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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 6:00pm-6:15pm MSK

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live broadcasts on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the capital, at the studio volga myadzvedz, good evening! the memories of the heroes who cared for our radzima, on may 9th, the memories were written in the flowers, and in the month of september the fraternal magic of the radashkovichs became a prayer. yes, the day of progress and thematic autaprabhi. kozhny rayon stalitsy. plot your route for the month
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of great glory and remembrance of minsk. bright areas and safe hills. the new look of the dancing dances and dances of the season. we have already announced more than 15 new subjects in our doors. yana they sculpted for radzima, the heroes of different nations, different people and the national people, and also for adzinay metai - the abaran of your aichyn. memoirs. in the last days of the minsk region , these days are growing in the branches, so in the garadsky shed radashkovichy, they were taken away and felled by the brotherly magic, and they plowed for more than 250 vaysk citizens and partisans, who inuli ў bastards vyalіkaya ichynaya war. there are two kazakh nicknames in this list. the ceremonies of the embassy of kazakhstan came to our land to honor the heroic memory of our fellow countrymen. and once with the name you are young - geta kazakh officers and cadets who study. at the military academy, the university
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of gramada, the barons and the ministry of taxes, and the belarusian academy of aviation. i have been to this village several times, paid tribute to the memory when i studied at the faculty of the general staff, now i have returned to a military post, i would like to say thank you to the residents of belarus of this village, the village council, that the graves are kept in such an exemplary state, eternal memory to the soldiers who died on this land , not only here...
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he knows about the school itself. add to the tribute memory and guessing of the hero's inspiration. in minsk this year, there have been thematic marches, dedicated to the day of great victory. so the adzin of the route of the organization was determined by the ancestral administration and the leadership of the partisan region. the start was in the gorkaga park in garad for the brotherhood, and the villagers commemorated the fallen warriors. steps have been taken for the monument to iuan soltus, the hero of savetskaga sayuz. yes, the bottom remembers the flowers. yes , i will run, i will continue to run away and the udzelnitsy of the vyalikay ichynaya war. dzinaida charnavets, children from fascist concentration camps. i told my assabist history to the young one. that it should not
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be allowed under any circumstances, uh-huh, so the youth are just ours, they haven’t seen these horrors yet, and god forbid that they never see them, and we should all do this together, that’s why we organize runs, and days of remembrance, so we really celebrate this holiday, which brought us a peaceful, happy life, and god grant that this will always be, to be... part of such events is a huge honor for us, in particular for young people, because there are fewer and fewer and every year there are fewer people left who can tell us about all the horrors of this event, so our task is to pass on this experience, these stories to future generations, and so that none of us forget what we experienced and do not repeat it in the future. representatives of labor collectives, students of our universities take part in the rally, the word war is a word
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that, in principle, is connected with the fate of so many members of my family, i have two grandfathers who fought, one of them was in the shurs partisan detachment, the second was on the front line . during the last month of the year, the sphere of social-economic development of the people of the region is underway. the area of ​​​​the garad technology park, teritory and industrial production, assemblies for campaigns that specialize in the creation of biological and nanotechnologies, microelectronics, medical installations, optics
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of electronic and laser technologies echnalogiya. new campaigns are growing and the free economic zone is growing. we work with the export of services to 205 countries, and the export of goods to more than 100 enterprises, and we already see that our experience in the development of technology parks in the city of minsk has gained very good returns in the economy, in tax revenue, the creation of new innovative products, and of course, the creation of new jobs, this is the second site that shows good dynamics, behind the development of minsk ... and this means that the third branch has grown into a spider’s branch. the best
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thing is that the dispensary rooms are located in the clinics of minsk. the main task is the correct analysis and identification of the most dangerous diseases on...
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spring and these works will then be evaluated by our competent jury, we heard about such a wonderful festival and thought, why not declare ourselves as a group, because we have been thinking about this for a long time, we are energized, we are performing for the first time on
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a fairly large stage, this is a great experience for us as a whole and it will influence our progress forward. the bardo song competition program is flexible. the skin has signs of perils. mom, dad, i, spartan sam, are holy. for about 30 years now, my son has followed my footsteps, now plays in the bkm team, in
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his eleventh year he has been practicing for three or four years already, so if there is basketball somewhere, we are always nearby. i like the fact that you can go to the playground at about any time to throw, i don’t know, you can spend time with friends. 2 years ago our club started working as part of a volunteer project at the gymnasium, i have students from 5 years old to... 16 years old, that is, these are students who have not even entered first grade, these are children who are just planning to enter gymnasium number 7, and also already students of the tenth and eleventh grades of gymnasium number 7. twice a year in our gymnasium we host various tournaments, prize tournaments, where the guys receive medals, cups, their well-deserved prizes in various categories, not just a sports festival, it’s a holiday takes place as part of an interesting city competition, sport for the family, and of course this was preceded by a huge colossal work, a student’s training... their mother and their past honored masters of sports. darechy, at the gymnasium itself , assemblable ўvaga is expected to be a spartan
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padrykhtovtsy. aryn sabalenka is approaching the finale of the shameful rescue from madrydze. 2:1 in the sets of peramagla and hashviontak, however , the rating of the international woman from minsk was in another month. the spartan topic is covered in the matchball section. football this past thousand is at the forefront of sports . the steel dynam strachvae achki ў gulni supratsa vitsebsk 1:1, and the whole zhodzinskaya tarpeda 2:1 peramagae minsk. gavorka іdze pra matches of the championship tour of the championship of belarus. the factory workers surrendered to the garadjans 0:1, amal on the whole soldering process, and the team members double form maxim skavysh and tarpeda. peramaglo 2:1. taksama naprikantsy gulni ratue adzin ball.
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peramagae miner and sleep with such chins your gray with three parazhennya. just now, a pair of finalists for the belarusian basketball championship were announced. minsk - 3:0. the gray one won the vitsebski rubon, and the entire grodna 93 and the more stressed gray one still has the highest magilevski barysfen 3:1. darechy, this tree has a patched gray color in the predominance of the country's people. for the title of the fools right away. minsk and garyzont.
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in this country, our boys in omsk will seek revenge on the russians. this year , for volleyball, you will receive the patched gray championship of belarus as a gift to the saligorsk miners and gomel energy. parallel to the ongoing celebrations of the national national team of belarus in hackey and matches of the belarus cup in football. all the information has come to your attention on the tv channels of the belteleradyokampany. lover of sports and us. abavyazkova yashche bachymsya.
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our issue is now complete. news of the region and other projects of the belteleradio campaign are available to tax on the site afternoon evening. the hosts of the show know exactly how to behave when they are at home . hola amigas amigos.


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