory of the heroes who cared for our radzima, on may 9th, memorials are buried in the flowers. months later, the fraternal magic in radashkovichi became a prayer. yes, the day of relief and thematic autaprags of the skin areas of the capital.


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